find in ff..!o In tU beart of t!is t'.inm, in I wMcU will bc evadr.1 with little Wort. The iaJw of tj.ctV'y Tn'u, riftli.j; I,, tin conscience. . '""'"J . X mm4 r k t Si1 tMlilMIlUli"l. J HAIJSIUJUY, IUIWAN c;0UNTYt NrC..........M0NIJAY, JULY 13, 1B U. (VOL. XU M. t..,... rumm ft Wa "U Vmv7zrT,.J7..u . ....... .... ... ... ir.;."l.r.ii.r..i.itM. - JJ Cuthcrftn. : . ; : -. '. ' Tl TT . " ' . , , .it.,. . . J:upi,nJat fK Sin4 Stultn lh$ twenty 41 I VP J. t,. . Cgngrtti tt lM owe. , .' , reauo 31. ; ' i . iCT mtVinr rproprmliont for the eomsle lion and aupport of tbt rnUentirjf hiU DUtrict W Colum<, sua ior,cuer purpoaes Ktc. 1. Zc tf enacted by the .SVn cf and House of RepresentcUitcs of the United SlaUS oj America ii ,on tress assembled, That, o ddkion io me unexpenaea naianst nwt tUon i eigbtetn hundred tRd iwcrr rin,. t0 iubleci io ib order ofibe- b Ipp.tpruudrof ih'uppcnlof th bi,l neoileotUryj W mt pir iii wiitcn, it.. ftctk of ddj:bml hoiifliogi tnd improferoenti I far wbtf -nd tet .H j mli prcb iterili, hhK n.d im Dlerocou of uVdc ; the porthse of oildi. Sooil ground for the inirution ; thi draining of h 4rh e-M of ,he l,eni itntUryt "nd othr cor.tio!(cnt ttptncth the ium of.Hdrty kx-tUouiaod lUice hundred od it AAUt,to be paid out of ir.. money !inbcTitnif, Dot other. w ippropUcd, iidi be tipended yDjtl the dirictiQi ff the P'Mro-of irt iectori Pivtidrdlhn o Puff thn two thousand ihilan shl! be dr'n from the Treasury any one timj od lb4l M 4.,lwa icot lf' l'.!l be, umil the mouul previously 4' shall be du acre, arid on hi c h further credit fus been liken uudr any of tt.t m pn icil ftr ilc relief of purcluseri cf public laqdf, and svlntft Itoih nivo reverted to the HniteJ States on jf.count of ific A- ant e due thercou hut bivtni been paid or dischargedt ag;reeaUy to lild relief la,,aha uc eniiilcd (9 atnli, without further payment, in all' instancei where one dollar nod twenty five cents, or i of each mectirg of the Inititute, md of the baard of , director!, and Uo keep record cf their'(tnnaciioo. lie ahall receive alt the money!, and diabune the aame. by order of the WW ?,7f7O.V. 'Tile Mljii h. rniK.i, 4 il io la bctit deSicru! a-xtti d'i oJJ ;tan (;", a ku ti ita fur jmMn;'i in. rt) lufjtcitber. It It cupit 4 rruui aa ll rifi rum a U iomIu if war curcpuiUil. ' i conUint many wbukaowe truiti it.w' JjhI In fery itrtguW way J - U. Cm. .1 MHAKiX tftOTTU J. AtirrU FiUuda aoJlJiretlircu, peimit we Io natdiur whem namfnt tniust amniini every fn'tnd t the education of tbe poor. We entrusted the ffcoeral Interest of the gddreii voa ua m iulccl'.with.libkll. telHiior hait'beeiircrttefoTe-trtide, r,W wibMkfr are all-i ft geboml, equ4(utcd aU ; shal Iho. ClKhl . ; I our feet, we nUatlbftl thai litcnry eon. I board of director. vention bad been held at chapai IU1, during Jt The corresponding Secretary thall the week eommencement i The proceeJinfs be the organ of comrnuaicatioQ si;h bf that convention till t toutid below, and we I other aocicttc and lodivi Jual. greater sum. nef acre, snail have .enbore that they wII t read wiib attentloo by J To the board of director aiuli be y (crounf fnr p-rpr vouchers, rrjj ulaily numb, 't I, a" ! a.i abstrsct of hicn thall armmp'iiv 'bf , Sec 2 .4ib(i f'Sr enacted, t hit, mnjori-yH tut u.,-)t! rs shall certily upon id bMrct, ibat he erooun; ol moneys, as siaf.d (herein, have been ic tually and rt-ssii! expendtdj and further, ibra'rllavii of the warden aiwi cletk, tsken belore. a r,Jce of ,k n ,ri!. shnll be e-fldoracd on sid an, TKiT flic looniH mentioned there'tond voucbert f ccrnp-anTjnj the unu , r.ave been actually paid to the pet eone. andfcr ihe purpoe statjd in said "kbst rac a ' bd "rrmcrier.r : -- And bt itjurther enacted, That the warden of thi eaid penitentiary shall be appointed by the Pretideait, by and fcltrrrhr advice end consent -of the Sen te ; and aid warden hll appoint, nd. mav removal hls J)leure all bs sub ordinate officers, excepting the clerk k a k It1 u ho shall be appointed aba rcraovcu oy majKiry ol tnem I luve il.e rihcnt ot rue emnnoti cntil 1 rooa wJI result to the cause of educatio Irom mnt in ohieeta,' It ahall : be their nlm. I .ir t, t i IJ,.uL. Hm ... .fourth, jdv,ofJu annoiot aoine auiulle IperaoA ,-mft.ehiw--t ebeaiiieula"rMV rT.undred mid ibirty .on, by pyina what tbouebt an mrafebtla.ibe ineinben tu tlcr,."er aa addrei before'the itlutu7rTelT. mXrd'. V niaaf ecu. .mo i.s proper oiuc aucn aum in r tDi w.veatin u. iiv ot. ,y tt each annual meeting f to select feaa it ia auwewhat aiogular, for it i'uT efnaf to the underukia form cmpetcQ per.ooi to Jelirer lecture, cuuisit of but ouesvo.d l.ivl tlut is onauh .ub5ect. coonec,ed .lth'eda; Bottle. ;iluwvcrt: I jrruaie, the Sa.,,M,he ,ime.of,uth p.yment.-l l ? I0 !nj tuki aalnure U tbaf VS tjP..M ihey may deem .exDed.cnt conatdcrate p.i of my aud.tory stiU Src. 2.rJf;,c,Tb.i f-V " P, , , Dt w collect such Ult at agree triib main Ud, that a abort all such oceupants bf relinquished J.od T! r .u " fa ma promote the geoeral objecla of text con.cieo.iouilQd cicely, o- aiaie contemplated and detcribedlrf the la traveled befure tb. eyee, Aodw lhc ogtjtate, tnd to provide auitabfe died,' contribute more to, the aali. second aeciion of ihe aboie itched act, roa c" 9 Mr"?rr r' accommodation, for- the meetioir. fictbo of the bearer tbaa . in ahlrk hi. it . .,mftl.m-nt. .. In I the tabors or the naembei el lot laatitute, en- poiseiion of land which was old on ,eM "''J ,raP credit for a lets sum than fooneen dollars de 'npw,Mt 0 . They ahaU report annually to the In. uperficially ra over. Z?'T.rP iiitute, tnd ah.ll have power to fin all puVp.e, si lU i. Custom ajia-ae tawsi 1 in thair nwn hriHv frnm rlM M i ! avk. . L 1 1 i.-.-. a. . r . 1 La f I M,I -,kt ! Ihaula aaatia MJflaMllAil, Wa Isnrsa I , f ' I v , w - per -m u.,. ,no, oi pre v---- ;.. 7"p lmoag the member,aivd make by-Uw. to divide thetr tniptlonof ibe aame landa, accordini; to that thie will be Ukea Into cooaiderauoa at Ui I , . 6: , , - "f in uuuiTitiuua ui ccuaii, nui e'i ncai anccunr w iiwuuw. - i f .1 I . , i i a.. tMiUi iL-u.r.M.-.f , vi. f-...-...a- -a I . 1 n. execusivw j,uinissiiief oi uiree, oeiluer WOru uor, icoif Wfa litZI " r.;'," L.": " ,u",u .ball take charge of whatever book., to deduce, the proba tions ofidoo ' " i - rrrritiTi . i i i . . -i. - . ... a.. I a i a . lon jPut to my Cuatomary titta gen clotU' wi:h myself teat into ievtrat head. and a lAioe contain la olher Li.di held bauth nrcunnu s ' - , " rejtDecUYclf.umilthelour'bdif ofJulr. -It will be remembered that an ad one tbousaud eight hundred and thirty j veUtec meat appeared tri eeveral of the 1 amine the annual addrtaa, report end Bottle , '-.Now, bretbrtji, 11 is Baneful one, upon their paying into tbe proper newspapers ia this btate, reaut.ting all other communicaiion made in O la Ominous, . T oiuce lot E pamphlets, or other property, may be trio from the letters ctiuaiued therein long to the Uaiitut. They ahall ex. which I fird to be thesd B O T T h E hi their paypg into tbe proper newspapers ia this Btate, retjiitsting all other com municatiooa made in0 is Ominous, . T Tngical,' h al! land orii'inallr sold for.i the attention of teacher and the I the Institute, and publish such as, inl Tro3oLci:aKL LiciSrvminter and price not exceeding Be dollars per acre, friends of education at Chapel IliU on their estimation, will tend to throw Energetic. I But before 1 pn-ceedt out dollar and iweu. live .ceiifpet acre ; the 22ad inat. lhe dayVprtccdlng the light on the aubject of education, end plca3e-fjot-mi.appri.Lnd nie, for it ia and for al la.d. uhich originally ,ld conmicncetnto, with view to organ- aid the f.ithful instructor in the dia. Lol the Buttle that,' is enean. but the for moie than Eve Hollars, and not ex- c ... u -l ru:. .i -. . ; ,. ceeding fourteen dollars per acre, tbe 1 ri J - u , 7 ' , JP.':"! T ;CvT "e,,1m7 amount of th6rt Instalment heretofore , ,uw6'i!"-.."ffc.-"MJ" f"" "lc,?u,U4t VV"U"U i'l!eJ.',WM pai.1 ; soth ofcupanis fit prrnint; their of tducauon, and the improvemeut of convenient alter each annual meeting from the uvea ai.d fortunes if thoae possession, i epet lively in confotmity to common schools and other literary shall select subjects for lectures at the who are the uabappy votaries thereof. he provisions of the said act, to which institutions in our State. , j next annual meeting, and assign them Their sensitive ud rational po wets bis ua supkinen', in the manner which At the time and place appointed, I to proper.peraoos. . becume cdtifascdand disordered, their has been presciiod by the Cymmhsion- was a numerous and highly re I Art. 6. The meetings of thit institu. bodily strength and activity iru- ersoi iiieoeiHi ai L,4i.c viiice(riurumspectable meeting. Dr. Simmooa J.J lion ahall be opened with prayer. paired, vice p ome provitionnnertoii rruxmanow n,ver W4S called to ihe cha r. The Art. 7. liV-Uws. not' reoutnaot to - - " a -- ---- j , i 'j objects of the meeting were ex-j this constitution, may be adopted at puincn oy xvjr. uenjamin m. ainiin any regular roccuug. of Milton, in an appropriate and Art. 8. This constitution may be highly interesting address. On mo altered or amended by a vote of two t'.on, the following persons were ap- thirds of tbe members present at the pointed "a rcommltue to'dradght icon- aonuallmeungVrprdv such pro- stitutin,towit,ProfeoraMitchellaod poied amendment or ..alteration be 1 lot)perof the" UniversiTyvItev.-Wm, made known to the beir" of directors M. GreeO, BenJ. M. SmUh"abd WrJ. at their stated; meetiog liext preced. Binghara; The tog the aoouaL meeting of he.Iaatitute journeu uniu i nursaay morning at o auu receive incir c-jnturrcutc. o'chck " TK.rr mm5n.ri.t arrnrHin The followiotj sentlcmen were ete'e. to adiournment. The committee aaJd officersTand couslitute th'e";BoaFd pointed for that purpose aubmitted the of directors :,i,n, which w.. 1 adopted. tlev. Wm. U. Green, C rkPreiiJentt. w iy, . v - . uuui u(iivkiuui j Pativiit. We." whose namea arel """" norwooo. nntrmnf oermanr, I " I XV II .....I. . Vu..u ..... -B r-- etez. That in all Cakes vvture proof ol pittlon has beenlready made under ail recited act, proof shall not aain be equired, unless the applicant choose to uke other (and than that to which such jrorf applies. Src 3 And be it .further enacted, That tbe jirvjsiyiis if t(,h i.i.abalt an to h pioperty cf -aw ft it,f wvem n:rnt-ha3 been pTopiicto -, ar.dnotraub ijutwly - a4dr- full pty rnent - has not been tiuuc i Prwiued, I he original purchasers, or their at. ranees, pay into the proper laud ofli.e, en or before the fourth ol Joy, one tbouvtrid eight hun died and thirty iwo, one half of ..roe otl ginal ptirclfe mohev wi'holit iiitertkt. 'AptiMveJ, Krhram-y 25, 18.11. i i so. J4. An ACT for the roluT of certain Importers of tomgn iiierchanuite. Pec. l. Me it enacted by the Sen (tte and House of Representatives of K in.nrlnra or a s-c a And be it further enacted. That tie United States of America in Con the number of inspectors shall hereaf er1,rw assembled. That the Secretary be reduced t) three, a majority ot nvni j0 ,he Treasury shall be, and he is here shall consii'u'e a bo.d for the transaction j brf 8U?ioHicd to extend relief to any ira r . I . W - II an an mint gl ousiriess. anu man i,.. salary, pay able jjuateHftOf fWO httodreH aYid frftv djllars. -- Stc. 5. And beit further enacted, Thst, from and after the passage of this act, the salary ol the warden of the said pen! Unitary shall be fifteen hundred dollars per annum- A. STEPHENSON, Speaker of the House of Repwentati ves, J. C. CALHOUN. Vice 1'resi lent of 'he 1'nited State and Jreai.Ierit t the Senate. ApfJveJ, Fcbruarr25, 1811.. "AXDttEW JACKSON.- tcauc iimiIi. n-wwMfrtment of a ub- Aentto the Viifhag') taiana. on Hack river Hrc. l. Beitennrtcfl oy ttu . sen ate and House of Itenresrtitatim of rhf United States qf Jlmmca m Con gress assembler, That ah additional suU agetr. be allowed to the Winebago tribe of Indian, 'o resida on tbe waiers ol Rock. river ; .and that the said aent shall be appoibHd as like officers are ap pointed, and Ajffcive the same amount of compensation, f . Ap"-ived, Fe'hlMary 25. 1831. '",'1 treaticao". 33. ' Ari ACT sap'pUmeiaal to an act. passed' on the thtrty-fnt March mr thousand eight bundled and thirty, entit!$d" An act for the relief of puitWffuhlfe'laft'ls,. ridor - be aup-' pw ssiott-of"frtudulent praeri'ifcs. of the pub t lie sales of landa of the United" State." - Bfx. i. lie it enacted by the Sen ate and House of Representatives o f the United States of America in Con gress assembled, That all purchasers, their heirs" or assignee' of auch of th public land as were sold on a credit for a leas price than fourteen dollars pjr wrier of forcigh nierchsndUc who may hare been charged, under the provision Sfihe third section of the aetj entit'ed "An art, lor the more effectual collection of tbe duties oit imports," passed the iwenty-eibth day ol May, one thousand eight hundred and thirty , without any duty in addiuon :o tbe duties existing on such men h.ndise previous to the passage ol said act. to the amount of such additional duty: 'Provided, Said merchandise shall have been imported previous to the first day of Jjttrmry last : Provided, , aaffr-Ttial . ... ... i . i; r no nerson s'uii tii.i'iC' tne reuei .uthorited io b; mven by this act, who, by 4the-ex-es-f--itMb4e-dillTgneirly ,i,iiscl F, bt M ";agcii isTTat tors or corres pondents, could have complied with the ummions cd thciaidlbkflieciiori of atid r . . c .. r .i. - mci ; and the Secretary of the Treasury shall require arid receive satisfactory evi dence, Irom every person .claiming thq benefits of this act, that such dilligence has been used, and that he has acted bona fide, and without any Intent to violate or evade :he provisions of said third section, before he shall grant the relief herein provided. Approved. Mtrch. g. 1831. . . A clay paper says : The voice tf the people. An favor of .this statesman, (Henry Clay ,) i 3 -becoming louder ev ery day .' The nearer a jug is beiog empty, the mpre noise it makes in pouring. out subjoined, pledgiugour zealous efforts to promote the cause of popular edu cation, agree to adopt the followiog constitution, and to obey the by-laws made in conformity with it. Article 1. This society shall be called the North-Carolina Institute Profeuor MitehelL) Profeaaor Hooper, Exmeutivt Ctmmitte. Profetwr Phillips, y " - f! The meeting then adjourned. swas ' The board of Directors met in the afternoon, and made the following ap. pointments r-r, - Li t-ll L or e.aucauon. us udjcci siuu oc io t Tn AmVlmr nn j.i K,rrtr, difTuse knowledge on .ihe. subject of , mccti 0 lhe d precediog education, and by every proper meana he next comrntnctmcnU. Alfred to improve the condition of common M E of Qra c k. 1 .ik.a I wm a a aaaa ' ' scuooiaauu wiues a.w.iy .M.uiuv.uu, Lecture on the imperfections, nf the 10 OUr fct atC. irt mnrl nf tQrhinry in mip tri- Art. a. Any person oi - . mrhnnit anj .u. h,mt r mthl rtf . . , . ftj l"ataja w V. mmmm W V the subject ol education, may become IIooper ot the University. s member of thia mtutution, by sign- Uctmsin e0CMQa W1tha oariiC ihgiheon annual: contribution of one dollar i -,Lnj , u i7iL....J , T , . it iiitii ajariLiivu mm sw awaswae vw wwut .Ufei4f 1 may berime-JLmee be exempt from the annual cootribu- difu,ion of usefoi knowcdgcto aJaliaat iT alira sf 'i"f Tf ""r -4aa aaaaas ' Art. 3. Meetings. The annual meetings of thii - institution shall be held at Chanel Hill, on the afternoon preceding Commencement, at such hour as the directors ahall appoint. Special meetings may be called bythe: directors, of which due notice shall be !l i . it ... gjven lu.iuexpuutm juu.ui3. RCD,,rter Art. 4. OrrtCERs. lhe olhcers ol ' ,.. this institution shall be a. President, three Vice Presidents, a corresponding and recording Secretary . (the.last;bf whom, shall act as i reasurcr,) and an executive committee or three, who shall constitute a board of directors. A majority of the board "shall con stitute a quorum to transact business. The officers shall be elected by bal lot, at the annual meeting of the Insti- MARRIED In Bath, Steuben Co. N. Y. on the llth ult. Mr. Moses .Vp.mnrter. aped 93. to Mrs..' Trances Tompkins, aged 105 ! They 'were bnh ! uite. taken out ol bod DEXU the f Jl iwirg ! Art. 5. Duties or Officers. The .norning. ' recording Secretary shall give notice Subject fdr discussiorrS-The period of time necessary for due preparation far College. The corresponding Secretary was directed to procure for the use of the Institute, the " Annals of Education," and five copies of the Education i, ' Resolved That the Secretary pre- pure an account of the proceedings of the mee ting, and of the Board of Di rectors for publication ia theilillsbr rough Recorder, and that all the news papers in the State 'be '.re guested to publish them. By.order of the Board W.J. BINGHAM? Secy..-. Fortification. A Schn dmasjer 'or. being asked the meaning of Tt'ufi a- lion, answered. . twavjrjjnuncauo make a fortificiiin." . n I practised, virtue extio. vuiahed. estatrs and fortnnra tlis. 0 sapatcd, life shortened, and precious-' time wufully misspent. As for the ominous part when you see a man addicted to the Bottle yru tike it for a certain oiiien or prognostic which will clearly appear when we consider the fatal catastrophe of the loversof the liot- lle Behold liTrh traniformed t ruch" adegrccthat theconsututioii which was once sound aud.whplesomc is become broken and disordered, the geuus that was quick and etherial is become stupid aui dull. 1 le. who could com- mune with reason and divine philoso phy novl talks nonsensical jargon. He that was kiud and humourous is be come contentious and quarelsome. lie that was the possessor of a copious for. tune is reduced to' poverty aiid wretch edness and in fine his whole life be- comes a tissue ol cxatioua troubles. Next for' the topological part. I be fore hinted that it was not the Bottle that wis meant but the spirits con tained therein, ugtrt-ably to the Latin Troje Metonomy ( Loan pro InsolaJ theplace instead of the iuhjbit.inti. Untler this general title ( viz. Spir 4s3( I Would ciHiiprehend all.. ... liquors fbm whatever 6ubt.o.c extracted hich by the act of the distiller arc , ade strong to be brain ynd ruinous ' you' drankards. friext for the achrymanter purt. Now this signi ies lamentations. Is it not a matter jf lamentation to see men endowed with "reason and Walking erect with the imageoT 'God ( osnomini dedit SublimeJnZdt;gim.d&. himself so far by - aM . - jnis jacMfinffy ice mixq be A aund wal- owinff in the verv atv if r) Alas. 1 alas 1 j foiiibe-jueful end ;of you drunkards. While your friends are sympathising snd lamenting over your f.ue you areinsensible to your danger. 'Next for the energetic part. Now this signifies somethiojr forcible and the force and energy are displayed in the effects produced which are these nd such like. vz B blasphe mies j onsccnuy T iempation T . t, t ' 1! .. . M am.iuvcDcss i. iicemiousness and ti ;0ormities of various kinds which I might enumerate but I hasten to tonw dude. And therefore lastly by ,wajr .f application let me admonish yovi "Let him that has been drunkenr beT7 o no more or else B beware you do not hrcotne O obnoxious to T tempra- ton and T torment which will cauae L lawnen'a ion for your E excesses. Tim you may be' delivered from this atris the bravrr of vnor nrrvant fur '4v .VEEN. j- -