rm " 1 '!. K I),. r f "j'f ! '! ml I ! f 1 f mil .. ! ! fin ! (if . I i ti .') Ill I,.,'. . .,! ! ! MM. 1 p ... .1. ... r .: f i t i ...-. Vi ) , l -jh. 1 1 V-v - ; . I I. ' 9 ,,, 1 1 t e s, n t i' f m I. 4 1 r I ( . V' .V -rt c tfMtitril r'niiM', t . . i r . tii Im.11 f l' 11,4 ir,,tr, and U'Vk"1"" .. , .... l,.n. shnuid f,7:Tn,!T-',:,''.,,Mir4nWuf;,n- V'"5 . Inn f (!f rmrrf then, rnitsl bf the Rw J1 r A , jf (he, . W mtndble . ... . ...f urn, a i . F . ..X roo', hr: AMSS.jSiS2- n 7 . H and ntrltWm in the cot.- VTith Ibis KofTinfl,fi edmtttfrt. s-d rtKM Uf N-nl r.f,..t!.: on. .her ' n"' fo? ,h '' f,,r nl fieMt "f rnP' ,H"e " limii of reiJW 'on ru,,r lie n i,r ""T .k, h.te r'ftM ',ff tfcCnviwi'o tKU. irf!v, fH'-r k ta O'IT 0W Mf V Inter- ct An! hui prrp'tc muln mA formed Con'Ution,he - ft4 Mrnt cn rttr mmiM it lUy pi, rtl Ve rco ht they '&teie. ... j Sm, ttH fcllf -A:i people he hate bKcrtwe atbit.ary orrd deipntte, hr I decrees elrmrsit tmptrep'ti iy . 1! ' t!l ptiblf hs ''h I niied ' JuteV Hat htn MU cotttidfrrd in i I -tenJeCT nlconrf4,tfft-,h,,n''u'ie j ltInrK"', j t ,uL ..iA mUn forrued the CootiuiioT, i.nrrtTlun. t'"" - f" K. . , .1 i r-nui;i.M.,n tKtt.Ue b-it hy State! to tiprr,i their . . . ih as. 1 a. n 1 ei nf teeiheprt-ple.inca'Mnfarh)'' -xrrtje ,f yr by the Fxden' f'5'-l . t ..ip asrenta 1; f iutir leentt on oTrTrarv,, 'Hum --hu !. - . - . (ew ihere U ro nc.pe iot in ...w l.:iiJL.. r.atrU tm of ottr renfv. - Tirnwi-- f . , . ... t ' . . . ... mart to 1nr . . the eery n:;r'v"? . j in tnr nni concrrni ni mo uiumry, "(niiential Tewa;aui.ite--ui'M am n ,4sipAiaWcIL.tU-Ci:fiIl JP-,,! C1 WIT Ctlttolli clrcbtof'tp!; - Tea, there ii truly an unholy 9TtiJtc forebight if ih v j intr rnt dium, r Increaiinp; or diminish- j Jefire marf to stit the comforts which 'rjkeaItwwtttlttthcrewd.iyerthat ;;n(S the vdue of property, end they ere , hoMtt mVtmy njni ThrfrH anatirmpti tie Genial Ooacmrttent wo!d nmntr ; ,ief. Avk them the reason, why hjr . ti t!ie ;rJu fcw-ihe rich tnanuf-r. . iwd rvrU no! 10 " ; ! PP" remonetrance egainit the Tar ' ff h Nurth tw ttMirt 1he ti,IllflH,sH Uat being pwauuWW 'r.; '823, ahd thty .re more , .they ,he 1l0W, er. the laboring faro.er, i U eny S-c ITZ 'JZ f ktT Vr T,tH C 1 1 he day lahorrr, the p.r werihe.be.ie. ,vicliir.c urutt Siaierwhta, mnt woijui ,. th4t re ruined, bjnkrtipt ; Jn wwr f ' . . , ?T1SS,.,,.lr.attliiW ',k.:LBn- ,1,,. .hrir hr.h.ro ni .h.lt-r. the hardy but nm-y fi.ltermen, ami tn 1 , Wionaad to flict-.e it ell om-.. lijNnr'r. are u-llowioR in luxury, arhile wnZ7J; M4 there titt Wo wa incivin'- . -me ceti cf rere a'ion, or prrd,itr.n olahe Getietl 0mfnmcrtt Ra;'.t the - 1 r .-t not etftO tit V aiwendramd pud in theContetV. ,ijn a aickusetts otv of whicli re, lUt H pow wot fully tvf eie.rly, fiver, was memd toe -t. nd . 1- P Ble-necureif the wpport of 7ertc-,.S. ,od were the occasion of it Rnal ratiftca Moa'itithhStietnd protiably by ma 'iVrSw,e'. . " . . fjttr the doctrine la ely adv.need and contended fft " iM-i, as eisen tial to the prtsereation of the-Untoo, and i rrreeent confuiJ nd anarrlty, end inter'dJrdj far, Wh by men, Jft tot'if " iW??. t) ' ,h5 vie ws of many etUo eoted for the adoption of the Coursti tuitoo,.nd is inconsistent with the amend trnkt above -trcited.- Ard-1 .ppe--to men nt wndnr. on tldi point, with pel fr ct v 'ATi.t?.' 'in " f jvtir til t He stewr "'alio W"l" - I . Wen, And I call upm th' friends of fijerty to consider the ruiject, before the ! fieretif el ioctinc becomes popular, end j precedeote thai! have made dangerous j errors et pcr sacred. No is the tittie to j oppose af.'riry opinions end to conlcn'. for polliin.' truiH, before time shall give a 'twnct'-jn to ami repeblic.n maxims, j 3'; jtriAtifiii- i It n ter nwpposrp, tnev jr -par'.atent of the Federal Government, or or that they abound have nut hot Ky to be ?Md V f m.' 1'1C the Conities ; f H &horUy of Con--reM is in U eases paramount end u nretn ; ' f th Ftder' ,Jvernn,cnt 18 to itidce f the eint 0 it owo rowers, .ben I sbU cease to wonder ihat many jfood men early wade objections to the CWumiai,arid ut rospy fe.rtd rt ws. t cm ! ! c I f,ii rf j-'tr in it tiui itn .! (.jcs, Hi t l.ir irt,'it vfrr 1 (t.jrcl, l liih itie I r , . i ' 'r tr nnf.l'y . ii r ii It wrt "'i-,i iVn il ty ii h i ffnieit I t ' I if Hi -i nUf r.tu(oiei, iiti with -mi 'if ipt iftfj j.iwtr. liji M idei 1 no fpjrni! ft4 n.ud Miin ol Mir A ",r mtt l fi' ftn!f I'l tfiut cMIilfgit rnt glj nmtfl iinWii.jfiif lh tplcrtil if iif mc ol fitir ctrf min- I rom uch fmli'ir Imi. I Hewilf in I ciimilf jfi 1 tloo! Lnrtl dclvr in.' ( I'l ffrnnrrn'n'linR' n rentftr ht ffilhwlwK if'ifU, t bsi5 If to vccoiti nin it mhh lew rtniitkl. I "f noli.lc.l erWif hii ir-4 ii Afiff If if indr4 nfpHitrr ,'4wwr4f fw - nt - It 1 Ihef ire well rrj l inf.'tii iheLwweo.i,)Cy. nwn oWiip fwrtdimffttKi ptivilllfli U.OiVi.I 'hcj,,-- 1... 4i tbf to4nciJie h'ml M hefi,irtf!I.Utlh'r ll"M?j of the lnfltitftce tonnur, nti'i'irt.! ,nH fi-l.tini;rciirri eterchiij .1 d the HfrC of n,-.oM The t km n- .neeo!iwi r,l the ffl'tfe we Ifftit ni hrnrinifterre. aierirol'ure t roiou ftcltirtt. of tiitimii iitJ oi (lie degree of I m port te of etb, connened i the poerof th.t n ivu Nut nnlf jr lite Slate letrittaftireit Nit in C ingreif Idgrkorinfce cfp'tli'ic! ecofMm hk been cftm.ftliihiied, tfl jltc ihmi of, (hj cntjntry, iid bf wen io pfcitHl to the title cf ate'mr'u, rA to tiic hiH t&ttt mhkh the people c fceito. tf (nConreti t(iitfnornee i rMoi frited it mutt be coolcned thit it it wotte in the state rgitt.tir, fd to much tbM hie wodfre.l h' they hr msnaed it if rotnmit IrM Murtirr". ! Icuul t'titv' for tlirif ton i Hl'ucntf, man tiiey nave nereoifKe oon-, hough f.d known enoKh haa hern ii'uen, ihn they have heretofore don j l. i- . f .l.r,i eil, that mm vot for imernal improve menttlor cfcetioj ct a tjunn, lor lh evvifll, f . tif , ttr iha irttposUrir of' a dtitr, fr a memorial ifatnM the i tu, Hitrtrut Mi.dentardinif the first principle ,(f ,h n(,jrct utv which thry rt If gii jitu ! Ak Jhein whet intfmal im- ihiif, lor a memorial egatnM toe 4 procmen. Tr aim wusi ihuuiihg incf . . ; hiirc m the ajrirui'Ute ami commerce of toe roui'Ut, ihry ere dumb. They k.-'nw vrrr will, that iniernal imnrote- ! tncntt cenptHe r,"d roede, canali, and Mi r(,4fai and thkt'iaJI kiM, ;!-tir knowtce Joca not e ih K.nk UA nd hi in-retlrYeil TOttTthat 'lt T--r: t. -J. .j 1 . note, and lrtf(!i money t tptereit. tkl ne) in arirt, andtoi'int the romfor hih Ihetn vehet influence thi bank trrriici ,iKt huhntiy w$iyt a rontprtfry K the I" . " . 1 i.s:. poverty tarci them in tre nie, arid aiiieoiftonBrcraiForwiiuiSc.r.y. ..-I, r.vtir.R to 'he Tariff; bill fhal's bII they J the undisciplined manv. And in Mr. NHeV own kn-iw. Tl.ry do mr rtfl.ct on the mo-j lanf eago the) "fun rewfnand at the ballot ne they fi iv, in the lorm oft!uy, fct the hot'' and we will add we hepe ttiaf they wilt coffee and let ihev fit ink, f.tr the cotton oofnnaml at the bullot-boT. Wo! unto Mr. find woltrr? rloi hi wi'h which thry rofer M'ejo! ttnto the American Sytfrtv their hicks : they cnn.-st trpce this dn', tnkrn from thnr pot keif, 10 h- rHrkela; (f northern Cjitlisis snu rr .r. rlur era. Ii hUS time the pec; ,.: .rwHild open their eye t '" 1 der e.rmstdf raticr. ft i hi" -mtr intcllipent mi n tentioo t0 a subfect v.! 1 y rmnnocted with i!.e. '. f ' the South. nt- i. t Mi-mrn Editor ; .m ,1 n def fi;ct ol the " I-jv ui A r i-irsfK, the delay" a meirchaHt tiuffvrs Troiiilhe i a; s s .in cat ji nir. g 1 r y "3 r g .' v hmiiea teium ol ibf senate ysidof duty. The writer of this article huci a small in yiice nT flotbs arrived in Jhe Otiy of New York, in the month of February l ist ; and the goods were sold within one weeK after the entry-of the same at the custom bouse atad yet up to this dae, a salt's account cannot he acnt on to this place, because a relurn of the quafe yard rluty cannot be obtained from the proper e,(Tir.r rf the fotmerchv. And vet our Mnuti dmnterettedt and iatriotii menu taclurers, nave laiciy ingicaiTu m New YJork in order to throw greater ob stacles in the Way, of importers, under the delusive ide of preventing it aucl on the revenue! If the lato Mr. Mallary (" of blessed tncmory") could come back, to tis, and see the effect td his ill judged bili, he would be among tBe first to orovose its repeal. a Jl.7.1' '.'4, mi'. ' " " '"--''", .V f JMKMC.iY A l'.V77: . t''. Ptiikl IniirJiiy w tl' ,r,,rr nrerfrcliiieat, Irki lo bl.f.l ll.f prr' ,he drf.cu il hi yfm i-wl 1 Kt forth, h ir.je4.wi, ;i lu Ni.it.i Tti t.f ! liiickl tontewion rut ltrl. n-l ftirerM.ift th ho "urMrn-M dr wUom b.-mrr t m tnl tried, ll.t rWtrr Ui.mj.mm ottf.Uinpt j Joiner. ... 'ml,t( be Hit of'!ef f tl0 Tfcil . . .nfl,.u,ii for at ......u-hof lt.Mfll,Bi-ierwrii , r- J . . wfh 1 "!' ' 7 . . ....l. abaurditie iwi fJarhwii tru tnherrd k1 th world, we Ue aeee nom Hkt equa'a Hef eontaiftMln MeddrtN, in lte wn.br il Mice Kriter. IVit arrM in hfided " toU iricwJroeiiMeittH nd,M-tht ttiU. brn aocieot knae,tUt uvercml brafart" telle im, wi ewflpoted pn .the f"urtM Juhr. What pAXxAtrt Wakinr! To ao.Hl ll t,btatiof freedom i iTtat-rn-pt tedVatroy U.e prirciplti ajhich eereW Uut Jayitftftretl i4 pithlithkd ta the orw. "" If e ahould trrpt tipoe the wt?erce r.f .r r,ler. b the Uneth f wr rtei.rVa and the fulnuunert of our WK r''Ky iU be Uxni in the Importmee rf 'be ubjct. I theewiraeef our remarki we triy P - . , . . u tb i. ",D" , . irtreai new u ocr cor.i.icn'iw", v. , U cloee eunnectkin that we coi.ia iwit we-i ira 01 11 imi e'. We alull aturopt Jo unlo'd a..me of wr. pi.ier aopoiatue anu role end hid coot onormoira. tbctghtthe hiht of preumpiiont-.e halrff (rrow t grey h the chair Editorial-we j'4 Utdgi 'If. Hi' ,hi, " n,,J'' w "0t b J...r. frnn,th 1temitbv it.nomoretlian e will be by the efleettd coi.tr mpt iih hich treati all thoae ho happr e n't to a(rf e wi h i him in U yrm of plundering vie cuu.B.ir. ( ,! cialist ami iBrieuSturiit. . Theat'drew eotrecft wi!lLrt..iajrnpaM ii V..hULn7 rtkretiaeiantreal'derirtlti roeny L'l.-LiL- .v - LrrrTTs-rrti. irBT-rr- ! w-rf which thi whole of . agrkH.,ral an.l woi nt the rich and "influential few" w)ft, ,htJ j commaml, to vain, then may ' .... .:. m .i,.. Mt,.,. 1 TM Wiy MM ""1! . 'I.I.IIT1I i. n t. nf l th" hnijretiti flf ihtwe of my"awT'r?off for tTiTrty vei . 1 ne intends or huown c'asiilbe SiM&d aa omhiog k o eoo-ruued- Ia4h4t4er. I i i' of ihe t,rrat body rf the fai rrers and ether hard wonKt.vr.ME?'. and they "w ill.oot be ad- lr vnnctd at the cxpence of the intfrerta of the I , . , latter. I After making tw-f wime ttnintt-lfigibte jnr "4'rot aho'tt 'bidenendence: a th'rnr abrnt " whieti t he knowinothtfltr,' Ite'Myi" he will shew "what !the frameririf otr cimsiitotinn meHnt by the but mot e pirticsilatly the latter. Like ikib tlit Rhetrrieian he-sets ribtmt it with tMtrhv lineere pnfaratory remark : J am not about to enter upon specula' ive discussions.--1 am not fitted for them either by edcattnn or by habit both which are plain, indeed." He not fitted for speculative disctiVsioni! In God'a name what tihe fitted for, then? For nothirg. This must be the case, if he is not fitted for speculative di?amion, vhtch is the only thirH he has been engnged in for thirv't tears." He adds lkould rather chop wood than chop iogie.",What .ilowJiclJI.itderan--preposaess the -bboring people in hia favor so as to get for hie obnojioiis opinions an atten tive hearing he pre'erds to have ' chopped wood." Ni doubt he has chopped it with his pen, but neve' we expect with his ere. Well wouift it have been for tlu American people if Ve tad chopped ''wiM'd1'nea'd of logics ' We wi'l drop this tlectloneetirig paragraph and go on to tbe ntt. " We cJaim a3 :., monepofies-sj-e """t"'r:'i f,!, ilt.t !"e rt.rr.H. Wf nut I ,v f f7 TA7l I r .f lhit AOTlr.Vf, I'lV'1 r p tl 1 ii.s 1.4 ...u.vrrv.f C "' ! lf ruUw,' tliin i'l iw-H4W i irN'f , rtltt-rati-,1 ! ii!f rr t.l f.rli ftf I'.r Cni,,, mll. Wt wl'luWii h'e ft I'll " , tt. d- m-ilr-l'.ii i.f filfwlk J n no mniwf (i'l' fi tliii f'' ' f"jt,, ..ctf r tf it jimti ,., S.i tt t,Uhl rrfnrHld iil lhl I.'mh (fj'irl ,., fSrafi't n'rr ln Vrrftifg r !i!i npnn l-np-, f-r rirlii' Irm f.i ffl, lnir lirh tif gtitt rf.iinl k nri'ti .lViri crrt'e a irop V ' Hf ' I a.iie f thf nul. he the Mt t it nnlr4 tt.at wr ptrffiHtrd lo wnnn. iftnr in f a wedrtfii1 prWilrirt It l J U't art not rilrnlitfi f-f a'mirfMiijr pfople Arjicuhnra -.tin tu brtt-n4 e Uh ? fMif. lueotirlufpioMi ln the way we think ttt do not wi!l fo f ie msrf ifl ami lahnf f.rd ino any 'partinito cbanitrl. , II Lr p'aiitiiif e. ton an iflirg it m to tlte irarkft ,of the wor4.!, f rtl ooi pt-r for ft-io tfi&tOiA lomlvritfjijrrlJili fisjifT-itd la ftSr1piWI k. to do at f l It w'.-loti-.ti H lo affoftor.r eri'h that tiCrTty rni lir?fHtitin epi wrre hf4iiftliel hy oirtrftfiwnif Brpren'i. tirr a i ronjrrfti lowy that we eta.ll tliii or that pumtit f Riiripoe one of eurllr prr if tativei wf re to ray ll at it ii hf tlrr f.r my am. aiiti'ffili to Jfroe M Iff 0 than it f row cuftoe and that I. wanted l law pf d t r the poe ofrooipfllJujrtliemto ahandon eottoo and to raie tidier o. What would the pnple '.Mr.V hat wmiMhtireiMHtlnmta think f U'hy Hry would be very at t to thiftk I, lie fiol of madoian who waa mrthtlinfr Sih (liit -.l.oii which he knew nothtrif and with whir.h he hd tie r'ufht to Interfrre, and by eordrqnefif e thry would aeon farate lit arat. Vft ltd' hi bff n done tf the lat frr n yr 'are. It m troe that thfjr have tWprrdiihitrd u front raimny; fotton bet thry hare eomptllfdei to fnamifwiwre vr bn Roe As or to gito a prrminoi to thoae ho do ininif4Crire thrnt. And yet with mm are etiflerrd to retain thrireati in C.inrfw. Why i if f it brejMN' a OifcJ.wity of lh pro. l ar in fvr of rrririifiiNioitree,rnf rc. f No.' l!ut tlry kftp thi irart b aronpirrr ol the infliif miul fcr i the divtdtl and tin ,t-4.;,r,i.,,i m.... ti. I.. t.!;,t ,1,. ....... . . : . iJ";. They tkt'r.nlliei?nt,rlteoffouii. try. They tellMm ,.,.t a dtv on in,,..,' J, . .. . . ' . 1 - : ft io(!epmlrr t. Hat wMl n -t' he depen dant upon fonitri eonfriea, owr nrres aariea. If ,n r.litor n p.MWH a paper ard ' , -wr,: barter i. foe e-re .1 a prie 1 H.. th,t at 1 r"t'' 'W ,J',fPr ,;i,-,, W i"' tw I whirl, he Wd.tT.dtorieornhWK;ia?:, P-ruy taxi. l U.e f,W ncei of f - " . f , .. , a , . V I iwth amlttii rn..iifi f it,e liriM r! 1' - he riepri'ilaf t no the fariter.- onl J he ' more in,enend. nt if he r.Vd ,t.reoen hio, ! n"h'rn ,hI Sm l,' n tt,, aellr Wetna. no one will .ar .0. Vcith. r i. j """" " "'r 1"'P''.-1VI,M lheWr.I.pend.M on H.e rorheeatia. he ! , T'"' h h' W ,he fi'1 him for.newtp.,ef , peirelc,' " ':,ry of ho Cc-rcM !t,anU..ftnl,;rMfe,l!1airrtTtohieitrTo.i"' f"f"'e'1 weo thie day amr.-r ln ii.ul.1a..Tl. 1.- tl-.k- .fro n-icuMtu.- The j4avteetlithe wigno-4 farttirfra f ( roUrtt erd jre'j minufMCtnrwl gmnU at a purr V han ht at whit b ite c;w?d a.Tortl tomatre tT,rn"1.TTariraiHl the iranurse t.irer reti his neiee fur hi. tf.-M.da ,! rets,t,lree, ,n otir b?hi?f. rl.-r. tt. t- ' ... cottrm ehesper than he emij afford to rae it. 1 nr pisner i thi u-v inucoenc.cm ttian it t.e had mar.tifae'iircd the ror.ifa himaelf. Thus 1 mucu nr .or vrwoo ma. t.ie manuuctotsraoi 1 t ... . . .1 .1 We mHI now taSe p the latter r'anse ef the sentence " but being hy far s maj-fy we claim fl,e e'tira' and reaaonaWr ryhf to eer cieo'ir power .'Cj so to mould the tlnv-rn mr n I Ti 1 , y rfr I . . . ..... rm,tetheCenernlHlfurerThe,tw.;,;e;,,.!J0 T" f-1"" - er.nd they will ,,-,td the roverwmenr to ,d. t .""T " ' ',"'n.,it.4 !;'V" f ' ' ..nee their own Crests. w;. rnflfMfc ! ,,W;"Mr 1""" ' "7'' ' sion.ntoce tfistthe are m-f .n.horWd U 1 1 7' 'f rh W- : .w . . . 1 j , . ! 'are been ffimoernd the eontiii!n.n,to!ar dntiefr t've rrotcr'inn 1 ,. , !''., .foer branch of ins'ry to the d.rru.J.f ! "T 7 "'V " " ' ano'hrr, hut ayi Mr. Nile we wid mmdd the gm:einnu'nt!!.to-aiMt.ioe-own etwentenee;" I" ! there any tyranny more l.a'e. more provo klr. rr more tuaoletit than that of such a ma jcrity t tt Is not a msjarVy of mimhera hut i7 ii a n,i j'M-ity of infliience, wl uh inBuence rithes and real lias giveo ihtm. Thcv dective Ihepocr laborer, in order to get his vote or if they eannnl do this they '.hreiUPn- t hey brjhe h tmlhis. js theu-j...t ItwMltev -eorrrrl mandat the ballot hex." They employ a num ber of poor .wt.xhoe wbxuiienee is dr. ''t ''irnt'yr, Ihtir jwivea, ami their little one from their labor and (hi sul.a;lev.ee thev will ink? fam the moii'ttu. of the almost famished children if their father do not vole athey re !esired. This is no fiVtioti. '.t- Y'rtt all mtist have observed that the poor iHborer who Is dependant Mpon his em ployer for his daily itibMi'mce. invariHbly votes as that employer .wishes him, " lffre.it is true we te hut Jiule of it we see enough however to prove iti truth. But in -thai manufHcturing States where hundreds nd hundreds of men are empioyetl hy one capites ... one msnn fac'urer it may be sen in 'till its dispigtjn-r odjousnesj. And that isjhe way, in u tici tin majority ofVM.ic,!! Mr. NTke speaks foe'bfainrd sad by which his party will "'mltuld the govern, tnentettheiewifl' IT,, time f,r il' pH(riot ,to rtnect,...It is time fur 'him who Jares-hii. country to make n csertinn.. such pampered 5aArlHMinS; lBtgcW? WU!V rive - put . fkwn; It is time for the friends of (re .trade and the constitution to rail v. around it to' preere it IfJHiMhe- wl-euacaar; at xbtti . wtUera; 1 I fill ' I r 1 ,,r II ,J .fl Hi 1 IIII .lrt, t'tott'iu'il wit It l.avr twit full u,'o tmrjo,, ttH' hy the a!'!'.!;'!! end grrrt!y-,fl alttfnil aidfrm'.rt rf i!"mM rr y fvl aUr? thrriiee e i.'h to t!,r iU ,ti,f ihf 5tr, htf itn'e It t'.M rri'it f, i,d if toa'i br Imliciiliie ot poplf ft!ff ei.mSty i or itrucli'iiia h licmwd o an eitrnt ongtit te raoto the frirmli f ificr f)iraiu putct It time tiif thrnt t r?flrrt (ipv'o t! danifuw cMi(j-u:m kliUU -oertr uiy -Lrlujf 4u iotaw ei . Iia 4imm fn? im Ut Tu to ilia eiMrkutditnla tJ Cffnu-n tr. - f.r ihe i.imutK .4iUiri.bwr.fca tninv iad,4 ukl.M.-hty- ee held. Ir ti tleie f.e Ihcaa to U-trn lu the warr.tlig rokr , f (utri'.iUm. I hry have ivre rr at al,, , the tJi.ioo.-.ll,. riUt h.a hit iti-ie b. tftiiiJ.h.l furbn teintrv he aiill.rnnlhcv, ''; tfp.atd. (Jul if Uiry ahotdd d.if. fat'l t tfiii manif, elation t4 n.hlic leo-iffM,,.. ant! A,nu nill o i,n in H,eir coo cal.Uihp at d udtijlutvcd it.rnnti 0 d,iM. uuren,,. etinuhuiml lihultii ai.d to lrv.r tlte Limn wl-Hi fiold irgtthrr the ditflrtut paHi of 0,,; ofe fl'iri.iut ! i.afpy I'niiKi, Irt tlenr. r,cx vf hcaitn ahiiU !Of tbr m. In tf'm ill th attttppl t. 1 ki:aihe act ta the Souil, In f-tit will th y (U) tl.c net trt rwrt-r.ittpd. the utiltm waadi-lf.l hy i-Mjih-te triifori-, Hiji will tht, then, trU u,a verwrouKl patrhKitm flhrm!h frr-aton. 7.r jI l4 .1. . t t rm. .... toe ytusrs. j vw am Mrelo aatart It t,t MiirhUI act-tht'rlngrr ffcaecraiion i J poiiilcd 10 th in hv otr drierndanr-fte thro forrhf.-li eUlh.. f(eihvd th oHTl!l.. SOH to Urgr raftuHi hHii indthble an i . ptTftoo tliir If iftf! M.rr hs;u rnj eflfci , o-ily le fc.fgau.o fIM tdr inn, iome f i. tore hard m pti.. cf Hir ., i. . ' " "-tiT ' ,i:ik away nt,d the rectal eft., t fc. .... ., "" j'"" f"' ' w ' U U Ui.e iiiiiertlilir ho n svprtthane b i!ai,t 1 ..,....,. ..f... 1 ... 1. .... . ' " " 4itrn tiian lite liifm , I of the 1 artT. l t e ill no longe . I IK tirh al af.aetea. oka.a L... .... t. . i 'rPT P',r'''- J"' .:rfJLPgt?her..le ,tur lMOk of fc!lc:w,ip and h. oihtrl .,tfr - - . nii -.rwn--tinr-rTfr're"fhri' ' to leWs, frwife; Iirrtr1iiter.r it.. t,,.. mt,lt ,.f this p.rer, ha- deeded Ar,i we hope 'or , .r. ;Kt, f,,, J(Jj.pf p oora to mert a eoi'tit,llirt.e' f ,,f ;r ra t-tHr e ton-v-. UV nil! at th. ..-..V.. 1 rt-tH- es s yt R. ,hf Mfl e remind tli.-m ijt, Mr, Jmif , rp ,;rmrf f v rmrtot r, ii expert, o relu,-,, i .f. ..c. (rw j few wrcin. fie tl.e vief ie f mahirj firiJ jvttleont tliill .n, it v.,i! U ltervM,v fP,.- j patrons to 11V w , trrnu. , . ,,,, reTum. tu ,,t ; P!":,',n ,,r,l"' r" ettr Uii ieara Ub. r i n-d we t,;:j ;f ura'Je togive it to him. vn!, or pstrors are prompt in the ae'tl. m. .r.t ' lit'l- tie'ter ,'nrt I- 1.1.. 1 if arii.iu(-' tn rt-uoora vo sue ru cts of (fi.nnfiy. . ,m,si !i The CUy ji,; xvitf lur vvih of adherence tn the troth, fRV ,llat ,,,, trl. rl-nkr thi- hife "eohf;,!ion of our inile:, n rlence. indie.!. . rXutTtng olfiu the Jack-- ' Mtks. We Sav ll in is iuit the f rt. It unw lht , tawsier seformed rlfrtr. hn w.-. . defaulter, to tbe (rr.vemmcnf, lf t in '.Vaahiii,:- agelnet Hetd. Jaekauo for tuminc thf n out . f office a.,d that they did vent it and thai in 1 way whir h must mke every hnno-a!,!e trie- I of Mr. rius hhtsh. fhe t'osts were sikH might have been etpreiod from such rod,-. tCj We have Joo-d-with anxiety Uw account of t,e Chare.ton cebH,tion,, l,.-. f we except ,f,j. skt,r1(. 'f u.t. mve Vl in some or the j.,per, we t i Ln.kvA in v.. e have receiver ,,o ChJ'ivon. pnper c tatrrmir a m ( The rrVe-diops. II . from what we eun learn both ortliecelfhrstinM were 'ITf h1c ciiy ofda.lc- t'-fiftXevet hate the cii 'fin , l his. sect ion of ha.1 mom rrnt.m , 1 'hank divine provide nee foraKof..i ,mwii pTenfiful Crops tK at pret u'. ' "tntlolohtlie a:inga,cr. tarv ,tf wy. I Triced hit ' ' ! . i : "Hi- i

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