A. r poivniY. ,roini' Aevi r V MUM. C'. thy thoughts no tanpue, . Nor any unj'roporWd irwojM hit tel. L tl.nn (kmllliP. but by no men! vulcar. Til F.tjaitll it Hill V...i.iu, ia n.v ftul Willi Loo 111 of I' eel J VIVfH liww " - - . . ' I I'll ' l,.f T!bJ rtfentraflcetoa quarreh buvbeisg I JjVarlt J't tUi ejipour msv beware nf the e. G.vt every Viine er, aai iiv "y 1 . . . L.K kill TM t'B men Humuo imi-iwu'vw; Jnd;.aent. ' . . ., .1.- k.t ;' ill ntirac fS bur. VUT ,UJ ll.Uil mm j- -- . ... -- 'rf in HffV 1 riCIl. H'B. L'I'tT I Far ift aoperel oft proclaim ,h maa tV,,",. ' j im. vmmiv'm. tJthm heat rank am Hi A 'H I" J ', " A moat aelcct and fentrwa chief In Nrlihef t b'HToire', nor a tender bel that. v ... u.. .fi ln. hrS iraelf and friend 1 Andbttrrowiiif J'ilb lh tig of huiSind-)-. TbU bo !l,-To llitn onwlf b lru 1 And it mmt follitf, i ! "56 . 'V , , Tbou eirtrt n-rt lhn bt Ww " 7 n '' 7 A MSTOFLKTlUUtS N. C, the trj !y fcf J'lV Nitft AbrrnMl; 2 iVorjre Ifudipttb i:iib Injftim Birib K'ier Sn Lantg A iw r ui' uvn iiits A, Ari '""u. mi lint If.rliM. Alt.r.aft Nrt (, H.in,;Kl S J... Am,), II ...1 II. I , ' Mil. Ur.' Alunnlrr Nm. (J. I!fnl J.iu. l, A!rvi ( inn. llolIVS U,M MfhClklU Mt- Jai.li HtrT rnjcf m;i i.i'.nixiu if 1. In Jrto. II. Ojrringf r Ntlltiniel U"H'n Jrlie 1 1. 1jrkU4 J ilin llruttcr )4H II. Hryon John llUrk J.i, X. Bnrkticj Clirl' tlit Arrn,'!)lmtorj 3 Iltn'l. Icelt'l'lf AUcn Julmviii Msrcui Kmief ? I4eif H, Krim'CCf KicliM. Kinf ; 'lKi(iij,l,rr l.fjr; J. Mill. im John HPr . l-nwIr .-w. u.- - Mft.B.rmh nrfc-l.hit " Jy. (I. Mcri.eettri 37 Him IW--.,- 1 JKb Mjom , .. f:bHitooh r Crl'-H Tlrf. Mml K!ili J)ii N. Drfv'n , Joirpb K'! II10V f.r i ' lolin Vfi J'. U. Trwier Jci-h I'lina Jill HipW McKinl -ClliMcKir MHfMsKii.ljf Jnititfha Murrey Jm, lltulicrn Jico'j Vlenbtmf r !)iwtt lc)mon Jio. W. Mem Tnb'u Micrnhkmer ft"1 ,f 1y. 4 I1H ' I 1 Chriitoober Arne j.eob Ajirnt Thomi C. Btrcl! nVH Drown 'jariM Br'l'b irtJ Biiley . John Bi-' M.tbUi Bmingcr Miry Biker Arrn Bumjirncr L ff.. JtwepH Brerard 1 1. r:ti'l t jjhn u. unit htic Lorince . , F.JarU Lewis Mr. Mon F.dwifl MT.rttU Mr. M'F.mon Elrrfien-lortl.e ttmyM?uney .? V Thomi Mrtin IUIII I" 'H - We rk o linwio So- perior (!oort PJmbeth Carpenter fT.vid Cbe'ter William Crrol Thotfill Vrpn'r ,r- t;i nf i:kvairr hJ. ofVb. roth Rff- nrube lLHejwMI nunn Jioanlrt - . ... lam Hniiriirc Thomn Mrtin Daniel 0. M'PanW 1 - Anaenon miuc John Nrei Robert Net I RnSntt Oatel , EJwin F. Phelpi . . . . . v m Cabinet Making ; . ". . nuM.vEss. 1. the citizen of fl.liibiir.an(f the iurrottndinfr country that they haie com I . - t ! ,V Tmm. meficru ine aooro wnincn in inv 4 won rSilT!urVlleIr Shoo it fewtdoora Km of tht Court House 00 main street, hth lioui form Jilyoccopied by( Mr. Fraey at Tavirn where hey are tow prepared to make and repair ere ry de scription of Furniture t the ahortest no tic on the moil reaonall termi and in i itfle of wotktninihlp'iuperlor'lo lay thing of the kind heretofore done In thii place. ' ' Orden for SJtboardSecretriei Bu reiui, Corner Cupboard, Tables Ladlfl Work Standi, he. Together with every n:her article -in their line of buiineti will be thankfully received end strictly etten- llfd to. They hope by punctuality and faithful wf.rkrnnl.i) to rnent and '(ccjre en Vourtenitnt. A.Wr BU1S,. GEORGE Fit ALE Y. 19.1831. ritf N. B. Good Walnut, Cherry or Ccrl'd M f ie plank will be taken at cash in part pay U any of the Above article. . 1 ' . Ar W, B. v G. F. i.;r. ni liner 'lanartiin r.aion vrilliim EJard fcnoa trwin TJi.loma rrnn-w John Frbr.brger John Fry 'J mti Fifber J hn Glen Jlirt GriiWim Bn). F. Htiggim Pvid llaasc Jaraei Honrll 2 v;n;.n ittitledre -JobnVHuWjf-Michiel Ruda'ill Georpe SteiT Fiektil Sullavin - Eh wnyre Michael Shiermvi Michael Sommerrow 2 FU anl mler Nncy Weiten Jitiei U'ithenpoon 1-nuc White ' Winston Wood Paviil WlietHiiiB Jltwlccll cS' Lcnihj ITAVF. j'ijt rctcii ii frm New Y01V I n.'l rhilelpbti etleiir.Me an -n-tnri, of pprtntj ati'l , summer 'f'!,s CiMlvltm Ja p irt cf f Sup. tfiiitf l!l.tc t'l I!!r-' Clot!., a U 'il orimentf Ucy uWL !o. I.'.ry an.l Itulf CiMimtrei, tt riety fr mrr.!i l r inllemrn' Pimmrr lo?l.in; 51rMtIln, t . iVniii, an.1 Silk Vtrt'.np.UI'.eorf, rkl .irt. trd M.i-lin. Ciu'irio, fl n k. M-i'.l, RwiM, J.cowt, St'.n CV--tk. and fjory Scotch. Ma. line, M-tnrninr Utt.f, I'ink and 8tra eil d. Au A Jrianopl.wdrd ami plain Hih lUih'l. Tahli iJ'uper. V'nn ,n 1 Ci. IHH Linrn, Si Craju. funcy do. Mick ami while -R.tirt,bliek tJilki, Clianjrrtblt roa HeNa. nli, ChanjrbtMireer.rt,bta'.k Wki dCini llrapS YllftanJ IIKl fank.nt, rone,nariz.facr.tW,?.Crp'. Ictwne , and CltmifkM Orot de Nple llkft. Un Rcar'i, rich panted ami plain Linen. CamVw V likft. a irreat variety Wilk pocket llkf. black, while and r.ren lioMnet inainw Vr.la, rkh worked Bob a net Capei anl Cp, Muilin Cp, -.. 4 senrrat atnrUnrnt of Bilk ami Cotton ll-dirrr, rich Bjnwt. Cap ami Belt RtbboitB, Bn'ianel Ia and qulllinga, Centli-men'! ad Ladtea tiloreaml Mitl.8i!. ' In Bin w fw Bonncu, Medallions fancy Bed Sproada, forniliiN Dimity, C-m, FrUie;', Bed Tickinir, Brown al l Blrached Stieeiinp and 8hiHinjr, Uomenie Cimrkm. Cotton Yara. Womwn'a and Miae. Dunntable, Dia. mofxl Itraw and Leghorn Bonnoi. SilkFurnni Wool Hat Shoe:, a fine assortment of plnnft, Hard Wnret vuncrg, urocnenj, uum uni winy Ware, raintt, Groceries, life. Lfr. Jilt of which theij are ilrlerminrd to sell as low os they can be bought in thii part of the country. f ; II. h la. im,WI 10 innr menu ma ti tomera for their pimnife and would b ;I1 they would call ad eximin their prtacnt Stock. 5afiaT,jy7i,lll31.i 70tf TAILORING' BUSINESS. ft'n linn David Zimmerman 3i8l CHRLF.SC. HBM)r.HM)N .V. "TVig t fitf LKTTKU8 iv aja- w PM AIMING in the Pot-Offi'wat Morean- JtkV ton, ti- 0" WIC 11 M . Alexander Tafe , p arbour Thoa. ptrnhart John Bailey Martha rtrown John Heck Nicholas Doroman Sherwood flraneh Stephen Brown Willim Jtean John "Bowman Grore CofTey Beuben - SI McFandBenj. .11 1.. w rearson Jno. R'W Foot Edwin y" X I W Flue Jno. Jr. Wrli5fir. Frem.il Gabriel ii&Kr? Ttobertwn edeki.b Cl ofCaralry ISth nuVm Brinde fP" JTn tsi i W Manly Joel TJlxonJa. -M.;hi.1b KSlpr Martin Kibler Divid P. Kea'int; Wm. II. Lonjr Ja I.avem!er Wm. Mu!' Baibary Martin Ju. U. McGimsryDr.J. W. P. McKensie Martha Miller Hiraift Mitchell Jno. 2 Moure Elenden Montcnmey David ltnamh Trait's, i TJAyiNQicceivedlheJateit-New. JL 1 York tod Philadelphia Fuenioni, together With thoie pf London end rris, and will continue to receive them, from time to time, as they chaogej and having a number of good workman, he ii prepared to do work on short notice and in first-rate style, and which will be warranted to fit well. Orders from a distance for work, will be punctually attended to. As he is tne Agent of Ward cf Thila delphia, and ot Scguez, of New. York, those wishing to learn the art of CW ting. cn apply to the subscriber in Salisbury. BENJ. FRALfiY. 6mt585. .a . Hr. Yi. McCUttaiuV RESPETFULI.Y inform the citizens of Wjlksboro' and the adjacent, country, that he has located himself in Wiioro. for the purpose of practising the various branches of his profession, vit : Pactice of Aft't I iritis Sursent. and Ohsfctrich. I W 'V" VTm "T 4 4Uay-biourid. ml Jiis. ..reskfcncjLa LsL times, esrept wnen on proiesnionai oii-i-ness. and he hopes by bs?kIuous atten tion to his profession to merit a share of the public patronage. 76'f )iorr Charlei DfivisJas. -I)irk.orth Jona. Jf. Inland Rev. JV .qillrep David G win Jan nreenlre, Avery keo. Ijifjrgins Mill ljuntley I'aac Ifrhaw Joihua Hood J rtoward jMrb .T,ttre '' . ,n Rev. tVm. J. John Mrs. Mary E. SmUKmntj - Bimpion Joieph 2 Smith Aa ":" Salmon Henry Swan Jr.o. B. ptunt-y Dmiel StilUvell Jacob SopII Hawlin V. Secretary Riiin Sun Lodfre No, 100 -Thompson Jno. Tuneuoin Peter ; Wagly Sarah Vbb Tbos, . Wintler David T. Y'..Wn..iicrh M(.P t ni livi R. C. PRAUSON, P. At. " 11 ' ' ' 11 ar tt 1 fSkfw TiHEBALR of the valuable Property Tluch wa, to:.take place the 5h -Wnt. at the, residence of the until Friday the 29th instant, hett it will positively take Pa". ' CHARLES K. PPA.Rp. rfWE siirjscriber still continues to J- make the above Machines and keeps a supply constantly on hand which he will sell low for 'cash or on credit to punctual dealers. Mr like. :,.n,a rn lrren or. hand a eood sopplvof COTTOX GINS, and he will also repair inc . onv muiw.. 1 ,72tf E, MITCHELL Salisbury, May list. , ' WAOaONBRS, Drwing'fo FaycttemHe, WILL find it to their advantage, to atop it the Waqon Tard, where every n venience il provided for Man and Hone, to make them comfortable, at ha moderate.cbefllw cents a Jay and night, for the privilege of the Yard, the ue of a good -louie, fire, water, and belter. Attached to the Yard, are a Grocera andl'roviiion Store, Bread Shop and Confec tionary, and a Houi for Boarderi and Loigrrs, in a plain, cheap, vAoleaome and eomfbrtable .tvlf.JrfeiirsWlW3. ll both male roTwtxT s-ol'R. vesrs 01 ace, 101 whom they will pF the CASH. 1 JAMT.S I. LONG, RICH D. W. LONG, TIIOS.MULLJr. -MantU 1131. 6mi9 V. B. Applicailon can bs made to ihe Arm in person or b? letter addressed to t LOSG tf Co. Pali'buri N. C, which will ba prrmptlv attended 10. Beef! Beef! 1 ma! : ,: r m,. II. A . 1. I .1 I J' llr,, J-i.l.. I! -I'.fl . I 'inir I J! cjmiV , Vil!i.m I'.mlrr P.,i liurl Iti-Oiin 2. 1 ho.. 5, l! .v l Vi"lrn tSr.i IlicM. T. r...in,H)r U,m. Xi. HrCK'arly Clisltcl liirrmpcr Colo, of the 5 2 K. David Cougliiminr Cleik of the. County Cwift Darid C.irrr I f ),id PrWkrrt Jdhn f. rm.Ve ' William F. Owen fir. 11. It. r,m wan . A. F. fall. oil Tiiot cMiy Mn. M.C Davidntl. Rev. Th. Fajy -: Jow'ph F.idw' la ri(iia'd " . Henry Folick John (Jrahirn , , Jamfi R. nrat-y , Mn.Zilph OoulJ. Alfred liny Devil Onr Aleimder Hall " Samuel llouttnn -J.wrph llnton Iimon llerrinejiofi John llnupt Mat well Hall 2. JMiah 1111 2. , HufH J"nei . Tbomai F.acerith Linney "2 John l-uck Henry P. LoAae Miea AnnMatthevl 'm CMKtere 3t81 , f J .'y. 1 , " ! it n lUL.fl ''' ,w Jt,rt Muihat r,". Jl,i, Mrri'" I1. A !i-n MMorc Jnlm Mcl'.vn U'ittiam Xl Kinfy Duncan MrBrl W. M. McUHd J.mei M itti'tuin Jotin A. VclJoaaM , J4mei tif it , 5rali I'ceton , , , llohrrt Po'ta ( WiJIiati PU . ; ' MeJ. William Fotta R-f. William ttrtilhm Howa Uedmomlor Howtl Birker Tt.o"a. ftnthetrfird . "Jl1i6mi Rewl a.. Una ... t Jeremiah S'oan William Summers Ira Simmers John 8ii(moftd J -vkn Stuart Wiira. Bliufwd and Turner John Tanner F.dward. Turner Jeoh Thnmas Itobert Tnrrentins John M.Wauch 2 Mrs. Pollr W'-wlUe 0!ivia or Aijullla Williswa James White Jnra Walker t 1 William Wa'd PnVi'ms n. A. Wat. , W. KF.tmtf. M. r-l -r nilEiubscribertikes thii V j 11 1 nictn0d onfortwinfi hr jjyjfrWnds and tne pubKr,that TYegrocs Wanted! rTha subscribrrs are anslnus to Mt- " I Illtif U I'm wv 11 ay 1 1 w uwiv live w ' rt'W OJ IJUJYDUhU , WKiimake comfortable, during their Ma, 1 male end fm.I. from thi an .Tueh prWttc farn-,lies as may thtnk she continues to entertain Hoarders and traveller at the Establisment, heretofore, occupied by Cnl. Isaac Cra ton, in Rtitherfordton Several addi tional spacious rooms have been lately fitted up, - which will enable her to private amines as may proper to call on her, to spend the Sammep mooths. I1t89 E. IL CRATON. Itulherfonlton. Jane. 16, 1 83 1 . i---'WJrpi 1 f icu icrib Fi jamr wdr rthtranTrCTimwdarice--and j jcSf ct B U ihelLaX mmmw h in ui.i iV- vjstj would respectful. controi of .Mr- ThomU Waadk Jltnr. t manr td" my-iu.s ere- rtspptinirJ llir inform t r?ti?en Jof this town, that he n:iJ "ULbave BEEF in- v 4TifcrW'market, during th" ptesent seisop, every Monday, Wed nesday, and Friday mornings or at any other time which would suit the convenience of his friends and custom era. Tersons having BEEVES for tale would do well to apply to the sub scriber, as he will pay the most liberal prices for them, in Cash, at all times. JOHN I. Si I AVER Jubj 2, 1831. 78tf Cotton Gin .Making. rglHE rtibjcriber respectfully Infnrmi the citU M. sen of iHvidinn, and the adjacent conn lira, that he continues to carry on, at his Shop in Lexington, the busiaeu of Making COTTON GINS, equal to any manufactured in the United Statesf indeed, his C.ini are preferred to all others, by those whn hnye tried them - and have found a ready tale throughout a large es. tent of country. Hie pricea shall be as reason, able as at any other ahop in the Southern country All orders will be promptly attended to, and Gins finuhed in the shortest possible time. Repairing of Gins will be done on the ehort. est notice, and in the moat substantial manner, by Ihe public'! humble servant, HENRY A. CL1NGAM0N. XWtrjrraff, Nay 26fA, 1830, 31 A NOTICE. LL persons are hereby forwarned Trom trading wllh, or harboring mv wile Polly as I am determined to pay no debts of her contracting, and will enforce the law against anr person who harbors her, as she has left m'y bed and board without any cause. WYLIE SWINK. JuiWfh 1831. SI82 " Stalesmlle. up and comfnltted to Jail on ,t.hje,J4t.h jnst. a ncgrbhoy, wio says his name is ISAAC, about five feet three or four Ruches highi and says he be long to John Armstrong living n Yotk district South Carolina. Also, on the 1 7th mat a negro boy who says his name is batn Miller, living in. York district -Siift Carolina. Owners arc requested to come forward and prove property pay charges ancPtake them away or they will be dealt with as the law directs. JOHN iV00D, Jailer- mlpnelOtbi 183't; To the Public. rpilE subscriber having A purchased the house .ind lot in the Town of U ede.buro rrcntly owned by Mr. Aa Hubbard Junr. has opened the .SCiltJVLHR'S Pa (icon of Fortune, i i anoAinraf ti)i.n Tn brw an .1WSEU.V, ' AT wilch place has bttn sold wiij," a few month tmt more priimd,, k ai.y t,(Ti' e in the United Mutt and . mrnihrm the following eiy latetw , whole Ticket dislubuitd In all partial the United State , 080.000 25.000 15.000 JL3,00JUMKIO TZslu kiA Ty inad 10 a Reiulcmsnln Vermont tv other 310,000 10 Virginia i and V f. we:k inc the whole of R5000 loNor-i Carolina. For, the Information of tht,y residing In the eontry I give a list of is, IhillUui N. Y. Luteries neat to be dn. the respective drawings of which will u prublirhrd in this piper. tt7 Imnortanl Intelliecvce, LtST of IWiliiant New York Loticiite to be drawn in the city of New Yotk it the tummer campaign June 32 Ueculjr Class Loiter fidrawn tullots Capiiah at( SOO.OOO B10.CO0 2 of 3.0O0, 2 of 2.5U0 2 of ,2.000, t of J.5000 "J of I.OOO, fyi. 4-f. tfc Tickets RIO. " - ' June 29, Extra U 35 fa. Jjojt ry 3 drairri ballots Sl5,coo, Tick SL JuUf 6, Claftg 7, 48 mYo. 6 dratm 815000 85000 Tickets. $3. G3 ANOTHER MAMMOTH July 13, Eltra 8 Capitals $50.000 ....810,000.,.-. HO 000 20 000 10.000 5 8h0 (Jc. (Sc. 36 "0. Lottery drawn ballot exz '.i n even chance for a piize. I'ackiijf. of wholes combining 12 Tikkets fci., tlo. of Mslvej g96 do. of quaters Sis v: tie Tickets RI6 shires in propor'i Tckagesin this Lmery must draw . at least one hlf in pnres and s'si i! ehanre f r all !h Hiilii iril C,iia! rr couniry It ictuis sre n t,ue ued t wi tie t . ime as licke!l will ui.tlout),cdly be for the accommodation of traveller! in consequence of their 01 tiers not an snd hoarders. He solicits Public Pat ronage and H- endeavour to -give general satisfaction. 75tf - JAMES II. MARTIN. Jinson County, June 2d 1 83 1 MY I lOl'St; (the Post office) on the C'oss street a few ya-ds north-west, of the Court ll(iue, in Let inglon, .V. C. is again rpened for the re ceptiun of Travellers and Bosrdei s. The statics are extensive, roomv and dry 4 grain arid provender of the best, plmt't ful, and served by goi hostlers. The house has many comfortable rooms, serves a. good table and. refreshments 1 snd the proprietor and his family will omit'no tning in thtir pnver to make il niost quiet and agreeable. 63f B. D. ROUNSAVUXF.. BUTCHERING! f, j 7IIF. subscribers, respect JL..XuliVAjnJorra.-tbe;iii. SallJ zrns of Salhury, that they have commenced BUTCH ERIN0, and intend to continue it du ring the present season. They will kill none but good bucves andthey hope to merit a ah a re cf the custom of the public. They will bare beef, in market on Tues day, Thursday and Saturday mornings, in each week. ..... . WILLIAM P1NKSTON, PETER. J.5W1NX - N. R... .Any person having beeves for sale, would do well to apply to them cither personally or by letter as they will pay CASH for them at all times. 7Jtf May Uth 1831. tot in season. I J ulsC2aJ-xtra-aa-i6o.6-dr4os-. S20 000 RIO.OCO Tickets flS Jnlr 27. Esttr- 20 66 Mo. 9 drawn S4', POO S 10,000 Ticket iji 0 lowest prize . 22 in s package. Orders for Tickets inn? rf the Xi York Iotteries musr be addressed to Av THONY U.SCUYLEHSievf Yoik m pays prticular,a'tention 10 orders f.om nhroarl hainjj ftte special Licenses from the f tate autnotity, with tne necessity honds, secuiiiies' Sec. Those who wc.:l ! like tickets in the Shove or in any of 01 r Lotto lea tu ed rm be under any appro hension of letters by niaiUencIokin cas t being jnisc an icd,-as the-ubciil)er hti not ntisicd a iirnle order direrted to him durioR bis long course of trad : he hn the privilege of referring to the rtr respectable Managers Messrs Ya-es ai.u M'lntyrei also to many other fnt re houses in this ciiv, Donor, Alhtrv Charleston, S. C, Richmond V. I ..T etteville.N. C., i,rid Augusta, GCo. -T-tWtefr-Heraldcomainip '. drawing and other matter is publish.! bv ; le. subscriber every evertio.- f h- r!raint,, and sent rcgubrly if ictjiirvr l 6Hlljt ho deal with me etctls whe oce or more iickeiijie ordeied the i' tage need not di paid, Bank notes ni -rent in any part -of the t'oitcd tr- will be received br me for ti. kcs - .1!. . 1 - ji uiscouni oi 3 per cent is made ihOSC"hO tllrrhw. narknf-TTf- Notice. THE undersigned htiviiig qualified,' at M y Sesston'of Rowan Coun- IY. C?uLt.Jl-lxPnlrr pf.the J a" will antTeslent'''T RrirgaSTYoQnJ, Dec'cl. requests all persons indebted to aairl estate to make payment, and all persons having claims against the same, to nresertt th RALEIGH and says he belongs to Abra-Jv4h'tn the time prescribed bv law or ham Millr. liuinir in 1 nrk rtiilrirt Sftii-lT. Jt,- .. --. i -- mis notice win ne pied in bar of their recovery. W, -R. ,.WOQD.4firV VlflyV'lOM.mi. 3mt35 OF every' deicription.eatlr Prinr d, ind keft couiiantly for aaie s il.n ofljce. 1 r-' Ti It I. J t; i iel-J sii'tit 1 N.rsTiliL? T.b. lv 111 r rus'Vr Addresa, - ANTHONY. 11.. SCUYLHII. - . 78lf ,t.VJ Rink notes current in onr prt-nf United States taken t p,r lor Tic kct--. when more than one tick, t U . rdend I . postage need not be paid those V prefer. ! to save postoRe will ihv n rf tificatc or the numbers stm bv rn nl in i posited in the Bank and held tne oisposai or the ow . .. tnTOgrgefierally adopt; , 'I Si . . '. j ers is nor trrtowd v nirrrro cram The ' Lottery Ileranr is puhlishc! t: the subscriber every evening'of the i'l;' inp the Herald.-contains the fluiv drawinR, schemes of I .driwo a .complete. lisrf all the f' ic r Barks in the United States, correct Puce current t)d a lare quantity n RmcNc matter oriRinal and select. Term, p per nnntim in advance but is sen: ? :" Lto all who deal w.th Schuyler. I lease be parlicuffir to address ANTHONY I. SCilUYLLU, .V