r. ! 'J A I. VOL. XH.....M). m. '-' i UJU.YI' I ; i .i '. i :i:,,!?e. 1U ' Ir'-twa ! ' i'1". CAlWnf. I ' j ,.4 I 1 ' ,M.tZw77 JJjj Cut&critfi. 'A 1 t Tk 1 if Cu Tpwititi Scf4 StfUn t'Ai twenty Jnl cr- ftk4 ui,tJ Stat"' acetic o. 33. i. ACT to provide " ,h 'ijament of cUmi J numtJt lentilkd to irHkranificAUoa under tCSifc- betwee. lh , United Seir-tUfWH March, e.a' ''"J f,tha distnbution among each S Gattrsaseel to lUt of lb bate. ent'uu. . ' t't -t r Sic. 1. Be it enacted by the Sen ate and House of. Representatives of the United States of America in Con gress assembled, That the . Comm.. fionerr who araor t sfWoted by rt. President cT the United Statea, by t.w ... .-t.l,-. and consent of the - Senate, io pursuance of ibe lUlrd article cf .he contention between the United S-'fi of Amerio iini "i"' " Kinicof Dinmirk, iRoed it Copeobigeo thouwnd eicbt handed and meet it W.ihinifton Clif , io ih VMtkl of CdumbU nd.wl.Mt. the ipeco of ..... frAoithe time of their bri ,eeiinK, th.U reeel.e, mi!e;.,ndf de cide opon tne imoum j uch cliirat miy be preiented io them, and ire provided for by Ihe conwnuon rtferwi to, .ccordinj: to the merit of the eeverel ces end to jutiiee, eq-iity, end the lew ol ntloni, eod eccording Io the proUione of id contention. Skc. 3. Jndlxitfurtkrrtnactfd, Thit nit recordi.documente.or other piper, which no ere in. or erefier, during the contioonce of thi commlion, may f ome into the poelon of thit Depart ..... .(Si.i. in relation to iucb cUimi, ih.ll be delitired to ibe coramUMorr ifarettid. 1 ja A further enacted. That VIV V. " -. the aaid commiavioneri, or a majomr rik.m. lih their Secretary, whose ap- tatmenLiOerfioafter provided fof. DoiatmenLia-herfinafter providec lor, .u. Ar Aii n.rt. and shall proceed to xecute the duties of their commission ; anri the Secrttsry of State shall be, and be is hereby, authorixei and required forthwith after the pissing of thia act, to give notice of the aald intended meeting, to be published in one or more public raiettes in the city of Washington, and in .uch other public pipers, published elsewhere In the United States, as he msy designate. Src 4. And be it further enacted, That the ssid commissioners thall proceed int metf.it.elv after their meeting in thecMy of Washington, with' all conveniant des patch, to arrange and docket tha aeveral claims, and lo consider tha evidence which shall have been, or which may be offered by the reapective claimant, al lowing such further titna for the produc lion of such further evidence as may be required, and as they shall think reasona ble and just randthey shall-thereupon proceed to determine the aaid claima, and to award distribution of the sums to be received by the United State from the King of Denmsrk under the atipulatiJha of the convention aforesaid, among me several claimant's, according to their re spective right." ; - T-Tr Sic. 5. And be itjurthtr enacted, 1 hat the said commissioners shall be, and they eimbvTlCThorlzetHntr to make all needful roles and regulations not contravening the laws of the land, ibe provisions of thi act, or the provision of the said convention, for carrying their said commission into full and complete effect. Src. 6. And be itjurther ended, I hat the President of the United Statea be, and he is he4kSy, authorised, by and with the advice consent of the-Senate, to pppoint s Sectary to be said commis- Sec 7. -And be it further enacted That the said commissioners and Secretary 2hsH severally take an oath for the faith ful performance of Ihe duties of their re- Sr live uiuo. , - c- ft k it further enacted, J hat 'ihe cbmprnsation of the respective, oifi, rersTor whose appointment provision is , made Hy this act shall not exceed the lol i;n. tn each of the satd com- mifsipneTS at the tat of ihr thouna . - M t enngro,' in tV of till IK ujrd it tha nte of i 'It ! Ml t ! "Uoued tt,Hih,H l,r, ncrtoi euthOtiitif ta tanc k ioq lor ihttomltfgent expense ot .t..e commluioo n ihkil appear Io him icaionaUU and proper and the laid t!a liei and expcn'i shall be pU out of any money U tbi Trenury, cot ctbervite ppropriitcd. . tirx.J.Jnxt bciturthtr tnitted, Thai all moneyt o bf receivvd from the lib Government nnder Mbeconventtwtj aforeitid, ahull bt paid inio the Treatur? oi me uouca iet aou aiuu coniitui i una i it aaiuiving me airu ol the comrtl4on provided fur by this act.- mm. Ifl Jlnit hi II Ittrthrr mrlA TL.I I all coinmunicationi 10 or from the Secre I tary of Ibe Board of CommUtloneri on I (he bouneai of Ibe co.omiitioti, aball p.,. bym.il free of postage. ' c ' . . j uli .. ' . m. I dollart t 7 at aoon si ins aig commitijori ahaU oe I executed and Completed, tha rctardi.! . 4. . .11 t . .. . I docuioanta, and all other papera la the potttaaiou of the committion or in o(B I cert shall be deootlied In tha flir .f 1!. I 3ecrtuiy of Slate. 1 A. STEPHENSON, IpeakaorUielloMieofBrprentatjve, tic rrcHocoi m o umKd oitei sou ; i.T . . I Innravci. rLbm.r 9f ia:t I ANUHF.W J1CKS0M. niu:n. , .1: . I AS Awl in ij 3n mt oewtun w nsr 10 1 . . . . 1 i'j . V 1 I luiH'nii mo.iiiim&i mianiirw fef uiwi tnr in. i . kv. ..'".. iihi vniwira, I BiIIWB VI IM Mill VI 'uiiuvi.i " Lr:ific&ttont st Furt WuhijitioA. nooe thcltantv dallira. river Potomac. I Slc. 1. lit tl tnadea bu the &n.l wT - flr? flni House of Renretentatines ofl the United Stales of America in ConA gretS assembled, That the Secretary of War ie, and he is hereby, autborixtd lo purchase in fee simple, Irorn" the exe cutiix or irmteei of William Dudley n j .a . .... .: r 1 a required fr the complete defence of ibe tomar, eccording to a survey of the same t.-.i t. .k. TMr.nkt.l n....... I nri ail ui aiik. iwub wu smw bu at Washington I Provided, Ihe aald pur-1 ' ... . . . I . - .ir J r . 1 -.1... . ll iheamountofajudgmentagtinstWilliim wm" ""V I . . . j : " iiiiir... n..n. iot inir. 1 teen thousand tnree aunurca ana waif nine dollar and eighty aeven centa, with imrrett Itom ninth Jont, n thousand . . . . . . 1 . .11 u eiKrunartfl aaqjineteenu j ..... -ki.k ik. f the late niert Brenr h. Unison, hundred and eightyseven doiyraand . .... . m. . I P r. a ' , r t .. 9t.i..i rf hrrmided. further, mi mow w - I .t. -v. -.k ... i..,n. ...tknri.(t in rnn. t 1 1 u f- I . r : " .k. an acqunniance oi au nanui pk.iiih i ii;..i tifr. inr in nrevioua use oi i . ' . . 1 1 ;:,l.n ,.r all or nortion of the vwaa'w.----- i a " . a . nreruises. or for any alleded injury to an Ti.hf rv. the. ritrhf and tills to which is to be released to the United States. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted That, .a I . I Ik. .Wnua sxaaS. Upon ind comuicuuii oi mo pua a i noon ma cuiiiuicuun vi iu pw.w fv i k.... nntKaierm and conditions SDe-1 """ . .. ciBed.the proper officer o the United State, anau Us l"2 IS ,udment a oresaid. Approvea.,Marcn iwi r-Di.it w. Jrt AnW:;mskiagM tne imyrovemeni oi cenaia oaroora, anu ix. movlnj Tobatnrctiona in the mouths of certain , W ' i e, Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Sen- 4. rr..fra ssMfnfAmprifiin iTon.lttons, and in pnions not less than one c v 7 - grf assembled, That the following sums or mor.ev. oe, ana in sama a. hereby, appropriated, for carrying on and . l t A.k..i.iM .nnrnnrited. .- - . Forremovingobstructionaatthe mouth - - - ---- , 1 oMIttwrivert-iiiuoteoouJtMl four undred:andfcbiy .... a For remoiing amd bar at or near me f Ri.rk river. Oh 0. nine thou - u.wuw. ... .f . , ., ...j .urn k.intr.d tnrt crven'V'iive dollar av .a t a ik..k v l " ' von r mmn eiinc tne improvement 01 the harbor of Presque ble, Pennsylvania, six. nuuorcu auu vu'7 , , I Forretrovl: ,m. . .. .iL:. at m mouth ' ( tl iJsii L'ir, few Yi r( .Veitctn :hAnJrv! four hundred aoJ filjf U.'Mr. Fur tomj fi-tiftg j ,rri at QtH ,(h i fit, i- the : jt.,1 ' luUrtd and fit, t the : jt.,1 ' lujired and Ude Ji!r aiid i.! i) imt. For cUlm of contrct(i or lowl by atormi In eighteen hundred and Uenty Ine, Ce hundred acd blneteen dcJWre. , For btnce du contractora for IJ plett, llghif rodr dolkn and'clo'ety'jtw cen'i. ' ' . I. ' , . . - For atcarinrhe-Vorlja.of Oawe;o harbori New Ytr1i bt t atone pier head and tnoltvcightca ihouitnd aUbundci dolfaril,' "' " . 1 . ; Z X "For comDlatlrie ihe rleKal lie ruoutb nf - nnffl hirW. Nw York, twelve .1.. l.iiJ..l nll.M For iccurtng and completing the works at the harbor of Dunkirk, New Tori, ilx tboti.and fodr hundred tfolUrt. .- . J.. -r w' Id he vivrn in For further protection and prnen.Bcfore ao . ... . '. n . : ' it ..I t-.rtrt m Alrannif tO tDC knOD. ItrUCK . J.1I..1 lacnuaetu, two inouaana ana uuy 001 For tha rctalr tnd corn Diction of brealwater si the mou'b ofMerrlm river, 3Iaiicbuiet!t, itxfef n thoui ArMn. ' . ' I For coroplftlng repain to pien atbe entrance of Kennabeck river, Matreone thaiKind ah hundred and ieent r . . ... 11 r. at. Fa r nrrMiUt W tha aea full uf toe Deservatlon of Deer Island folo or hor. Mitttchusettl. twelve lhoid thiee knntrit nt ntnrls ilollart. :- I i -. -! For fr.Itln Plrmouth beitr, BllMi' . - " --r- n - - - - 1- . . . I. i.kik.minl .Uht IWlflfNl iRo luuki u iwu luuuifiiv ikm. For compleiinr the brai water at if...!. ,..k: . M.rhinltt. elthi eats avt f w w-- a ea ihmiurui four hnndred dolissi Forremovinsr tba bar at til mouth of Nantucket harbor, Maiaachisitia. ellh thouwod two hundred aodMy-lus dol- r I f . For Improvlo tha rirbara of M.rm HaaW. Cicttir. and rort Pnn, In the Delaware Avar, four thou www - v- 1 - For improving Cape fear m er, belowi lYilmlnifan. North Catolina. t went v-five. on, Wor,h .r.n.,, . L . L. lJ. J .nl K.a itnll.l thousand rrvlng on tba work for the Inf tnr fim provetneoti of Ocacock cl; Woj rJiui. r P.. mlail. isa rrmo.al of obtle " v;t "r 1 Ii 1 .t... rinH. lions ifllhe Appalacbicola river, Floda, eight thouMDi dollari. rt .prt.ari.it iiua Maior rJirci 1 Jt I aurvev 01 nan 01 .ea nur, M on t .cm. . . - -. v. j . l . ...... :A.n.nl I 1 0T tTTttTtC OOO in -auii , laa tha-auperuienccni Arka at Black Rock hartbr, ' New I i.ra. For arrearage due for materun . " ... . . , ii - ----- ..u. j.i ia in. anrii ii uunai i mi uui i uch.si tu . . . New York, .eyen hundred two dol sr.. ' i-y. Hilar VhUIVI f -m- For carrying on tha work or the Ueia wortof the Dela- hurhf ed and eight J " ." ' ware breakwater, two IIIUUHUU UVII." , Approved, March, 3. 1S3 --- . . m . t I. . A . 1 . AN ACT rraotings quaely.or tandto tn i T Arkaaaasstr the erection ot kJldinc.lus.srfaayarM Territory: - nouseQf Representatices ... . . if America in Con-U.Z i a-M-a. nttmhlM ri nuL inc J-iCEiJUaVi jrreM assembled, TtnU the Legisia- vit' v . . . Tan kiLoa uaiivnrivw, w w...k ..ihnrirrd tn aeleol. or hey are hereby """J '01.i,e.7J' "UM 10 T ,"XL i.2,ff ha Tei unappropriated fUc lands ta the Jerri .,., ..-tifti. which is hereov eraotea ji- Terrjwry) for , he purpo,e of rais fuod ,be erection or a public , Rockt ,he s0at of Gov r'v'T- . m L j ilature otsaiq 1 frriiorj oe, anu 1 hev are lereby authorixed to luopt suco m..;ireifor the aale of aaid tract of land, measures lor aaia wi k.vv. .M-.k.Mr.-.iw-lv-ilnia-Afv'l I UI IB 1 1 V avaaa - . h . ,, deero exnedieoU 1 . :' ' 1 ...;k 1 na upon im pieacuiauuii -"v.. wvw.. 1 . r .T . -.,1 . k. 1 roBLic o. 41, - 1 . - . , n. .'4 ,.. htl the .svn.,v" 'e ".r "jj . ,T; a. c a . . i ir a.a. r aia.l. liiv v u aw 1 w - - . v- . . ., - . ., . ... t.i - : Me quarterly out ol any monf urine Trcaaurv, h otherwltt atspiof ta'cd. I 1 .1 . lull ' I Af)MOa wan ir'iojii f Villi HIT Ludiohs ease qf ,WWuy.A 1 1 . 7 few dayt'B0 lUfjr couimit- ud whieS cauied fercataugU the iraaitotn h rundercd. A tfentri appircl paty of inUiUdcnt ihotWdlK t0A-b$ ot foVMrticaiarlY W p-K ol WelUog. lor, ti Hitler i aitidttrtii cuauo erbut the maiter ! ihe ibop t laal ficd "him tv'uh great exactoeii. huVthe prK 11 "id bf, aumping Uli biVrltht'Wt to faiuo himaell Bmoveable ia khf ttw purcbaie, Ik. Knl.,l 11. 1 T I 1.1 ' k.wi,i r (timer a violent blow in the face, knocked bun fiat, and theb ran off. Tne ibiulicd jScrson leaped up,' with the lood aucamiog from bit noae,, and crnog oui "anere ia uie villain who aaaulted me? ran out at fuU ipeedtocauhthe aggrcasor. , wonder." aiid the owner of the ihop. 11 will tbegentlcman catch , that 'ere raical w bit bim ao sharp.-1 a am afraid tie boot will cr-rop bim t I pity If ihe fellow 'eacapei. Catch bim!"tMid the ihopman, looking at the old pair of mudpluogen which the I'm a a . B m a. vicrnixer . leu. oenioa, y ru.oe Lt...:f ik.u 'ant Kntk in It ftmt n. ougi. What y lata the. waster, "dj you mean to lay that the tjentle mai with the bloody nose won't come tw .. i with the bloody nose won't c?m H t Tn Um iiirf I An " BnawVreil bajkP To be lure l 00, anawereu tbeahopman. '"What would he tome t'i. tn.) tii.n't hi cnt a nair of boota r hia bloody noae I ' A BonMafi-lL Page, a gallant old . . ... . l being io company with a oumoer ox young i.auica, picaeu up the glove of one of theW. which he ... .i ' .1 r.H-..iJS ... number of voung Ladtea, picked op u returned. wun ioe iuhuwidk r . . . .. . If but from Olov you take tha letter 0. Tha Cluva la love, a huh I devote to thee. ,v -. vi.k : u i nuii an cn lue auuT icu cu'- r.'.. : . " .. . j r . ffa yaf ay a iimmcu. rag, v - '". - aasBaswasswaaas k - - . .1 a weatera .itoriaioaa ine p s a w...... r:n. ihmt. Ilut mrllmt rinvfi M I , .- several church bella at w arasw, lur mt purpoae niniOTneawar-wo ami iw nmrvw pm.w. .. . ,.. ,L. .t.,i m , mM k. iwaA5-T im mm " rj.. t..Zi Wssmaaaja) WW"' ir.VirVirH'r trim from correspondent in Pitt county, that Mr. p.j who resides on Clay T. : .k.t' rmmiv hi, made, thia . A C 1 It. B4Lr 14k I w I - IUUI III ,..wi f - " J aeason, from two bushels of seed wheat one hundred bushels of clean grain, ILUUI III .II.. .-wi . - " J . . . . . Kni,nj k, s,..- Pl,lti aivn wrauu" , - about IS yeara.and had never been manured. - In : the pea ' roprhe tue JlthB cot ' .ulkt which crew on a .i ..u..J .u.- . ... i lauu. auu wii im vuiiitim ... . mil When the wheat was mnrr wii iiiita - ... . " i. " a fluke plough between each row which waJ all the cultivation it receiv. . . . !lLoil!!l tie profitable Jihao is tzrrxTiriKn wneai ia mum ihui ewtngit broadcast. T, Hobb. d a, fricna r uiVm Avaa remarkable - lor - nil nuec 1 " - -1 r - . t ' x.- . u 1 aery win..-.- - Must 1een taken off. t WeU-JTi.m2LAald he 01 the VrhH . 1 v hv. " ."V . , .... m . no. a 0i l, suu am, wiieis a rrt:- W. k,. ni.a..,ra i.o'.r. fmm ih- he.t aiithnritv. that a a -. 1 t a f . a mi as aa a- a rkn bm.b m 11111 a mr 11- raw iiii a a at. la. 1 ttoneerine campaiK". nu "uuumm I- i:-t-:.-. 1 Stqhtn (lirara.U apprsn by an article in the Transcript, that thit getitlcmu, at tiic rally known for V.ia extensive butce in the city of rhiUJtljhia,d aa'getKfaUy ici pectfd and eBtcemrd It-r. h good quaiitie of heart, ii-ae, from llisjr rum blcst.condition tn lie to bis jirterrt immense wealth and almost unb u"i?d usefulness, solely by his own indit U baf ckcriibBi,' UQaidccf 'i'd fciicheir.' , in bta proreaa by lheasiiitnce or- ; cotiotcnancepLaDyJndiridual. At-i tha pearrlcrht-veari be waa thrown uiwo -the. World and bia.owo native : reioarcci, ind ironj the trtnirg m$ get of tbrrtoffJe1faf edihenpenei of learning to read and write, and t -ted himself for the great buaioeil which be ha for a long time Carried on, without seraing.any counting houie appreniicef bip, or. recelviog any iniirocuoo in that lino save that be , gave bimielf. .' . ' Buch.cxamplea ire bigM wonby of imiution and, the knowledge of,. them i at all timei vaia.bie 10 ine , orlcf. Manv a lad. bf the perusal of the hiitory of uch a . man aa tba , . m a w Great rhiladclpbta Banker, ana toucn cd by the spirit cf 'emulation may adopt in cirly jife.aoa purue;to jt comsom nation, airailar course of conduct, - and -become uacful to bio ' aelf and to the wotW. ' - 'f " .n . Liverpool and Mapehttfer RaiU way Company A lite Liverpool .rv.. v' t4 The' inarjortance of 1.." . .1. . this company 10 me gcocr.i www of the community beeomee every day . more apparent. In the beat period I more apparent. Jr Lf r."i"r.fTl f Iten ol tne coscn ijikw w uu.ttnuv.i,, yjo or 800 pasaengeran day was the mnit that could oe conveyeo 10 ana fro in one day. Ia the preaent mode of conveyance oy mc whwij, iuho appeari to be nri limit tr ita pocraof .mlii.An tin rdneadav laat accommodation; .On edne.d.y la.t IVUIM. , Qono Mtaona were cor "r"" "'. . ; r .. .1 . veyrd, wb h w con.idered to be an .Ua.i incredible lact: vet tbia num - - . t her w.s exceeded yesterday, for no fewer than 2 JOO passengers, and 400 ...... ,.f 'muxU mated between both iii! - y:... 1 .. : tmwu - i. . i GEERAL BEKNARD. The I - - m - s ' . a" . 1. - v..Kinirtnn i "orrrsnonaeni oi. ins . - . . .nnV-e7?n7 journal uj "' Z I . . ... mt t i l hi, rithre in-tna rpnineer acrvice of the TJriTledSnt: ; l a--Q S prepsratory to hia return 'jo nis own il.A.mirv. avhither be consider him I LUIIII V " - - . ,elf bound bv the objigations or pitrl-. 0tiin to go." Wherever be may go,' f1-. Ttrn ird will bear with him the 1 VJ V " . ' I . f li.l. I X VJ V " . - esteem and respect of all w andean appreciate him. no auuw tj MRKET.-Uutrt (ton c f if ed r the MflJW NeB I VW" .ww-- - - - " . I w kjTeprcsen fihe-Ts--cropTfr-iha-- I ....ah .. nniiiMi!!i' mntl It prcacuv iiaiuu . ia estimated thit the quantity which will be ahippfd to the -United Statea. during the entire seawon rf 1831, will nnt exceed 50. 000 or 60. 000 chest?, including all kinds both of Green, and Black Teas. The average imports- liooafor the Just eight yeariaayirom ,823 t0 ,8JOf naVe been 113, 574 ,,, in .dduion ,o ,ho ..ready lorvnrkiit4red..have hecn admittedto the 7 ' V , o . . prakin.-i , Superior Courts Richard Evans, of P:t afl ITnrg T. fl!jrk. of ITvdey Patandlllenry I. Cljrk-oi-lIydgi; In the Conutv Courts Rtnjamin' R, Hines, of Edgecomb ; and Asa Biggs, of Martin. , .. StaT,Z:. Itlavtl, orucra nave uccuia&ucu uy inc Seretarv of the ftavv. for nart of our m-wr- . i w 1 T.r'. ... 'i.it . .U'J.. :.:.-.k. T ,f CO IllUld - OVJUIUI lMW , Mlk .HV ! in cinsl Ports in that Uland : and similar orders have been given in respect to 1 . . . , n ... " .l. u. jl 1 iha aa-anv 1 nui ri ir 1 11 imp 111 aim . arm ' w 1 iv aaa"w b-w - - - t-- X' " ;7"- . "' V. A..'"- Ji r1-- iiV!

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