- Kft, luvo the irrii!. '! I!li!fl rr-norvt, 1 ho o of i.if 'ju!iiy t l,,o . 1-irn tot i'K1.li.tIn i 00 t,wmi VOL. XH. I' Il U fwn ; lu ahutnu from !a-,, which, 1, , f fiiij no response in the heart of citlicn, aad v.!.'.-. tjif dally sn ta graltlng Ui t,ti eotitcience. ,r7lT.. -U.rt- i .! ?." " ,7 r J" ,,, i,,,,., ,,,. . 4.lrO." 235 Cuth3rttff. l IU.T ' m : v ' ' Jontrren ftht ViuiiJ Htutei, rcnue o. 44. . . r-r maV'in? appropriation for the support f (i iv-rnmeot forth yvr one thousand ti,;'.t hundred ana winy one. .:rc. 1. Ik it enacted by the Sen A and If ousa of Renrtientotirrg of ,i e UnitcL Mares oj imcnca in Lion ',rr!( nsfemlh'd, Thu the following V,T,.be tHiltheniM tre hereby, nprtmri to I r'1 out of unPPropritecl mwejr in too i rewarj, r r iv nl nuJeiC of mjrberi of Cot. , m klr(Ce three Urt tn.1 Men 5 ,nd nine UmM iJ i.xfy cijlit , pv f the " rVrk. of both SuJ.,, t,iHr f-r th '"nd threo .hundred .t."irji for Hil"lMT fl,c, Pfnf,nr mI " 1 . i .. .nt i-nntlnrpnt tTncniff nf tli nihrr m. pcnsalitfi o the gulieitorof tha Tremry,t!ir4 inouuiMi iimiiiu uumnj ur compeiita liin in the fhrk And meiengr ia the of tit Ktiliiitw of tm Trenail'. tMet th;u..iuJ t th Se('ffy4',4ii tWlMMcri f thtbtiikiui; fit'i!,tebudr(ij mi fifty AU lr$ lor thJ tXi-irict ftfchu-.ftry, Jidnrtfiy, tmUH other inridruul 4nd con(iiiicnt eipen- IrluriQq MVCl &mwN 01 tn Trp(iry Uc prtmptit, the fullotnf everel ium, far u.e tilTF.o ur t!l 1 rtMury, including iilver ttiinh ami extra Cd'lyinr, five th;uand dulUm fur the; oflke cf the I'mt Comptroller, one '.hounnd cviilaf) Fur tin ollie nf the Second CinptroPer, one thouiand di)l!sri for the of fico of the KiTut Auditor, tight hundred dot. U't t for the 0T1 e of the Second Auditor, elzht 1 liu'ddfed dult; ij furlt offifce of the Tliird i AuiUlUJoiie'lholilaiurJiirari V :fdr tbt'tiSlcd ef theTtftJfttf AnSime, cwrthotiiind fire handrcd" dolUrti forthe ofnee of tn m Auditor, one thom d dolltn r fur th ofRce of the Treasurer of (l.e Umitd Italee, teren bumtred dollars) for the ofRtfo of the itegieter of the Trearurr. three thouund diMlarii for the (nice of the Cimmiftsloner of the Ueneral Land office, in. and i'x nJrei a't'l . .i i i i i . I..,- fie dilUi f'M,i'r)f, faeH prlnlinf !!Td .11 other inciden'al and cmUnjent expense riK II .uw of Itepreaenfaiim, one Lundral "f ,h"' 11 . The aaid to umtlaat named ti"uaa;- ' pmfwtf the ordinary r ulary of tiie rnnc.pai wai7 4'n.t thoiiund three bnmlred dHrt for A t mxnetm of the Library, and py of tr-nenrer, f 'Rht huiidred dollar Tor the J.if- he orbimKa tonne Mrrf ..8... liiounml d-illara. fur compeniitlon to the Preii dent and Wee P.'c'.drnt of the United Statei, he Secretary of State, the Secretary of the 7rurf . the Secretary of War, the Secretary ,f tli- Strv. and the Praai' er General, ..rty houund dJiarij forClerka anl afeinferi in the offlM of tLa Secretary of State, nineteen island f , urban lred dollar. j for cWki, ma rhinif. and mwnrer, in the Patent Ofli, five thoMn lf...ir bamLed dollan ; for inc.-lenta nd eontinrni txpttt of .he nparUaeni r . ..i...l.n tko nmnlinv n.l nacknff U Wtentv thnmund d'UMi f .r cotpi!ins, pri?'inf.M'biMlins tie binnU reglj-er U he thirtieth Reptcn.bcr. one tb.mnr.d bonrlrfd and thirty ne, in pursuance or thr KMlntioi of Cmercaof twenty ievenili Apr,!, 0,e tl,outnd ei(r. hundred and aateen. one Xl.nw.and dV,lar; for Morale of l ias and 1 .-u tnentv tfcre e hundred and forty d-.H, for enlinat eipen of the lUunt 0:V-. to wll .-j ... irj clerk hire. -e ...,.w.in, rf miina and binulinir lit v - " an 2 r it tne Pt-nl OfR?e, thfee -un Ired and nfv dollars t f,,r. r-neafw of the wierintenl-nt and vaeli'nn oft iph hiiidffd r . t iti.atl .T.niuv hiliiiitllff. n,t fi v ctniiarr: r wm cludicjr eomper.taiion for map required by resolution of the Senate of twenty. third of Feb. ruary. one Ihounand eiifht hundred and twenty three, nine thoiuand dollar b for compensation for eitra aid, during the year one lliouwnd eigtit hundred and tltirir, in the Uiu'mr military land scrip, patents founded oo Virginia military sur. e)s,apdfwritinand rtcordi.tg patents for luUsold, four thousand dollars i for the cfucs of Ue Solicitor of the Treasury, Including pur. chae cf la boot for that vfHce, two thousand dollar t for trantUtldus, and for transmitting aiports and sea-letters, three nunarea dollars i or statinr and Drintinr the public accounts for the vear one thousand elarht hundred and thirty one, one thousand four hundred dotlarrt for compensation of superintendent and vatcumen of the southeast cieeutive building, eight hun dred and fifty dollar j for contingent expenses of said building, Including fuel, labor, oil, ee nsirs of buildinr. engine and backets, end im provement of adjoining ground, three thousand ' lhr4e ntltsdred and fifty daflart r fbrotnpense tion to tbe clerks and messengers ia the office of the Secretary of Wsr. twenty one. thousand sis hundred and fifty dollars i for contingent cxTnsn f the ofl "oe of the Secretary of War, three tbouaiul dollars i for books, map, and plan for the War Department, one thousand dollar i for enropenwtion to the .clerks and messenger In the of!ke of the Paymaster Gen- eral, four thousand ait ounrfred aouarsi lor contingent expenses of said office, two hundred dollar i for compensation to the clerks and meaenjrer in the oTflce of the Comnvsary Cineral of Purchases, four thousand two hun. d-d dollar i for contingent exjMrne of ssid oflku eight hundred hilars i for compensation to the clerks in the office of the Adjutant Gen eral, two thoutai.d nine hundred and filly dol lar i f ir coi.ti.igeDt er.ens!iof aid oofBcs, on.i thousand d.ll.ri; for compensslicn to the r I. rks in the olli t of the tlommuwry General of iub.itence, to thouisna tune nunarea ana fifv drnrs; f r con'-.ngent etpensei of saKl office, including otpenK rf advcrtisioj, two t'rwund ! hundred ddlars, for umsHte. i,i to l!.o c!c-rk in the office of the Chief Kn gMer two thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars : fbrenntiftsf-n espenses of said ofdee, one thousand two hundred and seventy dol larsj far drawinp itrumx.f. repa.nng intru. one thousand on- l.jndnd an.Tri. for the wrvic? of l.'.hograplr. and for mi t -riils and repairs for the lithographic press, ix im.ul.-ed and tWrtv ait dollars, for arrears of t!. sam-, one hundred ana u em -oo.ia.sj the claim of Jntin warsnin. .''" . coui-iensation to the cieras in tne uninanco uou,ri ior m uis.nci huiui.i, ifth War and V b.Uinp. one hundre.l j c' J -honand nine hundred and fift) -dot. ing a code of evil and cnminalJuriip.iideriCe, a-vl thirty seven d-!lar; for contingent I espe n-, ,. t ,xpenfS of sai l office, in compliance with an act of Congress, an- w. of sai l hnil-lM.,-;, inclu line f-i -', lab..r, oil. , . , h)hn . for compensation to the proved 2Sth April, one thousand eight hundred rrnairs o' huildin'. mciaes and Uckr ta. m I j (he o(fic(J of th, gurReon General, and sixteen, one thousand eight hundr.-d and iTinrnvement r.r ground, three thousand three 'h . ,.,,4 fifty dollar , fr contingent tixteen, one thousanu dollars, for comnenaa. tun Ireland fiftv llri for c oTu.ens.t, to f -j 0fffiee,to hundreo'and twen- thn to the Attorney General of the Um'ed f,.rli-rVsa.lmMengrr i.i the Office of the " . f eomneniation to the clerk in sUte four thousand dollar ,.fnr compensation , n r-irv of the Treasury, hteen toou-ann ..i..r Lundr-d dollar, for e .mpentwioB to the F. J C .n'rolter of the Treasury, thr.? thousand fi- hundr-d dolUfi f'r rompen.aUon to the .lerk and m-nfrs in the olee of the FiM Onmptrnller. nineteen thousand one hundred ,M1m: for enmpmafnn to the S-njnd Cam:: teller of thn Treasury. thrc- tho Mnd dollar ; f ,r comnensvion tn the c!e at 1 messenger in the oTre of lh Seond Conrptwller. ten thn-mnd four h.vidred aid fifty dilla-., for ciinn-.nsati'"t ti tH- pf 'iWor of the Tree ,.v..h"ethn;itn d-dU-sfT enrrvnen. r, th rl-rks and m-si-ner i-. the :W ot l!. TFir' Auditor thir'cn thousand n-ne nmi ire.. tWhiM, for r.o it position to the swsnu m .- lor nf th ''i'ea-.Mrv, th'-e tHOUsan.i uouars ; ...r comp'nea'im V hc rVrVs an I inejsencer in the office of'th- Second '.u 'nr s.x'een 'hnus- am i Vine hundred dollar, for co.nn-nrit.on to ...i;ir nfi Treasury, tnree tnni- tin: itiii'i r in snnd dollars: for compensation to -:i , ... ;n h nfRire of the thir . i .! tinnitrri! au. fi tv tt.e e'erlf d A-d i --....... i . timti.ftnti nine huii. dollars: for comr.ens-.tinn to the F -rtVVi... ,.rr .1.,. Treaaiirv. three thousand dollsrs for CTmn-nsation to the eleTls and- meSseTHrrr tint - cr r f'lii Ponffli Aud''ort seventeen thousand seven hundred and fif.y d..Urj for romoensatinn to the Kifth Aud.tor of the Treasury, th.ee thousand d . lars; f..rc'.mn vision to 'he clerks and messenger in the offl-e , th- Vifth Auditor twelve thousand ami eight hundred dollar-:, for compensation to the Trea aurer nf.he Uifls.vl Stea, three thousand dol Ian; f.rrompMitionto the clerk? andmes. M.ngBrin the Arf of the Trensurer of the t.'..iri!TSfiie. sik thoiuand R-ven hundred and tit v dollars ?f.ir comnensntion to the Ream ofihe Treaaurr. three thousand dollars jVtor compensation to the rlerk and metsenW w the ofr.es of the Register of the Treasury twenty four thousand two hundred dol ars: tor enmnnsntinn to the Commusioner of he uen-crnlT-and .IfTe. three thousand dollars . tor . nmpensation to the clerks and messenger! i .n th. office of tbe Commissioner of the Genera, tand Office, twenty thouiand five hundred do. lrsin.l fortemnorary clerks, to enable tne rnmm;S.iooer to brmg up the business ofni ofBfte, hvr thousand dollars j for tho commit lion of five , vears full pay to Mountjoy DaUy. the office of th" Quarter Master uenera ,wo thousand w hundred and fifty dollars, for rrtntincent expenses of said office, six hundred dollarst for the salary o ins and wachmen of the northwest executive buildinc, eight hundred and fifty dollars i for contingent expenses of said building, including fuel, labor, oil, repairs of building, and enginea, and improvement of joining ground, three thousand three hundred and fifty dujlar; for compensation to the clerks and messengers in the office of the Secretary of Jf lc thousand two hundred and JJX thS contingent cxnenses ofssKl offitfe, three thou ..nd dollars; for compensation to the Commis ionersof'ht Navy Board, ten thousand tVe hundred dollars! for co.npensa'ion to the Sec retary of the Committioners of the Navy BoH. ,wo thousand d-.ll.rs , for co ronensa-ion to the elerks, dr-ftsman, and meSenSer, n the uffiae r'.... V.,vi-.r.f.f.ra of t!ie Navy Bo'lHl, eiL'tlt the office ol tne lyoij. Board, one t.iausaud .,t Imnd'cd dollars i for the suaw or ne -f-....f,n4nUiit XTI is , slcnmen. ciruv ..' oi saiu and If, Cfierftt lliiuunl elifl.t fiunl niiiil d-ilUis. eight cents, fore. new'Poal OUlce building, four I eighty fmr dollars, three cent, f r c-Mnneu-a torn frt tint Smeybf Guncrat Li ) . tn!.an . ami MhWLfati.twnlhiMisKiul pthSMiuu itf Hie tlerk in tho ulll jn-nf ani bor veyor, to thousanl ono ImnKed dolLrsi f.r coinpensatioii to tbe Surveyor A'uuthof Teunrs et, two thoustnd il'ilUrt , for co.iiftistiou to tne clerks in inn onlce ol said surveyor, incitl di.'tg two tiuudred dollars id arrears, one thou sand tilne hilnJce I d .liars, fir comneitsailou to) the Purveyor in lllinoi, Mii.uri. and Ar klusi, two thoditud dollars i for roitifuiloii to clurk in the ofl.ee of s.d Surveyor, two thousand dollars i for compcnsatioK to thu 8 ir. vcver in Alabama, two thousand dollar, fir co-npersjtton to tiers -in the ornee f d -9iirsMrt wMPtlimiia'ti flirrtniiA'Mffll tot compenmon lotne BurvcyirrTfr r wwia. two thousand doCars, for eompensatiot to the clerks in the ofBce or (aid Surveyor, tw tliou- sand ibllars i for comnetmliofl tuthroommis inner of the public building in WatViflgtoo City, two I houund dollar, for enmpcasation to the efTieersand cKrk of the Uint, mad thou. sand six hundred dollars ( for compensation to assistsotxin tbe several departments nfths'Mlnf, including extra elerk hire sn-l-labour, four leen thousand six hundred dollar f for tocid. ental a-vl continzent expenses' and repairs Cost of machinery, lor allowance for wastage ia gold and silver coinage, of the Mint, thirteen thou. andfiv! hundred and ninetv dollars i for eoroi ensJtidi to the Co'e'rnor, Judes, and Senre- taijr of tbe Michigan Territory, seven t houund eight hi.wsasaiUollars j for eontingent expensee oftheMichiean Territory, three hundred and fifty dollars i for compensation and mileage of the members of the Ug'tidaUve Coined, pay of the offl:ers of the Council, fuel, stationary, and Printing, and repairs of rhe legislative lull, In eluding arrrearsses, titfht tbouaod two hun- area ana ninety. For compensalinn to the Goitrnor, JudgeSj and Secretayy ofJhe Arkanta Territory, iilu ding additions clompensation tti each Judge, r. tnlrtietn June, one- inousasa eij.'oi un dM(t"si thirty-tine; nine-thnhsand-fottr- horn dred dollars i for uav and milMIS of the hrc islative Council of Territory, five thousand four hundred end ten dollar , for dontingent expen se of the . Arkansas Territort. thrco liuodrtd snd fifty dollars , for incidental expenses of the Legialature of Arkansas, by act of twe.ity fourth Mar. one thousand ekrht hundred and twenty eight, seven hundred and twegty dol- ars t forcomnei.sation to the unvernnr, judges, and Secretary of the Florida (Territory, Inclu ding additional compensation; for the fudges for extra duty under roe acior iwemy uuru Mry, one thousand eight hundred and twenty eight, ufieen thmuana three nunarea ana lor tv.nin9 dollars i for iontlnseist etnenseS of the Tlorida Territory, three hundred and fifty doL lars, for compensation and mileage of me membera pf the Legialativo Cauncil of Florida, pay of officers and servants of the Council, fuel, staticnary, printing, and distribution of the lawi, including two hundred and fiMtr-eight dollar, for arrears, seit thousand sit huedrcd and forty 'dollars, for compensation to tbe Chief Jdtke. the aiSJKlate Judges, ancl district judires of tbe United States, including arresr- ags anwng irom. mcreaea sanc ui ccrin district Judges aindcHlie act ..- May-twenty ninth, one tbansand eight basdred and thirty, eighty seven thousand seven hundred and twenty dollars, eighteen cents for the salaries ofjQjLiCJuatice and associate Judges of the District orColumrBofTtt Orphana Court of th? said district, nine thou sand five hundred dollars , for compensation to William Cranrh. Chief Justice of the Circuit t'rlrf ' -rnrf,ind.-r fr s't s-.ip; ' -nentar i . . ...... . s . tiuir the I" ",n ' u trovi t. Tg r.r arniemni oi private tana claims n i mrua, i;vfm""f tliir.l of My, one thnu .and eight ! '. Ircd aul t i rii'y.!:''", li!nd: nl t , i-'uht wtnl , i ' ' - ' 'I'd eVL'IVjT-f''-V.V, a.ne o'lyc'a, f.ir Ui "tiiii J pavrtjuM to j 'k-rici,'l'or iatu. f.r the Capitt.l. four" thou- snd dollars for alteration and l.tproemen'j in the exer utive buildup, and painting the same, six th- isand five hundred dollars for surveyii the pubhe ,lalds, Incladmjf .the amount of arrearages da for the last year, one hundred an.l llfirtv tt.oma'.d do.iars i i.r me salarfts of the Witts'eN of the UniU'd States to Uwat llritain.' France. fliai).'KUftie, the Pfeth- erlan.ls. and Coliimhia, fifty four tl.oJSJml dol. LLeai, iVir tht-tAAttui the, 8ecc' -tries" wfT-tfrs 4 ii-TN' ttie'tarsewS4 iutk-! su-tra to I'pnugal, Denmark, Sweden, Hraad, Iluenos Ayre, Cnili, Peru, Mexlee, an-l UuilemeU, forty thousand five hundred doIJani for outfit the present Mivste'r to Uussia, uin9 tbtmsand (lL,'.:rii f(lr fuiifitiof the Chai re del Affaires at Peru, Chili, Urss'd, and Guatemala, cighfeon th'Miiand d-d ri for the eutht and a;ry oi a aureed' A fT.dr'es. fjr the salary of a IJ.-sg man at ConMtfStinopl i and for tbe contingent expenses of the Lejfati'it., thirty sit th'Hisand five hur.dred dollai to sriti For toe wjtfit of a Charg d' AfTaire s, four thousand fire hundred dollars: for salary of a Charge d' Affaires, four thousand five hundred dollars i lor wtary w a Hrdpoman two lliouund Are hundred dollsrs i fo the eontinjrertt expenses of tbe igansm, twenty live thousand dollars for tbe owt.n gJtatvrXpssMas of loreig intercourse i In sdill ti'n to the sum of twenty five thousand dollars lierflnafti.e annronriated. the Sum of fifteen thousand dollar i for. cootingeiit expenses .of all tin. miaaiona abroad, twenty thoutmia dot- l.r . f ir th lakriet of the spen's for elsims at London and P-ria, four thousar d dollats t for Hie expenses of intercourse rUh the Barbary powers, thlrtt- thousand dollars lor me rci.e. ana protection of American seamen, in lorciR" cour.lrie. twenty thousand dollars for .the CouiugenL.expeMtl - offoreign JtCiCourse, twenty five thoutand dollars J for carrying into efTtmrthe act of May twenty ninth, on rhofl wnd eight hundred and thirty, lor die settle-nrii-nt nf the accounts of certain diplomatic functionaries, icn thousand five twudnd dot larat f..r th Davuient f claim for property loaf, captured or destroyed, by the enemy, th balance of the appropriation made by tbe set of third March, one thousnd eight hundred and twenty five, heretofore Carried to the surplus fund, thirty two thousand seventy three dollars and eighty eor.ts'i for the compensation due to James Parker for investigating the account of Robert ArnolJ, late Collector of Ainooy, two hundred and Ibirty nine dollars and sixty four cent, for-tne designating ant tnarxins: tne boundary fine between the State cf Lnuuiana and the district of Arkansas, three thousand dollars the name to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of Stale i for prepar Inr a revision of the former estimate of the population K me uimea aiaiea, ubc iuvumwi dollars. K w A. STEPHENSON, Sietkerof the House of Reprercntatives. J. C. CALHOUN, - Yke Prerident of. the United States and President tf tbe Senate. Approved-March 2,1831. ANDRKYV JACKSON. A nevygp,ptr'u Li!l tin(n a variety if illnjr t?ic ' (t!l'.-rr' . - t -1 ;ir.' V'.i" i .t O.ciit I'ulilU fC heti table-. o Imost every ii!:t.' who prefer, thtm, rare tlonr-, ch ihoae from Ttincc, , HiciW"i VjllilF.TY' hausand f-'"r ro!i-;-i.e it expen-sf-i afioner oi i - enr building, and the wS fiftv dj'ilars; hui ree tnr 5ontinceni expensci inp, fuel, repairs of building, eng.nes, . ' .' r ' ,a fSwc thousand th ' . .i . .ftK Pmtm clerks and measengers in me - ma " General, forty one thousand . .nt bnj dred dollar.; for contingent expen ,.ea of sd nfTrfee seven thousand fire hundred dollars! tor Sintendenc - of the buildings, bf J blanks, and W'SK one laborer, sixteen hundred snd jjjjj r.eVGTnr nS eiirht hundred and twenty eight, to -he Snf K il one thoussnd eight hundred and seventy e ao-" tr.cl foiir thousand one hundred and .i?. .wantv aeven cents t for compensation to uw rjeparttnent since employed in the Port OflU . t hun. .he first rtay o. ,rv. "-"r.- De. IU HI- ,! Hred and twenty ni terctcr, one thou?o ,ei ght bnnJrd and thir- to the clerk in the office of tin; A;trney Gen eral, eight hundred dolln s, for contingencies to the office of the Attorney General, five hun, dred dollars i for a messenger in said office, five hundred dollars , for the purchase of books for office of Attorney General, five hundred dollars ; for defraying the expenses already in cursed in fitting up the office of the Attorney General, seven hundred and tnirty three dol lars , for compensation to the Reporter of the decisions of the Supreme Court, one thoutand dollars ; for compensation to the, District At torneys a id Marshals, as granted by W,- tnciu ding lhoe in the aeveral Territor'iea, eleven thousand three hundred dollars i for defraying the expenses of the Supreme, Circuit, and Dia trict Courts of the United State, inclu li. the District of Columbia, and. for juror, and wit-rj:-8?s. in aid of the fund arising from fine, 52.nl ie?, and forfeitures, incurred in the yenr eighteen hundred and thirty one, and preceding rrsri: and. likewise, for defravinsr the expen- setofsuHs.ii which the Uo'.tH States are con cerned, and of prosecutions for offences com mittpd acainat the United State, and for the f treenin? ef nrisouers. one hondredsnd Trtnfftvlhmmnd-dollarr-roihe-Haymei sundry pensions granted by the late anq pre sent Governments. one thousand Seven hundred and fifty dollars i for the support snd mainten ance of light hbuses, floating lights, beacons, buovs, and atakiores including the purchase of oil, keepers' salaries, repairs and improve ments, and contingent expense, one hundred and ninety three thousand one hundred and fifty six dollars i Tor nuiiaing iigw-nousca n Little Watt's island, Maryland i on Clay island, Maryland , at the entrance ot itoanoxe aouno, in North Carolina j at or near Choctaw foint, in Alabama ; and near 5t. iwaras naroor, in Florida, twenty nine thousand eight hundred dollars, being the amount of balances of money heretofore appropriated to the said objects. which said several balances are nereoy reap A to the several objects specifically t for the salaries of Registers and Ueceivers of Land Officers where there are no aatea, two thousand dollars i for the salaries of two keep n. nf the miblic archives iti Florida, one thou- ..... ,tn!lM for stationary and books for the . -1 - - ... u...t.J office cfCqmmHsioners oi i-oana, hvc ..u..u.. . . . . . ., r ... .it - ..;...( rniins'l end' tO.O 'D ta?.t 1'- aoliarsj lor aiivwa iwB w ."- v , Faiil .Uurria.k melancholy instance oi a uoionunaic marriage, was tievelcpc J cn the trial of Murray, the peraon tt'ttd fof p irticipating in the bank robbery. A mat interesting looking female, aged ab ut 18 years, possessing a finely formed counten ance, clear complexion, a. vie Drown hair, and in a very dtlicate situation, was exarairted as a witness. It seems the young lady resided with her mo ther, who keeps a respectable tavern and boarding home in Philadelphia, Some time last winter a young fellow named Simpion, commenced vUiting, and subsequently board Wig,at her moth er's house, and there insinuated him self into the girl's affections At the same time, Murray was "accustometl to visit Simpson, and as the two per sons appeared to have a gceat plenty of money, the young woman imagin ing that her visions of happiness would aU'be realized, consented to a, private marriage, and an elopement to this city in January, where she was placed in Murray's) house, and soon became acauainted. through her husband and 1 "r Ufiimv. with Smith's family. lathe l ' '- " f.nV. Tk--c is venison, Catigrcs newt it utuud metis Uisayshumoroui, prct.ii t'tvt 'snoral. snd divine, are a fins boiled dish, where, .by a happy tt.m- A . f . ' 1" a I. . a. . Mf lnA mfJst j, . tA ..i.i ill , n . news is a glass of grog at eleven J'u-' etry is custaid. Marrtes are. sweet meats. Bllad sndlve ditties, plum pudding, 'I Anecdotes, V C jCUudrums, and epigrams, art spice ana musiara. Sometimes here'tomea along print er's dun that is sour crust or cran berry taft. . A Mew Coat. Give mi a new'eoat says an old proverb, and I will 'give you a friend for each of its stitches. Ho gre at ia thai ttrfurrtf tJa. lreS,hftsi j with tfie larger portion of ni4nkinU, .l.. '..u . -ur mit on. shall be1. llll one WM " w recornised by maoy of his acou-iotao. ces, who would not deign to aiknowl- edge him in n old one In Pope time, worth made the ,rno in ouf Jay it is the tailor that makes him. A spend-thrift with not k'cent in hit pocketr-bui with. a. dasby Jrcsi, : itt . pajs for ainan of ionscquepceawnlfsj the economical rich man, with a thread bare coat, will be hustled among this crowd as an useless piece of furniture. month of February Simpson was ar- rested, convicted of picking a gentle man's pocket, and sfcnt to the State Prison. . Thus has this interesting young wo man, by a precitiiate marriage .had her prospects of happiness destroyed, herself thrown into an association with cfepraved characters, and united in marriage with the inmate of a state prison.- Courier $ Enquirer, A Good Customer. u stated in a paper printed down east,' that a Mr. Salathiel ,-Nickerson, of Barnsta ble, has had H children married by one clergyman, and has one more who tr.e minister iroinncr is soon to give One effod turn deserves another.'- tlevnolds. the dramatist, when about to appear in the character' of a novel st, was complaining to a friend of thr many difficulties he encountered ia Ms new undertaking j the latter repfid-- Think, when the work If over, ei tne nleasure of correcting tne prtss. fAyV rrjoinod Fred. Reynolds.-. and when that wora is over, u.iu . thercw having -the pleasure of cor recting me. ' rSTTf " r--" - r- Memorable saying cf KoKiu&o 4 When this brave Pole arrived as Cracow, where the revolution com menced, he made, to the little bm! f patriots undr his cpmmanq, mv ulTolyTngniTrrTitr 'We are not stroog enough in nurn' . ' 1. .. ... m are n icrs to ne vietoriou, um - ugh to die with honor in delcnding ,ur counuy. . Dr. Goldsmith having been rrquei trd by a woman to visit her husband , vho was melancholy, called upon t. ho patient and toldjhim he would send nim some pills which be had no di-ubt would prove efficacious, rile imme- diatelv went home, put ten guinea rkln hnx and sent them to sick man. The, remedy had the Ue aired effect. .X ' . '. th'f A man who gives his children a habit of industry .provides for thw ; better than by giving them a stock ot money. Of all wild beasts the most danger ous i3 a slanderer t Of all tame ones a flatterer. An Irish answer. "H re at a late assizes m - - sir," replied Pat I believe I am prct , t.Mr owld as ever I'll be, and tt tv near as owiu ffood truth he was the hemp the day after for he streached A gentleman once said he hould like to see a boat full oi ladies adrift on the ocean, to j ' would steer. ..AWy;m the w replied.- -"that's easily told the v sure." . ' ; . What will you be helped to sir V said a laridlady at a country tavern, with nothing on the table but muv and m'd