f . "I - v y V I I, . ", ' " !, Wli.i..,, l:.rfr ie t'lJ guild il tl.ril.at.ItC, l.V l!.C rn.t.!iK 1 ' c "c,r llioc.iuf.i, and r.pen.I.jr pccii ia u!t;..K lw, or, cor,;,,,. Lit U will Lo traded iihl".u!c icmor. The u r w4 rmrmnmmnom.imn lmm.miA r r.ii.r.r i tk r.H. J .' fpialily HI, f Irrigation 7, I'kttnuirf, J HAMiilUJUV, HUWAN COUNTY, N. lC.;.....MOXI,AY, KI'JT. 20, to.il." VOL. MI..... Mi. no & . i i. ... i . iU '. I r li l f I If Ml !7,.h.i,i tu Ik. mmh ..fi. li4 ' .. .11 MtH-4 , r Ik! riin.Iri. hc addition-,! b.uldinjri.f .,, jJ3 pnif,. r, 'fl.:e uml Patent Oflie t.. all.iwanre I ,r '",r !' .,rfH nd pli-r, ,t,.l berenittr rturiiin; w,, bit riii f la boston', eleven Iiuii dud dollars. , AprteJ March 2, 1831. I J' 4 M - roauc -no. 37, AN ACT to niiti ru the Territory of nrlU to rpn r . ( ihrunh ho Subtle limit be twrtn C!iip.,l4 Rivtr mtJSitint Anrfri1! i:V Jr.c. t. He it enacted b'j the Srn, ate awl J louse of lintmcvtntint t( '- tii-t nuuis uj timericttn tort- rm assembled, Tnat the Territory ufTuMvU bf,.(J iihrrebr utboricl (9 ur. ..hi intra, i innjn me public Undur(ir limed 8tte, the tnvt of a cm!, hv which to eonnfct the vit:on of th iiv-r Cliinnl. ..,! ... trtf iV - - I--i ' - t. 1 -T I l.la J .k. .L L . j jr ii .. . .r.L - i' i iik. t . i ., . ian rn(l, in the Slate of Indiana. I goiied hv them, lor a canal, and for no other Src. 1. " lie il tnnrtrd hu thr Rrn. nurpoftwhalever. cte. and House of Representative of firc- 2 And be il further enacted the United States of America in Con- V" "c, ",u ZTrT't . iw.tiMiwvtm, I"" cic-iiuiis rurniihliie uomtniifconer 01 Hie Gtiieral Laod nf.J locaiiuui heretofore vntde n the Sta'e of Ofncc a map thereof, within two ytt't from InJmiu, of the Michigan road land, an far a ami after the date of ihfa act or if the aaid ca- thcy mav remain untold, be, and (he aame are I nil Ur not completed auLably fi,r nanaton hreebv, ran cuoneu ana eoiflimeai and. man with in .r ihereaner, or if bid land here ,,rr public Undain Indiana, in lied of I hole al-1 j fj,at1 erer ,e ,0 be u,1 00 raiiy .r,.v u. .... Mmf ...,,,. of COni!""i"K i.i.irny in "i;nai feieniona anj Incalinni I wrr mailei Prov.ded, ll.at no arlciioni or ,tj .i.. . . i . .faMd ihtll be foul Uatimiert'll hereafter be m.,1; fft, ,K nu. L-.l .J -rr... .:A.,. That noth.nr in ,, afnrtW1, until (hf emh,-:,- f ,M .... i .u-n be done in pur. ol Imlana 'n ran.. tft, mi.i4 , .pne ., .1... ,i.m,,t ia imftlv any th a,.d r.i "ir ' e .imit rnt.rr i.r,. I nnrrmriafr iwn to d frav ihe etnenae of Src 1- tr"'l'ljrihfrfnnetert, I V l.vinr f r,niiV aaid canal i Jlmltv(lfi , 11 e ran.l "i ' -fawf-iwlif ant I ww. That ihe aaid f anal wIim rnmnlefedb WinethUbedii1v notifi.1. br he S'a- a'l- M TprrJo-i-. nrSyan inrwn'n! mpi. ihoritr, of tb eWciwa mad ii tirtut-flflbiri J "jrjwdeflbejmthiiHfT f th um, !itll be and act ; after wbich, no W Vfnf a -a' h mad-. I "ee rr remain, a rnihlirt h'.fhw.r f m fh nan of A .STKPnr-'r. I .ove rnnvn nrtht'tWod iHte..ornr Speaker of the lloiiae nf !tenre.enat;ve I anna in their ae-rW on p.i'.lic bumena pusinr j. i: , i,hj , i '".an ne pa". - - Vice rreMe f V"i'l Utate and pc, B , y f..-:.-" ; - PraUUrt of the Ret.. lTIate.u- A l. vuul Approred MtrirTrTrw- lt-Wf-inittiatt h and Ihe am1r n I -rrpov. ref-re.1 from aate nn 1e dlrec-i"" I '! that - rrnne fo. 55 i """Tnment or uie vm'ed srr'e. iinini AN ACT to e,tendhe.e. billed " r I id Terri.oer. or r,ffln,., inenenoravd Sr f.r ther.nhereitend.n.r.he per, " 'hem. are herehv aothnri.-t ia & I - ah. iiliK. lyiAitltf .M I a. . . ' T ran. u'i'n-r i ----.-. i ,ni . ... ' -t. i .UL. L...J.-4 ...I . . " ""'- nrrri-KT miiiun ciav ni Mir, one nirii' ii-i.,-ru mm- i inir't,)p. lwnv.fiil. an t r "'bee rnmo vinriruui wi'D in-ir ear.rora a' lha cmiopi .. in me cr of New Orleana. and iVpart HN.irr irte ainie rulra, and reffutatlnnii. and e irl'ii.... ... t 1 ..,,w...., nnuin rrrry reiprtt i t 'he nwt maniier, mvckHi clearing out and drnar'ing r . in tn p .rn ae pt,re, frorn (J eily - ..-w i-rea-n by the vav i.f t fiiwippi ami pood tr-r'Tird into Ihe United M m and rtportedffdn raid port'- ahall bf em,'Ud to ihe brnrfii of a draWt oft'ie du i upiift eipurtatlon to any f..rin fort or i-i.. ururr me aatua r r jvifioni, reputation re.inc,,,,, tT i,if,,ijn4i M jf thu. aaid f Mjdi, wm. and merrhan.!;. 1.. hem . ported (!irre' from New Orb ana hy war of "ii'aiini n i r r. fC. 3 he it )urihrr tnr.rtni. That t I . , - .w. ieiatarn cur. i.i he nir f n. 'isii do a rmrt of it, verv . mt.X a ZoUijbu .d.riel iW .4 lL ..k Itthert in IU Territory of riorida, which ahall mci-iiio an inr Bnrt. h.rSora. ahnrra .ml r-irfn fif rfie main tin,TTn rwr.tr . .r ;j .i - I . ' aa. el'M( a aw wiitT laiaeaf orpnfe M mtn tberiiio. from Rainl ry a io me aonth of Saim J ihn'a iKrict. aatiil M.k . r - a it .... . ..... . ,,..r, i,i rniry atftwll 0e eai.bli.hoil at neh nmnt on the Saint JahVe Rlwr. aa 1t. Prpai. dent o av direct, ami a collector ahall be an. now, n, who ahall r vo ih. the tame dutiea, and be entitled lo the aame eorn,.nM,ionf bim1 fet M (e cu,.cl)ff Jn olher diet ncla, in Florida. KC 3. Jnd he it further Prrwnect. In Die D'.atpict f It of Maine, ahall he a port of deliervi ami that a etirveyor ahall be anooioled. who ahull raLI at that pl.ee. sc. 6. And be it further rttaciH, Tbtr he orta of Keanebnnk. In the Staie of Main. and MidJlrtown, in the State of Connectirvt. be, and ihe are herrbv..wade noria f rnirr for venela arririojr from the i;ape' of Good nope, and from placet berondtue aame. Approved March?, 1831. Tl.c f JId in Ci'fw!.:f il J.iit nf the ptni;.4 0ni;en tfib-i IJuiird Sttlca Uiivriomeni, under lh Cnnititutlon, liaa hern f Mnpil. cl from luihentlc fHirce, and ny be lntcreitin,r to nuny, ai eon renitot ilocument or reference. t. H Tflfgrofth. , - . ' . , " ' rrMnt:'',' - Oeoi go' Waliingtanl'i VIrginli) eler led 4 178 J John Adimi, Mmjcliuirtfi. i Thonui JefTcrion, of Vlrt-lnli, 1801 Jjrtifi fadiion, of Virginia, ' 1809 Jime e Monrr-e, of VjrKiiiU, ' IB 17 iohnQu'nry, Adjm.MaiiaehUHCiit, 1833 Aodrew Jj(i)n,of Tfnj-,eiec, ' V!it PrtitJentt. Tbomai i'7efftr.'acni IT ViluuVT'Sr Aron nurrTor Nr 'iptfcr- r I fl-H Oeorf i Clinton, of NeVoik, . ' I80J DtedTATint ?Orl8l3- - niltitee Oeirr, o( AlivicltJTtt, 1813 Died. Novrmber 33.I8U ' )jniel I). Tompkina. of Ne Vin k,1 8 1 1 John Calhoun, of Suuth Carolina, I C 25 Secretarici f Slate. Thomaa JrlTeraon, of Viigii.ii, appoint rd 1789 vfmonj Rindolph, of Virginia, 1794 imo'hy rirkermir. f Peniylvanii, 1 r 93 1805. 1807 . a. Src. 1. 71'' ft rntctrtt li fnp flfi fin Tto'lSP nf ftrnrrgpntatirrg f)f the Tfoitel Stiffs of t'lfrtrn in rrxs asxemMcl THv 'h net. e-n-i- tled ' tn a-t or fS f.i''h -e x'en-l'n he nn era of the Jndirea if 'he in-nnr C.vtr of ti Terrirorv of .rkan.. under he r Af tWCn'V VX'h da" of MV, 0"e thousand e..'' hundred nd t entv fo-r. an 1 f -r ntl'er pnr. f e,' apn-uved on the eleti'! Uv of Vv. on thmnan-1 ei?ht hund-ed and ihie-v be. a-.1 -wme i heivh', extended and ein!iu il i' fiiree until the eiihtb davof Mav, one hoM" ' -ibt httndred nod-tri' v-4 wo. Sic 2 And be it fwther enirfd, Th- - each of the Jndeea of th- Rnrp'i r C -n-t Teritnrr nf Arkanii h'l whiU ;n ' nln'tre nf the dutie imn"-d b- iU j". 'w lowed a the rate nfelirht hii".lre.l (t-.ttir n.r amnm, in adilition to their a.'i'y liide1'- lie Superior Court fr Ihe nid Tern tor v w1--' 'all be in futl for th' ir aervirea. tn He ri'"l "' of anv money in the Treaiurv not otherw ise " propria'ed. J nr.rr,rpd MlrrV rc. 4. .find be it further rnnrtrd a he . t T.rnfnr. or anr innrnorated ompanv under hir authori'v he. and 'hev are eh . roonen ihrmiiFh r...K; ndi of in, tJn;M .V atea. a eana' from Ma'an- ,M ,0 Hl!ft Rier. in F.aat Florida, upon th- aTie ronditio". r'ric'inn. and ligation, in 'rrV rMnt, aa ae n-enrribrd in the torero, nrovl.iona of thi -ar.f , Ind Ihe aame land a'l r.-.rvrd. in tike manner, for the ob-i-eU speifid. and f.r no other. Anp-oved. Marrh 2, 5851. rcor.ic an. 56 AN ACT making appropriation f"" the nnS lie buildinjj. and for other pirpnr. Fec. 1. Be it exacted hjf thr .9r? Ve and llmtse of ftenrrtentatircs of tht f'nifed States of America ht Con arms Assembled, That the folhwinjr sum he and the aame are hereby mineclivelv in p ropr'Hted, to be paid nut of any mnnev in 'h Treasury not o'herie appropriated, for the fiillwine nnnoaea, that i o a"v : For completiPfr the psintinir rf the Caii'ol. j three hoiiand aeven hundred anil nv iniurs For planting and improvinjr the rrnurtd with in The eiir.Uwnrt! of the OipitoJ nuaro. ior.lul. the irardtfner'a aaUrv for one thoinund eiclit hundred and tbir'y-one, and pay of lab irerr. three lhotiia"d dollar. To muke Rood the deficienrv i" "te e'.ma te of the vear one thousand eicht hundred n:l twcntv-nine.f'orfipishiop fr.te. and fence, fiv thniraml nine hundred and eighty-four dol rranc wo, 58. A?. ArT X?--'!l "f John AdTori fir a i'urth" "ird of fntrn var Sr.C. t. r,e it enacted hu the Sen- -ir nn't Jfivvr nf Prnrrsrnfatircs nf "r Vmtcfl States nf.lmmca in Con. Qress assembled. TMt there !-, ami V'rhy i. r-n'r-l i nno ,Ir,hn AdT.nn, a r'rizen of the t'nifd Stn'-. t,fn hir. a-lminia-fator. nd ijrn. fir ir rm of fourteen er fro n ih- twrflh div of D'eemher. one hnii ,-d ri 'ht hnnfti-fd an ! tbirv, the full and - vhiaivp rich' and liSprtv nf makinp-. ron'ru'-. f, liil, nl vendin(f fo n'hf-- -o he nrd. Iin-irm , ire- rullrd "rir.Tin! Prv I):rV " h 'r-rinio;i of u-'i'rti i tfii rn In a ehi!iil' , ....Tf ,n ic,,.,., r.,tpnt "Tan-1 to the nid hn twNmcon for the irne on tl. thirteo'ti iv "f Deeember. one thousand eijjht hundred nd 'x'e'-n. Aporoved, Mirh 2, 1351. roti.it auol. : : An ALT to rroeal ihe act t eitablinh the Senate satires- ' of the f farted"-Stater' tsf imenca tn Con zr ess assembled, That Ihe act rntilled An act to eaabliili the dia. Irict of niakojy apprnrrd the revfutrenth y of April, eighteen liundred and twenty-two be, and the aame i hrrebv. repealed. Approved. March 2, 1811. John Martlll.rr Virginia. . ' 1800 mica MdiaoD of irkjinia, 1801 Robert Smitbtvf M'tyLnd, 1809 ime Jtinnroe, of Viri;iuu, 1811 John Qa Mtms, of MtM.tMjsetiii 1817 Henry CUy, of Kentuc ky, Jtt25 Mirtio Van Butcn, of New York, 1829 Edward Livingtdon, of LoniMna, lOJi Jorsthiti Djytcin, of New Jrraeyi 1795 Vifih Coigret. .held at 1'i.iUfelphl.. Jouaihati l)ayiiifucf Nf Jmey, I7P7 Sixth Confirm, U ."caal'jit, at ' VutU- delphli, 3J at Waahinpton. ' H Tb-ofoic Scd(jrk, r.f Man. 1 173? brvtnth VttJrr,i, hef J at lYaeMiMrrrr. Vaihanicl Muci.n, of North Carojin, 1801 '. , FakUIi Conerrss; ' Nathaniel M on, U X ..CaMoiin. Ninth Conertsti" Nathaniel Macun.of N. equina,' .Tenth Consms. Joyfp!) D Y'ariiuin,f Mais. ' llietenlh Ovnzmt. -. Jof)h B. Yuriuru.ciM .aUkCQ'tlSQ? -TwtUlk Vunemt. - JJeniyCiljffof Kcautxty, vfisiStt- . . . . . V Utcti cntk Congress. . Irnry Cjy, of ' Kentucky, IHI3 until JaiiUafLibc. J 7i 'r , L- J. 1 81 Lji uh 'Cncvti, if Souili Carolina, br Hie Ifcki'lue ol t tic Con(;itl. Fourteenth Congress Henry Cla, ..I K'ii uiay, '. Fifteenth Congress, lltnry Cl.y, id Kcmuiky, Sutccntk Congress, Ifcnr CUy, U Kentucky, duitng Cie Aral atoaiuii ' 1 8 1 J John V. Jailor, of New York, dui log . IQe actond it "ion '8 tow tit t enth Congress. Philp I. Hiibnu , oi V-iini.iia, FJcvcuth Congrces; IfcmyCu), oiKcu.uia , Jitni tctiilh Congress. John W. T aylftr, t.1 ioik, Twentitth Congress. 8I5 1817 1821 1823 w Andrew &iti..iuii, of Vugu.ia. J 8Cf Secretartet of the Trraturu . ... .. . i Alexander Hamilton, ol New-tork, 1789 Andrew Steuiui.a.i, ol Vneir.i- . war . - . " r " UllTer- ok-ottrol -Vormecticuti 1 1 V9- Tirrntn firxt-i rmzrrrf. e n ... i . . il, . . . f " . .. " wn i a a wehcia iji ai at, fa Mr ii ii r 1 1 m. io 'i diatrict of lilakely. A fi.llatin. r.f P. on. l.oi,. IB02 !, ?' enacted bt Mc'Oeoie W. Cam jibe 1 1, ofTennesee,l8l4 and . House of RenrescnA Alex.J. Diu. of JPcmmiviiW. I8i Witrum If "Crww fot et trf OrrirgTara--117 R fifhard K utn ; ot Frnn y ama , f $ Stml. D. InKhi,m, ol Pennsylvania, 1829 Louis M-ne, of Delaware, 1&JI Saeretariri of War. Henry Knox, ol Ala.ucbuiclts, apprint 1857 fd Itaol f w Timothy Pirkerinfj, of Pennaylrania, I7V5 James M Htr.ry, of Maryland, 1795 SamUfl D-Xter. of MalSCliU.fttS 1800 Rocer Griswold, of Connecticut, 1801 rcoLio bio. 62. An ACT for the relief of certain hidden of eertifleatet iwued in lieu of landa injured bv earthquake in Mittoun. Sec. l. Be it exacted bv the Senate and House of ' Representatives of Ihe ! Henry DNirWn, .f Mjiachuseiu, )8ji United States of America in Congress i V m ' ;"ac "" 1 "" ttmL1J. Thar th n-r. f '' Arimlronr, Ol rcw-t oik, 1813 any eertificatea of new location Itaued under 1 U,I,'rn Crawford, of Gco.ris, ISIlJ . . .. .1 Cl.il . L'.. 'i! 4 ... . ...... 1 a 1 the act or aevemeenui renruay, one timunaorj j ni'i ourinr.ni y. ,uiu um "u,."!! eieht hundri'd and fifven. for the relief of per- John C Calhoun, of S. drolitu, aona wboae landa were injured by earthauakea ' J,mf , B.ibour. i.f Virginia ; in Miaaouri, which may have been located upon , i n.. . . r v.. v.'.l Unds any pan of which hu bean adjudged to!;r'cr,Y 'u"r"V'' c" ,V,R' any rierton of pemna aa a flht of premp.1 Jhn. " hatomfcl-leuMSSer, lion, ahall be authorized to locate Mich war- l-ewn v m, .on rnro, ranta, upon tuch landa M are liable fo entrV at j c-Ji'-";I' "e nrir.te ..WPrwaiuIrdL That orevioui to makinir iriru v, u,v .lavu. ..... . - " 'aai - auch new location, the leralovnere a'oreuid I Ne Tt.' n -nHn it wat not eafabhVied A teacher one djy endeavoring to make m pupii undcratand the nature "nd appiujiiiun t a pataivc verb, aaid lulum "a paiaive 11 expressive 01 me nature or tecti ing .ol an action, as 1'cier i bea cn ! now what did l'eter do .'"The nunibscull paubed a mo ment, and scratching lua head by vvwy of aiding thought, u iih llic grav est countenance imaginable, replkil, Well I don't know without he ho' lend." From the Cadiz C Ohio) Gazette. ml Blacksmith's Study. WL... would the reader say t an invitation to viit the studv of a ituirnevmnn ! blacksmith ? Indies and genurmen, 1 828 ! aIlc Ion't frightened, black- 1831 t II : i 1 lnr. I"nr For lii-htiiu- lamn 'm 11I round i'" rq-tire. I ftnd ererinj t-en'v for new 1 mi-s. one ind fivff hundred dnNV - V..y.a!r.-raiiivia!ind reiviira. five 'urn -,i tar rraire ao. 59. AfjT tn authorise the Sse nf Illinoia to auerrn'bjr a township of land rrnted to aaid K'ate for. minarv of learnirp, and to locate oher landi in lieu thereof Pf.c. t. Be it cnarfi'd bit the Scn- ht f nil IT,n rr wi'ft fffff.M r f 1 f iff c.t ''I iff I f r 1 ' , fVrZrr Stairs nf .Inter lea in Con- cress asscmhlrrl. Thru tr S'ate of ll'ioniq ,o, ,-.1 ;c hrehv, authorized to rrli 1 rjmVi to tSr t'niir-! Cfats, ton'nshirr number fil-e. .or'lr "f ni... rtriTi'ier one ivrt, aittiatp io i' roiiM' - nf I'm eir. io stiid State, hereto- fnr irrn'i' ' o th-i a:H 'at- for the Ufe nf a irr r.f '1 -i-niii". i".d t i lori'p unon, th :S!'e tiila n-i' sai't 'a'ot tho tnti" of 'hieh m'h i-'"'l o-- ln-v, ni r"i-i tnwn'iip or ahal! relinquiah to the United Stateaall claim ' un'il April 179H. b'n(r pri r lo that period a to the previous location. And provded further, 1 branth of ihe U'r Df rartirent. That auch lorationa ah.ll be made and patent. ;G,orKe Cabot, of M issachiueiu, anpnln. laiiieit therefnr iinrtr th aame reeulaMona. 1 . . 1 I 1 ..... v -- - - r 1 ie'1 and restriction, a if the locations had breo'-j . . ' e made under the provision of the aecond aec-, ""Mimm ?"n'M",.ir .'Ijryland, tionoftheaet , f the w!ny.sixth Anril, one Robert Sniiih, nfM.Mbnd, houaand eipht hundred and twenty-two, en 1 J mb 0; nwuirhi '. M:,airhii' 'Wed, "An a-t r,, p, rfVc-t certain Nations and :p, lldmitpn, nf s ..,, C,rjn.. sale of the .-:i''ie Ijind n Mta:;iin" lU'ii'S.r 1 rn 1 r, n ij a.-ji. i..t x I'tUm Jnne, of Penn.dvo!.. mat tt 11 act a:an remain 10 lor ror me erm 01 eighteen month from ihe paetage thereof. Approved, March 2, 181 1. masters; and steel wasmscd.Ur many purpuc oi utility- pftviuui-la the in.-., vemion of corsrts. In one off-ur ed itorial pcrerin;:ion, wc tuok. anme pains to cull upon a subv riiier and cor. tcspoodent, w.lv-se 7.eal in the cnusr (had procured u. ;i number nf subscri bers, and whoe pithy productions had drawn t.ic attention of tl e concTur- .. )toi ' tori of some of the fust literary peri- I ?'" ' oili..ils. On Arriving at the vilLipr f'1 n, we ii finired f r A. H.'und w;is 1798 1798, 1 Rno , . . ... n amir, u rowin.i.iriit. ' is IHU r, 1 1.1 v.,;,!,'. c"nrn inomp.nn,r h .irt, l,op, whertr I SI 8 1 .... r 1 . ... r q . c , , . y, . : rc munu nui in"11' 'u,"4-' iir-i 1 .-nii' n rr . r, i u .1 r t i. 1 7 1 Why is a surgeon going to perform an operation on a tumour, like a dan dy sallying forth from hii toilette i Because he is going to cut a swell ! To Hay .Makers. Tie wViter of this article has witnessed, with sorrow much h.iy spoiled bv what he deems John MrLenn. of O' io, mismanagement. If grass, wlien mow ed is care fullv turned every day it will T art - Jonn branch, of V'r-b t-oolms, 1829 Levi Woodbiirv. r.f N w lfmrHbire, 1831 Post masters General. Simnel O.$oo. rf L. arp.,jntcd Timothv PjrkVripir, ' f IVnn. Joseph IIahr.hm. rf Georpi, Gideon Groprr,nrC --r,rr licut, neturn j. iUeiiys, t. wnio, William Tv Barryi f Krntueky, KhitJ Juittcei of the Supreme Ctturt. Iii a uuul occupation. Without use less apologies or cetemonies, he po litely introduced us to I is residence .indent) his studv. It wus a comfort--ble upper charrbrr, neatly plastered, md provided with a fire-tove, a bed, a writing desk, a book ense and shelves, with other corrt spor.ding rcu veniences. His library consisted t.l . i r i i... i tt . . 1 I : up .varus in nuimu wen oni-v. volumes, comprising some BiandaM I7RI 17it 1 79 S 1812; 18U I823i 1 ry tr-tT-y of land 'ijiiat thereto .. r, . r . . i-i. (.t ot tf inn tup ouarrer m a srcnon Tor neu toveafor warmmtr snd vrnim r-. .rnro-d. frrb 2. 1ST. the hall of the House Qf Repreaefttat.vea. end.' I : hundred d Mar . . rrni.ir-i.0. 60. For tnirr.!.asinc Sonera itnne flaeffin'r t - t " . jTto rc(ahlii. rtor'n nf d.-hverv at Por' terrace an-1 V"ks adjoiniiS t'e "-t'.l. d.re.- ! p,.rha-trin and Tjelaware City, and for thousand (Vi'Va's. ' o'her pnrnoRfi.1 ' For eoH ln'r Tobn Fmee n er-rUTe a n.iv parted hit the Sfn- the "unrcim- InP ttore- Jncidf hut'dred a d r.f ,1 ilii Iv iit.rirl-.! .toil Fr,r nrdntinHt'ie rreaid-nl' m! r tit. threeA "..ousird four e'tHitv.twn dnllnrs. , For phntin and nmvinpr the fjwinda nbo,,. th- Preaident'a Ho-e ine.lndinp the 'jrardenor a saUrv. four thonsa- d d-.lhirs. , For aTtereVnir.- of the rre.dnt Tln ie. five hundred dollars. . f For furniture, and repjura of furniture, five tbr"tiind dollar's. . , For enmrenaation I" OharlM Bulfinrdi. late Arehiteet the Capitol, for bi. extra service n ptanninr and aperihtemlinf. the bui ding of 'i Pcritcnth7 H Washington, the Jai! io Ab ' injure very little. The great cause of : Jnhn Jay. of New York, appoin'c.', I7R9J injury is its laying on the ground j " illiam Cushtng, of "diss-.! hiisetu, 1796 through a long spell of miny weather, i Oliver Ellsworth, nf Connecticut, 1796 If it lay more than one-dav it becomes !J,)hn J? ' York ,"1800 moul lr. but turned daily, 'rain orjonn ai.ns ct ircmia, - Attorneys General., shine,' it will not lo-isc color. This is the result of many years experience. . d Farmer , , tVearil. Silt is said to be an ef fectual preventive for the tlesiruction of wheat by the weavil. Mix a pint nf salt with a barrel of wheat, or put up the grain in old salt barrels, and the nfe arid frame nf ftcnrwfatirrs cf weavil w' not it.-In stacking the fTn!'e states of America in Con Cress assembled, Tat there be, and i.rrv i s'a'line't at Port Pontrhartrain, on t.ake PoptrHir'i ain a port of delivery, that a Surveyor !.taU 'be anpoinlpd to reside) at wid port, Jhet all. s'ups ami vefU ho'ind to said prr shall afvr nroreedini,' thereto, and maVinpr report ad ertn-at the port of N w Orleans, .vi'tiin the time limited bv lav. be per-ritted to unlade thrir rrrfro-s at the aaid ooft und. r the rulea aud repulsions preseril.e-d by law. Sec 2. Andbe it further evaded, That all tcssc!. about to depart from the said port wheat, 4 or 5 quarts of salt to every 100 6hcaves, sprinkled among them, will entirely secure tnem from the de predations cf this insert, and render th- straw, more valuable a food for cattle. -' ' KtK'Ush JVit..l change in the breed. nftv years ago . the Whigs were -'o.r-hounds now they arc (TiTy-hound.. Cilmund Randolph, of Virginia, appoin led ... U 17891 iam Bradford, of Penn- 7&i Chsrles Lee, of Virginia, 1795 Levi Lincoln, of M assac husetts, .1801 Robert Smith, of Maryland, " 1 815 John Brerkenbridge. of Kentucky, 1806 Caesar A. Rodneyj of Delaware, 1 807 William Pincknev, of Maryland, 1 8 1 f Richard Rush, of Pennsylvania, 1814 WHlFam Wirt, of Virqinia, 18 !7 Jontr Mr Berrterrmf G eot gia, 1829 Roiuer B. Taney, of Maryland, . 1831 Speaker of the House of Refretentativet of tht U. S First Congress lt h 2d aefiions held alN. York Frederick A Mnhlenhnrg, of Penn. 1789 Second Conereta held at Philadelphia. Jonathan Trumbull, of Conpsrticut, 1791 Third Conires, held rt Philadelphia. Frederick A Muhlcnhurg, of Penn. 1792 works on history civil govc.rnmc.it, science, hw, theology, ' and general literature. It must have been in suc'i retirements th.t the Benjamin Frank lins and It' ger Shermans iT'tt former apt- conceived and planned the move ments which resulted in the establish ment of our free institutions. Cheerfulness. The most mamlest sign of wisdom is continued cheerful ness ;her estate is Ue that cf things in the rrgions above the moon, always clear and serene. u,,. A gentleman harioglhorse that started and broke hiXfe; neck, n neighboring squire told hinr he wished to purchase it for I. is wife to ride up on. 41 No,'' savs the other, .J no, I will not ell the little fellow, because I intend to marry agiin myself." " A rugged countenance often eon -ceals the warmest heart j as the rich- . r i cuci ii. iv 'v u ii it il "U 1 1;, vi tn." . . , ,. ' rc:mACo"S' held t Philadflphi. ! Prl sleeps in the row gv cat she. I. r. I ' V ::L0 . .. . ! . .... t I I 4i tt hi r m -. 'i - ' ' '