V iif!?3 NeU f;1 f ;.':, '.:i : ur;v .u'.i, i.i nt-.'on nil"4 i hi t t,, (? i ,.'iiicl f.i" 1 ?? '' tr(ic.4.lji.rt4 jl: Wl i, hot 'Virki.y t-.ruvt Vmld vtrftitUtc'ipe ' h ability ! bwu-ly i f , Lis cJumas li-u htf i powct.c.! of t .. matr OiMny diaiiiijVi'w'.i w,,, ,,'e J'"1 1" ' w iinrmi'ii)i: to ciublj h'i.n 'il'if c,t -rM-r, that trty, Uut ws Imm' arod wit!. ii-;m, ! Tii inVepr.'aei.Utio.ui of'-pi-ft, Jtny th')ir ' gisvr.i.iieits, 01 mio r.miu.y f ww, Vitupt-rsUoii operaU to destroy the grat we uicawly biikv-t tl.fm ' aNejrwm la j purpe, hkH were mtcmt.Ut..4 hi hi e.'iab the 'car'.'f, "J '"''" f ""' 'r,imn rnct. ivrliaps there is less tf,r from cuuuUY. sanoihaMh?! latter evil, at the imiwii 3'b,-U.'ve li:.ipri.' " b dinger-oua, w e wout.! ix H -Ve ru. i If .lirou one if Je t. 1 fci .xuuuiilofum of hu eon .. . .. ... ..): i MP 1 I -tiiie am. p-'i:-" ', ' t, 111 tcl, it.U hii-H A r I' -1 ' 1 "4,!,fifd" of our lirtirddo If. - .., I... I I.,.. U' wiH not '.o, bincy w "r... . w..-. , ... , ...,-.... ...i... ij.it l.fi to drrmi..e. "...,! r4ii0rial.no- .,rufuti tnMiii. ami " Uho f!,n c! u!e thp" unmbf ra that lvc , . i.,-is. mi'mhera that Lave Iwcn d,ficd by UJ I'rudijjioua! It cT rr'iday w ,ne ,,,,v ''rP',;n'',1 r,,r .,e mating .f the.Frea. Trade cnnven'i.-n. l-ftlili- many of oir cdobmra the mum of . 1 .1 nr'.vifrfM. we anticirmle KliMH" 4 ' .. . ... ir.nC.lH iwaru in' j. .i. !) rttnivai of in-ci u wi..... ws c .ir.pUirt frm the labors of rr.nvenuon. V.'e airtie5?ae it. not beesus we hrlieve U.a. lire nvmbf rs of lhal conentioT dl be RO.deil ilm tempofleinir polcjr ''bich' tome have c-nniTtenUiHl ara wmcn u Already ac tedHrtonlM hn? h"b bate t-n dene? yi.'li-rio fafta than lo-seter the boflt which bol '. the 8uh in r,tW al-ject ruhji-c lion to a purs-proud ao.1 tyi;4,iical arVl.jcraey, -tuiwrrsp-icedfir'ey ir!w liai-e m(h; an unhaTnw ivl in of be ord itrht and who have iinb!c4 inft'v trampled up- n the privileges of the ,'ir arnt necdr. rut wiaicpateRmeh4fffldt.icatt'e:wfcl hmeWotiifwvr.n fhy-eopleof the iniq iv of the .temJ '''n, willbotdlw JrmtnJ, not of cm ron (fifing ma-1 jirjtf im Ctngrru whoie ea'-s hsve lonp been shot to the crmrUint ol thf oppremed but of th'epif t'.rs-' 1'i i'fd Stati'n a redr-ssf the grievaores of tbe South. We h!ive thia will ho their roiia and ve bliev it to be the only one which wi'l hve any good 1 fleet. The Nstional !itflkrnc r. he Richmond! Vhig and ohr Ica'linir f" viivr k brrn pkvi'g a il: (P paT.e. The held out t!ie id-a thit M.- '"!v w ould decline a re el cti in in cae he did i I :r Kuiurkv, in order to 'nil lie friends r-f- It-'VulKwsfli to Uep. T'lev have.'ulM therr. Thev knew that Ur. t'lsv could lrt g."t K "i.t irk v h thev re'avi d "lirir ex ertions In poinf'ng uH ih- (N"pfr whir.h uou'd -beWllhe coitn'rv 'r m liis i-lfc'ion. The n.ask has now lioweer bf en thrown ofT Tlior two tin him a repiitstinn which he dn- not tl. rrve kiul n mke the p'-on'e fc-eet h:c snonfcv to their cause t To nrak thm . forpet that he I'M deserted Von 't e f.i'h r-f le f.i'!ieror on t:li(iirh. Let m 'h. i 'rue i nrn- Uf. l et ti crus'i 1 im. 1 hi i Trpi i n ('est ruction ('Tour liberties nnd !' ruin if ru' cmp ''r-' bv defeating h's eleciinn. i U Inif "-e is nnw j esV. It is 'm n- cm nm er Im.' f w if ' ; tanks but if. Wf 'f at roi' pos'.- " v raVe no exertions, if 'T ' rot eoimterset fhe n- temits of b' f;" ', hei't he r'rorr. bp ., ;:i ,.,. i,t, ... . j ,n,t ..if r'.rrht. tie ui'l i in im i win i'ti ii- i- " -..... ... pnsh our comrv fr.-.-n th " l.r v rrde-ta! up- on whkh it a'a-d and hurl it into the yaw- ninggulnb hen.!,. ' ........ .: ' fCP U'e not , e- ba-1 lh rco-tinc-ion to read Mai .nVM'uo, Vrrrv,.ro T, Amrricv rrorr.K " W hive Mil,.. 1' 't l'1' 1 it occupies fiftv.fne piopblct pnrc Pttrih1et t-area. Wmd. Tbeeood de of this ! vu-r in A nt i Pro.., societ, ? mm ' i.i it not be advis b!e for confederacy to form an ?r? Ye refer or readrts to n rx'rnet fmm ' .1. . ..-. r,iv,. t,..i ii s itn. ua .ncrcury Tur.Bii awl " " - - ...1J....U .!;.,.; .M...ri!Ul..si..n..on e C irnm 1 mh bond of M i Mnr ck c-? M-dmea, which the latter gentlemi-n refused o pay for the pifpiwe oftefting the conMitui i. ir alitv of the Tar. fT. t? Mr. Tt-rricn baa replied to-. M..) F.itnn: VVe will rcfi-Wo the appeal and to the f''ly at feme futur,ewjj'. -.afa-- Mr. I.pimnkin "we lcirn hns rep'Vd to u,j.n-,a!U daflareil lUa! . . --.-m nmiminrnti Tlli i ' majiiniA i.-s i. - ; f(f kllO'Vea 1 OC OCJCUl vi jrwvw jnKi Mr. Clay will nor t, dr.p.,-d. Th-v are f ... t rxlract ex ,frtW , JuJKr(. IetKaiideraTlj9j .vliriUW bl making everv exertion t ,.-rre l.'e election. t,e tlj(!,r;lte. "Where the interests are 1h J nJ)jnjon u?0 h pnt ij tpclt ihli lVv are un'iM-i in ,th r rfT'rt, tohniUun ,w (S wh(.rc the lavrsthit may benefit , Knowing the "deep intere&V'wt.ich ford's ddre whi.-ti b..d!h,-atso in he jimpor-ion, that of the-j (hat part of Mr. Cra allusion to him itid pointed. Tbe' "reply is .tm to be 'shuit . : It f4n.UvV. ne.r.nfe.gn uew ii ' is ol the highest impsrlance -m . ! states (i,t.dte aavs that ?!' T The United ,tion .O . ..,'n.n tn Ivirii" Oil' Mr. 1 - : , . t)i --.us -a ,urnt u;.;;.n; -.t, f . ..j t ,;t i, , , , ut, p.,!,:,.!, I .,', pj i-T into rs'ric wi'h it iti antidote In reading crnmunirstiori in the Richmond Wiethe writer' uffhl, r'3ct fm4 the f,!. bwing u.iqV'fi'd Mttrtiani Me, CjWtr I.. . -I . 1 1. .. IA !, 1 f r4Trr;,." It i, bui a Uak mJ pi pl.mv.,1 to ili audi-if nd dWctWment "f ,he ',,,,or''f 1,1,5 co.iirqm,iitiai.' referral 10. , w m coiiinmNidw,. ,cfewd 10, 'I V ., "d If he did R?t ... .,0 u own ...cum,, 'btti made lHriit i , ... ... . ... .... , . ....... . j wilfully mirerr;ietitinfr a r..i who hM can- 1 didly and Indcjiewdafttly (witti.xit ifoppinj to euleuUi ine emxi-queneea to liia political rro- at quence to political pro- moi ion) l!iron liiutelf, t full knowledge of alnhfl prcjuJicen asiiikt I, in opluioiii, upon th good senn, firbearauce and caihlor of, Uie people. Mr.' CiS!tonn, Jn perfect accordance' with the d''ctrinp of ime of tlie. moat orned writers upon the science aud pract)ce f'w crnnient, dcoka the ri$hl of the mcjinty ' govtrn, in n't cawa. lie d iclaimt Ukewiie the doctrine of the nalurul right in the mj ity to govern, referring It more properly to corivr" ifl(i authority, lint to avoid all mistake and miFapprchcnsion, the following .is extracted from his rxpowtion "Pfo one can have higher retpect for the niavini, that the mtjority ought to govern thin t have, taken in Its proper asme, subject to the restrictions imposed by the cimstitutioo,. and TOrtfned to wtym in-HehlcbrereTj the commuiii'y have similar iutereats'' hut ill is a great crroi to suppose, ai many do, that the right 01 tbe majuniy to jrorern is a uatural aod eenvent04al rigbt 1 aud therefore abo- whether founded on majuntics or minoritks, must derive their light from the assent," tsA pressed or bpliel, of the governed, and be uhject to su:h limiations a. they may ifiipo.e": Jn.tc.dcfdenvi-gthe right of the m,j,rity to Rovern, as an abstract proposition in the , f . , . , . . aciencv of irovernnnent, he ictsout by avtrring i.icnc . 7 , h resptct t ir it. eniy rejecting .u u-uversa. , aooUsatioi) and na d.vi-ie or.gi.t.. im he ,,. . .j ,..j:,:, i t-nilrrltn if.-nv ine exiSTetvce 01 ine nrnr u ' W'iii'u nave oce" vr'"j wu v".i.n.iv.. il rota not believe that the right in the ma-1 :j.v u povern u deiived from nature, aince j lv n,;ure everv individual bu a light to do aa . . i . i . hP iwi be ti kasessavfl in on uj'ut-'.- . oii-v thelas..f G..d. He .de not ieheve t'.at in a fr.ee j;ovep nmnt the majirity has a ,i ,.h tn jrovrrn whs" it opprewe the minority, the extent of Mr. Calhoun' rejection of thi-aaserted ami acknowledged rlt of the ' . : J..-. : tn-mrijrnv I... .... . i '. 1. a Whiir I -IS I "I WHTl I'. r , .mewi'lbo ii vi. or tiie reverse, it j i j, generally leit respecrtni? y, applied nd nr..oe t .i ! - them u der the control of:fyr or0ri)rei! from a frjleod, th i Jol !li id. or wn Ms i'!'d fn"i '! i' ' n .on.vuiKeu , i;f, (ne C9ll ( I ne casct v. viur.nrijr, In pri j'id c iht old vt or c.r.atrue ' Kq Distrc' A'torney, mottd 'for jiJ , ,.,.; , i 11 re i a ebrar and une-! men nd concod-d that cider tho Art ,.,,-, i-.i .t'k..wi.d-e-r-nt bv Mr. I'alhoim ! of Congrw of IfM, the Oefendin-Bot ,j,,lt t),,. r'ig'it of Iho mM ri'y to guver i .'9- fXii ,nd ft 'ur vwitt-rin the Hhi;; b -U y broadly alii ", " Mr C.l'nou:i, t- .v,eory 0f o'ir . v i-nm- nt, nrnitd the i. flf mnjnntij tn piv--n. lint' this is nl tha op.1v point the j writer in the Whig ir.iarept-ew.'e Mr. noun, ' a.l evinces his n-mt of proper obr.-alion or .hia wicked d.reKard of mtth. II-'piotes the concluding sentence of Mr Calhrnn's argument 'upon the effect of .th-. tariff M it no, ex. Uta. and wh,t is t-ndeocv ...d be . .f fift. in wiicinc nri'iiii r". I-"". ' ... s rtMlicv should nrevad; tbatia.it tiie u-jties PM"rV no""J '"l importation, shonM he reg, aed upon there. venue siatem. -lrfn will be cheapened, .. pr ,,,, ... ,entimrnt9 of Mr. Cal- , it i . ,u. ;nKinn Ibnt '..".'. ...i t,i rrrL the imorcssioo that I r.1lM.,- w- ..n;ttv of the absurdity of ; ... ,.;n' innnvcrisHeil the ! pomplnitimg '' 1 l : ""i " .' ... ....j. ... ,ur o.r,w from the . M rT.-ai theMriff to -k-1, atn! yet h ,,.o.icn ri,. The w:,, ; ,i . lv annbed to wMWiuiU'e. and . . .. w"71 11 '' . , r ii I n. . ,. eS..((pVofthe South. ... the folloa .ngj q from that narti.rtheexTos.tion upon , th sim - Mihj.-rt, imm-diu'ely proi-.ed.igs.the j pir. rind b the rier in the WhiP , cU-arlv eftabr-h. -'ii,. te.ulr .cv of the 'at or d-itv, on the ; :tnnrfe.l ar-icle i.'. not only 10 rais its price, j (i(,mrstic arti.d f thpsnie ki'Wl, 'or wiik m , . a . . . . , i .1 ,,r nr .1,-cti'in. it is in nuri-'ose, wncn u'ruii JWh and of conn in delving, where . . ,.u, ,.lc.-. th? burden in ;,the vs.em ..." ' " ; reality, thin - IT " ..NO- II...'-' '" of the gec'ions 'XCusiviiy j , ,,,.,,01(, (1 the orher , pr,d',c, a son, o i .. - .. dcr thal t0 : , i purclWthemfro-r i the axoont of such iowearcd the tax or f r '-n aHV Hi I'i ,11 I t i 1, im..-'.j r!l.-.jl. t. 1 imt Cut i.tir chased and eniifirnf 4 them, u t the Ut t i 'urn, f.e mdemtiilk I by th ifreieed price t !!. ubjccliof iliinjirt'ry, h.c nans wi'4eti iur to i'Krt to ho Ihe ems tin pre ol the country, which fori ths ti iU of oirror!, the firlce of !Hi i 'rcK-iU'rd by t!m forijf!i n4 Lot th dii nrr icefiurkc. b it 11 ! n!iMnt n4 convin4nif from lliin eVicf, f the made by thi writer prtdui-u applird to d.rfi'i io manure turn udd urn U the til.', t of" U South i it ,m, if ih datir on inmorttd would cbrapro the prthie'tlH ctrtiof d.i ne.sic ' nanufHCture. Mr. CalSmmi .1 Jr. .h. ntwufteiur Mr. Clhouu dinot Pr,y ih nd tf, ewtJ not M i-ttrnded io ettte. ! tl.,t th, nu,4 eti.,n 0C UrllT Jai wimiU .tifpr.fni.JiNr;. jjnee : w.-prMasnon" of tba of thf loundira'of il.vCJhooVi' polUie oplmir.'fte- pcopl'ctn b.t'ttttAn l lliici) thi.mwttM!tfri,iiV.iil!fcI.., 41-. llcy are Aiadaihe auhject of criticism. II tbey hit Ineorrettly quotedfor jraAWdoi pet- 1 rcrvcu ,run, nyrir irue ana,iejutm!8 meantn;, A l,.V. '. .1 I- I - .- 1 " 1 it.!-' ' . iuc puuuo m urceivca aeu ira into errors by V1 P''H uijuiuco taasiKi io air. ' yf whitp tl he, WhiVfiy hi-B, ample credit for his aVifitfthttfow would he destroy lis li.fljenco bffafag the mibTidnto ''error as to hi political 6plnien? Bur If "Mh . .. '" .. .. , . . . . ..-... Vaimnie were jrcaJiy xl the, abaiirdities which 4iW?ef eUrgea upon hoi,' it "jfnfii aflord rery aonrvidenec thin fie s -ol the great and poweVful niui he fctmintiim la e JftiaUU aud et)lifchU'd fond couldMrrjta'm poatd la each oiher in the same paper atid cvarrtwrTaw; poficv jpf our govern hkoU .VaWury', Sep! ?U iQ!. 00 . L. ., Cuttom Uiute oV.Tho Iranartant .,Iini iotumt; case i 10c, vuswin iioutf i""0' M oa ',r ,njl eerasy trt the Diuct Court..! he anx.e.r 10 hear .Mr. ? ' ,u" wu'1 ijl iose was crovdrd at early, hour, ; . n , , i Vlessri Jaroei u 11 niea and Mcduffie re, fop th Defendants and - 1U B ,,rilt, Eiq IXiMricf Airomey, and Mr. p, , rn. n,. r. Sin.. w- k..i . b, . r . . "- .. niit 4hc pleasure .of , hearing eny of the 'neanctB.--inir"ine "lrs:aiirnfir Oil " Dom jide, is 6sU torbve been conducltd Uh ability and.cloouence Mr- Petirtt, we uiKicrtend, diipUvtd much ingeniiity land acumen x ana.PirrnicuuTUa natnria- 17 - 7 , ' , . . . to have sdtntrably bualained ills exalted rcputaMon the hl?b wrought expctatioraillileddi- tore. 1 e prtncipil point under true u liftni!iJi,j!h!tr I ilf 1 afendinlahn-hld ' .... . . t- :inAlinV. iitiimnl nf I h eii t IQWl'l lllC'rl" MK mi."lviiIw( '"I narinp mane kuiv... ...v. - ,rn. ;n te fulculatiori of the UJtie nor I ...... nnice In the Cfllerlnetie firivro ui"i'i. www- ---- - - .I.J. L . J. J. -li.v.k U... f was no' enti'ir.a.fwinB Qf i'htihii' h. Pi dn'iffj hid i tight to indg-raen upon he iVuni of tha wrii. J. 0. Holmes fc. far tho n Hcrtlants auonuutu a mo lion t hit! he Defeadanta.." have perm'n to p r id." and contended, that the Act o' 1 799 u!4 4ot bear i be xonatr ijciian comended for. being intended to eff.ct hop hint: more than to deprive the De fetijitiuof h i'n;ht to imparl, and contio uf, and no; to deprive him of a right to dsfend he action, when he was not in de fault. Tuat the Acts of Congresi requi red a sui' at Law to be brought end ex vi termini, the Defandiot were enti- ,ipH i0 defend the suit : 1 hat a suit wis otherwise a mere m.vkpry contfadic- linn in terms -The Court could not pre. . , . .- e .1.- a sumctJm to be tho tnteolton o the Act. Und cvcjI itThe Intention " wrTeT-teitrHt 8, ,; .in (he Uni,f () Mtatee, but infring- . . . , . . . , .uaa.imt nniv a nirer.1 virnaiion ui ine iuu- eu every print ipie in iuris'iiuucin.v. (f) he (.i;h, (f) reJ,Jy j conduct a, tnncnt on the motions tinder ..(l'ngi!Praiii;h. Mr rciigru, for; ihe I'JriitvilTs. contended that their motion be . f.H, jn orde r, they had the right to rfl' lJ,;. r. McDufiV 0 D: fend.intH urR!(' tha, -,t was ur,i,mjortant which rn.t); , o;, wa8 Jirst ' imIC oui l ie ij.ic'.u.i . . i . . . ; i . . .1 ,. ,K. ..' bich must tirst oe consiocreu mm - r . '..e, mincd-fhat the motion for h ave to nleai), w..s necessarily a prcnminaiy h' ;:uUrmrn.. for if the UtlCr ' I r ... .. ...-..,.l ...a n.ntifm Inr lave IT101 1011 as ' i'" r ll' ..'"' r. e .r . won ( t.e no late, wiicrcai, to picao, wouin ins ,- wheiheftbts motion was granted or de- nicd, ih rin'i would have an opppr- til'- f .(.t-f;.,";,,,, f,fV would Li- traiii-rn d f;o!?it!; - fi'nf ftrr Cu'lifn, t?ij !-; i - :T-,.' i e '1 by J . . .''" I ' ' H lvi.i!..nt t .i.a('t a - .5 i'.f the j Sfturii, i'i t' u 1'l.iin'ifli, ; audit cannot tUy'i'ir i!o Ui (by V ti n it m -n i. W tc r (if I tie iiiht in ronr'nd will ji in i 'J M leif t im open the argument on hjs fuo'Ion, Mesars. MeDufTn aod Peitignt aHer wards spoke at lirge ol the merit! of Ihe District Atiorney. inoltoi. U'i the part of Ihe U. Si4" it Was ioiitled that (it) a Bond firduiii ihe pioer course walfuf the Court to pii.it jti l.iteui uri miitio'h and that the Ufferutmt was not entitled to plead, aud that this bsd htt lU prac tice of the CoUtl, Tiut if a plea f hm et factum was nut i l as bad been imi ....... f . - m ... maieo nv'iii vounsci lie tu irjiaanis, that the Jury could Jtol ttirKiire -bii ine nnsiiiuiiotuhty of Hie Tiilrlawsi and muM be confined strictly o the enquiry whether ihe , L'rfenunt e-jt'cuu-dfthe B'lid and jr was tfenied stilt the jftnil fuiirttv'sftlrrfd lire ligli ofiiaf by Jiffy, in risen a Dondciven fur -diiMea.-" rtgt of Jurr irlabetoj!iife lo the cit lieiT unTft'ne 'pmitlTuriVmlu'uTu st law where the irnount Ijiu)tiiroverr exceeded f2Q 1 Ibst tbttcwaf agr.lt iuJ( and therefore the Court could hot tfeny a Dleaeiid a trial Mfordhrtd t)e .forms ftf' corumorr Jjw.He itijlsscd kon .the right bjtherarr 16 lylne bo:h of the liw endihe (jet, end cohtemffd Jhatjn ibls Cass suitferf p!e "of nea-riyartrm,,' it fould ihewi hil the Is w was 'unconi syiuMonai inn srun," j eaarui onn otn er questions of deep Interest eroie In Ihe CDtirsof tbe argument ' loqcjied upon. and 1 b w'hole subject wa elQcjuenlly and Jt1 ItiiposslMe even 16 rtve ab 'itti- linf tbe argumcnin The OJupytl wete in,an eminent drgr"e JcMrned ant, edo rjBenij .anoL $U. .Mcpuffie Jn parilcvlar (whoie ap'tearaace-al our "Par had-ex cit ed the der peat Jn'lerejt jn'our eornmnn) i if distinguished himself in the bigbe regree.' ITTe argument 'tHirniig'Cout was In ihe, loftiest sirs. of clocjuencer and fullr jmet public expedition, which 'is perhaps the hrghe st praise, irt mjr power t&tastow flit Honor Judge Lee etxed that an the ouealion invoTredTin the mo x ion -w a s axi . im por t in t on tu. be 4r 0 ulu. Uke lime tti i. deliberate ana .H6ld give, hii Opinion twriorow(thU day) at, II o'clnck to which lime the Court stands djourn- ? t '. ; s ZV Mercury 'ff jic- 2ini6f TA Gsfom J'w BtmL-tk nnderstsnd that bis Honor - Jtidca yeaterdav decided that th,es'imorty offered by the defendants ss o the p iirvt whether thw BrtniTof Meara. Tolm"s (4 Maxrek waa ylvan under the Tariff Art'of 2o,rouU not be admitted, and that tbe d'tda" wrp"trie'i confined to the mere matter ortne' WKnoiipaou Tirwm. -wvi. Bind. '.No evideace was allowed as to 4he contideration. or proof that'thn nond waa giv. en tos-vura thn pavmeot of dnfiet, generally Cljilaldered iineoos'it't'ipmnt and oppressive, espneiaily si d' 4 not appear' that not ice of the preeisn na'i.re of their defence, had bcea given by the defendants. The defendants counsel thtt inf.trmed thJoirt-nwt ttice of this fact hs.I b.oen ;iven,d again, offered eyidence of the.iemii'itiitii)nalitv of the Bond, under I he dentin w or the" Appeal Cwtrt' of Ids Slate, J jjrjtr - b ftprlA eviJencc to sVnw msra oona is oiu ' .v ..c.. u-iuci-hiq general iaaue af er due notice Thia again aas ovemiled bv tH Court. The def ndants coun sel 'hen ofered-m go int evidence as to the ss-iessment of tne anmuQt of duties, under de. eiaions of the Federal Court iif Rhode Island wim-h -nvidance.was again rej,ot4 bV the CtwirtlX ..TIw'Defendwts.; Couaael then de- filved.thatUtey, co1d dt nothing more than erthe-CM" go jttthe Jury without any evi. dcnee tia th Court had shot out.all lovettiga. tinH Mr. J.tme4 Holmes then addressed soma ncrtineet rcmarks't-itbe Jnry in behalf of the Defv-ndanls. and the ease was submi'ted. Mr. M O-l fill e declined to address' Ijie Jury' at all uiv1r a case sa.trsmnelled an 1 b iund up. The ,l'iy th? Tfetire-d-an I on rutitruing into Court, consented te ft id that the Bond wal Mr. ll dm-M -.t knd Ded, wnb -exception of on .T'irvmnn. who (l r- l it to be recorded. IS nurtnOhp Verdict, trist tne trnn i was given, und r an unconatitiitional Law. -Tnia" was dis allowed b ini uiuet wnen ine jury, inran re tired -and aftr a aliort time SfO'iht bra Verf ic4 toihx titiJAm-that . nt alier. q utdon . irimfA tu'niittetl k thm la tcciftM --U'ii Rond wd Ihf'fiefd f th Ji'f-ndxnti, find Ihtlilit thl fietof tht l)reiidan!$.fich baa been ihe e4 pf, this mterestieg' and exciting eaae-ln which, as. It a-etneen after a Jury waa allowed,"- the defendanti were not permit ted to teat the conaiittitio'naUty bf- the lawthe vcrv esaenc of the 'queaiion-i and the great and important object for Which the dufendinU h.,t eefuaedtonay tneieBooO. rnoMT-ae lutsro'ti Advocate. Iletekiah Ja'i'ei'and Matthew Carer. ttr JreMtfndft- be-leSPrHfba(d-h System" hare been telling: the people for, several yeara pasl, that the '' Tariff" and high .duyes make goods eheap.' Will these, jreotlemon now be good en ough to tell us. "why it h that protected domestics, cassineits, and American wool len$,u have risen in price from twenty to forty per cent, within the last year ? And why new factories are erecting in the Jviltern;STa.es, if those already tbcre can .mac.. tTien' s!'P,pll...h--' -demand f the home market 7 And, why It is that, the fantiHS and mechanics are unable to mct more than fi,om!one to six perretirr on 'heir capitalUnd labor. Whilst the pro tected sugar planter and cotton and woollen manufactiirer are enabled to divide from fifteen to fifty per cent, on their capital ? Re good iriouKh,. gentlemen', lo explain tbis ntatleno the people of tbe "West." f jt fR8 f " i""1 'Mil Wtf gaeite-s,' ( 1 ''!i I..-',. H mi tiiHi'ir In s.irrv L'.iii iPy, f.hf. 1st inst,, hv Ja'nel ' Calloway, '. ). Mi. Dit.it! Cn hciha'l to Mies, f.lfi l'.4 I! -ere, f , I. thin t' ituilv, n tb (I II I11H, bv Adan, Riirt-aalt, t'.i, Mr. )aviO fiif-kerd U Mian. 1'Uly . i - - . ' . i . DXUD. .i V4 ifl,.y IUa Ctf.id tilt. Dmiel Me. ' hun, II Kl. oni of iheioort Worthy and leapt' tt ahlj ci t 4 'M of our to 11. Mr. Mi rmm w.n a naiV of the 'f mvtai I 1.1c" am! rnnj'ratel inth.s country a the alopted of h.s Ii -art whtre h eouM enjoy In e;ire ' and sr. mtt, COuM ppdiy curity, titat libi-ry f.r Whicti l.i loate and I renertius e.ouMrvmtii hae "'fo'ih'. bh d and t iKciL"', Ilia tdlid "as Tok'hly ciiluvated. Ins supiitn'-Hia txpaiiihil i d hbra1, and l.ia r.su, Ib rm K.uiJi.'a mud r. fl.w it lln 'it a IiH4ikh. mis mtuttiantiif 1 l.ia, place, and wai, soim. nine ' Hcirt5 hi daath. chinen ng.sUslr ol J'uho ' , whicN trust be dit.argr4 tsitb aeiivi y wnd lc d-li y llf ha Ji.fu.we b!iV4.:u ,nv.i.hi . in this oounrrrll. fund bio ' d iiuiuru Vver hWr'" dcuartJ. Mtnuu. But hir iiii lrfi InLt.fj.-riXija.!..' ny .fiitnds, ho k fc W .and apprrciUtl In'.1 iiuni, ana wan uaepiy upiure ma i.ma, wrucii,i they hsve aiiatitineU, in common with lua whole ' .tomni.ii). Jo hia dtath. ; , . ; M ' It furry Ccunty,- V.n the itb alt. Capt. Wo, . jeKVe,agdubout.'r'dyear.' 5 ..', ,.' ' 'V-V:W;UiiAettaOT..v'- SEAEp IVojJiiwf will bd receir- by.hdS.'ibbcrnicri; until. f be 3d, ly;iyj(, iveptber next; far Ibo- " roufh'crp.irirt-.rRl.SON i3 Stlii-' N'yrrNiy-a .ThV.mVier1lj to lie v( W .1.1' . .1" , " ' .. '-. 't ' ' ,vuvVt eu; iron, wurj a f.iit uivui'it.A.i. .. . . a '-W. ll.'HOItAII..'' ' ; Lt L - - -4---Jii -- r- - n-a. ..... ' ' . , .vs!i im ;r.i,i ;vi'.r-.j . r a V ,s next et tho late i d weillotr I V..Jjmea.- AI. JkikS.'k ..11... 4. .e... . .... r ,", ".jiin usv ino loiiuw iPRT property 'v? " -, , k nonct CaJtlc, Jo'gjtt' &. Shccpi Ihjt T QatS and h Urge auttntitv ti Cnrnt ' . " , name ccom"iny iiir undcrfikev will oil on SLATI2I!;. Kaq'. at tbJail nJ view the aiiae.''. . fyityi Ifajithd farming utensils - , .!' 0 v.' ', a a"n' '. ' r ..: . all the household and kieb-a i.d briro and ftfar.,i in.r. j ..t ... --ww'i.M iiyieir VlfM.. - various other articles 100 tedious 16 tociH tjon , where , due attendance and Vrlia ! v wilto mitda known on that-dy by ihe lubscnbcr.-' " V .-v -"'" ?' -i.r r toiintn rroTA dak in 4Y mbw 11 .!, i.: ..11 .... i 7 an win oe B"itt. ... ' ... w. .4, John Slnap,'' Janus Slnani Admin tiratork. ' Sffttriirimrr; N. JJ. Any rK rsou hiving any ol sh6booln ' ire requested 10 reidrnjjierri to the sUi. icribcrsjori or liefore tbattlay tvitfou; fail,; and atl persons intfeb ed to aald Estate ii; reqfjeted 'ocnmt forward and piaKrf'sct li!!"!! : J. S. & J. ft - New Finn. v . . . ---.,- TIIEaubucubeis have this day entet:edv imo copenneruhip under ifie .'firm ol Ashcrolt k Sililcy and havj ufthau((. ' the former. o..lt'if J. ,1J. lnihii tK qr, andare t stabling ll erna lusr.tiir tl.e dwel ling of Mi. 0, Storey. Tiny (lave, slao, an . addiliunal S,ipp,y jui arrjvuig Uam ei Yoik; nf tarleaW wbicu will triable them lo keep as b40dsome an aasonmeht as has evsr bvca offciid to the pobih; irt Alecklcnbujr'K, whjeft ui.J be Sold on th6 moitjiberal Tjerms for'tiasu or credit to approved cint'ftjiiera.' , 1 5f92 ' - t LLTVi; II. ASCII ROFT..' -; iOABKIEL blbLYVr " Ingramtville Heht. S3. l83t." n 1 hi lt . 1 i? '..4 ESOAIDrromtbe Jil in' Kowari CoUDiy,m the 13 insiant, two negro men, one a Ir'ee negro ty; the name ofSarnBajltim who f '.. .;. . . .K'w- ' . . . fo gmui ouuii rvery , ii4Ck, about 113 t,'f 30 tears oldt speaks bt,okrcj of the French fanuuge and hhe4 other - a , slfm . black fellow very active. ;be4rtnr:s, fo Jamei Ihiie of thi plice Salliburyl Mr' Huieibwr-.. alilktitkAjlii hlilY in f 'rxrili,iYLAm'- 1 iti-. la. in. fpffSl,l'lM f I MltJ'lW aaWB'ii'w W 1 aw WWf W fT JffW Iff die 'aa ihe agent of some man tn. AU- bama, bliname'is lUrdic. "The atfove reward wi!J be paiif upon' the delivery cf said negroes to me, in Sajisbury,. or by securing them that I get them if not both taken Ten Dollars for each. one. F SLATER, Sh'jr. ; WAGdONKHS, Driving to FaycttcviUc, WILL find it to iheir advahlage, to stop at " the H'atrvtr Yard, where every coii- venience is provided for Man ami Horse, to maki ilTtrrr''comfortWe, at themodcrate charge of 2J cents a day and night, for the ;mvileje of th Yard, the u.e of h good house, fire, water, a..J shelter, Attaclurd to the Yard, are a ii .e;:ray anu I'roviaion Store, Bread Shop and Cf.aftje . tionary, and a Hous for IUiardera and Lodf in a plain, cheap, wholesome and omfo' style.faMlifvi.'i,'rft-i'll.t)?3, , , V - '- " ..'t'Wo P.r 'lie I'rcsidcnov. "M'oudsrfuldtsc -v ry