luo tn tawnr-ia ana !Ut ntat, in his KleUltfft. gra COO- ,Ubtty with a put 'i t ' f. which hi r""ttf i ad ttxi-Wa. ! no r.w.M of UmUv a mi r-n j.i t-m ( ut. U'.iw ii whih he i" k W!rD 1 M''lf I P1'0'1' l!mt ' f,i,r,?'.1 vf ?J r d-'"f 1 l Jiwt ofth Executive hraiithuf thi Ujoush I (mw the dducum in .which . ipvernmen!, ttfo cuiciiuiTa io jrm m"" vt to hit reprrsrfiUii-ms, t Ifa.t wdh n.arTv, fun rhut W'-long tothe anot.yruau - ';' Aih.'ma1.-i:m of the S tt i Would nl IiN tattmr:if wtrihy m . n) ivK'ire had 10 cunlinwl himaaU to Iho 'wa.-ua iiwimiations, which eonrfituto Us tvat bJ oMits idJies M frr. H rr- tic U nio. T give cul-Jur toM fcener. U charts, bo tola nired .J Tow in. ' (tLi'icei in descend bit dcUilnd to girt , tt-miiti of fct, hit h taaflwsr whoi which however, mhUt be ...'j. i . . ... . :. i alraly V"rc- w; J" ki" wmw TWfjnrif j .fuor tlioircompenrd iii i-lf ' f-rc corirctMUc 'erfort of Alo- tUmi, uro of a cWiv lo w4.fcr w? .. .. .! . va t.nrt I took m reuiism I V o.wiUtroVI out iitelhe . Rurally rt, k ie dwirouS W lJ" . ilw Hirt7 uf . th ay. t!.w wbl I in 0 J Mai. PM-I- f , W cabin-J. -v wKyb li J JJJJa Had aVchgrue Jf formed to ewWe Mrs. , lAtraceit dJiand w h,ch vRffi,; With Uticffl view. n ulwraiat. I have been eatisuKd c. ' 4hff roi- Wj. mywrtyn.j n; j;,-.rKappity Cr our. to ib ioc(wB tafli8ltaliait t . . Inwrtint crarhip i too 7 WitVtWrn,1m W- Ff fef feibn Stover. It w .liti aspect t tVf rrl f Mra. -fM- of j, fc: Uo M mv-rtf calW in the r w M etpcrknce Wma.VdS thereto Vwat a, -i.JI .t. : rlrrlininf intflrCnMW aiTr iraria, were m - - juRhd p-nn t the IruiW ol w prai iKW.W- hw bL achieved, in f-vor on hi- .latent ;itjml J'lmiruled. SndndennV anviriue of the limn h Mat at w-" car-i 'or w r. ....r - j - tKw-,t, ' c.: a.ul she i entim'f immrant throMjn.. ' 1 . i ...iWahm mnv one t a CT,M tm !' t ..fS Oviie tti'owH a."er or wnn my con tent, of V iow-lodns 'If Maj. Katonbad cfl-tod, wood ave Wtohwi, to snyAi rition'towVre. He states, 4inat mtn tiiit took nhc-. while they were ji Philj. dalpi-orcourse pred h .r,eUin-h;chmuhnveknoTi,aceor.(jna t a s UM,ar.tHatPovern.i intm 4t h? -.I-oTrhuJdnot occur. There., . afterwar(j, Ull for a ver) Irinl v make iXtl roidit and tario -1 tVir fim'hes inv arm ii ,Ka r,rS -nM the Vice-Prowl 1us Ft.:Iv: and in conforanty wiilntliw rule, Mni. Katon had tailed on me, on my Arrival at Washin-ton oofore hismam. ,; V, which I aaerwards returned, andiiot taaliiH him at home, Ht 'tov card.. This . as pro'nolv, while mhwhi ol . .alelpVm, and was theortly i""Course I 7d with, as ftr as I can reeollect. uunnc ffae whole session.-exespfvhat took rlnce .-,3 the Snate ebamber, or when we casu-i-ajlr a parties, ; -. This is not he first time,-1hat Mr. Cal- .tKuihMeontra'eiedtbe i&e had visited Mra-Taton. J ? ' .iiUtmui. bt the had visited t.i.. w rard had Iwcn left- Bhs then, on all nuiiamw , nM;rteri ir. as directly . . ..... ., x -i.- ,tr rw1 in nnrtieii'nr to Iwo CYespectal)le ladies from Tennessoe, (wives fi rnemer?) who then resided in an ad fl't " ; . , iwirdm'r boiwe. The rrroneeitssHemeni ot MaTT-r.. . : . . .. i vrirtTl oi jSompcl W IO l a ' , , f what actually oee.irre.1 ; bui wnicn i C or intended to intrude on the public, ana tvvith ffreat reluctance, even m A, jr' When , he aud Mrs.- Baton T not at home, as be .a...- ....t .iht nrt mturn till after tov ffiTS: "Vh,n I returned,. Cab $V,n mentioned,thev bad been tVre, , jnd she would noVhaye known, -ho Mr. .A k- not een with Mr. iiatt7a ijeir name. She of course treated thrn ".wth.eivilitv. She could not with propria . i u0 Th reation, which i .ri- in tho society ot vi an ":irf. Jill'"' iruv - i isMon tecameinc hiu v "- r------- 1 ... l i it a nnv morning, sub iiikmu d ine,; 'that she had-made up her mind XrnlivWt-,. She sa d that .slw rondered herself in the Iiffht cf a, iju.rii the place; that she knew" no, u,i""of Mw. Raton, or the truth, or false JTVtha iiirn'ation cn her chartctCT; tsi tjii f cili.i'fi ' ) (Mft. ljit'rti, ifiini'-mit, to 1u Ur wrrcv.irtc with tho lit" ;' ' ' " the, .W, nr.l v,:. i 13 i -t me-ia ol 4es wifimur; i correct i pmnni oi i r fouu, lUtion,'.,, f. , with thoso who, lik berth, had :. -..' 1 nri.!,j.l,l involve iiC : hul l.ut I l - r vhwcl the (q-ictbo .irtVui'J, ,far ununt o !! jMtiul f.uuilratitH, an J win priitwfl t iiu-rt tho cii"''V"uce ifi fur frjtiiJttkaJ i44r Imuiifttuy irt'ltiw h VM'h mkn jti,l, twili thry hav rrwittvJ ihtJ aiiy weigfcl ia ihi iWHM,'tito' ury. rttr.couii Wil ! hava Irfwii puma J. . Tli t to fivorwid fiwwj lay directly; befare Oeomtdl hare boco bao cuough t ta trraJ it-'llio intiinato rdatton ' bctwecu ti.-k-od and Mijv U wdi f rmrr tik"h M 44' iat-butj ai (! rflcd at I- wouW bare fell-. haJ I noujtit power ,b ihot- dijectioiV ' wi'mM'jwt bay comWcwl toufany had wc'lwptJ ili WW) .ro uny'other m-Uto, thna a Jiigh and ired regard to duly.; It ik. lo.fwt, iJimlt,! iiUo ocifty, lnnth diniino of m. vfi'iln Bhl Wll Mr. Timbcrlakc.sfce mAinuA bit j the iucietv of WwhioVtMii and tbo real question w, wlictbcr her marriag 't' aj tw hmiid Vn d(Mr alrea'1y, cl0i 'fj bcrf or irt other words, whether oilicial rapk-vA patronje'hou!a, or nhould not, br.jve paramwmt to tliatcerttorship.wluch tb, 'ecx ecrciiotcr iti!f j and, on which all nm.t nclnowled, tlw purit; frhiala character main. lv tt-W.v. III! tho ciw Wen cinercra Thia point hvay now I 7. . .. . t" wr(e, ,ni f(l rtrm 1 rna 1 niifHiiiLi m- - . , . . With the sane itew.tmi, aw;.:: ot... f .. . ,, h Biwn t I vnr f . fn 1 tot tV.t pitce of Clnpf Cert. , J fn tlie War DapartiucntVZUe.liu so drawn a up !0s stment, a to mike an 'irnpr n - aion, fhftt I a;isnei?1 atpoffinal inter- ith "tin; l .um bf refund to jtfak' The Ciclit - i . . m at llie w. whl a warm Gceml Jackson, us a'tncuraciii m ... 1 . a . Ea- intercourse with him afterward i U.t for a very flit- fcrent reao,i what heallescs j a rea; "J . . . .- ,: v-i,i wv0 hna'eton son w nicn nr w,un ., - k,f self-respect,; must deem amply 8ulT.ciit,;jBs; ' brief state, utent of tho tacts will prove. Tlie appli cetion was made., not at th5 ea rly jeriwl he states, (which was necessary to make the imprcsvio'i ho intend) when it was i . u. trt he aoDointed S'-.-rftan of War. but after bo was appoints, ana . u -.,;,.r t( Ti5 office lO'lt WWMI"" " . '. . . . t .U...r hnrl Ha. e.ana, no in. - naterial, long alter jur?, am.u... ined to reMm Mrs. Eaton's visit.. I cal La iX. '(R,iV diiv. or" two.tefijre left "tho 'atvTIrof"'Ii'm!1tetxlle r'l ill ilia ".' , . it at the request of my friend, sunpiy tom,i m impression of his qualifications and not longer bis claim. After I stateo mv impression in my friend a iavor, he told me, be was well satisfied with his qualifications, but that he nan onre. i A ti,nr (wntleman. whom lie named, but informing ine, at t.ic ; .ai tirr.if h should decline, my menu woum eTTrariced,4anrpOToTi receive that the person to whom hp had offered ., i mini L'ficd, ana that tne nine?, wun wiwiV n :- t could not say a worn im mh. claim. Besides his qualifications, his re Ewithme,.wasatul,ast as int.nge andfricndlnas his, whose name I had presented. ' and as between , them, t could r ... -i t.. u onjircftof onence, mat a. .Laii ' k i not po5S..y ---, v ,. , , , m ...i. the former .xtpw T ... know VdT(SGSn. The tlcman seJccie next day, I r"lu" Hamilton then a member oi onpn;, whomM4aUudeSa.S stating, max no uu Mai. Eatort in tavor ot .me. w.. whom I haaapniieu, nnnlication. n the strengin rr;;.ns"wdlas m promise tome, (CTUH'WWrr-' . '....lrrJeod enclosing Gov. iiam.l torri letter and informed him he might drrrd stifn expect the appointment with ronbjjMen b!e.-. The.,c qTCt-Jmoain-,tlia,(' ' 7: .;rf,',::...i' t i-..fnry " J it Kn" 1 1 tin i cr i i ,!'.i ! ;i(rrhHi-.l H r 't rwrt lol'irlh'T o;;H'i.J ifit"MHir, 111"! i-tur ' . . .. M:i"n.r I-itifl ri':' "1'1 i v: " ' .1.11 1 'I It ff.f,;-!f would m ver t l nup f ill 1 to it tl If thcro i.!i'.w. l U' ,v d.Hiht an ti the prunii, or th nitc th arfUcaim, the J tt r i ntMi t in, ai mi3 ti my 1 .wKirli I hupivwc t'bo in cm ; v. ill erfaUisSi tho corrcctnen of inyjtatcu.i.'ut. Cut (t iferiia that I am t-J t b-hl ret. potisilla for the nunpotrd f-'udi f tho lata Cabinet and tho dioluti'Xi, becaii, M Mai. Katnn atatct, au arJcnt friervl cthe Vko Prribjnt laid in IMlV-thal .Mui. Raton U the fnend of Mr. tJallniun. II wiuMJio ku wuck mow .K'fyt if Mai. E5n had riven tho nanie a tht alijipuaaJ frirwl, with the lihiCII"WawJ cireurwtances, nut only to unablo blm Jo iriAa ntfltcniciit nf thn occurren, tut t af. Cnl mo an opportunity of jiidinjJiow far I raght to iio rejoi8iuiiH i wom i iw betn both to bun and P an act of aimple juttiffl, which m far aalam eonceracd, would have ln-cn particularly deirab!e, as 1 muf object totha tnnipctency of M Eaton and Ma awociatea, Ho determine' wlio are, or who are not my friemia. i m appear particularly liable totrrorw this point. But a abort tiuw aince(it was Krarrly cliarged in an ahnort official quar ter, that mv friwla had a wMtinj to npi hira from th Cabinet when it luroed. out, on further disclosure, that they wcre all gentlemen from tbo Western States, Ten. neMee, Kentucbv, and LouUiaaa, and de. voted friciwbi to' lien. Jackwo, aerated dely by a regard f th micccnand hmi otirrf bin administration i attep, of the aJateiieA of which. I a iiruorant till af- tr iU metin?. and. if tha partlculara, tUl diaclo-d by the , reemt ubJicatiori. If to thial !d,Blaj. Raton's own ha. i.:i:- Ml W tn error in dcteftmn'fu' who frrrorrr;Tintw tHsele-ed in bit lata W)U not, J am aure, be tnoneht unrcaaociaUe, tluit I aKit ,,,;ei to his campetwey in that particular. Whra it U nee-Mnr to hold m- resnoWme for tcenes. the r- um of which be hws ar.xiety to nhift to tlie ahouMwa o' tl-.y. H m m .1.. !n rUi:M 4 t tlf" hli lite nnrtntrs in the mUiUfti'tW.O;!. II, auociatis . in tle ....ur.i.ra. .o.. . i i w is en hU anxiety to implicate me, be rp'l,,cri tiw rvdltiral relation biweetiMr. Branch f. ml rtverlf. eentlemen heM -jsMtilaetf w VwoM saipp.e V , rr.uld not be ignorant, we may -uo-noae, thai he is equally mistaken m the crcomide; - - mv corn 'P Ki'ietirr wh.i - Tbemferc-.iceiie would draw frflmGen.!c(i,j n , 1k ;ir,-rvit of tho use made of f,rCohd cour., in r . arcelv dascrve mo tiee. Gen. Green' ui" relation to myaeit, can more than a passing Green's course' has been r.f his own choking, without an attempt on ..... ri In inftiiPliefl him. Such an at- . . u ' J 1 I..... Ijutn nW(vlJv tempi wti.i'i lnueu " "- j- . j idle. If be should be supposed to I gov- emed bv baf and selfinh view, bow could I influence him? Such an nttempt would imlecd have been perfectly idle. I had liothine to give, whore lie had much to lose. On the contrary sup-; position, that he was governed by a -nae j rf truth nn1 tustirc. an attempt to mflu VI - - - J ------ i i enre him was unnecessary. Mv cmre, I trust, afforded ample m fives .'that den.. cription. If it had not, it woulti tave wen in vain ia im op. the supposition of bis honesty, to have attempted to obtain bis wonori : as it clearlv would have been, on the opposite, to have obtained it at all. ; Ag n,ave been eompeiteo: to speaK oi uen. 1 tueen, it iaun. inj-iirr, iu - - . ,, ..... u """" .1... r I. laolrami hnil nn In Anil . uia, , ,r ,.v..,. .. ..... , - more 7.ealoiw ami honest in his cause. I Whatever mnv he his present feelings, I J I . ,.' , . , .i . K. Know irom rrr rmn wcraraunns,- umi hc was early aw! ilecidedly enlisted in fav- oarofhiarcfcleenun. 1 is own interest evi- lently lay in .luectiou.a I t-neve h-s views of pubhc policy did. It h-. has since changed bis opinion, many causes may be found, in what has since transpired, with- out. attributing it to any imaginaiy mflu- ence over bim, on my part, when it must ' apimrent to nil, with, the whole powc nst me, 1 had nothing thro wtuca to titraae it. Having corrected the errors of Ma). Ea ton's statements "and-. inferences, wherever be has descended intO'-particihirs, if. only remains to repel his general r diar.-rcs ard insinuations, which I .do'hv n direct nnd . nnfiitive eontradictjon. ll i . t 5 r.ot tru. that i fttiemnted to exercise anv. control tle formation of the late Caburt. or to mflu ,ttmm t. embarras the a Mi at ion " . fJf...fllsrwhcrc. or sn, ! 0f ,ie -al of illt(lp1,i,1f.t : un ess indeed tiie. ,, Vi?;t v .u ,'i on roundsexchisiveh c r w."hH.g. I nity nod puntv,,. "n "'iwrovok - non rTufomuldl n:n con- icnl to rei.;ue.rme resnonsi- l!;VJ"finlv oii-aicc. .i ii I' t : I . I in. tl i. f :,..,', -i-f hi v. H J' J.d ii' .f : i 1,-1 A I fcv t " vvv h t r"7 red f.r t'K' dl-niy .fl; .; intra U inv alvn-nj ' .. L. J.!.l.. I ltf t,Vf 1,1 ft bn ft! (H 111' lit. Ill " . . . .. . . I ZJTnTXZ Ut o'fJ. Th rtuo rtime,,,;' '1-. . iw. (ml W fr dW-re.-?. and ich i rt el. In atiiij"Tinj ''' cvatnd motive, than tUa. 1 v wr Ji J , ambition. tUt look t pwer ami patrol, a. TheU obket was tomiWai,! rirt. emlA which they b"ve4t b: ential JhiuSyaoW irr. ttoro tho administratiort of J!ie: General Cf crn.ncnt to thn tmt priiMriples of Iho Constitution, and to arresi, that eouro of events, which was rapidly bring. ini the crcat interest of tho country iota' the moatdanriHii conHict ( and ax much hiahcr did thY hold these cideratiow, than the rWtion of any mm t pocr," that, as is well known, pendiuj tho rU. tvjn. while zealoiMly pipponuv;, j sa-V0(fr rtfiwod to aJvance his' interest by the almwnifmt of their tm m the meir pTincipw. v ,i the charge o o-brraAin j the adminis. tration less rcmoK.fron, lruli,. I was most anxious for the cm of Gen. Jack. t j nu. .1 1 sons anminiwrauuu 1 itio i.aaw tnnch, I could not approve, Jc,Jrontin.1 scs from the I'ortuuejjc flod, moorcJ ja" ea !f.! H5? ffi wh1 M?e rflh0 The Uneof nos.uiy cnum, v,w-f nfwtwronugui. government was immcdi h wlSri?. Glared that-it . i f .t- i ter S "i!.P; WW ' the attituVV wa, procept.hie ia Pena tors f al 1 1 Ui rtuguoM vem!11l !";:!!' ?V.rf,;,,. iownsW mylpercnnag this heattat, mi". " " "7 ' rY..- course- in wcii w r; lie and private, of honour, duty and luter terest bfd me U di irc the socceM of Gen. Jackiofl's1 aiministration. 1 uaa ,..Ktl ail iu mv power to the success of bis election felt, to the full, the ob - iu..;.,n .lur.h it imnnnrid. It is with pin, that I have forced my- tt n.u.t, i the prominent subjoct of this comf:aiTiicotien. ITie questio-i invol - ved in Mr iv ,X U'al LatofiV relation to tle aocie- rt n Irf-Lmsrcd. I conceived, j excluMvely t, lr and ; . i i nnuKioraiion.. or invoive , . .... . " f , drawn into ,mbhc .itrnon withjaiinM Uwouc , I art ,)y Iay t:i"ir "arttul marnma . ,avt. (ifu, Jackn anu my .r ,rnrtmt relation: but the desire . , nothins on mv part that aiM tend ... i ...... ,1, ,. nn fr nil tlie triliuiwl to . V . . i.l .1... ;..f,U l.nlitliT. hicn it propcriv a.nti rstiu-nn lt.,trsiined rnV from making: the least ajU8ion t(i lif n the- corrrp)iuleiice tho' cajrutatej 0 throw lizbt "on the contro- y between us and to strengthen mc in tUfiirt. v J. C. CALUUbA. FOREIGN. r.- yUi.:yCa .t"i7voV to .vflov. jhft f,ll.w"mg is the account of the p , r.vtwlition to Lisbon as commu- njcatf(j x ,iie Minister of Foreign AtFairs 0evraQCe to the Chamber of Deputies. w translate it from the Courier art F afn Um,n 4 j M , ,B11M nc enter mte a detail of the hich led to and preceded the rv- tuov Univ.. iv " jjj jj,e Ch wo Fronchmc,, iiv i?M(1 Chamber is aware that ing in Portugal wore :.,n,.;K..iulv a;.-7irl nnii imnrisonod. and , .llfMnw. Pven nuuiclv feed m & Wic S(Uarfl at T.islwn. Tp Clmmber an thnt at this haf, nofipiomatic relations with prtrtu,al Consul instantly p-otes- . .-.j, conduct, he! r.LV i,nnTe,liat release oi' Frencbm-ii ho '-J n "n 'ennv. .i caoeen expended during the course ot t!ie thoJr nyr.v, and indemmtv for th ii.juNoxpedition, and that only during the peri. that nafi heen one io wieo-. i.i oi.ioa m neet boen emnlovod asraiii't quenee of nrcessive rcfnsals on the pn of the Ponusuese Govcnnn"ut he t!. u; proper. to. embark for Fiacre. Ife a rived at Trest, and on the statemen: mi bv him to the Govcriunrnl f the Ki two fneates and some ii'-'-ter ve--,w.swe sent to ihr TflT'i15- (,P'- Hi'-nu iv -the cimmrmd of '': - ;viition. trausmitted t me Mini-t.-r nantarei sorf'oT''"' "'vi''T,r i'V Xi'tilcTi be "deinan .ifi.VitisfietK.n ' ;m too Portuguese ' num. ii I n HI . U' WIKV'S -!jmpiain ',v France. r , .1. ,. .: i lo Mas urfVr oMor-rl fo ilerlnrelnt ,f ,n t-ve -u v.f.4I. h did not oniii .n't i-i, i-e nr.jld comply witfhe. - c-rners of bw "overiiiiient and that orders v ere to IhWLkIa iU rnir of inn TmN ! i;.i knj to . the fl-y and - vtarej frcigpej i' -. i ...... . . i - " :..ty ',;!, yv' ..I t '. ...... 1 .1 111 I ll t' .Ik Bill f t:i rcU'Ai wi riu'i., ai th Mf'Tirta ha t vk ll-wc-Vt Liig'jt iCf. I . . a lk:lt Ilk , ... cf iu i.icoueptfnye decree of Drue. fie -...... ..,. r ,"r . an aUe utehnarr. t? htve belief "ui i nc , iu j , -,w m , dwjwiul.-! wuty:f.jur hour aAerwardi the nmnm was Ai uler t iiu.I. arcum. ftancea. atu.-n.lu15 Iho nav-mo. caused V rearli 4l wtraiie of .Ta-ua tho Cth July. From tho flth:U the Uf,v Jho win J and tido wero fivotyjle. Ad, imraJ lUwsin ou the Oth tont yi wt. mw to Lisbon, lie was avttU desirottrot" howing aoiuo coaaidertttioa, oot fvr l.a rartugucae goieromont, but .fr the neu. tral vc-cU which wero in tha.Tagus. lie gave ootico to tho Consuls ofjls rcsujuuaa nn nil lajwu, 10 profit by t'ic . first farorablo atato of the wind ami lid,. lo f.rce the entrance of the Ta jus. 4U ta leave the port Oa the 11th circa.-i stances were favorablethe French flett passed under the battarics aad farti and silenced their fir ut aHUtsii. y) .; TLEr Wl ccept our proposals, arotc-rr.M.: " 7 u . the VifccoAint You f ru com tj extremities. I refer to 2 i0 ter c ' this day, and I coufinn the a'urt . ancd that it to-morrow at Uo'cluck.f . bavd n.4 concluded the crjnvcntion, of i 'hidi you have accepted the bwia, I mil j rcjinmcaco jiobtilities ajuinat Lisbon, j I hi e depended on, your wwrd I will m 1 lonir sulil-r from the consequences of ray errx. I exjiect y-mr I-acv llcncyi or a Dcri-n'hom you may designute, this day or a-morrow gatil 12 ochK-k. Iwill m biujon board of ray ship, and no wkr eld" e Portuguese government appoiidfli .it. .Castcuranco their agent. Ho can on Joard the Admiral's ship, provided with, ful powers from the Viiount de fanta rer. Tlie negotiation were terminstod on he 1 4th. The SLmtrur of the 17lli of lis month published the condition t wlrh tho Portiijniese covernment Lrj. sutnitteii. j mnv Po permitted to sav. r- 1 w ; : th in these conditions there some thji calculated to gratify our nation;! prjle. , t has b-en asked what firms have been, oberved towards a gtnernment which Fuiec has not acknowledged. I answer tl: t the agents oj the chief of the govrn mnt have alone been iu relation with us nil have alone signed the stipulated cm diiuiis. No where will the name of 1' a, uel be found. 7v Among the conditions stipulated! will b find that of an indemnity for the cxprr. i of the expedition. 1 have beard it id tiiat this indemnity was too low. 1 . i , .. . . . . . Jidily adi to arm expedi any aannt, thata t -id been uecesM- and cqiii, i fleet c.VDrea1v f r jicdition, th" iiidemnitv would'hu" n quite i. etfi i:.t, and tXat it w;t:M ye been'aJ..iigjLi n-Jhcfon a fleet wonb V I)-.... i v it would nrhin i:" ve boon ready now but the fleet whirh ted at Lisbon had been got in readme u; a very different circumstance. As frr le indemuitv; we hive thought that ai xpedition wnose object was the obtaiaal f -s i itr in! reputation, ouht to bt i ' i i ito a matter of money. We no : 'uught that rO oujht only to re- tleo il-o an indemnity for what bad actually Portugal, it ought to be considered at the charge of that countrv. The fleet was Composed of 6 ships of the line, 0 frigates, and some smuMer ves sola. A ship costs 50,000 franc a month frwases and other expenses six ships, therefore, cost 300,000 francs during on month 000.000 franredurinjVU'o months The evpenses of the vesseff'is imnor tinccChuve ieen estTmSAyar 200710 francs in all 300,000 fifjW. I will nof leave tho :fibiine without 'banking fbe Chamber, if I am permitted, for the kind feeling, it has. shouVi toward tho expedition to the Tagus and those who have taken part in it. I ask permissiet) nho to pass over hi -silence the instruction riven in relation to it. I will merely ih- serve, tht-.t the ordcrsofllieMirii'tor liav- Ijbecn 'cA'IJii the great' .PX'r tuc:n, .;" - i I'l. DV I . MlWuivUU;! W.1H II i &. J '1