!Uu:;utiu,i(,AN couvrv, n. c MciNii.vSnv.;iif i ft 1 i i I - i a ft. V t!.. Mt , if . ,..r.nl. '. . J . . I'll. M '' ' - . jJiT4 (,( . 3ii STttt:-.crtn : , , TREATY WITH AUSTRIA. . mliideit gr Tit esitxa imn or iwttiei. f .1 PROCLAMATION r...in Tri of Commerce and between the United 8ut of America, Lit it treaty the Empew f Attatrta, ucn'yn-h diytf AogusUn the yearo tei.y.iilt.e, which Treaty U, word fur vori. ti louww : , . , , . frni tr Commerce and Naciga- "kn bitetm thrVnUed. Statu qfl "- America', and hit Mvctty the un, peror of Austria, r ' . "i . Ti.- United" SimeVof Ameilea, and Hi JI.icMf the Emperor of Amtiia, King; ol llu err end lUctnl, equally animated rtr le coira nttnlmmiK the reb tln-icf pood undemanding which have bi h-rto so happilv ubaiaed between ih." reunite S.atca, of cxiendmR, al,, md cooJoliUting the commorciai I1(!Mrorc beiwicn ihtm, adcori vinri" 'hat tlU object cannot better ccon.n Wbrrt thin by d.p Hr the m urn f a en-We f f-dom if niffiin, and pnfert rctiprociijr, baifeU uoi principle fq'? q"F beneficuhc, bon countrie. he, n ronsr q-irnce, jgrft A 10 tn'er into neeo'ii'ioo tor th concluiian of a trctf of com?f rr fn naviiion for which parpove the Presi drntfthe United State$ bai conffrrH full power on Milti Vn Bmen, their Sftrotafv ri ie; and" His Mjif y iSc , Emperor of A-'rU ha ronffrred ht powen on Lewi, Boron dc Lilert, lal-J JJijt S Consul fir port of K Yurk, md thj said ' Plenipven.i.'i;; hinK rl anRftJ ,htir s' ' fulJ'poer. found in cood nd doe form, ive enn eluded an! i?ned b I wii . Ar'i.lc I. TherttiuUb bfoen the territory of lf hltj cooiractmg pin- a rcirjroe.r liberty of commerce and Wtljctlon. The inhibitanti of their re inneiife State lhall mutdilly ba lib tt to enter the porta phcea and river of the territorial of each party, wherever foreign commerce It permitted. I he? sbll be at liberty to sojourn nJ reuda ioH patta hatioever of ic' terriio ijai. to order to mend to their cojvimer cial affair l and thay ahall enjoy, to lhi effert,the tme ururity protection and privlf(r aa natives of the cnumrf wherein that realdr. an condition rf theii m'xni ting to the Uwi and ordbunce theie preiOR. Article S. Auirlan veiseli anivir.R. either Uden orjn b4Urin the pnrti ol the Uftiied- fiiatf a. of JArn? r'u ; and, re ciprof ally,- eel of the United State si liviri, either laden, or in blls, in the pons of the dominion of Austria, hll be treated on their entrance, during their ta and tf their depprture, upon the am fontinc aa rational vessels comingiroin the lame place, with re spcctdstaitie dmiea of tonnage, light hoosejr pilotage i nd port charcea,. well aa to the fee and perquisite pub'ic officers and all other duties or chareei of wKItevef MnroT-fJerromin tion, levied In the name, or to the profit of the Government, the local authoriuei or of any private eatabltsUment whutso -.ever.- 7 Article. 3. All kind of merchftdne and 'articles of commerce, either th Produce of ihe soil or the industry of the I'nitcd State of AmeiSca, or of ony otlu r countrv, which mv be liwfu'ty impor v idi iaio tbc port of he dominions ofJ Austrisr, MXustrun vciseis may also ite o7: i rh dfte .1 h Vtf s s e U of the United Sates of AiTica, without pint other or hieher dnrVL or chartrcs, of whatever liind or denomination! levied in the name or to the profit of the Government, the local authri!ie8f or of any private estali liahments whatsoever, than if he same tnerchandise or pioduce had been im l'orted in Austrian vessels. And, re rip rocally all kind of merchandise aud ar ticles of commerce, either the produce t'f the soil or of trie iddusiry of the do minions of Austria, or .'of ' iny -other country, which may be lawfully impor 'M in Vh.e ipr( qE Up yitd 31 ;;' In rr!s of le t A 1 Pttes, may slto be ' im.-vnted in Au-,nih vfsls wi'linu' I'yiij; other or M,:hr r d'J'les rr char1. wf wluievcr kind or dti-onlut'lon Kie t In the name, or to ihe profit of the Gov crntiitin, the t')ral-aithfttiiies, or ol any pIj'e fitiLlithmer.tl whiorf,ft thai if the futno merchmdiae r prod ire harj becnimp'Tted in ciclaof the United ates of America. ; Article 4. To prevent the prmiMli'y of any miaundcrittndinj:, H h hereby iftlard that the-tlpitltM'ttOtTta?ntd ia h two p-ecediauaJiiicJA'sare.ta tocu ful.elt!cnf, .appilcbk lb' Aiisiriaii vestela and their e ire, arriving In the ortt of Ihe United S'ate of Amtilea i and, reclpec ally, to vessels of the sild Statci md tbclr cargoei arrivlrtif In the ports of .the dominions of AtU, whether tbe;iBiJ vcucl clejr directly from the porn of the cour.trr t sthlch thee respectively belong or from 'the porti of any other forelp,n couniry. Article 5. No biirhcr or other oatlei hall be Imposed on the H Donation Into tho United Suteti of any rtic!e the pro duce or manufacture of the dominion of Austria and no higher or other duties ahatl be Imposed on the Importation into the dominions of Austria, of any anlcle the produce or manufacture of the Uni ted Siateitthan are, or shall be payable on tbo like artkle, being the produce or manufacture of any other foreign coun try, flor. shall any prohibition bo Im posed on the importation or exportation of any article the produce or maauftc tare of tho United State, or of tho do minions of Aa-.fi, to or from the port! of iheVniTe J Sialesror Ih tf rfCnrrST port of the dominion of Austria, which shall not equally extend to all other na inr.i. ! . Article 0. All kind of merchandise and articles of commerce, either the produce of the soil or of t.ie Industry of the Uni ted States of Annerki, or of any other rountrfi wbicb my be lawruJJr exporterf or re-exported from the port of the said UittdSfae,io national tessets, may tlsibe exported, or re-exported ihere from in Austria! teselj without payin other, or bicher dutie or charge oJ hatever kind or denomination, levied in the name or to the proGt of the Got emment, the local authorities, or cl an? private establishmerjt wbatiocver, tho i 'b same merchioJije or prwluce hd twrn ato ied or re i-XDorteil, In vessels t,r th.j I ;-ed S'ste of Americ. Aorv.f' -d?rocl r .taU be obsemH in the pon of thr dominions of Auttm r that at! ktrnXof-mtrch3ndrsT-ard-f if lei of ojmm'rre ether the produre of r e soil or of the industry r the saiJ Co iiohnsof Aiutrti.or of any other rout try, which may he hwfully exported o; re exnortrd, from A us' rUn 'ports, in n It. roav also be exported or r-oiipor!(id theiefrom, In teste's oMhe United State of America, without pay in ftihar or hlorher dudes or charget, o whatever kld or denomituti-w, levied In th name or to the orofit of the uor ernro-nt,lhe local authorities, or of any nrU.ta astablUhment whatoever, than if the urae roerchaodUe or produce rjad been exported, or re exported, W . Aus trian vessel. A.id the nrae bountle nd drawbacks' hsll he allowed, whether uch exports tion or re-exportation be made in vessels of the one party, or of the other. actIcFTrlrlrepTeMlrTinderiood and agreed that the coastwise navigation f hnih thA contractine Darties, is alto gether excepted from the operation of this treaty, an.tot every anicie uioreui. Article 8. No priority or preference shall be given, directly, or indirectly, bv either of the contracting parties, nor by i.ny Cqiiiptny.Cotporation or Agent, ac ritig'on their behalf or under their au thority, in the purchase of tfny article ol mfteet 4wtu-.y impotxeu, on e count of, or in reference to the character of the vessel, whether i: Jc of the one n ,rtv or of riie other, in wblch such ar iclc ts imported, it being the true in tent and meaning of the contracting pi ties that r.o distiittion or difference wh-tevcr sh.11 be made in this respect. Article 9. If either party su nt iici ter grant to any omcr unuu- "f r . .1. mi oaPtiril-. .ir favor in navigation or toutwiw,. hallr immed'utely become eomnnn o the other party, Jreely, Mre v itm erantcd to surb other nation, or on vi hi hg the isam compctisatjon, wnmnr erant i conditional. , , Article, 10. me tw ivi- - ilea nereQy , . Ith.ri. nl havinc, e cl in the f .ki. ihr. UonsU IS, Vice"'" a If f'.rt pons mi mo vv'v, , . ' ;u' a-.. mrf Commwtttrtes of their own appointment., who shall enjoy th same privileee9 and powers thoja o K most favored nations. But it any uch Consuls sua ' e """, tccn u aaUnu9ua! tiropor.ioh... they shall be subectel to the sttme aws ucu, u v S k which tlje private lojitfid; frTW;! .i.,k flfliunla shall exercise commerce, n .j')f::t in i r t l IP.Ittt .linn. Ariicl II. The rl itns or mbjerti if each pjrty ih!J hjva power to diip'tac oftljrir persiiml Roods, wi'.hlti l Ho juru itlrlinn nf lh ink... . l..t . . .1 . . 'i- f?rrif tatjves, being cltszini or subjects of th- Her panyl hall fV.cred to their par, annal pooditahha, h, J. rouotry wheretl th mid goods are thai) He whject. t'J piy i?. like rases. A ,d in 'IT.! B.?e(?c! 0l! P'M!V:' ui,n Koro nu UB unci 01 loe SK1 goods.tsildbe.aken of , broils "i i native lt like ca. m,!l ih. t.-f,, ownermay take meaWes for receviHg thm. And if any q-iestbn ahould arbc moog stveral claimant, to which of iu!s of. thilr n niii HitfiWI, and mat t nnftOnn f,r. unwmciu.. . a iirrc if ..l ih 4A. k rrv'n-iit w nh. oCeTTiirlTnrvl? tr?ritrWWW ntnewher J 'hone very ' t'hortiy t bt 3ctirrrftjr-ti)emvtwl.miroeofth4me imiiht-m1 HhelrVilrpyingctnJqlf,,tar(.f flr b sonerf- or-on the-nirt-of CJod. e' -r.j:rrT-,f? irhKv,ri?ifcr?- -- -r v..t, vui, na 1innnoiin'i" oi me f i nj rcmgiiinar in sinner is n.'t u ibem said gOods belong, the aamo shall J lhat he woulcl turn am! live. Tura ye, be decided finally by the law and Jodg'.nlturn yti for why will ye die V And a! lL.l...l.k..J. it. ..It l- , If -L . . ' i ... S!?.!!'? dJr!?",e. ln ,n) readr nnblished. or hereaffer t fe- lihed by lh Majesty the Emncror. o: Austria, to prevent the etsijjration of bis Ancle H. The nresnt irv .tn continuejn forced ten yrs, counting from the'day ofthe exchange of the rat. incatlonj and if twelve month before the expiration of that oeriod. neither the hign-cotitractimriwnfsirrrilT have acnounced by n official noiTGcation to the other, its Intention to arrest the oper- tian of said treaty, h shall remain binding fir one year beyoml that time, and so on, nUth P of the Z l'SZ 1 t , ,U f?0W -a M Ur no'in:ation whatever the time at whkh ii may take place. fake olac. AbtIcle XIII. This Trc.y ,f,.ll be an-1 prov.d u. rai6o by the froaidenr ,f ihe United Sutesi by and !,h the -d vice and eonsent e-f thr .'Senate thereof: . . .a. ' and by Ms Majesty the fcmprror of Aus trie ; nd f,e ratificu..ns shall bo excha- ngedin the Ciy of, Washington, whhin twelvo month from the date jof the ig- nature hereof, or sooner, if nosfibte. lo fd'h whereof the respective Plenn- ooteutiariea have itoed and sealed this Treaty, boh kl the English and German languages,declaring, however.thV'm. tog been mtgln.l'y coropoed in ibe for- interpretation, houid any difference in , . . ,vo"" I reirs'd 'o it unfortunate re. D. re in niplics'e, at Washington, this en v s;cnth djy of August, in the y v ir ol our Lord one thousand eight hun- reu anu iwenrv nine. M. V AN IWRES. L. BARON DE LEUEREfl. Aad whefeas the said Treaty ha been KuIt ratified on both Darts, and ths r.o. Lctive ratifications of tho same were this day exch .nged at ihe City of Wsshlne- ton by Mjrtin Van Buren. Secretary oflBe willing , to see your own, hearts, State of the United States, and Lewis,! and to acknowledge vour character. fBaron do L-derer, Consul General of His Majesty the Rmperor of Austria, inl l . a fff k - its Bvnii.i uw m i'ii wv iiniikMsvuuoiivoa the smd United States, on the rart ofl.v rv. u -. vk- .u. their respective Oovernmeht. Now therefore, be it known that I, An-1 djewkaon,;P1oaUent4iD States of America, have caused thaiaid Treaty to be made public, to the end that the same and every clause and arti cle thereof, my be observed and fulfiUed with good faith by the United States and citizen thereof. h w, tnens whereof;, have i t hereunto i set my hand, and caused the cl of the United States to be affixed. )nne at she City of Washington, tht day of February in the year of our L- d one thousand eight hundred an. I ti: 'v one , nd of the ludrpend o'-' of the V nted S ates ol Ari- i thp fit fifit'. ANDREW JACKSON. By th PrsM.;.i, M. VAN BUREN. Srerttrr of Stale, Mncrr L i vr.orr. Vhvljtsi. Cnnrrrexi-svbv "fnHowi" ing mmnerso: ine msi vj- .ngrcsH a-- its commfticemt'i t are s re dead, df the Senate ; A1 ims of Mississip pi, MLea'' oflMi. ois, ;n) Nnbh of Indiana. Of tt-e House of Rerirese-n- . i i . tatives : ISI tUarv ot Vermont, i'o'vt rs of New Y rk, Miller of Pensylvani Smith of Virginia, Phi-Ids of Ohio, and Pettis of Missouri; N' -.e dr-tt'-s' in two years, two nunureq antj u.tr ewMK a u 4 t' ;': t'lrt a n?rht;-- ITjw I p i-rj'-uiten; tht ic)' ahnul 1 It r;! to !e (;!ni ui.in il th;)" couM. If it l true 1 1 j :tt rt uiiin,' t)t,t ilK;r own untvilliiinri . P" veal , . .Cbrlat.thcaitcanMoa.lroMh'tttiey ...ii j i -,1 ' 1 ft; t(t C.bt,"uo!f f ilthis were their desire they wouJj 8.iint, fs eitberjhnt he i ubwillin ta be one, or that G'.J h unwilling he bou!d hi one; ' We canoot -oa.c-1 i ',. i -1 f'tf '"PP0 ! Vv.fyt oro b h" . lhaf the jrtm'.hn&t ' on "u Par,J Al ,iVe fcal h 9 j0 Gr,'J have no pleasure -in 'lea,', f .thti wicker'; but -rather bW Wke the wate'r cf life frcciy, ; 1 f"1 "r? ,n,ff". olten re- H y.believe; thatahey dirft.t., be .vH?'?., . Uut hef. ,,eccAvc ...7v...uMV? T ,u""f, PomP'. ,rtada c,c.rn,"y ,U?P,? W arc convinced thatreU,ioi u oece. .iirrta thrJtttabmcati)Lluture Jiapi?. oeMf-they flatter themselves that they desire to posse It. Hut obierve religionItself i not the object of f heir desire but it future rewards The drunkard may sincerely desire, the bieK.ng of temperance, while he ha m - to" Vidrio hi cups. So ,.. .. - ,r B,007" mayroesirc tor pietv tweii. '.V " "i ! f1 T. l.!.l't .L. '.f . .,. r f . T v ' t? V? r t t.. Ae . Do any of you, m hearers, fluttr yourselves thai .. .. .L,!. a L. aTL.u?.a.'. ft.... "J "r8"c l u , vnriuans s nave 70U Br'b' thought what it waw"t be a Christian ? The Christian hate sin, And loves holines. He huftgeri en l thrifts .after righteousness. lie deligbn in the service of G id. It is hia drink to do the will of hU heaven Jy-Father. 'r Do lyou "desire t' kir u Chitiao whols oot syiltiot to forsake hU ,jni irtA t5 wa!k ;n the ne wow of r Vi7 ' I - Vu-' s!7 Call to view the s:ns in Which youhabi- ...n tA.. a - . :n- iuiii i nuii 't,iic j-vu witling forsake them immediately Luok at the dmies of religion. . Are you trill ing to perform them ? If you1 are you will com mence - a - Ii fe-oft)bed ience without .delay, Ifyou are not willing J .L --L!. . lo do 'hcs5 9'y0U re n0t wUl!n8 t( he Christians t for these thing are escntial to the Christian character. Cast away, then, this vain delusion. nntrr rnfrt i't.rnniim ia1tral, TA I t Smmifaw tirirtfVtfatA11ivasa) . M bc so bchri8.fins if Jou en.tlrl vmi vlrmallv sav thr it rmf f - j .s. f..u :. ... " Jf" ? "hcr your fanlt or God While) Ihcrefore you exculpate yourselves, you cast all the blame of your impenitence , upoa your Makcn And is not this iropiyiv ?" Dr. Tyler's Sermon In Barnstab!e (according to the Pa- 4it)-ok!Miftt-p(i since accidentally thrown, with the floor sweepings, into ahog stye. Late ly in eating a hog's tongue, the pin of pure gold, ,wa found in. it, but th. i broach is still lost. So much for cas ting pearls before swine. A few Sundava since a simple look ing country lad, to whose lot fell the leading question tn the Catechism. " What is yniir tyime ? replied, Carrots VV no save 'yoa "That oatne : twiy an iuc wuya m mc parish. Sir !" WhineJngly replied the red-haired urchin. L An illontnredrjok'er, (as appears from the Portland Courier) lately jti it vu.. n .u. i...- rorcn a lariar." tic u.ri;juicu wiih a raw chap fromthe country for a ad of baskets at S40, o& gave a note with a false namewitnessed by a by. staoder with another false name, and sent Johnathan on a Tom-fools-errand J.nAaii tVi..m Inhnttan th I. ilc. r i;.'f h jiinc lit a I hcn a leptity tflv'iiif In k x r fft)J-nn.i "rjti'ii'.cj h: Ln v 'wlnt l.t - sv.a a'lout." He p it tieccnrrra tit a mill, and the pin itimo lo ncarl Kim j:'ti. vn ffftirscfl t' The" toot wesilie'r h.i.opcrtetl ft a ft a a 1 i" t . voraiiy upon the henitn tne, torn, tcrate one of , t,ie principal Work men having exper ieqcc J , renewed attack, from which be b.u not yet re covered, and which embarrae the operation ol the fftice;. ..Will' our t reader fin J excuse in the ctrcumitarf-' ; ce for aoy imperfeciio'iii " in, the ap pearance cf the presenfoumbcr? Camaai Journal, TOrs-Thc' iri'.h- paper fssyi Cobbett) ?ay, - that the cattle aqd oth er thuigi which have been leizert for the pjiypeht of tithe, have , been ent to E.i gland td be sold ! Poor St. Paul and aod SCJ.thus, and the rot of themi," -ncVcr; thought that there .-f age prove ment -as this. They; ne vet Christian "Ministers dre .tnitjr that -vw.ild aeie the . gvods of thcir,floeks TnC'.equitry;- nal iccdJUKia tcrba til v . T ' iviu 1a anoincr. '"Si. . ... 4 aMaMaife - "' IPosl .Vising. Our pcliLicallv' knee drrp irnraersed f cotemporariei have muiu il!y,ioduig!;d'b pny colo red pieasitotrii's on the apprjintmcot. of a M'ws UJUer I as a post master ac Convenrry.X.Ua I. I Itr apppir)tment would :cme nr. age of tucVvait im- '"''"lit was, "iftdispataUly, "a gWioa ' ,lo'p to hang a ' j kc upon, but we discov er no pertinency in the remaik's diet- ted by,', the circumstance, :, S t kpow j no pvt of the duty of tbe p?t mastcf ' V in toWns of the mngntturie of Cooyen try. It. I" w!ich may not be filled, a well by svbmeti as by men, nd jone thing is certain, thatfcmjlcs are more likely to le ryhlinjg and attentive than ' their r!f jufTi " t;t lords, wh i would naonop:'izy ill tna means of Iivlnj even in Uie rrglu of retailing pins and ircrdier; : Jios(oi Transcript, Hanging Rock against tthc world for Squashes. A aqsh vine grew this year - in the garden ol Mr. John Truesdel-arlhnging Itok""cfcek, which boretrn squashes, two ol which weigh and, measure as follows : one. of them measure 6 feet finches 'in circumference f and weighs tine hun dred and two pounds the other weighs $6 poonds and measures 5 feet apd 10 ioches ia circumference. Any American; farmer who wilt outsquasli this, thai! be cntul-d to raise: as big pumpkins as he pleads fr aught we care j for this is cur nc plus ultra. -v Camden Journal. , The whole fiOg.'-Xt the last torrri of H U Superior Cnurt, a n-an was convicted of the crime of Hog stealirg, snd sentenced to receive fifteen.. Ias?f-. es. It wjs in evidence that he cutoff the nog's head and threw it away to prevent ;de',ection. Afer ;.reeeivifV his punishment, and while putting on his shirty he very coolly ..'observed, ' The next r time J do such attack, ril go tfu) whole hog" 1 lili&if&i.ih. a:: zppctitc.X reli- &ious se'c't'1!,., ... vi-.i-Jy sprung -ua-m the county or i-vr. n 4t whose tenets is u sahue cn-:n ',st'.er at a meetiiBr vith a miy i- OaeofiTip female e'evoteeo, n youa lady of a ihoasandchar.ris, happe.i-d tn eoco'jn-tt-r a' you.ig gentleman, of wh- m she was enamoured, and gave him a j aro c rdial aud loving ' saJute tl an was quite becoming.' The next rlav shet received a message from the i ' ;h priest of the sect, a."'r:g she .. u beert excommunicated for kissing witU Xcw Jersey. The rcfii-;.iiaii'niJ in this ,Stat,e )uve . , , r4. r. the Jackie, c90Ue " -.-The nu3onty iu party. on ' . !' t . t - V. pkMPaa4taMaairaayta' 'iiMaia , ' ' 3 --a, I .'4 r . . . I '4 .t if A 9 I .I ' T i I' i 12 1 i 4 i 4 K ii J .3U05 ' i J

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