Ji;;rr.u-; J rfo. iW irutb, honesty, rr p'r'.v.i , thit W5VC-'- political trickery, whkk is Wle.. Kir:2r.rrv:;w-- uv,. r.tfWa,. ., r.ui.'.v.v, N. ;om).'.V i. 13y .,'nrmunmblf. but buJ b?a houlJ he a.pire to eminence. And, when iuch i orecr hsll t oul tJo,f there will be nothing painful h the retroipect." t LITERARY C0NVENTIO.1. on! Tv-:iilrinJihd bodf which bid I I . t. :t' :i a r I -..I I i' - -ril nrtnclole. ' of ... ( .. r , , i ; 1 1. .11 raeeunsr. f he Uai-? V M""? mrif Aun-M Collcqe, has been Bow.-7- - - . . , u contain touod cpmo'f. .,nr,...d. on the ' . .j. ,k nrnffrc.. of educa- yV 0rrliducatieo.atuUlhe Lon ind etetate-the itaodard of Jim advantage. 0,Vf Time. We "t!.r iu.,.,r,. rea.sembled thU proper. OTr,v r , -rlfrrsnvt . al t ...Wtant. room of Jrimeo -ttfalionu uazaic. Cityllall. ,....., - tfffiStry character o . . J Among the ttemeu J . tf deierVedlf eieatea, nnticed the lion, jonn H uv ' try,erv i. morl now ti-.-w t.lliiffon. I)rWain 1 ; fieoator u;d world.- Thil i ht empire CT RffretJirv Fla, I'roieiior Jurr cirmzeo woTiu. i.k-rtv. t t... ruv. - nn. Talamad .v.,M b.,eooaiaerea: c W""; J:"'' .V, "! nation caaicbitve. fcrery p r,im0uth. N. H. tnutnpb nti hf uU A, " follow?. dtlegiMon "Scitude, the literary reputation fromlhe iWenity of the cjtv of New rLSered a belongiog to the nation. r)f, Manhewi. It". l. C, Rer. toniifleo di.t neu uh n. r.u. M. J. Delafield, Mr. J. And '6-"-V7 en. w$0 on W::Vw V r. J... Uno, Judge !Un of learning and talenU, com- Bfttlf fr. Brea-lhead. v nun the voluntary h. mage ol tne Tht. Cvrrtion waacauea ronrurr, wSS. SuehmendUtinguuh tage bv Dr. W4nwright when Mr. (Ua; h Irh ch hey life, "d tttJ0.d7.de. liog moved that .he Hon. J. Q. Adama ,n Pic" . . h human 1 . . .V the Chair 1 which nominate r u""rJlu toaod he tve ,. ... .w. . m it hv Mr. Vithoot perionai appn.uwu9 ..v lncreU,on wi tuouu- . . ... rrmt attain!..... l.j.. t t a tuttiation. aam ne. menChohaaanwhoacquiretequal for whici ! conaciou. that etlebr ty. Thia may in aome degree .ndW1duali ent are more compt P"0"?. .nutation of the ... ..lf , and thu for many o" ; .k. r"' ..; .sem. it. rouog men of great fortune, become ,f The information I P eminent, ine reaavu i9 v. feel no n tperaonal and wh tifeTlhCORtd tairaJotgewejtnetr .j. k.rnmn relaxed, tnu tneir am. . 111. WW.MW " . I .11 1 H M L.U - DiiioD uhuwj"' u ttenuon ui H.r(A nrtn No man ever anauwu uuv fhat u w,u nerm-. y - . n tinction in buittart. . , the Convennon w , or in any ot the learoeo p'"-;"": rcqueitthe Kev. v ' ' without great labour. And 00 .nd,. 1 d d vidual of good cpacuy, The Throne 01 J Pi.ident of Jrftrmt.i!iea for atudv. and . . u t. F sVe rreen- ' ' V... .u- k. .uinriiM. . ' . . it -rutv. at Mio3,e ever tailed to Decom The ter dooc due tient thought." 'it. r . I , i 1 i nliyiica.lv imp -.live iur i.-t n wi atrrceu io aau iwi. vi - --- --- .v,'.A BiMiHirnpd. til at renreieoted by the pctir. - . - . n.Srnr.y ; Jt TPU are to rcroiuv r.,i.it nrr ntt i. r- . 1 i . j itatin'., vxw. "v.. -1.;, - t,0 rot i;,:iu A Ir.vnrl nm.n M,hfiim CCiiriCV 1KU I . . . i .1 . i r.l I ir . 1 nii UUruoiHK vi . - "V' V" " nhvaUiani ana i;.: ' . 1 ; ' . .n iteihe Uw eiacur, we,Mve the moil peruci re- v,' . , 'j e . .xtU.p.pA t' r ni ..m noi - . ncy;ouht,.fo, ,h. truth cfthe OJt''.'- Tkj .f.Mto f!lrty,ln!r ' , ' V A.r.' ..A haTrf! ecuiion from the Cwnw. n ---- '----r' - room mate waa uahered in, and did I 1CW ' .... r. and looked, and rubbed hia eye ind tu,.. t0 ti,e bittirca of auch exu- looked aeam, until me pupua ouatea i The viiona ol paat giory almoit toburitinc L.:.l. :u..m'inita even that dark im "Hence. horrible ahadow, unreal priionmeot but to be,conicKu in mockery, hence.JV , hia aupermtoral. enerRiei might die What cnuldjt be!! the devil to a awav without creat.nginc.r .u...v certainty! the huge ma moved and can the whrrl, or the rack, rival tne approached htm, and wneo io! a tan torture oi aut.i "r . Hv at a. tta , avta i a m iri wr ii aiaiu ! .11 tiiv inr ni im'--. i ... ....II . I .m. rnnvrn. ail m Whhone de,n.irine.D..mc,tir leap, Spe- cer wavtruggung win n-w-- -"6 . ; V'n1anlt ,f orJi . . i. u:i- .t.rf ... inp mill man a inmuic mi m." i' . i- . a a mm a ai i , r w ri .ant i inn r i ip'siii u . a . . . m wmm nm a incuwr u ... ...v - U n Aa soon as he had the W Mam Woodworm, anu wa. no other poniWe way ..f ccape. F r Q' A' 8 ;red w tbe mfll(Jed h f ,t rumber of pr,cu? Heacre.medfor help , he groaned in Ut Uiaaapt.-.. l mech.oica aud acientific men of ,.v..v ,l. .... ,ur.19i;ili Mecaenaa ol ins New lork aoa rnnaur.p. the ot. was tne preaicamcnt 3 . , nneration. age, M; -: ' . I n Swi mpBl ,hat doe. credits anti.chaTircr,n-wasiwuu.... - timtm SerUlh ro prevail on one ol the pampered American mvention.-Wl ACTtw i ... ...... iU m annr rint to nel. meniais, i , f i t ... annr rrrt a le I tne riari. wim . . .' . I I V. ..milt till n r.rrnt aniVal WO pitres, man nc muv.v-.... -- . , - ----, ind the poet twenty pnunus. Red- hVe rt cei' , J several commnmcattons T n I ! ! .1 I a . 1 111 J I i itttaf Have mey rep"- r"- r II... . ...i-.. kiMinrT Btuw . .ft . ... IJ L... !' aik-aiua. -a . . i'i.ii. cfite tin a large and close prn.ige . u frftm lhe Hera'a heat! , I Ui.iog in nac g" ' hou.e. Thia hem. had previous .1 d lk burel fr.m th, ""ZXLi whir, ly been tileo poase.a.on or as a bdg- , throbbing brain, and read their UB " . t;U luffcr ,ucb a ingforthe right, bv a hale two, fined d,obWf their d.nger., their de.p.ir, TtSi aVr.on'toferpetrata nrgro from the rnourua.ns, who w.l wf m5ght Ieiro t greater le.spn th.n ft J . ia onen dayligF"'1 employed io hauling timber to the wohUm acquire by mu.ing over rh ra.iroaa. aou wnoTiaannrcr thejp loitif of their mipiranon. . . bo? U lhi mur- rvrhaps heard of an elephant before in .nk of unreceg0;2fd Ceasar, with llUrtd to pollute hi.l.fe. He wa. fast asleen when ht? . your weepl0g over the f'r aad cnd forO' hia abomloati .a with impunity, wn ..I..!.. . l . ij .:.,.! of that rfRion never herraftrr to gn into the moclce., ry of arraigning ao iffer-der for mur der.araon'orrL Cimden Jour. .... I VM Pkartal. lull... 1 1 1 ..b n . . ... m ww m m - -....AM...t.rB.m . lUUlU . - n al iint,! aa li hia r.tiltnm. ft I. ..... r US. iiKrinf nanPif k firat ttawn nt thr? morn in?. ilfr.li". . . i. u...... 'innlinn starving - - - - - "-; ll(V intvunniv i"r" " ing a rusiiiag io w miw, turncu - 'Mnrrtjciin;.-TWerave a j :.. . ni nrwlr a diacram ana aescrr.- - - invVntf d patent machine for l'.nJ .ndpreparingplank.forfloor.ng.wh.ch r. ' ?' .f . aa a labor nromisca to ne oi grca - . Mvirg mi-chine. By mean. f it iu ..iv y " -j f - - hU mirrhl Afficaft for no kind master was within hearing to afford him pr .tecti n. The . Devil with two tails" "U'lod over him and wnp r.A kl. .nff unrl flf liMe fore t Sail a round his neck, and whikrd it in ln fce and then he v nned horriblv .a - av I I Convenuon. an? "".,..., . ,h 'Here every man must arand or ffof JoCfr,n, were appoint feecre r.ii M w;. inrl'ioWlnat merit. He can- . r .u. Trinvention. uu mi ' . . taries Ol v . . m be auned bjatn iPter, were then recevea, - tac respectability oi nis wn...-.. -noUoeiea f tneir u Nor cau a young man hope to rise in J lemrB. v.. t Dr. ... u:. ' k r,rt'.riuia circnm- iuowu-ij pr.,.jent Car- stance.. He mu.t lay the foundation M'' rw of Yale College. : ofhi. future prosperity, by exemplary . Mr. Ket"p. conduct and incessant study. I - .,; Mr. Wondbnage, u ...... K..rar himnelt lrm inosc . . IIIU3 aw au.k. . amusement, which conaume time, and . " a ..a. Ilea in&t the mind loumproycmt-ni. ..h tko frrntification must be satisfied with the gratification arising from a Vapid aJvance, ant the prospect of future telebrity. 'These jitlbrd to the mind much higher en joyment, than can be found in the most brilliant circles of society. They, ever pall upon the appetite, but con tinue to1 give increaaing delight. ' 11 TS.i,n wiariMtohave a name ft.JIU.-Btl .V. .7..- . .... .,..,, . .l.K-L ,i,-Vii.fi bv nosterity, ho desObv his individual efforts to add skjhing to the amount of human happiness, and the glory oihis country, baa much to do, and but lit- .1. ..11 r.mn. Hi. da?, and nights should be devoted to the pur suits of thia great object. The prin ciples of truth, justice, P"' should be the foundation on which he w -ii. n...u.- k?- 1if be public, OUlias.j ftncuici . or private, the same moral prmc.p e . . . . ' a. . ii. .Unnirl at. unould govern mm. w , . . . . ti.i either Mr. : 4 ... i f 7itPnncrtm,-N-J IT UlCri"". ' ' ..... r., the eommittees rSaS rarvsubjecta appointed on r. ve,r being th- co,v-rt,on of hc U y .rented, a on. c-.. or .bvDr. ' in B.U p;zrroot bt; m , .uh 3 pro. :inv,re, which cohm . fey ..i- Kat a premium . ... calGratntnBr-- adp'ed to tne on mo. A eomm.ucr - " Sr!er tu, a me tion, appointed w namf , f t urn rr . and report ; announCfd Pr.F-Ve then lowing The ...uWtrd the fot- a,.mht to have mercv 1 spare hnn a little Innfr. The Devil with two tails He'd not hi .upplt-aiiona but kei 4 r'iing .nd feehng him, and brand ishinr his tail, which he now extended and now contracted, until, in the imagination of the negro, there . . A a. A was nothing so cintani or so near be secure from it. The louder he screamed the more the devil felt him. Shrunk up in the least possible dimen sions in a corner of the room, he a- waited, in a state oiaiarm, ooroenng on distraction, the issue of his horri. ble adventure. The keepers of hi. tormentor at length came to his relief r .L. . .f kta and released nim irom me jaws im . . 1". ! I .1 . enemy. Alter a noeraiion. nc nau - severe chill ot several n w auriu accompwnied bv a tranment derange ment. Having now recovered not on- t..tu:. ti1fh hur his couraer. he '1IIJ -.., 1 swears" by ginny he was not so much . . . a I . .L ..w keered at his oigness -oui win i nal tail at each end he n like urn." Quere Doea not Sombo deserve the premium offered for the best ori- . ' a a ww . -1.. ginial tail !roiu. zzam. Rr nned horriblv Innd the poet twemy p-u-u.. n,ve rcr,r ''iioit aha-bioxvfa uom actareseiumitejnt?!-" U - - ., . more.' Aa ne procerus, ... sod admiration was'duly augmenting, so he again cried ou, in rapture, . .a . . ...tk.l. .nli " Joho, tarry tne po a....w.v. - pounds." But at length, he l-at all t ..!J llC'.M.kl rrn and patience, ana am . &- force that author out of my house, lor if I read farther, ne wm it u.v without a shilling. ! t t er f l ' 1 i . v ; ' '.'is.ll ijrn 1 t art- nri r' wsrr.i rrr" car.:? trj t.ily a icv !arir: ihe ; - fstr.t 'k I ... . I'r.l.if.iisl lmr-uJci . v I a. 4 - i , Movd (Jartii : w'.llte I Crni the hor.j a scud hit Chronkla ol i'4l,rnr, : w. v r creasing in auty .,uu:,, strain-called tne srrvaiu, ugmeni 10 p"pvi.. - . Go a id five thst mm twenty pound- thi5 time reaching over six tnousana WHS IVWVtasa.j viuls, -nd in other respec. advance ,n prosperity. Good order prevails, and this new community is rapidly; ettling dowr. to the condition of.welT regulated society. The products of the earth this sea-. son are represenreu u .ii .k- ....... u- r.oloDv. Corn is ail inc waii -.. ,- - i A U. .mtnn cfoo IS Said to , i. . exceed any previous jhi.-h- Mr. J. Augustine W toe ""fj- pflrof. published a new wky consisting o r -j nnrltr the title ol , ,ti.:..i. ,trv ann muaiv. i i : . ...i. ..i- tiaa r.in inruusu uit iprtr,.h Melodies.' It not often " - . . :-j:...ri.i4i r.lv,,' " ,uv -o-- . , tlt we find the same iuui. - -i- ... w.lr. .rDie n the follow- . - sT kAih I IT r onainted with the tw m w, manner . At a dioDer lt De 15eg- T . ii ,.ri. nntvpv. I -' . ... . a i ihev are sisters. ! V " u: ' ni-'s. wose pupU tae young iuyia er, baa succeeded in ingrauau .K o... . btflromoD self with both, ana ini - room fo anothcr, and she lost m u- come is a spirit ",0g Ta Tht a commit""' pointec - V , ,;p, a unitorm Jr.eticaV.lhv of , Cr,cV Ltemofpronnhcation . tolln.irti.-On the first right of the e .l. ..l.Kninl traPe- r.nrrr nt'on oi " : . rlv of M"homit. srvrnu v. i f.enda. after he brilliant performance W3Sover,waUedonhimcongra ,tr Kim on tbe signal ""V". 7 r tKm auptrested alter- nlav. oomc . -; , . l .!rl. as he knew thev were babbling rfM,noiMeurs, tnac w no'fudtf ,. . found faul w.' , to how his critical too lon protraccu. - - - , , ... a nualit'K ., r ataniai in a suirii i" . r lPrn9vbetakena.a.pec.menof " r . .r .t. diirnnra i. nnrtion oi tne pocii. r understanding : . 1. O .afcWiSO in ?walT.lered by the fcaitas aand. "I come for battle-ficH arrayM- . See 1 leret, ee ! -Oneh.n.n.thine-rheos-;. The sord of rreeonm ... . , SrnVuv TS;.h other's ...leU. . a A painter was employed in fainting ir--. r...n. .v.n in th- tiver. suapen a .tageuodef the snip s sicrn. . " a a 1 ..... a aaatrk I.J The captain, who had jum gw .. far the ouroose oi me uobi " . . l i.. . 1 I .k. hnn tn lei g&ioe ashore, orocrruv... 7 Io the painter, that is the ropehich . .a 'i I., .u. Una- whn had make, last tne opt "" w, never been to ea, Snd was ignorau. . the term, ran Instantly aft and let go On. on tne? wen ' .7 . ,,.;.u . the rpesoy wmui ,. rv"" . . Tbev e-Vuvert. rest t tbe t delay, cried out, "You lazy Ohlean there be., dt.tbi wtraad dotr. whv 4onH iyou let ge the pain- OhUan there be . d.atb.gr-na do,r. why d.on't lyOU let p Aa wbeaaw .pirittj band w hand, oog v boy replied,? Ms gOJX I n.lMerl! of the PO- M ' w i ne persona. i fair -..,! . - llah LadiMtaV"'?""'';; The Dote of DoV'.re H. .".-, .....;.tnc..it amoontatotheAin. ; .i..h we ircqutntly