ft-- .i, lojl. !..r t 1 'if.' i'."- ,'.;." r f loft.il M-t' ,, .. . i .tJ ftlt!i m l. r ,. .. ii ! ii 5 - '-(!: ;(; i ;-!.'. ! ' I u I J v !',' III. I '. . ' ' f I . i, '.- ' : , t - i i .'i i -'i n I r .. . . - i i r ... I u , i:. . M. i 'i-y.'f.rl. : .! vis f ,'-iri; i' I I. .1, i!iw, a.i 1 v, t; t. I'.-! ' iiy ft-'.:,: tUt-.t-jrutliit ! f 1.. r imr t "4 I " ! ... 'I .io il.n v! , ! : !' ..t f JyWcwill ftuund ,!;Uat eLowilllwvotVi.'i-. TLcTunJu in- ,jLUJ Jay licit '-io "7 ' 1 ' J1'0 ,f onMttVi ton n-vi n it to bo bo, i 'luteiiuj. 4l'lUw. 1 1 s W,,J 0,.!'''r'in4 bcr 'i .option to it will not ccaso tin- V"? . , - S i.i mil IIDWI ' . ; ?,irTi tr.t 1 ..at 1 ... . ..t,r ... .. I l i ,'V T t t.j !,i : u 1 i i-1 rvr.t t. Tiiii n;iral! tniere 'S ho m gwri Uc.tot oa tU part of Ncw-York lukwsrt hor old '. U iMJ CvHiiJy. It l wHT-w fricttdClie South, wul lo Irm cw ti. kca. He cxj.a j - t!io uti;j i cwxlntion I H .ut wrrc "!' r ' wit'r' in f jt Li pu it ci;'I jcI. tX- We karatUt on Wcdc-bylbe KjJ 'J:W ynitl & ' Oth MwtMl, Jaiiiei Murphy, Eit. of I5urk Wtw, ex,,.Mly ilt-uff 1 to lV i. r ...i.n orii liv a man dt iiiw irui fir emu iiviliu. . - - - frr" hM "fc T..' nr-nrmtv'-? f JilV4ridaak, 4 Krp. a t tf r . a .nvnitTtah ihe-wn kdn p" T ' . k-. it,. . .UaT mrn im retCO. I V r fare.' COfOom til power, rcmorc" rT .!.: t ( teJ ,. ll , .i, i.i s ii' -j ' r 1; " Mt',1- . I V. . t' i, .! -i " " ufi;crt i n t ' ' A , ic It .-!'rd ; en ;tr. f. th t!ci :, cjH.i o " a ll.F.1 A'Ml'W'Tl'c fr fJm, l-'tlf t' ),.,, hat trtiud tbi Uk Mh Jh i:rti i cart, ftl Ui prfiud fttmulfln ""f . kilful p1yiicUn od lhit V tft. f ill, out I to fwrfird o sarly rid ofn-i-l'lMTr know Ibtt diriiiwoof the wrplus rcteo i ----- - - - - . . . ..ar wo tfetheuo troonc llw BmefHi Urorito dim nZu 4ud OUio.IUU-K u tltrgoBttW nil get more lUa lUihtre. BeHptinll; our rcceiptt of tbo tivd thU, too,direcU .fth. IUuiumiw ic .-. Tl.iv know tliat if th Tariff tt not kept . . ... i- tbe comtltuttoa whicn accwm. .... " ,n.r alM iUtod tbat.W fi Of iT" t. w;,kiro tb7wouldv. ' .:j i.sk': douMa ibo iw. ikA T.nfT "Will not then exwt. Ther know that tbero wiU So but oho pre- icoce upon ntcn u cm iw wji Mlrt completed wlitcb -1 . , . : that foy protecUon to do- y tolto world., fh, iolUl-ureSii 4 convert to Uit doctriue or the oortobuUd4 RaiUloodT ..jJL, of . protecUT0 Taritr. ' . . . 1 iniaMUBwre 'v""" . . . ... . .. Ileoco the long aaa uworeo cuer wi U05. Julian C. Vcrplank to prove ui m YiB Tariff is cortttitutfooal. I not all this plaint Let ua defeat thcao plana. . . . 1 f .. 1 I ... vii l.l not an incno our ciuuwu. - J .- Wo bave opposcU tbe lana on pnncijn. Let us eoatuiuo to do to maugrt turetof the TarinnK)nopolist mouJy idopfc y tuc pyw 01 r powrenrm w u .... . i - iweare, , r ... .i ougb,u ... - , Lr.iJJTlor,anL. in hcu f corwtmitpnal Wbereas in lanuabing 4ll the tJcati- tU'cc. c, tbeir omniptrnt w.l lU" lute uoijuct wrouguuui tupremeanu pn'""': , ". .. ded our paymenU 4na oooatiowa Mrthe Uniied Btats by tbi Uiftatjtut.on, Sixteen Thoutami UiUari ami wwiw prohibited by w no ora that nolle institution if it this time labor. Urved to States rt-JwUttl, or the great; pecumary m ni??. mmtfl. . I . . n..U!M..i thn held, and Mill ... mccrawo ' .... .1,. iJr otVfl, therejore, iw ia BWH,w"lCootinuo to bold, iiy " "'," fresh ana tigoroui n " 1 y-jj ef1l cxprrtsiy grantea, ana apcedy payromt or the dcMt, wrncn as fc jely woaananr to carry u ln contracted by Kb diftrent BU,!e Uo.eftel. w, t wor J. of tbo Con- ..-" I. .:,iiUn.in tbe people," &f. Societies withwhicniney are mpccuroiy , , ... . , bPBttnrat.' r rnnnMIca. I .irr-i no naeopiwvM i r r . . v t he Pareut RicictT. m effi- . " ' j. m- Tv,n r Jacoh. Let us continue to do ao u over- ; thj word . - hc nth of God. It includes m estimate of tbe h. by the Her. Mr.CaiJwH, Mr. Jonw . 1. 1. .1. 11 4i iw f a m m r.Lu.i.i.1 - PI 111 1VS7T" ,1 ctruff tnpMae lorcnoma: lr t.ln'ed fretn ! tlgioal CttifyM . . ....... j k.r,. Nui hkit rt.ret;ninf a"i' - rw iir Poh'ic ftf I'lillaOrlfkU. in the Onion and. be It U the only thing 4b,cti wui j- - cHilofrow the whirlpool 01 . . Lctdcroaeoguca y wldt tber wOl .bout the cost Jof. t - W W ZZT. jof God.. It indole, e9tin.te 0 t e hyUieKcr -r.;; it to Le practkuiUe, and leiri9Uturt of our 8UU nuts Wcs, sustained wUbio our bouwit ny n. lhn 3rd inManU JpeoolewiU rrV: dan-nd otieY f0'" V P11' 'iT' u tinriBcBpretrnUtiTet. Itu . re.building of tbe State . brace an eat.mate of alUhe books which Rtephenncn t Mi Claruea AUcn, XttodoaoVndwbe. let a; suwtioo rf eonon, and jW 110 " .u-LaltoiC4tt and to,ct Wt wm cooaume the mart of thr great and Mduous work. Afcw of the U IieJU ' M Q Ma(. rpOaU N U.BHf tonccini Ail sti 1 t .Kr .it m iiva ih Count. I 1 Kink U tmporttot to faiirn any ptnoe from ... .!'. . I. '. . Aiti to Join P. n.all. Th I . trouble a difremln public . whh tbl , notica is becauial irojabout to lcsfS"lbsi r t -Ti I.. J If I m.k country, lor 1 iro jjiihu ( lorcmilo latbU5ctio4,thei:tniUnftt . . r n..M ...1.1 1.. .r..i ia vhAar '" . n . . 1 LI the note- ; vui anowirg m ion mong wen. snd a manf 01 uocomoo thasttna. r Also Captain James A. Dean it a vary spirteo ? ichow nut w literarft vi milfS.tHbtwOfSecuiioiiaoyiwoaeper.iw gffi' era 00 ot Judgment and that entire l 111 . . - ... t & mm m i dd,' now it be coo'o uo eict-uwon. ' . . ' ' J.. I T..J..... uk lliU 11 on B -ujijuhui wm could he do on a lite one. I hope no person mil trade for ny i" ohU Mnrf. ABSALOM HOBY. 1 f iWir nroceodincs. And we tt aos not require tbo kea of a aoer to upoo eWry subject rnmfi before them " wimoui iw, ;nArtrL"-Wsniy take a peep i. rra . .t.mrm r,r (ha L . J- .... mmmAmrm umti the Bouth. ..1 no 1 Snathe cwUinr-www ui.,.v- Fra Trado Convention threw tbe utmost 1 aajnfed with tbe result estimation into theranaaoi mo observaUona. , , Thv saw In the sumo iw "j 1 v . . . party., iney t tl , p.-Wa bave received Xbattneet.ng,tnaia i- - . T - . ,.N k Ordina rWTa:. FJitod in the city of i ..wAVnrihrowortheiriavonii5"' ionauiuiw. -buttbjovcrthrowww m styled An.nc , . MfaillMl. Iu .1 . ...L Ih. MllAMU DCIMI w ta w. - - - Aua, lg written with -pint and theycould not kaep up V-- . Me wx. eofdutic. --r W. greet towit, forrevenuo. i -J r- . :,nc.hUinaT J A aa.aV linflll ILa iinnr IIHB11 UUUIHM v s ar ar the Tarifl; they never dareo w T J tbenioat M the lace ot me wi r- 4 . - UDOnaa Edi- Masa'.e th-y never dared to aay i praiw wun... !L . 11 a,,io of the industry La jroodly number of aubaenbera. oioci wa wh -- 1- - iKa dnat ruction I . . . . of the manutaciurera more booka, ia all probably 1000 Biblea. Thia will of course, increaao the amount of our - deficiency, as. the counties which .... m m mm will need an additional- number ot doom, .1 .1 aa have already received more tnan uey wm k. .V.1. tn nav for. uq kmw v r J JIWwoA of supply ta tats ataa is ao . .a srof Ircjt. far advanced, and such arrangements hare t maU aa affords treat oncourafe. . iV.it it will ha comoletd bv BMMIl I" - ' . next May. 10 the meanuma no ewnww j ahoutd be spared, to raiao all the funds we ' as l n. can towards the payment 01 neany roriy Tkouiand eofuh of tbo sacred writings, -4.:-k k.vA recently been distributed, or wi Usui a a ! . l which are in a few months to bo aisinuu ted, in N. Carohna. all willffroatlv taoditate tiie attain- ftf the obicctof this reaolution to call w''" . .. . Mrlv dav a full mectinff of the om- ccrsand managers of each society ? and Uv btforo them the present conumon w ....! J 1 the Bible causo within weir douwm, ouu FaTHTavuxa, November 3. Hour wliaH? SST -Cotton . ' ' Salt Iron Sugar, brown CoflbB Molaaaea, Flaxseed Wheat -Whiskey, " . C5a?0; . ,4 a . .7al0; Ha IS; ... Spa' Oil; lUO al 00 ; . 70 a 75 1 . . 40 a 00 NOTICE. ? BY virtue ofadccreeoHic H-iO-cpart ofF-qulty , for thtcoun vof RJontgom-' err. a If Sspteraber, Term of said fri.r,( 1 4hV. rsse ?o public Hit at tb .... if.,.,., in f.i rfnctyiI!a.on Srur Liif'thi. I0thlj M.f.Decembar next, a 1 ' .it . .v.. u.... .r tr.ict fcf nnu.w,MK ,v HcUert Moi containing threo hundred ......1,. 'm lha Criuiit r.f Mont. im iu ... ...j - h. . -t tYmLm liarria. E-n. and live nno . : ' ' . rf t . .Kn la inniuuM In DA n'hera. aw""v ""rr i aluaWftom me Kna n un wnicn .DDeir on U and ibere ! water power on lha prerow '"-- ' ?; mbark. in the ueia minmj iumic montbi credit will ne gucn.ior ona ... of the purchase money, and eighteen. months tor mo waiau., r-.- rti.lnit bond and approved furliy. 4100 y-Hif Bacon, lb. Brandy, cog. gall. Apple, : -oV Peach, Cotton, inferior to fuir, Coflbe, IB. Flour, Country, bU. Molasses, gaii Rice, CoicBiOct.'8l. lrtalOj; 150 tiZ25'f SO a 40 ; ' . 45 a 50; . 0a?i; . 15 a 17 ; 05 a $3 50 ; . 40a-50 2Ja 35 ClMLESTOXand CimiiAir. THE STEAM BOAT MACOJf . lAIT. . C? 0RA . HAH hatine been. tf.ired last stimmer ,en to northern cap.ta.i. - ff even heard it hinted that tne a -fricnd to c as the national debt is fast paying ou mmA . . . niliAr (rrounds. " . . 'Uw ann lhat they must lane sniw drpp 5fr, AVirt ana 1 whatever is aueuHcu o..w.u llencetbeir aficctcd astonishment at the Adams. Jackson -beat efibctwl witk M iKtlo&lay aspossi. ertinn In thfiJlddroMof the Free Trade nd will do it again, , G. convention, that the Tariff was unconsti. ' t0 offar ftgain8ttbo people's President. i -..5 -i 'n Jwt hnnfi bv this effected tonishmcnt to prevent tbe people from Marching into that question, fur they knew lhat the people, only had to search into it to decldo against them. Finding that this was not sufficient and knowing that the South had the advantage of tnem ... tSpeiiJW t argum putKpto thit flood of light upon the jecT which is daily flowing from the ye Trade Pressby proposing a com hv nrooosinc to ropeal all duties upon those articles which were not ot Northern Manufacture! tney thought that this gloriouseoncesaion w am.ir.ft the Soutb. and allay that for- ma.. Mh thfili- tv'ranieal exactions have rrwW,. ' TKov lird think that the South k nml,.r of persons, (we bave not learned how many) recently met in sTokes county in this State, for the Pu, i. j:. deleeateto the Balti- more Clay Uonvenuo . well have sent him to a iw- r- three powers.. v., . v.ai . 50 a J Wheat, - ,,, 7jaftft Flour, Camden Mills, bbl. Bacon, lb. . - J, f'j'LTll'1 . 1,. rTkarlaa'on and Che in iuihhiij, vv.-m - raw calling at ueo, i own on mr wy p and down, will resume ber Trips ia tha course of s few days and Mn'ended tob continued In tbe tridi the enulrfg act ion. ..... ; - Her exceeding light drstt otsr drawing whep loaded only about four ami a half feet water will enable her to reacli Chersw at all times excepfi n uncom- i ..iw.. uk.nh.p cirira will 04 .... i.. .rR. li&uunee at me bspenco - C3.aron SriV. 25, 18? 1. T ft Ck. k.a mm fortahta ' aceomd dations for a Tow passengers. 2tt .. . Js Bo Vo .. snme ono of the Georgi Uiaaiuieu.. .. - (kir y e ected r t . - ror r,fi,.V, and nottor cn pr.m .- La will not take bis scat, there being some ' d M ud,mt't and he will not k wtoclv we g herr: the returns from some little IWOTIUU..V - . .fc., Sf flus bf the counties. " euuc Jection goes back to the peopl, GOV. ... . t .nnlinafO. Peach, . .-'" . . . irt cnrtirT u ..in.. hrtiihi out. me in 1 HMi w.--- tk .v n.ndnn in their con J ierearO' T vcJr . n : .1 f!h-raw. will ecru u niv vm he hippy to uPPiy .7k:V fc afholir od.ongt!r:fi le orrotsii wn . ; ries of ever? descripuoo. In . -t -s ...... nrndllCC. 1 h aeninK ... . en for Goods. V--. ",nv bur A J proOOCB inicuut- . . ton mirket or to pais V " if!LW.Conner&Co.Charestoa7U . l ..awaaa. SaAfl UlWIIUkVI gnu I no ouuui. viP. i - . itf nnvMtn it rsi. boast Ot ovary yr.-, - .. cArfaw ' Cl V'VV4'W l: 1 . ..tin An h-10tb of September, at Trov, in Missouri, the following pro amble to some rewiuwi" . - - proposed Convention of the Democratic Party, was unanimously agreed to : , . . mn(a. where the majority should rule, it ts the duty of .1 ..ia sv eiinra axiaiTii auciarfwaa w r . k. naiAtit irtaintv. their ascenam, w - 4 opinions, and carry into earnest Ute. .i :.u.a ! i their eonstitu tuauy, ineir i, .u. tionaV right peaceably to assemble for that Wyr' '. . u. -.r nfttitieal strweclo WO view uio g'". r- " . . . . ,i: it:..j ctaa aa fine upon wnicn, , -.Ttwid.-,! petuity oi u, uuw.u. i . ' fFo-thePublic. ......... . ' f2' n ti ttrr.VT a J SCOTT A. Yv.- HtlAHIn mm . Ine dissolved thcit partnorahip irt the biuines-e63UMHiicuv,, w. All persons indebted to Scott k brandonv of that plc ara requeued to make pay. ment. ana aii pcraai . .6 present them for payment. . ; f r- ...:.... rnnitniied as heretotore or Brhlon sn(f Scott at Wadelboro, whar y can be bad lot- can or . coymry. pry- ...k -1! kir.rt ftf Fanc Good Grrrr tiws he. w thu met liberal termv- Oct. 22a 1 85. J ov' n , . 94tf . 1,A. BRANDON, For Sale. rpwo hundred poundz of first 'f -7 'j GiJvLUf.- A

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