V r Mui l.uw l 'y ttw upo'i i it Vfi, Ar.J t t(" I nl U' b.atl bi lf ',f fcr !rt ' tJ I to Walk, ytmt t 'J f '' 'I M nl'f'i clatk, Arul rrinlo ll tbat roetta fcim. err, )on tuljecti are toe grave Tee r urh m nUy yn fcave - . 1m ir.i'fb n!it''wi, fart o i'cb Of sillied taW, " yVith ir.p-aSo.l ghoala, wlib fin end teales i Of IraUereKke l pf?,eoe. ' ' . ' ,'., ' 1 m lo mJ, another cries,' Tkoae eaonatreus rwUonabla s ' la other werd ttoM novalii VI romiedoflJBci,iR4qiMi'4lor(Ifl' --Tkl USm fat Itouli. ' Of me eonfoamlrd lorrick stutT f, T erut lb Wr er'1 i CUt mtnxt rtetf t lT'ini Mfi Of BuntMi. Turk tU Ortkl ihl Itrt, Or itj tb Mtto. . ' . TU ma of W!Ud eboUti'ie lor TouM (o ir tiHlt more, ' ' la Ktt'i of Grctk m& Ilin. 1 , .Tie nerd ntt rather U Ilt prlcci Cfwolhem Udljro m! rice, " Or India ailki b4 ut:. Anolber erlf J I aat nor ft i A anecdote or puo, Artbua,oe a riddle i . - ftcinc : nf for niaitoAerx oevt, And book cf oriJIjr carnal Would eUf e ftddle. le eritie loo, tr c'aV akill, , lut dip In r tia cMlcr u3, ' Aftdacratf'ibr thefaprr i -ffall ttwfitrrary oo. Jlrtd ! oar eoBefr end hS" B rati ttic i'iHtJ f tpT Anotkcr cries, 1 vattt V u Ajan.bkd Bp nrietjr YwietT te all tblnr An'ceHeeeoubodf.'''if' t rint; YTbfnpoar! I ool ' t Of uliiamoiam'.i iliir.k f iot aome irarHp a -j. Miii, Jl tonitirutea my higet t m . To he of wrddin p'f j . Tfit la a tloia tt gtttii raie JfoBliuflenfrom a draught, plain M Uast boi one la twenty- I want to beef of det ei -r' 3f people tofafy undone, Byloaace, firt, oT feri Anolber aniwen fall u wtar. jfd r&lher hear the (alt and rias Of racVoon tkioa and b tvr. Snate eignify a secret Uh Jjr no and then a aavon diiU Of Kilt'iea o i thrm i But ber we re at n rct eaae, EorahmiUthev ra- he moon wai cheese tVc terer iV.i'ulJ diapute them. Tf fjxit cr fcumorcuij wild or tame, Lofty or kv. , 'in all the amis Toe baiifhty or too bumble, ' And every editorial wlgbt, Hai naupbt to do hot wbat la ril.t, Andlft t!.f gruroblen rrowhle. V ATI I FT Y Gun Icks. The Nfw HampA're .papera describe n rewlv. invented per. cussion gun Ink, which is so construc ted as to discharge tlie gun txtvfm tvith nnce priming. The Inventor i ir rp V forsr, eon of Tie v. B. M r -, V vfrhitI, aidW 17 ve;r .-hcc- T" lorkirntirelr 'o- rr led vitrir. -k, w hich if of h- rorp ,tnftJ form. :r te exreption - f ' r trigeer 80 rwd, the l-trer heirp; di vided into tv o parte, one -f which is ''inoVeaWe. t4 drawn back when the jun la coclr-r1. and eerves as the ham flier bv nh'h r'-e percnaion i rro- 4tltifrd. Prr'rr TlnUy .fMrrrli&zrj Sir B U-''n T-iih Vnicjht wn' ttiarried to htr d uahter ol l)rd C connexion of which the knight w sorrewht prrn. Rntno: of thi union once o a friend, he observe' that hia lord'l'p h?d paid him the liijthesterrrr,,'r"-ni , hjs power. H J.h$d Miwen,, A: i ,rl .'girgsaldbfi. arV pave me the ov'tlcttirA he toiddw ,too trat if lir N i wn fiutfkr I should ipve her. . I am bs- lnfraid," aafd the, ftuVr oF Curkin?hVm to Pir Roher Vif'?. " I am abrrlnielv afra;d thgt I shall d a he rpaf " ".4 t'' rate you go od. rerlii-d Pir T ' r; lam afraW it w!' norne,- .1 am a'ralrl 71'illUv one' ' - EQUITY 11LJWKS F0R9AIX.HI(G.' ' npliKSuiiU. nutHnj; partners of the firm fl Ktlr U Mcenir hat a determined to MXL OFF the ir present KXTKNSIVK STOCK OF GOODS. Hincefowird, every article be cfTe red at price, tin! cannot Ml to u!t thoe wbo are desirous of purches Cheap Qoous.t IF.nCHANTS, Mlojr i tit lo iheSriloibi nild do vcltioriH nihtm; , ,.-- B. deDcnd on Pvlnt IUU CAlN3.Tbt pct)llirv tia'kn olj UoiMerti.Jerera It necf vafr JbiLtTirf I . a 1 pemofHnkfe4 .o itxmexcetx iaotai whose limit of credit la oot fit ripirrd. ihould ro-ke an Immtdwi' aettletneot. TltrvmuiW In fa uret u1 iicluiielf for f kh IlOnT. KYI.F T fnrv-'ving trln,r$ :.m ZLT K V IX C M Jim J halitbury. Wot S( 4 99 New & Desirable, Tl ACKETT k LE31LY are t.ow re JLJ r r k rc op fiina a fresh upply of dtairable fad t Winter Goods, se Icrtrd with ft' ctre in PnlbdelpbU ml N r Ycrk ,Trir etork conslata'of ai'Aoat cvtry anide usually kept lo sioiea in this prj of ihe country, all of l.io ihry aia detcrmiDtd to sell very tlieap . Thoc tailing to purchase will do wet) to call fc eiaminr their assortment, bear fil' d jw'ajr f. r themtlf s. ' Vavrmr, 3. jajj. 95tf i DOCTORS ? SMITH- ITAVE reef n:ly loeated themstlrrs. X on the Otb Yaddin, in Iredell C0. N C. .ind la fte neighborhood of Glass rotkS Mills and Ori(Tmti str.rr, en the place, formerly owned by Wm Dyson, where they Intend prec'Uinj; X'edicixs u,-on the abme system. The may at all times be found a: their residence, ex cept wbtn professionally enjjitjed They are aware of the prejudice of tome pco p'e apainst this sys'em, i: hcirg new and nfhionnMe ; hij i:prn a Mr trlsl l,oth in ar.u'e ard chrrnir '1i irises, such ai Ferns, Spasms, Lnctyiw, TJite of a iVad Dog, Fits, P";so:i, Hectic, Dropsry, Corisunpthn, tfc. -together with Sorpery and Obstetrickl, thy flatter thr mselves thai these preiu dices will bt iemofd. N' pcisoo either I Mineral or VeeitaLI. Li. uu'dai mHi c ino Kverr Hue 'inn '11 h r,mA I o tl-oe who. p.trcni.-r them i h char- res very i ' mmoda'ir? f the "mes. , S98 XoV. Wh 1831 W HE WARD, ft T KS A)?AY from the tJwv JLv u!xr fiber, en he th Vty ' Aril last, a negro Girl t(S about 27 years -oF ajra. of r' yellow complexion, with h TiJ war above her eve. SaM - -nV-i uiri nas an 007 t'mi.e ;h' in C'htbsm county, h!onpinr to e 1 't man bv the n ime of Hn am Clarke. - Sh. is in the hrbit of psir.e hetsell "Jerthe Appellation of Free Louisa te 'vi'l o rlou'it endeavor to eet into h -nrifrUbQi-hood of her daughter if abe i ho under th direriion cfom white oeron, which is more 'h probable, as 'here are' circumstances which induce me to believe so. Th? tboye reward will be riven to ny peri'.n bo shall return 'he s dd girl to me, or lodpe her In any ji so that I et her ; and fifty dollar will bz given any one ho shall detect the person prhorinp her, so that he mv ir mht ,i iiiMKe. 5 1 LEWlSJtLL tfiCAJt'errrV', 5. C Oct 1831, Land& Negroes, FOR SALE. IN pursuance of a Deed of Trust to me executed by William Long, and for :hc.ptrposes therein .mentioned, I shall xpose to public satei at the Cabrt house Salisbury on Tburadsy the 15th day if December next, the following pi dp-,-rtv. i : Twenty four or fire likely Negroes o isisting of Men, Boys, Women and Girls, several heed of horses. Also his Iterest In a Tract of Lmd situated on Yadkin River, whereon. Wm. Lonp nV iivrs- Terms will be rash THOMAS L. '00 WAN, Truttc:. October, 10th 1831V 94 100 BLdJSK DEEDS, F every defcpptioji, neatly Printed,! ketcpjfjantjy for ssje at fljjl efc rr if T T T, j ll'l UU J, TROOP cfCAV. ALRY, pr-Ia ioibe Town ftfK.l,.borv;on !h- ll Friday d Number,' at 10 O'clock, it Jhe Court Home. Verioni wi.hiog ti become members of the company tan do to on that dav. HY. GILLS Oct. 25th. 1831. 4V9 To Sailillcn . , AND - Harness-Mttkcrs. rnllE Buet ribtrt wt to etrp.oy . mm m t-i. id. JOHN wriiiiru.N, .To JnatrtftV.tn. SEAIXD Pr pol fl recev'd bv the aubicribeii Orttill the 3d. M nJay to Notembcf cx, for tho roogh if pair of the pirlaoo io Sallabu tv, N. C. The mtteriala to be of Ilock Wood; and Iron, with a p!a of exe- lecompanviog the ;n wie ioa; to tin - cutiog the aame propoaali. , Prfjna wit toe; to un. dertake. will call m F. BLATEIl Ej. t the Jail and f lew the aame. IV. H II Up A II. VCow. ceorgc oni.r.n 3 ESTATE SALE. Fjittnmv Salt mnd Hring 'tgrt I fpllE sobscr'tScr will off. W sale, at tUe Court House ! Slibury. to the highest bidder on S.tordry the.lat nf Dcemberieit, aV ut forty lielr NK CROES. Uli.rintr to ihe Estate of the D i 5,l.. Fetranr. conit'inj of Voi, WomcA, Children, Uoys, and Girls. The fihiee cf th sle hrinp to py erT cfflms'en't Eta'e, Cah.Nejr.otj aMc p'per ai the Sfli'liurr Ii-.nb.or any Lep?l demanda sftalnat the E.tate, will be taken inpayment. And on Monday the 2nd Janosry r.ext i will be hired, at the Court House afire said, for one year, on the tnual terms 6'ty, or lix'y negroes, of the above de scripsion. belonging to thesald Eatate. 95 100 . R. MACNAMARA admr Rowan County .V. C. Off. 3f A IBS'.. Runaway gti the 10h of aTt;mt w last, Crwm my plantation in Jona county, two nerroev ore named WASHINGTON, abwit XT vrara of ajjr, a rerr h4sM mulatto, on ore of hia hndi tlierf Se a aear oeeaainned by a grin i be will charg-e hia nami and endeavor to peat for a free man. Theothf nmm eownvin romaun, aoour years ofVre, very Jntellirent i be will probM Can a the eervst of Waahinjrtnn, and chanfre ia name. A reward of 25 Doltan will be e:iren lor Ike delivery of either In anv (ail, an that I can get the an. JA.MtS LAMAR Oc.Aer M. 42tf IO The peorgian. Savannah t the TeWa Cope, Columbia, 8. C j and lcjimond F.nnui rer, are reqt(stnd to piibPiah the above veeklv until (iorrbiu,'arid'ihen forward their aeerxinta to J T.AMVB nEFF i. MARKET THE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Salisbury and the public cenemllv that he now hat and intends hereafter o have good beef which he will have in market every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday morni- gs. Hia beef is as gool as hat of anv of hii .brethren and he is determined to sell it as cheap. He will piv the highest cash prica for good mountain beeves, at anv time. 85tf CHARLES L. BOWERS. Committed. fTlAKEN up ;nd committed to the Jail - of this county, on the trsnt, a negro hoy, who siys hinnjmfjs Pni! and ssys-4bt batelongvUt-4VU)i4tHJL(Un ot this county, and that he was bought ' v taid Haden from Anderson Foster. S if! negro isabout twenty five or thirty years old, black complexion out five feet eight inches high md slenihr built. The ! Owner is requested 'n iiy 'hrpe and take him away. F. SLATER Sh'ff. Satiibury, Nov 10,1831. 97 f TUe rftnijtsRpri Spinster. rpIIE subscriber still chtinues to make the above Machines and keeps a supply constantly on hand ATT which he will sell low fur msh or nnlfer,s a day and credit M punctual dealers. , He like wise if.tends to keep on h;nd a good supplv ol COTTON GINS, and he will iilso repair tht iame t order. r2tt E. P. MITCHELL. Salisfmrr, Mrty 2lt, JOB Pit L TliNGt vr vkms KKacKirro-r, ;;nV7J: OVATJIIM! . . f t frnni J A k.J.ur.n.ileilinerlih e certain jJ.m. ,,',?V,B' ' pU..n uJ-r J J II '--n - " who cloc4 irom iia. .11 he 4h I rtst i end 'o a i- 'Int Monet frorn lb Mat OCICHi" " ' . , nft,. S.,.:nJonl.hr.doTri Ct and ruiotat. It U proD.')lc '1 he ho r" ,h VVe,t M he w 'I IIS . , .,.,(., '"'joiiNMunruY- kj Kdiiora l.f the Wat irlendlf t r4 pu ilic will gire 0- .n f' ion in jUlt p;n;r. ' ' j -.w . f f I . i 1 ' - hS f...tr.l.rrtIJVAti(U without - at v iimu durmg a.y limii dur.ug the tuxi, twelve mvntiil. Any peii-o havioj uch property for sate would do well to $fvf o the aubscriber be lore they make ia!ef for they may reat assured that he will Py the most liberal pncci UCASll. JAMES IIUIB. N. B. All letter addreised t tre aubscriber will be attended to as puoc-, ' tually, ai if 'applicstiou wasm-deio, : person. Io hia abacence Uobckt ; pcrion IIuie will attend to the business, or in hia absence M. Ratrxi, the Tost-Master, wil!, who is author ised tr make purchases at all times. Salisbury, May 21. 72tf 'Iwcntj UoUata llcmrit, FM ArtuUlram (no JiiJ . in Kowsn Cuumy, on ..., imneertiucatM or packages petd enlr menon. a free nero by , remi, b mt9 then-m ofS.mDa,IernwlOhle Pitkf:e n( h(Bloun J It aiout built, very tl.ck, ,7.. mhn rtmil ao, . . ... " about 28 or 20 years old, 1 a speak broken of the Frertt h language and the other a slim black fellow yery active, belongs lo James Hule of this place (Sal'nbury.1 Mr. Hoie tut chssed him in Concord Jil, of Col, Kin die ss the seen! of ome man la. Ala- bama. his name i Hardie. The above reward iH -e paid upon ibe delivery of aid negrces io me, in Salisbury, or by securing ihjm n thst l-et thenwlf not both taken Ten Dollars for each one. F SLATER, ShJ Vf J jnrTE3. ATTOV.VF. AT IsAW. er7lT.I, .rr ; . -hf r .i rta of Va County y t, r!d . MrckVnhnre k Crrua. H "tT?e ia a few W heloa th C. ur Honae. Orthrr M 18.11. ' Vt t n n PLANTER'S AND FARMER'S A N .i.K roXTUE VKTt rty CrBL0IP. 1 8 3 3 . O ALCULATED for the Memiian ot V ' Balem, N. C. just received and for , md at this Office. Pnce 10 cents aingk 73 cents per dozen. rTIHE first volume of Ascough's Shakespeare. The volume is well bound and has green edges : No name is recollected to have been writ ten io it. Any peraon having such a Id confer a favor on the book would owner byretuming it to this flice. 89 For iSafe. rptro hundred pounds jf jirsl rale Northern Hops. Enouire at this Strayed, ROM the the sub scriber on Situr day the 29th salt three eeis. One red one, i another a black, nnd the Zt -J li '' pided-oerwr Vf wide horns Any in formation reopening them will bf n.ank Jullv received, orjd the person giving it liberally compensated foi M '.rrnhle. JOHN I SHAVER. Salisbury, Nn 10.183!. ' 9 7 ( f WAGGONKHS, Prii-iiig lo FmjrtlcviHc, f" to ,1,rir 8(,vantagc, to top at f T the ItucroH Yen!, where' every ron-vo-ancc is provided for Man and Horse, to make miortfbie, V ttiemoderate charge of 25 uay ar.a mciu. -tor the nnv. pd. .,f tk YruL the wt of'.- euirl houie. fire s.n-lter. Attached to the Yard, are a Grocers ar.dj'roviai,... rc. Itread Shop and Confec tifi"'3 , . , ifoua for Boardcra and Lodjcera, tt plain, cheap, wholiae and oomforUblc ityle.djaw't7rr4Kfl(ian U Notice, A f! rea' of 'r"ing paper for isle at this o V" j ' St ' 50 P" ream few ream . K ana a ,ev r.cjya of wrning, at the usual ANOTHUU r3 Minr.uUi Iotitr . M Vi izrs and no ll!anl.i fplli: r .-w-J'ork O :.riliclated I, tcry Cl-t K U 'ill (c drin iftthe' 'ty Yvtk on Wedftdiy the loih ol K'utnbeti 1131. iNo, lUrfery I dr balli. Krw,Tkket in thU lottery will IXl Piim ti Then Ticae'a i air nrifol the draaa Hum. wilt U urn id iu gl-'hoie huijf fte of ihe (Jran,iiu( )ft Q ihcta w . ....i.i.j . w ia ..Til. I. RjrtSvttcme for lki;ce. j" 1 FRIZES, ' i of eiaooo i Gf;o - -j -ft mV' JLtF J.J VJU OA ; Q OO ,40 15 4 - 500 BO ao 14f50 80856 i of , . . 1 1 10 59 BB 10 Tickets f 10 Halve I gj Q-jarte-rs f ? $1 packages of H tickets will cos' ftt'C warranted to draw at least. . Jj When packsges are ordered a dUcount t Z rxr et. will h wA Tt. l i sv ' w r aiiaiixy rj a certiCcate ofa p4Cbge of wholes in like proportion for shirrs. The orieinil tickets wi'l be deposited io the Bank. Orders for Tickets to receive prorcp, erd confidential attention mutt be H' dressed to ANTHONY I! SCHUYLEU. J JVrw York. JUORK GOOD NEWS FROM BCHUYLER'S l.tJCKY PALArr OP FORTUNE DRAWING OP THE MAMMOTH LOTERY Drawn list September, 4 22 il 21 I u No. 4 22 31 the highest Capital cf 5000 was sent by the manAgrt to a whole, i Ticket to1 a gentleman ia Pittebur j Pon. The fillowirtebrilliaf.t Capt. ttla-were-distt iWud-Ly-Sihuyler ta- his lucky patrons. 33 31 tnecapiral of 20,000 was sold in package to Meurs. B. Eaton of Halifax N. C. and James Gordon of Norflk Va. ( publish their j nmea by special permiaeion) the ch a promptly paid in current cash the day after the drawing, Schuvler also rA nn ttri nt Ko enn I J. J . iQ0O , d() of g 2 d M K !. .v. a . ..... 1 wv. ivi, tuucr in ine u. 5. can uraai . i ii? .l. ui 'n" xuiicai ib acuiDginc apuau My Inends at distance will recol lect that a brilliant Lottery draws in New-York every Wednesday The Ci-pitals art Trom Si J,O0Ctn 40000 Ticketa frrm 85 to glO so that thoff ' . n . . i . who remti iu neea not paytnepcsi age and will be sure of a chance for the brilliant Capitals which are distributed weekly at Scuylers forturate Placf Those who purchase tickeu wil1 receive the "Lottery Herald" which is published by me every evening o the drawing and forwarded to aaj psrt f the United States gratis Herald contains the drawing of eaci Lottery nnd much useful and amuiinj reading matter. . Orders for ticket must asus' addressed to. ANTHONY H. SCHUTLE& 92tf NEW-YOKK. Commilitd. TO the Jail of fAieoIn CO'i-i' negro man, about, 25 years of a, 3 feet 5 inchea high well formfd. -jf Speaks polite. He has scar ot? w risr'-t Cheek, he calls hionelf demus. and aaya he belongs to V thaniel Hops in Iredell County, Norn Carolina The owner iaresquested P come lorwsrc, prove proiy r charges and take him away. i-t siACOp I,EIJVHAjipt; 30