if v . l)r. I kjnr.lt. MONDAY, NUV. IM 1 t.nr,.r lu.tth. A till, cfil r v, , the Vclegnlet fron t.' Trrnt:rlet. A i tin r. Vinrt. t . . ' . j. me t fi" tiMirn ptf, a ler ari . . i. i ........ r fi t i!,e Lung fu'y i" " 4.Tr, cnifd the ctor thil, t Anmvl. Ain,.:f"'i II. tr , , ,, ,1 ' .rrfrribIrllttW 'r " f illT Fifth Ccow." . ' -.. . - .U,rJtXiS' , , . . ' S of the ru4 Sle. jljlL. J??. Cnceltur .O-caritfn toUl h , " i i i that by going tithe Cgrt.r.A gf 1 - It . H 1-5 ? -r phJia,-fce .would iWfl. tthjwUiU I ; w . " '- wiiiom is employed in governing the Km 13,762 C3,ltd , C0f122 77.0.11 oidltM 5.11 JM2 b-uu 111 I 111 flti.ll " 1 ' - i 310,120 5S0.75R 184,130 211.9ID JTJjy 431,372 603,305 "JJ , 63.00C CI.27C ..Jf g i in norj I I i ir" I mcl con ftfVi I MSfftll lTftlOd O3,0UU 210.072 34531 6W 162,101 73,077 220,9W JJM1 37 701 105,602 2C1.727 45,Sr:- 230.7C0 fas 24520 i ? t i 4.7C2 6TATES. TtinnctUcut, -Vermont, New Jew);, 'Pcwtfylvtni, p,lttre, "MaryUni " TXt. of Columbia, jjotth-Carolintr Bouib-CaroUnt, org' Kentucky, TenneMe Ohio, Indian, Ilnrvi . jmitii-TM Arkarwa. 211,161 273,202 5ni.53?t: CT0,0t4J 07,2KH 297.711 20,070 " r ' - i 320.77M 1347,07 -:fl.7.rj 440,01? looking oVer'ihc roll ofhiitof) , on Ulmou tempted -to lupK, thi : moit nitiooi liave oceu uwpu mg to iiccrt.ia by;expenmenttihe M, CT. ; itiiMttinu nuaniiiv. buiwii if nlS7 l"1""1"' 4 ' iv '19 03 Christian wotia na SISO fifty yeiri, ad i ow, ery bu.t , 2,4t0 4 LtUl more difficult ml tiat-rdoui pro r jot. ilii - ; l R.wer it icauutte 9,71 for die Ktnc Jtrctt object. In ihu coun ,c woiil'l, ilh..ut fil, J'Kll,,te,r.,1? ... . . ih hill iU,. -iie; nay P.u -- -rrt nii.l: Tr.e taturul conc.u- , 1 t. , . - ; ,rt init con tluiion, the editor, in hU fctxt PJ- plaCCa me name m -ut. . i:,..,rVhr. m'ah the Ucp- ! 1 liwr flitdD.a'i . ?. . .r... 1! , imnnnrenficT'. ' ?. r.,i 1.. ihe rd ueu inruugn uv acknowlrd gc tbtf nece wlty ef thue, . ,it,,Kt ih etui txnenracrt in which the ChrWtian world i en- tUl tJtt'Ui Wif'' 074,0221003,3701211,200 032 502.741 310,97 501.317 422,S13 73470 591.4. 510, 501 6SS.B14 C422 Ml 131 037.670 1J7 118 3 1 1.562 "73,418 130,800 63.211 157,00 fR.56Gi 1 137,001 14,273 i ifiriiic j 1 lie Kiv v" 1 - . 1 in vnirn i nc . 11 1 i 1 1 p 20,030 u paruclarf e fcm' reduced . . hatf llread- failed; If.lW 13,63 lh'' f,ion of GoVerameotwuhio n-r- lhe difflll:oq f which through itlua n-r-P. ,K- j-.mi.ioo of which through- J! rower limits, and given idgr acope QuJ hf comro-unUy is indiipcosible to I'fii w individaal r.bttty than any rPu ,he eaistence 'ol free Uovernmem., ol,i . w.j ufrxtr Oiir ea ... ir. .i..i .tl mtitn? both onr.A !" ever uuMut v.... - . loeivscu a - o j ,.'(( with admiration at the brtiliaut waul . ffte Governments most , be aban. i-nctrd it. have ucCei-1 j ' ,.1 a- a iVmir eutirely Jmpractica-1 .iui I. -j ' ... ritAUf nur amiiir. and. not-III. ti.. ,1,-nrv i.I liberty aupposesi. . , -i4fc- vou - 40,Rf-4 Wlthstanding repeated and most am. 1 lh,t thf aMon of Ul?ie?Sf SJ! tbou5h. upon , tny 1 1 br'P. -tlO-SBO- r. r.; r:-.T.-V.-v,ii7tl Fiwifi&'4KrirrTt"n antidote to alt ihOhuies 1 a j 1 . . . . me ,pecn- 1 Lemmi with determined nerseveran- to which it is liable f that.the amount j , - hjye mcrf , tome 25?'l re. The emsncipatrd Colonies of the 0f good prinaples cnnveyel tnrm g. j to fay thia bill 00 aetountot 113,'47X a 1 ih next pxsi v ; 1 !S Nothing has ret beendon. that tha neit rre.mi-" inluimed and dimplm-i tuilo , their duty auiiizen w"Kln!'Hcrtti'n,jB'it is not this very dilTuiiou if kno! edge, which li the in.!i.prnaM; con. dition of librny, attended itself with dangfrs and abuses f Undoubtedly-It Vey'tTiher .i'iiiioa lh edfll tttual an a -m aioeuuiiii t ui - -:. . . at. . 1.1 . I l(r. iiitritf ntreessarv i' inw n't v - public, are 400 often msde: the- (on. (0 with lhe pals gh;lr coun .:,. ,f iKb most virulent inteliertuat 1 , , ...... ,mrr,u,A to inpan- What ..the rem. 1 na"f UT nu ih.p.4.- . , ltiiiiiliill,Wltn f'v- " - - A nrelminanr inpection oil , ir ' tike other tppt- rnsnusciipts,an, almost complete ; . . - - wau. to be first sp(ken tor ... . t ..atnri.inc se I . .' .. ' verest law. against ptteniivc puWieij yPu Vntan bylpublishW wy 5 tionstsuch is the mode b treitmeni 'i WM, -r iam that I ..!., i !. ilif iheorv of arbitrary . ,,. if. ith tif anv nft.erament: and hitherto generally rf" t5:"t0 let the world r .1 .u ,fi itft rldr Hut ti fnit 1 am ooi new i - . then it ia your own , y .old me you woulrt poiM'Vjy Pl", time. ? The d.y is past, the btU it ii j . ,..;iivlv must be ceaa paia, inn iu p,i7(-"; ( . t- - , -V, t-fiu would lortei ior i itiiiMivr: - . . ,, . . . I . . .. . A .. . Kai POC yoor word.'. t 7,. w- ... .Vrttf w!.!inlifn rare rhbr the incessant notices cfew,rad-roada, t'uher contemplated or in actual pro . - Wm. nnu, in'' initnnnCfi crtBa. IK - anmhsr great prcje. i iU1" ' .lar.a nnt'tr fif n In tended sppUcmion to the Ohio IJgis Uture for an act to incorporate a com pany, for. the purpose of making a rail r t r:..t ... ,Im t?iut lines and, wirn tr.e nave oi ur of the Ute ff Indiana, to xind the sime to inaianapi iis, anu iavM.- in ff-id Rile. Al" cirpower aaid i,v to make another ru-roaa Lewis f.mp F. Rand .? . 1lAimtV William Heister, i'aiH tui j--- , tnhn ( . nucner, iu-i - j-- . mSTwKj. Richard Cftcr Jamc . Fn U Jg Joh r. Mann. Sa-uel A. Gilmore, Henry Horn, Adam Kmc, A. ucrland- vacsnev. Smith, riulandcr Stephens, j5'9 j ' H. Wortl.inpton, Oeo-e E. Mitdjffl , HiUd: Bcniamm, C. llow.nl. g jolmX. Kerr.Geo. VB. I. Bemmrs, rruncis Thomas, Daniel Jcnu V- Washington. ....... Dn.AWARK. John J- M1.11B-. ment, aiU ncocc iuc m,r. wv-v...--r- .I.. ..nm r fdnnition and ikltOriS 111 l.ic uawow ... - popular instruction, wimu umuu. the civilized world have marked the ginning of the prescm crmn. the great Rent of this w-'k j a. in- . .L.T-.II.. V nrMl. ith all th-'i abuses, which nooneism-.re reatly 10 acknowledge ami wmc.. . 1 1 & attav ii ass y s A 'gentlemtfl 1 in New York whose family has made sad inroads upon Ins lortune uv ivi-"' -r" w , r .t- i- f 4lr hsa rtnucstctt the editors of the Courier and Lnqnr- ,'rt'M .turprat the expediency 01 nom ine a Convention twice a, year, to re- v . - . , specimen tu 1 . . k 1111 rn W and of a tone R' t.. r;.d httcta. aurrountl the h 11: ,..-'cr T,.1,n' Kcrcer, w rnn. strop..;:; .:.T. r..;nrrr. Samnri. P. ,lo. Noam Cahow- """V V. )h. Thomaa II. "an, Ar - - ner.Laucldin Bhunc Ja.nea J. M gh hen1, JeS8e Speight, John Uranc , her! Potted JVillian, 11. Shepard, A- WilH)rtl w-ra. jsk - Isaacs, James K. Polk, VerJ rwin. William Rnssol, Jn" W;ii m Kconcn, William Stanbury, Joseph V 7"" C. Clav, JBamwJ " . j..--Alabama. Dixon II. If S pfiiion Thomas, H. A- MW' KatllU IHWHV," " ' Jose.h Duncan. Vacant. ; r acknowledge and lamen tn;n out- Tr,bte ot iovn SJ . .; , . ..! ..u.. are the main lt fn fl.irim perm l more auyis .nring in the machine 01 T""" xu J.n'"? 7-,' he :tht Ui. novernment. anci u.i . 1 iif w ' i " ,.- mvc Government, ami uwt AUr it" without their agencv,wuld he entire. rcnderea : ly impracticable. Ro ks and pamph- j Hahed u rts provide the miteriaU that are at- ovt., ' 1 . . in flames. L 0,c by Churchman. terwprds to be d.atributea inn k - v . chafes which dailv weekly, monthly, ana quay.., ' " " r i'te years, it may . , .w- wanti of the have taken plac ol Ute jca , j (I'lni c s. iia , . , ...... ..h.i was ihi .veuiw. .Sem'M" traveninR Unction, from the W .r t oolto for W now the ITniversitv. co-operate in me wine V,Z T . flWfliest man f u 11 m 1 1 1 1 in ui 4 - a n t a imrip i l am TZ" , .us. which it is the dim- dvh is wunoiK..- ; . - . . . of ofession .0 inculcate, and Th? .C d 5- 'V ift'two " Tr.lu , h amf a sanction remarlt, tnais. . . - r. wntcu b nirea of the Utwe, dcu. . to the good print.;).", -n rinbolh places m coorcx . i ..kor ai.urres. I lasticus, ami n .. 1 , . l't0 'ro,u , ... .w... in with d-irfetiMi. .nu ; iris nopru - . ...u'.rKUftti recommcu. into n bather's shop in Glasgow,, lew fjavs 5i,c v uv ""y,"; : 1 hi'oomsr and, after Iuvibr shaved him, aslted the priceot ft. 1 wo - pwr, ... : . . M.. ..1 ih barber- I'll cive you a penny j'lfth-! det the i'.roor.t SW?.y ).u, ..... anfl asked wna: or nan iu jj- 1 i o I'll el vou bauber. aid Duncan, and if that dinna wt-tfy. . .. ...ii, iK mv heard aST3i0. ye, ye m - Indiana. Itl.IOlB. tis6ort. Rents.H8 kpowledgf may u- - 1 - jjority of the people tu uc v-...., ,0 a sober and tempers. 1"- -I L v;r.h is still recommended as t-e . bmeryatiirastthtsd A v'oubr Russian nobleman trrve1 line in Gerra'any.ratf uclt 'w"tTi " Pt . 111!... ...Un .lri.irl Kim violence ttie posinni ww . . rr 1. . aitrt ft Uv t ivder l vou will kill him!", "Oh, i fv that matter, m "",- am rich enough to answer IVM....I.. r iv rum si: iji o nu.iu.x .1 . . . t .-J'" -

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