1 1 1 . ! I -1 if . v A" A' A r IK ,7 ' ? hi t'H 1 0 n I. i V X i n ij t - J- if 4 I' .j. is 4 . . ; if' . ji l'ULITI : Al 1 1 i .1.; i i i !rc i sr ?lr. Vr.ru.M ! tt r r 0..J. Dir. i II, : V'l" t!, f..- an I 4 tl "jnx. iu ...;. ff the rftfifl N York lt. i'l-m the hi-tl iT.irf.ing .itSi writer, and the f.rn.l.jl! Tt :vu,r in i'idi hi etwy wu announced,1 n ha 1 cxj- ctcl at ! aM some, new trjni. TT f Hal Sinking dijilay of inutli t.( In t'i l.;iv Ifon tooii.fct.Iy wisippvlntcd. It it written,- Jndve.1, with preat f aliuncftt and mod-THt..., tut it has thither no. rtty of view, or i-trrngth of rcatwiin;:, t ioum'nJ it J a.id i ha. H l-il little in i-wuirn?, as we , do, that V.".t-r Hi. I. Th nnv te rraliji-Hl bv tha Ttp'MJ 'Ttrrf and nT5mirttiorf -there-' ... .k.i lf hit logic. rr; r "' ' -Mr. V. relict, i roil, npm the pr ' cf to regulate commerce" W'l tla paw ' rr M t lay aod collrrt lam,, duties, oJ ;.( tn frfjuent! rtfutrd, tliat if U af- wort unnoce.i7 t naiium iitfra ain, - 1m Dwrr " to rpriiftio mnnciTO . wa btoodfi fir tlw Icmf.t of ewnnxreo, an J 1 .ctrtain!yhfit!ircrtnfyaa authority to . m . - I. I . '1 I 4. , cfnrot II, nor m TH' v ww-i wp nnj tfU'nit'rcrt upon n rtuwi.. loo pow- to M lay Hut vvJ duta-s wm exclo. Cvily k!th uU fay doLta and u froJt fr !lw common defenca and gn ,cral weJtowcfih U. flltn,' io hr torJ Fr Oio agrpowaof rcvriiwa.aod litis T ipport fftha gtireramant, aoJ fr not -oLlir. Taene ara plain dictates of ' onmmon acoft and ibe ntanifctt btentlom tba fireman of tha corwlitulion. U. V conUndii, howrrcr, that tho. power 'to rrjulala cemmf rr,,w and t Uj ai and duties" may Dot rnljr Lo prop. .1 I) d-iy i an 1 t !..(, ro'H.tuli'X.Kliiy hi ri tl I. b l '.rut,, n rsi t: f" -r t ri'''o tliO 1inpoiti.ui, f : , !t r t' - , w,t i t!iO .o to Con rfvir.r.irrcr, liitii :, f .r l!. rcitric lion of fifl'Mit;B !o aixl tlit f l"riiil tf Mhrr iutjr 't, wa inc !u!-d.7 , Now all nmy realty !Tsf ti Mr. V to 1a N wi;ft!.tCiv: t! wj' jtt, an.Ue ccr tainly woul lnt dipriva Iiim t-ithfr cft!is merit or t!ii p!"ar: f w!m 1m c i!nt jv fli.i.!rft nVry gr. :,t dwrovcry. Tla t'laio amwerto t!-n dij !mntic arumont, luivseicr, U aimj'ty tlii t thut even adurcit. tin;frery il.in ho toa jiitsd from tha miJuliimary conyi, t 'v'" 'ir,t 'f'fojw tf.nt thtr-power tMrjtilaie-cooi. nrc, f iven ty th; C'nttituti'wi, eonHira i power t'j cinbiih aiiuCK;imva. -AoJ wliyt-M'liy f.r tUo ?crt .uuanJwcraUa rnwHi, tljit tUo Feli4ral Courentioo drew a Very hroad ami marked ditiicti'o Uw I WAn thaw, Iik! whilat they gave tha oim, pititivfly refuel the other. Why diJo't Mr. V. n T r ui to tha Cofwtitutiasu or , to Iba )h ' of tha , Federal . Coo ven. lioo, ii,'.;r.ij U ibo "tnrly diplomatic cor rtrpondraot r IU would there hate tlint tho wer ta p4cl macule, (area waa promiacd, and rejoetedt.and perhapa ho would !u paoacd before ho ao Lruadly aaaerted the right of Coojrcas lo da b Iireetlr, what it ia ao positively iahiLited from kno j directly. Iiut the wont extraordinary part of Mr. VerpUiik'B letter ia, tfwt whilit be 'ao boldly elu'ma this u.ilimitod power fr the Federal Oor enimA.it, he cxisiUera hinwolf a Free Trade man, arid an opponent of the TnrilF. But what kind of an opponent 1 Let us bear him on this stihioct. -He sayt, fur hibUiice, I iava boen, for "several years, ' -.1 ! t .'dr. V' ., . ! MtJ I ' en!"tar v f ; : ) f. V, I U" i nt ins y mi! n , ti-watjr (r a ;.w rly oawl without ant reference to Mm I ti tealy ponftnt of all attempt lo io - .w .a .a a .. e.A.u il. ........ : j.i.Vy iK i .mteroat or commercer on mo oojeeia oi , ' , tfTcnne," but that they may be lot ally mer jH ia t!jlf Gretas oiT another, and ytrj ifiwirct poWer, no where granted in the Cca.ititut v., and for tha , purpose of pro- raottn intercut whtoh rere cever com t, pjd to thei.r care. His attmpl to 4 papain this dwaulroua doctrine ia tho te. sy tAkince of oiJiitry.; He . admita he -.li cb!id to culutit tUat J Gojtese has T power ' over f rtanufaet'trea.' ; One tftulJ Oibd; thai hrro was an 'pnA of the V:ont rote tp? i tht hating conceded that, : ho had jfiea nj every thinj: and tluf, "aft a republican itateaman, he certainly could not claim for Conreu a cotutilu .tlonal riaht to legislate for the-advaneo-ment , ct objocts over which he uncquivo rally edmiu ' that they have no fwwer. JUt not although be makes thU precius rfWcsaion, it is only to show la irirenu-' .)f y U proving that they can do indirectly "Vaat tnoy cannot do directly. And bow : Ooeshe accomplish thta ? Vhy by, this extraordinary arjninieut : that Congress auiTUl vhvi au ivuiuiw , vaaaaiav a . vt have the whole power of action upon that A(ibjett and thai althongh they have no . power over manufactures, yet, ihey may use their power over commerce to pra i 1 1 Jfiiote thm ; "the end or motive of a.iy ' frjtt'f' they may make, boitig mat- tcr of d3cut.tH nu roly.' So tho power ; to rreu.'et'' nmwrtc, coniersa discrotion. ry power, r.nt only ta cripple or destroy ereaae the duties uj-oo tmpoHati'ms witha vtew oi iienn domestic manui uinrea and yet be now awuta the erewtitutional fight of Conpre'is "to extend thein'evenlU) abaolute prohibition. Again, ' I regarded and still regard every, step to prohibition as a haxardoui interference with the na tural direct I i r.f labor and enterprise, producing !.!e benefit to aome, to the equal or garter injary, of others" but still he asserts the constitutional right of CongrcMto legislate unequally, for tho benefit of the North, to the equal or grew, tcr inju ry of the South. A Rain : I dreaded and atill dread, every trcah inO sure of restriction as affording fresh cause of Irritation, and because several of those State which must bear much of the bur. then, have no rcoaooable prospect of com pcatiunbut atiU it ia perfectly eonsti. tutional thot those BC-cral States should bear the burden, and without any prorcct of ulfimatcVdvantage, becaaseit is for the general welfare" of certain otlier States, or bocauM Mr. Verplanck hsa been rend ing ibe biktory of the- revolutkm. A gain he says, and be saya tbtsJoo alter procla. iming his steady opposition to the TaruT, 'I could never agree -wittt thoie with whom f acted, in denouncing the TuruTas not only impolitic auc unequal, but as un constitutional. , .' ' "The question of tbe constitntionality or uncoiistitutionality oCjhe 'protecting sva- iwrn njipcareu ionic io nave noconnrciion 1 -t I : ii - . 1 I , t i ;i i ,' ! j.Ijnrk w.M ' , i vlut," r. . " t- K'"t:i, era" mca:. ny. p.iJ fi pt-ae. I " t en"" tUt llid pC'),"!'! f i " 1 tnJ lhir ii . r t!. r t them tube ! -J I ly f ' onmnr. t, i I'l'.nt f "t k... I - 1 t tin Cotnliiliii Oil. tJ to that only, imd they ill bold tl r lie tlircato tho strict letter of the compact. , v- ; ,. ; . , . A t !t!e more than a Var a-o itwa lv the Tarilf Farty, with a (,,rlU r.immwti. that a nrclafit at K!ern bid tut UiiiCil. I the important. fnt that epuld ahipuo. metric-Xttni'fatjrtcs totU U4 Wie anrtlere unJerirll tbe IJritUh. To meet this iptrt!df4Ct, we puUubcd i eauMuu'. nication from a merchant m FliilaWphia, doubting this statomcut,' and for the sun ole ressonthat he had but roccUly impor led," into Fhiladelphia, Eat India cotton ftthricn ofaeourso texture, that h had old, for exportation, to a profit t which, had the other atAlamett been correct, would have prtaented the anomaly of two ahipmenU of the same commodity, each being sent to the place of production of the other, and sold to pronv ne mys tery has it length been cleared up. , It is true that the tfalera merchant shir-ped doiocktic cottons toMauilla, which, arri ving there upon a scanty market, were sold at a profit of ten to twenty per ceiv tarn. Dut it is also true, that other shijv meiiU, made since, to the same place, from Epical, by other merchants, drawn into the trado by the accidental success j of the first experiment, have resulted in a Iom cf twenty to forty per centum, lsut t!iU it not all. The same merchant who mado the lucky bit at Manilla, has, by hie enterprize, made another diticovery, by which be is at this moment profiting, lie has found 'that he 'can purchase, in England," at Ccls.x per yard, the precise sort cf cotton goods which be would hsve to pay for, here, 8 to 8J cents, and has recently made a shipment from that eoun. try, either to the Cast' Indies, or to the Facific Ocean. . This, fict wo have from a source which we believe u to be relied on. - . ,. ;, il,cC. 10J !o do d) d) ct. . A writer in the Richmond Enquirer, who is opposed to. nullification, suggc&ta tbe following means of redress against the oppressions of tho J arun . 1.. Appca r to public opinion. 2 fa 3 eta. per jd. 0 to 13 do do the pr. d) do , t' ;J IK. il l 11 q :nt rj l:ii..:at I't pr nil valorem r..,.t.n-;-irS. M (!) f'trK;ki:)-, wojIIu" 1 wNcr - .0 toO ft i r.-t ii. ."S ivr rwt 4 to C' . rt. ad vaf-r-'n " . ' ' ,' . ' Do U7 inches wt: . "l Cnt thoj3ri I),, n-J dj. l cent the yard Po thread 1 , J9 1.'M, shirtings :. ,121 to 2a cts. per All .thcrliiena23pfr l.y" ' cnif ad valorem, or 15 of tw cost hero Hats, men, W per cent t - - ; ad valoreiQ . .. ,.- ci,w r r.f tWcl, sii'l tne cr..n lcrr ovr ; was not i i I ; fluonce t' ' , fpoke to i . i . . " w L. 1 r too kneclmg n,Q!trtuH n l.iarts to r-M4 tbssU a ke its sympathy l(j irt and most t-hnalcd fc - ' messcnetr of mnl,.. there U, . . The lr;itof the akieaj Hiatheuis diri, Uii ' ' i'-o meted, hie credentials cktr, ' By biin l!.o viobte.-J law spoke out Iti thunJfri and by lum iu strains , ,. acet .:! As anl i ine, the whiiqwrcd pesf The ihe k-at atnkirur fiiB nt. Uihlinctiona were laid awj of all denominations fnet trtd ration, was m t f tli)rvit cltitinirt i , either church, and tHa cordiality iiy.. rflti. ir. no w?p cent aJ - u lure in . , i iu , , ,i"u i .....iin lurnojutj Do hocs : . - i - cnla per paif j fontinnrfl were sacrificed, coldiinj Do UooU rrr"" r I" 50-dr and formality were fbitcrt; our comra. IIats,womenX no60cV,36,, ,,,l Hyawmetl like one aral family, ind j, Ih. do straw 50 do . . dl oo was impoujiiblo w t t) exclaim, whit 4 Deer or al?f upwards, 150 ' , ' ' beautiful thiaj is .this relish 1how 5, CCut V- '--tt- 13 cl per gallon cheers sod warms ail elevates Mk 'The above tablo may not be quite ne'e successfully it itisiilcatcs peace oa eartk urate, but the fnnccuraciea will be genor. and good will amon5 men. ally, in not having fixed tho duties high .The cordial co-ojieralion of our puton enou-h. .-taaccr- as r-nrda wool, was another , interesting circunutaots. Icn cloths, the duty Is calculate at 43 p-r There was not petty jcauiy, no bur- cent upon' the minimum pri' tlicy come ing back. . Toey nr Jed tLm-lres u under, which is the ' nominal duty in the laborers in one vineyard, , sjk! Iti ' Tarifl Take a cloth coating exactly 4 iiitcroatsof a part were merged f,r tbj Od sterling, or one dollar the square y ard timo in the larger and more comprshea. the duty would be 45 per cent ; but if it sive couccrns of the .whole christiaa should bo apprabwd to have coat 4a 6jd church, of which they were ail equity ntcrling.'of one dollar and one cent the members. ' . squsreyard, the doty would be 110 per H'e art inot surprie(i that these rtrivi ccot; and this fcss been the case with are hailed with cnlhuriaatic delimit U three f xalhs of th- d Jiaf mimimum wocl. proiossors 01 religion. ITiey are triumph len roods' imported have pai'l an average ln'lod of the faith to which they rJW. .'..' i-ll j K rA It.. . t .1 . i oi uper cent, ajvi cxioiu v n -- A tolerably correct rule Mrdi mav , know the amount Mys,wiljbebysetfbgdownonetbidoftha ver dispoacd to bo scoptical or. speculs. cnai u cverv iiiuix W141V11 luuiumwuw -li'i wvwi., ... , u i.iuir. ua hotiae," except his animal Cxxl, his tread and cheerless region of 4 self d-Tpem'sat and othor vegitublca,..aad his chairs and . pV.V?wphy sch scene uwa lavs Jatcls- tables and other wood work. . - ' wMncwed must , po?vs53 no' small btereiL From the above table, it will be fjund He sies rtligioa in a new cspctt, arrsye4 tbat a man wno nas a who ana inree norrr aresioe J of. children, living in this city, will pay at least one dollar 1 week tax to support a few overgrown manufacturers. : With re gard to the article of coal, which ays $2 10 a chaldron, it will not be enough fill more. ' :: and the accounts of them muat Uli upo, e by which a their cars like glad tilings of great XT. untoldutyhe Even to the most carl?s- oUurer, hoe. Not barah or crobbod But musical as ii Appollo's lute And a perpetual feasu of noctar'dswetu Where no crude aurfeit reigas. ' What, maybe say. if the thmtliB for the advocates of high duties to ssy wrong t ' His joys are, nevertheless, pun that coal ia found in sufficient abundance elevated. and"intflIWtifiit A :. :.' at home, because we would have Sidney ted through lifu with the cheerin- ho' j and Picton bitundnous coal the year round an immortality of happiness. If hu be 1 1 11 It WOfB UUII iicp, uww wv n . uciumvui, 11 w Uiiv iy uc eilVICO HOt aTjldOl. I... 4 . m 1 . h . . m. . ... Appeal to our sister States for Co-'c,Ul,rfon' rVooi at from 7, Buivhatijk? thouid be utht 4 It, but to rcrcise another pow(T not with the brooder question- of the strict or -ranted, an.J essentially difTercut from ' in every point of view. ; If. this doctrine . Zo correct, of what use is the constitution 'ot who will say that we do ot Jive under , in ualimitod government ? The Contitd ? tioh coafcre upon Congress certain Vwcl T "-defied, euum irated powers : and it" also i-VCsti it with authority to paas such laws ; i as may foe neeessary and proper to car- tv thosw powers into execntion. The first . areirKet are usually denominated prima r? powers: the other, incidental.' Thus VKJujsirrrM has 'fer "to regulate; eon rherci?iVajiJ cos.. .vj'jntly. t) pass such , Jiw 04 may bo boiui fide proper. for. com : s c.;:.! regulation. So again it has now th Iav 1h tos" nn l dntjen, 1 to pay . the w v.l Ac. rf thft United; Ptates 1 and, of. vQU8, ta laytlicm to each .'an amount as ' b1 r.t'eenrrfor the ordinary txpon- a i. .Ji r e vi govcrpu.nT.- itisw tao iruc. -uilf Mr. : Verpfi Tafk ttotiona c6r -r-:t. the whole dj&trlne-tpf pnmary-'and r7, ;i1ental powers i3ist ally subverted, and '-.. instead of JawK being passed only as inci x Jenfdl to the execution of primary powers, t primary powers may taemselres be used -A ibr the execution of other ana unknown ..-.-tLOjsrjussMW?9 Cnar,cr,,And Vhn authority upon' which Mr. V. 'relies is iibcut a.i . far-rotehed nnd inapplicable :ns lis doctrine itself is revolting and cxtrav. gent. He baa Voah arousing himself) if f&rrn, during the recess of Congress, with a discursive slody cf the hisfory of. ; tjio revotuiion ; ami 11c ,,iws iiicocreo, iom the early Diplomatic correspondence oj the Un'ted states that m tw tuscus $ons resjiecting the right" cf the ' Britiuli lrliament to tax the Colunis; a diutinc- tion, was generally drawn tjetwecn -the right u to lay taxes for revenuo,' iind ! to . impose dtllies for the " regulation of trade; thil tho first was denounced as ?.Myraoni. ffll and uncoil lUutonal," wbiltt the oth rVr f.rs unl'r Vrtxiinlaincl of" asqrTiffltijil liberal construction of the Constitution I look upon it aa a pure question of the meaning of wtrda. . Now, what are he quebtions involved in this controversy ! They ere,w hot her Congress has a right to exercise undelegated power to commit gross and oppressive violations of the Con stitution t to pervert powers given for cer tain purposes to tho accomplishment of o thcr jMtrposcs with which lit is expressly forbidden to interfere : to pervert a com pact entered into by equal and sovereign States, for tho .equal and common benefit of all, into on instrument for effecting the enrichment of some at the expense and to I ! t:.l I. :: - . . .1 . . 1 I mo .irmuuuiuuie injury , 01 outers : aiXl in one word, whether our Government shall be confederate or consolidated, limited or unlimited,' equal or impartial or arbitrary. and,; oppressive. And these grave ques tions, '''involving as they do tho rights of operation. and if the export duty upon t4e latter . 3. Appeal to tho Congress of the Uni ted States, bv the Memorial of tlte Free Trade Convention, supported by, rcsolu-' tne Picton. ' " , tionsof the Legislatures of all the Anti-I - Tariff State!. ', FACTS. Tlie former 9 the Comtitu 4. If theso fail, tho LcgUlaturos of the' rit mcntioas that in August last, a gen Southern fitntra may rfcumnnjiid a cui-' llemanmitift5'd a suit of Clothesrsupen should be repealed; which it rnoet probaV : Southern ?;Trv The fifteenth ta My will be, the coal wonhl be as low as ber of this valuable periodical has just i ventinn of the Slates. If they fail in that, fine Coat, Vest, and Pantaloons, in Mon iney may ; . . i treal, Ir 9W, J he com or the same in 5. M Try a Convention among them- New York ' U $J2. The dificrence in selves, fr the ole purpose of deviling the : price actually paid the expenses of the best means of appealing to their sister purchaser from New-York to Montreal, States,- end quietly and peaceably obtain- and back. So that the rich, who can tra ing amendments to the t Constitutiou. V, , ) vcl, escape the duty, while the poor must , 6 It is only when all other pcocca- atay at home and submit. Another gen bio expedients fail, when this system of tleman saved 8200 ia duties npon the abupe, in which tho South t ever en tr stock of clothes he brought with him from yw.rei likely to be fastened perma-1 Europe, ncntiy upon onr necks, that we are to de- cide whether we are to shake hand with ; sued from the press. Circumstances bit? rn!y rrrnittod os as yet tomake a cursory ! examinatijn ' of its contents, but e (0 perfectly warranted in sayinj from (bit -exajntnetiftnt brief as it was, ttmttlnrpnv-l our brethren, and part with them,: or, whether we are to remain hewers of wood and drawers of water.' Let the manufacturers and politicians of the East, think of these things for a fiaive tub m $ton to tuch a tyttcm is not to te thought jtPjfjn ijfl fined ftwtlfS RELIGIOUS REVIVAL. From the New York Evening Post. A table showing the amount of taxes paid on articles of daily consumption. Articles Sugar, brown ftowdered oaf Tea, black i green Coffee .,;;; iho Statt;;, mid fhe n;ry exiKtcnee ofthVrSa union, i'havo no connection with a strict or liberal construction of the con..titufi.)h !" Oil ho, says - Mr. V.," 1 look- upon it as a pnro qiie6tion of the meaning 4of worfc.' And how docs he decido it,' upon this new principle of construction T ' Why ho find in a dictionary, that the word "regulate" means "to'govern the act ipn of any thins by fixeJruJca ..orjtirthttctrngth of this high nutuomy ne nrgues mort con clusively tlint tho rigl,iH to regulate- com merce" includes all power "over it, even tho power- ",to designate tho places and the persons with whom it may be carried on, " ..,' '. 'IVi -V JVl' L';. 1 . ana me commoumes on wnicn n may ne employed." Now all this may be very correct according to the dictionary, but what says theConstitution 1 That-in-strumcnt says," Congiress shall have pow er to regulate commerce with foreign na- tion9,i and between the eevcrai Mates." This is all.1. It gives no other. Suppow then that Coniress should determine that trade should bo' carried on Only with ccr- tain designated persons, ?or only between M,olasses ' .Mustard Pepper, Clack cayenne Currants Raisins Oil Coal Dutu 3 cents per lb. 4 do 12 do Si , do 58 do 3 do . o no per 00 us. j eno sooine tne nea 10 12 3 15 , 4 15 1'2 do per gallon coper lb. do do do do do do do do do do 10 per chald. Rum Gin & Brandy 53 to UO cts. per gal Hardware, nu average , Sf33i per cent or of tlsf cost and upwards . . at the place whence im- V portsd, being 1 of the cost Earthenware, 20 per ct. 1-6 cost here Glass, about 50 do being J cost- here Woollen, 'cloths, coarse, for negroes in the Sou. thorn States, fifty inch- cs wide 81 cts. per vd. Cloths worn by farmers, mechanics, &c. 5G in ches wide ' 70 cts dp Flannels & Bmscs 27 do 162 ' do Blankets, 95 per cent ad- valr.rsra .on tjg .qua-. . seut number will be fund inferior to boos that have have preceded it either in abili ty, elegance, or taste. The opening ir tide M on the Bank of the United State' gives a candid and lucid expositkaji of Iht arguments both for ami against that in atitatiorrr It is drawn up with modsratiua and ability, and presents a fair view of tho merits and demerits, of the advanta ges and dangers of tho Bank. This arti clo should be eenerally read bv all w'm r. j wish to Understand the principal grounds upon wnicn tne renewal of the Character ia aJvocatcd and opjKwed-TheVevit wtr himself is averse to the 'renewal. He thinks the Bonk not only utterly unconsti tutional, but dangerous to the liberties" of the people, conflicting with the ripbts rf the Stntes, and exceedingly merratd ai ocnpiiid. Ron ia uerinru v regards its opinion thrt if had much better fje aboTi- From the Beaufort Gazette. We had frequently heard of religious revivals, with no concern we regret to say, when our little town became the scene of one of these strrking and intores ting events. The Rev. Daniel Baker of Savannah, hsa been with us for some time and never surely since the days of the "bed than retained.; The article up" Apostles, has more frrvid zeal, or ardent ' " Indirect, Taxation" is aisj a valuable piety, or untiring labour been devoted by paper, in whjeh t'ne predominant polil.cal a Christian Minister to his cause. For ; topics of tho Hay are treated in a man y t, ten unwearied days from moniing until and with a spirit and ability eminiiily nine at night, haye we heard the strongest : calculated to arrest attention, ' It pr' and most impassioned appeal! to the heads 1 conclusively the right of a State to nullify and hearts of his hearers. All that is tor- nn unconstitutional net pf Cougrcss and rible or beautiful, all that is win in or clearly points oat. tho trnodo iu which if appalling, all that could ateul, and charm,. : should bn exeroisod. : Tlie: other ;c$p tUy a re v aarai3nrceahlea4 hjis'' I less security, and comn .-and us attention , laneuos character, written with taste a.a to the truths of rdii- r,, v.c havu atcn 1 spirit and ' vivatitv. and . well adopted M pressed upon our citzena with un earn- gratify the i lover ( polite". literature estness, energy, and hAmi uoimte pefiuasivc- Thii number, we are elad to is nf; ly printed, ond whilst w;e cbecrruL'y avsr. this credit to the publisher, we trust t. af he will bo suitably compensated for , ie lalor nnd exnens; necessarily connf'-,''''' ncss, almost irresistible, The effect no one can concei ve who was not present. Politics were forgotten. Business stood still the shans and strr$ wero shut tho schools closed one mh-! with such a niiMicsiinn. Tho Sout r': loct nnlv nnnnrfd in nrrnnv- nil mmil. I Dm law T:ti lllisl' .1 . " " " ' I lilt IIIIIIU, ' ..l-il, TT UII i:nii V I.IIH. , II I'lll and engross all, hearts. Ihe church was even say highest, amongst .works filled to over-flowiiiff seats. irallcries'iKimilnr liMnpir.rW.t'in ttfrVF country. aisles, exhibited a denso mass of human has conferred honor jfiivp S1"' a:" lincs from hoory age to childhood. In should? be liberally nnA.MsivcJy "st3,n; this multitude of ages and conditions, there ed. It has given us a'dTstinguished aiin were occossioned pauses of breathless pi-1 enviable name, not only ' in th ITiut lence. durinir which a nin-drornin(r mmht 1 Sin ts Knf in Tvi 1 ffrn ' nnrl iiuvb wun msimcuy ix-urn. wnen tho ol' 1 . 11 . .. . sommn Kiinnco was nn Ken oy the voice of the preacher, citing the impotent to 00- prnr before the jmlgment seat of Heaven, j South. reproving, persuading,, imploring by the most thrilling appeals to every principle of his nature; and when crowds moved forward 'and fell prostrate nt the foot of 1 -r. nennlA dhrtnld wniAi.,W. that in supp" ' ing it, they eupmrt the rights, llw i''' tutions, and the literary reputation of Churtittoii jtjcii"-,- i:ia - 'llenrv Cae frorm---Mr. Q laty letter tq a committee in i:,;'" says that he cat do raoro public din.' foj-tTio prcsc. Qeptmiu: T '"-" s J t f 1 rfV 1 -. , J . . -t - ; r ' , , V 'I -., I ' ' . "'.''' , I ...' ." ' . . ' .. - ' i- t 1 U i 1 - - '

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