. M . . j f t v.1 t ti .i: 7. 1 A) i : i . 1 i a A nx , ! i J hi , ' 4 .1 -i it ft ,-r" h-t 1 '.V'-f A V. limy., r;u(j. POETRY. fnmMn- UMt LLf flap' i TH3 E AIVL7 J3C AD- !s ra-o-tot aot the rest of alctp MTelgbe dove til eiBk.e ) ' ' Tfce rigid !u ruber it to da.?, , ' v Tbs cI It IreattUse lies. - CS rub ere erYft3rtof t'tffll -.bat ITrtsX ' Tit Kit l atJ ajU brow, , -' -Jkere I Mii(t tuahW the aek-.J , . DtkUlMlfttf I knOWtb.eMW. " "P!tUf ofTerrw s, tbotM fj here ; la ell thy dark array . . Hut lis tie iti W..B e4 f.ar ' , rrlflilwaaniwali! D.aJ, . TbaUkotfalad.ie'av!. f. Cat wo, fur tbott wna moura ana attti. . . . . friPi lata ha bmjmo A Iti Uotmk AM IMra it fbrioct Ettt Put adii, e iMf froa the tomb 1 Aa(UcuaiMlak!(tw , Are em an canh'a lort'et fbiip ' Tba treestb vt ctinf i ther, . . nd DcH b dok bncr &irp ' O'er ail (bit'i tord 4 Mr, eletHW-iorfe'rMettk t tbovtd u lua BflM frepkrt I ' The aptru fcela iu btaraa) binh Aid mtm at eonal ert t r rta ha young Wertb a4 Geaita d!a " let ne riia tert bt br4, t - I Dot brief bright vrtba of f ictonr v . ... tOBMLIA. d fiuWlf a flota from a pcnuitr Actreit, ia eUnf which, dm acoMoi7 td wbat ia popurariy urmea 1 ickMwUdffe, drar E1W yar kror- A kiie with your not e yoa atnt ata i Oat, fTrfi, if we'd bTa the troc flavor, ' Wa nroet fa'iber It, lota, from tbi Trm. Vc , recommend the following to tth particular atttntioo of certab of 'our lon-wioded' centlemen of the n t.u "u -a I Wtngtn ' i otterfield. which wu beacd on Thuriu'av. the Lord Advocate lor I ;ocouana apoir argTcai-icngwi, uot t fa the oDcninjr and reply. Lord Chancellor The object of re tU ia to correct errors or mis state- ' tkinta made on the other side. If ?tou go into new matter, they have a : l-Iilju.:.! i - 1 Lord Advocate It is fitting that the case should be thoroughly exam Lord ChaneelloT YeB.Mor7U, trut then, thoroughly ia not in the ra tio if the length, but of the strength. . . li is oftea inversely as the length, but you have both length and strengtn. A short and comprehensive Ser inon from the Portsmouth Journal Jbf Saturday last. Newspaper- H Borrowers, Reader, af you have borrowed this paperj send 1 it rieht biclt aa you may feel cheap wjfter you have finished this paragraph. I It tne iauor aenui . n. w WM wnvAii. would vou tmna vour neicru i tmr fair in his reauest for the brat of ! f I JS' . I VigDoor.ana " CT 'CU ,a- mi wic wmvii 6--v w.... II the nenoypost leaves a letter on jfour counter, should you think it tlpht tn vour neicnnor ia icnc .uw i a ore vou hud time to read it, to tally . ... .j .L.i i load rji notaioea on iu ao man vou for the use of it some hours after St he should not be 10 unfortunate as ff lose it. If these things are -not right then it is not rThr to borrow a newspaper i . ... ... ..Lir.i I - 0 tne day wnen u ia puuusncu. We have received a request from ajne df our ;subscribcra todiscoBtioue U paper for the present, for no'pth tr reason than- he is plagued by bor rowers. We presume her are not och persona aa hean, very well deny the use of the oaperC So it is with ou borrower, whoever you are ! The person rwho lent you L this, although VippsrentIy did it with much pleas tore, wished that you would take hi i JWcoat; hot loaf, and letttr, before ;QisW v wv It vii f.jrlj liiv. 4, since J.t, Clair (Jen. tt' f i t, was t!'f-itr tf t .c I--. in. 1 Ilrii'nh ; th Western Ten iter; hkh then wai. wilderness, t.;t which oow t pop lous in J iViuruhlng part cf cur coun trv. Ia Itti hr half ttii! timt hence the pute of Ohio will te iteond to Bene 10 the Udioo, The Vnitei Bidet nttcnue.Tht WnMnstoo CU'be ititei thit tht Uo tcd$tatei Hevenue f r the prtieot yer will eiceed ihe citimate u iKt million! of do Ur. It was ei tlmafpil at S'J.OOO.000 dolUri U wil be near!; 30,000,000 doHirs. .. ' I wn eoinr. ia5f an Iruhmao, ovcrTWeiimiDltternridgcthe-othtr div.iodl melfJt llewmi, ucwi Int. aivt 1. how art vou! Pretty we! I thaak yoa Dootlly, iayi he aay that's not rtr came, faith, no mora m'm trU. lava he. In we fee. rsi jooltC(j at f,th olhfr .g,',;,; tori U tamed ( : to be neither of oi ilLadici )Vardl.k paper printed in th Htite of Alabama, inealcaofa most deplorable and alarming acarci trof young Udiea.. Every reipccta. Me female, oativc or atraoger, found there, i, at aooo ponible, hurrird to the by me nial alter. The your.g men ire as one hundred to one cf the young ladici. AThether the 'eottona or broad clotba are frowovd open or not. the Indie! are alwaya welcomed with im!ea. The y ahll' have pro. fertion farercr. , ..." t. PLANTERS AND PARMER'S ALMANACK'S, .r . rot TnB im or or toio ' 18-3Sv C ALCULATED for the Meredian of Ralem, N. C. jurt received and for Kale at thta OT.co. Price 10 cent euielo ?5eaots per dozen.' .vfJ7 ANUTHKH D ' Mammoth lioiterj M Prizes and no Blank lit WIIE New-York Coaaolitlated Lot. , tery Cbaa No 11 will be drawn '? th c"? f'ew York on Wedneey e let of fotember,-iH3i, 66 No J l.ii.i. r T : t - in thla Lottert will be a Pri-! ! Thn.. "11 7..' Tn. ""I1;?: .:-""'V5 km .Mi,aA .0.ii bw-tm. t. . flCbeme-for-lark?KCT PRIZES. 1 OF S 10.000 I ooo 1000 100 40 15 4 $10000 4000 1106 10 80 gg:-v.-.-14S0 80856 lot it 0 oOO Rft &Q rQ v .v ticaets giotuiTests quarters 2,50 PcltBe 01 "caeia win cost gaao aMa.M.MWA4 at jlaan lkt Ol la 4 A I .f m III V.. .J. l wjh certificates of packages need only remit the dinerence octween tne coat ol ,h. pack.pea and the amount warranted. Those wbo remit g93 will be entitled to certincaie oi a djchro oi wnoies in like proportion for shares. The original III .. :n t. u .i. n..L u .v u. Oiders for Tickets to receive prompt nd conbuenuai auenuon must oe ad dressed to ANTHONY II. SCHUYLER. 4-99 : . JttwYork. . Committed TO the Jail f Lincoln County, on the 10th of August, 1831, a negro man, about 25 years of age, 5 feet 5 inches high, well formed, he Speaks polite. ' He has a cr on his right Check, he calls himielf Nicho (Utriust and eayt.he belongs to" Na thaoicl IIopsMn Iredell County, North Carolina The owner is resquested tr: come forward, prove property pay cjurffcs add take him away, istf m M- a A wife, m i JZZ ;7iM , i nrviV t V - I i C:nft I . n 1'ri y Hew & :-'ahlc, '..UMV.'Vr.Uc UooAs. t" ACKETT h LCMLY it. m i7dl.lr.Utf.il '.1 Wln't' '""'V ' i,n,! !N r'ct tira in i .."" and Naw Tork. 'Tkelr eiock f-nuite lioot every article bio:! kept Knrrk IniMicirtofihe coumrjr, l bleb tbey are dtterraioed to itU very T' -Wftnw trt fturtblte will 0 I UUlf f well tocillkeaanjinaibelr aorttnent beir prlre and jodga for ibetnelvea. FOR SALE; IM'purtumet ol a DctJ f Time t0 m( ttcued by Wiliim Lo,,., ind rof its parpowa tncrcia meniloned, 1 shall Vfwtaa In miKlta . M - . . . In 8i!i,bUry oo Tberdiv tba 15th day o' December next, the fUowlni prop erty, vlat . - ' Twentr-foar or e likelf 'Keeroei 'Ofliittlofc of Men, Boys, Women and Oirla, uvcrI head of home. Alio hit iutereit q $ Tract of Land aitoited on ike Yadkb River, wbereoo. Wm. Long now livr. Terms will b raiH , THOMAS U CO WAN, Trtet. OeAiT,aoA 111. ; 4H00 , Negroes Wanted ! THE aubarriber is destroua to pur. chase MumhtotJCEanOES without any limit dorlog the next twelve : mnaths. Any person having tuch property for tale would do well to apply to the sabtcnber before they make a sale, for they may rrat assured that he will pay the moat liberal prices in (XI Sir, JAMES HUIL. N. B. All letters addressed to the subscriber will be attended to at punc tually, as if aoplicftiof was made in . i r penon. in nis soscence uoiekt Tuie wilt attend to the business, or tn' hi abarenee MX. uitvxs- the Post-Maater, wil', who ia author, ised tr nake rmrchates at all times.' ' Samluru.May 21. 72tr ATTENTION. milE ROWAN TROOP ofCAV- A ALRY, will parade in the Town of Salibury, on the laat Friday of November, at 10 O'clock, at the fio'nrt House. Persons wishing to become members of the company can do so on that day. HY. GILES, Capt. Oct. 2SM, 1831. 4tC3 :. - To Saddlers r. ' AND . Harness-Makers. rp HE Subscribers wish to employ one Saddler snd two Harnesa Makera of steady and industrious hab its. JOHN W. HILTON, BENJ. J. OAKES. Oct. iUt 1831. 95tf To 5n&tTtaveTS. CEALED Proposals will berecev'd by the subscribers untill the 3d. Monday in November next, for a tho rongn repair of the prisoorinSallsbifi ry, N. C. The materials to be of Rock Wood, and Iron, with a plan of exe cuting the same, accompanying the proposals. Persons wishing to un dertake, will call on F. SLATER Esq. at the Jail and view the same. MAXWELL CIIA1IBEK9. p W. II. IIORAII. COM. . GEORGE VOGLER S MEREJyjMBIUST- nnilE subscriber respectfully informs X the citizens of Salisbury and the public generally that he now has ana ntends hereafter to have good beef which he will havjsjn market every Xesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings. His beef is as rood as that of any of his brethren and he 1 determined to sell it as cheap. lie trill., pay the highest caah prices for good mountain beeves, at any time. 8Jtf CHARLES L. BOWERS. WAGGONERS, Driving to Taycllevil!et flH L find it to their advantage, to stop at 'l? the Waem Yard, where every con venience is provided for Man and llo.'se.tq make thtm comfort bble, at themoderate charee of 25 ceiitaa day and night, for the privilege of the Vard, the ue of a good house, fire, water, and heltcr, Attached to the Yard, are a Grocera andJProvision Store, Bread Shop and Confec titmary, aod a lou fur Bu&rdcra and Lodgers, in plain, c'aepp, wholesome and condbrtuble i0 P'",n W'Pi wholesome ami It IK ; AWAY frcri on the of 0, l- with i r ' ,f -..lexloti, ( ') ;fSf her er- SW JL (Jirl bat n cnly.femilo child In tu'!hira Counift UInKinj;.to e Ptntlcminby t me ol hr.m Clarkr - Jhalila the tofpMg herjc!, under the sprei:...,n 'c Lwjl1"' She will co, doubt tnJevor to gst . Into the nclrhf otbood cfher dusth.er, irsbe la hot unJar tbe dlrectloo of iome whue penon, which Is mors than probiWa, tbers are clrcamttances w bleb Induce ma to believe ao. .'-- -Tb aboVe rewird wUl he glicalo. a nr ptraon who ahall return the sild girt to me, or Mfce ber in any jl M " rtt bar i and 6ff doUaa wmJti .in A.t,tt the narton toanrons wDoaoiii w t.:.,.k, la lattice. ' lit iJ'wm" Untatttrxillt, a. C. VC' 1831. , ESTATE 8 A LIS. . THE aubscriber will offer for sale, at th. Crt HouislSittbury.lotbe blgbot Udder on 3turdf the 3lt f n,mrr,eit. about forty likely NE GROES, UlongUirlo lh tlU, ?? h late Doet. S. L errand, coouuing oi Men, Women, ChHdrentuoytt ana Cirlt. ' ' Tk. r,t,;,n rf the sale bcln? to par oh cUlma asklnrt the EitaieiCart,Negwl iUa paper at Ui S.fikbary D.ck, or sny Lej?4 dsmtndt against the Eine, will be taken in Payment. . And on Monday the .d nuiry next 111 h. hlr.d. at the Court Houie'gfore- said, for one year, on the usual terms Mr, or slaty negroes,of the rt de Ktip ln, belonging to i"fa'aM Estate. . 6dt 100 R. M ACNAMARA gjmr. Runaway gH the 10th cf Repieiribfr w laat. from mv ptinU'ofi Jont rotmtv. two rr prof t, one named WASHINGTON, about V veara of aje, a vert krijfht mulatto, oa one of his bapda there is a .ear occasioned by a ' fin i he will cbanje bis name and endeavor to Xtn for a free man. Tbe other amu juun, a conmoo muiaito, aouui ju years of ape, very intellifrf ntj b will probably tan as the servant ofWiihlnploti, and change is aane. A reward of 25 Pollar will be tWeS for tbe delivery of eider In any Jail, ao that I caa get tbe.n., , JAMEfl LAMAR. fktmerMk. 43tt IC3 The Ceoraian. liTannabt the Teles. cope, Columbia, S. C.j and Richmond Enqui. rer, are rMQcataa te Bubbah Ute abore weekly until forbid, and then forward their accounts to J. I.AMAR ATTOUNEX .T LAW. YVTILL pradiae In the Courts of thia Cnonty " ty, Davidion, Urcklenburr k Cahvrrue. Hi office is a few rtoors below the Cmirr-Uonse. Ocfher flrA. 1831. ' 92ft Committed. WAKEN up and committed to the Jail of this county, on tbe 6th Instant, a negro bov, who says bis name is Phil and ssvs that be belongs to William Hadrn of this county, and that he w bought by said Haden from Anderson Foster. S.id negro is ebout twenty fire or thirty years old, black complexion about five feet eight inches high and slender built. Tr owner is requested to par charges at -? take, him away. F. SLATER. Sh'f. SaHtbury, JW 10, 1831. P7(f -The Ttnntwfc-fcVaiisttTr- rpHE subscriber still continues to A make the above Machines and keeps a supply constantly on hand which he will sell low for cash or on credit to punctual dealers. He like wise intends to keep on hand a good supply of COTTON GINS, and he will also repair the ssme to order. 72tf E. P. MITCHELL. Salisbury, J)oy2lst. Lost or lhlaid npHE first volume of Ascough'a Shakespeare. The volume is well bound and has green edges ; No name is recollected to have been Wriu ten in it. Any person having such a book would confer a favor on the owner byreturning it to this office. 89 ice. ,1 few ream of v r'ning paper for ial at this Ju. niHce. at 50 Der ream, a few rm o 82i and a few rcarlia of wrapping, at the usual price . 7 For Sate. fiico hundred pound of first rztt Northern Hods. Enauire al thte Office. Mtf JOB BRIJi TJVGn or kvcKY vxscRirruir, 1 mm m M Ml 4lt C)lUi(y l'tl 01 .'Tl'ULLT lnfrnt jMlCi tbat l.a hsilo. ( tiu . , ..ilf at the MiiUtat; -II., ii LU.-fyi . lUwKi f 'pun y, H Carol, .j- t intr V t jrcfe, ttf. 1 ttd ! sur,' J.1 i i tl.e Ho- ; m nt tstile cf Wat-flu ssj j, ,Ujv : 8;p' burjeu.ffcO til voti;". 10 A t-iKLi three hundred r-ucP::?rs. ; . I, T o. !e'S"i certain cf 'the ilijj trite, from Arrutcrdim, Ijtf lf. i v i attl.li cJ'f wltbtbfte ind r i -Ti, bersahh certify if. t )r, L.ViucDau, dmlnjthe long oAof yj diys, hjs Ifeatcd thi"Uct with Vl.e"j;rVt. est csrci snd hu proved himself iQ f ,r , respect, ssa very humane man, and , sVUril 'physician rd that cura iunr 1 siXi only two have died on li e vi. V FHEDEUICK RIDER; PHILADELPHIA, l-x. . , . . .. t certify that the fur- ;injr t( enrrett ly printed from Ihe original CtruGfitf, which is regularly tested before a K0. Isry Public of PnilnJalohla. . , , UT(V CRAIG K Ut 8aUdun (. t, BY virtue cf i decreed tbe f'on.tcurr ofLVjoltyifaf thcacai.ftfM,m0n) ' eryi at lst Stptembel Term cf .u court, 1 shall expose to putJic i.Ie at ike Court Houte in Lswrt nceville, on S4t9r. ' day tbe lOtb day cf December next a tract of land belonging to tbe fcelri cf Robert Most, containing tbrce hundred acres, situated in the County of Moot. Eoseryi en SIonUln Cieek, adjoinln HeliDdt of William ILni.'i l.'ead others. The above is aupposrd to bo valuable from the signs of Odd which sppesr on it and there Is water power oa embark in the Gold mining Luiinets would do- well - to - attend."- Tmtf mooibs credit will be given for one bait of tbe purchase rhe'r ty, .and'eighiesa months for tbe balance -the pu-chau. giving bond and approved security 4H00 JAMES L. HAINES, r at.?. CUARLESTOXand CJIEIUW, THE STEAMBOAT MACON A, t Htf ' VPrT' Arr. j. c .Giu- HAJl haviiitr Utpr tbK'ged last summer. in iuunn Ueiotco Charleston and Chi raw cillirg at Geo. Town on her way op and down, will resume ber Trips in tbe course of few days and is Intended lob. continued in the trade the entuuig tea- son. Her exceeding li$ht draft cf Wstcr, drawing when loaded only about four acd a half feet water will enable ber to rcarb Chersw at all times excen', an uncom- jnonjQWjlyerKjbcnJvtecarg9wilJ t iignicncc ai. me cxpence of Boat. ' J. B. CLOpIL- ' Charleiton Beta. 26, 1831. N. B. Sbe has comfortable actcma-, d.tions for few pissengtrs: 92J J, D. C. To the.Public. J. SCOTT 8c A. W. BRANDON hsv be dissolved their partnership i Ihe buMf,es estabflsbment of Cbersw. All persons indebted to Scott & Brni!an of that place sre requested to make py nu-nti and all persons having cLims I'tnsrnt them for payment. Buii.ica continued as heref'nfnr t. BraoJot snd Scott bt Wudcsbort h te r o he ria for cash or cnuniry produce" ii-'r.xchi:, -I kinds of Fancy Gccds U-TTT77raxr0rntT TnOTTtibeTil terms- Ocf. 22nd 1831. J.SCOTT, 94 f ( A W. BRAND ON. Jat'Ui 1 b.vin rjoqjhi out ihe m v tercet of A. W .Brandon in their con cern (Scoit tc Brandon,) at Cbersw, i'l he happy to supply all who " msy wsnt Goods on good terms, either by whole' saie or retail with Dry Goods snd Groce ries ol every description. In all inaisnces . selling for Cash or country produce. The highest market price- will be givenjfor cTiUhiry produce In Cash or exchange ior Goods. ' JVO. SCOTT. October??, 1831.', ." -S 94tf Alf protluce intended for JhS Charles ton market or to pais thrrmtjb ihe hands ol 11. V. Conner c Co. Charleston will be carefully stored and forwarded, sho packages of every kind from any quarter of the world feceived and forwarded order by JNO. SCOTT, Agent at Cberan of . V CONNER & Ctv Negroes -tinted pur chase ONE UV,SJM) riegroc 4both male and female from thirtes? TOTWENTr ovn yeora of age, lor whom they will pay the CASH. JAMES I. L-OSG, ' 1UCH D. W. L0NG4 ." THOS.xMUtLjr. MayiU 1831. -N. B." Applicationcan be made to th frm In person or by letter addressed to JjtmsV. LONG V Co.SAinaniv CI whirhili bepronipily attcafctl !' I , : . . " . , . - v ' ..... . 1 . .; . "' . ftf-V. - - .' ' " ..: .... t ....... . . .. .... ' v4 w , t:T'f :f M- -:vo rj':' -.-