- ''; 1 1 i lal at. Unn-ii ,,-f :.'r. til 01,1 I llIIlH.C (f (' - ; i'l.i (,', hm i -. unoin to n i'uM p,-CeJ cl'.'rki, end tU Ttitf lhH'i) ii n-.cuhti'.'n for 11.0 nj'jxiu.hncr I. 1 In.ni tho Cutil i ;t -Vcl corn trullce le ewtinted to wait "n his e ic-en- , .cru",' tli Governor, sod inf rru him of the rga!i:Atun H Ihi) tW?i UO-liCf Ol lh i: iurr , tnd iu jf i!iw M to rccciv any fimunymotiofi tJ nav tWrk proper 1 btm Iavi.loo arc tpiintcl to f ni t!.e .' Vliiclj rirojio-itloQ agreed to tr the fleuaio, tJii a mctoBo wut to. l!)aliu - i . . t. U'l J .1 ...I fi.. " (lie are aiiMintei U facta tho committn Afticwaj,t waalkeriaa rtwiyf I fr the Cemmodi, rgwjxwing that a - t joint ' icommillca Le lijpjintpd, whow July it . altnbe t irjquire whtther the ia . Wtiir-S th firlklalura ii ntw CbrvtwA ii Wijhi.-) the liuiiu p( th City of TLt eh, "aiiJv f not; whether tljf can k'J teir ' atiniona at any pUca without aaid l!m;ts, ,r ; awaUry to tha provwioca o( the Conti. wnanajari in.. c.ml0 ; ,i .. hat Mcfirf.Mobafe, Haywood ana trunp z'.i forrr the aa!J committee m tho part the aaf.l comn.ittee m tho pert vf 1 . ib Jf -ta: v!ucii proposition wen a ,to ad' Mctsra." ScawalL Toomcr aMl , , .fiLipJ were appointcil. CD aaid Committee Qn t!m? y,nrt ot the- 5iaK ' ; , " ? A t::ceige waa alf raJy rceiyfvl from 01 Owmnottf, ajrteeinj to tlio propotition 'of tlie Senate to UHot for thire enirro C1ikt' atiJ atatbij the committee tht tro'!'l . attend the Berate t oomluct the Oft'lottine on the part or that llouac, - ; i TIk Senate then appointed i fiit,rt R'flVav ita behalf, aad tppriaod t!i Cera- ; ponf'vt thft fact. - : i ' , ' . : v .Mr; Moaely . tnored that the Senile do 'Aw.r,9ceeil.ta th,, ippolclalnt ti the 'j5tniufr, Committc. The qniiin wu taVeri ' thereon ' aivl it waa 'decided ia the ftrrt aiivej arJ.Uio f"trtwin cDmnrit!i were accordinglv appointed t a ' , . . 0( Cloiw Mewra. .Martiu of Rock' inhara, Cocper cf Mirtm, Akw, CTtp. Jtwli, Howell, Allcn FJiott; Jfvye if Pui. J-ite;rv Me sri f Dick, lyillirma, Skiitncr, Miller, Ti ' ,r, Cwicr, Sawell 8raskt. VV ; v' -f--' V - V. ru'ttct t rcro" Meaara. Ca!d weir, JFavlev, Poo! Ilia,. Tyson, Rav, Kerr, M'tknieLX; . ' V. ' P'cjuif d'f Me.r. Melchorj BOkMie, . MontkTf tmxj f Hert-v-." .SiiiinKf", Mawhali of Anton, lloke, JVontgomery ofOrange, Movci of Green. -k' P arr On the part o the Sr.te, Messrs. KencTall, Itawlin,, Brownrig, G 'troVu MTarkr.f', Urtu)' ofVilkee, '- oeed, Thompaon. r y j; , . The Ppnker laiJ before'tne Senate fntvln r! -eiin'fnt-, contflstirp the f Jecfion T-Ti !" tho cr-untv of Martin. Oi XiK ion of " Mr. Wilo ordered tlar tte aoid (Jcwonjintl Le laid on the ta We, ; ; . ; . . . , Mr. ILH. from the committee appointed to conduct the ballotting 'for enroaainsri Chris, reported the election of John W. j Covrtrtori and Daniel Coleman. M?. M'Farland, from the committee ap- fitted to wait on his Excellency the (Joy .Neroori said that the committee, were u - ftorised to ctate that. heonld make a communication t the Legisljture at 1 o'clock this day. - ; ; ' 1 - ' : Mr, AJle" intrtxluceda W for a ntw ecnnj . to be forme J out of pa"s of Bui ka and flurv ' ciobt, to be called th 'county of Yancey, Mr. A. re marlf d, tbat this was not a aew aubject " it hid been before the U?ltur fur 9 or 10 Veara, "at Ibrinnnal eipefise to lbetftale, of abew )SUUU. ' TUai na cnjriirfo inr unnn ' of both Houie on both sides of the question. lie rated that it was but, rigbt Ibe people cf tbewe eotintiea s'leuld be relief d from the Srratdiflleul'kstbry endured in diactmrring those tlutiea the laws imposed on them, and be asked the Senate to aitow.tbe Bill to pas its 1rtt readinf. 'Tbebilt war then passed fi the first time i Mr. Allen then rose, and stated, that ' on Tuesday next, he would call for the aecor.d reading of the BUI, when he promised to show rreater reasons than thoaa contained ia (he me- jnorial on which the bill was formed wlrtheJre count v should be formed. " ' ' Wr. Mostly moved that the papers relntive o "the contested seaUrf Mr. Cooper, b Sena tor from Hartin, be Yeferred to the committee on FrivUcgci and Elections which was sgrced .' to. . - , r ' '"' , The Senate tbea adjourned till to-morrow tea o'clock. v tt-r-V""r" Fndaq Abv. 25, put little business was brought forward to day in the Senate. . V Mr, Seawell 'introduced a BUI making an ap , pmpria'.'on for rebuilding tbe StatejHouae wbichTswdlti Ii Veadingr''' Mr. Martin of Rockingham, a Resolution thai ibe iudiciarv Committee be requested to en- qu-.re intb, and report on tbe expediency of air.endinj tae Laws reiaiiTv io u?u. Resignatiotis and messages were received to day.-' ' 1 :r ' ! r . Saturday JVb. 26. "Up 'tJnnttHHniiTV of Oranrp. introduced a . rer.hrtion to-day, authorizing and empowering i had his jdpubts on the matter. The soon the rtibtic Treasurer, to procure specie change ! er the error (if there were one) ehould be ' I' fn- !,b? ?crr ,0. detected the better, amount of aitM-Oa provided, the expenses did ;, ... . , . ifc K , "Qn njp'icn f WdjjUBi cFrjnknn, ij rxs ci ! -r.l tUtLcfpVrs, ni'M tt r',c't H ? i-ir r"'"' " ' f " n ir' iu.i ( . . I e I..;!, in'r.,1 i. , n Mr. fftwfll, j .J.,5 um! ft ,t n tiF !. J.v I ,r M.itvl.r rrk m-xt, i i 10,., ;., tai 1 ucy 11 ' -vn . . to ke r r -'!.' . hilfrilM Dum I HWHO rrewrr ruwiw T ik. Ui th. mul of T.yM. rH!,e rrf.nrer lo pty htxhtm, w.fl.teJ n!er !, eircu:iwiwc, lie -..-t. 10 ,vif,rk. that appr intmsni. Mr. a; . o m a lir a mei that tj 10 name ot wmuei i . . caw. j cr, i. of b!m:on, and Mr. M Milhui move,! tbM the name of Loun D. HeDry, Ki. t f J vciunlle, Le axWed to the nonv ation. Ao Election by , Wlot thereupon V(ok . uar the wperinteodenca rf, i.. mnA vtimn. Kr r .V;-7 If , nHrr bad reecifed 29, Mr. Henry 47, and Mr. Bawyer 47. Neither of th. ao. llainenb nominalioa having recoive-J a majority there was, tio election. Mr. Sawyer thercopon returned his ackjwwl edgemenU, in a ,brief, but pertinent ad dress, for' the support ho had received, and withdrew from tho eonteat. . The House proceeded again immediately to a second bVJoting, under the superinten dence of the aaine fctlcmen, which re. ulte! aa follows i Fiher 67 Henry 57. Mr. Fisher having a majority waa de clared duly elected, and conducted to the Cbaif , by the committee 'of balloting ; frtra which he made, hie acknowledge ments to. the House in nearly the follow, ing terms is ..-(, ' ' . G tutu men of tht Ilovte f isommon t feel ' aensiblydeeply impressed, with the honor you hare conferred on me. I am aware, centlenoen, " that this ata, tion, is a post of respoaaibilityi and I know my self too well o believe that 1 can dis charge the duties of it in the maauee ex pected of me, and desired by myself. But to far aa a studious anal impartial attention to the duties of the chair will erteble me ta diecbarft-e them, that far they shall be diaehaveed. iTirpLaaiae, gentlemen, on the word impartial, becaase as it is one of tkemoet important dunes oithe chair, so it is a!was the,no5t diffiru't. T hold, gentlemen, when a member is placed in the chair over a deliberative hod) , it is hit duty t lay aside'peritnal- feehu'i, pre judices, partiJ;trs and knew no man bat sesmernher ofih Houe ovor which he presides. puriue. Knowing mv own c"i:ficivtciea, I muM bespeak in inwr yuiir ki;. i utdul rence, ami hope that vu will net attn jbute any of my errors a the wu but to j tu :Uftp motion of Mr. Cherr)', Manlkwas tjnanimoualy appointed Charlea princi pal clefk. The , following persons were nominated as Clerk Awietant t Tho. G. Stone, John C. StedmanV Henry C. Elliott, Edmund B. Freeman, Iwc C. P.tridge, Geo. W. Hay wood and Win. William. . ! - 7'. ") y .VVo 22o On motion of Mr. Wyche, Richard Ro berts wa appointed t)oor-keeper i and Messrs. Lurnaden,s Scarborough, Weath- ers, Cheek, Wilkinson, Cooper, Smith and GoldinfAwcre nominatod for the appoint ment ot A asistant Door-keeper. : Pa motion by Mr. Urapg, Hftoivrf "that a select committee be appointed to prepare rulea for the govern ment of this llouae ; and that untill they report, the rules as adopted at the last eession be considered as in force. Messrs. Bragg, Sawyer, Henry, Me- bane and McLean, by appointment of the speaker, compose the.said committee. Mr. Leak rose and said, there waa a ia -House : waa without the proper limits : if that were the fact, the sooner it underwent inveati gation 'the better. "For, if they were without the corporate limits, every thing now transacted would be useless. He made these remarks to the House in or der that it might take the subject into timely consideration, Mr. L. here read the recommendation of the Legislature of 1787, which adviwd the people of North Carolina 'to send delegates to the Conven- lioiirwFiic bolder) in Hillsboro', for the purpose of deliberating on the Federal Constitution and or the further purpose of fixing unal terably tho scat of Government and its limits. vIIe then expressed a wish to know whether the Legislature waa sitting with in the limits preacribed by law; for he tad. p hjf M;, f fiiQUld W , cefejed ; . 1 JiJr X- J"' HaPIua 4a tua.. rw4ia.-. U e-r,-f " '" ww. -4 , , , y, "V21. j Mr. lira;? (eonwltinj Uw, Mank, Mel..G! Arp3rumhe.npreBcnt,andtheoathi fr, t0 t!)rult ,r. VdJ,t, (4..,: el qi!if.cati. hiv.ng ,e,n LcjncmLcra r ihe-CaalAmUn 1?? lHtheilo.aepnK-ecded to the HectKW j -J him hUful w Wthr Sia tr, 6."-. J"''5' (.ftVeakeri whraMr. Suutbtan wwny- "fc raW) etfilJ Le applied to tU .w. M-Uit. Wtaaar. ,irnn' fil Cnari Fisher, Ij. of Mialwry.for cn.ral uia ,jown id .l. c!lAt)l , akffl - - -... rw CmU. 1 1 I it 1 , ! it , 1 c.t f rr- Of vft He. Il.-attW in-vr. ll.al h r,t f V. S'Vf ''ti.f f'r-u i :i r i f-AmiTinn,! rj ....... - . .- - iro ti !i"'J on !'' 1,1 f r t . , f i n .r 4ali r:i ,1 ,f CL life I u, . if.! aiid. the art rcTJired ... , .- . iX the ct tl.a W.riil C-kiU nol a lrer- Ho to Jc if for crajitM that ! ' n- in which u Kjj fi m. hflr u (0 llif partiruiaf caaCi k,ft rt .C-. j;--,:-- j a f. bt fi ta ,ifne if ,k(M . . ' it r. f. ...Ij riK: j J P" w rowp ricncetbarl h,m. self, that ten days was the time allowed. No time wu to be rot'nd in th. net of Assem bly in cases of this kind, and the bouae would thereure be left to exercise its dia cretion. v Tbat a period should he Tamed,' wu a matter of some ronqueure,- and he hoped tbe bouse would fit some time. A member (whose name we could not learn) moved that the resolution should lie on the table for the. 'present until the house bad an opportunity to refer to the law orx the aubject ; - which was negatived and the original motion carried. ' On motion by Mr. Wyche, ordered that a pessage be sent to. the Senate, Infornunf that body of Ike organization of this Hou.v, and of their readiness to cooperate in the-despatch of puUic buainrea, Afler several ineffictual ballotinga, John Lumsdco was appoistod Assistant Doorkeeper. On the 4lh balloting, Edmund B. Free mio was elected ttl-rk Assistant. -The following is the state of the several ballot inge. 1st 2nd Stone 44 S3 Freeman 30 35 Elliot 15 14 Haywood 17 12 Stedman 7 3 Psrtrjdge 7 6 3rd 4th , 04 61 52 . C6 withdrawn 19 withdrawn withdrawn 1 Williams 5 3 Wednesday, Jtiov. Hi. Mr. Vcbane moved that a meauge l sert to tb Senate, proposing that an in ouiry "hiuhi bo made as to whether this U'ir kl.Kxl within the limits rf' tho city of RaTetjth; sndTfil did not, whether they wero legally located. Reeoliftioo adopted. Mr. Wilson moved that a menage be sent to the Governor, informing him of the organization of the ITouae. Acrreed to. The nilea, reitulationa, cVc. for the gov. ernment of the House of Commons were brought up and read, A debate ensued on two or three article of the rules, which it was proposed to amend. Messrs: Bragg Weaver and Cherry, took part In it1: the amendments proposed were rejected, and and the rules, as read, were agreed to al moat unanimoualy. Mr. O'Brien moved that the nilea iust adopted, the joint rulea of the two housea, and the rules of the Senate, the Constitu tion of North Carolina, and the Bill of Rights be printed, and every member al lowed a copy each. The motion waa se conded and carried. ' A message waa received trom the Sen ate, concurring in the propoaition made to that house, respecting the limha of Ral eigh, df c. . The Governor's message vu red to the house, and it wu moved and seconded that it should be sent, with the papers a. Companying it, to the Senate, and that each member ehould be presented with ft copy of it. rwo'baltotings took place for three En- groeajng Clerks; on the first of which John W. Covington and Daniel Coleman were elected ; on the second neither of the candidatea received a majority. The foV lowing is the state ofthe ballotinga : 1st. 2d. Covington, Coleman, Stone, Mock, Muse, ; - -Smith,, Elliott, Holden, 107 182 81 46 70 81 137 59 10 57 30 22 1 Taryni'DaT, Nov. 24. . A abort diacusiioa took place to day on the amendment ot the 36th and 5th rules, which were reported by Mr. Bragg, chairman of th committee appointed to prepare them far the rovernment of the Hcuae this Session, in which Meurs. Wyche, Vebane and Cherry took par?. Mr. Mebane introduced a "Bill,' to extend to thr teachers, and scholar of all the schools in !h State, the sme rivilc?e and aTemntinn. M trerp ajlowel t ite r;Bimy ef Utef f t- ' i 'r" 1 1 i; i" V'l r rn t 'l- " - r i a r, lei Ml ' ' tu-t fr, " Mr. trC-'il t' I'" i.jfi ii'i.l f r t 1 j f lilU- .,,1 1 1 1. !f- t'.t;."- hrn- i'c ' 0 t!,' 'rruiid t.'"i'lt : it ir"t I Iflf rl ' Irfi,. 1 1 "l ,, I ,, m C'--"Z'vilL ; Ct, l.r . t'Xwl rirt, ivi'i, ., a l H f Polk were called i'UZ rs ant! br-urf Ursa, t c4k and Msbane, were anaa- 'Tmtolotioeee that pari of tbe tioa lorirti,' wticta ea mowo of Mr. &awjer. was Ind: oiiery ppoid. 1 Mr. Prar,9N a bill t.!ZZV lion of dtbts where there - visible prpsrty, tbich was also read aad fr . - fio. el drtVa where there were a. v,.,bW prop X U .Plied aad . copy frrs. ta aaci a tion and maW some remarks wtuch wttouW sot hear being ia a remote trt of the H-twe. Me Havwood.Ui reply to tbe geMlenmn Troei TlTwychi, U be thougb! tbe rw nurl. J th. ! ireitaraU 'rm5n,, would bae a bi. he eooU rat,y at what si teratwm the f.,mi.lttee mMul. ThaVadoe was pu r "O"00 Sti-rfMf Be.rfhctt.u,rnec till to-nwrrow 10 o'clock ' - Salurdny. .Vor. 26. This morainr afer .e.'vdto ft,. attarl elr-b ere -ed '"e Mw- t;e;m;.tees arfhrTrf b Veabe,. vi, O.UU JuAr.Vjrv-Mee.r.. w , r. m.r Haw J. Sufreer. Dam-! Perwaw awd iW.neer. - . a m . iiHMee .Mrwrs Weche, Amnron, smt ;. lot,. Ti,ir.-,1 I.at irre. WeSb and CoWs. JtMiaev -Messrs. Arrircton, Polk, Nelson, Burgin and Al'tion. Me. Btf f then ir tr- 1ored a B'l, '0 ixe the ttl'ne of T'i,- '!l vacat;fni teVM defendant In peti'ioM .'f tatl s t-d to tntW. lie (He eiotv CouHs tu i-e pr-cess to differ. tt cconies it the ame time. The biH raad on the first readina;, and on motion of Vr. 11. was 'cf r-fd to ihe Judicisnr umitVe. Mr. llitwotv!. a Bill Umit tbe time within wl krh suit mar be brmijt' ajraiest Bail. Tbe lMtArr4rWd a lUaeaneatoaH Sil T.Tl'ed th time to three eers.j of an Act, pas-ed 1M6, to revive tbe Mifiiia laws relative to Intintrv. Mr. Cot, a Bill to amend the first section of an Art of 18.10. to prevent free persons of eolor from bewYir.f rols. Mr. Pey, Bill olav off a road in tViTkes. Me. Fmmet. a Bill to incorporate the Wilkes eoort Vo'uo'eer Artillery... AH which were rend, sd passed the Rrst time. Mr;Sawver introduced s'B'IT, to tnsnre tbe fair valaa'ion rLaods. ha r'"" to a'ir-n. This bill passed Vt first reading i and . On motion ef Mr. Outlaw, was referred to the Judieiarv committee. Mr. Freeman moved that it be printed t whie.h was agreed to. A debate of some lenrtb arose onon the question to which committee the bill out;ht to ht referred ome thourht it oojrht to be re f.rred e the Judiciary committee, Som to tbe comt ita of finance, and Some to a Joint ae Ur r-t-rritee. 'It was attempted 'to be tn v!r a question of East or U'ewt bv Mr. ttenry of Pv.-tvilb, who tonk part in tbe debate. - (Vrift!ieii the Hmrw then adjourned, till 10 c'Vook nav TOf inf. FOREIGlvr 'e are indebted to the EiSton of the Cour. ier and Enquirer for an extra of th'- 20th, a;iv log the latest and important intelligence fiom Europe- rovaTstw bits t4Tia raoat xvnors. HIGHLY IMPORTANT. pJeitiimi).nhrRpfm)rBiirtylhe House of ljorns; 8eanT, 2 o'clock, P. M, Our news schooner arrived this mornine a 11 o'clock, bringing v.itf hrr the private latter bs?s of the ship bully. Cap). Pell, from Havre on the 13th October. The editora of the Cour ier ft Enquirer are in poaietsictn of their rejru. lar tilea of Iltivre papers of the 13th, and Paria of tbe 12th of October, both inclusive. inc suiiy DnnM me nigniy important mte i - tence, that at aix o'clock, on the morninr of tbe 8th of October, the House of Lords rejected . v eaa . !..... r ineKiorm oai oy a majority oi lorty-ooe.-Tbe vote stood . For the motion (reform). Contents present Proxies ,. Non-eonteoti present Troxiea t i tn 40 rrl9: Majority against the eCcorul readier of the bill 6 41 This infurmaliioa produced great excitemcn in London. Such was the excitement in London previous ' o s rt JccUos of the Ifcforoi tjiai the Po- ! ,,l ! -If the crneral ' r" "rUu Cells.... .ilwMrathcrtobejBjoMtoa. , nl-r rit, k,M Friday Acr. . i.l , n ' ti I, - l ir i .! i.ij ii i r i i , ' ' r , I r f'U ,1 it lt W- ! ..t. . .. "1 - i ,U t . 1 . " 'rued n : r.y li. ''I. i!, n li t inn! i ! r ..( ,. f ,f. Li.l .-n' r r, TwU Dr.f,, (.Vr crU tA tht I.. Sum if PbUnd, L T bj hep. l..t t..( .r.wUwlUK, A f tfl,Utfd 81. Prtrr irr, fcVpt. ICk "rta'l r the twiut, appaared, ,MIift a prii'r.i.l tri.rp pj!. Vl-(f l4 fff.lri.1 and fUf J ..... ! ' . !, U tMt Itwtfe r a ration ( i, , A.KtM-fdt tSe LI-! which ,!, t,M I 'i i i .r. ia lL iicreJ- ,( libilfcil .......... m, V mns andpatfMrtuvw.ercrv frieiwl eaamaai't a3 apov. tr h fte if t oland, brava bt tU lunate Po'iml lrjiae l ltitd Um aJ- From Jietjcium. we lira that tU , j betweet that rfHirHryand tWand, wtltb 7L f ired en ' IC S October, waa further rrolJ' ed te the f Jfb fhohar le the BehW, ber of Rprrhiatie after, a warm JUeiHi a prcprwlf iufl ia inonirw Into the Cinari tf da Ute defeat of the leliia lrrt wu tirJi va ma f ma oar, ir aena'e Mooted a lav rsv peetlng the dmicilia7 aeartbes for coacliL a-ma,l9lslL In Frsacr, we fiid a'l si Irairpjn ss K hwt datr a Tbe brreditarr t eersre wu rrlJ tedbyavoteet5?!en'tB7. J . .. h . . . '-1.1. 1 be aecnoi.ts of the Cholera at VJea. u Hpjrary, and CatBria, are of a iraaoiiuJ,, ebaraerer. The duaate ku mm4 a JA cturarttr. ajd ia f eearatty (abided. In ti! Austrian Army a freat many aolklcrs are W ed 'e rrtur homt a fa-trvth. Le'ters firm Trivrt snentio. upon M tbwity f a eftnf!-anieatl.n received from tin. tbat a rteoneilUtloe between the Cretu ui their Government ia Ekrlr te be efTeeted. u Cape Dlstrlss bad at length declej np ft. eoavoemtica f a Ntimaf AsMablf, the eku lnsf vhirh were oeciipjing tbe attmWi of the wlto'e eMry. T1VO DA7I LATIR wgOM LOD0X U --- aja-.e As aawaawa " trvw the Nil. Mercantile Adrrrfrer, Wat.n Br tbt amral last aiffU rf tie packH ) Uam Jealma, Captain Atlj, frwrn g, peJ, wbeoeeshe sailed em tbe lib Oetoter the Fditora of the Mereamil AdrenWrWa' nee red thele rerwUr C'es af Umdom pxrt o tt e lOfb, and Liverponl ta tbe llttrOatibtr a'l ;Ktus.Tt i together with luMtdow SMnkr f ists of Saturday the ttb. Out aeeoaatf Lordon, ia Havre, were te half past 0 t'doci aftfe n ornipg of the Bth( and this armJ bw pi.isa sMoti ci oaies taenec, tws 6yi h.ng waa t.rkad cf but tbe fst.rf , 'Sf up. BUl-tl aeeta to have beet n ervroa rF ee far as tbe reauk rw he kmH'nj and it bad spread Mk l.own the k.nri-.M it bads?rd vik I b"wn in the i i m im cf vai k aiTi 1 a an a 1 1 i wa r' IS eirtoos places in Lardon. fjeeenanl . a which, as wall u in print, drdes, tbe Ina. tiras of the king was applauded, tbe coons af the iriolaters approved, and full reHaace ah Ced ia thair ability and iategei'f. T The loa of the Bill bu been deeply aad aa eerely reirrtted bv every friend of the ecwatry aome of the papers ia owr posaeation, y dretsad in mourning In conarqueacco-aa atti. his acta of vioUnc. baj been eaamitted, bit fan were entertained tbat tbe eerwmsaai preperiy. of those reera who voted ia tbe a, jnrity, may not be tvwpectad by tbe populate. f wwi wmw ocotiano or pa land received tb inteltirano. . Fromtha Tendon Obaerver of 10th Octcbef, we copy lha tuBowing aniclei - -- M Bpeeutatioa la busy on the line of eendact which will be pursued by Carl Grey. W be lieve that, up te the mafnewt we are writinf, Carl Grey bu determined not t retig a t aal that, encouraged by the llouae of Commons isf tbe vaicee of the Wtajorify af the people ke will make aa effort :e carry bia bill by calling to tbe Upper llouae a number oftheriderf sons of iu preaatil aaembeni who are support, ers of tbe bill, ao that the new titles will ke graduany absorbed by tbe eacieav anuocacy by raising some of tbe move distmjruUhed cos moncrs to tbe peerare with fiaJted remaiodtii and by Tallin a amaa portion ef'br Ifk and Seotcb nobles to seal io tbe Bnuh U fiala'ore. If tbe consent of bis majraty be obtain.! la theae exped'ents, and there is no reuon it re sent to purpose that it be withheld, a nea bill will be forthwith petard through theeomnwM and aent up to the lord, with a regain procl that after tome, reasonable modficatior.s. it wiD rerr ive ihe aisent of every portion of 'he Le gilur. ?n th midst of three d'mbts snJ ditRidties, the peopla keep the evn tenor of ihrir wav, and thtgh adeep sr nae of repet a?pe ara to prevail not a single cur. of tumulf has occurred. At the late eession of Congress we ip dressed a petition to the Senate of the C States, asking the abolition of newspaper portage, which from th. multiplicity matters of more consequence, wu pot ac ted upon. Since that time, the subjeef a hu received altentioojn varioui quarters, and appears to be every where faroraW moagnt oj, and ntthing is probably dccw aary to secure the abolition, huf that an ef- . . ... 4 ion oe made by those most interested To the fratejnity of Editors, it is a matter of some interest. and wu invite our bretha ren in Virginia particularly, to co-operat- 1: :. . a v lruuon 10 ongr- ,The postage on newsoanejs. is woi irl liftU tn th n rtnt t, inn tn th ofirKiot unprecedented dilemma oflf.ot krrowmg I how to diannen nf itm r. h.nin revenue 'It is extremely vaatini!a in, its collection co to those who receivo nnd those who pay, ' an1 in fliia 1. , M.nA4'!.Attiin orihes tn9 ; rirenlntin nf MunnkMiM Rnt we hav'9 ( ,",UH lOllDI OBUCtl tllVU,"v mnah V.:..,tn n it. It IS ...u-i. IIIUIU OC1 IUUS JOJCtHUi. v - J -...w .v. V, 01. . M ilia .l 1 . " - P .L - Ti . rJtAi 111 Kiuiaiiiufi , mm inn nrivato . .MUVlW). v, ,,V . . . J dv mose who now cniov nower, i fv. scriptiro .endsi j

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