17; 9 , .;( i . . .- r t r ' . ..1 v.! ; j ' - A i , ' i i t t' - !-t:-r ' 'fs 1 .- J 1 . 1 V i J 4 ' 1 i:i - V . ' IHI i. ' I t v I . 1 . 41 til 1 -I f-U 10 .10 j t I ; i ! 'fll? fl! 'y n:::-: ) Vi.l" I T'r, 1 . rt ivtri r .. v V jr , - V ' 1 I V II. 1 1 it in r urn ir..r--. '-r-f.r-l f ,r IV c; T- r,rV, i f..j "MlS ! f- r,. .r! - ... . ... j ti.U I I . ( Ji; L ,j. l0;l ,., I. I'":t.'i-: if V'ilifl- f,r I; nrv t)J,y (n ,.7 i .. I "! ' " -;r j i-' -.r ca ro. 0. :.ti By ft refirenci our b t .. j : r'l . ... i t i Well to cuLo4Uiii'( .?ua ftr.lta re luildfogofthe fiute House. It is said ..... . , - . - ' - tha buJ riil be opposed ty fr.Tootuer cFayetteville. -So the queatioa of Con. fentiwi wilt won U on the carpet. . t . This dsyonrNeiKl legislature mcr.it, This day assembles the congregated wis. dotnefthe latioo. rhii djy tnecti the representatives of tho people, to pn laws CjT their hppia?u arid prosperity, to Var tLfir rrievanccs and fa rJraail,m TI.m U ef tba Krtb nmA ,. f r..l W1 tbey lcar our cnmplibts, and wi!J ibf!fwi tlnnit Tiiif Is ijuetinni Ki Srt cannot SO euilv anrrr. Hut TU (Jn-i-r'l fnj oil tin I t J - Tfc.iifri caa t.-u!. t! T!rn it- t't B.'d inour trfclawith foreiirn ntt!on,, ,jf tby a'wult tie hipping o the peopled PMury duties and are complied 9 4f Ihty fr atabiUty of our He.;17 "" 10 lhe Drthem monnpoliiita fjr '.m: fStutioti. Ik- :n kp lthp'r u&ctar?i than we would hare to i ,k yi rf.IrcM iImTKM jJtnu der iur petition Vnd.T"10 the ofK' xnryk our enlPi The cupofour bit. . iernr.Hi wTua to oreiUowin. ve cannot 1 ..A,,, ijf... 1.1, J,:- t,1 - j. We d net threat , lu South is not . , 4 . .. . .rJem.i..n4 (a.wellhetr,t,ow, com,n? from an ohcu-- cmt7 Edit r, for th-y w,H Witandin .oaeew .Ibalt (hemtrembte forth firt of thc.r iniipdtoui ystam. They wall hear it bunt wmoluneoualy from tht mouths of, the W South. The South' hti sworn to defend the conatitution of Aw Umtedj, States and sbe will be true to r oath, i OtfTnn nbt much longer atand by and wjtnes. the rude amuha of it. enemies; withmrimgaaef vcut jMkujj some attempt to reactM " & Tha foreign pa wa ia oar paper of tday;will be found highly interesting. . The reform will has been lostn tba Housa f Lords by a cocndcrable majority, against the will not only of tba kiag and .his ininistry,' but against tha will' of tha .rrorti.' "i ' ' .' V " , The subject of the Internal Improvement of our State ia daily forcing itself upon tis. We may delay acting upon' it for a short time but it will be only for a short time. Tha march of our aister States in s the race it to rapid and at the ; same time ia of such nat benefit to their ' citizens, that we cannot much longer remain " idle j ckloJl the current. ' Let us begin to examiie the different ? plans which have been or j uny ue prcscntod to hj for the accom plishment of this object Let us wi-h them calmly and dienresionately. lM us lay aside prejudice and the passions which nisy have been enitle'redin jiartv'. Let one thing in-particular ha eonsultrd , Ckr.tfintiu.l, By - ehoftotioss we do not Blew that which costs the jeaet money, fiir from this, those thine which eost the leaf we often find to he the dearest. Put let is Ionic to that plan which will d the fcM.good.in proportion'to the amount of ney necessary "for its accomplishment we will be ireryapt to fall upon the best one. The sooner, we begin seriously to teflect upon this important subject,; jthe hetterr iviioatdebt-We are t peace wh the world; There is no violent party eojitests to draw off our at tention from a dispassionate consideration Of t lie Hubject The low price of our pro. ductu now, make the coat of transportation Wore apparent to us all and consequently the necessity which existe, for lessening that. cost. When we got twenty-five or hfrty dollars for our Cotton, we did not Ul the c,hjLro of fiTy oy ItcvcWyilve cco 3ri,.(H Jiurn.il 1 ..a rro -.,. av'f.r 'll.erf.rw H, mga fnr.!i bo ravs r,f this ... i , oi,Ve followin?niirre; l:Mb-ntn, tiJIU it work. Spirit of "v """v 1 nun j una 11 tin Iwn llm f 1. ..;.!. in . , rnunrii iiw, ., ,i.. IT-:. . . t ,. (If Lf. Paul I4 .Wif tU 1 ilrr ?)t,at prcamej t!,rt-iH tatw'f,ftm OVCfacfoft!inMm!rcK'nt.-" tf'w .Vi th ' r it la tfw f jPrmogf ranLi of i'.U Joly land of Patriflt. p,ey J Ntfa5ng. "W0 ,r? fitrafWH in our trad with frmgn wtwni, id ulifre wo cotilj I. lroi'i but nitit tm 1!.-' Bi .g difTcrcnci of price i a clear ' - ' 1 1 iti lainn 1 r 1 1 1 ir'i ' auovj Matcncei mioted by tI,e H Mr Verplaak i.1 his If tier to Col. THfT,iad his asWt to Us truth. Yet h d-mes the identical doctrine when td tanccd by Mr; BfcHum. We re. K ur' I r --..w r)' wrtMaauie mamikctures were the "Js K .. - . .t s , Northern manufacturer. , Now where Is th d,Rl,rf w this doctrine and .1,. , . - th" of Vt. FrtaUuiT There is none. jpj ae the same. Yet this mighty TariflW. to the on. ; j,, , But lh(J Nttiont, deU b ,hlir. rf j,, the iniquitous mien, should the pka oft jil(ribu,ion ,'hft ' um .w,!nw . nftM,,.,iAn M:., f fa f , ( ltctdbone who MSnti t0 1 u dfle- moment his avarice is - .1 Mr. Verplank may be sincere in his notions, hut this' glaring inconsistency i makes us believe that " bis honesty ill not above suspicion." Wa have frequently jWn asked the question what specific object of Inter n at Improvement we are in favor of, since we are opposed to the construction of a rati road from Fayctteville to this place. This is a question not fr us to answer. Our object has been and still is to lay be. fare our readers all the information that wa can collect upon the subject of Inter nal Improvements; It is the duty of the people to say what system they will lve. Wawer copoeed to a road from Fayette ville hecause we thought it tretttnat. Up- 0n this subject we have laid aside all sec- W'N 8. iL tl,at Pn which we think will be of the most bene-' fit to the whoU State. And we hope that every man who has at heart the welfare of our State will do the same. fT Iicnry Clay has been elected to the nate of tho United States, from Ken tticky for the next six years, by a majori. of n "" t vnrr . Col. Johhsori was his most 7olrm1ahIeTlW a nan for the Presidency, who can only carry the vote of his own State by a ma iorityp t Wfl thinlt that Mr. Clay had litter Cincinatu-like, retire to his farm in Illinois and there spend the re mainder of his daysHe has already done enough for glory. His name alrea dy stands-enrolled amonii those who have puslrctl their country 4 the preoipice of destruction by their unhallowed ambi. tion. A dinner was piven to the Hon. R. Y. Hayne and to Gov. Hamilton at Pineville on the 20th ult. as a token of the esteem of their fellow citizens of that place. Tho legislature of Georgia has .nomina ted Genl. Jacksoo W a candjdate.fl).rt))0 Presidenyj 1 A frr-wi.I-Mt of OxtIV.u i:t.Owrn.cl,:,JCur:ofl. - "It iitai-l lv a rnrrp-.p.ridnt fiftlm f ,,rl nnrxercMn of pawcr. Mr. Craw. tUbigh negtrr that the K.n. Jumet Uas fiti wmJr ttt l' -TWiiTi Mr. Mckayiineyrelftiflwxtfi ortlie U. 8. Crom the Wilminoii dMrict j ' , '!,, 'flad ta Internal Im wi! wssn,'ftn arcouat bf bad Lcalih.i teMllyJlie. gcrd, govcromeol f (lie . . .;V ;Vv:"":.Jr,Wf;'l getd.'g'romfi t triale We n informed . by Mr." John Mftytoprhtlmk fur lotcrnol Improvements Tiiorr.a.; Jaitir of Davida'm County, that li l,w irtJcIe 10 Mr dey'e.: rrcd. the jiiil rtf that County is now r-nV, M, h'at has bocorne of the eood eld custarns Tlwe has not oceorrcd Iirfure tinco KtvM W Theii men Voted frmcn Vnn son Us been it County. - firw'fifti tww- they vole f r nen without 1 '' : r . ' I A Mr.. P.lut r.f person .count, wU had a Rsttlsna!;" ca jrd, was' bitten ,i.:t t...ii . ..1 ........ torpid m) ca iha'jCMr Nov. . He if. f'r" the nKt exerunatlo jia and died in about 0 hours after the bile. ' RiLi'cn, Vov. 24. IMi ' 7rn You will see frn'n tlie 'pspers of this pTac, the rzantzntir! the twn hnutca ' the two hnui the- election c" afure-and ; the-election of neaVer.. -Y., U m. . . , , ' . 7 w "y " ; " r. wlw is a cenUeman of amiable manners" 4. ... 1 .. . vention candidate and by the Eastern P.,r.. ..j .k ii rederahdts and their influenee. The J,,- r . , . , i election of the speaker of commons also . . --., . i requires explanation i Mr. Fwher arrived . , ' . ; here much indisposed, so as to confine him- . . . ' ... , - r to hie room and thus he Was rendered on- A A ; able to counteract the efforts made aga nsf 8. . , him. ITe had to encounter oppos,t,on from two quartera. First tomjm anti. j conventionists of the North East, who t were anxious at the beginning of the se..i rear luivnrHi wno hit BO SO ICIDHIS I0r Hie t .f. r-r : : :.: rryeiteviJie- mr. i nner t,as steadily re-;, .u-cu p,cs niiawi .n ..ror oi ray. etteviUe,andtherefosethywhed to de- feat his election, but in this they failed. ph. i iBiirra riHinmus nai URRn a Down bere before the meeting of the legislature, that he sctod in mlation to this matter for the good of the blr and not with a view to the interest of a part. Hi political . . . . '.V enemies about home knowmg these to bo " ' J , . , ... A , : Gen. Brvan and occupied by Mr. M. A. h.a aenumanta. .zed the occasion to ral- Sinill) ttMmmlM tml WM lv th FavettevtHe interest afpuaat him and totally cnnmimed. Mr.- Smith saved his micceeded. Mr. Sawyer and hi? supporters furniture, Ate. but Mr. Parham lost a con wore manly Republicans, who preferred siderable amooot in Working tools. Tba P:flt.. lUnrv n,1 1,. IAU f, A I9HWI w imiu ii" iaum nw vw 1 jeopardising the good cause. Mr. Saw yer, therefore, after the 1st ballot per ceiving the object of his opponents, very promptly and magnanimously withdrew from the contest and united in the elec tion of Mr. Fisher. , , His Excellency Gov. Owen ia on the ground, repaying by his exertions, those who aided him last year in his efforts for i the United States Senate. Report also says (what I regret to state) that Genl. Iredell was gonoroUa enough to assist the legislature in the organiza tion of the two housws ;--aiid you know, these old Federalists have a remarkable faculty in scenting out their man. Very'respectftiHy. We learn from a letter of a later date than the above that Messrs. Scott, Pear iwri, OTJiy as candidates for Solicitor of this district. The Cape-Fear Members,, it is said, with two or three exceptioni are opposed to convention, unless it be limited to the object of removing the seat of Govern ment. This is a convention for their tn tfT'f not oti. fThis is a Convention which the West docs not want and which the West will not have. Bo they, may change their fu, r!,Vl courmf TI117 r ann-.t : ?fr. ; C - y i l.-.-W.W.if. fir. Cnf,rd Vni ijnw,l to tlifl rTorrin of implied p rr ConrM f Mr. Clay jf in favor C0,fuJtln? pr!ieifIe. Tltn the people! ". 7 '!:,,l(,e(, l .pr:iple; now thry are f Ul' h men. U'lin tfinll we et a return of tho pood old customs of our fathers t ' '03. Foi TH M'tiTE?t CAtOtl.TIA. -A writer in the YadkiiiJ and Catawba Journal undsr the aignatuwof 'Spectator" aaysthat the citiwns of Balisbury have given over all notions of doing; any thing Inore npon the subject of Internal Improve, menfs. This is a lihst upon tle town. ..The riftMTM nt &V,U.. ..! . - 'wprovemem 01 me sm m at., f f - - Wata as they aver d d. It s true that t.Sl.. a. ..... A a - t m n the eiuse? necaunethey are not readv . ,, - 'OTT.r to direct their efllrts to any. ff obv s " ... ject of improvement can it lie inferred !k ; ' " ... thatther never, intend so to dot" Thev h know and the. writer too ought to know e" .l" "... - ' . that a memondl from the citizens of 8al. i . u. - . isburyaoe would have no effect upon the . ... lewalature. They want other countiel to nd toev .v tW fc of a , &- t0 u onft t j and dispassionately upon tha mbject and t h. U. ,L - I U.i Wl. t '.1. . V y W V ucceM illaU our former Mndertskinrs, tm, they krww too that our brmer under. ukinr, w8re un,uccci,fui, because our pUns wew formed tnd adopted without reason or reflection. A tmin or SAtuncat. FIRE I On last Friday, about 3 oclock, P, M. - II..,. OT " 1 BI BCCIOOIK. Oxford Examiner. MARKETS. Samsbvbt, Dec. 6, 1 831 - Cotton in seed - 1.631 to 1:75, Clean do. Cora Oats Pork -Sugar Corfee Salt . -Iron Molassei "Beeswaxr- 6J to V, . 25 . 20 . k54,60 9a 11 16 a 19 $1.25 . 5 SO ii- 0 19,25 Tallow Flour Fivittrvruj, November 23. ftour Bacon 1 Corn Cotton ' Salt Iron 4 941 a 44: 9 a iO ; 40 a 60; 7ia770 -,65 a 7$; 4a5: Sugar, brown Coffee" -Molasses Flaxseed Wheat Whiskey, "-7 50 a 8 50 ;" . 15 k 00 j. . . S5 a 37 J ; .1120 a 125; . . 75 a 00; - . . 40 a 00; Cotnrtu, Nov. 81. Bacon, lb. lOalOj; Brandy, cog. gll. - ' Apple, do Peach, -. ' , Cpyon iuferioj tp pujr 150 a 225; '30 a 40; .45 a 50,- jf . Hl.H l,i iicci tU j.uL5s.ti 1"' ronn'Annt.w .tcr-vr. dels pnvidvrf with commodious sure huuics lorifilng Coi'ion iod ott.tr pro' ouce nu pmjxurs m.ikfrt tbe r tdith Ctl, lhrn rrjlimd. lU . oitUI. one orthf U,-'i k Tc nrmjtmV C4U of ttsi 1 umcr s 1jh4. . A r.i'tis uni suppli of -GUOCEniES-T - i.'l hf kept on iuud and 1 ordnfifrci fir 1 un-ry panoyaUf aHf Orttd trW ; ' Calawla bond for Sale. PURSUANT to a petition fi:ed hr tl Court of Coullf of Linirln rmitf.. i. I,sc VV, llsvnc, Ilsrrlet EiohsTandf Sri Hfne,inft.nt, by their Ourdla, 4r,d la obrdienca to a decree of ald Court, I inall tell, at PuhJn Auction, bt fore ibe Court IIooe dwr In LlncoWon, on the If h dij of Jacosry. wcr, be ing TuKdif ot t be . County Court,) a luable TlKt of Lmd, Irlng In sU rpny, ijesr ihe BfTo Shsl, en.h Cuiwba' river, coetslnlng about rrra.',-",.,-. ",.-'. t; .' Tha above lind h rrrrttrnied to hm first rs as to soil, and waif limbe reU" with a small improvement, and abeni 29 or 30 seres of freh.clesred ground. . ' -Parsons witling tp pwrchtta a goodLf -farm, would do well to view,' the premie-'H es,an4 attend tba Salt. t-.,- ', , . y '- Condi; Ions. one and two' years tredl botd and epproved securiti required,' ' V By order of the Cfurt," , . JNO, D'llOKE, CUrk nd Matter ( ISJ- .Vv-i itf v & FEM ALE SCHOOL. rT',,'E bfl'h , ,, e kmii teacher ia, Siateifitte b i - .'jf restored aa . to ' " 'iusiiff tha belief tbst tba eiercitaa of the School In that pia-a will be renewed .... -oo tha first diy of Jsnuary. Brancbev y . jf taogbt, and term4fof tui-Ion as former If X '' 1 1 II A CALDIVELU GOODMAN'S HOTEL. HAS been removed far a 'hoit time to tha -use. in the rear of hi - --w v, vihp unfinishrd Hatc. U-prftti suoru usual accommodations to hra Irienda and old Customrrs. f . ' ? JQSOOODMAm SSaititl n cares u jot mtikt jiai and mer aopp'r of Uooos, whktt Uh ha former stock, eompriaa ever) -ait klo" ' uwialK kapt ia a Countrletad store, wbica bo " wilt ae low for cub er . a a short ertdit to L. punctual deakra. The nnblie- are reepeetAiUf ' ' 1 r queued to eH and jutle for tbfimaalfeu Hs aim eoitinues the bbanufarture t4 Initial 1 andTls Waat, warranted to ba dc of tho ; beat material, and in a wipei-tar ai fe' f wo manahip. Having a very laree stock ef Tut ware on band and being Utrn.iited Jd setl If at reduced prats nefabaiita would do ! to call on bim and ret th. I ruppl. . iuy Old Coppe-, Pewtei.Ftatbert' Tallow 1 Beeswax, and IVooh taken in exebanta - SMatBasBBVaWBaawsMMaHawaaBBwaBVa - Joseph Conradj r i , If CABINET MAKI5R :' Y INFORMS tba citizens of Saliabury ati'j tbe public jeneraliv that he, bai cooa roenced ibe Cabinet Business' on raaia itteet a' few . doors , est of the Court House, where he will bs happf to s'tend Mll orders for work In hit luia.' : Those f who rnay want Furniture, would do well , to call and ilea his- , Ha has several pie ces now; finished, and intends to kep j general assortment on band, made of Ma-' , hoeany and Maplej Walnut, &c. . ; V Having a Urge supply of the tboves timber on hand well seasoned, he ae surea.all who tnsy ff rour him with their ;. patronage, that he will mike them tool"! -substantial work, end at prices to correa pond with tba times. Orders lor fuma tura will be Dromotlr attended to bv Na than Paiks, who attends to this establish- 7 ment, or myself in Lexington, DavidionC Countr. ,.,- ; 5t3 Salitburtf December ti. 3l. THE SubKnber propvaes to ope a aaekoi' in Salisbury N. C. on Monday the Snd o January 1832. " ' Sates or TuitionDor the various branches) of an Enfliih Education 6 per aewioa (of five, montha) . . For all the branchee;bfae1aaaieil F-ournonv. praparatorr to admission late Cotkg S fsti tetsiun. . . . : " . .JWSteTASOSIja l. .1,.. 3 1 r 1 1 . ,y. r Vi i. it1, - i, A r i:. ft- f '1 . .9WtS .1 .?.)' 1 a. l . .... J. "J . ' . .1 1 i ii .- , . . " . . - . ; .. . ' . '.-'-. . . .j? r" " 1 " 1 ' 3 , ; n ' -

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