y , ., , ;4. t; pojvnt i LOOK NOT Oil THE VIIiU . wirxn xr is nco-t . If WII.US. ' lock not en ih win whealt li re J within lb cop.' P(T not for eiurt ht h till ' . HrtemDiini;brrtkrtU9l " Tlouxh drar in depth, and rick It glows . A Pe" wiaaneH wra Dciuw. They aay tie pleaaaat on the lip. Jknd mcx'jr oa tha brain i ' , Tbry aay It atir the elujtirih Wood, . And ihille the tooth of pain. - . , - A .but willio itf flowing deep, i 7 - A aliasing erpnt uaaee liter.' , It roay tight 31 turn to firt, w; It roolrvaetom to tbliat i . ' ' And, by lu ndrth, within ibo brain, " -; . A 't r plea worn li tiurel ( , , There' not a bubble at the brim, Tfcat d aot carry fA finr aim , t ' ' iThf n daifi the brimminjcop a!d, And till Hi purple winal . -; . Tk or Ua mid uh to thy lip ' f Let not it eum bo thine, ' , 'Tia red and rich but grf and ' , ' Arc bid la thnM ton drptbi below. ,' "'""., '.'. ''-.. . v .'j"-' V, . , KINO DEATH.. "Thew'di of the Mioiir ftn'aatia onjr are b tlvrry OnwaTl tHt ,muic by CUc li-r 5.iirr.ond Kruaowni unmroeri , , Ki g Ieah tl a faro ikl man, ,y j H,- mi where no twt Could abine Jlnd KAcd bn band m yrllow., ' ', . And nmir! out Wa eol Wack in Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah t for the coU-blick . . . . . ' , i , ' ' ... -. For the coal black: wcj .' Ttiavtt rant In l,tm mm tniideO. ' sn7 Vboceyi hid for jot toahin t :V rjlm! widowa with trief arlalden ... J. j c S.For a draught of bi iterpy wine. . . ,". Hurrth, hurrah, hurrah, Ye. ' ' Th" aehoBaf left all bii lamln j, 4 The poet bii fancied woei i , -r. Aad the be:nt her bloom returning:. ' , teft Ufe, to the fadinff poa. - Hurrah, hurrth, hurrao. fcc. All ramato the rare old fellow. ' 1 Vh6 lathed till bw cyei dropp'd brine,' - And jrae the m ba hand to yellow, . And pledged then in draih'i black wine. r.) hi i: r r- r lAr AVw rb Courier and Fnquirtr, What ii mah ? Originally dust engf odcrcdio ain brought forth with aorrr helplraa in infancy extrav. agaotty wild in hi youthmad :n hi 'tnahhood decrrpid in age hi firt vnicr move pity hit bit command Rtirf. - TN-rure clothe the bcait with hair thr bird witt feather, and the fihe i handrcannot handle bia-feet an- not walk hi t'-ngve cans'it tpeak. nor hi eyes ee aright simple hi thcH.ght vair hi deBire tov hi dVliijht. Aa aoon a he pu'i on h'n tJitirs;uishirg chtrae'er, reason, he " turn it with wildfire panlon paint it with abominahle pride, tear it with insatiable revrnge dirt it. with ava rice, and tain it with -lust. His next state it full of mimir fear , torment hope intoxicate-rare prr plcx enemies aasauh him friends Letray him tTiieve rob him wron opprei him and daggers way-lav . him. Hi last sceni li deplorable his eye dim,' hands feeble feet lame ilnews 'shrunk bonea dry his days are foil of sorrow hi nights of paitt his infancy is fulPof folly- . yputxjf disorder andtoilagoofinA ' firmity. . ' In other words man is 9 dunghill ', blanched with now..a may-game of ''' 1 fortune a mrk fir malice, a butt for ,' ' ' envy-iif poor, despised if rich, 0at 1 (Cred if prudent, mUfusted if sim ple, derided his beauty, a fiower jbiis atrength, grass his wit, a flash hi wisdom, fnlly. his judgment, ralnTeishtorrfripeT glory, a blaze-'-hi time, a span. himself, a bubble. He is born cry Tog, lives laughing, and dies sighing. S much. for man. Next time ' I'll .answer that which I engage etenyou cant What is woman f M. f 1 Vulgarity.'toy the vulgar, said ?Wrbeau I do not mean the mere mob ll)ut;;roewofVery clasar who . reflect tj'ut little.' , A very pointed definition &od we ' may add, a very profound i.'"" ne having no reference to the mere ' 8arfaceof manners, beneath which it, imust be owned, inherent vulgarity of taind not" unfrequently lurks but to that due and constant exercise of the underst'indirig, apart from which men ate,-in fact, no better, in reference to tie great moral and intellectual end of the inteligcnt creation, than are the beasts who bear their burdens, or the fcrutc elements upon which they tread, i ".My a theV were musical icmuy on icr, - ..u i! you UUUl lyiiiJip juu , Tint,. ftf lied the lady, "would i urely Lc I)-bainr but if )oti saw hdy in such a predicament, would nt youeorae and meet lier,'" "Common metre! egad, -say he," if a pmoa measures her length on the ice, 1 call it long particular uetre, : AVhen we look i 4 field of wheat. !.c Cod tl;at thoie atalki which raise 'iheir headi the Vighcittre th np- tieit.,.TnHme tue. caat,w mrB--.thoe"ihoaiuroe the greatest finaetjueiice hatre gtoeraliy JHc ie! Sue of jadgmcnt and ability. ; . , Christianity. ' Chrtatianity la, a dii. rvery 61 a future Me, ma -acquaint with the meini oy wdici ua nmy . fieni mv be aecorfcd't civil Rovrrn. -ent ii aitoge.hr an affair olthe pre it ttatr, and it to more than a pro. mon of human kill.'dea!ffned.tn eo ie frerd 'm aod tranquility durirg - -jre of exiatence. . ' It wai taid of a flith phyaiciao, tha t could not preacribe even for him- r if witheut a fee, and therciore, woer : well, he tok a iru'nea. out ol ore pocket and put it into the rthrr. New & Rcsirahlc, YftU WWnttr Goods. T 1 ACKETT k LEMLY are now re 1 eeifiru nd opfrl"if fri-sh supply f dealrahTe Fall and Winter uooda. se- r,f,A iK wre.t rare In rhlUflCipri? a K Yrk. . Their itork conMits of imott overv article uuHr kept In wr ri'iMt nartniine country, ail 01 , . Mfh they are delermined to aell very ehearj Thni. mUlnnf trt nnrrnate win cio .... . .it j - ell to rail kexaroina their Mtoraient, hear prjrf nd jo'le forthemaeWe. .1 Land & Mgrocs, FOR SALE. IN pursunnee o a Deed of Trui 'o me executed by.Witliam Long, and for the ndrnoie tnerein nienunnrn, "" rypoae to nuhlt ale, at'hr Court houe in Salisbury on Thuradav hf 15th day r f Dceerober next, the following ?top rty, vizi Tw oty-four rr five like' Neeroe cortiirinir of Mm. Bov, Women Oi.1r .l Knd nf hflWl. Al0 bU r. re-f in t Trrrt ofLi"d vtui'e n Y dVir R vr. wrrpnn Wm. Long .r. jv T. . m'11 THOMAS L. COWAN. Truitee. October, 10th 1831 9V00 IVpoto s W .anted THC sub riher ia lcir ui to o"r 1 chaSP a numbrr of WGR OF.S without any limit during th next twelve months. Any person havmp such property for sale would do well tn ppply to the MiWriber before they mnke a snle, fo- thrv may ft assured that he will pay the most libera! prices in aiSIT, JAMES HUIE. N. B. AH letter addressed f the subscriber will be attended to ai punr- tuftllv. aa if nnlictioo wa made in person. In nis aosr.ence Robert HuiE will attend to the hnsines, . .. . , , rff . or in its aos'ence iia. ufeve the Post-Mastef, wil who is author, 5ed tr make yorchases at all times. Salisbury may 21. 7ati To Saddlers AND Harness-Makers. FllHE Subscribers wish to employ JL ah fij ra A A 1 a onrl ft rr TI irnnaa. Makers of steady and industrious habr its. JOHN W. HILTON-. - JiENJ. J. OAKES. Oct. 31st 1831. 9Jtf v T n E ., PLANTER'S AND FARMER'S AtMANACK'S, f rOR'niB YEAR OP OTO 'tORD : 18 33, CALCULATED for the Mercdisn ot Salern, N. C. just received and for sale at this Office. Price 10. cents "single 75 cents per dozen. ' ULAJiK DEEDS, F every description, neatly Printed, eri conitafhr fof al. thi offic EQUITY nLJt.fi KH FOR SALE HEBE, 7 li fi',!;.',itial!: ' . , . ,Uur,in;3 from . , I) , J, jHUmCUUll, - .. , r . i.,.f.v ,. rU Ur-SlTX'Tn'U.Y bformi the puUic, that ha hub- caird hlmnrlf it lha ManUon If! llUU'y vii'Mi'i Carolina, He graduated In I.urrpe, ier eJ a an'gron In th Hoi'al aftr lh btle of Wat. rloo, and wa f leeiel Ship Surgeon n bl toyK to Ametlca,for Ihice hundred pasiengers. !, tha unde'iKn, captain cf ihe ihlp AtPphltrl'ai ffm AmterJim, lately ar ri.ed at this city with thrf , hundred n-Mer-grr, heri h certify that DrrA. nitir6enatf,dorint;thalontf toyaj: of 7S day, haS,Ura!t.d.ih.Jk whh tha p,reai ril care, and hai proved hTfnwirirt trr? reipeci, 4a very humane man, nij a kilful phylciHO and that our of fen i six, ooly to hr rd on te vnr.ge. ""',u ' 1 -n..iinir.ir ntliPO PIIILAPELPIIIA k .... , ' f rrtif'iba- the foirEo'.nir. lacrirreei u plnted from the i!inil CetiiGcie, hieh I regUlaMf attcaicn oiiyre BURTON CtUlCE, Mtv, SitStbirt X C. 'Committed , rnO the Jail t-f L'mcalo County X n the IOttit)f Ag'iat, 1831, a ,iegr' man, 'about 25 '' of age, 5 rertJ inche hish.'-ull formed, he Peks polite. T lie tias a scar on bis right Cheek, he Calls mnmn jkho drmut nd say he belong to NV t aniei IIDa in Iredell County, Norm Carolina The oner is resquested to come I" .rcf prove pmpcuy j charge l take him away, IJrf JACtui RbllNHAiiui jauor THEauhscriberreapfctftillr tnf rm the citizens of Sdisb-jrv and the puMic -P"t!lv tht hr now has a d intend hereafter o have good beef which he will hvein market every Tedrv, T'rsday, and SituMay mrrniers, mi nrel l a goo 1 a hit of ,f h'a bfrthrpn and he i determined to aell it as rheap. 7Te will n v the highest caV pre- f.r ' good mountain Ivvm, rt mtop, j 85tf CHAkLKS L. B0UT.R3. Dririne tn FateleriHe, Ty!l.l. frwl it to he! d'-anttfe. to itop at T t th? tfnirn Tai. whrr fverv co- vfianrf ; rirov'utrd fnr Man and lfnr.r,to irk m eomfoM b'f . ' tbriTntftnte rl ipe ' T ru a dv and r-rht. for the nriVf f tf. Vard, thr ie of i ;rod hour, firn, ter, am' nd Pror'ion "tore, Ttrrad Shop nd Honfee! 'ionary, and a lloua for BoanleM aid I odjra. in a plain, r heart, wholraome and comfnrtuMr V Favetfri-illr .4Hl. 1 f t W 1 1 rTWE subscriber still ( ntimies t" make the above M cine and krrps a supoly constantly on hand which he will sell low for rvftfA or on credit to punctual dealers. Hr like wise intends to kep on h-nd a good anpplv ol COTTON GINS, and he will alio repair iheame t order, :; . r2tf E. P. MITCHELL. Salisbury Mnif21t. laost or MUAatfi ''HUE first volume of Ascough Rhakaspeare. The volume is well bound and haa green edge : No name is recollected to have heen writ ten in it. Any person having such a book would confer a favor on the owner byre turning it to this office. 89. .NOTICE. BY virtue ofadefreeof the Hon. court ofEouity, for the countrof Montgom ery, aT rasr September Term of said rWrirthilTXTOScro Court-House in Lawrencevillc, on Satur day the loth day of December neat, tract of land belonging to the heirs of Robert MoW eontaining three hundred seres, situated in the County of Mont gomery, on Mountain Creek,.: adjoining Ihe hnds of William Harris, Esq. end others. The above is supposed to.be valuable from the signs of Gold which appear orfit and there is water power on the premises. , Persons wishing o embark In the Gold mining business wbuld do welf to. attend. Twelve month's credit will be 'gtten for one half of the purchase money, and eighteen months for the balance; -the purchaser giving bond and approved securily. -4t 100 JAMES L GAINES, c. m. e- W. J. JONES. ATTOIIXET AT TiaVSV. "Vrsxyil.L practise inlhe Court of tliln County V ty, t)avidson, Mecklenburg & Cabarrus. Hi ofiice is a few, doors below th5 Court-Uongii! Cctibx M, 1831. . 52ft r - 1 1 r I 1 i A- 11 AS AV.'AY f.uni the n IV cl ....! I- ' a fff,ro villi a (;(,ut 37 yr t !!r cor.ii'iexnni t wi.h fr 'jfjo her tf 5 (Jirl hs n only -female ChiU li (-'hj:ham county, belonging to Kentlcmn by the oam of Ilirim Clarke. Hum Lin It. hl,itLf DJV.lC hCllCll .miter Iho anni-llalbn bi FftO LouU Kk. tkllf ni intist rndeavor 'tO gel Into lb neiglhorbrodrf her daughter, if ahe U hot under th direction tf soma vahlu peraoo, which i mor than probable, a there are circaraiunce wiim tne to believe ao. Th reward wl!I be given to nypem ho shall return th aaid Irl to me, f lodge Jut Ja any jl L ih,i,!j get her j nd CAy dollar will ba to any one bo "shall delect iba peraaa harboring fcer, o that be JaJ lojuatuc. - 3)1 a.r.ia ,Uncattrviltf, S. C Oct- IMI Ertmivt SaU aad 'ijr 'T ' ' qi II E u net be r wl I 0 tie r for aale, 1 die Court Houfi i Sartibury. to ttii tigtaeat bidder on Saturday the Hat o Dccmferatau about forty likely NE CROES, befonging o tu Eiuia.of tn i, ; 8 L. Ferfafii.'.e.waUiingnl Jir.n. tl'ovun. Children Bout, aui Girls. . To object cf . 'lie helnf to pay oil claim agilnt ttic Ei'ata, Caah.Negml bl papr at tha Silibury Bank, or any Legal dem uiN j;int the Eite. will be taken in Payment. And on Monday th t d Jaoqiry nex' wili be hired, it the Court II?Je frf id, for one year, on the usual term fifty, or ii'y negroei.of the .love do icrip.i n. belonging to tieidEi'e. 95 100 II MACXAMAKA aiimr. Rrann County X. C Oct. tf.h 113.. Runaway ON th 10th ofenmsr hut, from my plan at. n In JnnM emmlr. two nrrr. t piiwd WASHINGTON, about 37 rrar of t. a t'n hrijfht rrnlntto, on en of h' hand thrre ! a ?ar wcaaioned by a e;in 1 he itl ehanje Wa name namrd JO I IN. a nW,m.n ir.rhtln, abiHit 30 . 1 . 1... . iv.. oinrr vmm "f arr v,rv inttr."" t he will probably pan thf irmnt of WnaMnjrton, and change hil ramf. rw'.l IHallar win po a;icn f. ik t:trm nf eWier in anr lail o that I tan rt the. JAME3 LAMAB. o,..i.lK . 43lf 5:r7The Geortrian, Svnnah, the Tele. rope. t'.'l.i ibi. H : and incnmona tnoui tr. a- rrnurfl to piibnh fbc abore weekh' un'il fo-hid, and ihn foraatd thtir account! to J. I.SMMl. 'STATE OF lAMKh- CUR Y-DcL AYING qualified, at November Sessions rl Rowan Lounty Court, as Acimini-trato- of the Es tate f the late Daniel Clary, dee'd., I hereby requeat all persons heying culms against said estate to present them lor paymrnt legally authentica ted, within the time prescribed by law, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. AH person indebted to the estate are requested to come foward and make immediate pavmenti JAS. DOUGHERTY.) Mmr. Nov. 25A, 1831. V mi7A the 99 J IV.ancx'd ADMINISTRATORS SALE w ILL ;e sold, in i hit Court on Monday th -6h of December next, a( the dwelling house cf the late Wl:i,im Croshv df"'d SEVEX LIKELY XEGRORS, the piopery of said" dere:ird Also, .( thf' me imr and pl-r? j number of Koasis, Cattli, Hogs, Sheep, a quanti ty of Corn met Wti at, ..It thr household end kjtchcn.furnitore, farming utrnsils 8ct. A frcdil of twelve mon thr. will be given. Bond and approved security will be required. 3tl JAMES CROSBY, JJm'r. To Hire, FOR the ensuing year, from thirty In forty able nr rrnrs. M n nnH w m, f j -r ' - aivi ' viiiv i' to. work at the Gold Mine, on Beaver uauiwiccK. luoofomery io -Apply to Ihe aubscriher at W. H StimoM.. Mi-i Salisburv, or at Mr , Rolland Harris'. Beaver D.im. 3il JOHN POWFX. For Sale. Jlwo hundred pounds of first rate Northern Hops. Enquire at this ( fin- job I'niJSTMxz 0 kTtll DFSCRIPTUH, txuvno frim KiArns w cisrircH AT THIS OFFICE, f r r r IT" ! T rprr. CtaiiHiAMi lor it,iitr ..,ta ' 1 khtreaol the Cplu or Julot of ihc i iate , I' "V, of North Cirolin, j,, Rnvm 'ov MO. hiving tun UiJ, No ice t . . ;rtfore Icry Pj,t loUpcr(.ni foneemtd, that I . j,) ply 10 the rrCil.Scni cf the iaul D.tik,, ihtr in person or, ty agent, to Uin',;,.. i.licjte thtrcof. ; .;WIUUiMT.LOKa; , Alminktrator fif Jj f5itft o.9k'r.f9 ' .-j a " "'Wfj, I - ' , ,- I ', TTTHXhe?rcred for !ontbe IM, , ,V i.fDstr. neat, at the liHtlj. denre pi Norm dwlng dee'd. On gro buy hirned Jack, soma corn and allth reM oftht property belonging tn ni4 E Taitv " DuVaUeadanc aiul let"rnila" a a a w known on th ntv 01 aie v rn. - . - Y. MOSHOE, r. ,ht a AWrmdrr 22 c 1831. r, a a .Oal. I1jn '. wilkci couTr, ; Court of Pleas oni Quarter Session:: . . ocToata cio5, 163I. N PAVEL FORTNER aad. others u B tnly Barn and othfru pe,p' u fur a diatrlhotlva share. . Wberenit it mufe to appear in the Court tht fi wrd Bin,Jme Darta. JoaVm Sm Elijah Barui. Stnanmh B,mt, Elitheth Former, Alia Bain and Robert M,hetl or some of ihem are non retldenta of ihi S ate I it . la 'herefate ordered ti the Curi that notice hp given for ii weeks In the Western Carolinln lo id D0o. rcdenta that tkey be ,md appear it our n si Court of PI? as an- Q uref Se hU, loheheM fi.rtht Cowycf Willte i( the Court HauV in Witkethoro' on the Cf'h M-nfay in January neit, iheo atid there, to make themelfrpariiea to aid peii'ion ; otherwise it il b heard tt. pjr-e to them. ard Judgment and de rrer rn'ered arcordioyly 4 4 R. MIRTIV. e. v,. 1. 1. CIMMXSTOX and CUFMlV. THE STEtH BOAT MACON "A3I batine been "KE i ' g'ged laat umaief. -J t-ung w en Chrleon and Ck. w .aiK - WW,, uii ncr way nj and down, will resume her Trips in th course of few days and Is intended to be continued in the trad the ensuing M. son.....:. i Her exceeding light draft of Water drawing when loaded ooly about four and a hair feet water will enable her io reaca Cheraw at all tirt.ei exceps an onccra mon low river, when her cargo willta lightened at the Eipeore of Bo.. J. B CLOG If. CJutrlttto Seit. U. 1831. N. B. She ha comortable acma dation for a few pjssenger. - 92 f J B. C. To the Public. J SCOTT k A. W.-BRANDON bav ing dissolved their parlnenhip ia lie buaioeis establishment ofCheri.w. All persons indebted lo Scott k Bnndon of that pUce ar reques'ed to make pay. ment,'and all persons ' having claimi to present them fur payment. Business eontiourd as herelofore bf Brandon and Scott at Wudesboro' whr re can he had for caih or country produce in exchange, all kinds r.f Fancy Goods Gioctri a kr. on the m'os liberal terms. Ocf. 22na 1831. J. SCOTT. 94if A W. BRANDOX. J SCOTT hiving bought oa' the in . term of A W Brandon in their con cern fSrolt k Brandon,) at Cheraw, i!l be happy to supply all who may want Goods on good terms, either by whole- sile or retail wih Drv Goods and Groce ries olevrrv description. Inallinatan.'ej selling for Cesh or rountrv produce. The highest market nriro will he given for ewot f y prod uc e in- Ca h-aa-o aefcanac for.- Goods. JNO. SCOTT. October 22, 1831 Stftf All produceMrucnded for . the Charles' ton market or to pass through the hands of II. W. Conner & Co. Charleston will be carefully stored and forwarded, also n irkages of eatery kind fi fi'm any quarter of the world reiv?d aod forwarded to order bv JNO SCOTT. Jetnta: Chfrawff H. W, CONNER &Co. IVotic A few reami of wriiing papeyof ' " m' i VL nftlce,-M'$3 50 per rcai, a few reama , g2, and few ream of wrapping, at "" oric 47 . .... GOOD WRITING PAPfiR 1 All t.L I rpflfl'.' ' dra aa vneap jor caaft. Blanks of Ewj ' Description fox i . ) j E'.i'i; li ,; . aOl J -