'X i K f !3M. Oi i,i !i it f M A tVt; j. , Ti i t'ij r ii1158 Ml tha tniliti kms a 1 1 th ii!t!i-J lrirt bfl '!ru,to-J to to'-iire i it tho erp'-diervy cf uw ptr iiu th li.Trmr p-f r o fnrruS the tlt.T rent v.!iiitt-"-r c omptri !' in this itato with iTnin, nnl iKmt they fcp'fl liy tiU or Alherwi. s Mr. Montgomery, of Oranf, presented the fill ming resolution, wlikh wts read, and, on If. motion, ordered to lie ujxui I ho table-, i i , li$U-t, l, That rr Senators In tiungrets be irfttnietcd awl our Repi-caml ryes be requested to resist and ppoee en , fMotxififi r revival' of -the charter of the Hank of the United EtaUe. - Mr. M'Farland prcer-nted the totewlnt; , Hofoluiftn, m hicb wii idopled I - bercae much , dirtrtf ir-faction txmt jnnnn'lhft tUizent if Ihie Elate, owing to .the lute inaarrctinnary movaaiontf iuvt 1. . ' ' rur uejro population, which wai itutigat i dly wgropnrncher; thirtrct k id vtd. That the Judiciary 7vr..v ,.nT,;,n: I so t) iwHructcd is innuira i'it( the f iVncy of ao amendiuff tha lawa of M a ( ; 4 i i.tt, at to prevenf Najrjofa; bond or fro, fro ii praachiog! alto to tmpoae a pnaJ. . . m all ptraont who aJiall, irretij or ' i.-Hlirectly, ollow nff roe a t ateoib!e on ' h'm or their, laud, either by eilt or day, V exeapt it ba at a pTeacIurg by wbita per. tout. . ..', , . '' ' .Oa motion cf Mr. Uawpcr, U Gatea, . 0-Vwlut d, i".Tbat the committed wt o ."touch of (bo Gorern or'a mtaa ga at rrla Jatci t iavea, free pertona colr, aed . ' jcenlianr twilication. ba i iitnictol to inquire ii:to the expadiociey of prohibiting rvcry e aef from allowio j hit tlere to go lUlarjo, and make or propose aay. eon T . Iracta, or undertake any work whatsoever, . rr to execute any Joba ia any frm or mode, tn!ce auch owner thall nava prcti nu!y, in ovory auch cose, made the cen " -troct hiwlf and nUi ipultod to rr. '.' I the procooda )nmlft with Uare te T'.nrt bv bill by thcrwiae. ,f" ' ' -' ' '' ' K-Wr.Tbat the committee on the . militia lawt and publio arma be inatructcd i. to jquire whether any aud wnat amcno. ' m'iiU ar npceaaarr to the lawa pircrib. in l!e mode of ortferiny out fha militia of t'ait Stat in ease of inwrreetioo orin vasin ; and that they tme leare la report Ky toll or otherwise. . . v t . . - if On motion of Air. Sea ell, 'i Jlrwi.. That the committee on the .4 w ,J;fdiriary be instructed to inquire bta tha citxtfiiencT of anoointini an ainl to row !!ct cridence, and atteo'I to tha aurteyinj5 .tlie landa of which art tha. mibjct' of euit now penJmj in tho Supreme Court fthit State, iu.titutxi by the Attorney GricralTn beliaTfof 1'ie "fetale, to Tacate -crtaiu grarOa of land lying in th Chero. ke nation ; and that tb committee ba di- reeled urtherio-iriqutr into lha. expftdi. ct aJontiajr any mraaura that they may deem necerary for tha protection of th rights cf the Hate in relation to eaid 4IKMr Ails fircBtntd, read th'Ji't tiau a"tf , By Mr. Guinn, a bill directicgtbeGor Trnr to convty certain lamia to the coon - ty of Macon, and to estahliah Franklin Aeadomy. Ordered to be ralerred to a oeicl committee. Meatrt. Guinn,v Par ham, Simmons, Williama and ..Urillaint . waf appointed to form aaid committee. . fiy Mr. Allen, a bill to repeal an act, pas- f rl la the year 1629, entitled an act for tho improremcnt of the road from the Old Fort, iu Darke, to Ahville, in Buncombe. 41y Mr. Martin of Rockingham, a hill to ostabliah a Bank on the funds of tha State; thich wat ordered to be laid upon tho ta .ble and be printed. '. ? . , - - HOUSE OF COMMONS. A bill was presented by Mr. Cmmit which pasted its present rending to repeal an act pa Med at the Semion ff the Legislature, in the year 1830, entitled an act to pro .muii mo circulation in mis ome, ancr uie l fime therein specified, fjank notes un j To be referred to a eclcct committee. dcr tee denomination of five dollera issuod j By Mr- Haywood, a bill to amend an act, 1ty the Banks of other States. ' ; passed in 1 8, Aap: 1, entitled an act, A racwage from the Senate was receiv-; to provide a revenue, Ace. Cd informing that they had passed the (Pn-,' A bill to incorjorate tho Wilkea Coub- rosscd bill to repeal part of an act passed Uy Volunteer C'ompany of Artillery passed ...Jn the year ;JOT7 rHi4e thev "iiia'tui'ern w'uwd & thirdrerTing: 7 in which lands should theSerJje adver- f Anson and Surry t and the ngiWCf,e. solution directing tne l-rka ot tha ti . Iou.ea lo purchase certain books -Tnw liH above mentioned waa read, and, on mo. r: HSon .of Mr, Wyche, kid a the " table. Tin rcsoluticn waa also read, amended ,anl ndopted." " r j6k. firetentfd tS( fiattrd their fir tt read ' By Mr. Courts, a bill to regulate costs ia certain c"atcs. Lr.v:3Ir.' 1 Whit aker, a vWfl to amend the 1 Oth eection of the net .-Wjdsacmojy, cnap. y ; passeu in toe ; er 1819, prescribifi the- mode of sor 'ytymg uxl wiling the lands lately aequi tfCd by treaty from the Cherokee Indians. Sj Mr, Monk, bill to pevrnt protract ed and vexations ,' litigation, by enlarging? the jurisdiction of justici1sf the peace out v.; ;-;;. , . 7l.V..erff T'lil.tV fft r. I, ( trnl ! nviv- i'J..i' H'.l t 1 it '- i It-, in- rv a ii'-I I t whtl m n iiirl of tli h, h ab i f the prif t!c -jri-t" I I ili'i n h ' I'm f 'ats an I th.it thy I.it I( a i r i rt by Will or t!!.' i?. f X.NATE. ,. Tucilvj. Xor. 21. IU. Sewell, from (' " joint telnet e w. mittte t9 whom was rturro ! th rel-i-Hon i.wtni-tin-' t!jvri Io inmiire whether the House it which the hhilure is Convrued it within the limit af the C.tv f Raltigh Sc. cVc. wada a detailed r p'irt throoo rhick was ri a l, Hf. fT mion,'j(ere'l t Uo lail ti'a lh Ubla, la printed, . o:t copy for each mmW.' ' . . '-. ... Mr Oainn preientcd tha fJlUving ' re- aolution, which wat read and laid npoa the Rmttvrd That the eomoiittea of Fii ".uaneeba intrusted to io'juire iirto the aiH"T Pclan?in? the mod -of -re- ! tha purcbi purchase a tha Cherokee la lt and that thnr renor; by bul of ot'iermse. . Mr. Brwnri) presented resolutions to the f IlowLi cJllc, which were read the first time and passed. That the Gorer. nor be reiu-rteJ to hare all the mane. drawrof's and plant Utljf it the' poasea tioo of the Engineer itliis State placed in hit oflicej that tboee requiring rpnire, be repaired at tht expense of the Flat, to be paid by tlie Treasurer on the warrant of the G.;vonior, and be kept tndur hit care, fiuhjoct to the Inrther ditpcatition of the General Assembly ; That the Govern or be raq'ieMad to employ an a rent te ar. ranje aw put in order tne nnport behij. jnir t ) the lKth Homes, ana others Mvtd daring the burning of the State House ; that he evite them h le delirred to the projer officers of the Statvend tSat the erpenes of eo doing ba oV frayed by tht Public Treasurer oo the warrant of the Governors ;j , ,;'. ; v. t a "SuhirewmrJ. - By Mr. CaHwell,' bill to pment the fuISini of timbtr ia'f rr ot herwiM oUtructinjr the channel cT the ,.... v-.il:- , i -j .. , "-' . lain, in i;rr r"un in i rracn. nv Mr. il-Am. . Kill i, ,k- JriVt .7.n "". rrfect nnt.v, ufjustjca cert.m Vlt ll'tf' KL'tr?' rr.T' T,'!'' n' raa will ever proceed from I an act l pnhiUl the circulation in thia ',u., t. ... ,: :i'r. &.aie, a.ler the time therein motioned, of k.i .1- .iitt iV-V un'iu'iciuiio?ruooiuars, iuj oy Dank? of other States. . By -Mr. Dwhouh, a bill to rental an act. entitled an art fiin- fl. i' i mm hemfter to be paid to the State for xaeant lands fwed in 1818 Tbje bills waresererely read, the first time, and the three last the first time and pasxd. rrnIf iT f ik. n I ft" " wiuiiriu, ....o.u.iw.1 mo iwii ini ij j io in sure the fiur raWion of lands in this Statey whea thewme shall be'ipyen in for ttTitionj and propomng it be refsrred to a joint select committee to he comDoaed InnmtiHiiia tk. Ti'LuJ.-. u A I 'll . of on member from eaah Cprt2regfcionaLl oismerAtjreed t j. Oj motion of Mr. Akew, ,r'rf, That a mestace be sent to the House of Commons, proposing to raine a j Mni aeiact committee to take into con ekleration that rmrt nf th TmaiM.'. D- 1 port which relates to the repair of the State House, and tliat ' they report what a: 7u.n . i" . .Y . . uinuiNuiuin mi a imbb wwjmrtm w wwtm rtAiii w lb. : extractor frf TSJ. wblth payment shall be made accordin? to the terms of the contract. On motion of Mr. Martin, of Wilkc Ktnh4 That the committee on Mili tary Afliairs be instructed to inquire into expediency ofefrcctually preventing slaves irom auenaing review s, general musters, battalion and company musters, and elec tion grounds and that the said committee report by bill or otherwise. HOUSE OF COMMONS. .j 'ltilft r ad and fiwed the J!rtt timr. By Mr. Barriner, a bill to incorporate tlie Mecklenburg Oold Mining Company. Mr. Freeman introluced tho followinir " 'Metpfd. That-the committee on the udiciary be instructed to inouire into the tpediency of so amending the laws re la. tlwgto slaves hiring their own time as to increase the pnnalty, and render t!te' fact , more ausceptible of proof: and that they report by, bill or othe rwis. The second balloting far Solicitor of the eccond judicial district, resulted in the re election of Stephr-n Miller, 4 7 1 be following is a statement of the bal ;1otinge : 1st 3d 88 09 Miller John Sin?!otary 73 , ,81 Watrus Beckwitb J 5 withdrawn Blank 11 A messago from the Senate, agreeing gi n ' to ballot FiTday nex for r Solicitrr i thrdn Ji'..Jic.! district.- . j . -at HwWseJprescDtea apcuuonvoro nv-r ri1. U"f:rrtlt' tJia c .. n l' ' I ilrrwl I.n;ir-ivTn'"ilii. ' Afr. Callo,iy. prwvitolr- ! t!r.wi it tho'ijinin of t'-'J ; ' 1 " i,nl.!irt lanfifif I'. f-. hf'! 1 Cirinioi iir-f'rtf of n'l ll1 !.; "ii li itMnli rmxTtiVlr I i"' l liini ' i " I lui U hue been ceded to the general r,v' ernmant br the Klatei, outfit to have ln anl i'itoI 1 be applied in accer lance with tha cewn aettt andiiiwtniriinjwir mem brrt of Con jrent to tit their aicrtiiit to hiv a'ltir a'id equal application of the K'iMie Liii'li:' which wera raad. and refer rHtoa sehct committee compod of Mewr., Calloway, ?orth, S-awell, Wii kf and Tliaiaas, and orJtrcJ to be, priu tod. . ,y. ' ; V ," r , Lf Etecrrtti PmiTitYr,- - r' V' A-AWfev'AiCra. VvlS. I8JI. ' 1 eubmit 1 1 the General Assembly for itf contidarafioq copies of two communi cation! received yesterday, purporting to I oe sipo i vj nenry uaiawio, i-q. vno im. the justieea of tha supreme Court orihe United flutes, and to be citations to the State of Georaia, to appear in the Su preme Court ou the second Monday b J anna rr natt to shew cause before that Tribunal, why two aercra! judgments should not be set aiiJo, which hare been lately rendered in the superior , court of fie county oi u winaeu ajrainst panmei a. Worcester 'and Elixur Butler, for a riola ti on of an existing Law of the State, com mitted within its jurisdictional limits. Also, a copy of a notice purporting to be signed by tVm. Wirt, and ihn Sergeant as conwt for Samuel A. Worcester and Elixur Butler, informing me of an intended appltcition to the' Supreme Court, for a heariag on Write of Error filed by those persons. the State The Prions obtect of the oroeeedinM t . . .r v- o which this not.ee and tbesec.t. ion, , re , tb,u frnn Uttcf - - , m at;W .abrtf on. , hi" q,0!, r!?-mpC -tof '-In EngUod, ere Ion, (say twelve) I n vested b our Conrtitution' in the BJti)J inrCWof the aereral CounUea of hJ7j Si bean Kt'tgk ilnwhtate. perior ,f- r ,t. r,.. . , - I . "Z. CTr" ,u '"P'vwiD the l)oiod States, u a fundamental De. ! t f ,h ?9ni Q(irtrnmla. i-cM me to hdul,e ,hc eant hae, ' . t c a. . tt InJ n flne Sovercisrn Btatca of this U. nion ia the free eierciie '( its Corutitu tioi al,t riminal,pri me ral jurisdieti n-,'The powers not d?leijatd by the Comtitution to the United Futos, nor prohibit ad bv it! to tho States, aro r:s;ned to the State j ' f i .. ; 1- .i ! repect'Viv. UCh a Control over our' cnmn.ai jiinsaicimn; at inese proeeaini?t J i-.li-u,.. if ia lielievd ho. not Uen data, iviv, gated to the United States, and consa-, tr ne ' tuuatun m fflf mand them. J eu, and a rtispoaition evinced to cu:tivats quaatly cannot be acquiesced ia or sub-! " no1 ' ,he iwer of nf tifit.i-l Jtiea and cherish a good underttanding. mitted to. ' ; sure to give that realVtlief to sgricul a- ... . iv ... .Is to any ohar mod of ocruo.tion. ' ' - ' rijrhtofn st-f .to jov.lhenlirapu r.Uonth7"Turial Limi.VJn7? ' ,0rotc"'i0'' of thejuumbfrof etudenti connected wjth this to punish all ofrnces committed againwt lpeP iwio. . ia,titution ia 404, frraduatee 16S, under its laws within those Limits, (due regard . grn-luatea 238. 01 the graduates 81 are being had to the cases expreanly excepted! earnestly recommend to our read- theological atudents, 41 law students, aruf by the Constitution of the United States)'6 of U Pr.tiM week.jr paper publish- 96 students attending the medical lee would be a usurpation of power, never 00 io thi,citF by C(n1y Eq.turea. ThoCoIle Library forthecim- I K?nted by th1 Sta?. . : whne.flr ,ma(!' W,H rha.,Jf" Such an attemnt . nge thf most determined resistance. an,! if n.revr i . j -- - r,-i-wiv 1 will inevit,bly,evernuae in the annihiU: tion of our beloved Union. In exercieioff the duties of that depart merit ef the i Government which deeilw., t i- I ,, .., .. , rvn me I w I nunmrl all iin.inatitiili.nl : repositions; of whatever character or or igintbv may be , and to tbe brt of my . 1-1 ;:-" ;ii' , , ji r ju l abilities, will protect and (leforidthe nzhts , .1.- a.-. . l ,i - r ii j 6 " of tV State, and themeam aToroed me to maintain its Laws and Constitution. e have r hi ' j comi st-d he Jnur n.i oi inc- r oeri v.i veni mn. uur res . L . ' ,JzlJ,r ",rm 'nc rn ire offici-l rcrord of n,e fornnsiion rf the Constitution. Ihd 'he debates been a- aers, ne reiore, nave oeisie mmt the en k-n down as they ocrured.bv a renoa-i a pher, hry would t.-ve been or h( ole uk bi: 4ye. at the present d. In the Journal of - dr.ibrat..r bodr, b it 0, u-imI to r.co,d the speeches nod remarks wiuciuirtad rennt aiklcned foe ana ann-.n - nrnnn.i . ,w ' l.. .!' Z ." . appear ' Du-ing the fie mom h' sestnn of the . Convention, mueh debate must fhtve taken plsce, snd prnbhbly not a psr agrsph, phrase, or, word, wai introduced into the Consti'ution, withou a complete investigation n'to i Import. And yet, o uncertain and ind finite is all human language, that in less than half a rehturr. so great a diversity of .entimen prevail s to the meaning of certain expressior -in that instrument, that bv one paty, the G6e rnme ftT etabliherl by it, it" t npp, ed to te a Confederation of States, pos sessing limitf V'wers, and by noth i party, one cr-nvolidated State, posessin. unlimiter' powers. Much light couM, ntv doubt, be tnrown upon many parts ot 'n p oi eedirigs, by a careful and aUentivr perusal f their contents, ad bv rtm . p-Vm.' fnem ith o'her part; -d. :vre .i'enr"i:gi ;ur reader, nun. r oigenutoDcn or leisure, who are io(!obtrcfurm VU eatjurX-; as our extracts fjom nVmmint lh tht vM, rc eaT C; Mi e tne'rt "o u - 4iio!n.' The F.xpo'i h- U t I-r tin to tha Lnr,h!i"i-e . f r!r)lnl. pu)!ihfd Bl.ntei ( I V. ci. fod(ht h t,jttf the Federsliv, would 'l ihrowin;adrliilB4l bljht "p"" C " lifodoii i and nerer thero mourn .; ih.nm.rnmtrt WSt C at ibtt, St whirh thd!ntil n of coud d. m-ur good than at the rte. - - (iff i CtniUiuii. IitrnnUv vt.. tht AmtrUkn SyUtm. Th. miuuftv of tui tountrr"i' i . ,.M.t.MitH an wri.Y to fiirl iul fjifxfil 41 rhttpenlnt; tne p'od-i lion of common tltt, whilt tha Ameiicm Srifem l eq'M :v airatiHns .10-Pitrcnt prlt.es tram fslllng. S'aould the f. titled In the fallowing article he ter, r e, s- brint iJowh the plea of lberfcwe U betr the wteacr'et, who stcribe alt ion prettmerits to-lhe Atrericsn 'Srticin in J nofhlng to he 1.''doitryrikilf,sod enterprlaof tbtireoui'r"nn txelalm hkilha Tatiff felt broUZBt. flOWn U'U price of leather) altboufti . bidet ere ttf mit'eddu'r I'ee. '' ' V MWa und?rtttnd fil lmportnt Iro provemeat bit bsen oWe In the pro:. of tanning, br which considertblt New it ttxrd to the mtnoftcturer, and what it of Infinitelw more consequence to tt e contomtr, ha quiHiy ol the leather greatly cftbtncef. It contlttt In pre ps-ing the Mdet fjr Jht reception of th btrk, wiihoot (he aid of lima, which hpa blthcrte been defined t indiipentabe coneomiunt.' Thit Itefftctad by wht if icMnrlrf termed The Cool Sett ingiocsM," and It uld to be let liahl" niaiurethe leather tbtn the old node. rcSghthetrler, and wtrct ruooh bogeu Tha patentee! are Meitrt. Shove Hunt- A. lection of their alake in tlio country. Tho - ; -se , J 1 Snti1t!Mknt frtmnA iwIia Vaa tril1v r. . uiuun",! nti; wwi a ub iwrciuorr inimuer oi me poor will be relieved m a creat measure pnblican on the Rofonn Bill " foun !l on from the burdona imposed through the a paper in the North American deyotad Excise and Customs, and we shall see 'to a consideration of the Prospect of Hs Free Trade then exittia in a manner form in Europe. The tiowt and suei, which will aompel its adoption by other tiotis of the American writsr are tmted eouatriet in spite of themielvee.,, with much respect; and acknowledge ! to It is to the tncrrs'ine wealth of the nanuftctnring popuotion and tha pro or industry snd not to trtlBci.l re i tiulations for .cresting high priren, tha. I f.-om kap nrfftenl kurrrtk. hitl fnr ih I "''Ouni'f mun iuvii not niy i nuni i poer of mking frS exertions, when-1 i r ' ; a . . . a A-i -j ii. - ar . -.r w . w CB,loa In 1auner 01 UIW onawuiiou. Tk... :h -.1 : - : .k. J i auuT win iimu ih ii iuuuuiui uivucti ui m gr Aeeonieut and flanger that hare i- . . .... , . . . 7 LUrX-J will aiw nnd tree and interesting discussions T IS TuiT YJ-'!? tbe Uni,,., kav Buuuaucu. i ne man oi piam common abolished. pi i sen., who is anxious to make himself ac quainted with tbe science of government nations depend, will find in the work mat ter which ia suited to his wants, as well aji It tVinae nf alateamon tA nkilfMnnKars - - - - HIH l".lV-l.UMVl(N p.---:.n- .t u- . .: i ' are about to enter into a new condition t)f public aflairs, upon a conti foristx! will be dangerous, ; .thaj Wety of the Union, a. nuhlie flnim. unon a ennteatvKieK if no man who has ml fhe AalaKKak. r-..J . k -u-..u unaCouainted with the matters treated f in Mr. lUguetVpaper, by diatingnUhed in .j The pricc f, fiye Mt J01ir r .. . . r I ndy Kague-t, Esq. Mat, The rejection of the Reform Bill, in the House of Lords,' has produced a tre mendous sensation that has couvuloed the entiro population of Great Britain and Ireland; and nothing but the daring cour age, and invincible patriotism of the pres ent Ministers, could have arrested the revolutionary avalanche that impended over the government of England. The unsiiakrn firmnr9, and unconquerable spirit, of the premier, and of his matchless colleagues have shivered the sword of revolution which hung suspended over 'King William's head by a single hair. To those Noblemen he 6tands. indebted fr histhr6ne and to their wise judicious, and lihoral measures, must the future his- tohnn impute his rescue from the fate of ('hnrle-j f. But the storm 'lias only been atille.', not stopped, ns nthing f-hort of VY V"1. WCMM' 8"'nrnx p and the pnnciplee npon wnich t he wea th . . r ' . Vthia of individuals as we I as tbe prosperity of , . . . . 7 'brie ,t I- r. ,i -i :.t ; a - 1 vr r th' h Mi' . 1. . t. it:. t' 1 1 ' i tfvi tV ir i ii jmi' ni rv-i-ify n. dii'lry rtn! :hii f P.firm " i '. t. I I .i,. I'r0' V9 , i- . ) ir thec JjrtU, or e tf r-l hj tho ' jf the p?rl'? ' f uI'Ti or V'v will !Kvitil.!y tn! j.Uc er th- !;; . 0f mitiy M.V.th. AVerrti-n thnt titl;fr cul shall b3 JjcncHcial to Ircltjid. ' . . I H Shtit Tb" pipers fr ut Mirairi hati furtV.f f fnlormati "1 reppocting tho election to ()(. jrct. Tb" l'He ''r "" niimer y , siti'Kl libiit tin roi't of tho r tumas liir at acci b-J'-i ft-'0' Ashley , ' iiclectrd by t great nwj rlty. - . T 4 . ' - -j" s"e J - A propectai H t-wnl;r ,r!iJi!ihhj t thai scat of .rvernmoiit a . r:aiw..kly -newspeticr, to b rafld tje M UepuhJicae HeraM" price f.. per annnm. It nil adnate thecloction of Mr. Wirt to the , jVefidoncy. 'The Crt mlmber aS!l tx i,,' sued at N)n at 1500 aubacribcra tluji have been obtained. Pvl fitni f ' .,0wjf in yttv Tort, ) i James Fiimorlley, and others hav eiu ..... en notice of their intoiition I apply to the Itislatii'e f r an I'icorporation to cm. struct a Ilail Road from Oswegu to Xiir.', York. rf)r'at from 1,n"nrt. Tke Ar.'- roer of him ifoi. Tli Portland Con tier says, hifcrmation hit beq receired in town, that the American pritAwrt cou. fi-vvj at Fredaricktoo were dischiruod on the Ith inSt. having bean pardoned by hit Exteljency, hir Archibal1 Campliell, Ltout. "orernor, Aic, ' ii ynsequf iv of rec'immon'wtion to that eflbct from the - Muunt f ' 'TJTl ""TV . ipl .articl from Blanks entitled, M Opinions of an 'American Ba- be sound, and legitimately derived from unquestionable premises. It ia gratifying to witness the change which a few yeara has wrought in tho minds of literary mon in Great Britain, concerning the intellect ual strength and attainmcnU of Amcri takLi iwtiwfiral at aiip arant (rniii.i. ch. mo wen uu Bur-cis ww in rcnpirw Our books are liberally and (airly review- .r ..7 . a a .mon use ol tne wiioie university, contains . a . a m v aa.uuu DooKB toe law iiDrarv duov. anj - . --. . tha Medical 1000 total 37. WO. The necesarv exnenset of an anderzraduate for a year, included in the" college bills, u 79 do,llr8- 9,h,f "P? the economy of each atudenU r Wrdnrtdav, Nov 3 1 orM P.. f. PI RE. A few minutei before 1 o'clock morning, a fire broke out in 2 itory brick bouse 230 Fulton street, the proper ty of Mr. Brinkerhofl", and occupied as a lottery and exchange office, by Mr. Thorn aa Barker. The roof and interior of the building were entirely destroyed. The flames extended to the house 23, occu pied aa a butter store by Isreal Cook, where a part of the roof and the room in which a large quantity of brooms , wero stored, were destroyed. On the other side the fire caught the roof of Inue 234, occupied by Mr. Kershaw as a grocery store. A considerable nuantitv of butter which was stored io thetcellar of 5.30 wai ditroyed. A part of the property was in sured in N. River Insurance office. Befre the engines had left this fire, another was discovered. in Mill street, in th- roar of No." 11. This building wan occupied as a chair factory by Mr. Fred erick, and is completely destroyed. The building No. 13 which was the property of the cong rotation of the .Synagogue, (Sheareth Israel) yas also destroyed. This latter building was used nvi tore house by the Messrs. Planum, fVias Ac Co. A larffe ounriily ofsuar an 'fher property stored there was dsfroyerl. The house NT,. 9. was slightly injured. One f f the bide ivolls rf housi;' N'o. H fell against the aide of the Synagogue, but tho latter building has sustained hut little dam- age tour. ISt t.'ujr. Of nVKST DESCKirT'il", AT Tim W ilCE. 7 t. I!--" ' ' - ( '" ,i - v ' . - - , Y . '" ' v f .j ni,ir .,, ( . , v- ; - v- M....'..--.tr:- -p . ;-i - -, , v ' ' - i "!Tf "-v j i : x. hi ii.. 'i -, i ' . '! .. i. j y 7 r a. . , I ........ , .- - ...:.'.;- v. ..j . . v -i - " a '" ' , , ,' 1 ii m u- - i --I. . i .. 'ni " ' - i "''i'iii i"ii "nil ' inn"- " l hi i Yri i'i , ' '"". '' - - , M-f

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