V...- - , i tie; , T'ji'u r"r'l'h' or 1.1.. .. let hifrc i;ryuin ! I i' to n ' I l, I Kii'l I. ' c n - i v i ' j ol rr. ! if) ri) T . 1 -'.I In f'i ti.'i in4 pi, I,' r i roirilit'r tru.,r f lu 5 u li .Avert njtf' ii.ffiu'it'c 7 j i. .,. 'i : -! I r -if if.-., i , wl"-'; cilA ii..!n'i . i; ifjf. 7, '.t.n n,r rf" ,n V' it their, nio iracc. e icr-m . k, . ...u .. . . .i .. ' ' 'iriC'.'2 wi?.h;i ntr.Wse v;irr s.well it itiontU sr.5 c a ,, ; . , , ' U in the f UirTn ftk. , , r . . , .."iur i . - . Imitictil 'JifMnid ivJ'tirtt Vmf, 0- , .. : f ,, ' ftf tUr mA.al and. :i n. tMlp'rpifrdf.r them by Mr, Clay. . Uh . , , ... i l!if nfT.i Ul !ii' ,,'''' f ' i.i-iM ' ill i'l !, f4ni a yo-lf flf I r fill 0 V KJ I - r, i v I.i vl. ,j fcn:r I j, f.t't Lii UllC M 'i c ! .-t , I, c. f m i Hi. I ,cs Vf b r ibjlcnr 'f idcri lif plhjf morrr of tht r tr , J ''ue letrti it l! mm rMhH ilic prrlft. J ittlr nn'l'Ufn. Uf reWr in L.I'i'jnrient , . U io. preieM u tfttotlicr t o'omi of oor' J ptr 04 wjlt b , ll.e e jrt of ilit oniihcdlMlf, ... Hai ihrf htf contricd fo tcoma 'j hi uetr btforr bht ltMH V iU jl'i'.nl llir riiiiuuu vy" ' ;- ui.nn,, rrviu'lil i IT f : "()'liifj If There h ben,iinc f.V rtlichor fr dinrUl. The m. uwionoi ine ppropnmofi wu n a ni pn?oned !:i fe l trery uncer- If. Tf)er?lMr ccret .CUy c imc.Mr, xiier hit pone' to ,e B thimure Contention, iht their nb rt it to second tbe Rmdolph nomln ... ..i iu c 1 mn oi mil Kriiucroin. ny wt nui 'i ir proceeding hd Ifli lrod nd opnD !j, NVhf to iecre t Bat wc toppoe hi, h rrpublkanUm, crordinr to the oi ."uciion put upon that terra br tie N.MimaJf. Wt" ? Ihooght before, hi fwr thing which bore the Dime of ; publi-w wit done irfibt Uxtotitj ihtt tTcrjr bodf mi,ht ic whit wki :ai on. But htlng leiiDed our less "' U?Mitj'icfiimfrom fiUiert of oor Sii , u CnJ that in theie continent il t'.ii'iuned timet, we ire untble to trrppaie un me uf;ioni wnicn ere b d' in the creed of tht church. Vot i tuM ourevii much, tbout hue "nrw.anrj notion!.. Te tie .. civ i h ktiowinjj the Re publictnisra J fferkon, Sm ktimt, fc P'H:k Hen iintfllf. Ti.l Hlcle.lfi -ihc Whlf It onli imtiidf d ! epertif e.ttt lift jr io.IIH iUh UJto nv mte" from ) v bx?j gntoUy. the ghri of which, f J ml'trn tot tHtUnty mlht produce opMil tnj imonj u 8 Mi"etneri. ' ' : ' '' If the report mule bt the Whlj f Mr. Clyf vie wi le ice Mre"(ind we we 4 potcd to brieve hit !t hai he t n imde hT hl r onrumnce, not dkitsnd'iDir 1 h Mfffeef tulf'tfttof't Etfltor.ei totoln cldfoce of iei, it bout1 pre con- cert or penonal cowmuni'eiion.) hr hi dotted entitrlr the.'wh6JeTH(f poli iV V il h hei-fttofor eslitejj.'- TJ;r Whij: lift fiplHti Hut Hr. CUt boldt onlf to iht Irg.Ti'r of inciifntti -protection todome iic mouficiurci And pr whodoetnotf If we bave e tirtfT at ndnoone denies tbtt we mn.ht . . . no, . iht rue oi . outlet. nowter. cadcy occaiUiwI dinlli tt Oitrle HrM wQd Mm! fTord Inel(fenul P7oT. 1. 1 Gl SptlghJ, W i 'Inajorlly' U in, o- tton f Thou Mr. C, tmi ibmHoned the er Giarlce B. Sheplmrd, a (M0X uuu, o ' . -on .morocco, 371 ' III n.,ia T-..t -.... ...r ' -' m - 1 "-tJ wll Imted will tlMet'i!f,Avr9nenti writee ti.uiutj ,wtnrretf 3 de . noceot Ji ' '4- J tfat fufy l4tTv IK frmetlr. Wh 1 H tM articli, front . tb Tiot t W Mmom CewnU ' .. T - -1 ?l ,,..' ', w-tf . . - ' ,Ir d tbamoearmnff.rVm. abet ber wa Uwe, s .,, ,,,,, : jr.. 1;.. . w of tU a!andrr bitw H tK rtM . Sutf !itrict. fturt fafi'J lUrarr lma IUt ' . ...Jfi .. . ' ; 1 rd. .An I it Mmvoa tlm jx'j,I who i?e ira purify ia thIr ! Tt, 1.1, pirjy b jtbc HiLlir iiHiera w, j j ,ty jn tL whnlfl Ir-xiy pilitic t Jo'jk it. We hnra dn WT III w iias wli mc4 by tha lonf olTlea hr. a givea L!m the meana of morin frorb 1 1'iuty f uf cunty to ?o t Who baa tv awn lan$r ro p4itlcal tncamrea carri! ' on in iMa way f Who baa nof tmniM) dr tlitt piry of I, la couotry's admiruatratora) Vbat rwJ eiMzrn tU uc all Vu IndtKva to elick wTe uefa riotu practice. ,Waa !aa tba raio h the tlaya of our annt w--ia th jw da) a when honeity waa tViVubt It bt) ibtj beat p-Ji cy ia thoae dart when any thin? like in. irigue - wh - put d'vn aa an enemy to the peoplee righta? No. "AoJ-'wt hope it will not Diueb loiijrtr be tie eaje. 1 1 'i i t, i(f, n 1, , it, fie )..!.. m? .u'i'ir Trac J hi , .'lrt yoj ut o J,,'ir.''r:tv'' V,r',-f'',': '"'' f.iMfr ' ' . . ' r . ; 1 , fi.b iiijf ait hvslf'i, pub. lalMHl (for- '. I la ttJ.'-tVlM b t li!4 k ttif j.-ifint tlelya tnie? JJ t,,4 tV , f, I it y'aaml rm . . 1 ' a 1. 111 mi 11 in .ptatk nifiim i I VII lit. . 14 rViiid ra!uiecOiti. n 4 ti. or. ' '' In t! Vi."-,' . e! ia'-,Ve'V.'' !' (cna4iiiataraii pUtr 32 k t j . 1. ernr?uii2 eufcrniua the o"- scrrd r tfy j wUilve iywpra tie iVdoral anJ fc'tate William Gaaton baa ken eWted n. t!i reprcaeotaiire of the town of N-wlsrn ia 'tr'h.lf nf hi t.. . .... T "u-i nor i&i'TuiJ ana touritl Knu Mirnn nrirw-i A merican 8, ..em " Wten will mir.cir , plee. &ne f our eol-mpwiriee, prw I KrvwaTy rr.se to occur? Ser nm ir, ibis .geo!(ngto U Republicans, tVV upon tbi. aa"ailaj Jj for hejlliirnl eiMi.!.i.... .-J 1 I i r thw ViVetfrji TKalrct of rennaylt worn. 1 riCUIdreo,sB.K.t,iw . i' . . -i , 'erMjU .'a.if6ttaif'e, ". 'lOO 34 4 ; d 5J ' ' Ar. Uuriltfft It will , U racfl!erte(L 1 4H . ' . ' ; . i t'uat about tba firatf April, " letflfV Wil- WIH . , t i 39 bauk Price ni4 ilenry Fwaoer, eiliw-wl' 1 Ch!,,!r' .'l6fV-'U-of Jar land, each commemccd sere auils - 9li . ,,1L tlt0N'W. iuthe ii:t.tMifctrtn.ri.f,J.Mirtl;.ti . ,' ' ' loeaaiue iiutulier of persona c.liza ofj V WViHU 'ftUlVl'LY ' '' lh,a eountj. u rtKorar the penalty cf rpiiiUtKyl.n. 5U, inoicttdbyaJiactoitongres4Upoiij ' Vj fUESn SLTrL tC ' exy pcraoa srbo lia!l rescue ' fugt!tre IV''V,rVMfUsl)'JT, Ld.t' Iron) Ikbar or eartice froui da cuntofly of ' IkW ! d LeWirru qiuUi. tde peraviia to wboiaWbMrvict is due,f :,'arf-s- A v ."V " ir bs .guul. b.uo2 'ecbod the fujjUise I hftoCV5 b??' bicb ' 4 pVautuv-o U Uti euUVity (ivsu by eais!. ,ry fiete. ' - act. I AttenJod it the Ucuibrr term of j tBCVilzru DKIfsfjy, aid iJnurt, which comuienced on the id ' TatfiAurf, ) nit , .' inUottat Wilhainsportj au.1, a an ac . ntmrvTtrrc w . v ta tvulJ tSe-proceedtnM -of tbo suit AlTUENTICF.S WA.M iD. mit be nuetwing to t.iany of your .epo or.THRKK apprrctic to rears In cJ.efoll.w,n (f-the Carriage M.k.nr businc,.. of goad moral rharjcter,' fr m twelve to ixtern rei's ofgt Will be tak'i, by- lf IIAURWEif BIIAVXB. I f r: ; , 1 . . ... hr-illtiliil rnM .i..,. ..J 1 . I m : . . B.iu uooeaiy in tery lortonate thinj. Kor our part we f',, ,f iK-k up.Ki it a just the rcverae. Wc Mr. Clay wsnts no more fr Trnoe lhart J,aV9 Federalism enou-b inour Uiatature is sitniil!r nrreitarsio met ie U already. , ful eiigcncirs of the gt)ernmeni i What I I, j,MiJ tmt tie t!Afiioo will be con, wiH be do for m(.nt 10 ronttruct rnad tested, andesnalsf Does he mean to give iht ru ... K'tortlyaftsr the meeting of the friendj"ofuP 100 ' Without money no works rf The l-gilura of South Carolina me' Tb4 cause of lVice ve. "Hunt came on for trial ou tbe 3d instant tlw I In Tuoe. Irwin preaiJiug.4 . The dfeiiJant, in a at rfv.ii I ntea. luiJaet forth (list the Dloin- '!.f I..-I.M..I rJ" ailinf llut fiuifivn In! UnucIT, puraueiut to tiw au- ikft an t tit tairr.ia. TI . v -w .11 , warraut from a Jna- A,uuot '"' lUusft di or, m ils'ory.ortil .i, .y ib -.1-7. I n that, tKht meetinfflwaa got opT'for:40 reduln; n .1 bdK? 'Ms story?; i - fan . a . a p . .. lartr purpose. Knowing . who the aa.:w,nnof " or,,t " Mcn ,M "tended ."wtator" nor even a citizen of theS1 ,ht fnk of Mr c,s 10 opposition to tte we would not tickle hie tmnitv W u' J'n Ivfl) noticinT hi Snmnwlna. Hnf Katrinir ' P H f on mor.dy ! W u.l ! 'fif i 1 H mil ton. n.al Improvemfnt which waa holdcn Jn'trn.I Improvement canbe carried n j this place on the 3d ult, a piece appear. nd no mnney ca be rised7ty the gm in.,,,JE, , f 0 . .. .. ... 1 . . .. ; . ! in tne coiMtnua oftho ladkin nMrVu,rr' S'vrTnm'n'in' "' purpose without j written r . bba Jixinial aijjned M8pcctatorw the 'T'"" :hf f,, e sb.ndntitd, theSs-,jf. jj j j-ct of which was to waste the imprea.;0' b teteuitaie rti Who Ris.Jtur;: ,u liu!i,fy n. T.riu '-w n-n but think it best to jit ua i'l f'rvf hi riion of Co'hgrs hich he tbinkt ilj .knowing thatiMrWT If 1 d 1 qill tice ot tue l'eace, anJ bad placed it in tlirf hands of the aUarrUfof fio (A-unty t AaJ that the HiiemT hl ss.toJ the fugitive, in, pumiaiice of the ' war rant aud uid?r tiie . authority of an act of Aeaouibiy' of Tennsylvania; the rncuef if a.iy each wro iu lart commit ttxl by the defendant, waa from llw Slier id anJ uut from the Piiin:iiT, sad lha if fjiicowaa C'jiuimtUd aainet tke fr!! adlaA-aof lii5itHtt, aul ptn.iaiia'1 in the Btate Court.. The fact act f'rtn m tine plea -were denied in the replication by lis nlaiotiil's attorney :. but itraino out in HIKING OF NEGROES. .... 1 1 SEVEN OU EIGHT, Likely jYegroesn hs astaie1 of Freda icfc I1 uelonglnf to Foid cJ.c'd at the satria itna -nd ..I hr fOLD s UkeJv young NfcORO BOY. & twenty one yeara ol igt. of .iod -narai; at e" . BM cnaracter oeiont;ug to a.irt tMatt. 1 be the er, deuce from t.,e plaint hrst w ,t.Fif f r,, C n,- that the replication was f.Ue, and .BM- n lhe ;., ,Jll 4,4 ', I redres 'he grit r v.. Sou'b. n the piece copied into a Fayettevillo thair, and we shall ttd whai f.l h tbeie lr. we Will now bnrelv aavrtf lhntAn'li .0 be- ntarrd. in hit nromia. or in at it sontaina jnsinuationa which facta llt0' of hi tonfideoiul and Jtimeerving 1! not hear ita author out in mxintfljninir. fib nds. We do dot know tha Mr Clav . B. 1 1 at meeting rK.ici. The The i! f.tert rm nf A m ha tnai Mi Clar 'in the Presidential mrt h another . 1 fl-ifi .'in: The. fire took place on the 39 n NV.n. ber. Tr-e loa is not ran. in, huf it it least $60 000. Uot of the property burr ti. ure -i ' waa not got up for party -saoctions this courke of tils ndherenu, individual who made the ' I' be that as it my, one thmg.we think The elonue'tit and fmialied aernymdelir note upon that Subject is a quiet re, 9 nY o'U'e 'o predict with cerisin- trt ir. this place, scvoral weeks since, by d and honest citizen ofthia place,' wao"', hifeery thouRht of his mind .will be-,fr. Uatnmet, will long be remeTiibcred vor has nor never rn hm mnA tn mntor enarosien in losteiine h:s "Amerce t.v thonw who h(ard it. The irDDreasion my political cabal, for the pronaotion Sfctm,' jifv' ail tie enncsties of the n,t(Je upon the minds of bis hearers, of the a-iy party echeme. . - What he did, be S'-UVD pvJ combined could ripi j rwli$rtxis, aa well aa the irreligioue caate,- from the purcat motivea,from a noble Peruadft him 0 0nJon(, Ms dai linp canot S(icedi be removed. Perhajia no priJe. And all the attempt a of Mr. s hm rt00o,"'un8 lhe l!t by o 0f his aormon made ao vivid a atamp '.;t.itor cannot prove the contrary. The vtw,nK ,nem 01 u,t,r overe,Bn riR"11 upoi the ituaguiation as tne peroration, "tivs which influenoedlhewnteV are too ,nd r,lD,(errioR them 10 ,n na'0"' for j t w , strikingly grand and beautiful. In "II known, for hie piece to have the ef. rnment' iln V9" to s eveotuaf so (read 'galap?li made lately by Lord which be hoped .'it would via- of 'Pr?m,cr'. ' Brou' ham upon the rofirn. bill, we were t , srx t aa Js? 1 . . . . rowing diacord amone the friends of. U F' "7 ,n n " Pan,ZBn" "Pc" 1 forcibly struck witU the exaet aim.l.tude ... . . . . . I' lI. ii.. G....aU 4. . .... . f ' a a . . mc imn-ovemm. In .,:. c,, Wm 10 oulu "Vi'F"" "' or the conclusion ot me two discourses. ' 'Imp 4r. Spectator bv adviainc lum ! prefenii05 ' ,,,e Pr,denc' ' . "If there he any preference, it i certainly time he aail. to inform himself hrt'or,'i tha 17", on the side of tliU girted Minuter of the Kl on his route before be starts tttnU Un ,n!lincer,lJr hM, fre Cl Wc regret thatMt w. not in Himirtle-owh-'colore wn-w u pPftl;ure tn.it seTfnWTrTfT can reopie, 10 cuim ;neir ronnaeote, "1nrl nvratiotilbrpublicalion. All I this partnul.. juncture ot jneir aa.ui . u wi y,t that the following I The sou r in pc plr win support ine re na defendants nivad true' in ail taat related to tne ajzuie by tlie ijh;rir..TIe.jdei i JOIIM.FORIV Mlnir reIaDTacounaal objled iSany evidence! uf a rcu from the blwntr ' iatu; joined" in wlich mt.i 4 ncue fi-oin plamtiti, a:Hi 1.01 iro.n y .,, K, v ,. , ffUli(1, , ,fi the Sherifl. In the argunuM.t f this ob- J ,)t,r l(,e Cil.n, jj S,iib jactn.ii a great dfl of learning and ability (i fi.a.Sa u .lay Jawe -.xti out' uiiK' . . Uy oUr f . C. .itJ 1 any evidence j a rBUn- R s . v tr llwritr urvler the j . 3 I il he waeehe5ed: SALfSBlRV CLUES ifl, a:Ml not Iro.a uauMit of t'lisi ub- rr.i'irr slii4 aKlltfi' . T 1 . r ia 1 .1 r ware ap-.ayeo, ny . i. mu.H.T, ia-.,. t(U p.pte;e,rlecn-. a Ca,. f, ?nd ot lycn"U cniiLiv, anu L.nia utwn, 1 ir 44 D. CRAIG K. f7. Etui, of DradiorJ, counsel Cir Jafeudaut. und A. V. Parlous, Eq. of Lycominir, for plaintiit , There a a portion of Iwwis'e argument which excited unuaual inta.-eat involvitu the pitnwiple that aetata has tlio I'xclueive right to mih her citizeus for oiTcuces against her own law, in her courta. . Tho powers of the Federal fi jr. emmout, andtate Rights, wer defL.e J with a clcaraeaa that allowed a perfont acquaintance with tlw aulijcct. He en forced hie view a with ahold aud foarb'M eloquence, whii-h, while it recognized the Judiciary aa the tribunal to decide quea lions of this nature, maintained th ov- ereigaty oi the fttatca over all mattera not exitrt-sj.lv delegated to the Federal Gov. eritmc-iit, by reaeoning clear and unan- i A LL peraens mea.;-d 0 i.ie CitaW "Si awoniDie. " ri i,Wco Savitz, cec a., are h root f The evidence oflered by the plairtilT ,.-to coma forwaid znd makei' was rejected, and his counsel asked I"vef;rav mant, and all persons hasu.5 i lainis X) amend his plfadingaeo as to admit the . M)5,jnit the said Evte sre requeued t: Hue motion was reaiaten tyfjreaant themugi!v aQthenucaiad, wth . S '4fV ROWAN THOOP ; YOU m.i parade' a the .T'.wi t!$a Att.ury, on 'he firii Sainrday 1 ' Jan. U.it t.exi, for tho pu f)Oie of tin ii.g , ftonfLlrunnft, to fill, he vi,c nrcsninaedby thtriimtlou 01 Licui Mooting, By order nf thclCapi.. evi iencc. ii viniittiaicii 'm.n Dssseil ihrnimh RaUioh. n inv. A public dinner w rfD- ofG"' ' 3 d htm.hs.thf members of 'he legit Iirr. which he declined, lit was com k l 'o hasten toWanhiogton to attend to I Puhjir ,utj William Cox Ellis, Esq. iu a apeech of 1 in the lime prescribed b Uw, or, this great ability j but it was granted on y-' ,,rttkf will be plead in Kar of their re ment ofeosta, and the cause was continued ! 'ovury. ? K PA HTEC, jj. tfWrtt ' The sirao order waa aiwde in nine other : . . J v'A. COW AN J t)tt. t:h. I8SI Our duty as a public Journalist, as ' on who ia placed upon the. citaJel to a a warn the people of the ger, to guard their i e i.ft. ..... v...t, r , the same cauae of action; aud toe remain-. . , H the very tvpeof that part of Mr. Ilammet a. jfl five foP th ancds,d rescue of one State I ftttf'tU LarOlllia, It re.'lM thua: . j other fugitive. , , Stoxes Cor xtt. M L r is, beware of standing out on ! ite eoata in ll taay pronawy esu , a 1 f" J Vt'TV lit 1 JL . . . , 1 t.iirkl rn r.o 1 - n.l mivilna "'i 13 auu iiiui. y . . . . '".reung of thfitiznH uf Carteret ! nails ui to notice a ... ov. for ! been carried, to an v '00k place i-S6 N , i-v .:. . .. . tmitMl ) JtSfMW smart' : ocaaltr tor utt ' ' - . . . , t uaso"i auojevi. ou may wuairuci t- - , . . ' Cestima Lis Adiainis.ra or ' , aparoacl. of dm- put 0Jffthe dav-yoi may give -oundneM in pleading! v .- A T ultTVi rwi-i-t hat f rights their lertie.,,aWlnpov;ry life to the borough jobbeV,. UwnwUi for" piamtuW.r ranc.. - - bu"d.i,rh4 from invasion, com-! and ptiione the elective franchise to the Cwnpbell and A. V. rawone i' ... s T naur.t7 ibtsi .Jjayieeat 4 dohta. 1 1 .' r .l . 1 . : 1 '.iiifiHii.nta.' J. It. Anthonv. VV lluain t--OX .. ...... . .... n. nrartii. whicn has ' treatesi i.w:is 01 me rsann; oui, my -""r ; . . rN thi CMe it ouog tiiewn w ine Muaiacuoia practice wait n has ; 5 , ..at . ,y ... , n) Elba, and Ellis Lewis, Esq--. r -. 0MUe t,u,t, tbst S.aiual T; Hauaer. oa alarmnij? extent, We ' , ' . - ... , . Jueticc to Mr. Parsoua requires the re- .tlte l.ra.!aia ia tbl. cai d.a not rssurer PrposeJ?L,ttoftdjnB ,he effort, I ejiude to the practice which is hut too . . 0ili(ltI rff 't!l0 airectio,w of tiiw peo nmrk. that he had no concern-with the 2 ; .., . . Weoda of public improvement, !preValont among our public officer. xf p, ,)( ,hie country. (I My LoVda, binder ,n the pl . "Pof the ft.rt! to tfrouse thLng their office, a. a means of elTeoting ' I wish you, bncause 1 belong - y ou- the payment of cost by P1'"; ri.Sfl ' ' ir nnnn .k , . . , . , !,r .imAL'.in a eood suh eat of the - a-jBw- ... t ,,, botioldaii for Stoke. County, at tb fiourt f . "pon the subject of In erml Im mnmf, nolitieal end. Th e oraclice muat hwaie-4ain a goou sunjeoi 01 me . .-. . . J.' in t-frnikat,m or the M.AmonAtf alter - J' '. 1 -rlt 1 y 50 I ' '"'Kit,: w -- Vt a j 1 if 1 'j 1 --..yH .y : 4 IV. , Iff. - .. r ' ' fl'' 'V . . . ; !, i ' . 7 l""'" 7 . .... r.-- - - . Kiiiiz beci ' ft u. . Si " .a 10: im.tructinir 1 .r r ----- 11 -ntdiives to voir for ronvn'i',. ( . fr. f-j 1 1: inniii.n ihc e.. ire proccedi:i -. IIs njcetiog in oar ue.t. i . i if. ; tiuiaw rAimttf nn ' rnrir iiv iiouiei in uiriiiiwou or me uiim nirtiuavj acr tllkaSH I Mill ti. iritlllil lit IIIW A. J 11 1C1I 111 IU I WVUIUf J- . f -1 - have iK-fn olatervad by every one the lest aboV all." because ' mV evenin. last bv Henry S. Parker Ew. VVLVir V::. fi' ! r ' - . exi t is - 1 a 1 " w" Awaau aisj ti i w 11 ver miwvii w- -. . r i.-i our political sjsf m. -v life has ee:i develed obtai-i, Mr. Joseph Biackwe I io' Mi. A.igelma . ;m tfmi tra theW aet uwa fo t . . 1 . . 1 - . ... .... . , : : a 11 . .... . . - . ... ' N . . '.i ' . iv i 1 ot I n' if:;'iarure un- bpon racptcd oui lar mjuy yeaja to merit " c."i.rrn, and K-"rctaate ipace -abroad Howard, daughter of Ik'jniU. Upw'aru, ( htario( eipsne-Ccpv frprn rnitiutra. it.mia tU.littc-J '0M Wi by ill.F4i. j Wr Jto c, BWM, c.' 7 ..'.... ' "I v " ' ": -- . c -J '1 V . i.v,;,,.::.;-r- '; -, Vy , ; .. . 1 '-. -V ' ' : 'V . -i ' ' ? 'v ,iv4v '. I . . JO 7. y

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