" '' . 4,11 frq,B 14 4 I ' - fcppo.ua in tt. heart of t!,. .1 "'wmddj .,h titt fCHiu, Tb wladu.ik , ..j li.. . r m f,ti.,..ay 'lilianrUiin er rilKl, sAusnuuv, howa:, v . : ' ..Tfc Ural aT tVa W rtMttM awiaa ft... a ... . 1 'miim. . 1 tnn M ' I ( ar la. fcll.lf, a 4 . aHa. Ml w , --. . J .... I i.,, ' -4 "" I. fc l aa4 - innr wiiirn it aw h.. " "w wrm en accural hdirrnien! M-rehy author ,.J has mnl,,v,d. -an " i kiwi, Jd the Inward. Mfl mr.riCBn, M,I20,0'X) Only J lumen ttia . .l....a - ' . " "J n - , ' .marc. Ifin han te en r ;:uculiiirJ b.i. P.af a "- at. -.ri.-r:j R-!r.t,-'ir. I statu of tha t-,'. I... ... . """I merit vi m vuHgrcM , , , 'wwW r4 or r Ihta onirlent loth l.m .,.-,:!.' i . V. C..,.;,,t.MOl)AYt DKC, 19, !831. '.VOL. -XII Mi 602. Front Mi fiiP f r ti, f iro Kutii ' both Uoutf f of Conrrcn, at iht ComiBcnc-1 Milt4 la Th rtprttelloii of lh feaplt Km bet it rt, ".mA tnm IK liVAIll.ennl lima mlm oonOltnt'M) l)vy fufmM h bM U fiKt. For I r 5 'J',f?iIn! uoi, moy pu., fc.:f errturyt !, ebitf wmi. "vewy lo be trttUJ br-- u. hava httn Mceare!y el.on bive ma.t tbek u T w 'Tr""', . a,g'1 "U:m M ! in ('a worraanmifea. CB.r.lf. tW- ' .pr.oil U thaTrraty UPtae. comaun'bfx Lira bocii wf ib4 moat -ratify. ' ,,"V,UV lh '4t' "trri. aaiore. laaf.fyln a lr,mr), l all ib . a " ""-r ' BntUh f .roremfa4iT'irlIt,?.Jl iba a?griijfa of !; " S'"1 W Crunawlck lo lb roiiiieal lifa. nal frai'ienf !y, al jiwi!, t( yoi M U- Ual. aa kJC in di-pm- baa hart bf eatJeJ on to be rralful for iba eml,, 'fnto. raet, Uut 1 fu,n1 iTanreaan. bmfIt of JWtdanca. at fv para Ue T 'i! ' eMle"' o'erwtich 1 bad m tbeybeil fibuiMlai!yjr xitvrtf be- e"'ro'' .1BIonerahobad bem aa. atoaJlbanitbpftaeiitirartlr,ifavrf,bao K,M k"J' P'oiaiona ot tbo Tr raty ol me bad fetter ivaa-.n to eonaratulalo etch . .? "b'" ,0 (Tf, Wirtn. ibf oo trt cooitouea ao4 ncrcaatnf proprr Arrllure, tbe I rat and moat ImBwtaat oe. rmiaflot of man, bat commtf d lb labon of tbe buiHandvao avith plentiful crop! of all the tinrl prwJueU or our fstenaivo oountr. Jlhurauriabavaberfi rtabttabad. In r!,!cb itoo vae made nb GVrat Uriimn t. m. dkta prcdrrtaanr in w5ce. ,ih it. f.aeni w u oenif, ry m K . , r-" "'"nW which aae ari. e la Ibt teltlemcnt of the bxiudary lino be tvaea) tbe Arrericaa and Rritiah (Wninl anal a a daaerihed in tk 5 b Article cf tbo Tr,k ..r tbe fuad. of the eanitafr-t fi-v . D,.ble hv .."'JT ' eritnent. and which rive emplovoirnt and aub. iifrncf to a oaraercua arj inereatin; budy induatriiKta and drrroua ear chaoic. Tbo l-J L !. . di rr u rwnjcu y bi warea, la roe t on- aoroe fnendly aovertljca t tfe, ,b" a'lal) be beitedtoiocati1,-ate,BTnhbabeadfiMonopo auch (xJnta of difft renct tm and th Kiur of tl Netbrtanda hg, by ibe latt Prra'.dnt and e.io .f .. .f Mcmi Lp,,,.,, frI; iru' "Z ? bla Britannia Majeaty, beta dealfnated i auch ' cart MiaBce ia a caoiiv jnewing U rece. fu JVct. To thU end I cam-,! .11 ik. . Nftno i nseo wmcii veto noeeaury to a full i of oof eaac to tbo So-reict Arbi. noaaioatrd aa Vlioiater rienlntiary are -a.u o ''-r oer aecreta, arni r , Hke- whlcI eeaaarr to a fuH tbe wii-ooity of frft minda H aubjiiof tbe 1 ..noai'ioo of our rur ta iKe!--elMenta io U.e power cf ... iw Mkine "!L.f!.-r Art- L ... K ,. . "I "I " " " each oear ennqufat auxiliary to bia eonjfon. Jlv mir ajtatia, whoa crrael, and b-eroutee oute. are orery year erU- 0BI the iJttot Jf. ? S?BE!i7J frjqu.t and j4na.rr Ur. II!. M.jcy tbo Kmf of tte Ne'h dlaaot e.l.ea. Ulan-, dclitarrd to tbo PlenipoWrrtiariea "f ,K- nf M.kt:i.'lli.n.. " . KTiouaiy rmni-yfU for ,.fc. ... . - r--". ,ttiir)t tbe ooMmveny. On the 10th f Mfr'-'.he inteteoorae between titjK al fim gajrlii rt u i J wuVa lab frii. i. r-,. eRVeted iaa f-w d.ra. .nt t. ,k. r.."""? ,rr".'? " urrr "f'1". . ., , . ' : I wruiea opinion on me cat referred to kim cnnirmetioo of rail-roada. aiul to innriin. I - 1 .... . : 'nrn niia m I lit! VPmi rt(IWH I, IH rJ itoim nnvrr.tf nara a MiMmht nmri I r 1 . . . . 7 a. k. .wTL-nrf . 'P'1 o tbr r I wooer era nan oi tite borcramant ao mcn appronnweo, ana mooe m iaoiatr -nnfiiilc- lh., w.u-. '''"".'''chari.Sftn.o.t I,;.-., : -yi ,,,t,',l4,h?,a",rlie anticipation tbattluiim. r.ado"beiwf h two pawpra.it ' l"""-'.'""f"-i'.irlit aillborir-! ! ' "J ,,f "" be w'.ic'i. .J htltific th4 pmmli be, p-uet,!. i r . ,jfm, aj i..fc',byi , "d Me rooiuip .lib that produced --e -ur Min-atrr' y Kio Janeiro 'and W ' .WBr,CtUf, ,1b,,,!,', pr.iMl.ty ;; by He rj- f.med oaUoo, ' It.arr, rWM Nt if,. er rrew, ! tiprcl.' ... ,,l r ' b .T,rr.t , ' ,."ltr l w'Tt 'r Europe, we bare ' a-rdhar- r'.eed ftrienoe Arrra lo tbo) !.r.er, ' ' bd ' """y ? eaoao .ree-,!-M f..r the ' of Kn.t, Ar.r.n f.i,rrtVre.-ct to ' neL Aboro klL luvi i .. n l i liiiai a, nur iliM-nl cr.n iinH u r.t. -.. Iia k. ......i oj ' w aa oa-T- a il . 1 ' ' ' I . - ' ' w " oitv w rivif d ..:.- i i. . ir uew n,t v lh,t u,, co v'iiibciii win riin .m Mi L...L ., . ,i i , - im which ,7 M"' ,u;'pa wpp"rt of their j,M clilnw tjpoa Pvrrn i, Dn., . tht fVanb aanowledrn. at .ruf i.r ibo .Mni W ibn wbtd,-wtr. addre" eaiaouraiinity.aJtluMirf, a,(pof1ej k. U. pro,. abVda . pr.0 iuiu aubmiaaioo ta th divine ruto of d.iaf.to otbere "y aiioiiiu itu ootw ua. . L r .f . De,,m'k d" eompen. rrc(,ninnea oomntitieil by te oba'acloa of oatorn, rendered ao aceeaai tie ti to reaaave an apprebcaaion eootctimri Dr!ainU that tbe frtat extent of tbe Union votil.l rndaneer ia permanent exiateace." If. from the aalW' f our urAeul lure, marmfaetureo, and internal improve menu, we 'um 'o tbo tfate of our oaviratinn and trade with forrlgn oaiios and between tbe Stat-a, vo ahatl acareely- Bad leos cauae for wratuUt'ion. A beacrkent Providrnee lua pro rid tl. for their eitrciae and Meouraeneit, an rxtennire enaat indented be cepteloua ba) a. nrbierieera, iniartd aeaa, wita a country pro (iiwtiyr pf CTrry material fo-ahip building arwl J'.. t m"l - r r - cmmuu.i, rur jrainiui co'nmerCO, aio filled-wjtb a portuUiion, actire, lntellifent, wt II .tit-trmed, aim icarieao or danger. Jbeee ad eantaceaare not neglected i and aa imnulu tu UrW been Cen to commercial entrrpriv-. wterl bill our ahlp yard wub new coorru ol, rneourarea all tbe arta and branchea -f tn.luatry connected ith tbem, crowda tb wbarreaof uf cilei ,hh reaaela, and coeart the not dirantaeaa with one eanrate. I.'t he fTitrfut for tbeae bleuinra to tbe tbe United Statet. an J of Great arnltea opinion on the caaa i Tbe papera in relation to tbe tubjeef will be nroper branao oi tbe Coecrnmant. with the ita vtvlom will iuli.ni mcb nltu a u will accare an amicable aettl. meat of tbo eonlrorenr, without ir.frinrinr m of the constitutional righte of tbe Statri itamedi tely inter atid. ai".f- aaliafictian to ;v mat 0(riifa rivae ua my airectlou, io lha Cbarf e c 'A flair of b t Critnnic Uajettv, to thlt Gove'nmeot, have bad their draireJ eiTrc in producinr 'be release of certain Axariao titl aena, who were imprianned for et-ftiog ur the authority of the State of Uaine. at a place in the diipu'ed Terrirory under the actual j iri diction of bia Britanic Uajt aiy . From this and '-e l-haue nreiimt, tf t)t d,tjrt rhe local autuontira to amid any cauae of col lia'tno. I bare the beat hopea that a rood urnUr tan lirtp will be kept up until it U confirmed bv the final dMpositoa of the eubject Tbe axtcaule reta'ioni winch no aubaiat be tween tbe United State and Great Britain, tbe increaimr Irrtercnuree between tbetr crue rs. idlkerp d obliteration of unfriendly ttrrjii- ... - . . o lice to wnien lormar crenta ra'uralir ve -i,r-concurred to preaent tbia at a fit period reacia,orjiitba.r port., (o t,. He . --. ... )nu w. a cancernau ami ha in reaewea tb Ireatiea of Comme-ce nk-rJ htootthtlieoj, our politic! amf eommercal rowtw ontiuo to be on mi a.!!,-, irirnuiy luminj. n pm oiiraj.rereneei unte tbe 22d uf Pckniary. 1819.-wore a.tita kiih. T..-f air I i ' - . w "'7 J "...ngTB, m mat 0.11 tut w t fub,.,enf perliKl.4Mir CAmtseree with tl.t.r. rv.JL.. Ir colc-,Hca of flpnin, on tb (uitinenl of Amr tea. waa annorad and f,n, . J,it. l t .1,. ' , ""..ig)in r " poio anc private arld hra. They fiaptared many of our TrmcUhtvteeuimg a (aw. ful commerce, and aoi th.ml it.ie, J,-. u vw u n.io tir aemaiutanir r-.fr.il., na inaemmty. onpnMrt tho al et;nru, t. they were taken In ibeVWUUon ( a bl ickade ofalltiiepoHaoftbiieptoea. Tbia blockade waa drclara'nrjr onlyl and lh im.dennacy of th fore ta tbaintainlir, ww ao mniit 'hat il.!. .Il.-.at J 1 I ... I. In cntrabamlof wari TbH in i:a tarn, waa lao found untenable ianj te Mnitftr whom I aent with Ina'ruction to rta for th repara lion that, WM due lo r ir injivd fellow citisane, hn trananhtcd an a wrrio Ma demand, by which th capture a d tlared to bat been ejpil, and are juatificf.' bauao th liidepen. oc of the otatea Ailriea nerrr bavinjr ean acKowledrd by Spin. ho bad a riirhi n prohibit trad with tbea under her old colo nial War a. Tbia ground if defence wat con Iradictory, not onlr to thrtc which had been formerly aUcrated, but to he unifwin practice aat ratabfohed larri of oaion i and nad been abandoned by Spain haradf in the convention which (ranted indemnity to BriiMt eubjecta for capture, mae at the ine time, un lcr tbe am e citcomrtai.cea, and for tbe aama allefa timi with tboae of hieh e eem-datn. I however indulge the tope that furber re flaction will I'ad toother tiewa, a -d feet eonft. dent that when Hi Ca'biiic Majeaiy ahaH be convinced of the hat ice t the claim, hi deair to prerrv frieniiv.reUtinna bet k .......i.., it ia my carneai endeavor to maintain, will indue blm to aocede to our de. mand I have therefore, deapatc ed a perial meaaenfer wi'b inHroctiona to oie Minister t bring th eaa once more to hi eonaidrra'ion i to the end that if, which I cannot hnne mvaelf to believe, the lame decUron, that eannnt W be deemed an unfriendly denial of juice., boold be neraiated in, tbe matter mav, bef rt w i it V T'"" rc','"-,l' " liberal ha latrly fakan plaen at U r.Mand ila.la. Kind., l rnjuy tbe aJeantareair..lwi;..K. Ua atkUk lh. ...'.rn.l..H..i.r.. t... ..... ' - . ft - va m ai ironing iiaiv VTSH ami trade, gieen i. the aaoat favored .uJion, na-dloeover w'nb a liiowof antborily, acil in. but tt Daa nnl vet wutad tlieir policy, r perbapi juriou. to rwr f ommerc. and to tb pr pert i,aa not been MiJ eonrenient from other eon. nd libeHy ofourlillowttjen la tb reur ' ' fk f 2 W' -''lcciprooiy 4 of lh prtacot year, one of our rraacla enraf a4. InT U''x,1, eoTUrnitl 1 rf'y' Tb ' lb Wrmut of a trado wblcb wo bav alway ' . i " . h r"r d"rf'1 wi,f nid. moleitation, ba been wp'ur. mk'tif a peownaiiiyri for lliat arraniretneai. iliil edbva band at:n th.. BiMnarmit him to remain at Sl Prtanbaea. Itb autWiir f is- (.... .r a,.a . -VI'.MI'W . and tb atten ion of ibo Cvernment. during Ayre. bar tberefur fhr II order tU Ina Whula al lha v.!,,.l .1.. "1.1 . . . . . bv therli . m ma uejianure, uarpaicopi an armed VaaacL lo lna our KluaJ. ! V7 oct","Cr r 'h " ,! ri h ,heM J d in anVdWtf a! laafub' . I a eilifaPed. We havti h..ra.....-J ...a L.t.l 1 -....--.) . . ..a.. . ' 1 a..- " : ---". ui ixnumiTi iruiccuon o our iraoe wuicn ai.au a arceraa. suuiu n oeen euectd b iicol uir 1 . .. . fce-eneent Bcinr wbo baa conferred them, and rr our e.,ue.ora 10 prov.uo again.! who itTer o to ind.rige a reaamable hope of ' " "7- w -a.H oicn, in their continuance and extension, while we nrg. lef t not the mean by which they mav be rro served If we may dare to ludze of Hi fjta-? di-mgna by the manner in which hia pat favnr. r.ave been beowed, he nu made our nationa pr aneri!y to depend oe the preaervatinn of pu libfrii.ei-.ourl national force on our frdera! nnin-a'd our Hd'tvidiul hanninen on th msintainance of our State right and wiao inati ttitinna If we are pmapiroua at home, and rejected abroad, it i becauje we are free; tin-'t-rl, ituliiatrtotia and ob-dient to the lawa. Wti'ile e continue f, we ihall, by the blesainc of ll aven. go on in he happy career we be. K'tn. una which ha br mght ua. in the ahort perind arour political exigence, fron a popula tion of three to ihirtein million froi thirteen acprite Coloniea to twenty. four United Statea f-wn weaknen to atrenrth :fro-n a rank" ac-r.-i markedfin the acala of N'atinna to a li;rh placr in their respect. Th advan'ar-e ii one that ha res-t'te l, ina vrrcit derree. fro.n the n-Wnl.-a which liavc ,'ni nnr iatercnuae with fnraiwn Mnw. a tra, amee we-nare aartmed among thern : winch Jbo Kx. f 'lie manner lie hi been Baln'afav. The pacifin and viae policv of our Oaver m.nt krnt ,,( ina atan of neutrality during fie wam tb.it have, at different period aince our political cxiatence. beert carried on bv othrr poa-tr,. but thi DoltCV while it. a-ave activit and extent to our commerce, exposed it iu the a'n nronortion 'omin-irl frnm Ida h.lltn-ei- OIK nations ittne Lava a pi, en claim'! nf in. lemnitv for tbtVi iniffriea. . RncrUiid. Prasicfe. 'Bpait,, lIoHaawVliweden. D-nmatk. VablfS. tr.d lately I'dMIi A had all In a rratpr nr la" b!!rce infrinWu .r neutral ricrhta. Denianft Jp i,p,Pa,on were mde upon all. They hay d i:i all, and continue to have in aome cam a 1 lfdii(r influence on the nature of one er.l-i liun u i t La the nowerton whom thv were marl- Of the claim unon tJurlanil it U nnneeeaaa" I ao. ak, further than"ui gay, that 'he rate i things to which their nroaecution and denia K"Ve rie hat been anci eeded by arrangement r"iticttye of mtiMial good feeling and arnica Je relutiona between the tuvn eouhtrie. which Uilhnrv.ft will nnli !npnir.lrt On. i f UieA aTtnirementi it that pr-taiintr to the eol. ftial trade, which wm communicated to Con CfPw if tbe j&jl Ciu;( a ifii slibough the bburt the event of war beta eaa Ureat Intain avd any other power, would Inevitably endanger mir peace. Animated or the ainerrcit deire tn amid lucb a itate of thing, and peacefully to aeenre. under all poakible cirenmatancea. the right and honor of the cnuntrv,, I have given Mjch inailmctmna to the Minuter lately e it to the Court of London, aa will r vincr. that drtire : and if met by a correspondent diipmitiop, which we cannot doubt, will put an em) to can aye of collision, which, without - advantage to eitner, tend to eatrange from each other, two nation wno nave every motive to preserve, not only peace, but an intercourse of tbe moat amicable nature. In mv Message at the opening of the last sea. ion of Con.re I expressed, a confiJent hope t'at the justice of our claim? upon France, ur;red aa the? were with perseyeraaee and aig- na! ability by our Minister there, would Rnallv he acknowledged. -This hope has oeen real-. i d A Treaty bu been signed which will a . 1 &. . I ! 1 L.-. .- .a.- o . r.. Ti. immruiateiv oe raru uciurv tuo senate ur i' approbation t and hich, containing stipulations . . . . 1 . . a - - - - - - 1 w -. .niu li : .1 1 v r- ar . tittibi ti m r r- mr r ST-TtmriiTrrpiiF. : T - 7- - y -ftAf Mr Taiiwrr -J a. .a -a . I r knlh hlnaia klin i, x.n n. I I nu neno. us annual account conmrrom-B ' v ."" ' ,. t.. iul.no f - a . . I I !..i.. .fl'. llu lh VMHUh IJnuaat. rcuuvt renaen to the country, i can ten m "j .,v"r" .... ,jii i in which that branch of his du- ment engage to pav a sum which, if O.ot quite r.lMl II a I I . . .1... ...I.:k na... k. r.ialra.l til. In nil T I CJaiOW "1 ItUT ini'irXU miHiea, prove. U.tructtvc sna w t ' - r;; ;r. " " wi- enable me. I "UlZf Will JfCI, II l ucuct, u.aa.i x,., o nrancea, be deerred satisfactory br thoie in rested. The offer of a grnsa sum, ristead o h- atif ici'n of each individual claim, wa ft.ut.il. because the onlv alternative wer- a ri'.rorons exaction of the whole amount rated j be due on each claim, w!ich mipt, in aom 1. . ..A ku it.di.-n in Alll'H r S'ancca, uv caiii;riij ovetated throuh error, ami which therefor- would hve boon both ungracious ami udju- hive itiaiited on, or a ssttlement oy a mia - . . . 1 .a. a. U i..f.i.liariu. omm ision. to wnien me i tchu i ? iverc vfry averses and which experience in ot'. r esses hat shewn to ba oiiarorv, ami on- aliollv inadea-nte to the end. A compara- ivolyimal! sum U stipulated on our.part, to 1 the extinction or all o'ims by French ci" ' 1 ... . a aaaliit tfi IS sen on ourunv rnruein : luties on our Cott'-n and their Win i.as o-r. freed on, as a consid. riion mr tne renunc. .,f.n immtptant claim for commercial pn ires, under the roi.s'rur.tion. they gave io the fratv for the cesrion of Louisiana. Should thisTrealv receive the proper 'unc ..: ...:il l. .lniai.l ill. :.,.. a aoiirce 01 irnrsuo'i ni.-t .".r-i ua despatch, be uppoaed they bad been obviated, ami that there was every propct of tb ex. change bciipeedilyt fleeted. ' TLia fi.usbc the onnectcd view I has thought proper to give of our political ind com. mercial rela'hoain Bunpe. ' Every fiTrt in any power will be continued to rrcngthen sod extend tbem by Tree of,tbe moat perfect reel ther asking nor conceding advantage, but liberad g as far a it lie In mv power tbe activity and industry, of our fellow ci'ixs ta from the abackle -sbicb foreign restrict 'Joita may imctc. . fo China and '.he P.ut InoTe, our commerce eonlinura in its uual extent and with inerea inar Car.ilities, which the credit and capital of our merchant arTwd.bv substituting bills for payment io apte. - A daring .mtrae havmg w u -M tK of wf dtil ricommited intb(e.eabyiih. ulunder of enoil.ur Md 4;,, agsnta are stnotlw n. v,wu. iwivu.mw,,,,. .,,, !, enjoined to examine weU every eaua of mm. rade at a port in Samatre, anl the piratical ,f(r)t rrrf, hy wr citiaeBil andi ;k3o perpetralon .belonging to tribes in iiuch a slat Th.-urge with proper rarneatneaa thw lhat of aoetety, lha. -be tieual oouran of prceedi.ga T9Jtoande d.to countenance Hon that aro h'T'.'T'r'"0 oaraaaoiMible or unjust, and 10 enjom ii oar I forthwith d-etched a Frigate with orders to m,rcUat...rfB.vlutbe.tnr4ertubaJlenc Bjio.irnmen enuire immediate aa i-'ion for th ir.Jury. tp th Uw, ,thf r.,uMries to which tbey re- stitu'ional j.id,;e ofwSai is pmpaeto b- don. an 1 inuTmnlTVhrrufr. rer 7 7, vA a course coiiducrTnlheTrdraniifa, rew eoaneea nave taaen. riaco in onr ,1.., .k.-i.. f ...p i..i;n. lri tk t 1 I ttl laa anaf aa a.1 I"" aTla'l ia V'lflB - waio oawawB ,.r. ..... u . N.,n.VWn ltd rer)dcr uareapecied abroad. a, aiaaa swa t laiaat AmpniiMaiwin In I Tin CPraweM I Vm !'. BIJ vviinruria w,. -v.... w The ra'ifica'ioo of a Cm.oiercial Treaty with when negotiation for redrea. of injury fsi'a Tb oonolusion of a Treaty for" indrmnitv with Franco acemed lo present a f.vorab'e onnor'u. nity to renew our claim of a eimilar nature b other pnwra and particularly in the cue of tboae upon Naolee, mnre especially aa in tbe Course of former negotiation with that non er, our failure to induce Franc lo ren.Vr u j ia tice was used aa an arni"nen against us. Thr duaireaof the mr rihan who er the orlnpi pal auflerer have therefore been acceded to, and a miaion baa been instituted for lha ne. ciil purpos.- of obtainiug for them a reparation already too long delayed. Thi measure hav ing be -n resolved on, it was put in execution without waiting for the me'ing .f Cunreaa because the state of Europe cr aed an anpre iiera'im nf eventa that might, have rendered our npp'icVinn inefTectual Ourdemanda upon the Oavernmcnt of the Two Sicilits a.-e uf a pecu'iar na'u-e 1 The in. juriea on which thv are fo i.l d ar not deni. ed. nor arc the atrocity and perfidy under which thos.- injunt-s were nerpelrated attemp ted to ba extenua od. The aide ground nn whirh indemnity has been refused is the - lle ged illegality of the tenure by hicb the mon arch who made the arixurea held l.is crown. This dift ncc, aU ara unfounded in any princi ple of the law of nations now universally ahan. doncd, even bv those powers uion whom the re'ponsibility for acts of psst nileri bore the must hearilv, will unq'iestioiiab'y be given up bv His Sicilian Majesiyi whose cmi.taeU will receive an impuhu from that high aense of hon or and regard to justice which are said m chat t-feet the fullest enrfl ti-nce the citizen commilsioned for ace before him the just citiiena in such a light as before your adj'iuriimertt, to announce that they have been adj isted and sc. cured. Piycie instruction's to the efiVct nf hri'iging'he negotiation to a apeedy iue have b' en given and will be obeyed 7? In theJa' blocake of Terceira, time of the Portugese fleet captured several of our vessel a id committ d other exc.-asna for which repar 4 i -n was demanded; and 1 was on" the point, ot'dcspatchitii; an armed force, to ..prevent any rf-currence of a sitni'&r violence and to protect )ur citiaeris in the prosecution 0 their . lawii . ommei cr, whan official assurances rin which I .-elie'l, made the saili ig of 'hejibip uhneccssn rv. Since that nerind fr'-quen? premise have bean madi th t full ind wtvitv ahull bti g'ven ?r the I'tjuriea'inflictcd and the loi-s sustained In the performance there ha been aome, erha:)s unavnidibl. delav ; but I have the I leaf confidence thst rov earneaKc'ein hat this busincs. mny at once be closed, which or Minister liar been instructed strongly to xnresa, will verv aoon be gratified. I have He better irroii id for the hope, from the evi jjifca. of a friend'c dp laition which fiat fiov hll ANwnrS. A I rw a aat al.atl lil..t ....I . M!t.a.. a. Mi. l.a.. !'l . a. , I ' I , -w - iihuui a... j i,iu i'miikvii Mf rl v - i b nominated, ! well to ef. enUir into tb natur pf tbo cimir.lance. ..t . "'" j e-r a ss aerp up tnj ats-i auo cr the thim, IT any, that k act mo by rela.lon of. amity .. goiHl onWambrg of Hut (iovrmmnt, to lboo Island, la tbi which arc Uw r-eived so many assurance s.J mean tim. Submit tb can U tbe coffidcra, , Z a r""'"1 M'Jetyaodth Ean tion of Cor r era, t th end that tbry rr-aV perr-ruis predecesaor. , v ' , , cloth the txecutiv with aucb autberity 4 Tbe Treat" with Austria la im'mlaai. ... .- meana as thr maw daa f,. im,!.. important IraJe wi b the bereditara Idior a furea sdeouaia lathe earaobtta t, tee. . f . ------...... wT W'r'IIJUIUIIB B " f f CH ihs Emperor, ihevslu ofabicbhsa bee I ,M'" -f fcJI'rw-citUeaa fisbSnf aod iradlr- hltbr.rtu bills kiwsra. iml nf m.im. i ..is I in thota Staa. , .... Sritr.. '. Tl.ii rapid aketcb of our foreign reiatlen f$ ?eana?7Sla Tr.! f "P4 eitu.na, may b of some s W ' mi i5wi !ac7oV.T,on7will oneVsnat v eoun tw at large a sou of hirh dUeiioo in tbw try :o lb nlerpnsinr plrit of ou- a.ercbtnta, ontcmplatma of our poj'1 "- . on tb Nartb 1 couary aboondi-g In all the eoBneanm with tb ret of tb worU. At praCo . materialafora m'ua'ly beneficial commerer. with alt-bavins; subject rrf fut.rY differ-new fi l,d with enlightened and trluiirtnu inhabit with few. od tboae suaceli.tol of v wijuar. ama, boUinr an important place in tb politic meat-exf-dmf our eomweft graJuan oit of Europe, and I which w ewe sit tUAV nlu- aidra, and on pone btam but tb abtcl-i:n The tatifica'wn of ibe treaty eral and mu'ua-1 b-ft-oiM tl'' t?t I with lb Fort) was lent r be exchanged bv by lb Jjbiaing of Frntdanee, bonfcir aU thU .- the gentleman appointed mir Charge d'AfTarrs rational p.nrilv which can b derWd Ijoni 4 to thai Court. &m difflcultW occurred an a-i Intercoura- with foreign natmim ri)dt4 Of hia arrival 1 but at the dat of h last official those eternal principlra of jualico and rtMri ralrood will, which arc oimung e r State, at ibo individual of whom tbry are. I hare great eetlsfaciton in making tbistate ment of our afTaira, because th eoura four national policy enable me to do it witbou any indiacreet eiDoaur of what io Other g over. s-iciliundd principle. U C,,f, f-M T.rl eciproiily of iniereat, net- ,Uv,n " b.u' .,,',t "" ' ceLgany excltSv; ad- iJW SJfL'T. " fl win near tne airongrw mm no political eomhinatione to ftrm, ao alliance to entangl ua, no cowiplicted intemt to eon. suit 1 and in aubjecting all w have d oe ta the 1 ,. . . : ... .k. 1..... conatM' ration vi mr miiacn aw w a.-.v tion of the wurl 1. r ie no advantage to eih. Vr nations, and lay burae've opan to no i' Jury. It mav not be improper ta add that to pre. aerr thi state of thing and Biv eonftd -nca the Urn ed RepuVir of Mexico bai been for aome trn under deliberation in their Con gress bat waa atil 'underl 'ed al the date of our last aVspitcbea. Th- unhappy civM commo. iona tha have prevaili-d there, were undnuht. edU the cause of the delav : but as the tiovera w.eet is .tow said to be tranqudixed, W may hnp non to receive the ra'ifteation of th Trea'y, and an arrangement t ir the demarca tion of the boundaries between as. In tbe mean time an impoft antitrade has been opened with mutual benefit, from St. Louis in tbe State of Miouri, by ca avans. to the interior provin. c;a cf Mexico. IT is Commerce il protected in Ms progress through the Indian Countries by tbe iruwps of .th, Um'ed States,, which bav been permitted to rioort the caravans, beyond our boundaries to the settled part of the Uexi csn tenitury. ,0 - ; From Central Ameriea I bav? received ae- su ranees of the nnt friendly kind, and a grail' fying application for our ipodoCScfi to remove a suopofed indisposition "Awards that. Govern ment in a neighboring S'atct tbi application waa immeIia;cry and s'jccessfully complied with. They give us a)s.the pleasing inteili. gence that diiT.'r?nces which had prevailed in their internal affair had been peaceably adjus ted Our Treat e with this Republic continues to be faithfully observed and promises a great and beneficial commerce between tin- two . ountriea, a commerce of the greatest i-npor. taitce. if the magnificent pt oje.ct of a ahi . - al through the dominions oTlUat state, I r. S Source, ui irii.a.. .... w....- - -. - .1 i, ,. . -, , V" . ; aome I'eir'e.e ak t W.iment has abow.u by an actual reditCio'i in lejfr on 1 cacJi otbet no nation who fjLn iuJ xWy o. Ujc r'J&Cft'tf 2iC 51?lllAjP Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, no in . rioui contemplation, shall be executed. , I have great satisfaction m communicating lha success which hai atter.ded (he exertions of our Minister in Colombia, to procure a very con siderahle reduction in the duties .on our flour in that Republic. Indemnity ala , has been atipult"d lor iniuriea received by our mer Chants from illegal seizures t and renewed aa aurancea are given that the Treaty between the twu countrica ahall be faithfully observed Chili and Peru seem to be still threatened with civil commotions j and until they ahall be settled disorders mav naturally be, apnrehen dedrrtquirlng the eunatant presence of a Naval force in the I'acitto Ocean, to protect Uf uane. riel and guard ur,eo imerce. ' 'Che uisttirbanr.es that took place in the' Em' pire of HraaiT, previuualy to, and immediately conaeduent uoon. the abdication of the late Emperor, nMsiarily suapended any effectual upplicstion for th redrt sa of trae past injuries siifiered by oufcitisen frdm that Government, whi e they have been the cau of otbere, in hich all foreim rs aeem to base participated Instructions have been tiven to our 1'miater thvre, to press f. r indcniritv due for loss oc cpiooed bv thete rwcutari u?s i ard 'o take csre that .ur t'ello -citixens a. all enjoy all the r'aWiuWfU 9 W vis (s - ' Cocnrcird wi'hthl. aubisct I imun rtj rommend a rtvisalof our coDsuiar laws. Defert and otniision into been di ot- crtd io their operation that ought to oe remedied and aupplied. For your fur iher .information on ib'uiubject I tro directed report to be tmad by the Sec rotary of State, which I bU htretfictv lubmit to ywur comid ritlon. Tbe internal peace au ireua'y of oun cotifcderitcd St:tri, is the next prtiicpil object of tha Ucner;! . O.nvernmrnt. Time and ezperiene have proved that tbo abode of th .native Indian wuhia heir limits danreroDi to iheir peicc, aotl injurious -; to himrlf. lo sccordancei with my recommenuation at a former Session of Congreii, . an ippropnation of half a million of dollars was mttdt iu ail ibe 'toluntary rtmotil of ibef looaf inbei, beyond the limiti of .the o c At iba last Sessional hd the bippi'iei . to snnounco tbir the Cbickssaw and Ctiocktaws bid accepted the pencroO otTerofthe Oo'vernmrit, ,nd ogrscd to 1' I l-.l .L ' .l.tt -SJ I iciiiut ucyonu in uiiaaia.rippi iirr, uy which tbo j whole of tbe State of Miuis sippiand the western part of Alstmro .' ULbefreed .from Indian oct'upancf $ US "bpeMd " Id a clvilie6opUiTrtoiTr- The Treaiiea with , tbeae tribe are ioss course of execution, and their removal. it i boned, wilt ba cboinleted itt tbe ounex)f 1133' Al the reourit of the euthoritifa of " Qsorgia, the registration of Cheroker Io dwos (ot emifeition has been resumed . and. it is rouCdently expected, that; one l;f half, if not t wo thirds nf that tribe, .will b follow ibe wiie esamp!eVof.jetr-;'Aore. westerly bretbern. . Thoie frho p'ei. remaining at thelrr::prep't; sjtos.v;?w,l .,; hereafter be governed by the lw?if 0-orgii, as ell her ritizr 01 are. and ceaats. i io be he the dlijrr's of peculiar carf v. Qfk, - no pun of the Generil Goverumenv . Duting the present tear, hi r'et(t.tioni of the Goyernmrot ha, been partibtUrly directed to those tribe in the powertuL and grooicg stue of Ohio, where roueld- erahU tracts of ttvL finest of ltd still occupied by- the tboriW tvs, I 'lVeiticv fi'hT ". : -f to.ni.hve 'vvri n '' ., ' . sr?pi'ie- -Whole IW . .-ur,-j ' -orromU. ' -wil W to tb- 'r?-i"it.K ibd "I it .'I . , . 1 i ... ' , 1 7 1 Hi I , a ... I 1 1 1. n ): ) .r.) . 1 1 ( :it ' a . V1 t ff , V', ! lV t' 4 "r'JJS i .1 ii i 1' y if . ''V' ' "i "u.

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