J t'.i! M ' I I ! Tl'V if i rl-r T. vb.l t .!,.tej; Th rfxrl i M C I'l'.'l'f'J I ! , P V..! f r 1 ivv 1 n-bf ty' un,r ,f iv"i;11,",n i .r.ri ias-Jil W f hi Enla Mother Iwv nz l"1 ' rri-1 i w v - ... 0f Fiu. Mr. Uyrfce ycttanwy ' ." a.- rnrt;-i;r ifjort f.om tint com ...'tee ! " .tea . - ... I - -i aJ I el.ja til !l II if? II ,41 1 111 I'V if " Wmatbi of 3 dMUrs. . Universal ex- ha iliovn i 4 n '"'" I : ' . -it ,.,t .-ipriiljte fi-eelv. In ieiy, iney jVr-t.il drlvo a;cie ff circulatic and the vxFA ",al . tion, the eMativi of cash r4ct bo prcyented ,ci cot W luirr 8,rh exc!uioo cm, thorefufe.to bo no ,..rv ta euaro t touai circulating W3 Th- rwtriction oa oiir own Banks woo'd U iiUcrly itiavailin? , if tuch notet wen nlh-yodlo court in tro:n ouier inrtead oftpecie, would Cil ,ifhi vacuum ia our circulation, which wi!l ocrur on the withdrawal of tho imaj uotoa inod by our IJaokJ. T'i hill nropoB?i to repeal tho act '-JkiMtin? the circulatioa of miaU notet iMn oUitr State, while it cae tho re- ttnction on ne weuts vt fall fiirce. S isU t policy would U 1..: 1 flint anv enmmcnttccuui WIIWIMMJIW - V . !t, f iulr, 1912, tho eircnlat.on of p. '1 a, d t. the -v!r.tl trM in th:a ti h3 liie'cn. The com-nittco tuercwre lunii 1 "ui jtu i rwt tto bUl without .aicalment, ul!yoaCl50(J,Tthap.:7Pi entitled an act to eictully recoinmeoJ itsnjoeiion. Tho rcpirt, 00 motion 01 .nr. fic,,.- --.m V,v , f had br-i laH 00 the taWa. To-day it with an amendment, t he bill wat order. va; called np anu , . ; ... 1 r . a.'ai limply to turpoo-1 the opcrationrlattrotJIaiprute,iiontt,wh ' r ... i . iron ' ..J . uUlh I'lA I r I AD. I fwr-irrcd In w iica Meatra. veuraa, iir vumn ui 4 n.n 49 a I - . ' . a a mi Or. tn rtionof Mr. 0 3ricflr tno touiwat icJofinitcly pottponcd. SENATR. On rnt'on nf Mr. Parhara, ef. r..i., ,- frni ft. 6" w ,,w,nir toe o -v-. - whether any aiieranow w . rme of tho court, of aaia counties toju.t the coarenwora o, - - erotoUayvro4:wrta of aU, aid to mvam tlitT report by VheeuptKi y hillorotherwirv , J Wherpw Mttara. Alien, uo.an,. rar. : Jm'wtron. ham, M'Etitiroan to. I fern taid committoo. , On motion ofMr;MTarlaad,thoScuate proceeded to consider the reaolutio rela tive to reprinting a tuitablf numbar of tho Tlenirta and Acts of Assembly for tht uto oft' 1- I!gWaturo, whitb were conaumed bv f?re in th State Ithran. Tht quot- ti--1 on its adoption having boen taken, itj tjm determined tn the amrmauve. Rills nrcsentad, read" the first time and mia-d. Cv Vr.Dobnon.ahillycating the . ,.. . . 1 art ritfiit o! electing uterwt 01 mt .ujrorwr t r ... .. j. .1 nl.. . ' 1 IOnniV UflUnS III Uicai:c(ai within flic State in tho f.eo whito men ihorc'if ordered to bo printed. The bill makin!? an' appropriation nml -appointios cnntniiestoners fjr the rebnil J- Vi ' tiro Capitol, in the city of Raleigh takca up,' when Mr- Krrr m-.ryod that tii" jiirthor cor.siieratioa f it w pfwrpm tl until Wodn-iHny next. Mr. Caldwell aioved (0 amend .mtion by p-itponitig until tho third mo;) lay in Sov. next. M:. 'Vi;scn :n.iv-i tSat the bill be laid 11 table, which nti'jn hvhg pr-we-.tence 4he qucstion.wat firtt frit a id decido'l It the a :irnmjlvtu.. .Mr. Wi!aj'.i suMcgoent- Ty .snye m.llce ithat ho t'n'ilal '"nil f r tha wiisideration of tho hill on Wwhesuay ii8xt. - . , A mewage received from tho llvjsn fCoin iiOTs stating that thoy. hive 1a-i"d tHo -folM'inc; en-jroaTCd bills, J .1 avhieh tlu;y sk tho concurrence of the fw'iat';: a bill alio, v'uig compensation t r(U' ra in tho coUntv of Bmcombo ; a bill tor the brrttfM rqirilation of thv Ghurt of TWm ati'I Quarter Sessions f-r the oountv if Macop; Avll to amend tho I0h ssc. Krth, act of Assembly, chap- 997, natwd' .ha 1S19, entire 1 41 An aetnrfscrihin? the in.vbi of surveying and .selling the lands .ty.ely acquired by treaty from tho Choro JiCi' ind'wns.' The engrossed bill for the better rego Ration of tho Court f Pleas find Quarter fVinns fir tho county of Macon, wan jn ! the 2nd ami 3rd times, passed, and ir 'ered to be enrolled. The engrossed hill allowing comoenfi. iion f t iurofc in tho county yf Bunco nS U.w took Part.' iriwiiu.Tr- - '"v:; tV r ft j i t )" I, Hi it. If. , ' . r ct f-'n.i.n.ltn im t!,e rr-is - i'.f) Lf Mr. M 'i.f r,,r L-rv ill 1-1 ":j i4 Tl j")ftiH. It iir I i1bin lUart l I.V t,,t tcrr f.finka r f 1 Mt. A r.-M:rtWM frfiriCraml,t Iff him f (nammi, profKw'ui to lttt on Wt l ? ?T fjr Pullie rruitef,iniraftnr Ut Rvn'nj V Tutler were la nomination far t n;'uifnf'i?; which 'was n;r9T t ind, f- i nptio i f Mr, Manhi!! crAnm, i14e! to t)w n- .I'lntloo. .... ' " iiliotw;; commons. ; Mr.'Wh'Ur prpscnt! lh prillifiti of tlit WiuoliV MounUia Turnpike Comtmny' PDXW W allcratioa of their clinrtw- (Mimt!or hr Mr. VIInn, . ; ' ho i'xilnictcJ to tnqmro ht lKt etpclin- ty of repealing ultefiti? or niovJinff the law, wf! in tm jm l'i2fTwrJ:n fjr Ui ro'Jw.tifHi til 'J"hft out of d"coiti PTtcwrt crtsft; knd t!it thoy rcjKjrt 1 bill nr o!li(ri(re. TIw''flimker laid lcf re the IIoum eomwunicafioo from tho Public Treasurer trammittuix - certain Aomm'iv.U hcwlni the neatiU of aa irircftifitiort instituted in o!ftdicnc9 to a rsealutimi of tho lat k$ nion insJractine tho puhlio Treasurer; un. if f tho dirtrtion of the Oirnor and At. torney General," to iofettijrto. tho facti connected ' with tho drawing, acceptance nd pstinf f tindry checks purporting to bo drairaky Jolin Haywood,, Tublic Treasnrcr. ! John S. Ilavwood." m tho fStata Uank of Korth Carolina. The com. munication and doctimcnu w?re ordered t j It 0 snt to tho Senate propoiinj to ro for them tt a joint w'.cct cmnnuttee. Mr. Po!k from tho committee oa,MiJU fary AflUirt. toVhich was refsrred t1 ... . (..."-. -...j " td to lo laid on the table. M. fAn fnm thin fAmmitn n r. Mejanf, trom tno commit.eo on . I l . J aA 1 t wl i-rvnn ka nnun rra u... " further consideration cf tho auljcct. report waa concirred in, On motion of Mr. O'Baifn, Rttolttd, That tho coinmitteo on the Jiiiieiarv bo nwiructea 10 enquire mm ?, " ! - ; Judiciary ba" instructed to enquire into Drnt0d lhf raemorIal .""V" " " r -.i..;.- lo Phanr. jp g u.o "uw " , ,";".. ' :77Lk;-i, UU ir.nnd w "t 1-1,7 Ti fUni with oruam. . - rv ; ... propotition that it ho referred to a jomt whom at. referred the bill dimting V district. "senate. Tuesday, Drc. 0. t On motion of Mr. Marshall of Aneon. RcMolred, That the Committee on the Ju- dicia7 bt instructed to enquire into the : practicability of so amending the cnmia- j allaw, r.aato make it larceny to take carry , or steal grapea from any vineyard ; .. . 1 .. . ...... in m.'ji wise: anu - " - irora auy ia; 1 to make wise; and ; rlllllvaiOU Willi that they report by bill or otherwise. , Mr. MTarland movod that amessage bo sent to the Ilousa of Commons, pro-, pg w Staten. was tue 01 to ballot for rOwornor -01 ine hich wai agreed to, and Monday dnv anivinted for that purpose. , Received frrm the House of Commons a fflawaa-a transmitting J"j Iron, the pnhlic Tr.a-.r e her wuh sandryum-ni9,acco-,npu.i.u-"K.- u m wc:1cnnrod,n,and y yer!, aP'T ?r L nc. ?Z: iciary committee were instructed tojnqui t! nn tlHMw in" 'n; "j, ro into the exDodionevfomendiTRrthr h.x.i.4:a on''. ilowihuu. vwm of Mart;, and M run ' on Mr SW3.I; lXJ ih the Judiciary, .hSoTretntin- M.ui,l.t,o.i of tno w t 1 1 c i''.t i w . -v- vhich air the aohjeett 1 " " ' din.r in the Supreme Court this State snii now &c. made a lavorawo rec'minndoJ . ndontion 01 iuu iwuu"- ..... ( t in ' reiolntion .: ,1 r thi Jlrtolml. That tht ncasarv . to the just proaeeuuon " " .1.:.. Oi.i ... . Tho reported resolutiQ-1 wcv66 Stat- I requcstod ana en.pu . . -r Wii dfclariajrin what manner notes : Caidweu or n i ;rlli.ront r-waon to acton tho ot tht m -.fi,,. ..aj. cbe tchastwaa '"T"' . 1 ia n. mane a rnpoix jhwwuuw T ' 7 -.iWHnr the testim- or bonus given lor r.T:- -just return from part ot tnis o uw , ; - b0 cleg iaU be collected, oncurrtu .. W n rUrosdt nw. nnd causing such survovs a n.a,.r. Wvche and Havwood u ahead of ul ' ; ( I fl ' t" .1: f.-l ; i r "' Vi I.- .1. 1 , n ; ' ; 1 1 r r ' Ti-r'a i a n i r-..;:ity , f :' tt' 1 t ttto fwi.. .Vlfft omj .? - r!; r t!i- ti,:ie 1 f ,',.Vii'' two j t - . i ,t'i " t1' Q :-.!cr i 1 ll. ;.urt .f ri-m ftnd i if r tM cnu,tv f.I - Inc n. at! J ( . "iiuii fin-, nwy l Drought aalainhaiij a bill to pro i l fjr tfio- eotlectiua t.f cottj in certain Cftas, , . ' . . Juihciary, to which wa rrfrrml the bill 10 extenl the lws of i! ? Stalo orr that Cherokeu fitioit r lihliitw. and incfoJid wit.Htt tho chtrtwml liinita ,tf thia fltfe. n.ruM,la,t llw. If . ' l 4 tod .that he" ha,Wn tnttrtvebd. by. I he cnmniirtoo to rccomimmd if rejection. pi.- i.'ii . i i t .. no mii mw mu. iwi on nxnjon ny Mrf Leake lal.riijoni ihelable aud ordc'rV ed to'.bo printed.'. ' t . ' Oa motion of Mr. Clenn, ' RttolecJ, That the committee on the Judiciary lit instructed totfnrniirt into the expediency of to ammendin tht law re. hmve to tlit ctt!omcnt ol teatator't aud and Jiitentate'i ettatea, a to nnthoriso tho sferif& in their rtapeetiva countiee, upon tht refusal of an executor or admiiu(ra tc r to qmlify in a limited tiioe, to enter cnon and perform tho dutiet of tho execu- t6r or adiuiiiiatrator, at tho cace may bo, o ur at it may Do ncccwary' (o, pay tb dehta of any tuclt estato, and that they re. Dort by bill or otherwise. Mr. Heart nre. r?ntc(l the petition of aud'lry citizen tf the countwaor Anson and-.Mccklenbursf, praying that a new county may be evtab. lulied out of a portion of tho territory of aid countiet ; which wat referred to tho committee of Troponin mi and tl rierances. A measagt wat recoived from tU Sen- afe, agretin to refer tho twnwriol of Koinulns 1.1. Sandcri to a joiut . select committee compowd of tho rcprcaoutativet of tho 3rd Judicial CircuiL . , Tlie balloting for Solicitor of the 4h Judicial district commenced on Friday . a tJ . teat and via cwnntuieo irom wy to day- Vu lT 1 M"0U"?. daViBiectea. i no louwing tt a tiaicmcni ; 1, .... 6 it 5J 3d 4th 5th 8th 7th eth oth ioth i 7rt 70 fll infl t 80 72 78 79 ' witSHrawn 1 40 31 37 21 W'n I SENATE. -Wednesday Vec. T Bills presented, read tho ftraf time and paa-d. Dy Mr. Spatght, a bill to repeal a:;. r" Cora ihTM l OS!?, enuuou AU awi iu mucuu u iw tho collect lont ef debta eatatea of deceased persona, and relation to the levying of exe- cutiont issued by ike waticeaoi tno peace' -rcferatd to tho committet ou the7dic Judcea tocrant py Mr. Dobson. aLillio authoriao . . writs of ne 'xtat in certain cases therein m mentioned referred to . tho committo-on tk. Judiciary. man, from tht select oommitteo the Governor to convey certain land, to tho county of Macon, and to establish Franklin Academy, reported tho same with an amendment, which waa read and ! agreed to ordered thai tho aaid bill bo jvirf Sneed from the committee of Fi- w . . mc hom wat referred tho reaolu- itrocting them to inquire .nto the TDt,j;encv 0f chanzinjr ine riHKio , ui . re teiv; reirment on the bonds for the pur teivin p;,Tment on tlie bonds lor 11 . Cherokc, 3, made chaw nl lilt lIierOKCt tanus, hwot u . m 1 1 i ..n favoraDlo report thereon, atating that it ia inexp0(ii'ont at thit time to make the change ose(j by tho resolution ; and asked to . jiad ffom the further conaidera- u-u,, aubiect, in which report the Hnnnt. concurred. . j HOUSE OF COMMON'S. A message from the Senate, proposing Aj g IJJ i .... . -... in tar an nil nrTirtnii an u is, uuuuuv ui uu.v . It 1 a L!lt.. IkMBaaaitca AH riiktt whether institutod before a tingle justice of the peace or in cottrt, to which tho gen- cral ilo no debt .hall be pleaded compel the defendant to vtrify the vi- iirairir. lenra tne juaic.arvcvuiiun- ..... -------- . to which Wat refarred the bill to re- tee to wn c. waa. - jmHM, thereon, and the bill wa. reject. j . . , od. Mr. Henry, trom ttie same committee, nding tho rejection made a report jbuwihimu.5 aDIK)lnt0( on ihe'part of this House . . n ilm kniiitn Iiv Mr. m "rJu tpirit qf febj 6 p aUeiU' I 6r tli N-ltfr rri' iti.inoftaaniefltf.I toinpuiro inftho mi f ti. ill t.i limit the lime within whi h artioni f rerrt tho fact to this llwt. fAr- r ACu.tf.r 1 1 it f ly ,1 en. l-!f 1 h'jl'iii- th anii O-.rf that io, hn ciif: t!, Blranwlw M l a;f ii truth ntittrj to h-iv- . t ;wcVg nay, it wa. nr .Mr. J.I lffT'J.. 1 .11 0'.f 'i I... I; , Mr. Hay wwl, from the it.hViary coi. mittt report a till more efff dally toprt. vnnt ttarM tenm !!! il,! nn dm. aujl:j h iw without crrploynvnt f wbicl CO at. wr?e ch wat read the J f.n,f time and ordered to b printed. nvf Jiinni UAT NIIV, TiT.J fl JS-iiJr iTJ T . PECR.MBKR 10,1811. We thit !y fay Wort mr ratcra th , a, enal Wcfire ef. our venerable Chief Mila me. It ! wHhIr In a cla'm auv naMNraii! f.caiaiitipoa,tUe'or .Ur nationat afTalra at wUfch erefy Arrifjrieao CuSsen fimat fret ttw jptondeet eitul'aiian. la eur t Sew It it fct beat tml niiet ad'I anetbtr laurel to bn tlrie crown. Our relations w!h foretg n powers. It will be Been, are os a better faotirr thaa tbey .have t.. r " ' ' . been for many year. paa and too rnuchtraUt cannot be btstowetl pon tht prtaea , admin, iaira;im, fur its splendid diplomacy. tWt r- f ret tU, oa, lion,. wUf opt permit t. ,0 ab ftrtDnintereaiint ttomuneot. more fat tletail. We may recur tn.U af'i,r Ifgiihtun liner t jr Uat thr appropriation bit! baa been takn up and loal la tht Senate by one v6ta. TkK paaaare of the bill wat advoea. ted by iudjt 9eaweU fnd opposed bf Jiidft 1 b mI bat be ihwKt Would bo Tnt. ti t. ,1.,.. .1.:,. ktii m.v. iJrwl .tht Btate. - U'tt be aot rifthej ' . . , . .." - " annmpnat.on for the rebmldlnfof the Slate lfnnaw tavilt Stat wYaaiwat 1naw tkw at .fl w w - mii u imv ihw iiv mr VI Commonf M efriM A dehi arow In tbt Hoar, of Comaaoa. on .'kill to hire A , .'it nut free Mroi for eotta aad charfea wbtre ,h? .,luMiW .rBtoed .in erim' ,ml b' unawe or nwii.iof to pay mtna lta pattafe b 'A'- ! Uf nry anil onpoaea oy Hat wood, Gaaton, uai and Uebane. It Is said to bare bsaa the ablest debate bicb has arisen In that body tbia s- ... . 1.- k-.n emon. Our preteni e'ee'fd t Tbs rote waa foe Stoke 91 for Kfaijehiid and aerel scatterinf. . air. Caaton baa introhicd a bill into tht Moua of Comtioiia for' thv purnott of Ineo.. poratirg; a ctntrat tail-road company. It it thoutn that it 'ttt pnaj.v Cy Tbe Fuasinaae'a Mtaatfe bat iwlu. tied saucb orlgiual and reitcallantous matter from our present paper Our readers Vill ba ! amply JumpanaaltdboNrtrrrfur ll t .. . . ... , . I eeitUir that iatcreatinp document wiinr. The lezitUturcB f Oe-reia, Virrirla, Ten - ntaaet. MUaitaippi, NewJtrwy.and Alabama art 1 . . j - .1... aU now ia aeatioo. Laws ought tt be dg tltap. ICT Tbe Hon. Andrew Btephtneon bw been 1 a M 1 11 m nKu. re.eloted Speaker, tf the Itoute of Represtn- tativc. - , . . ... fey Root, Ilarbaad Steam Doetor.has been rtcciTttd. Haahall bate a bearing A our Ajtain. t atk the people 'of Sallibnry, wbb ncxt. " haa bten more forward and more active, nn all , 1 oecationa, ia deviaine; and promoting pU'.a for -C0C J,. the itoodoftbe Townf Let the people of c wt,., f'.ani w - ,,,h,3, snier thit,-rnay, they hate anawere Fo ma Wasiaajf LAiomtUS. - . ,t by nln fct th p,',, mnj Jtfe. Croif , - . ' ..... ,3oni, .-w.;-p ' , During the weak of our ceonty court a it a Ume, then Mr. Craigt, that meperpfe piece appeared 1n the Journal aigied Spec- hoti!d know tht achemet made of t pros tator" which mmor attributes to the pen of a tratt MFUher, and alto, the men engaged in -noted personage, who it not a citizen of N. jt tn xtT motiessl They have been defeat Carolina, nor Indeed of any other State in 4h t nn t0 tne prmnt time", tad thef will ajwtyt , Union. Ut Occationally. , owever, comes b defeated, but atiB they ongbt te. be drag amoag ut, and baa the vanity tn think that be to light, and unlet, tbeir ptnecmion , toon hat some infiueoce over the public mind.., Hit hev shall ba dratred to lirht. from. piece at the time it made iU appearance, waa not considered of tufBcient importance to merit a reptvt bat aince it baa beenjrepubliihed in a Faveiteville paper, no doubt oy tpeci. re-i quett, it may not be amiat to notice it, more at UngUt than you did in your last, not for the purpose of refuting itt argument for argument it nat none, dui 10 cxpoat ut iuu 7 anu auaw The Snectator" aavs, that wbea tht dea of a central Rail road, waa first suggested by know. red at , s. " Carlton" it wat " tneeraa at by ait tbt tno inn, ..nea. That it mat have been tneered very probabltt but it never warmer eevte wW be sneered at by any enlightened man who hat the inteeea. a J welfare ojT.be State, at heart- by tucn man at tne autpor 01 - apeciaior n All admitted that the central railroad wat7" the only plan of internal imptovement that State, and make u. protoeroutathome and respected abrbl. 1 ' .u.. !. Ik. anrV Inn macrni. 6aent, for our means aod th.refiirt were ; ,.,,.! to a-oinf into it wben first proposed. i"Bue venerable author of the plan, poet. -J,oacpb 5 university, wmcnucu mw practicable. The fact it, ha had a trip to r.urope wnere a in tuccetsiui operaTmn, anu i on the subject. That he waa right j and othert wrong is now clear.-! be ...r,,.ht..l iiair.ntititi never will." 1 Uttf .fyi M l SpciWotV it jatMt'il - 1 ' . . Of """"'M ' til I r,. .. t.t '.r-.j... ,. ,f if,, ,r 'ir V I - Hif , it O.I l.l 1 pt , f ',;t d r r.r, (n ft I f f.'"ifr.f ,K ".-, K.-'5 r ir.i-' -f '1 j ... !,? ; 1 (ff ,i .1 li(ti.rk;f .flrn.i.i ii r , I'.n iiiii-nt uf ''t Wf.i rra ,1 (.jf," r,'Titfrnmn I Hum' J i r..,4 u. fTf?''- rt J fel t -.'in pe'it-n U p,niit, fc I rp. .i,, h (?, ..ifrrti r it l li pramtAr 4 b IS ? I v v "' "Wc''ff t! 1 yi (r ffN r.f endrr f'i'rtrf,...wn Hint wsf dm 9tgh 1 tm 4 t ul ejil rfjln to th pj w a te ritu ir n.M n drttior. ih U, P' irlrht jfit a ccxmfu. " f m Cif.a Tear njit ant tint IftUy wW tt itk m (i a ru iwai we wvul4 f J'b ihrm to rtmof a lha artf f pftraintnt. Tha u iS watfj tat w baa "f tai out? Hhy, we m- hint fnm Pktrigti, ikit the Cast fv aumbara, r iniijr f 9 19 f.r m Umatismvvuuhf i)m , n(lepinMtforrriiMtnf (!iaSialaIlcut ni ty will not have a rmerkl !). Is him iXi I mAmmnrrt f iLm tl'.-t tl.. I hte la a jrerat deal of truth i- ttn rtitiark tf Mr. Sai, when Hrt,-that ilia Caoe feat ' rirhf ra ar wWihr. to ttietr Ion Nl'ati by the West, but w4 tut ittp 04 19 wit b . la e n'her fInt tt Iew hat It en tU'tri the bKcrett of tbt Waf ta bar ihf a I H t t 11 M aai mmm.J tM..-. ' II Thtre iaa.htr'reaik i.lh. .ui. " pftaor at tht aamt Ume that ll WflttWI o. ' v f anJer-tood. but for the tut pr H,nC abit. To bt plaia 1 an attempt Laa been taj q pro tl l"fw, bat Cbarlea fiau.-, vr membar, lotttMblamrttine toaMfelcit'oa fo.akeV New, nothi,r eat b. mere ,klle. utoua tbaw tbia mnpuaiikw. How ecuM tlal awMief petaibly benefit Mr. fihrf I can .uj Z$LZt J& ,4, Mr.ri-herNld ea aevrnJ (wiiumni. I that be ernretd the meetlnr at 8'aatbter't weold df-reat oi elation, end lit five ttia ret toi-n aaid iaat h wnuU aiarat tbr Fr'e. fillf and Cape Fear ntert, an that bit eee mm about 6alibiiry, wmibt tp'te bold tf u to prodnre4sbat rRVet, but tetalthifandlof tbit Dosaheotrtesewed4fobumananiiawja Independence fDW ot ,bt FjtHtiB In f tMaaj tntHi aiali!!Blf tiifla Ka saall it aarAatl.4 I k.nt ."- - ' w w a view thf. w,rd in fcatiaw Mm a. tkr; sin u ttU JL ' . , 1 mwi wi; itowiow aw wniut Uaa htm marls unon tht mcetnt in .hUa. l?,0 ir'T:' i!p r"' " rilj" nil.V Z....:,'! KnTb7 - tpteViVw 'no. i.ota I kg with bina, I !' ia time that tht pubfo aliould be ""OMed wl h the real persecution that hat been aril .n!lU earned on aKlnt mt Torna. mat, Mr. Tuber, partirulariy by certain mti) ia tbe' Weatern part of th'a I'att. and ibe men enaf ed in i abmitd bt ooinird eat, and their motirtt laid bare. Tou knoa them Mr Cral(et tor you hate bad a aproimea of their bitttrneat The chiaeniof Baliabury and rata nyoftheeit'sarsof Rowan, brpn t under ttand the fame offr.1 play that ia foinf on; and tbt authors, aider, and abaUert will, ia Uia tad, reeeire.belr reward. 1 It is net my parpM to talof iae Mr. Finhet) for be does not aland is seed of it, but allow a to atk vbera H .nn man in North-Carilina, whe in the cooneili of the LicUlaUirt, for thai last tif bt or ten yiart, hat mart unifumlv and more ataWaN tupporUd all public mctatiret 1iH)kinjrto the honor ai4 frnaneriiy of the 1 Itate than Charlea ruber f Where ia tbt tnan V VT fw C'UlhfTia Ibt W. BO . i" bt Wettern n.rt of tbe State, .ho bat been a traef Weed tx ht in area of tbe was M mnM .wu -,rti that lBir,t tha x lie naa aonc r : , .IT we eotre wa te ear 0 wa Connty. 1 aa J - - lha aavatai a.ka ftuaa alaaa tBBL..am t.m tksa wntjrax 1 lire nnan wuviraeaunv nrlW ir (iia c, bBtb befrt and tinet tht di.nnl thanC. Tiabtrf If lhart be neb a man, will von And hiT amenr tbe present repretri;ttivea. I of Roan, or, amoof any, of bit political ene4 I . a V ' . (na pr;me Kartr down to tbe Cttle agenta that j0 tb jy worK Q the dark. . .. ., .A OITISBIT. - Firm DAVIDt05hCoC5riTrrNr-tr- . JYeio rinHE subieribtri hte entered into Copi?y' JL tnership, ander the Firm of Hfily ly Hunt, in the Town of Lexington, DatidtoH 2Mh wllfZr bnek bouse?Acrtb Wt of of Mr. Henrr tlumpbrey's, 1 bought ttaf elegant tbe Cmtrt-Hoi; , alto that tpleai ' . tl,,. ofUtarr XJfli3 I 1? 5 '? nlm??!!!l?i53l wA f Pttreb"; . 1, ' ' I T win oi. rail ivw mi sibuim whu U'ul pleatt to sfive at a call as no peine will hft iiparea on our pan 10 give general tautJaetion. j p. a. All kind of country product will ba taken In ticbangt for goods. 1 . Dee. 17. 1831. JOHN H. UKM.V, ANBREw HUNT. lVoticea few reamt of writing paer for sale at fbaar OiBce, at R3 50 per ream, afcw!.,remt,aftr Rti and a few reami o WWpiiJfl at the a! '-l4J J . t 1 - ,

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