pnnvnv. Flo xn VWmMjrof Uxio. FRIENDSHIP Xj thrrc a ciiAmn on tnrUi so iwrct, i cliAmn on earth v iwrct, I 'which warina tha glowing heart, lri'd friPtiiit r-nch olhor Kmt, I Ui farewell l'dowirt) . As that v f Wjioit kind Or give the fircwcll 1' dqwirt ' Frir-ndHhip ! rich guest, to thee we owl i . ' Full half the milling j)S of Iifn j Tliy KK'thing balm relievos our wb, -. AnJ buries envy, wralh, and strifo , "Ti thoil can'et quell the angry atorro, . '.' '.And fill tha pawuons of the breast ' A vcinui worlJ Irom vice relirm, ' . And Luh the troubled mind to rcL Oa thee, as on a bod id down, -, Sorrow our swoon ita team away t k ' Thy charms dispel the sullen frown. ' ' And bid the child of grief be gajj """YesTcctille pa rtaerr eboa ring fjpnC That strews our path with sweetest joy, Thy nilc can make the .mourner blest, And enyy'a fiercer shafts destroy. II. v;. . .r .'--j'-- ' Tio rnc E.tcttinwAJi's Micaiise. - ;V THE DEATH BED. - 4 "' W watched her breathing through the ' .night..' . ". , -,i v - Her breathing toft and low, ' A in her breast the wave al light '' Kept bearing to and fre t i V'flb mlenlly we eeomod ta speak--., jv - So slowly moved abut I ; t, ''.';,, KVa wa had lent her half our powsre, 'I To eko bar living out T ' ,i)ur ?ery hopes believed our fear ... , Uur fears our popes Iwued .- V And sleeping when aha died I . ' . . ' or when the'morn came dim sl asJ ; i Aodhiu with earthlr aliowara, . ' 'tier quirl fjelida closed aha had -" STANZAS. IT XI. HAKKIIT XtZZT. . Doubt, when radiant pearb are shining, TKubt, when clamping hands are twining, Ptubt, when honied worda are flowing, Douht, when blushes warm are glowing, , But never doubt that truth sincere "That glistens in the starting tear. ' fl)oubtli when mirthful tones invite thee, . 3)oubt, when gravest hopes delight thee, Duubt, whale'er in fondest, fairetit, Diubt, what e'er ia brightest, rarest, . But never doubt that truth can lira In hearts that sudor and forgive. ; JOHM BULL'a GULIIIILITT. The mod Ttraorrliniri intin rr. nerhana on record, of the gullibility of Loo. jdotitn, is tu be found in the arry of Bule-Coi4ttror Allowa cut 'hsthe would creep into a quart bottle, , The feat was to be perform ed in a public T'eatrei without trick jor sleight, in the hocet bona fide way. It might have been upp sed that the extra vagnncc cf the .Surdity Voold create a laugh j but to what country under heaven could such a jrc poaal have been taken in erfaest ? jLong before the hour, cf the curtain's tiling, the house was crammed to foffocation. At length .the. hoaxer Biade his' " Every eye was cpt-ned every mouth was shut. Ladies and gestlemeu,. said the irag. ' I hare searched all the tav rna i" L ndon for a quart bottle, but 4o oo purpr se, however to coarltf y u 4"or your disappointment, if youMcome t)ack to-morrow night, I'll go into fint bottle-!' The fellow of course, of ted. immediately to fini&hiog.hia address, and the audience, instead of Jaughing' at themselves and one a no - ber, actually destroyed the whole io- f erior r o( the theatre, because a man about five, foot ten in his stockings, Jd, promised them he would creep fnto a quart-bottle, aud had not kept fita word I 1 .... 1 . 1 . Among the - many mistakes -.into whicK f reignefs bavbceh betrayed, trheo learning the Eoglisn Ligu-ge, the following, which recently occurcd, js Dot the least whimsical; A young Cerman. wishing to cqun eleemce. s well its correvtnei) ut phrase, -t;d idol lik;g : the meaning of the term puf out the gandKused the word extinguish.'. A few days "".after trards, dog a .uoyed the young fore 5gtr veri mich, on wliich, turning to wis servant ordered him to cxting isuish dat dog." y' A srorthy burgess was asked atone of the late elections, if he gave his vo:r from pure motives. Oh, jrt Soctv cried biirrpki". tor I' cot' as Bt t1 Vjv hi io 3 B vor it, as cycr I . . 2. BlumcniuiyPicvr Uesiraim', Vim l.'jtwtSi r i'tjf, 4 Uh'tfnm I btl- r 1 1 i C , J r J "J r.FFX'TFUIXT Inform tic puMIc, that ht hislo d himself at the Mnsinrt CroUn. He pridumcl in Europe er ted ss surfrron in the iicspi'sl sf'er the battle of Wi j loo, ind was circled Ship Surgeon on his oyigc to A'nerlcf for three hundred pauenr r. , , . , XIECOTJT.TEIT tATZOZT- . I, tha uidelRn. cspttin' ef ha ship Amphlirlte, from Amsterlrnt Uitlf sr riredrst this dty with ihrea. hundred tafngertt herewith certlfr ihet Dr. A. Bkiraensu. during the long voyage of 75 dayst hss treated the Ick wfh the cre eit csrei and hss proved himself in, e vers reipecVssa very humane, msn and skilful physician and lhsUmt. of seven tr six only two have l!e d on ta vMrRf. , ' FREDERICK RIDER. PHILADELPHIA, k-. ? ' I certlft ths the foreeolne Is correct y printed from the original CeriiBriia. which is reguurlf sttes'ad nerora a no tort PuhU- ft Pllidtlhia. . , BURTOY CUIOK, BJtf, SaBAurjf If. C Negroes Wanted ! rIHE subscriber ia detir .us to puiy 1 chsa, number ptMiailOnS without . a y limlf during the oext twelve m jothi. Any perscn hiviog such ftrrjertv for tale would Jo well to apolr trt the aubscribe r before they male a sale, lr they msy rest assured that he will pay the m'ov liberal pricea InCdSlf. : JAMbb HUlli. ' N. B." All letterV addressed t the anhscriber will be atrrnded to as puncT tuallv. as If applic. tion was mde io Drrirm.-- In n'u . abscence T RoattT Huit ? will i anend to the business, rr in his abstence Ma. Rttvrs- the PosuMistcr, wil', wh? n author, ised f make rxhases at all timra. SantburnMay 51. T2tl CIMMESTOX and CUERAW. TIIR 8TF.4M FOiT MAtON 4 .C ? SSSMMaiMMM WW J. C OR A HAM having bten erdlss "summer. in run i f tM . en ChHtlrs'on slid ie ravcallb'K u' Geo. Town on her rntv up and down, will resume h'er Trips in the course of a frw days and i intendc d 'i be continued n the trade the ensuing sea son . Hrr exceeding light draf of Water dravipir when loaded only sbout four nd a half feet wter will enable her to resc h jh ersw at all tirnea except, an unrom mon low river, hr o her t vrtro will be J. B CLOGH. CSerletton Stftt. Jfl. .831. N B. She bs cornfortable ac mo da tions for a frw piSJrnjrra. 91 f J B.f. hi OF DANIEL CL1RY Dcc'd. TTAVING qualift d, at N'-vemher JL J. Sessions of Rowan County Court, as Administrator of the Es tate f the ite Dai'iel CUrv, dccM., I hereby request all persons haying chims against said es ate to present them lor payment legally authentic ted, within the time prescribed by law, or this notice will be plead in oar oi their recovery. All persons indebted fry the estate are reque iteq to come Toward and make immediate payment; JAS. DOUGHERTY, Admr, with the JV00. ?5lh, 1831. Wanted ' WILKES fcoiFirTT. ,' Court of Picas and Quarter Session, v : , , orroftxa SEsaioys,-1831. N EVVEL FORTNEK and others B in Brns and . others 1 Pe i itviu tor a distmutive hare. . Whereas i' is maAe to appear to, the Court that Ed w.,rd Bams, James Barns. Joshua B rns, Elijah Bams, Susannah Btrns, Elizabeth Former, Alias Bams and Rolert Mitchell or ome of lhem rt non r",dnta of ,h,s C wt that notice Tbt uiven for six wct'ks in the Western Carolinian to said non residents that' f hey be.. and appear ji.. our next Court of Pleas nrt Quarter Session, to be held for the County of - Wjikes a: ihtCourr 'louse ir Wilkesboro , on the fifth Monday yin January next, then and tnere, to make themselves panics to said petition ; 'otherwise it will be heurd x pat rertrto them and judgment ano de cree entered sccorrting'y 4 4 R. MART1N, e w.c c. f. m .,' I 1 i i ' I 1 1 ! l A ar "ry oew.p iwi, . ea n.noa, nsm . kxptcoiiaaflyfweaiUajatiffic I . 1' 1111 ,( 7 tl IliU I v w ' ' - v-. - - . - HA.C. APKKTT k LKMliV ie i re , odcUrMo l!l td "in'er "i-i; snd Ke York TUeir io k ctous of aInio trrr ' snlrlfl uuily kpt i stores In this prt of the cuniry, an " hi h thsy are deterroinca to sen Chesp 1 rtll 4 til ta call kramlna their aisorttnen' hear pi.e A pgr foMhttn.elus I Date smnioii pvr-" l jkTKR? bU atrvicri tu Ue pub! ss V COMMISSION Mt.RCil.tXt rOnif'JBDlAO AQILST, Ha Is provided ti'r'f omranJfi'OS wire huuses forst iting Cotton aid other pro duce, apd proposes nuking liber,) sJvn ces. when fMVitstrd.. He 'wlirocrttpir ootoffhr D' t. k Trnemcnts East of ts Plsnirs H 'A A fo" ot supply of . . GROCERIES ; will be kept Inn htni, aJ an orders from heiouTfy pWH attcrxl'd 'o. r faffttfvU.f, Dei, 1 8r 1 8 3 1 800- .-.NOTICE. rp:CxmriCiTis,lir tuny seven 1 r.rii'i I'm (pit 'l i-f Juint Stoes in the S-ate . B.r.k, of North Carolina, in ha rsm of Thorny O.kes, seo. ol Rowan Count v N C. having been mis tslrl.; Notice Is therefore hereby een. to all pet sons e- .eemed, the I shall epi My o the Pre-I 'ent oftreesid Bmk, ei ther in person or by Sg,enS to issue du plicates thereof-'"' ' ' - ' WII.M4M Y L0N0 Jtifiit'ftralor rif , the -':-r-. FsJ lC Qf TWKMAS 1210 OAKFS. tnt , deed. : noTEk AS b'AreoTfd for T TAJ ri . short time to the II use in the rear of his new establishment which is let in an unfio shrd state. He i prepared to afford usul accommodations to his frienda and old cutorn-re, 3t? v J03. G00DMN Cumdcn. S, C To the Public. J. SCOTT k A. Vf. BRANDON hv irR dissolved th'ir partnershin in e business estabiikhment of Chera. All peraoos indebted to Scqrt It Brandon BfTharptKrirf-rcqursted io mak piyT mrnt, nd all persons, having claims to present them for par men t. Badness roniinued ss heretofore by Brandon and Srott at Warfeabnro' where on'be had for cash or country profuse in exchange, all kinds of F-nr Gnods Groreia kr, (,n the mos- lih"r terms Oct. 33 1 131. ) J SCOTT. 94 f A.W BRANDON J SCO IT vi:. UithttiHthe In- erestofA W Brandon in their con ctrn (So't k Brmdon,) at Cneraw, l! be happv lo supplv all Who m y want Goods on good terms, cither bv whole sale or retail with Dr 0 ods and Groce ries of everv description. In all instances sellinR for Csh or country produce. The Hjfhest markei'prire mlt be given for country produce in Cah or enrinifr for Good. - JNO. SCOTT.' October 33, 1831. 94'f All produce intended for the Charles ton marke' or to pass thrnuch the hands of H. W Conner k Co. Charleston will be carefully stored .md forwrdid. elso prckagea of every kir d from an? quarter of the world ferried and forwvri'd to ordrr by JNO SCOTT. Jgent at Cheranof H. W CONNER &C V7. s. jnsg, ATT0l-V.K AT laAWa "STWTILL practise, in th C'Mirtsof thi C. imly WW iy, , Uavidaon, Mi-ck'enbr & Cabarrus. Ilia uftlce is a lew doora below t. c l)in Honfe Octaaer BtA. 1831. , y:ft Runaw at ON tha 10th of September last, from my plantation in Jones county, ti, n groca, one named WASI1N,T(., bim' 2? jr-ars of ago. a ver bright mulatto,--on ' one of Imtids there ia a tear ocen lioned bj u eiai be- til chanire h a name and endeavor lo paa tore free men. .-The other' named JOHN, a common mula'to, ab-mt 3li years of sge, very intelligent ( he will probably jwa aa the aen ant of Washing. oil, and Ink name. K reward ot 25 Dollars will be given for th delivery of either in anv jail, noMiat I can get them. JAMES LAMAIt. October 164. . 42t irif'The tieorfian, Savannah; tlie Telea. .'ViuiiiuM. ' . j i omi lliuiinillliu ( oiunhi.i Uoui lorota, anu men torwwu lutn u-'t. .. tol itiAa. cm. mm V " ' (J oo th ! tt.,un lt mi s toumrr raia.l hh .e putual de.lm. The pubUc are reCeetUy qetted ta rU J yU sndTia yTsae. m"tea a ' oi best eaatwlmlm, m.I U a tipt"r ityU fcf srnrk- -..--i.u ll.rinr a vrrr urr woc 01 i m . kkml nd bslnl dctermWdta SU It t rrdticed priers merchant! wowtj do veil to ..a m lim ml ret their tuppir. - f m r O u. Core'. rrjr'e.rfa'Dra- itnov, Oeeswai. and Woul, Ijketi in etchaogo, i Calanba tend for Safe, - PURSUANT toVpatltioo ld In tha Court oi Ettitf foi Uncln county, u, liiirW; H.ynr, Hirrtat F.yis and S.rah Hatae.lnfaoth by their Guirdlan, and In obedienca li a darrea of laid Cotirt. I hU sHI, at Publk Auction, be fore the Court Hooks door hi Llncolaton, on the ITih day of Jsnoary nesf, ( ka Ing Tueaday of I ha County Court,) a isluaMfTrsrt of Land, Iflng la said roon'y. nasr the BuITmIo Shoals, on tha Catswba rlveri containing about 320 eras. i ' ' ' ' ' . The sbova land ll represente-J to be firtt rate ss to soil, and will timbered, with a small improvement, and about 3S er 39 cfcs of fresb cleared ground. Persons wishing to purchase a good farm would do well to view the premis es, and attend the sle ' - Conditions one and tm aoyers credit brnd nd spp-ovd security requited . By order of the Court, I JNO. D HOKE. Clerk and Matter Aott 15, 1831 ' Joseph Conrad, I KF0RM3 ibVciiixetis of SalHbnrv and thVpuo'ic (renerrl'y trial he has com- menrcd the Cbinct Business on main street a frw doors last of the Court House, where he will be happv to aMeod to "II orrr rs for work in Ms line. Those who may want Furniture, would do well to call ad see hit- He has severs pie res now finished, snd intends to kcrp s general asormrnt on hand, made of Ma hoitanv and M-ple, Walnut, kc. Hiving a lar(r supply of the above timber on hand, well aeasonrd, he as surra all who may firour hira with their patrnoage, that he will make them good euhoantial work, and at prices to corree pond with the times. Orders for furrit ura will be prompt I r attended to bv Nj than Parks, who attends lo this establish mrnt, or myself in Lrxingtoo, Davidson Ctuotv. 3 i Mitbwry Dettmber tt. 1831. 1 tolfEMALE BCflOOU jo fTl HE health ot (tie female teavher in Staresvill' ia so far restored as to justifv the belief that the exercises of the School in that pla'-e will be renewed on the first day of Januarys -Branches taught, t0' 'rrms f 'i ion a fa.merlf St M A C4LDWELL. Tir 8-,b in Sa'.ai ,ber;he - (S-'.a i aacheo ury N. C. on Monday the 3ml o Ja .tianr 18.12. Kate's f rui'waj For the earioya branches of EnelUh Education g8 per aeaakia (of re monttia) For a!l the braoahea. of a elaawest Miitation prerarttory to admlaeion into College gtJ per session. 3 4 ROBERT ALLlRONi SALISBURY TRACT DqmUory. The Saiibury Auxiliary Tract Society, hare Just received at their depository a net aupplv of 1 RACT embraoirjr til ttir Snciety'a, pnb licet ions from No. 1 to 235. Which will be Sold at the parent Socittva prices vis. J5 pages for 1 cent, or 1500 nagea for gl. AL?0 ON HAND, s 16 Bound Volumes, 2 sella, g 44cts. per. Vol' 10 Pc'saawres to earily piety 32 1) Genu, Sucred Po try 18 . 3 do morocco, 37J 10 Daily Text 2 3 do rtorocco, 3 1 10 Masons Crumbi 12 2 do morocco, 31 10 Dew Dropa 10 -8 do-morocST25 ' 100 Hir.d Bills 1 00 ; Do .iridtr V Rise U Trogress 2 nx:er' Si'm'.i It. at 37 J 200 Nt Series Children's Books, 50 H 2d do 00 tX dd do 1.50 V) 4 th do 1 ?5 50 '5th do 150 1 Sett Children's Vol. 1.62 MICHAEL BROWN, tgettt. Dre 9th K.ll. Commilled. TO the Jjil i t Lit'.colo County n the 10th ol August, 183T, a nejr m .o, about 25 years ot age, 5 Icet 5 inchea' hil, xell formed, he Speaka polite. -I Ir has a sc.r on his riht Chech, he calls hiimelf Nicho demus, -in H say he belongs to Na. than el H ps m Iredell Cuun.y, Nortl, ..d Eu(,ui.corae Qr , .r(if prore prpt.rtv pmuohvndred poimds of first rdz c... toch"r"s '''d rake him a war.- 13 I 1 VorlJlCrnMoj) &igViKit tAj ar-Hin: owner is resquisted V iAUU fiJClaNiiADT, Jailor ni;;i:G oivNEOi-'vjr.a" WIIJ, !.. tw. ?, u . C.-.if U,K14 ti -,'ir, u S.iuWy.f.ri M. i IJki 3oil r! 0 J "i..'t r't. f r . . f;i:vi;N an kicht, , hikclh Negroes, brlonjttog to the estate a FrtderlAi Ford CM . , i M at the sarae.ina and pi.i - il Ke SOLty a likely youws JWaRO HOY, kfwu tcntv one years of , of Kood mur charic tt bclon:;i.ig to said Eafate, fh, ld boi is stwt and healthy nd a'gosj Farmci'l . Carpenter. Terms known on ths da v of sale 44 . JOHN FORD, Mmr, To Saddlers ; :; - .AND. Harness-Makers. mllKSubstrfters wish to mpU . one SadJlcr and two Harney Makers of Steady and Industrious hahl Ua. :JOIIN V, HILTON. : BENJ. J.'OAKES. Oct. SIX 1831. p5tf THE PLANTER'S AND FAttMEIUr AL&tANAt.K-S, rosmc Uiu or on 10x9 I 88 3, pALa'LATEfJtor tho Mfredi.nrf r Bakm, r. t. niitt roceired in-l fo, K!e at this Office. - f rice 10 cents sing! 1 u vxina uwtaciu rpiIE aubscriber still continues to A make the above 3Ichlnea sod leepa t tupply constantly oo " hanj which he will sell low f,r cash orna credit to punctual dealers. Ilel ic. wise intends to keep 00 hand stood sopplr ol COTTON GINS, and ha will also repair the same t" order, fid ' E. P. MITCHELL Salisbury, May 1 1 st. flllUCSubrerib-rhaaj.istnpeft H mA WRE Bit ai Pvl v - asj LwHes' rreoetla BOOTS x L.J. bail JoXfU do i Lavaes beat quaT. 1 offce.iskio li nars. GENTLCslCN'S Uper DOOTS, hica vita bia stock already ea hand, renders his auuni meat very coesplsie- Jawiary, Dee. &4 IW '(tf APPRENTICES WANTLD. mWO or -THREE appreaices t the Carriage M king busincii, of good -moral Tbaricterv frciirtwrlvr tir stxteen years of fre, will be takrr by, ltf HARRIS fj SHAVER. Salisbury, JV. C. ,.: NOTICE. ALL persona indeotcd to the E?te ofOro & vite, decd.sre h'trb? requested to come forward snd m te par men t, and all persons bating claim against the said Estate sre requested to present them legally authenticated, with in the time proscribed by law, or tiiit notice will he plead in bar of thoirre . r ar a n m wm ab covery. W r-AltlLb,- n. yviifl.'. s a rniu .xi r lift. Dex. 6th aSSl. 3i2 State of North Carolina, Stokes Corirrri In Equity Oct. Term, 1831. Cesrrrna Lcsa Administrator of Geo. Hur, dec d. " OriRinsI Bill, to . t. f. T. Ilur. U others : ) payment of dtti. thit ce it bfinjr, ihewn tdhr sati-'sd'oi' ol ih- Otirt, thst eamuol T. Ha'isrr, nne ol" the defendants in thi case docs not r.5 within the limits f this State, it il therefore t.r- ArrA lli.f niitt'i.tflinn h made fur ail ('"' In the Weatern Carolinian printed a Sali'bun. tharnnlrw e Lpprarar-mrnettefftt "jr tvto be hnl-len for S okei County, at the Grunt Home in Germanton o- the third monday a ttr the f6urth mondav in March next and pic1 ,n" awer or At mur, tbe bill will be taken p'O cue feo ajrainat him, and the cause set dow if I.... .'.no- ..n.ri. r. .r frnm minutes. 6:5 JOHN U. IJLUM, X WAGOONKRS, Driving to FayellcviUc, ISTILI. find it lo their advantape, to stop s) TV the irafm Yard. ?TA tbe line an Yard. y ntince i wnce is provided for Man aaTrtUe,'0-" m comfort able, at themodcXtc charge oi ls a day' and night, for the -tt u thrr crnn aay ami nigoi, ior uic , Yard, the uie of a jrood houit.-, fire. Jfr -hellor. Attached to the Yard, are a 0rcc nd Provision Store, Bread Shup.aod LoM' ionary, and a llous for Uoardeu and l-wf"? in a plain, cheap, wholesome and comH"1' ,vle. FiiHWe.ylallK2. f For Sale. vjficc J'

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