. : , ' . . ; . ' Ll 1,1. mi1" -' "'"""" Ti r 1 ""I"'-i ""- ,... U. ' . -, - f- i iii - ' It n nrn hik iu '.vfim lw, tfl.l no rr -('i,n - i i iU krtof t!,. r !r f'"!'y 'nil f,r.!!irj t.r, f I nil rtiacU t , !.? the m.hUitr ( 'iMj'i,liljr UicK, ku .'! I t , I iikd'An rcrMote, 1t, mU' V, (.Admitif, 1 flAUsptrur.uowA.N county, n. c...."..V....mi)av, nice. w, ten V fVUf, XII.....Mr CC3. 8 Tiff !Jivo f y '6 eu e in th T ' Caebv'sV, Lba, Tbi!. ! adalphia; 1331 Tiiiiuew iwwl frorajhl pea of our countryman Coorrn wtil -.wiofltwL laurel for kirn. Jt i fall of dra tnatio intert "hair breads escapn toinuteJ and hutling fcenni. on the (V piU. n tt&e priaona, tu' 'bo Ilia! to, in the Adriatic, and in the lred4 ,f Vcaice. T.i8 pbN of the were! Tril)'Jii!,t!icctwn. ierpl jU of Dm Carailb, l!e iagular act ol Ju-oro tlw B.-iva, hi wcccm io rescu. jfni Djiuj Yijlctu, are ail dvscntad 19 !iat iuhin tl and Unr-we l-ir which ilMner wcharactemeJ. In pcturtu th 'iflTcmcsiti of t! Gondola, lis author ycruliarly f;ljo;toii wtiwwvcr hi dis. aurc otcenw on ika water, Le i per fcctly at horo Tbo character f th! Jlrao U a lingular compouai of fuiuity ai art-Cl recklcMai'M an J aajacity f neronitr and fllj bravary and -raknci. 1fhe great aim of the author ia to ' jiv a pictara oftlio Venetian oligarchy Ibair acl&ahiP hir cruelty tuir art tUeir coll b!oodd inhuuiaitityaad their reiMied rpwca of MechiarelUnu - The ccne la which Jacopo undergoc-i an ex mn'nation befuro the three Graai Ivynt itort, t extremely well managed. 1'Ue m mj ir w'ft'hich the character are drairn ; nut, kwpa up aa btcme iuterc!. The fcrmtmtiou however, of the plot, U alta. iffthcr unsatUfactary. " The holioa of "poetical justice" a it la called by the critic, i entirely tiolated-Allej being ot"rtained with the effort and cuery aal art of a hero alter keeping his cam. ptty in rarioue hard ruha aud hazard hij advnatare, it i quite inolancfvily tn find hi-n coolly boheadol while the less inter ting personage of tho talo are happily Jisptwra ofi - , Thi novol of "The Dravoii Cooper's Drst oo n In a nrjr c!as. Paul Cliirrd vu a moo j the firet of thi kind which at inc'ii great attention.' Jhe Draro as da? Paul CiiiDrd containe fearful pic furM of the destruction of human fight an I huim happinc, by vicious system of irerament an! lawt. The effect of. T J lavra end aristocratic authority, are Jhcwnti lead to private crime public Yob'jery and Violent ends. Cooper has -m-U aa admirahle-acciioiLPf Jiitiopleg, "hi plots, hi characters, cVc- to catch the p-)jular feeling at present existing in Eng. . land; and the Braro will undoubtedlj be tery. popular acro?a, the water, here it only reuaires to be known to be read with tho utmost avidity., , ' la vivid description of jtlacet, erahnu tin? alike n&turo and artt Coer i ini miUolc, We. find ia tho 44 Bravo? raa uy-fhii moat exquiaite touches.':" For i!ve,wo oover rmol a clear, di. li v.t jthlrmcnt ifthe locality of enice tin I canals, until! we rea probably the rraion hy the Luntiji ceve'r htVd vh'e '"'M I.ave a mure deter mittd chMctcr ?,! r, they sre of irrcatrc ,n ar .11 the description ; and we give vnnler & full conviction that all who have not iited tho 44 Island City" will derive 1h'.i picasuro and instruction from the pe lml of it : Cour. Enj. T-T? city of Venice atands o'ii clus ter, f -lowr-aacdv - UUnds. It p ')! e ha ine cmjn'rv- srhich was newest to'the jjulf, i' not the wVIc of lh- i-nnense plrti i FL)mbardv itself i$ of til vial f ro iti fl. Wnatevcr m v have b-e thi origin of that sviiic an;l fertile khgl"nTi, thiC i'ues which have given to the L tonnes ihcir rxis tence, and to V -nice unique ai'd pic turesque foundation, nrc too .ipparewt to be mistaken. Siverd t )rren, he moutlia o! th mior streams that einpiv thrmstlves here, than at the mouth irf moit rf the other rivers. which rqgally flow' frm the Alp$ or ujb Appeiinijc into tae. same shallow sea.,' . " " ' ; ' The natural comrqucaci of a cor. rrct of river mcjiingthe; witcr of any broad Uiinj, 'and where there U no hate of rock, if the formation, at s.tion) ar neutralized, of a bank. which is technically called a bar.Thr tnuit of the union furoishes constant evidence of , the truth of hi theory, every river hiving its, bar, withenan nets that arc often shifted, or clcred4 'JVthe fresncti thj gales, r the tides. The constant ud powerful opcrati o "f the southeastern winds on one side with the periodical increase of the Al pine wreamion the other, have con verted this bar at the entrance of the Venetian Ligunes,'tot wit cession of hng, low, sndy islands, which cxten rd m a direct line, c.eirly across the mouth of the gulf. The watera'of the rivers have necessarily ct a few dun nils for their pasuge, or what it n5w a Jagune, wouU 1 since have be. cornea lake.. Aovtbcr thousand years may so far ilunge the character ul thi extraordinary estuary, as to con. vert the liianncl of the bay into rivers and the muddy 'banks into marsHrs and mcidow. resembling those that arr now scro for s many leagues in. land... The low margin of fHnd, that to trgtn, gives 11 us maritime security to the port of Venice an I toe Lagunes, is called the Ltdo di.Palestno. Jt ta been artificially connerted sod se rurtd, in mny place, aoHi the wall of the Lido, (literally the ' beach,) tnougn incomplete, like , most of the ercatand vaunted norksof the other hv-misphere,' and more particularly uf Iiaty, ranka with the tn lr o Ancmi and the scawall of Cherbourg. Thi 'undrcd little island which now con tain the ruins of wht, during the nid die age, was the mart of the Medi terraoean, ere grouped together with in cannon-shot of natural barrier. Art ha; united with nature to turn the wfrfllf to gmd actuuut ) a.id,-mt trom the. influence of moral cjuscs, the rivalrj' of a neighboring town, which has been fostered by political crc, and the gradual tilling up of the waters, by the constant, h posit of the streams, it would be diucult to im acine a more commodi u, or safer iven when entered, than that which Vrnice affords, even to this hour. As all the deeper channel r.f the ead the following ! Lagunes have been ,reserved, the city it to our readers j i'Jte raected, in ev:ry ducctt n, by passages, whan, irons ineir appear ance, are called canaU, but which,, in truth, are no more than so many small natuial tranches of tea. On the margin of thce parages, the waili of the dwelltngLarj litcrallylromout of the water, since economy of room has caused their owners to extend their possessions to the very verge of the channel, in the manner mat quay and wharves are pushed into the v reams io our o wti country. I many instances ihe islands themselves were no more than ba ,k, which were pen purpoies of ordinary intercourse. . fM TUI 0tl f UMI, , , , TV fwllowhg his be o enmnsurti rat'd 1 1 us as a "fact witter" Jrs a neighboring c uty, a widower who had acted the part of the brute and a tyri it to his wife', went shortlr iicr me uemise r ms spouse, io py his're ipi'tts to ajhuxom 'wMivr( who, li?e"tire uitor71rn"ot the best repu tation fjr suavity of mar.ner and meekness of temperi ' The following dialogue erlsurd : ' Un-UclI, Madam, '!' 'an come io ee you. ' . , Hts Vel1,you may just clear cot fjin, I .r 1 11 have r.ot iog ct do with Von, - You necdo't thioki to get me. You abased ' and 1 whipped . your first wife and 1 know, what kind of a fel low you are. Ha-Y f did, tatl if had y u, I'd "make yo toe the rrigXpd give vou tV d -d good thresajng every time vno deserved it; Btringe is it mav appear, they were united in the blissful bands of, matri mony jn thr edays afterwarda,t , Vs ever woman Jn ththumorwood; Was, ever woman tMs humor won!" htchqVfronrtHellrvrofwAhe ps, pour their tribute into the Adriric at tSi points Tnir waters come chirged with the debris of the m. un tainv pulverized nearly to tieir nri ginal elements. Rtleased-fro.vi v violence of the atrcim, 'hese particles have necessarily beeri deposited n the gulf, at the spot where they hsvc firs' becon?. vibjected'to th piver ol v r x the inrl jence ot c iunt?r- eddies, and waves, thf sn thrown into a ihm vine piles, until some of the bank- have arisen above the surface, form- ing islands, whose elevation has bee gradollv augmented by the deciy vrgetatiop.' A glance at the map will ahow that, while the Gulf of Venic ; is not literally, i i practic dly, con aidered with reference t the efTec to pr duced by the southeast wind talldl tht Btrocco, at the he d 6'f the Adri i- Thu asudcoul cjreaastance is uecom.v soDjecie "sea. UaJfr the aciingcurnnts,j aands hafr been pi li ailv hre, and on all, th-f use ol iles hs been neceary to support r S irrhfs. and public m muments, un dr wh en, in the c urse of ages, the humble spirits of sand have becq made to proan. T'k rr, a frequency of the canals, nd pert) rp-, some attention to econo my of labor, has given to by far the gr-ter p rt of the boitdiigs the facil jrv f a tpprva h bv water. But, nile early everv dwell-ng has on ?f . fr.on on a .malt .here are al ways communications bv the rear with .i... ;,-ri i v.aares f tntowh. f t ic Mi'i" " r - ... ia fmlt it n- .v bile the atra-ger hears so m i up canals of Veoice, 4,id of her streets ; atill, narrow, pav- rornmvlious, and noiseless pasa--.es, of this description, intersect a l ,he islands, which communicate with "chothey bvme.-s . ' nb,f ofbria." T;o,gh 'hr ho) Qfahocf or thfambKcf awticcl Jjscriptid -s, tna' uch of but little is A certain Sheriff be!, g " hard p'lf to" to frm Cmirt for while he " aeeking a third justice, ona .-( the 1 would leave the bench was advise-! bv a lawyer to " tye fast the two h had until he could run down a third.'' - -CWMH -s-( tOyGRESS OF THIS IT.' STATES. Monday, Dec. 5. At It o'clock, the first eession of the 22d Conjrew. was opened at the capitol. In the SeMte, a quorum lining assembled, he cha-r wsi taken at 12 o'clock, by Mrt Smitu, the President pro tem. After the presentation and re dins of the credentials of, the ne Senators, the oath to support the Con. stitution ot the Us states, was sever- ally, administered to them, and they look, their seats. A committee, con sisting of Messrs," Klo P0T hav'ng been appointed to wait on the President, in conjunction with the comroiee of lhe Ilue f Heprco- t. lives, and inform him that a quo rum of both Houses had assembled, and were ready to receive any com municatioo he rolght mkc, the Sen- te sdjourned. , In the House of Representmm npon the first call of the list, a very full attendance appeared, two nunarerj -nd one member answering to their names. Seven members onk were absent one' from M tssachusetts, one from R. Island, onefrom Pennsyl v.miri, one from Virginia, 'pe from N, Carolina, ode: from Ohio, and one 'rjm Alabama. Thereturq from Missouri has not . yet. been made, and there are five vacant scats, lnr Fl .use beinj orcaaned proceeded ta the election of Speaker, when, on the first ballot, the lion. Aridrew Steven son, olVa, Speaker of the I Jousr of Representatives f r the two last Con gresses, was te-electtfd tO that office ; the vote heing S0T Stevenson 9J, for the flon.5. R. Sutherland 54. the H-.n 0. A. W ::iffw-f 15, the Hu . JrW. Xior ASf and JO ecattcrio. On the moii n f, the II. Jeiie height,' Mr.' M. fit. Clair Cluk was u animouily re-elected, C'letk f fie II ue A 'committer was appointed, oiuthe roottAn of the Hon, Aarbo HVd, to wait upon the Itesidei.t, hi corjuncti'iii wlih a romtaittee of the S-v.atr, to inform hint that the two H futciof Congress were assembled, and ready ti proceed to bjsines. The, usual resolution V?epectlng "the supplv of membera with newspiners, was adopted jfaftc r.' wLT cb , lb t ' II o Vi ie adjourrcd, t , , . t, . y ' t,;,., Tutsfay, Dsc 0.",. ' fr.'K'mg, from the J iut Commit tee apuointed to wait ori the President of the Unitefl Btates, reported lhat they had performed ihe duty erj med them, and had received an imimation tfiat the President tvoold, at twelve o'clock, this day, make written com. mtinicatt n U both Houses of Coo gress. ) ." . ' ' i' :, PUCSHiENTS MESSACH.- , ! The communication promised by the President, was received by the Sands of Mr, Dmelson, his Private Secretary! which having been, read. On motion of Mr. King, it was or- lered that 3D0a copies of the Me- e;e, and 1 500 .copies of the accom- ninytng documents, be printed lor the us rf the Senate, , Jr : Kiaara)eij rtrt r ri i thf X.ni be so far tusnendel a io so Mrlseiae Senate, InjM absence bttht VrCf President, to ppoint b tiUoi" ' On motiori, of br Johuiop, f Kys thfl ul M'siflgc wasroramit fd t, the Committee of the .Vd IIout; on the state i.f tha tfr'rt s at.J , ten v thousand C'ipict tScre- f with, h Doca. oineiitt sccompani.it the ame, were order-d Vwbe printed, fox the, use o(' the mr,ttberi of thi Iriose. ' ' AuJ, then the House adjoivrned 'i IxlLWm . r.; ; , V Inihi? Seoate. Mr. Chamkrl nt Ur lan rhcarcd w Au-liuJ The 3ent proceeJ,tl tobsWotlora m - . t ,""3" Ch.irmn of thai Comrjlieerd Sib,f Msryland, was 4 tunc n. IUCKr nmm-ted Mo Oswald uon, Th. folio nir standing , Committers crgrani m Armi ic uonse oi GOOD. iJa aenunty-tomewhere jo.KlTiil: CaroKna abouj the fiisWig tiaie the session of the Court of Pleas, J'C ft limb of the lari-who was as moth iivuil iui hu wivi mv i - . . .wo umviw w i I" iuUi - I IIS his stature, found raach diEculty Vis.'1'0 T V,nMcyfouse lhca -werrwtathr?eleeUooof - - . which he was professionally concern- ., r. i.' en. . in tnis uuemmatone 01 jus pm fessional brothers, pointed to a roan, lying on the floor at ihe bick oFthr bar, who, if he had not tasted the en ter, had at lenst sm'lt of the cork, an. ioformed him that his services coo'd be procured by 4 ' litt Tielp ' ""Li' tie leaped tipon a seit. rejoiced at the prospect of getting a jury, a d seeing the mans length me-iur d oi his mother earth, exclVimed,' 4T' drunk 'or a juror, bu turning to thei worships tvrhape he would do for onf of the Court .9rfr nnouncet tVoirrrhrCnslrf"" On Foreign titlationt -.Messrs. Tsgc writ. VM!. Kine. torsrm, and Rcll. 0"i Fanct. Messr. 2mttb, lyler, t. SK-.ani '53ns,ont On Comment Messrs. I'orsyth, Dud .Si.-; J ii -ton, Wikins. Oi .fanufacturt: Messrs. Dickerson Cii!K-lir.. M'l r, iwa-iimwr.. On f.8TlcwT. wesr. Oeymoar, B'own, Hnoif, llmn, V'fCximn. On Mliarv Jfuirt, Mrss-s. Ben in. Br'r, Troup. CLsvaod Kne . . On theMtit'a Messrs Bernard. F HnRhuysen, Claytor, Prentiss, and Wag nn. ,7T: . : On JYarai ajfuirt Messrs iiavne, T nf B ,.tii, YeUter, nd Bibh. Oh Tubtk iMndi. Messrs. king, J is. Ilfline, BoiH-on, nd lljr.n. On Privatt tana Claim Messrs K v N.uliia, Prentiss, hujrgtes. and ILndrlcU. On Indian affjrt-m Messrs. White T P inilr xi i,Ben rrt, and Wilkiiia. On Caona.-Messrs. Ilules, BtM, .Vaudian. Brown, nd Mor. , 0 l U Judiciary. Messrs. - Murcr, llayne, Webber, IVeliiighuien, - sod firundy. , . . ; :- On the Post Ofre and fiiit fiGadi. Mcriu Omndy. E.li, HiJ, Ewing, and Tomlin.m ' 1 v 1 On Roadi and CanaU --Messrs. Hen dricks, Pit-tdtxter, Hill, Mangum, and S pr gu?T7." ' ' " 7" On Pension. Messrs. Foot, Cham hetsi Mn)nm, Burner, and Spraue. On the District of Columbia: - Messrs. C nmoers, Tyler, llolmeii, Clayton, and M: i r. ." ';:'.-' ' . OiAe , Contingent .. Fund. Messrs. Kniu u Dudl'.. nod Tomlinson. On Rnrrossrd Bills. Messrs. Bobio son, Ewi'iR, and Buckner, A Th5 S.-.iiir ih n 'fijiiirnedi HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Q v-ii otna W MrrTaYlorrt-was Resolved That Wo Ch iplaias, of different denominations, be elected by Gngress,t)ne by each House to serve during the present session, who shall interchange weekly. Mr. Ward from the Joint commit- tee appointed yesterdiy, to wait on the President f the United States, and inform him that Congress, is assem Wed, and ready to receive any com- mnnicatrhn he may be pleased to make, reported lht "the Committee bad performed the duties of its dp pointmeot, and that jhe President answered that he wonld .roike a com municatioo to the two Houses- of Con gress to-day at 2 o'clock M. Immediately afrer which, a com munication in writingwjtii received, 'rim the President of the United Sutes by Mr. Doaelson, hia private .sccj-cjaf which wv rti and took his e$Mr. Pprague 'b mitlt'J; a tt solution, ta.lmn on the Proider.t,' for informati-r in relaiiotsi to the abduction and imprisonment of American citizrns. by (he Ilritish, ati-, tiK.ruies of New llrunswitk. A mesn sage of a confidential aturr baviog Iketo received from' the PrsiidfOt of the United Btates, by Mr,, V ,tlon, his Ftcreury, the Hen . if spen' a short lime in the consideration of Ext ca- tive business. . . ... , '.', In, the House of Reprrteptatifet. ' Mr. Cokci of .Virginia, appears J 'ua took hia'seat. A messare w re ceived fr'uca the Presideot of thr Uni ted State, traosmitti. g a communi cation fmm the Secretary of State qa the liibject of the recent tensusj hich was,' on motion of Mr. Whittlesey of Ohio laid upon the table. The Speaker , presented a communication fn.m 'tho . , Secretary of theTreasurywuh th annual Report rupori the Fi'naru es. TKe rr port ; wiih the! accmpaas documents, were, on motion of Mr. "' f" Folk Jl44-Pojhe table.and iO,OOa' " Representatives.-Mr. CUmore noai-. lnat;d Willi am A. God n Mr. Con diet, l)jvid Brearley,and Mr, Jrvis, William, Robipson. f Oo s cond ballot-, Mr. Dnoo , was electedJMr. Ovrrt "i Carr was elected Pri cipat, Doer Krtpr out of five candid us j in-l the House ,procrcikd to the rlctc lion of Aistani, Dvrkeepcr, Tiur. teen Candidate tre put ii aomina-. lion and' the II ute balloted onca wlihoat arrival at a cnoiif, An ad journraeot v.en, at half past two, t okj place. Thursday, Dec. 9, In thi Senate, Mr Hayoe, leave introduced a bill to provide fow tho ettlemecu of the cldma of 8, Caro tin i for advances made t the U. States during the late war. whico was read twice, and referred to the Com mittee on Military Affairs. 1 The res olution submitted by Mr. Bpr.gue calling on the President for mforman dbn as to the abduction and imprison ment'of ; American cuttens by the British: authorities of New Bruns wick, was considered and adopted. The resolution submitted by ; Mr. Holm" requesting the President to inform the Senate whether any fur ther negotiation is comtnenced, pro posed, or intended, in regard to th North Eastern boundary; of the U. Statea, was considered, r.n d after a few observations' from Meors. Poin- dexter. Holmes and Hayne, laid on the table. The henate alter a ahort time spent in the consideration of Executive business, adjourned over iu Moodav, v In the House of Representatives. the4usittcss of thje.clcctionjaLAsiisj. tant Donrkeeper was resumed, and af ter several" ballcws. Col. JloKa JY. Hunter was elected by a vote ol 10 out 177. An order was taxeopon the motion of Mr- Taylor for the ap. pointment of the Standinj; Comrojt teea of the House. " The annual rev nort of the Treasurer ot tno 5unea S-atea, and of the Coroptrpllcrs rto- xoended balances , tpr tbe last three years, were presented by the Speaker, and ordered to b laid on the "table and printed. The usual communica tions pn the subject of the Navy Hos oital and the Navy Penaion Fund I ..II I-' .1 II..... .JW were alsrt laid ociore me uouac, disposed of in a similar manner. Tho Sneaker annourtced bus intention tc Lcall over the States in their order otf Monday, for tie presentations and -vi ck, the Howe Atljote!! 9J5 Monday.. mi ,- f - M : 17 4 h v v C I t ' ( .: .i ' f m- - i i i III ,f :: f 7 . f ' 'J 4i . t" . ' 1 x i. it j. 1. A 0 J.

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