f. i V t li.. 1 li f re - ,. . Thursday Dee. fji marina of Mr. Hcawell. the fcmjte - f ro'l'l to consider tho bill making an impropriation anl apjKintinfGumi.tf on er for rebuilding tlie Capital, In the City of Raleigh. The bill havin Uen r! th second time, Mr- SoawrU moved t CH the Mank with 83!,0OO. . Mr. Toomer moved lo amend the rootioa W substitut. tag the ram of 6100,000.. The question baits; Aral taken upon CUin Ike blank with 830,000, i! vii determine J in tbe afnrmattv--A long balAthen jniu1 between Messrs. Sea well aJ Toomor, on the propriety d making tbe apnropria. lion at (hi time, and during the discussi on, the relative daiffla of Raleigh and FavHteville, to tha location of the' Seat of Government, were tpoken of and compared- Thii debate waa taken donrn in h-Hl hand by one of tha FJitora of the . ft iter, tn4 wouM bare appeared this ,weik, but fr the length of tho President's Mesaie $ tt will ba give to our, rea-lcra net! week. AlWtbe conclusion of r. T.vtmer'i speech, Mr. Martin, rose end nude a few remark., concluding with motion to postpone the furtlwr considera tion of the biU to the 31 Monday of Kor. emher next. This proposition waa deci dcJ in the affirmative aa (Jkmi 4 Tmi Messrs Allen, Brits'io, Caldwell !anpbell, Dick, Dobaon, Elliott Gilmore, . Guim, Hall, Hill, Hoke, Hooter, Howell Kerr, Kendall, MIntyre, M'FarUnd, Mar. '- ahalhof Ajumi, Martin of Rockingham, Jfartiff of Wilke.,- Maesey, Moatgomery tlCinnf. Melehor. Parharn, Mr. Ren- chor, Slierrard, Simons, Toomer, Tytoa an-t vowrwK . . VrA'tjr. Meaari. Aakcw, Dateman, Blt, "Bsd. Drowori2. Cooper of Martin, Cu-vper ol Gates, Davenport, Pihonjrr Blaishall of Carteret, Matlwa, Mer, Montgomery ef Hertford, MtwjIt. Moye vf Greene, Move, of Pitt, Pool, Koaland, , Sraijht, Seawell, Skinner, Selby, Saed, Thouipaoii, Vauhook, Williama and Wil. eon 31. ... 8o the bill was postponed. Friday, Dec. . On motion of Mr. MtoIv, Eaolted, That the Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to enqire whether by tli exiMinr law of the State, Slare an be indicted for the crime of Perjury. The engntteed Billa to amend the 10th jtectiou of the act of Aaaenibly, chapter 997, prescribing the mode of aurveying and acUin the landa latclr acquire! by treaty from tae Cherokee Indiana ; and to . . ... S - i alter thetimeofholdulfItwpof the tarmaf for the county of Macon, and for the bet. tiir re 'uJation of the nme, were read the third time and ordered to be enrolled. Tlie Senate proceeded to consider the Bill to erect out of t portion of the coun tiea ot Curke and Buncombe, a separate and distinct county by the name of Yan aocy. Afler a short donate, Mr. Allen, mov d that the Bill be laid upon the table, ' which motion waa negatived IW to 29. The bill wm then read the third time and ' put 'upou its passage, when it waa reject ed by a vote of 34 to 29, aa follows ? For itt passage, Measra, .Allen, Britain, Caldwall, Campbell, Dil(r Hobson, Elli ott, Gilmore, Guinn, Hall, Hill, Hoke, Hwver Karr, Kendall, M'Entire, M'Far. laud, Marshall (of Anaon,) Martin (of R-kingham,) Martin (of Wilkes,) Mas. eey, Melehor, Moatomery (of Orange,) Parham, Ray, Renchor, Toomer, Tyson Vachook, 29. , r-jr 'fr-1 -j' Aeainst i. Messra Aakew, Bateman, Bell.'Boddie, Brownrigg, Cooper (of Mar tin,) Cowpur (of Gutea,) Davenprt, Dis bongh, Hawkins, Hayley, , Howell, Lind say, M'DunicI, Mamh;vJI (of Carteret,) 3Iatthews, Miller, Montogome'ry of Hert ford, Mosely, Move (of Greene,) Moye (of -i ... Pitt.) Pool, Rowland, pal?ht, fceawell, 11 SUManl.ni.nn.ous.fJtinner Snottd v ' 7 . wsii;.mi HM Til!, Underwood, Williams, Wilaon, 34. .L : .i..tk-S4-. um Saturday Dec. 10. ifk i a aio iavsi aa v vs w . . , r a i i , sr u : ai . a il. : , - y - WnERKAS, tho cood c t zens of t usPtme uonirauw ih v r-v " - i -y -- -1.1. -ig oan, Sprmll, JStallmgw, Stephens, Thorn- ;, ir.-pMher happ i 'LiVJ, i, Mr Rrnfff for covennir the , the Supreme Court from the decision of I fe ,'. . U ' to visit our City. ,Jr. r isiif r uh fitatft have lonir araented her insufficiency r given byir., nragg, ior covering ,!,-,"' . "., . ., & il8, Lewis, rhoinnson, John I. 1 hompsoii, vi.u ...i.. u was en.'i, . . , i . c.. a j . ? 1 1 u.tr I Imifii ahil the Hesolution bemir ' tneJuaffe insaiuuri upon ine lacisas won ,., , ,r, ,P , . wikhi-uh iurt,- , to vie with her sister States VJ in Marshall, ,ff a. the law,in anv suit hereafter to betried. V? wTl ' i! 0(1 in the ,luJe(i t0 tranaactton. her depth of water being too , .irika out the whole Rcsohed furiher, That the said Com- worth. Weaver, W .Uon, V.tcher, Allen so CoUvi;)Ctrd cf Mf. IlVabil.ty to res ahallowWor laden vessel, to ascend tho nr7ti mitt betructed to enquire into the J-Wooten, CounciMV ooten, and James mr State itt proudest ornamt i-hanncls her rivers are obstructed an and insert tne i.iowib, . r i... i .-..... Wyche . , k-r iicre to 0. ,ireatdistanceto.thewert,ourroad.insome ing the Repr,rt,.t fully appears that the Coil ifaaonsofthe year are almost impassible tractor in perf.rmirijr the work, used the for laden carriages- short, our expen greatest caution; 'V1 m in cattinc produce to market far i ilth of every the profit, of tI :. !.-,.-.. Ceeds our profits she wea . (fountrr most depend upon the ehe comrapdities they expert. It is thf tithe first obLta be to facilitate the duce to the exportu- fbre believed, that one jat everv State ahould (be caae aliould not be aacnnceo ; may oe aepenning oemre mem. , W points wh:hi. The engrossed Bill to repeal partof " - L Zukt act passed in 18, preaeribingtFe l . '. .h W?. That the;T?aasurer be, and manner ii h.eh lan.Ja should thereafter ! Saml, '.A, T.'.4L; .... I nA Mtw. tits Ctrctoj frrcareiuit the,. CootUiwefAcsoa and Sarryjaad the cb: erect l !ir fire. .. . I I.. I T .....f,I A mlJI if by reaped by H-JV thatapiul naiyw coiuHi.il-v- r - f WT,ire ,o exp.duu.y .t carter, ' w4flnl t r .company ,, l!.e tt:.er iorecc,T. pr fcrrttim S'lKL IrendlwaOWTna Inlet, lhn '.'J anl cxtend,n as or.riy m praet.e.Ue . to fJ ,ho fut tin tho Hlue Kidgo ; aud that aaid coiunutteo , ttve cwtmc- f . , , Ut -reiinealed to report a plan to thNlIwaej tvTiL,- Drr ' 14 ' for earn i the a!xf objct into efllct. k . " " . 1 lor earn hi, " . . , j r i rm iKm committea cl fi l(r. 1 txinicr mov'.'u io aincnii inn rt .Tne n.nton the Cipo Feaf Kiver to L-Vintou the ValkinHiver,aiKl that ),. motion bv. Mr. Hilliam. the reao - luti,mawcreamtivIoa byaddinr the.M.i hwint . . '' . ' . Reared, that the eatne Committee be : a .t.l Arttin n tut), tho nronrictv a u.uiroaa sYoni tun ol ue iiuaic v ---f thev alw enouire wither it be etpedlent ; w adopted by the Senate an l k-m io me " incofiKirate (mpany,lhe ahVk tebo' H wo Af concurrence, rin.r hnt aub:ribcd indifiduafa, H effect aaiJ Mid Report bo printed and ttaclioJ to the ,T.-T I Acta J the prw4 Legiture, when and etpodiincy if incorporating a Rail-l0fihia State, "ince JWlO, the amount of road Company, to l owned by individual i , pecio reportod te be in aaid ranke and itockhuldr,'to eoinjnonco at eoma point j tl,v amotmt of ootea in circulaUoii t aho, withe watara of the Cape-Iear River aljiha niwitficiiJnto,ho CaI,on or near Haywood in the cotrnty of Chatham, tha oritinal atock,daMatiustho ainnunt .-j K.fmiiiliur.aoae to mret the. of dividend receivol by imlividuala and by Pfnire Railroad Comwny at the Roan J'l IIIUUH2 'T ww m oke Rirer neai IlaUflii, and that they re port by till or otherw.ee. "t '., Monday, Dc. 12. If. iatr from tha iuint aolact Coin nittlohoi.Jrai the TrW. repair, of. the BtatoJlcHue . al the - of the Contncton made aielailed report in thv LW on .ah Dk, Rill '; f thVmmcommcndi moved lurfnke cut inetTref. MCtiori I, he fSwin RceolutiXm,- - - hieh produce- con.,l.reble debate ,0 WrrJ?That the Public Tretuurer! which Mea-r. Mirt.r . arvl Dhonj advo deliver to Thomas Drar, the bond of cated the principlia of tha bill an-j Mca-rs. 14000 in which ho waa bound to ever the William ail A!ie:i -i;.od it. IJerore StoteHcusoaiKltheOdiwtfSecrttaxyeraKyqu.'stnn wa. taken, the commttc Siate with Zinc, and that the CVmmTi-Troa'-, rep..rted projrc. a-l obta.ncd leave aionora pev him only far the work' they i ' ' i li.r Mlal Mr. 8cawell BiOTed thu the Report and Resolutions be laid upon the table, which was not agrocd to. Mr. Sneed ntvel to .; ii,- Pnnrt- with iuatructioiia to niti iiiuiuii iiiu a - mrvm rmniittrfl to act form the contract aaav wv..a - - - - , , andtoalatc minutely, all toe circuiMtan- cen tending t ehow in wha maaiHir the fire originated, which waa not agreed tc. On motion of Mr. Aakew, the further con- aideration of the Report was prfponed un- til tomorrow. - ' ; The Bill vesting the right cf electing in tlm several counties, within the Siaio, in the freo while men thereof, wa read the second time. Mr." Bell moved to amend it, by striking out u County Court Clerks,' which was not agreed to, Mr. Martin moved to strike out "Superior Court Clerks," which was not agreed to. Mr. Williama moved to amend it, by in- eluding within its provisions, "Cleiksnnd Masters in Equity, Constables and tuu- ty Solicitors," which was not agreed to. BH the 8chools within tho State, the wme The question then recurring on the pas- pnivilegea which are enjoyed by the OtS sae of the Bill, the second time, it was cen and Students of the University &c. decided in the negative, 33 to 21, aa'fol reported the same without amendment and town j recommended its rejction. Tho bill waa For itt passage. Messrs, Allow, Cald,"retd and ordered o be laid on the table, well, Cooper of Martin, Cowpcr ot Gates, , Mr. Singleton presented to the House Dick, Pinhorig, Poison, Gilmore, Guinn,jt!,o report of the Adjutant General, which Hall, Hawkins, Hayley, Hoke, Kinds!!,! WfjS ordered to be sent to the Sencto and r.inav 'McDanicl. McEntire, Mclar laud, Marshall, cf Anaoe, Marshall of Car. trret. .Martin of Rockingham, Montgome.' rv of Orane,Ma'HHey, Parham, Pool, lten - cher, Simmons, bkiancr, lyson, fnaer- exj-liency t extending the time lor per wood and Vanhook. ' Ji feeling granti on entries made in 1829, Against.. At$ passage. Messrs. Askew ur,tiH 1st January 1932. Bateman, Brittain, Bell, Boddie, Brown- On motion of Mr. Sumner, rigg, Campbell, Davenport, Elliott, Hill, Resulted, That the Committee on the Hoover. Howell. Kerr, Martin, of Wilkes, Judiciary be iostnictedtooanuire wheth- Wutthews, Melehor, Miller, Montgomery 01 'l?ni? . ' T? i- rl . t Kf.tA A i !tpn ureen, MtWeori'ltrr'KnYr-ittwwou, rpairr, ... Sh'ani. s..i?od. Thonn - son, Toomer, Willi iins aud Wilson. Tvevlav, Dec. 18. Wherkas. troin the exninii accompany mat no execute, u ,,. ,c .--v etyle 4hat in a very short time he would have delivered it into the hands of the rnnimiMi Hiera. and that from all ine ev,. deuce it appears that tho catastrophe was the result of pure accident, or possibly the work of an incendiary : And whereas, the ?. l,at I .J IU:,.t Vr . i ....I. ih.i wurif in in? w ' i',..!,t;v.r I uvuuri u ----- , , V , wluiJu.-n .l-Ubfe. Committed on solution on the ted a bill io ' eaj and Qoarter iii llia pir. . . tailej Report ihfi, m wa dored ta be printed.; A ReaoIuUon waa or wax ' publwhed. ... -:-. Mr. M)ntome7i of Oran.i maiie sir. .Ti iiR"i"cr j vi..v,,- -detailed Rrport whicli waa ordered to lie printed, in relati.tn t i tbe amount U d.vi !dnda end boinu' declared by tbt Ibnka , " . . , j " tho Ranka, including tho Krancn Lank of the Cnited State, and the amount of in terrat paid on aaid debt. alo, the amonnt per c-t J-n made on the Fp-cie paid into the Rank a M.ck, aa far as tho eamc loa maic. v awrtsined. . . jTrtatar uart of the day .t apent .lout agtm. HOUSE OF-COMMONS. Thursday, Dec. 9. Dillt prrunted. Dy Mr-Daniel, to j M maud an act Da! it. l', D amend an i , lct passed in 1339, t vjut the right of electing SheritKi in the aeveral countiea within thiatate. in the free while men thereof. (Make.-, it lawlhl for one third of the acting Juntice, inatead of a major. ity. t take from the Sherifii.' the preacri- M bnia.) By Mr.Tan.ler, to repea to amend an act alteruiaf" ttmieof-noldintwaLcfihe Courts of Pleas and Qu&ter fcWaions of Lincoln cou.it). By Mrv Me bare, to a- lneU( an act paswd in 1KI9, to enable the State Bank to wind up gradually, and to fix i u'lifinn rate of coltectw-n. These Bil's were read the fist time. . Mr. Sawyer, from the committee on EuVation, to which waa referred the Bill j to mtend to tho Teacher and Scholars of to be pnntcd. . On motion of Mr. Burin, Rctolrc-1. Thnt the Committee of Fi- !nanc,j io instructed to enquire ii into the er the criminal lawa of this State ought . .... . L... i. .I . I A ... .LAI,UL ik. V '"V" nuuistuflcnt (it nitttog o the ears. n.. ,,r '.ir h7w) Resulted, That the Committee on ihc Judiciary be instructed to enquire into the propriety of amending and explaining expediency ot providing ritfht to parties in suits in Equity, to file Bills of review in the Superne Court, whenever, the said suit shall be determin ed in th Court. Resohed further, That the said Com mittee be instructed to enquire into the propriety of establishing bv law certain .rules for thegovernmo.it oftheSu Court as to the timea and manner ol ing and deciding the causes that f hear T?-.llLi...ncrir'.'un- i r - the OiV,-er. . . ii .i i . .iiimn m rrn la .... a I t nfiro re.i'i ii.i wiu bn enrolled' .', A Comm.mieat.nn waa ro.x.x. . -. . ' j r.n ' - i . r II. ..a.. UorcriKr Mtkea cover-; J m artist f eret eminence, to rtitre to .prevent t..e lalunj- of tm.Ur. in or ita5.nnerUa.y an I gratvlourthe ftatyo .trusiing the thwnel ef H-tntin treak-" f Wainton, which ai U known, wil in the counties of Rowan and IraJell, tiiJ in P.rti.wtcrf creatly injured bv the fire tliO fitUiuc, ; frVm Mr. Hughes was aent to tbe RcrmtcJ BJlt preyed. .ftpMr. (hnUn, ti and rf.:rrcJ to a j-dnt s.lcct Committoe, incorporate tbo North Carolina cer.fra , consign-on thepaitof thellouoecf Ccl RuU.Del company. Provide, ' for th Messn. Polk, Hcnryr Gaston, Courts end . for.r.1 r a company to rercivo sub-cr;p. Urarii-and on lh prt of the Senate, of ti'His4 of fflOU each, toconstitufo ner and Moi.t:uery. , . V J clc?In?f ,tt tmnumemm by nailtf, Accomnonyiiig tlA tommnnicauon oi or n..i-nw ..ri va.i.irom aomn Mr. 'Hughes, were sunury ieiu?r v ...... ..vSan0rnood er comnndation and certificates of his skill the waters of Beaufort Harbor, through m a Statuary, from Mr. Livingston, fcc Nowborn, t.ienee through or near Raleigh -.far f State. Mr. Van Bureo, Col. to a K,mt as far Wcctvardlv as mw b Trumlsdl, tho Mayor or ."ww.ion., wv, D,.Wainwrighl,d:c. The Hotter, on motion adjournod over Suturfay.to Monday,' that certain altera' - ' a A r B ... ,Kt i made iu the Hall, which were dttcrmiiacd on a ft;w days unce. , . ' Monday, Dee. 12. , Mr. Henry from the JodicianCommittce, reiiortcd a bill, which blu! its.Brst roading, tu aowisl the liw rclatjve to malicious and unlawful mainiiug and wounding. Mr. H. fiom the aame Committee, to which a resolution was referred, directing them to enquire into the expedieucy of ao wmending the kiw relative to tbe settle, ment of the n.ta.ea of deceased persons, as to authorise tho Sheriffs in their re spective cotmties, where there is no Exe. cutor or Administrator, in a limited time, to enter ujon and perrni" tho duties ol Executor or Admuiistrator so far as may boncceawito pay tho debts of the' de ccaael, rrported that no amendment of the kind is ncecarary, which report was concurred in. ' On motion of Mr. Laspeyrc, tho name of Rrkard Dobbs, Spaight, of Craven, was adld to the nominution for Governor. Mr. Barringer, from the select Com. mitteoto which was referred Ibo Bill to incorporate the Mecklenburg Gold Mining i . i n a. ' Company, made a ueiaiioa ncpori iu re- lulion thereto, rrcommending the passage of the Bill. 1 no Bill pasied its ouu rcauing auu iuo ui jvi -"" orintcd Mr. B. from the select Committee to which waa referred tho Resolution in re lation to th certificate issued to Judgo Strange, for holding Anson Court, repor ted that, in the opinion of the Committee, said certificate waa properly issued, and that Judge Strange was legally entitled o it. Laid on the ublo, :- .' The bill to re-enact a part of the first section of an act passed in 1787, chap. 11, for luring out persona convicted on indict ment or presentment, not Demg aaio mi willing to pay the fees of office and Jail ors' fees, was read the second time. Con siderable debato occurred on it, and sun dry amendments were proposed and adop ted. It finally passed its third reading and was sent to the Senate for concur rence. As passed, it provides, that where free negroes are convicted of any offence and are unable or refuse to pay the foe imposed on them by the Ctwrt, hey may be hired out for a term of years, not ex ceeding five, to the. highest bidder the person hiring, to feed and ch-tbe thejn well during said term of servitude. The Bill passed by a voto of 63 to 37, as fol lows: For its passage. Messrs. Bell, Boddie, Bragg, Brevard, Brooks, Burgin, Callo way, Chamblee, Colman, Courts, Cox, Crump, Davif'son, Davis, Dozicr, Faddis, Flowers, Freeman, Garland, Gillespie, Glass, Grandy, Littloton A. Gwyn, Hartt, Hcartry, Henry, Hill, Hogan, Houluor, Howard, Himt, Jackson, John II. Jonct, John F. Jones, Judkins, Iarkbs, lionk, Little, Mock, Mebane, Monk, MiMdy, MooreJltorriiv31 M'Ge hee, MLauris, iNichoUon, UaiUhw rear, son, Peoples, Pittman, Polk, Itoll, Rand, Riddick, Robertson, Sanders, Sasser, Sea- ...oil CaaOlaa 6 ,a.AJ C Cn.aln Against its passage. Messrs, Alerna- thy, Allison, Barringer, Beckwith, Bogle, Bonner, Cansler, Cherry, Clayton, Cun ningham, Daniel, Doherty, EImenson, F.mniitt, Cause, Glenn, Gaston, Hurper, Haywood, Long, Lyon, Miller, M'Lcan, M'Milhm, M'Quecn, Nelson, Pcttv, Saw. vcr,S4iHhr-8fight, Swatuier, Tathain, - 1 Toole, Webb, ..Whitaker, Winston and Worth. Tuesday, Dec. 1$. Petition presented. By Mr. Hartt, of . Knox, of Mecklenburg, for a Pension. ia presented. By Mr. Clator,! to out of a portiun of the counties of te oaJ H r. o!r.V ' a ae;rj l4j j. tliK't r.'kinty lV) r:e Vanrry. H Mr. Zil'r, iJirtj.liiijf ttie t.i.i,i.,drir (.htd Corwtabfc ahull herciflef" tj t-UtieJ i ( tb? county cl Ktoip , T"l tilU( )ar,nd thei'r fut VxiW al the l.u-l 'mdiI y.aj rtfurrtJi . 4- ' i i. if rnminiiirr. ' - - - -.. . " ,tnJ yummrm or propo taa a.' .a. t f a. a. I! A 1 II -1 pwunwi or xpcuivw.j uy r. I'ear. sou t-, newonto the Cape Fear and x ad Jn Rail road compnny. Provide. for a company to receive eub.icript.oai fa. toeutfci a communication between Fi ettevillo and some convenient point ca the Vadkio. By Mr. Burghi, to exempt cer, tain persons from py ilg toll on the Turn, pieo rood, froM Old Fort, in Burke coun, ty to AshevilTo in Bjncoaib;. ,Ou motion of .Mr. Bragg, Resolced, that tlie Judiciary committea bo instructed to enquire Into the propriety of prohibiting by law, the public exocu!oa of CriuainaJs. - . It will be seen that a proposition hn been made to the Legialature, by an ar. libt of the highest grade of eminence, ti. restore to its original beauty, the Statue of WasiuxcToir, which sustained such if rj ouali:jury'ia the detftfott.of iiur JC tot." 'fbcf cerUitPprospsct cf inveshn this proud monument of national grarltuk with all its prutine grandeur, must prove a source ci grauucation to every inciviilu. al giAed with a perception ol the beautiful, or imbued with rcueration Lr tho ariro pie and character of die illustrious Fin. as of 'his Qoixrtr. Mr. Hrunes, tbn Artist alluded to, has visited our City, and afler a critical examination cf the Statue, asserts, that it is perfectly within tha com. j p4M 0( fa j, t0 accompli,!, j,e ; propy;, a one who converses with min on ino luojoci, can ooudi vm a mr- meat h:a ability to efr.ct its reatoritiop, whatever opinion may have been prtn ously entcrtkbed. Indopendert of hij high reputation as a Statuary, auTir; -A evidence of which is aifirded by ktt;ra from some of the most distinjpiuhed mri ia the Union, he has just made an erp-ri-ment in New York, the success of wh"u mussatisfyjthejnoit incredulous. L ;be year 17d97when (KeXarl of CaOiam war at the height of his fame and was drr Vcdly regarded aa tho best friend of t Colonies, to that struggle which endel m the establishment of American freedks, the City of ."New Xork obtained irora of the first Artists of that day, in Loadm, his Statue in white marble. . It was p' ced in a moat conspicuous situation, it remained a few yrars ; but soon a "r the commencement of hostilities, met n fate so common to works of this sort. II was thrown down and mutilated the hni, I and nrms were Iot the feet brA"' t nml iSa trunk rtfirpi! in a nhnnrlcss l. of sUmc. II ret.iuiiicd half a cer.tu m ftiit itiintion. .Trriu'(l to the ODCr. -r ...a- , .., , witr.nut an attimnt ta restfire it. " after our State Houso was btirnoi. !f- Hughes discovered this disfigured !-xe of the Earl of Chatham, and with a of advancing his furno as an Artist. no tin nmaflo in Kiu 'laTimnriirilt IC I'., I' 'I Sculptor's riches, be conceived the ideadj r..f.rm.r ,iir Sl iln. For tllP ClirrJI afmertaininiT tlm certaintv.of siieccm i ! he uiirchaed tliis figure if tho Ro. ' Charhum, to mnke an t-xjerimeiit.wifh'Ui atler months of arduous exertion, he H ... L.ln.1 rMtaxdJlloiHfriner uuaume" nRi i k,n,r,i, ,ir,i.,l,tv hiI loffli. ;w'e ,fla Mf jf,;,he,'tl.at it princi aUy ou.ing to the" solicitation" j I ? . - ft I . l I'J i Jl9i.H, a.a.J. pemuial. opplictioi.y ll has dooejl id the committee fciiited to v a and with him, have iaiffij7wyrt,J7';0 ' J W.a nmrAn. ment- bliOW 1 viiiiuiviiu la.v j..air.'j .fhla nfler. Mr. Fisher 1 "M"V aayvj.. v. ..a- - Ami armi'idaA at tbe ffood Wo len so instrumental in bringing toi ccssful issue. , .L Amonirst other important BuWi , , ir. :-;....i. I ;Wni the circu'" of soditious publications m this Itimppaesataxof300on everyr wno prouion r loct in every county, v.""- " so peddling wjt .rrt mi T I IBS w-f"- A ---teakij.. '