U 1 1 1 ut r V ! t . tr ll hi- My Hi. i, , t if- ..flf.r t It.t ! lit'"-, by . n M ii T-iv -, . . I i.'. . .,m -i i. . r,i' .i i ui i .i ' ' i I. it , i .! I , i , r i iin il! fi . it Yrl. a' rt.ahtT!' I 1 fi i!',',Sury u !' 1 1 i. r p llnai aj.iivl ft ti Wi'ifl H.J M Kilt aW he wi'k . , .- frn,t?r TimM ,. il. ,. I. ... - I . .11.. . a V n n. urn t ,gn f tr f j v f, T Ml lip ' M r ....... . . . . . . of iht .We. 0t,i v ' 'ni rf ),!ti t. ."- ' n I ;r"' I t i, 'n!i it'I at J . . .. .1 .i i - " m . ... grimmer"" f)'rf n.an in rarlof.i rrr.nB ij'iVVli;f V 9" il Pi. Hf'l 1M T.1V,. But, eta t ! inihU w-ae IU1 ,-. K',Vm fr.i'a rmWie nifiint in iMit'iiv. 1 t. .- I !. .1 J II. . .'...1.1 ' ! : I ,.! f Jn'.u-.irr. HI ' Hi. It I , T I ,P illUI'U'" I . . . ' i ffl.1. witlff 'J? 19 I" ; lit .1 i ... . .1. n riTuwri ri:i. r . iij nil ii"-...! ' t ' i in . w r ' - r . . . mi afa uh 'm nil tiirfiW W 1 ! ' " ' I . . t I rul Irir.r.i IV Til lli'lilMII, 1 111' ""' HW UI"T ll itUC I ( TtI"T" - I II 1 I hwLl""' ' " . Ml Awing mt v)mm upon!,' ih!irtU?o cnri nil roui vm ynt , ' ornJlwi 'T m"n't "V ' ' ' 1". I .. m .i . l.t .1.. . 41,. u u,i,1 n.il il 1 . : i at 1. ... . . .1. i . . 'ii . I . . ituil I poriiT i i p'rnii I,', rH1 m-ii wti wiii r ori't vnivrriiil, . ' . . . t u a nul rr I'irt il. fit rv liA viiu Lama iru I k i .. .. ,t . m .t.l l(!iA II miif! Ifl fvidiiM HI IVf rv rir I"'"" . . B J l.i.lrra litnlli'a nlnlnria Imrt litvil IliM . I., . . . i " i. . .1 I U P-' d lit, Vbh OA din Inl f w n ..!. T i 'u t... timmctioo Ifl f onn Bf en i i fw-Moiili a who. h.!4 fHU. : w,ir..a IVvucb it ii?er mj tomMCC tUt t wr. .h. In ihW nfC ht. l . .L j- m j itmiU ta uii .ny to ur ru'm. Ut U nod. woo4 th.l -r Rt.t. fionc meet, our ppw any nit""" --7 . ... . a .. i auffmil Wr.tical f.Bi to . in ocio Olf' Wmction of . ntr J .k. .rul .U if r f f tli. Sun ind yt . ffurta Li cfl.inf th. eorititta. ,io. vf . catrml r-ily. If PM rt ... fir.rtLafo.lilf .oJutiti! of neb .w tro li al a coBfcaiett to. d'K" ... .11 it,. ..yn ind eamintk . . ... . .. .1 . iurr ir iw " w. , tior, idotui nc craw, irom n. ui n t . , ...!. .... . ITr.a r nil- " ....... ... liiutH,iiw , , .. ( , , . .. "MB 101) vurunj.m v - - , r r hit HCCfPtCU it). ICrlu .a 4MUW W . 1 Mkr,.T''rT- t t. tlr1 .w-, ho W.tc.I it. frtsi. wl' fhm. onthtl: il! .TliU Itoo the' Crferet4 ir IWoii U ut .tT I .1! WUlv-W - U imtenaln. no WU? he ef Mnct tUU.''-' Wll liat tW m-iW AruH that lh 8nU xHild c.cle tq; Shall one liui.drd and finf men .lect Hr-tt BUHy-ww nHwwiw ,'". " . Tk Kin r ll.dlnnA Lam Lew den.of.be lV,.ta8t..,.rnn, .of mU. M If Ml tncy In this theme, howef. the lecturer Joe!, wuhth., aeU.nl ieontsnfi JJjJ2f th.f.ctJfMf.qt.,,WUb. W"cieA Thry er humble, if only tho,.crivcner, to driw 0f M Iccturo - Tl.f qttmtfw? U,- .hV iiileli cist, but.l.ly .' ..u..Min 111 1 niw. imi nr iDina nram. B in., i.. 1 iAiaiiI.1 m nr anw uriiiTH id ! 1 .nfiirp : 1 ill iiib in luin nuu 11 . . 1 . t.ni,M aijiviiiiIih nw acni ii - . 1- j lliu villi Dirwi'i mm pnj m.iv. - . V".'. - ' I firrllHIini IVHuriVil fiuwio vviv" I ' x'i. f. .... .. ' 1 .... .... "ill . . . ' . 1 1 . 1 i ... : ... . . fl , ... t I me vni-fa ftwei, nry wy w our i"" i eumplisiiia-; hi JT""1 work, hti w-uw anal an.i Kiiai !rl tiim. Knn but llirfil. - . . . . .i : ' ' i !- I a I. 1 . . ,.a.:..1.a mnf ltTa t.I I .1 . nd -ou iiiuat lrt Um. Kon. b.i; kf L c6ntfjjerv j, ono 0ftlC hapcft in- the :fcchirer. Tlm it U erWent ihftltU CoyrU Cpjw J'vtriaiK iMiU lutinlt la aach didalM. Whatl-b.'l .. . ..... .. ' il . . . . ' .--!. I.i i-.t.l. I i,l. '.--- - , .' ,,rM.VonUrrtfaUleb.r.rie iru.U'1;, 4 pad ite first , readbff, Mr. Pc.r, mcnt of thotnitWihe loctur.. Seti r. J yy relert.lji.licd. - , V ' ini'tei . uonjnua m m " -j-j Cooler. Ill or mm conunura iu c.yw r , Tliomjwn ma! ncJ.ator. to f rot e tliat he utmost !rm U.rougbout Europ., i Til '. SfWrrff!.??. . " ami Allms.' -. . . : -V-i .. . v. 1 .!- ..lUa a ilVM!) tlai-.ll ha Jraaalri Rftwnn. twtl U! .nd OiltTcd . .ItTHUtr C V Ivl HJUUtM a h.mi " - aa - - V" - -" F fa I nt..preeden.d rer mfler lolt n f(r a rail-nxul from Fayettevillo to for .limiUr eour. of acting., Kot eont-t tj,0 Yadkin, Mthat if both fcucc.J, the lth.FrUent,thery.t!ito(iiakn rrr. , ...u .. w:n wftH 0fl" for .ii:.,... tia.i.....,.:..i.Ait. '.ri:! r i : - v . . , . ... .i . ..',.....'"-.";.. .. . .. . . lenn ait w"vaw. m f.-v:.. - j - Ao to 1Bart6l-- put, tlw twos w w,tu l&ii, Iw jnHf b iwfli, ; tuar k jd " . ' 1 I Mia. -al . fUa ffwinnlA nfl .T r ...I ... I..I .. u . r.Hkii aliat I ' " Si.'xir Weha.odobtthattt.iitiiilni'. lwewioiwp OTircrw,. ...v r-vr- -ii . rrf kt law".. tnd an honor to Li proton thaf icton will hav. to chooso between . .. .... .1 . . I II al . and great inJoitc. will be don. to :nt hupn .wt ,irs, ood a knowledge w worU, and Lh. profei'.oo '- r. wf tjocli of fi j..ft, wjj not cav0 ,crn long in a stato of .i ilk. k.. j - r.. u nr il. . . . . n ' ,,a,R3C',5tfta, 'inn.rnriu.K i fiiili eDiiUu if Spectator cimvoUreat io but l blackguard, ahould be. tt. didbelic-., v'AkVt beCc. that lb. wri. tefof ba 6rat -Spectttof U. on-reoj-w and tid 'b. iam tbiojt U bi betwe U kft. r ba be forced to do nce. Il ' -oi .n ur ..tare to b. afrwd of Mich -.uT hi-n we hafoccMio to expren or tk. We notmn-c rtner P mi tr a a Ml,. f'mnm jaour.tture. But whe. Bf , howerer. there U nm much r-kelihood. Mr. m lead to an inel of 13 to repimnud. nM h Ik. . v!lt retur(t Wel, Mr. ScrR, " "S he central . . w -. cai.noilre.tl .. .. .. ...... . 1 1 feet water on tho bar 4l.e central wtikir pro-wence peritm., - . ...i- i... .t.. c f ...... raii.roaa mil lD w -"' i iprecncm, at uie or ui !iii - - fi I We ihould not omit to atv that Ibf latter h an I aafr it harbor, in America, wuom - Ifpeate for the emancipation or our iiai bv jO to 24 fcet water on tno oar ai ono Co-ijrr". uW be 0y pruJinc. mde-d j to mke wch . man Vice-Pro ilent . . n a ' i i i i I ' MAMixtMti Moorp County, on the tta .ycrypntnot call. t!a -Wtcd w,m!.m . . &.,.fcd. and virtus of "th Th. man and L, GtiiItin ,0 Mia. ll.ry Gilli , , tho cauio that has the a-inbe.tlmt .eaiflrt I ! On the lSthliut Capt J.mc. Holduckf (IV W W taV W w - ---- -- - ap-a.w Vv w "-- j- - -T him rot-to rtco-cized .."errorieoo-, ofLtMioaiiCounty,toMr.Mabal!Rh. ... i - u-nt a.ai:at Tina nt if Jo thia county, on Tuef.y evcrirr thi We wppow he want, a to-d calrd, ,f Chri-U.n Brinlo, Wat- a lira rim fteenmnwwiaM) bim Willi I fioi.i . c. it: n i ' i inrw ciamea io aiF ajuiu i uwi. without troubling the lietmature: am -a - ... a I 1,,.,-ary iuet , We nota.n-; euu.. UBP. the i.,H-it of In.ernJ la orPma.for?luchwe donptuo rUev rpUll4 lb-coura. punu- wifitl ra?oaU.t. . r eJ by fa mtetag on 'he aaiae wbject in tbi. W,d,d,otkn.wUlatIp.Ctatothad.-,.o Jjjj 4 RJeM,. iki. !UlMdar.ijaaiMilweoimrf ue ,hcSf e.er,;,0. curt .ncifilTO rrratewtte- r - eon.tfoct;oo ef miUty place only .mall vessels can com. in, at ih-. other. Ship, of a large me caa emcr L.j ..;t A.., loaded for aaY part of tho ICr Me etinita bfe b eo bIJ in Newbem fyS a, rd by tbcFaya. irriUt editor hecauK U j ca'iJ ih. Fiyetu10r rout, for . f.iieay. .1 erne rat rit 'ita BpecLtPt may thiok mm Boiicei b fitiiabinc .tiike their glory. K ia well Wn, noiwubtf.d.r;! I'Sptcta tot'" -fcllrtt auertioi.1 ihat ih. honor of be 11.4 i.-j jrd in He ?aver'a cbaif prompted Mr. F. n'a eff-ri. in Uw. rau. of internal i. t i if., tlavt i iiat very tirpumuancc , t.4 t a engine to dtfeat b!clec ..u Ps-btr 'fAt bujHtr aim than hiaoan tempo uiJiiv eai. lie;ln(.toK.h''inatiee , .vaptraui and hriiug condition. - v tbt toL incentive o hi aeiwna , , ?.ife M:ance,a any rata-fot h Ii.;i pulrity to aid the acberoe. 3 P through the centr. of th State. T3 We hare reemd Waahingtaa papert containing' th. proceeding! of Conrre M eip' Aaw latur than at which la eontainad in our pa per of to-day, but there i notbiOg of any imareu to wir reader. Theybaeoot got fairlj, un der way yet. Wbeo tbey do w. ahall report their proceedingi rgalar!y t. r . The people of F.Tette-ille .nd 00 tho Cape Fear, are -ery jealow. of the en- tral rail-road Kheme 5 this 1. not to dc wtrcdaVtutit nnatterjptiupii.l that intelligent men of the Yadkiu coun- tic, should hi things in tho .ame light. Report here, s.y. tliat thre is a com. bination exirtin; betw.en the great men The Hon Grorre M. Dm Ut beea e!ectl Saaator to Con,:M.a frum Pe.niylvauia i. plc. ofCrn. Bernard lesiirm'd. v it aiatttl in the last Ral.ich . u u,i acc r-". CVay etirnj. 'bee were ; gtar, that a lump of gold weighing tvthe T,,t' fa: one a. bc-fw K.td. The fi. - , ... r in wjia foun- vh..m a- . 1 . i..' .,1 w ..1 oiinthinir more .1 : a uiu i 1 . 1 . w p - . . .ii v.-.i Ini-l hainranaaJ S:criUfV. lii'iV .:. -jirf.it ; I'v a Tie mbtr ol the we ting and j. .ar.ii ut'av ...ii a liiiv ui tbe plce. i,.gj w ' . ncrr t. l.-ecgae thcr waa no a no' if - . ? ; ' ""v wjie '0 lake place. A writer inr (he last Raleigh tar, .aye that the great Clay meeting which recen tly mot in Stokes for the purpose, of tending T)r. Shuman to Baltimore, eonsi.ted of v! fcJrw Mon.t. six of whom were J.ckjwn A tom was r- ,, t joft -t,e ttVaaarc of ttie G i. co-nmunieatlng j 0,CM' . . r , m u r rure the Court House when the Doctor reaa sVstemrf medical pmctice which need. . . ....... no legislative aid to protect it, mi mirin ic merit enough to protect it!ft the peo- o'.a beins th.ir own julgc. and their own friends. Without ming any thins about hia : . - ' .- . . .. .. Mcalun3 ipnoraiic. a principle or mmiye ot forging the word Sjrojiie which w not foand in the lecture, or hi. a.) mg that tno lecturer den- -anced at! th. writing, of both ancient aiid-wnJeriahwr when they are putcnsibly claim?d and quoted a. tho sfrcnirth of the lecture in. the following words: "I ahnll confine myself chiefly to at.. ,.1.1 itlul'init ai,thnri!uVrnof hi. OOt Uiuniivu n . ' ' Vila v awu,,j 00 lite Capo Fear, and, some of the m- . how to ,peH' the word oifiie men in tho W.rt.and, of courn u taeillK)rrj.&20. Vo wiU, nag. on and -rntAt SB wnll fil I a I . it I . I awla... .aU. .J a. mllivU la th.V oci iociu v imi-i" Inoticothat ne ns leuruvuow ui.h in politics. bear. nee towards Doctor 1 Moem a. to sum rtn ..:kta unii havn HMD' in tll9 new I . . if 1.!. I ..!.. ....1 ..!.. rnnm -v nl-m. 1110 snuiuuw j jura on nw ii e." paper published iu this place'about Lob- t0 himBCif m equality t witii, Root, by members," i. .aid to .llmle ft 44 a great . ?erb Steam pjor by becoming his 'man." on the Cape Fear, to Ex-GoV- romnetitor. fma tba equality ve claim I . .1. .1 C- I . , . . . ' . i . I ernor Owen, in irum mo w.. ilonorab e exempiion. Ann a. ot nms has let himself down very much. Mr. int j the lecture, nor llaniom'. " aupposed case, puia it borne hrcnU one word 0f evidence, to refute t: l: Tk av tin ia extreniclv Mrel . .. . . .'.J..! . tilmunir !. certainly he ha. rendered himself very 5;,, ,nd has beggared every pulv 1.. - . maw )wt ruran uapopuwr , iiK-w 1 1 1 ,cation nut in. own am wo , freemen wilt not bo dictated to even y 1 the cAoato eoiumnai of the Joumat. 8aLjsickt, Ptc. 24, 1631. Cotton in aoed J.C2jr to 1;73, Clean do. . 7t7j; Cora . ... . - - 2S Oat. . . f . . 20 J Pork . - S4 to Sugar . OJ a 11 ColJeo a . . Ida 20 ' Bait . . - IrOU a a S - ; MoIaMe. . a a . a 511 Betiawas . ' 18 t Tallow . . . 8" , Flour . t?,25 Davidiok Cotrjrtri , ,. Cwrf of ' Pleat and Quarter Sets(tr r mv ut, 1 sax. .i..f.t.aui !i mm t :h 11 a the rrpon ai UiTain 1 T.f Ir Ball " f',,r I ..... . ... . ;. 1hc .'utut- Of Watul-s'ton 10 ll i-.nnrr , -tii u. Tne cowmif:.e look p-" i? a praica. bl',d rjcommniil the employment of tl ar'i-f. Tht Statu,' tiriginallv cos the 'Ris'e tl..ut thirty thonund dolla-s and-wat j'J''y coniidrred the fin.-at piece of miid'-rn iatiiary. Ivit) prpiti-nt condition it is worth lothin. Ihf qncation then i. ha!l the Slav sIT-r property worh $80 000 ti be loaf or ah!' i' pnrrtpriate R3 000 more ( he aum for which Mr UmWi promis.s toees ire ii) t. make it .ih'V.afla.h a aifr. Vi eannot for a mo- WU' a'ap."'. " - - mwt doifit but that the legialfctun will em ploy Mr thirties. No member we think who fcni any veneration for the father of hia coun- " trv or who haaany atate pride . will rniffer 'hi rim.lution.. It ia somethinir like iKe, great Clay meeting wliich was held in this place, with k;0 vcflivtion. thaV they had .thirty, hero there were only fifteen as w.aro told by one of the meeting. ; EDITOR'S CORRESPOXDECE. RAij5icii, Dec. 15, 1831. Dear Sin The meeting on the subject of Inter nal Improvement, held in your town wmo . 1 .n. linn )nA a'verv considerable sensation in various part of the St.tc-I ..... -r .1.- ii-t-.... -p i-..k r.ii luivA iiut read an account 01 a io moulder .way for 'n. naltrv sum 'of $ J.OOQ. pectable meeting held on tho 2oth ultimo, ; -t - T;;., y'V in Beaufort at which several sensible and The Judiciary Cpriiinittee of : th.. leicijiuEC. -pt7ioTnc7remTionp were passed fully Georgia hre. made . report lipon "the ciu 'wgnondinff to What wasdom V Salisbury, lion 01 .iuukc DHi iwri ltf i.c . 1 , iy Qaston the mJliber IM.in " ?a -ase. of On -Jr and Worcester, aimilai - , , . c ttcr The souibbe vou havo teen in the new . . g. ija4 aiul give room to arro- . itlBlSTOFHER HEDRICK Mar- . .. ,...L... .il.l. .. .-. ... n V . I V.ral" hi. -.ifa ' N-1M- RllliPftC II. 1 . ... tr..., ' a tna.. 1 ria'Km ui:imgs ana t.nior m pining. rheVtietv frieiwf Mich I BiUin . n.l.l Ri liAia..Jnhn Smil' ft t . f.efm 1 " - - w - - - : Ick Bjliing.i Executori of Frederick B 1- 1,,,,, de'. re u; inn for dilution of ie- -,a t 11 arnifi( to tne iiiucuoa ox " -r 1 " i - j. Court ihnt. Dsvid Billing, one of . ho .rahJnti imr.ia r me tafiot an lonsDitsni: uv'1,'" ' r ,t,W S'bV i It ison motion, orde cd, ihat publiciTion bo Mf su w.eas in the Yetcrn CroItdin printed In Sal-v . . . . : : n..,; 1 niii;... ka rboury, iui no ii.i ;' and Dp.ar at tho nxi torm of hi Curl 10 be kfld for ltie Coanr or wa.-wi & the Court Hcoe, Jo Lexington nn r 11 Monday In February pex.. there topVad answer or demits ' :ikl remion, otherwise th. me, ali en pro confea.oJkjeiJo.f, u "t w if-"""1, . p atvj la.rcr. Ex-Governors, ThnHon. Rebt. Martin's "faith ana aa" credit' oaak-bitl was under discussion in the Senate on yesterday ,-r-no vote yet ta ken, but the opinion is, that it cannot pass. The Senate mu&t be odd folk, to pas that hotch.pot,.pf .abftUldltiel with Cuv. mr. 1. rol's message about the 'lonnesece XJona, staring them in the tea. U m Mid that the "Committee on Bank." are preparing a bill Ibr a new Bank. And trff it will be introduced into the commons in a few daya time Th. committee is We " turn our proud head1 and deign him . ""a. ' . . no reply, but utterly reiuse 5 to comer u him that importance which any further at tention to hi. publication, would do. Fi nally we leave, the lecture and hia mighty iei.te refutation for the pubho to review aad imirtwyMudg.fand on thii grriundLjrg dismiss him forever." Unlew fowooth it should hereefter happen that by wme stranse niefamorphosis he .hould be . - ... . - a a changed from what he now 1. and ahoniu become a man of wbernce., truth, aad common decency, inwhich caso it would ho v. t me PtANTER'R AND FARMER'S roTrr! vw-yr- nn toao 18 55 . awvaanaA-iad nf WUHlbh QWD. And till. tlaaLfl. .J ... l.aftalal- n1.a.. t .ddra him BT . A jP: ' '-""'I' ' " I wioru ua liicu.xwi" i"----" 7- -- , c ... . . . . . j w i. ...l..i .:ii I . ... . . . ca Knlum K. C iutrt recaivad n. unle thi. fViee. frioo 10 coats "tagW win proomuij u.- 1 v I a polite note informing mm mercoi- ana t, thg fyi poor Martin henceforth do for a hobby to tjj jjim at lirty to confer pn himself 75 cmU per beatrideT-Truely ha ill ba a foot. ; I hoRQr 0f Writing Wpliea to - -- APPRENTICES llootilerbtyptcamltoctor. No new. vet of the convention que? tion. Th. plan of th.Etovernor,wid hi. o-adjutor. of lh W.st, i. Jo kwp it off nt th is Sestiion, If it com., on, the Cape Fear men will vote again.1 it .ali?io.t to a mna, and that will open the eye. of the Wast, ami, thus hraak up the co-ali- . -II 1 . t tion. Report says 11 win De prangui wr FOREIG N. nArroti-OL vorf' OfFlCE. Tkurtdnf Or; 15, 9 V 8m. TWO or THREE appreaticts t the Carrijje M iking businei., nf good moral eha'ictcr, frt m tw- 'v- to aisteft veara if ni?r, will he tnk by ltf IIAKRIB ur BIIAVEK. n.i.-.l . . St iir . .a ..a tkM hmm viiia mnrninaa in " f KOJ'JHJM U1U iVO aaa-...aj.sn , HTtAiinrA in that neirt of our editi in. not IBHUl'M'.v-' ---7-.- - i" - a . . . I I a. .- printer', the arrival ra tne pacKiu snip vn- JO1 PHWTtJSG tion. uepon says n wm ur juiuiw.- prinjen. tnearrjyaioi iiw pauni i wiipvu- 0. Ktckv oRaaarrToir, , war ! in .onus .bap. or othtr. I hear al tafrcni Lobdtm. with date. f-oni.that 1 tjgXStt n & VifiTitiZl -ood deaj tubout (omjrom9 . AX TBI? OfflK. : t J 7 :'