I . .rah. ', l I ' A r:;v 4, i D.mt'v ' mi, N. L i i to . , g I An - A.fl that pete brow frcrti ! .. i.f .(h ho'rr 1' ' 4 , lot wilt go i areaoti 'terr ' ... - "fj .......... Where Wribr'a brats ' Thou et tr beautiful to t Iht retnbos brighter, f ,, And ihVewert Bound lht v c r on (t 'f But iifl the dirge el f J decay . i ' ! Tea, thou will Thy pW 111 '? Thle dull cold 3t Ps P'6 A.I. like a bright cUmd ea i Mnt eef , M-ti ill tbedtepcf f Mea of the S ; . Thy hotv will be waare bluer sUei srs la softer streams sd spr!aes Mdj'uf Aad where the winde of autom. sever paised Nor serpenta writlji el round petaioiTa sweetest Berer- , Ave. thmi ill die i-sne? f shsll lVhc II lb bfoormt of the hf trt ere led To mu ' and mourn, with bitter tear Thi fold M-Uvhe beautiful, tha dcad Thy memory still, amid the deepening gloom, - fnHihirtdpomNroiMofmjrfctwt i Like lone sWsV oe the midnight tomb. rui in. miuti aanaus. .' - . , But U whom is the ncred atyj loriotii datjr of e-irty iouructi dele. gated ' Is it to tbe father,' who nr. turning from hit rUily toil, leek in the boom of hu family that peace ' whtcfi ncefT.abide in tbe tarmoil of the world Surely not. The conflict with t h srd and lelflih world is enough - for himiihe duty of combating with ' hetlma7 human Mture is received 1 for the mother's portion... N father Cin, no'fither ought to know how 'muchs&eaVmeis of. heart, how much weirinfii of soirit. the mother has toured," in order-to render hia chil dren the object of his pride as well as f hi affection. T foster the germ f mental enerirv. to rein up the early ahoots of intellect, and, more than sllt to atch over the pnre fresh feelings f the routhful heart, and direct if 3nnoceot affections to thirgs above" o that it my never be induced to place its happmew lowertthan itself, these are the ennobling duttrs of i jnother. But can these duties be performed hy the wraan whse mental rneigics were in early .youth-wasted upon the &cinatlng pages of rcmnnre, and,rin hiiter life, frittertd awv amid the ftTvTmtieroTTisliioTi served a raao if acknolrdc? d sense n penetration; never havr 1 known man distinguished fr wisdom and virtue, who was the son of a foolish mother. Have vou dined f sid a lounger to his Xriend. 1 h e upon my honor reprtrrf be. Then, rej iintd the Bnf , if vou btve 4n"4 upon your honor, 1 fear yon have made a scanty meal. Well, Sam, shall e have rain of snow About these times ! Oh, I, don't know, repikd Sam lookin? , wondrous wlei la 1 atn IncHocd to think we shell hac tain, or It may be anow but that will de pend very much on the weather. A mechanic ine Norih i has Invented a machine for seminaries, which, bv i, n nf eteam. not onlv warms the room feui fl.j;a the boys on a graduated .scalei ccordiOR to their oHcnces. .. - fattening Swine Hog's will fstten 4k. latrer if ihev can hava acceas St will to chVrcoai, which they will eai'aargerlvi n.l thus acoutre an app-.tue ot ou, and ecape a certain disorder, which feeds call dyspepsia. bi Anecdote. A few evenings since, vmino . ladv waa readiog aloud to an aunt, an only relation, an account of the recent execution of a person for 'warder, ".of the''aame'oame.r-There teiog but very few of the n me, the coincidence gave rise tV some mirth nl the lady rising from the paper, ins iteU remarked, well, I m tbe last of Kir tribe, without, (she continued J4 ,tii) u. tie J 'i is still iiving,' -jOn no, my chtM, wasjhe tnocent re. ply, he . au't be living now, without sthis is him that h a just been hung. prem Mated Poverty. A. friend .ovrrtaki'ig SHuuer one dav in the itrt-f, sid to him. Why Nd are yot npt ashamed to walk the streets aiith twenty holes in vmtr stockings ? Vhv dont you get them mended ?" I 9r,, ,bvf it rripli. rl , Ned. "for a .fat i& f'mrimt of a d"y; but a ; . A ' nunii of the Mifil.! of e Y - IVLedSuici.h relation irtthe I HI . . . . r r ...t ..ill c ,,i ht the MirshsU l fcai 'f"f' in requited to n bhimbn . jhis ihfm.and of ' whlH rem.ln Jue from the letrrti Mrsnw,or "" tr rfepfe,'"',v eraplofad. - 'dff, .ii. ; ' IT?" To :e pul.liihed thre times In thrnesp.p's e mp'ovsd to public the l,,ws of the Unite. Stes . pirtaraaevsr ttb, f 2f IHI' APPLICANTS 'for fa'entsira herrby nn iSed. that In fu'ure, n-i pVf orsnvMchlne.orlmp.oecmcntthrriln. ... . t j i niu.A mnAr IhefrOI Will OB liipra, U,,,M " ' - b fdrnlM to thU Urti e ' , Bv oirfrr of iH .Vrff M-r? ofS'a'f, , JOHN D. CIU10E SufitrintnJtnt. f),i 54, 1831 . K ft-r., PuulUhers of the Les of tba it , is',.. r.t ta Iniert tht hotf.ihrea tlm. nd furnleb their ac- conn's 'o thf Pe'en. OTv.--,.t - . Neirrocs IVantcd ! t . . . I . a . ae 1 chse a number of NEGROES limit dir'Dff-the next twelve m-mhsV Anf pew?..Mn i.ifh nr.mertf for M would U wen ' -i i.i u to apply to the suosenner ocmrp imry make a sale, for they may rest assured that he will pay the nW liberal prices inCVW. JAMES HIT IE N. B. All letters addressed t the ihf r will be attrndetl to as punc miHv. aa if applitf 'tio i was made In nron.VU' his hswrnceL Rqi T Iliritinnend t KU ftbsienceMa." ".Ritivu tfe .Post-Master. wil;wh' aixhor, ised tf'nake frchasM t alUimea CnMLF.STO.X'an'1 CUF.tt.VV. fUB'8TrM.BOAT MAHN . -:t - . . ...f .. !T. J C QUA HA.M hilinj; been iMurd !' ummrr, ll, ,i,i -j. . , tt nTir-i aiiu 'lie raw ollin(5 0. Town on hef f v? tnA rfowtii wtli rtaume hei Tiia in th. rou ttof frw days and i- la'enrf.d to he -il.. I Pu continued in the trade the entumg a Her exrefdinR light dnf of Water drew' whmloddH only about lour nd half fee wuttt will enable her to rea h mon low river, when her r- ri iH he riirhtened'at fh Etpt-nre of Bi'.-' r. Anil J, O. K lAtlll. Charletton Scfit. 86, H3l. N. B. She Ns comrortablf 'ac mo- dationsfor a fwV'e,,P';r J ' J B. C tSTJTi: OF MS'lV.l CUIIY Det'd. HVING qualifi d, at tfovtmher Sessions of . It-wan County Court, a Administrator of the Es tate uf the lateDaniel Clary, dccM.. I hereby request all 'persons heving Claims against said estate to present i hem lor payment legally authentic ted, within the time prescribed by law,or this notice w'dl be plead in bar of their- recovery. AH persons indebted to the estate are requested to come foward and m ke immediate pavment. ; JAS. DOUGHERTY, Jldmr. with the JVot. 25th, 1831. anex'd State ofXoYttv Vj-atvAVwvV, WILMS COVNTT. Court of Pleasant tynrter Sessions, . OCTOBKB-aWtOXgr-lSSU- NEWEL FOR TNEK and others 'Bnnsh Barns and othtra: Peti ..... . .r. " . lor a dia'ributlve share. v hercas it ia m-e to appeii io tbe Courr-hat Ed ward Bat ns, Jmea Barna. Joshua Birns, Elijah Barn's, Susannah Bams, E'lxabeth Fonner, AHaa Bains and Roheri Mitchell or ome of them are non resident of this Sute; it is therefore ordered by the Court that notice be Riven for six werks in4 the Western Carolinian to said non resid nTa 'i"haUB?"b'and7piiear at our n, i Court of Pleas n Q,u rter Seaaiona, to it held for the County of Wilkes 't.' the Court Hount m VViikcsboro on th'c fifth M nday in Janury next, then and ih i a, to make "'themselves parjiea to said petition ; otherwise it will be hed-ex-parte as to them and judgment and de cree etitartd arrordinjrly At4 R. MARTIN, c w.c. c. Ot e-ry description, mratly ru cj, and keooatlAtly for asjo Uuifliaa ai- f ' f J., , ,hf f)fM jj mi!; . .( . ,....imi ( tUtiinc f . I ... - ... 4 4 It 6 WAN TUOOU VOU parsdi to the Town-of 5' An the I f Sturdy t an u.i . . kr tht pu cf tlictinit a til iht vfncy ca.h.M. d y re d u'm' Ma, n U 0 " ' r'r . ' iniiM i.kaZKU. &0 wbir ...... . . i. H. .1 i' ; . .. ... a a am am A ftlMBS lie li srovided wi'H commmiinos wrrt houses for storing Cotton sad other pro duett sod propotea nuking ibcral adf ,n rt. htn rtancttcd. , He HI otrupt of thr Kn- k lneme's t.isi of tne . r - m Planters Ht. A- fwivant supply b' . GRbCEMRS : 5!!1i ten o?i ihnnd, sn ! ill oiders from hffO'nt'v pnr a ll at'r njrd . HIKING OF NEGUOES. T T 7 ILL'm hit al to Coif H 'lise VV door, in Salutary.' on Mm ajrihe Jnrt d ' J fM. ry ,i?-tt f" . ye , SEVEV OK EIGHT, lhronLinir lo'hr eitwe; of Frederic at the umr time- aiH "r -illh SOLD NF.ORO BOY, ahou tnii one rear rf ir. of ijood mr - - fhrcet hrlonirintt to si ' Ea'ate. Th Id ot U 'J' nd heait'iy and a Rood F imrr'i C.m-nter. Trnwa rasdf au.wn on ihe d -f i; JOHN FORD vWinr Dr. a?. BtiMcnuUi Fr H:k in Euripe, uJ laltitgfnm Phil 3 rJiPECTFULLT inform IV. the puhlir. that hrhali ceted hirasilf at tba Manaioi h.- .. ii S .tstnir,, Itriwan Couny, N CituitQ. I!fitjlu4!LioEurope. ser tcd a Mirfrroft in thr II pral af'er thr bulf of Wdit rloo, and was i lected Ship 8ureon tin hit voe gr to AnaeiUa, for three hundred paa.nj-tr.. REOOtCJOiar ATI01T. I, the undmin, fpiiio oi ihe ship A nphitri'r, from Amsttrrt.im, laie'v ar rved .at this ciiv with ibiee hundred r..Hfngrs htreiih certify that Dr. A. Biummeu. durii g the long voysge o' 7J has trecttd 'he irk wi'h the great rit cere, and hi proved himself in everv reprt, ate very humane man, and a skilful physician j end thout of arven tr six only two haT Hd t vrj FREDERICK RIDER. . PHILADELPHIA, k.. I certjff tha- the lo'tttoine is correct lr printed from the original. Cenifira'e, which is reRunrlr attested beforo a ISo I r Public rf Pnjl jdfl phia BURTON CRAIGR. EHir, SaMury X C. State af North Carolina, 1 V StOKKS CotJ3fTT. ' In Equity Oct. Term, 1831. CnaisTtAw Lcsh Adminiara1or of Oeo. Iliuwr, dee'd. "t Original Bill, to t. ' Vaubject laide to tha . T. ilau-ier, iff othera s J payment of dent. thii case it bi ing ihewn to tbe sati'taction ot ?be Court, that Samuel T. Hs'jeer, one of th tUfe'i'lawte in the ca doca wirt ryeid1 within the lintit, i.f ihia State, it is Ihrrrfotv ols dered that publication be made foraix rek in the Western Carolinian primed a; Salirhury, that unless he apnar at our next court of Rqui tv, to be holden for Stokes County, at the Court lloiiie in Germantort c the third tnonday after the fourth monduv in March neat and pl al an. sver or df mur, the bill will be taken po con fewo ajrainst him, and the cause ac' down for bearing eparte,-C0pv from minutes. 6t6 ' JOHN C. BLUM, i;, m & WAGllONKliy ' Driving to Payeitcvil'e, ft fL find it Lteir ad'-amairr. to aton a' XY.lL . Wamn-Tiid. hi.rt everv con yeniencr is peoride'd fur Man and Ilor ,to mak, them comfort blef at rht-tooilerate charge o( 2A ci-nis a day and night, for tho privilejre o iht Yard, the use Of a (rood house, fire, water, and shelter. Attached to the Yard, are a Grocers and Provieion ''tore, Bread Shop and Confec tionary, and a Houi for Boarderf and Lodgere, in a plain, rjieap. whoh-aome a .d romintablt 0.3 iSft . t .'. 'rS,e i il " mhb H'Ctt uro md Nt Vott Thtir hoc r.mUa l almoti titj sruua ""7 ' .ore.lnihU p.rtollhs " bicbthty aia de'ctmif fca m in in; ' ThoU Mifnc " PTtbsa will o well to rail & r iamlna their enor.menW Hcr Pih e (! u gV lar iBtmieivt a.t k3 J. da rur.su kifi'LY cf ) eYUlif (' P,inla BOOTS UAef , , f S lawf fui'd da i !jM,Wbt q.inn."4 .W alftck ar ad ca hanl, r'd'fs ha Mrt' men! very wmtel- ,v ; . ro lliq Public. '. FCOTT fc A, W. nriANDU?! h.t Ine diaaolved Ihrlf paltwe rahlp io if f buuMs eaiautiaiiniriH ui vim,. Alt -wrMinaindebtad toScoll & Urendoo rf that felita era rinueiied lo nuke py I .... , - rnr nt. and all ptraons nvmc cuims 10 pr r nt Jhem fi p., mem. ' r!?Xea. rontirfurd ss hmtofor by Drandon and Sect at Wteboro' where can he had fir cash or country ptoduce in MChargeVU kinds of Fine? Gowli uro'trif a , on trtt rnnu tnw rai lerma. Oc. I. Km! 1831.) J SCOTT, '94f; A.W.BRANDON ! y ' 1 J. fCOTTihiain,r bought out ib in terett of K " Crandon In their con " ctrn (Stoti tk Bndon.) at theraw, wiir b happv lo sojiply ail who raiy wiiiMI0 Gecw, Beeped Tevtrf 18 Otoda on good term, either hv whole j 7 - do aaorocco, 37 f tile orrt'tii wvn unui hu uhav an . a f . l ri a mslnf rVrrf cTraf rlp'lom- la all it.a. arllins fcfCaah or fctth'rv produce The -lbeat mar prk fc Rln - f ofintrv nroduf I t.- "raiap - rrftirt OorvK . JN'O. SCOTT. l1l 94 f Ocrearr SJ. 183 1. AH proc'uei In-ended for the Charles ton nrnrke or to pa ih'ootth the han'l 0rif. W Conner & Co. Cha-lea'on oill har.rrf,j!lr aiorednd forwrd-d. alv r.rr. ... rerfiv ...... .w . olihe worM ftfn d a-o mr,w'flo to r'rtre- Dr iu i .. virrw m rvrowo- if. vr convf.r kCo. AT UUlttp. AT LAW. aawrriix nrsp'ue ja ih Owrtinf thle Coantf tv. UavidaoA. llrcklenbtirf k Cabarnie, Hiioffiv e rewdwra below tbt Cin Ilonae Orta hm. 'Ji m. riLUABLB Catawba land for Sale, PURSUANT o petition fi cj in the C iu-f ot Equtir foi Linrolo county, 4V W. II:,ync, Harriet Eloisa and Srai IIne, Infants, by their Guardijn, and in rbedience to a decree of said Court I hall sell, at Pubtit Auction, be- fdt. sfMttwdl llftBteia 9nir f 1fifilnfAM ""V" " v"-vu, ontheir-h day or January next, ( be he TueMl.y of "fjomy Court,. uahU Tract or Lrtd. IviDfc in said ,,,.,,. n..r the Buffilo.Sho.ia. .h Catawba river, containing about 120 The above land is represented to be l .... - It J II . nrsi rate as io oii, inu wen umoereo.i with . small improvement, and, about 85 or 30 acres of fresh cleared ground. - Persons wishing to purchase a good farm, would do well to view the premia- es, and sttend tha sale Conditions .one and two years credit bond and approved security required. By orrter of the Court, JNO. D HOKE, CUrk and Afatter JVW 15. .183 1 y'' . 6 5 fTTl I IF. Siihxr.ber prooosftt-i open a echo-jl .SE. in oaiianury n. U. On Monday the 2nd of Mnnary 183 , . s Retea bf TuitloiiFor the arioqa branch" or an cncjiun cuucaiion JJO per leuion (ot fi montln) ve Por all the branches, of a classical Education preparatory to admission into Cotli;e g!5 per session. , . r 5t4 1108ERT ALT.ISON. ON the 10th of September last, from my plantation, in jonea rnnnty, two nerroea, one named WASHINGTON, alout 2? yeiMr gf) verv. bri(th( mulatto;-oit one. of hia handu there ia a scar occasioned by a cin i he will chano KU num. Runaway and endearor to pass for . free man. The other named JOHN, a common mulatto, about 30 yeara of age, very intelliffent i he wiH probably pan as the servant of Waehinjftoti; and chanire Ins, name. rewanl of 25 Dollar will be triven for the delivery of either in any Jail, so i hat I can get them. JAMES LAMAR. OcaAcr 16iA. 42tf i ICP The Georgian, Savanna1 j the Teles, rope, Columhia, 8, C. i and Uichmond Enqui rer, ar rcqutated to publieb the above weeklv unQl forbid, and then forward their accin.ma to r f.ULJtfAE. jn,i:.t;i, IS'-., -r I. U.-n .4 a i!iif, i i ii.e Ti'ii i L i.' s:' n. tin n tMinl, ?. f. 'd I n rM.,tit 111 tl,,.,,! btftt hit'1, Nfih"U'rt .f lt Cty,, v if rr lt"". lluirp hrrj'i, al.o tUt ijiUai4 lM,(ineul I ' of Itrrry Ifoi'r hrrjf'e Cf Co f'.t'mf of it. ltu( trr f'Cf rn ' '''' abk- ihf f wi'l terjr low ft ( il ftiwO tk. kg to .urcfn1 ' p CIIEA? C00D3 ' . .. til fjrais to e,, M M P1'"1 ''n ba f,f d 0 mr ift t gla rewrel aa VkU. I . AtUx'd of touflir prwW will be. nie"" l tachargt for goJ. 24 . nr.?,r,y. Kir. I3.1t. . AMittBWIii-RTi ' jV?(7 Good I nriA7?iMi n chess r. rtMfe fi'l ax wtitur tipplv . t: m, tik with ,kffier Wiielf, f opi4ea ever niel, niillv be4 In a t'Minirr letad at ore, abjcS ,4 a ill mH low fr ff.r ii a abort ert!l: i punHi at uVaJff. Ttie puUlifl are rcafetrbh' foH'ttrd t fall and Judt fir ihemarirr , V lift elm ewillroire rha reofiwrtt cf riua andTra MTaat, warranted 19 be mf)4nrlw KmI mettriaJa. am In a atrperinr attic of fc. maftbip, Hinir a terv Ursa' aiork nfri war ra hand ami briar tWtrrminrdiet! h t rednerd preea mrrrhenf a oulddowr'lt. eiioni.iniu.KBT u1,pU?liV, ,f'f ? WaaL. w ! SJlUSDUItT TnMT Vfpotilory. yht nUhmf AasiKary Tract kViele.l iia. ercmed at thrlr cttwory a aea Wfplf ofTHtCT,embraeir.rell thf Soeietya, H,b. KeaiiaftafroaaBfa. i 1M.-Wl.ieh b aoM at tha perrnt kWktta prifea'iia. JJ pafea for t etat, t I Jifl rira fur gl. I I R -IV .t . ... 0 11... 1 JA . 1 ,0 -piwwvaa to earUv pMr 3. i hi iiitir l rii i i .--i- xf.nirmf.. taeroccoJL 1 19 Dew Drooa 3 l do morocco, 31 J 1 10 - ; - do -morocco. CJ do ioo nd BUfa t oo J Dwlridtfc's R"n U Tttmtu 57 2 IWrer'e ftaime a at ' ..VJ joo ut Serin Cbiklrto'i Crxtki, 50 200 24 da .1 00 '00 U ; do 'IJi ' J j Qr, l2 i at. Via 'MI. To Saddle ts AND Harnrss-Makcrs. mjIE Stibsrrlbers wuh to emnlnf ' k ta.jji.- ,1 it 1.' Makers of steady and induMrtnus hab' ur -T J0HN w. HILTON, BENJ. J. OAKES. Oct. iisl 1831. fijtf 'Vhti V cnutaa te wpinst tr. fpf IE aubscfiber still continues to. 7 make the above M -chines and keepa a attpply constantly on hand I ta t m ' a wnicn ne win sen low lor casfr or on cred,t to punctual dealers, lie like- wUeintrnd, l0 k h)0(, , , i r.ftmm! m.-t i opplv of COTTON GINS, and h wiU ho f ePa,r lhc ame 1 ' pri,cr' K. T. MITCHELL. Ifdry 21st. IVl lrff!TaO FT 11 ) M. B. V Jli HPue Cextiucates lor JMny seteu 1 ibares l 'he Capital or Joint Stock in the State Bank, of North Carolina in the name of Thomas 0ke( cn. of Rowan County N C. hsvinp been mi jaid Notice is therefore hereby Rtvcn, to all persons cojneerned, that I sh;t!lajv ply to the President of the said B mk, ei- ther in nerson or hw spent, to issue du plicates thereof. WILLIAM W LONG. y Administrator of th EsMeofTlIOMS tto OXKK8. sfri..ifi Committed. TO the Jail orLiocoln County on the 10th of Aug st, 1831, a negro mqf about 25 years of age, 5 feet 5 inches hif-h, well formed, Speaks polite. II.- has a scr on hu ric:1 1 Check, he calls himelf .WfAfl demus, nd says he belongs to N faniel fnpa in Iredell Coun'j. Notlv Carolin.. The owner ia rrajfu- sted to come forward, prove pf3pertv pay cb-irjrre and take fiim twaT. 13 f Jacob nKiNif ardt, mhou For, Sale. .'' voohvndred pounds of first ratt f Northern Hops. Enquire nt Of fire' ,, rttf GOOD WRITING PAPBR 0 Oil ; v. b tha quire or .n'X yt "'