.....m ' . :. - r -r -- -y -'-'---? ...-v. "T- .... ..... . ..,.-,.1 "I.-,., .... ... , V' T.-.on, Air emmitfe ret,eeportl pro- w rm. v w ' , jy .; " ? !- Jl-wjntotioe?i(')'iuc3Lof providiog by . taw y.T yIATEy "Saturday,-Tkt4,1. thaf ahtiievcriBotwo" to real estnie mail provision f.r the collection of dehts fn,ni jucity (U'wo may, be allowej to ouij ' Word.) --f i j wW!" r-.'s A.. v-v,7- ' -ta r -t come ii!icrcian apona P?W 'cu fne engrossed bill to provida wr. " J . rv.irr m jcrticin ttfHM.fc p9titiof ftfedrfof te etaica.o,lj3.?ccaQa jiua. vvuvui ted in.:si;iy;yy'y' The-KB-ta burfCtSld Minins Coinpanv. was rend th The Vke-IWu k tt.nMMl.w oj fines tmpnwl upos free -vr , iim;1I 1 MifcaY may inetaiau.-yiy.: r.fe,The ratcatHn.if the CmnmmiF? nine, SMrsjJia!Lbe sufficient .Jot (h. 'laTiAtlHmt'ofthiB, Constitution iUisy MemSrwli were printed from sundry,; nMWWUl W.sawww wr in, ' ,,;itoi lurT:mIirle tnerchants of R.iladdpHivNWYrk eed teftrw4udcu llilfd" ttmeiAiiHttt'Wul -aoiojatcd dc!i jffoaenij'CTO f. the duttra on tea, irnjwi i 3 after the v 311 whiclv Messra. Barrinu'pr, Uaston, I lenry and IIavwovI advocated - it,' and Sfe'ssra. Hare we liavo it'.wsorteif. 'i,- ofthe inurnment itIfy iinl not ,ja . "mereTifinWoniiinho Coi5tItutin y" Wat, itiately 'p8sed and was ordered to 1,& rosseu vjm www v r war 'Sfri nnr. otH tlic -Cotaaiiifre on pgM?vt .:,eapncitjr I prtjr isna tfy Judiciary roported th:it it isnexediontyk!rHVu W, thajw-ple.iait-.ap-at4his timi; to nia.'u ai ".alteration er!fr vernmont f mwsd. '.tha j(,ietr .-ttw m the-law of J 429 makini the d.lil'rcnt aotesiiu thelr Vrf!rai. - " f ' ' ' vY Anionf ths tandinx eommitteep aj mittc.ti whom waa wfehttW KeaoIyi.jwi(ja fjjjijjing (ha State jlouae on 1 y ; "y .r--- ---t - tKinti, yr tha fallowing t , ' " ': tion j;wtniftin ttijEntiu UiVJ,, fjmmrtfin tha ChftX Raleigbr-' j'..j?...,.:iy.. -1. ... . IV amt AnoM. - -i - . ' ; certain pwcm within a riren time, maJa ,L,. r ,11 Schooli withTo" ihTsi Of Comnerte CmhTmris, Howrd, Mr. & from 1 tha" mm eommittP, -. to Swuherlanil, Lamar, Newt-m, 'Davis, of, Which wa referred a ReatJutio.1 iiwtruct. Ma-rcirai Jarrwc Tt O. Ciir-rWhittIeey rf JphK Rar-of amending; the Glinting la as t lr of VNMcIntyre,ratt Court! jurisdiction to , gn and RenAcr. ;jry s :"rp 1 jjiant W rits of Certiorari and Supfrso- ' of Mww Taylo Folk, Crawford - Banj' on, itatio that it ia itietoedkfit to legia-" fyyen and tfanek:. yy,.. . ' " i jjat aaon tlia aylijecU-TXopc urrod in. ; ;B!aif ;of SVC vlitchl pr. Maryland,1, t9J tiiat jt ia inoaaoiliant to miike any al & Bpeii-ht, Adair anAWardyy y-teratiori, at thia tiwe, in thaliw .taUtin; ' r- O Sarat V4fai'noffman,T! 'Vhita of S e w Yory-Anderson,- Branchr M r g. frm the jart conimittea, who lillifan and Vatm!?h, . :wcre instructed to tnqtiir i Tnto the eipe- yy O f tiulian :Afmr.--Belf, -Iwia,1 dwncv of o auemlio!r tha Criiwinal Law 0 r . t .. 4 ....... .. . v y Thompson of Geoi, -4al LeCoraptft. " : y Owdict, y Findley.; IIK - Dayani y thio-rtifl and Uarbour oil JU' -w-ipfc-:, geljfitorraV Ma4aa to make larceny tor iakeearrx- away ! or steal rraijes from aov vineyard cultiva. JtteljiullLacw make wina, maJaa re- retinoru pr Wor-lpnrh- ttttiBjr thatlHsTnpi3Iei.t t:jf ff.!'.;.'.!" --Mc. Sneed, from thenommittwfwr Fi nnnce, to mhkW wa rlrre,f a RtJutiin M f. Adams of Massaih'usatta," f llid Et- Prendont of the Uuitud Statas) . presented w KomaaaryjHwiuoiJ3!m tM Uf u reiauon xo rram Va'tU; a" f the earn purA)rt, pray lved Iv tha ofiicers and students of the UniTiTlrian'l tr-fktniinarioa;f learninarnHculariy esiaousnca vy xxw, waa c j Ue up for its tuinJ reading. V an jftf&p.mtiooa4ramo4tterer6! and reacted. 'TlUT Citl fwallf pa-wad 'its ecotid reading, Yeaa 02 Nays 37 'TTio Biirb'rfpi9ftte passall m 1P06, to reWsajha Militia Lawi oftliis State relative the Infwittir f waaread-the sjTond tie.lir Wihm moved that ike said BiU-ho postponed indefinitely, hic,h was carried. Yeas ?vNaya,40..'.yyy yfr. Msbaiie from the Committee on In ternal Improvements, report a Bill to aid in making the Tennessee Riverjload, which had its first readiag.-- - -y y'y,.jsjsrvSjfi7S Petition prtneittfl. By Mr. Clayton, Sjdlizmw of Isiwomla couuty, in lamia' Biicka'cr, Joliii 'IIiir-" th better rejwlation of the.County Courts of Buncombe. "By Mr. Wycho, to ehangi tha dispositioa oLlho .jmmtjtQtixtxialiag the Aiultur4dyJByLAIfyEmMli dirtcttnj the manner in which eonstahles shall hereafter t8 cMctd injViikcs co Tiicso Bill were read the first time. L-On-footioa. of M'.wroiwgt jhehg nc treasurer yrvi oirecteo 10 iniorni ino House whether the sum of 3,000 loaned tJolui&TlU$,.fcy repaid. . ;r V""-. 7: ,:l On motion of Mr. Petty, the Committee on the Judiciary' were" instructed .Jo en. .quire int the expeiliency f limiting the 1 ''fil iw" , f f- ' ... pcrtoo, wiuiin wnicn, trespasses, misoc meanors and other olfunces shall be pro- aeciitsd. Th remainder of the sitting was "eon mined ia the ederationyorihe Bill Jo provide for re-buiMin tlte Stato IIom on TJiTwirBvin the CiijMllttiMfifi: w aal Fisber. (um went into a Committee of the eotnpciiisation fat a horse pressed into the rCliair7Mf. Ilavwiiwred his "views m iavor i ine pnswgc ot ine Wmt theViliaiReai aair cfeErcdfeat A remarked red in.' fiim that llin ! M Saivnll fum lK Pntnmitta .n committed to th. J,r.riflr. whi-h h.,l Sen .rrfJ 'authiriw thereeonot vt.inon Ui Ivey mtion to the Bill. When Mr. W. took his prewutini tha petition, Mj (hat "it had occurred lo "petitions mtj;lit have been ;:tinro;ofnMdin (county of Havwood By Mr. Brevard to plied to Mr. Haywood and spokeln d;pdi appiredtoJheptodtkti "authorize the rea on m .vtiinon Uir Ivey mtion to the Bill. WhenMr. W. took his modifies to be afterward Mchaiwjl-J . .. i. : P..ny..kn.- ... v t .... .i .J .i : :o !iey-theBilrtoRTitticifcut'tiono s?di- 2-.,eiil' WBuli-iiaceiv isui-Jaaiact. VulmihllMm totohleta1 ra;r1aTtfia"sa7aa with 'r. nri' port, lis deemea tt, tiiorMOrc, lus out y an Aoien Intent whicr. ws agreed to. Mr. to dlart that they wouli rt.if." What-T Skinner mavH thnt the furt'ier cfiasi'ler. his charge under an expectation that U . r:r""J-wWfl-w abroad, orip, fs;, cutitpWMuffly to compel the Bill wailaid upon the tahlo until to-morrow, plied directly to the .production of tlim nm nr wiBfiw (or tha ntiriioctt ol n .1 iUm llnnu mAmttmM 1 l.o. .1... i . i.u .vuv vj.'v.. iivi. uivi. utai LuusnuiKiuiY. Aininrin MIL. M HitMclTor ?f s?iverrft1ae mntkts ga tfit Bill; passed-it r2$Z r wiisqiwwia-iti-mar'iiiiiB: tins gtate, till same it tr;t:tg ii .rin.. s--i. iur8 w in ih, he rfith psrhapathe growth jaf manufacture of this State, roceiva e-itnea sf vacant laoJ in certain f)rinf4, it i w$y he eild triw itno shall pay tat in even i coutityof the State cws.- . r y dlwpstell FremthJLiMntJiCilu.ConttltU) ; i-Twd woof J-ncr II tin) if it should ispi the reaswswBV he eild ffive it no shall pay a tat in every county coiidtenance or supix Al prewnt he-of t500. The art does not apply to indi- WouM only say to tha llousf, and to the- vidua! who are residents ef the State, but attend procuring t'.eir .lepMiitims, to arant facij. itics fw ohtaini i. fi texttioev of witne sj'ks gs'jf jnv dfXiW could xit aa-to-tha. tui the . Gnveranieny about Jo be ould, we think, be entirely !.v a knowledge of tbe fart that Thea Bill were read the firt time. -' -. 4 th Covntwi was taken b The Bill extend to lhr law f the Stato The stria'! States had an emial UawpaWt a, pojwlationofoiily.naOsoulleiji to acoedc to" the Constitution, .tlicir ?it would .have ; frustrated ; the ie, J? " Htfjhirothef Stao popufatioi -f5,333,DM-li eould have been allowed,' had lhe Gn ' oiie, tho' essential property rVlich' tu,U a mijjrity. shall govern. Virginia, Mmsnchii!Kt(s4i5,327 Peunsylvanin, 43l,.f7d North-Carolina, 3'),1,75l New.oik, 310,120 Mar laud m,V) !Awtl.(roliaiiJ40,073 Connecticut, 237,010 N. Hampshire, 227,424 New Jersey, J 84,1 39 Georgia, .82,519 Rhode Island, 6 625 Di!aare:Cy,yy.fi3jl)94 W'crritoricJi M$fo 2 1,387 a - 1 S f y 2 - ,4 -:,Xl 4-- JL., BOQC, . one? yy :.,3,02128: 38 y.v. . ' V ......'.4 iy.'.".- I... i ': ""-'' i s aiiumi. lO.uiiriaiJi luai in SO gjf tf ; ADwvrtcan eanital waa . onamxl :J. it frortHV Citixaos who had cAnmitted their it ta intended toexclude foreism Pedlars. 1 wer that part of lerrrt-.ry now occupied Trt ith the lar?e States, and. so little peMtioas to his charge, thut tha mwt ml. - - , ; - ; J. Py the cneronee -atio i ot i uJian, ami, tVfrronee wss had tas proportionate repra. itai in both case alike gave emplovm'sal to American imlu4ry. The reasoniiii by whreiYJhiawhewn-teh1herw"t xcaediogly inpie'i ndr-thmkr-Bi" bave.tecn acknowledge:: by rhaiHrrfJus uicei reaaer as conclusive or lue wntcr of the tariff address ininiarntaTning thrt rfii 7 eign eommeroe had a tendoncy to . drire capital out of tho country. But thit 61U. cy may be made appanot in another point of view. If our eommeroe with other av ,. utiry me.licinea unduly administered, were 1 ' - - J Xuetdny Dee. HO . " . u v m . rte ?,t.' awtWw-nf the people,' tiiat oimm V 4Utidininuliea tlM.iJiM)itiilofcstsiejhi. ... uh most rteally orpmsMts.".. - I The nate spent jeariy t'l whole of 1 " ' ' "um" smallt 'afs had more lKmities than ; ployed in the country, this it isplaia,tu ;; . :Thi eyeTtjl".tuljecf"-4mkreeil i ftejtj,,ir rittinc.'ta Cmittee'of the whole, er. ko: J con :Href. Mr.' Ed- ,nme Th hrones Tl,f tis may PvHonra message were relerred I6id.1tu at i-t- .u- rt.:. Uju. -n.;.i. monston moved that said LU1 be indefinite- k. mB,irt. we 'yife below the eooulation ofeaoital beina- exnorted abroad. This. yyfrpftale tmmfftj.pZZZMi thVBank BilI3Irt Wilson, Mrv JKwrt'' V,!c motMM Prevailed, State as it evi-ted m 1790,when however, even (ho writer' of the tddteaf munUmf.t. Mcooper and Montgomery, Oranie, "de-Y2'),31,V . , fir" '!nTO, tnkn 'th lh num'; wouW "oUons on the nature of cap. r--RW,frT1itnVTecrimrnTtteel tho;on- 4inn.r . '... vr. . .. r ,.r- he nntad Jar inmniv jhee-q of eta -.x' one w tnore- Aisat tn the gold region of the South. ,-r.m,v..v.. -w,,rJrjS--i) mi- v--JtBn'iii j, jne proyiMions ni i:ie act ; siinnr y.ZX;:i lo'tte" 'widows 'of tmiirt?tet''the irurplus 9i " r w .1h4 personal ,tate or their deceased trai tia'i U where ni kiadred claim the same, V y- pawed, in 1 923. - By Mir. Britain, amend - atory of an act, passed in 1830, in relation to the appointuient of ConuniiMionera to . " ' ' luperintond Uie erection ef a Court House in the cau'ity of Burke. . y ; ' , , These Billa ' were severally, read the first time. ':" ' .' On motion tU& Cuinjtj&lT.-I1--: Kcsprfn, That the Committee on the - -J Judiciary be infracted to enquire into the ' j ' ' ". '! expediency of ao ainendiuj the law, as to '. . mnko five Commmioner a comnetent . linuibcr tohy off widows' dower and y . roads. .'" ' .."' VZ.Wi RnaU resolved itself mtoara: y ?m!ttee of the) whole, m tho Bank, Bill, "- - Mr. Moisnty in ' the Chair. - Mr. ' Martin :( advocated it and Mr. fVareII oppoeod it. t t,wmef net-r, fportea pro- , ftrss and obtained lesve to sit again. ,A '-, i Ma, I - ' i' '. ' y "'.. -,'-.-' yrnVay.Jfclo. ....y. iJa taotioo of Mr.lSieedv-i-4..-.- Jtrtofoeil, that the Committee of Finan- h taioed leave to ait again. wicfcamtcna n,,o,m uture, was read the of nmVf, w.nt. th, smM, 5,afe,t ofi. difReUie-W loegrt leulH tbtrd tiste and ordered to bo enro . tHVU Cver the lanre one.,-he kagmg? either without any d , """ " .i"TT . n ,o which n-ver would hsvo been permitted, , tinct meaning, or in a sense peculiar,! roverinirl!ii Capitol with Zinc, bv JIr.trjt . ...k.Tt. it-:-.ti.i-aeonild'itioft. .... a ' an sii-iiii wiirm uinrn isa ma vi.iunn iiiiistr m . . i i s ' - - " r "irrf 'jia'tf, . 2 f .' Drii? wu taken up ana xonsiderci and . i. fWonrllv. That Arnftha gm.n.if tern lae-lha writer proreeda latMttn t 1 . t . t 1T4 wi ivear lfwj tlU IMW 14 JU,' ' a , 1 j- - , was, feOTlryinodificd -as to -directz the ihe nilf Vft- w deSnitelyosti ffws-d, eWeinin? a population paragraph of he . addrc to give ,aa ao PuMcTwrer topay r.B. iww could determine 'mt "of the system of his oppoocnlioa fnaby.lMmform any :: lowance for;the fahpr performed i' .nj , wLi; -t..j : .u n.u ,i lnr-t etstee, ontami'ni niioottTnW S; Mfim fchosiC and thus modified, the ResolutiotLJjasaed, u nZTml fUrri,.. u. 'la, '.lwKic It- was ultimately poet ponei and was ordered to bo engrossed 37 to 23. , w.ii---u.j:n-Ufi.Iu;-k been arreded to. had not the Governnwntth an enemy to theory, that is te all res Tho Senate 1 set to a late hour. bem?;. .r m ...w Wr. . no 1 "i Kn dnitt hkm it. ainoinbi Rt.i sr. sonim? on the subiocl of tho tariff, lor ibw ensa jed in the consideration of the Bank ; ,k., .k. . ......Lj i ereintia. An namination of the votes instant we beein to reason on any subject, aunt wiixtiw eau ajso ui if is saa igiui uru. 1111 - --1 w . . I .J it ii .,.. .k- na: unon many of the most imnortanl features that instant we begin to theorize. 1 oa some time spent therein, theCommittee f 5ant hB,"dcbts dwim tnhim the Court ' he Constitution; would probably showlHroso who are unable to ntect fairly tho rose and reported progress and obtained V 'Magistrate .'shall iue a summons to em to have been adopted aeainst the arguments of their opponents should M leave to rit again. hile 10 mittee, M;j JeUort lo cril f)nranJ how wishea of 4he Deputiea lepresenlin? the somewhat displeased and even the question was token on striking out the ; cauM wh- ;,ldj,JMnf .uij ,,, u mathr Slates eontaininr a vast majority of the the argumentation, which Jieain thcir.wiy unst the w, in' favor of the Plaintiff. 1 V' Wf and. tHbre fore, to ' suppnwi natural enough. But that these genu -1 .1... .L r J . . I . . mn whit rnmir mil fllpnrv ! theOTVl Government formal hy the people as an a p. other words, I want none of your arga- Biil, in Committee of the whole. After enacting danso of the bill,' and lost - by eignr or niuo toi-j. HOUSE OF COMMON'S. : y : ThunnUy, Dec. 13. "ViiUibto Pmenttd.'-fff MrrPulir,4"!' up igauist I A. Tuesday, Dec. 20. Mr. Wyche, from tho Committee of Mnince, to'Whlch-Was rfferrwl a Rssolu t a .a. frrato mns. wouio m to suppose mat . a e . . a maioritv-w tne peopio consented to a ments ! take them away I they disturb I t.nH at tli mmo" timfi lt thnie petition and counter petition from sundry , fcating erantsou entrias ma s in the year citivMis of the county of Rowan, in rela-119'), reported that it is it-Tpedient to tion to the opening of Crane Crek. j lepiilato on the auhioct. Cwurred in. MrCastan, front thejoigt seh?rt Com-f - Mr. P6lk,from the Cmn-iUe'f Tro.J mittee to which was referred the commu- fpoaition and (trisvaocei, to" which was nication and eVirtttmntC from his Ecy- referred V Pill ixrt nt of a portion lency the Governor, hi relation taltho re. jf the counties of Burke aa I nurtcombe. a JfaBriu of tho Statue of .Waa&ugtoa, uadeiaeparaie fturl.ointi.tct eowity-by the name a detailed report thoreon, and recomihco-iof Yaaev. malo a detailed renort the rem. .jtL-ar- ,beand it ia. iastrnctti.Ii. ctinuire.iiito . ded the sdoptim. of a re4ution con... Ir-Aara .in rehtion ti gremipy tironrei jng said repairs to be inado. : The saidTlihxl, Mrt AV,Um iwd that ikw Re. . leepers of .TiTems and retailers of apirirrresohrtion was Tead, the tint time, and -Tjport-e-H Bill - b-pfwtoried inden-ntelr. Ine eawflemre4 the motion to be out of orler'. is contravening th spirit of the 41it Re of the House. Frua this do oisi m, Mr. Pitt man appealed, but ader i vmi.rmXlJ.mtinn tw fpf jijon of 'tig fyTiair wae-aonnnne I. Tho roaiini the Report was tRpreunon concluded, and on motion of Mr. Freeman, ordered to be printed."? ; " Mr. Calloway, from the select Commit tee, to which the subject had been refer rd, roorted,nrv Rfsohitions on the P-iMi" 10 f ':e !J.,;iH Ctntes, which tion intructjnlf them to -nmire into the i Cooirutkm Pwnedhy a minority of the alo dealers in theory themselves, i itsiw liiuirti-ilirt bwfl pontics".' wnnemg.'-p-Biica- iowovr, i.hu-w,. lt us now see what the Constitution e lounu to uo tne case. ncn my -r it self aaye j uounce all theory of those holding oi ' W, the fVonie of the Tnited Statu e,lt 0i'''ons f.flimlvw, and they HottfteKWJpre of ott ebSsolldatcd s,at,r"lkw,'f,,Ptl weptioirof itaMj1 R..e hi....i it, r Bt.i i .1 an u ia wiiii ino wrucr ui ura ay the term united 1 in order to form iuus liquors, adJf they sn'l be of opiu, motion, of Mr. Sumnor, ordered that the ,. Jm hat the funeral weltr will he. pro- report and resolution be printed, tim eo- r f.jsmMAmj f IlllJifimijU r'"'! nm m mW nf thn Lcjulatar. '. T'Aewf.--to-''v rrr---7vx------- O':motion of M IrTTlatlnwy-'v yjyy: The Bill Authorising the Adminiiera- J?corff,Thatjhe CominitteeT9rr . epr -f Saipuel Pemberto'i, docM late aher- much of the Governor's Msuqe u ..re- ".-"': "VT 4 Montgomery, to collect the srrara lates lo incendiary publications, slaves and y ge of taxee 4im the said Pemberton, for free persona of colour, be instructed .to, en y tlie years t $27 anTIM," was. readJht quire into the , expediencyypf incrtasing 'T-i)i!Wt'MiiuteJ9 potpontJ.- " 1 the reward fir the apprehension of runa- y ; yvThe Senate resumed the eonsideratioa way alavee, and hat they have leave to re ' ') Bank Bill, in eontmittee, of. the.Jort by BiJLoi otherwise. "' y, -.XVhe. Mr- Mesrly h"the Chair, Mr. On rotinn of Mr. 8umner, f " . V'!ivy1 hi ."viewa in eunoortof R'soer'f, . That jho Committee en tS a mart perfect arnoa," Ac. Had it been intended to cltge. the existing form ofthe Covert ment, and not to amend and improve it, the., terms J?. a more jxrcrt l.nion would not have been eniployed. That ex. eoukl only bave had reterence lo tle I'niou tAoi tuhrittittf between ver eisn, free, andindepriHient Htatee. To maintain tho opposite, woulJ be to assert that the Convention had exceeded its now- ers ; (or every one ofthe States, in ita up- 4 Bill I altti J hichj oq tootioa f. hUm'htotivi iMUW uir whelh- tho tablty. , ,f.r. Outlaws motiort, ware hud on th the writer ofthe for the extract we have given from uus loctiment in our last is a pretty fair spaa mcu. ol. lus lieoreticsu.' propnyiK Should we be thoiight uncharitable ia w cnbinff to tho centlemen a menul rewn atlw wliich eould hardTy eiicapelhe tmpf tion-Tjf Thshonestv. we are ierfccUt.llg. ling to have it supposed hat (poor uns feting soul!) he jctaile hie theory out knowing that he dis so ejactly in same way as almTevewiiioran( wit ...... in a V,... rt rr ;,!.;( "i!,Vi his testisi ony, eiMkavorieg-elumjXatlM every thins ho itates to Vave taken pw". - ' . ... . -- .1-- -- "Bia nd honestly bcliovina. at me mm r point neToftetfgatt,liad"ret rence to the ojoct expressed in th resolutions of i Iho CotnmiMioners at Annapolis, or in ney WJioving. ai me '", that ofthe Congress of the 21of Febru-! that be is doing nothing else putfWif j arv. which was merely to ha an imnrnvn.lnarratins. f . ment of the system then existing. -The But .ta proceed. rI the W1 use of the term "We, the People we' read 'that "the fundamental princijf know is relied pon,ly Mr. Webster and' this sjstem (thf free trade system) is others, as cvtdenre of the exintnrA of a whirk ,-LHiintniiillvrronwais. Bc' .gvcniaxTjt formc-J hy the peopio in their (idcr tho'fnfi offyllol ascoMtii'-si f' J..'i, ? ' V ' . LI ." , , . -rr- . ' t - .""""' ' ' i 7 u .v. . . . " t'--- - -' -f: ' -? -. , , I - - J...A' U ':.4lr ., ., . . " -T-v ' ' ' y --:".v- ' yyy ..;.:'.'. .-: yy. ;. :: ..y - aoaVkMsiaM . .t'x-im'3aajv 'ttau.r.ssjii wtm&'mHMtimMw ft

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