famty MttilMMMi $o eretfc pr!Y tnj r-"-.t if Ro'rlii- Art unwdlil? w writer with hrdf perii, , .,,,, ? y wi"wict?er? f art ions, opinion of -fanner Wbvwt i thnt Vt rV'tnies" TCC' 4magtm$. ma.t. t., crMt AJst'er from it (yentleman of tint co'.: ty wa hul beRre the meetii-. ta:inf that he was unable to attend but would take sliareaw the tck ttaH.Road to the am.Sunt of flOW), and if ih route plasi hiui;li would douhltrtu'ir: - " vilPillf meprBnun:i . too but it i iivertht ! true, that which r.-i;!ic .l"-,- 'i.v.- r if En. ' VnCr'KM." that,., party -moth . infl.u .f u -ur u mJ n-Jenc I tfwu. -- And it xmrhr t ).;. ir thejr 'opinion in th c before ,u, i.iinnt..,.IjuiU:J iV. TANCT-G 0 01) S! V ivi; a 01 promi uiiVtiMi i iU P it h ot ay- . f.l- CL s laonoa. ii m tpttBi.j , ... " . w2; !i't-...?nur,,4.len,j b , TS wrKw-:-...v- . - " ' t " ' ' uoa jn roll com(V, fw ... . jri25. (. j.i.aundU.in maintained- jnrv"s-J rii vr l1 T t '--a r.i : 1 1 . - j u - irtfi nils rjoJh r0'"8 . J" t rne ; ynvia urn tpttpu f i he, be it r wVBationitiJlrsilluotJnjn illliejMberedva ,na!tw TMkspfl' vt'Atn wh are entitled t conjure yu to haw ttiat ropp.-t for your- th Jciaafion irttica iseonomirtsr; felf wlilcH. you ; urewnUlc.l gpenJ jixltel, tbo 'ftci'Tf1w rliavIsjf inadelufitlTTWWnd then aaeveiiin, mthiaV taloula. i, ,f acfj'iainranr with j thoad works, and imprtamJo then upon ymir cnpifc;! c uhoa. away ; that &i l-ilih(cndrf ulTic f X)f'G R E S 8.:... We rcfo t w f ' re. ,t.r hM fwywl it out of counrdHiVi.l4 tjjr tr4ay, we tliink, it about to davro 'to&tf i i V'n'"".'" '"' : -"' r" - mnMfT?bls cirenTJ'inees.w.ltHj Het U pier- f xtf Hfranr t!l0 : J Fiatcs Teleifanh" snn , td f ;i'fw. " leara wlmt hs hin A, tv..i :,... 1 lus toanion is fmUM. mlonsutv or Maw than any ever was in times of peace,- The mi..i;. a 'j:.: CrMoetitii hftTQ boaa hcid in Wii. . ,.,, r . oororrinii tnd Fur. cit'j ! thnw meoriui wi wmni n in nn- ,10.1 wun mai otitfir clussesj j,i which minstaft and FayetteViJIU. for tho wirnn- . , relative to th ,;r ... .1 ,. , . lt .t- )ll,"iiuu 111,1,, ;fe.i&S-r,i-3"'.'E.v",'4 -i i'-'-l rjfflrt rppreaentations of J rp.rut.nta .emnpaoy for rfpoVtit1ec'nV);iKj;w two; thn reflqet upoo what propoN Hjaigi into tb hew ,ot ontroyaray. o ; .mowdi lu;nc belong to vou ia national mvr tmark iao.4U4.fliehat tn aflajra, janj yott tJcj-jiBtioa tfl T pilar hat writer whpa hwywincbtl ri CuhiStM by-lelgtin it to jhnwr b-cliM tjualiiy, yourwlm for Jjttinct txHion f capiul, in treating -yMHiaikt6oi,lBmrWn -'iirriiiikeiMjaHaa may think i( worth .reducing lo. mn element or it as me wagea 01 innor, oMor, winch will be iro to fconviaee you hduld o c(nfident1y charge the free trade that when Udlowed it ia attended with weaith mkingjw Ot.f-aiMftf-&uii ' profit, and at much peanof' xefrrence tome Trnmuniuon m wrairm mHwnfByf j ami thut manyijltht Pat errors aiuiiocviijj.u--iu;4o ci5j-.coH-roi8(T-as well at peat of men in aH eo- iinSy. vtwx wono wt?ontwiw wjun-iuugntencd nanoiihaTt pnen r tell jo w- So much about lhe tliriira!dre!i, w IBMKRi.- hope, will aufTice to Justify all we ha ve aid of it Fuom Tits GeEssER Farmck. TO FARMERS. Tht elm of iJTjpeflr Far inert ? the iiicelclyhpgthat you wilt he-awtre-ofi, the importance of." cloing your farming ! . f.inM ami AuuiniM w i! n it. ntiM rnnr ' IFunt in " . (here ahould actually be a J.hYUAIlYt, ta2 an examination of the relative advantage, of the central route! and the Fm route, ; And if they do famine it candid? ,ly ud fairly, we have, no doubt, hut that jthey-wili pw(emnefiahey4son. ult the interest of thiJ whole State, they will be XTTavor of the" central ' route f if .1 f 4 . . . -: uioy consult the interest of Fayettcville w, they prcfor that route. 0 We wiih that thr who prints the Fnvatteville, Observer, distinctlv to under staid that he' cannot pro ke us to notice the Uhy WmWiwh qT nw blacS-guard mum .ffThp Editor is compelled to be ab. ins ausDenstoa-f""--' ' iautanftfafc BWya4fa-wiH4-ploaaoJ to ovftooMliere tay to yoursell, I have fmiJied the i year T fbre any irror-whkh - they -jnay . findin IaforT f have aettlcil.att nty jiccouiits,lii tthlOai lte?Mt "MneAiiiioii-M he with more hope than when his accounts f,mProvcd, are unsettled, and he at a loo to know T - - wb-tler his to yearn lanor tits been at. A discussion lately Arose in the House tsndoj with cam or uotJ To., those wha , ,. . .. 1T ., . , , have liitherioegleetedto keep accurate .Vto United Bt.te., -acrountrrf-theirikmiiig-TB Prl ' irwMtMnh9i Maag which related to th iomedutelyt prepm'iom .g u,Cco.mng B.r , .n ,ow. . wlect o,mnitlw, Itasa.uob as the com. mini, w v ifiiui uu jcrni iiutijwvti vi tnv ... 1 f t f ' Cetmeawe Farmer, to the one who shall "ttee of Ways and Meant to which i keep bis finning 'MctolaWJpiiie'stiwJ been uii'Jormiy subnutled, had as uni amKmoMaoeumta-waiiner i keeping Dr. formly reported against it. Tlie PresiJeul Cf' . WXl etck imPortnt ,croP lnd recommeudi that the Rank should n..t be jriving the full amount of capital employed . . . , ,.. . . ; ,, . t lauds, Mock, utensil, &c.; ini trL9 th,n ' " WJ mittinjr to us, at the end of the year, a haM 1)080 out P!ac ,,ld "ta'Jy bul duplicate or eopy of such account, which - w will publish, if requested. Were a few such accounuU kept by our practical - " firnters and puUuhedthe - pullicTwoukl be in possessioo of ficta from which - thev cmild draw conclusions as to the-intereif : knowledge that thisquestion has iriuen in might be eipeeted.fwttap w.?rwuurai uusmess, wmcn in- y,, hired the aame fite.1 There is a ivrniKiiva iae j are aeitcieniM ai (ins Miner respectful to the Executive to have made the reference to a wloct committee, who had not(tcted ipon the subject before, la the . second time within our own . 1 a It has been said that farmimr ia a hard JV? Un5reM W m wea laborious business, and is attended with t fnother. tbe, truth. Wby not hav i re; ions, pareuit wno have sons to provide "r-t. ,u ;n n nNJW;i;tw K.v t,vnt lor, liave selected profesaions in preference ', - - '- .;-ir- the accounts of fai'menas accurately noroe re-cnanerco, rnaa nare oeen given ket Bjrfho of 'mereha .MufCthejr...fa of nn-fi. would be in tliair lavor cfpm. . Thi, u wha a- Ti, it what :-,. aa indncenicnu for younr men to . r . .1 t !:agc ia themmsny which we think are ,heX btvt lhem haVe " rHirulous and absurd j nit many of them the light they can possibly get upon the r !vu.ered so by the farmer's own con- subject. Let them have the'arjuments rt-t. audof course they ought not to com- ,1, proBnj cffnTand the people will be plan. . One powerful reason advanced w, , . ,AM,, ,JL.nt " ri bat " the tUrmert have little or no influ! ,UM to Promwe "cM'ment' The ence ia public iMiilncssj" tliis w grani w V 3 irir bo.ir; w kfWtf correct, and aby ? It is not because they pronounces judgment until he hears both kave not so much interest at stake as oth- ,i,les. Is there not then a greater neces- ZlUT! f T' I''-1 ,nnithCf iS U b"?U8ft V t people who have no inform, thpre is a want of. intellect anionic thom. 7 r r - , - 1 bmteTnwmheyiirMlrr,tetherrownVoflr eeqiMoc, both as to numlers and capital, 00 both aiJe. : It argues but little T IfieyrXrT'tf,; IrterltReTrTO 'o can they ejpect will uke care of it ? vwtiition. What was the object of the .roj.eomjK tfif tttiidhiy, and officers ' , , , ,?t . i bo ap,inted, who do thev riectT-any 'w,tion of dcurto cons.dera- but a farmer. , If town officers are tobe tion? Wts it not, that the public mind ehosen, who do they Vvote for? any but should be enlightened! Why disregard firmers. If (br the county ! sometimes the obvi)ii4.in!bnti( :oCtb Exeeutivat , grtwional represenUtion, wlw do fa rm rs nd in, i.lIU!?-" , anake choice of,ror rather who d4hv - aruiltv of." Tyranny always seeks to con- f"T (for they aire not allowed to se-1 ceal the trutb. ;And the najority in Uon- rcl ! 'his is done . by the oflice hunters .. .,!.;, .r..... . thiaptiaajWiidagr.that lanners , tnte T.vrai oiu tiW, frsu mki. tT bea source of pride to the ust serve K'kmasters whose interests , "cpmic ,ki cooirary irom ineir own: , it mi , ' i Ta - ""rement ot an agricul- cu!znn of this town and- the county at 1UFu.lina Aft A ft iAafcLn a lL--. . . ' . M-puu. Urnodeat and reHring, that Urge, to kriow, that they have aroused the thv anow themselves to bhw.hi..in citizen of. Una State, lo a. lively sense of. by a clas of. people who e onsider re a the imoortaaca of- public improvwuents. j papers published in this cily;iandin-tbe "ore useful metal, for many purposes, ,' Wa are scarcely able to keep pace with hp of thiai Stat, b raquested to than,oW-;or because, from beir wn-vjL', puS!ih these prnclinifs. J. GALrs, OairsvTii. tbe construction of a railway. from Wit minjton 5 Mormnton. Thi ia at :bne admitting ttiat tlrt tiveriiclo vine is oi no account. This should 6nen the eyesjnf the pplo on the Tadk i nL to ""w to excite fah -. Y : tl . ho e people in the eoSitrV are -alted by liem-not ahke aflected, thni?h, which w, I be the eouwe,. of that dmentin in del.berflt.fln, f ttiei, woresentative. wh.cb ha bee n manif.ed bv-th. people thtmsflves.-; The So,,iK.Sv ' a lL eubmitto burdeDs i,hpos.d on tfieff indus- ry lorui Dcnent W the NrthrThf Northv in the enjoyment of a boimtv -.2 en uy tt.e acts ot Contra will be loath to have stopped, ,f,f V ynwn mum mnd. . T ,j - cEXTRALmrnnvtmiEETLyai .-Ralwh, Dee, It, 1831. -' At a public meeting of the- citizemTof Wake county, calTed for thepurnose "of feritt Ihe txpediencr of establishinjr r, . n i V m Cki a Mminu uau-iioacr- rrom : tno; - lown UPaurart, in vaiteTatiwuTrtr; tethe We. 'fowpn ..yaw, was - caiiea totttboieraioner--: ChairaM jSajJrle3te4HtOT Col. John Bell, were appointed Secretaries. G. W. Havwood, Esq. Gen. R. M. Saun. ders and William S. Ransom, Ei. ad dressed the meeting on the expediency of uic projrci. Mr. Hay wood then submitted the fol lowing preamble and resolution, which wet unanimously adptJ i vWbiuw the very great improvements which, within a few years pint, have; bean made in Rail Roads, and in the nmehiue ry employed upon thtm, have riven to this system of transportation, so decided an ad vantage, over all the other artificial means of intercommunication heretofore attemp ted, as to h ive inspired an almost univer sal eYmfidenee in it, both in our own coun try and in Europe : Be it tkerrfore Re tolled. That we, as citizens of Wak county in public meeting assembled, being dreply impressed with the importance and necessity of establish ing a Central RaiVRoaJ ia this State, will heartily concur in all practicable plana t . L l - -.i-lt I . 10 accompiisn me esiauiuumciii , w aia Vinfrut Kail -Road."'' r""." ' W?liTtT-verbafly ;;S'rl fi '' vncnncf; created n the an?re,onal Representation from 'rV- tl , re'ignation oJLRobart i uiior. r ; - SundaVlat the anniverwjr Discourwrln .. ... Wl jvrem t insiiiurionrwa preaehed by the Rov. Uenry A. Rowland, AlJia.i.-Alt IT.. r ww ' Thy icord it a lama tmin . f.t -..i foLMJU&L: The, diacours wa, appropriate and well delived.t)wif to waa lea uuuwroiiV than ri.unT An, .ir wimn n;, Bwt ard low iricea Holier boWeet awl. r-.u.li. :.pM ;ef.t rammup. Ltfhort'. Dunstabl .nd N.vm.ims Ronnti arm. Cotton. Tuck nt lij. i...l. - SwUler's trimmiitrt, Roninr. ll.rrm. . 1,- Atonllbirdi, bf m iaeW Botun jW r.r ........... v. nw vrimni, ra t,, Vrems fnwwnw f his price, prewnt ie n.ib -he n ftrordinry inducem. nl fr iMr " ' sad atiauHS5-t-'-0HJJt MraPHrfs"" 2tfHhd. 5t.l:roij. port RirV.t - - J f .'! 7 leaos Suiiar, aftheaesf q.i.liiiet, very lo. . v ' i ti M 20 Bap urong scmd Tie, d.v ' " U 'Ui TeaH tlcefllsdder,, 8aniki.b ' hdW pice, Cancol.i., tirerpool ad alum hUi : Venema Utd. M.ckeral, Ma., f fc - 3,' Biosl 5.tir, ma 3. If Jt 1 1 D ICI rormrrl. Lr V ytte.jr4!wai pdituninnirtiiyriTo LJ5JK,n;Jicea4netorneiM r V'. ! (. . rr. frR.H rtQueitiiit oerioniln,',Ki.- JO hint tpjcgll and ntle hir IMlfcJJVG -OFF!! COME Sf BUY oeing aont, the. Rev. Dr. MTheeters, j one ot the Vice President's nrM itUil. Tk I old Oricera were generally re-appointed. It appeared .that .reat pmirreM had been maoe m supplyrngthc dcatituta fcmilieeofl- I "uu'f,0,''M4r,,I'- Px'Det ihn Statu mt'.iU .1.. n:n v.. ... . I .m It.. t niuie. 11 it oelioved 1 " re) .Tu .rt 1 that anffiqtntjromhar, 4 hemrf F.X.t W ! r at "01 icewtbst canncM 'firihSe;W- In .7-v-?AV 1 11 a pn.per agents can t engaged Uonationa from such as can niRrd to make them, would be very acceptable, a a large debt i due to the Parent Society for the thousand o( Bibles which have been, and will be, gratuitously distributed in this Sf,te' " : W.,J; .t lltgitttnr h lUttlved, That : w approve of th pro eeedingaof our lellow-rititen in the towns r9ul.ibuy, Beaufort and vNewbern, re lative to th establishment ot a Central Rail-Read, and view" the commencement and completion of the same, a the most certain Bicans ty."flich the agricultural and commercial resource of the State can be developed Mere- and removed. f R.for(4-.That. 'we depreciate, as a great public ralainity, the constant emi gration of our feIlowirtena to other Statea, which is now rapidly progressing and threatens Inealculable - injury to our State, and that we will unite in any met, ure calculated- to arrest its progress. " ' ' rof waTnat our Keprentatiyei jq Matauo, In this County on Thursday the ?9tb Wit. Tkormt U. ZW fc to Miss CamfWa Trtxlef, daughter of Peter irexicr, t-sq. au Tor Jackson. .In this County on the 24th ot December, Mr, .W libera .Howard,, aed about. 21 years."7' ." ' .'.y7. i- Sf.Z'fT' - - f i to Davidson County; on the CthDe cebr, Jlfrs. Olu Lamlrth, wife of Mr. hamuel Lambeth, in tha 40th -year Oiuerage. -- Tlie deease was a worthy- and re. E actable citiaen of Davidson County, and y her exemplary deportment and sympa. thizing feelings, had becam ' endeared to all with whom the hawl intercourse. . Having become deeply convinced of the unsatisfying nature of earthly good, the by' repeolanco "". and faith, aought and found jn.inlcrejt ia tliat avior, -who T present General AiaeuiUy be raoues-lboufht her Dardon'outha i.. ted to vote for the passage of such act as eat wat of a Jon and lincerinxr nature. are necessary to accomplish tba objects notwithstanding she bore it with Christian set forth in the fortgoing resolutions, and f .rtitudo anJ with perfect resignation to thatihey bo furnished ith cepy of the I the wiljjpf her DiriiJalur-aad-w4iilc same. iber aumerout friends and relatione etood Gsn. Saunders submitted tba folfowing weepin? round her fasti v declinimr bodr. k u..: .. .1 1 ' 1 -t 1 . - n whicirFal Koiffa i """ shv leaiuiur , upon the breast of br Re. ftrvm ba apftointsd to correspond with other meetings which may be held on this subject in diilsretit parts of the Stste,1 and t take tuck othpr steps as they niay deem useful for promoting th great Object of this meetjno;.- rT.':;.":-.-'?r;;: 1 be following gentltmea wars named on said committee, via f fr-.:"- 1 - - ; "Gen. -8u4et 'o. !),. Mai. CharUsj- L. llintou. Wesley Jones. .WtlUam Whit- Md fcnd Jdaeph Giles. ' , . ' . On moti.-n of Mr. Ransom, it wat . Rtiolttd, That J5r th purpos of awa. koninc the pernle thtouh"ut the State to a proper cotisideraticin of this object, which will so much tontribute to its prfwperity, timilarmeetrnt be recommended to be held in every- county.' 1 On motion, it tu , . , , t Rfmlrtd, That the proprietor of tba Watf occunation. ihv : b.r. nm ,1 i t lr " "V "ect together and form enmpacta for 'nt parts of the State upon th; : 1L1 -ct. j , rajjdjjpjcBt? WJt cljsi ofcocn It ought to be a tourte 0 cjndtatiqna wheal y - Sweiariti " Wtep hot for trie with' me rejoia,; My Savior is my hope, rny choios, .Transported with this hope" my eyei, Tho closing, see beyood the tkie, . X maiuion foe my tool prepared; Which toon wilt be my great reward. Cpmmuwcattdci. tho wo are d:iirou rf purr bulla.. Cheap Go6d - MERCHANTS, wishing m udd W their ? Mock, would. do acll to- c,U op hm. thy ma ct nfd nn rr",! RAI(G'A17SS t ' L00K T0 THIS.' J; q f "l)e. P?U''r ' tb x,i tt$ t ori rm, -remferth hecrmrv iha' etr iy pfjjon;1'. indebif tho fcehi sKoiiJd jnakVm Immo.- dute Mt lcmrttV Ttej mui, ia futurt; HAZLT, KVLE- J -e thelmof i MwsmicDiai"-;:,.;;; ALL FtitoM -AMd TATK ol Gidnoa 8 Ami de.: are "bereby ?t cquci4l to rome f or w aria and make PAYMENT,d alt per-" ' toht having CLAlMSf galiiii jho" utd F.STATK are requested to; pre- tf tent them legally authenticated, within' 4 the time prescribed iy LAW, or thin r " notice will be plead in bar of thc,ir e. ' covcty. '. N PARTEE, p. ; . A. COWAN,, JJfS -. ':--,. ' if.! . ....... ..T im v': PLANTER'S AND FARMER'S v, , ms an vi-.a-s,-,. h.v,; . rcttTHB TKAB t Of a . pALCULA sale at Ihia.OlTice 70 cent per dozen. A TED for iU lleradisn o.. .". i: 1 lice."' Trice 10 iewt aipju '. i ' Tf"- . - f pIIE.firstyolume -of AtcougnV"- r-rShlf"?arrThf : lttmer,V-'-well bound aol has greco edges i, NV.l name it recollected to havebexn wtjt - ten In A by perton bavlng tucb e bkr- wu1d cpnfcr.?a fyor-pn-.tn -.- t t : 1 '":;"""".;;"' Suisacir, Dec. so, 1P3I. ;" . Cotton in send . l.CiJ to 1;75, Clean do. . . . ' ' 7 toll; " Cora ' - ( " . 2ft t , Oata ' .'- ' .--'. 'i-ao-" Pork v-n-'rHl to 4J50 . Sugar Cvliea 811. Iron.r 7 Moiaaset BH?Hwax JTallow - lllll- 18a 20; j.- vi 5.t. .'ao owner byretuming it to thia For &7tV ! v: flier,; rpwohundrtil pounds cf firsirat 7 . Xorthern Hops. Enquire at this ' ,A Paper fcw.tl-.-. ,8'J. sul fc-w tMr. Mrfr. ' Ih mem huijsi: ' J 1 -4 4 4 ; n -' 7 'v, ..y. - -

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