' CI vTWyo nTi'Arr . y-.r Lt 1 tit)!-' ' i ' A i in ou wif wausiain irom jaws, which however wise and pood in th " i . . lH!,f!e??,b":8P!,l,,?:,ee,i. rani..r Uwi on conscience " . Mffib!" Equality hkb find no rerpmue fo the hem of the citizen, arid ' liicb wu be evaI. witli Imlo remo:. ' ' . ... tBY BLUTON' CRAIG E.J m -U-- : I :. ... - .... .. ..I WKat -nf-reliof from Coiiires .' Wirtwobability thaw thaMu-ffkfhT mJSifod I Trom the 'little "-that haa yet transpired in . Cbnirrew of the view .and', intentions of ) ihersupporters of the aystein, it is ditficull to judge whether any, or U any, , what re Ruction, aod of whaj character, willbe permitted to take, place. In (urm in tui . opinion upon this matter, we naturally look WMeMrvVtarna etter, w-tnew. nixies and exppneata of the Tariff party. '"Mt far at those gentlemen have yet ex pressed lhcir;view,-it would seem that they are law only to a radiation upon unprotected r ti3eirr M r.Ptiy ha r'di'4rinetkefftJi ground assumed by the lata Tariff-Con. ventioii in New York, that if the duties are to be reduced to a revenue standard, the reduction Wuut be jtonfmy .to artktei which do not enter into, competition with American industry, and tho revenue must he rand bv imposition upon those which " 3o. ." Xhisis 'what w? ha v alwayi fearci would l tli policy of the TarifT party.i and w art "Ud totwrocive that our Su. jaQr;:MtIlavuelh:.M tinctly -ntered hn protest, in tho-naraR of Big cooitiluenta, against a principle to mui Mmm8ini& fraught with iiiiii arid onttreMioB 10 thoTwoilr6f the haili thatlUfiTarilTinust hLriHlucedto - i- rynua atandarn : out ina grat conut xs5t-fcVhclhjei!r aIlihe.s!fc;i4iaS;-beer reauccti, or wnmnrr ine lann Stkt-KwilI aUoliah only those which they pa in eonimon with the South, whilst th'iv will retuip and perpetuate those which operate on the South alone, and the aTrt of retaining which will be to fix itfcycr J 'i whole burden of the revenue tHidvot.i'ittion of the Union,- and iJftJUUfJtjLhaBMMri tributary t the Norih. Upon' thia auU IVt, Mr. flayne haa aaid.and said oorrect v, the people of the South lk only jus lice, and that tiny willevar be aatisfieil with leas. In ihit ho not only uttered hit awn feelings aa a fre m ui, but epoke the swiiimonta of ths preat body of the. peo k of thia atate. It it the very grui,d en which they staid the aleinu and im moveable position they .'lave taken. They ilk m fVvora--:ibey wish no bountie or Hinr.p--lies -they claim no auperiority, jut wwsh to ererciae; no powar over their aitr Stutea. . All that they wiah, and all ihst they ask, is equaf and exact justice. Thayxbiini the benefit of the compact of th" ITuion, which reoo inim everv SttA u iial U every other Sute, aivl of which it was th ireaf object utI intention to JmmMa the common -ood by equal-bene. s :d eiua! hurdeoi, They inaiii tluM Fe loral le;ialation ahall berovrnd both kyt-the letter and spirit of the Federal Constitution, and whilst tSey would cor ially support any act of legitimate an- Ikoritr, however injurioui to ihemaelvei, Uey fl it tkairbounden duty, both to IberiMelvaa and te the reat charter of their liberties, to resist and counteract, ky eary means in Uieir power, every act f UitcoiMtitutional usurpation. If, there. tre, tn jnadnesa or tyranny of the ma jority shoul'l impel them to sueh a roodifi- wartimi of tha Tariff aa, instetd of relieving, kail io reality only agaravate the dis-tiie-a and deepen the dairradationa of tha -JtS, we have no hesitation to aav that - Kick a dead of tTrmnnyr-sueh a rroTance of unautkorire I power, wi reate a flume throughout the aouthern ountry which must inevitably consume either the protective ajstem or the chain - wf rnion. Sm reaHv'eVhopo therefore, aM h Hdvocates of the system will re. aV"-t HipMio(iatelv upon ike conaeuuen of euch a procedure, and allow a de- aent regard to the rights and feelings of wi tryHj neopje, of the tth, to pro .. uce- una weight io the, new. aJutiiicul w t W.iea. Tin existence of the I'u Hv vXtLo the iesue. The deatinies f thia Alat and crowiai; cimtrv are vi Ully conoevted with their d'4i!jerattma wi i moroentoua tuhject. False leislatioi ujwn oilier ruatlera mav tie " lured or rt oedied : upon this, it will n t ba home, nd can nt Hrcelv be repaired. The timo, it -rrn, ha at length c me when a rovu if the TintT mut take place. It scene to be encrHlly conceded by all forties, that it muni be brought down to be wants of tha (lovernment : It will be 1,0 lijrht midification. no mere temporary allratirtn, of the system. Ft will be rti . "teal aod permanent, fixing the principle upon which the revemn is hereaftr to be ooirr4 m4the orcei from w lie1' th anu if the Goverainent shall be "implied- la it to b suppnaed, then, thti th Jennie of the South will lahrnit tr such s Modification ea ahall throw the burden t he O ivernment almost entirely n them- permit aucb arosa injustice, such ruins ppisaion, to be.fited deliberately and as 4 ana tier of aattled policy upoo thera" -.Can .U be believed that aflsr the - atand I they bare Hen ; after their repeated ffc J tootirxnes and protests they will nn I ih: toaniet of nsore Vriev.u tva wf -- -lay iuay wye yet auwutil 4;the Tariff to be rednced,-tnd rorrei . to Tum?riitaierIn2rh6 TaVifF . t- . l ' io oa reauceu,aih! no r estoration of south m or removal of Southern bur- Miens- TTii ' Titfl-'Oraim rtAme&mrsX' SralitoexhoneraUMhe Xtirth "r TrM to exhonerato the North UeWrW TftrMtnwt iiefeawwfr and only iu.iiucha' way aa to fix-inoi compieiery and pcrmaneatly than ever on the. Houta all the.burthena which have Icon ffrindinj it to dust, and which thev have oly: endured ,ao long because of th.oir tahmenKt Jhe, Union,? and licv caupteir hope of Teiicf,-their1rope-of fejfo4eq' of the duv tiea, from the . very; reduction; which" t now about to be eflwtod ? ,Vaa it ft this that the people of the South have rtiiion. itfateiLMiatitionfld ? Waa4ior this that the Legidafurea of T the Southern SMhayeyeniwlntered thwr iro testj on tbe itmruala of the Senate! -Was rtrhiir1haHhrrth(Wte-Wei ed into tho Union! Oris it to J auppoa- ed tiiaf their mars) love of union will ena We thoiafjfrgy entreat the majority in Congress to pause upon thia subject, and fif roilect weir be fore they, inflict ibis Bdditiimal prrrtdon, thiombleaotijgi And whilst upon thi's subject,; too, we ap pcaly in ihq name of all tliat-U-dcar- to Carolina, iinhose of our oppotiwitsT who, however opposed to nullification or anyother dotriiiaVtiII fee as tltey 'ahould foj ;th!eiiOwliMiii and inUsreita. and C aily Ofihe: State. ' It Uepenaa owes upon Iheriwhotlier tlie i'nru lesTfbtifiolalie pTace in Corigrriar Bhalll f enrf ittrSotttherirTmryiqeiw ancHionor, or Oouthralliaoniluurft::a can be no doubt that all tharfcaryct Writ uuiio uikcussioua mat cava taken place in other States the excitement per, vailb r tha South thr atrone and decided lanpuafre used bv Southern" LeHslafures tha meetings ami ineinorialsof the peo. pre m airnost evisry'ainnrwt ern onntrythe movinj of "the "watera IvmrattBiffrigaiteiHiwy Bt,pr ceedinsre of the Philadelphia Convoiitiou and vert the very deposition how mani fritr by theJmaj-irity in Congress to re- lure the lanlrto a revenae atindnr l havo all been' produced by the. firm and iracverance of the State Itizhli party of S mth Carolina. And if such results have been nmduced bv tho operations of thnt party alone, and amidst all the divimon and i6(ftnictim"ot p iuUr sentiment among4 us, what would iKit'have been the effect, the happy; and triumjtijit elect, o unanimity .Ef!aoutf. ment, attd unity of action J-Cait any one doubt tiwt if the people- iifCarolina were thiroo5HyntiitoVthe Aaierjcan - is eiem ..,1 J .' . . r . wwiu aoon crurnie into atms f it is pny bocause ol oue'oww divisions because '."of the uahappy political -oppieition which WeakOoa anJr Oijdrax ts "our people that tha America. aj atem stlU hana like aa incubua upon our State. It is onlv be. cauae the majority cannot be persuaded that aouth OiifHtiia u it earmt it is only bncauee tey-Tr-wpon'!r;w1tin, terna! .lisnentiocs to previa tha adoption of auy uociued fouwi otfactton that . they will hot either hear our voice, or hear it only to deride us aa willing victims ithair avarice, aa infatuated creatures, all ac knowledginf the evils under which we wif fef , arid "yet quarreinnj with "each hef Whether they shall be remcdiiiKl or not. Remove thia impreesion from the minds of tke majority, and the dsyofour deliver ance would soon appear. Unity of nti. ment and action amonjtmirpenple- would soon erase the Tariff from the statute book, and achieve a brilliant triumph of constitutional liberty. We call upon the people,-then, of all parties, to redect upon tha peculiar, ernf ertlieal cyn.Iitioa of oor Southern atfnr, an. I to act accordingly. The time U rapiJIv approachiiig whn tho i;reat question of Southern i.nigSTV or st.avRitr will bo decided in ronr, and when every son of Carolina wll have leeidfl wlirlhervhe. will 'i K'C.OC Jun.ij.-! Ins State, lyt them 'leoi-le now, whilei their decision may be produrttta of the lpiiest renlti. T . supvrt the State .aaul') it it stro;ii;t'i .md enerjiy in ',onjro4, end to ensure an iouilallla ad- jii'-tnient nt'tlie dutios, and tiivorable tr tnioatKMMd'tlw cooled. T keap the Bute divided ii itl districted will be to paralyse iter and to ciicoiiru"' ir fipprrsii, mid lo eneur" nuch a ruirs ol l'5isl:it'oii s, whilst it will inrrs." l'ie bui Hen nnd 111 dij lilies if the South, wilt U heiiilii and etnhitter thesnim cities which now o uiihappilv prav.id. W'r tnwt that ttieie till lesfioiis will lie i'"Ceie 1 hi the spirit in hich they are pieseutcd. Wf belitv that Uieraai-e many of - ui op meats .wlio will probably n'ly .train I tke State in the yent if iIim iniqintoiH and tyrannical in.xf iftcstion of the Tar.ifio which we have a Iveiied. Iet theni 00 it now. To do it now, may have the Happy effect of averting the rsjiiliiisencv to which, p-'r- .u u.... . i.l t . t?.Hr; v:,. "r7i ... to give atrenth ami confidence to our friende in Coqireas, llisy will render the neat em-vice lo the Sute, and"mo(4 effnetu aB'eihihit their attachment to thole treat p!tciof,r of , C JostitationsJ liberty up.Hi r''uthl pr ijaritv. aiJ eye.s the -irfe teace ( ta Scuth ie.Jlcrctiri. SALISBUBY, ROWAN, COUNT YN. C..K10VDA1 nMntMncf ntht rmVifulim.- -.r "J,?, inena oi rree fral me moat iiiip.irTSiTlifliJ'i. tttZfV"ff Bnr 'f u" nk. L.ke a man j -1 ) . I,, ou linns nia eHors to the must. ?Tntfificali6n;Tay.lw of tha'Tdriif, which shall rodnce a reduction of bur re. viiuo to the wants of. the Government, aad an adjustment of tho duties ooimpeirte with a view to rqualjutictvi nlation to tcraction 'ororeigii policy so far as it mav M injurioualo fhse iitoreHts, is deemed to bo one tif, Itie principal M.jecU which dtfiuund the consideration jf tit present Con jresLIt,, lhat) th , Jnt zalouravfvor's of 1W Trade, d rn require. ' Wiih less, thev will n..the t. 3iabM the tact that UlAcktuu- ipte agmtnt thev cannot' but now ' iemsjivc8 sfrensthmied, bv havin" thu I . - . . saniej. JtotJipua tkir. -wide-:.- ffAnd hem-we will tafeiiccasum to 'point out Ufa lifiercuce between -the-policy; ui Mr. Clay, as developed bikhi a late, area- jon,:tn altfttcrto the pcaoliof fTauteViibv in tuubiar-ana-trr the KichinOndvVMir. and thaf of General Jackoi.,T;The for- :mct-aiifcCiMv"Uli IhaTi- amount of duties must be brought dowa to ttifl rtiVPiiuflMaK but diflJs from him in taMu"OwrLlici whiCU arfi fioTducedlrniii country, I atielulaltgaaCattanlllftei'AftS .n1 n-'Kink mwa-.'.rau U, I .,.,"' m.'.?Zl.trVZZ??i2 I 4taMcaitaaam c.iwuine;di07rtej'lchty but promises not tir touch a brietle- of the American ; System, which imposes heavy burdens upon. the poor working classes," and beats heaviest upnu those wb non those wh are least able to support it. In hisscheiiio oXduciiuo-aaJicar-authjiiij-of il - auar; 4yhklHrMrffrt4.upta.. pout l Jbaljcoi?, in ho y"es Jndje,3oly oni, f hat if 'tui.M;be a tfiin- for him ; 'f . .... Al-.l .At. . 1.. coarsetlaDnel which ia Vi cent up.ni a 1110 money out olthe pocRets nha peo squara yard that coats, jdjroajVfjom 12 tVh half togo-tothaEaat io cenis notmng or thu duty or jitj now charged upon a vard of coarse hr xul-.!0 cloth which can be liad,abr(ad, forl "5I,;."' nd wth which tlie sabiets of a Monarch are cheaply and c.iiif'.rUUI - clotlieiCwiiiist the citize.is of a Republic are deprived of thia blessing nothing of tne duty tn iron, Which -ia 1ST on 4 ton which cau rba hay7 w J Euda dftL5 iiterlin", that is 8 at the usual .rale of xckani--iiothiiij of the (Intyrtr cctton fkbriff.vhirh ratimai. in; it at only three rente per square vard, (instead of fljji puts Into tlie pixkets of tie ; m proprietors of ana. nnglt-faeUorif at- Lowell, as we.hnve proved in another part ; i mis pa wrjnc enoriiKMis sum 01 icu. - iron a cause wnicn humanity wiil view 000: aa a alnu: for whte.h thirv - irwirttenne equivalent. . - ' - . Sijdjrwe art nanny t? Jacluunaayateai. Ilia policy is to adjust f tne amies s? aa to-operate " with cnnal justice iu relation to all our national mxwmff character -t the feelm-fa' neioi tk$-Thm ' thw iiiteieets uf anlftrra'TaTni A-i-tiif w;thsrt;VtfauSe ToeTTrtfTf and commerce are to be re jardeJ, as wull aa tha interests of manufactures. . The farmer, tha planter, tbe mercliaiit, tha sea man, tha tnochanic, the tradosman, the proftMsioual inaif, the agents of Govern. maul, the laborers, and all the nu narous classes comprise f in a population of thir. UeU muliooi of people, and not aterelv the sugar planters, tl iron mutars, the cottou! ana woomu mmiumciurnrs, are an 10 Como in for a share id" the Lieain'js if a Govern- ,.,. ...u,uu lT7 , mi,v, uu, w.mu.iur m. .y jesrs pusi, nas owini peri -rted to the advantage of a fw. Can any philanthropic hesitate a to the-hoice of t'm tw- ay stems? NVe think roLmc 1 l Kqo.yoM v. ....... lmWr?,( w,r .. i.'. ,i.n t.fii.n.. ... I at txa'HnSwtu. The latest the." oriiti ;n tue wwl I are those w'10 pretend : Mt-theHMM.ai-aUf-AiU deal alt -uet'i-r with fancy tint t'nv deal alt et'ir with tiic ts. A man of th.-i school thinks tiiat ; sion front ru;iniiij; too far and t w Jona, in he has .rverttirued nJI tS principles f t.) an extrern, Ca icarccl 'prove " 6lhr diil.)sopUy, if he hajvisin to catch 4 firt wise than aaiutary. .More er, the furth which hur:noniges witi hi vorite thy-y; , er enc mranemeut .of ma mfacturet, by lea- aoi insu, II 11 MSVlii 4 ! 1 i 1 iuh 1 1 ' discern wiHlhe' his (net 'tablii'is nis' iheorv or a diilernt 1", of 1 . opposite , nature, lis tnunip'ia itly exclaim Siio tii.it is wonh a I'i -us it the .nei." Thxt what wa s.'-it iiiv be inidej clear to fe denied-, we .H ive a sk.-trh of some , of (he theories-whiaU have done, and are. doi.i, so much misohiel in the world, an I then eav th- rad-r to say wh-th-r v.mr; mattr of ftet men ero Ia theorists than j thtH whom they opm. . Demetrius, the re'ihrated silTrarniti 01 r.pnesus, wio ot up a town ru"etin,' ol his craft, in order t denounc-the A- postia Paul, be. aiiee bo preached the doo.j tnnes of Christianity, was a theorist. I ' ' .... . n ... pricisime.i uv oi. raui. soa tiai, as the Kpaetian tilversnuths had reatlv priapered Under the patronage of theily tna -whole fcrndiire -f tlir labour is e goddeaa Uiana, tt waj had policy to litiiyi: to any such loetri ie as- to? Un;ht bj ire opotoie. . .jiiwo ,rT-w'9iKTt, at. tne u-n.su.ve w'.at ;timii;ii tituppty ths; waaU ! nanulacurcr skull hn.t -ronscr. ttle caatiu inoi a few tiKiflcj eJulT tlie vfctlry, tai wtiwewtitatw tUpru6t n k?ijUJj QdCury ttf vd tl.i.- orisftf 'I rheirrhffjjrwth nwtu poncy in a Tniti.eiii l0 BMet. oiHlrUclloiW ui tnt Wav rf t ,M imnortfim JCSHfSt tulSfaiwiSStttil iu.7vr.dfr feci!". Vor to turn the Iwtlii.ice- otijia.ie in ttV'tf of thV couiifry, . au'l thus iitcmse its me tallic liches by imp irUitmns of ci. The ouijkijlk, however, were blind jo the fuel that, jut in proportion an they discimrR-' Red import, they discouraged' export,, and for the very Teaw'-n tW no coUiitties but, the mining c nntrics .crjI lonsr rarrv on tfie tiade with oathHij which will not taliithw pnhlufta-fif their industry in ex clmare f .r what they briiijj j nd t the J H'tionnlqc, that oiily a certain nuauti t.l an.t ilver ca nrlR5adrfrri?n nwitj in any country, ev.n if ;t caa l aWljjt t-vMV. still -4iri.! uy.M i) -. iisiiu-i, '. evrMuLjjLhad t'm ' p,w TtHift a disor .nortiomte mmniitV.r . v .. ' ' .' i a vi -hccj'ti.Lij heiiolit (m it tha.; u furnier Wni I . I d rivr irjhirtiaTi twTwaaisinxirie.'wTts siiicieut to currv all liis produce ia mar h - ' . Jhkiah JiiU ia a tlieorisU Ilia tii:t--.ry"is,-ti-,p.t j.ih :ttutias""pMeMdi; cheap, and tliat, consequ-, tl , the. man. Wrtwr w an cedllrllr, Wieral riew of iietmlfj ,for adv jcatinw a plrficv wh'ch" Pifveuts them (nun gelting (.or their C4ii inoditiei a.S iiiuch as t!n" could cntifdu- MiHtr L-arryh-U ory w. that the ti"hter thn duti ireTtBS jhT8 HflOloV OieTlt 'Will iki Krr rt -;.;hTn i n T. I JRedwood,. Fisher the A mericaft-Sv. tern advocate, at New Yorkv) is ",.thr. ist. His theory is, that those who bpiiow FIUICVUU ' -uuwis rnusi tiowis oe trtttfm t '1?'tt, or be under some foreign inllu - jie4X lZULLZi IifnrjJajM.kw&UlYm fbaurtj "H"'' .,-,:r'-""o "e oiner tiait to tJ'"!' ,;st l, make foads and canals. Vumel 'i,b" a the,.rist. 'Ilia the. ot7 taat trie priciplee.f freTra Io tfuerbill that Irtcy wuIJ &l be nf A. t jtW Xtsw Ei i daud'manufacturi i. -rporation and, allr all, this"thfryis .';'S.aieat wfjtlbiir ei.Ior't"i jNUivf. mor W1'" that would .juttfy a'atiUemtt"uTa K; ir.v-tt c- . Quiiicf Afam'iaj theorist.":: One! of aut thy-o.nea'iB, tliat a short eren of grant iu Jorope,i a-tfooj- thi-W4h U"iH tntef 4 and, although it proceeds "thia new element of brosneritw" to, thaf occupisiin pri lucinp jfhe firt artiej.: of Uumui wubaiste.ice, fa ot the moat chaer iali Mi iwt take our Hour at all 'lirows at a low duty, it -is bad policy to W thom have our cotton, avan if they are ' wil'in to lake it " almost duty free.'(& At Afw. lage of Vec-lU'lS.) , - , ticnflrafflTwA itja thepniit, ' Q?.i pf tut tueonee - ia, that'-' as roaUi.. eotUa articles, auch ia ;the atubeiaoce of the raw juabrial in the United. StaUs, that it aaiinnot bo aMumi ig 1 10 tnucfrto supiNrie that the dnv is not rcmoie ken tU . i't tiwgiiy aopjiiy MnPf couti jrryiii'TyTinTrcouMfies witn these Ubncsj end whht is said of our ciittomxianufacturea, mav it it U liVv. ad, bo" said with scarcely less c )nfi leiu. 2.ai!AAwiiiMswfavcl evenUMllyrtiionb parkia44immadiati ly, of tnoeo of wool.' Another ol his th uriAtl 1st- tFaaF fit ia rtrikrut ttin i aa rvf )n t. . .....f.r...11Ui.i squire elucidation, that the creation of capital is retarded, rather than accclera ted, by the di.Tusion of a thiti popiilnti'ibo. r a rjre midkcsvA wy thtnj-tbarnayi sent to AaJ buck this tuadnney to'.diffj. serve to kmd buck this tuadnnev isutive inwaiis," would be but a CounterbatT a.ice, aol, at most, a - partiei one, to the encniraieniont to ajncullure, by legisfa live inoaiM. standi.! j utia the TOrv terms upo.i which the puh'ic lands are ao'ld.V In t:ier words, Mr. Rush thinks that it ia b'tti to immure people, in workshops in inaiuifkctarin towns, than to alf rdacili. tins f r their becoming indepuident fr. mere. A third theory of th ptntleman is, that OowynHs is a bette jnd of tb.e mt advanUemiadirectioa toeWkeaa ital and Ubr should be turned, than indi1 vi laj; aod hence, that Oovenunent is bmn I ti interfere ia controlling Set kit Trrwr KenttH 6f Derf 127. Tke " Vo-'A lisevss 'ffi-Mii'ii t iU. .ri.,.. ... , i- tj i, lost siniosv an xne 1 woul t, he Kile if it were not for the Amri- j can "vtem: and that, conseqnently, near clear aJia--tcHiutryr' I. also maiB- taint fiat the tains t! the Jlinntitjr f ajineultujal 1 then, is myjpripoition, th! tlw t, ;T pro hie- w'lich. is TaisaXj''ViH-4;"duty oujht'to be to r oofkt t'je JANUARY 3 at,, homv- would gttatlir pmm-'4'. the wT-tiii ,ji i in in i n.. .ir.n.vi iuj. hni,.. erTtrIT us wTi-lber tha c Inlon.r ;.f (U "l,lu?rrJl..M Vvi wlwsn Irtlljcs are aJrcIi(,.ull, or.whfjier..llwv'are tall imported. Tha the-tlwyiar-4herefore, a Ja.ne one. " . " A . . . There er many other theori?!, even iu tjiis country. There Is , ono class who rtiaiotiiin tli theory : that Free Trade would 1 a good thins; If Ml nations , were tii act uhiu it, but not otborwiea : wb'iclils hout tiie saijm thins us eaytnif that lion, estv it.ixit the Iwat policy if one hapneo to IiVaja a oonimuit'vil' k'nave-!-or. that truth is a jrond thln only where there are an uaaier io latsotxnwf -or, tnat, wimow woull fuj a tioua lhiui nrovideil there were uo fools. Xnotlie erclajaliQldtke capital bappeaa rws, it ia bad pe- ,ltIrfOrtTtiat;if i lare lie iiivalei in wheel harrowey Lucvt) vitr.niuce cirts and wawna, be can;.' t'icy dustroy the value of tha inter. fir'W hr wheslbarrows : and , that, thT.rVit ir ptm3 police t stick to thi wh".-)lirTows.i i Afld vet verv one of t1).- Hriotis scIiohIh will gravely toll Vou wah nuthlni"butcwy echeiiie of policy is nothieg but a -tbeorv, and .1 .1.1.... !..... 11-1 ... wimi ir worse, a oai auu vicious ilia- ory; mao-htt ahead upon nil Hhit.terirt thsVh t:v thii.k-. -Th I .TifTe : ,.) i)lir.fc, t j ner.tajoht: hojjraier r M-Jtntrikuif, LlhW h;ris a5fwal "cVil it l-i iN jiMnor rtmn f th Me rrnn. lk f rxlueintr v-tVivt 'result v wiH: one which is not nod, hehee, when auch have the ma'in.rcnm'it ofiubbc coucerna, thty are always sore to o wroiigf " Eiicn" peo ide am lik- the little boy who saw a steam- boat oiuA'dawa, fi ieit.4t- UiAa4.fl tifHMkH a-tHae5-- whilst -the- tidrwss runuig up at the rate of three mibi, and WIS? 1eattlKFb tli wiiutldn huttJis Vide thnt upnoarad to be capable of giving motiofl to the boat,-tery inrtocently teH, " Fitthe,'ae Ihiw tast the fi 1 makea the Meamboat Such are all "the nlasaoa of the Tariff tobo'd, who ascribe' a fall of pneea t" ii:h-iuti. whiee can have no possible elTeM ljut tu keep prio ijialid Which wereioiposod with that vory spsci fie design, and 116 other. - - "- ,. JT ,m .. , . . " : ,T TaaiVr ! 1 Tai TaBirF.-Tha trtwspapera ?r'aa '-witfrMlte Tariff." MTIio Tariff ie ivery hody'a mouik andTarifE-and AnUJTjriff ; Coiivoutions ai'e organized fir the avowed iurprjaa of Hiaioi ooin- -or overmrowiiiw n. - -1 lie Verv existence of the Union ia sai l to de. poiKi on us Dnucatiou . and vet tho u- DorancejiaJe subject in tbi put jc the coimiry t ainwtsi sHsi" f nai is a larinr it is a,TAX, a portion of whith i paid by every rann' id the ciHUinunity. .There is not e dny- pw-s-evefwtrjwt,jrbit -sve " P.-J.-XJ ...-,!... t " " - py pi u iiik ia..ti yuUiixiv pound 4 sii'ar roe six cents at the afore, three of theix s a fmr which jrou pay to Ilia 'United Stnt"a (joyernmeiit. If a buslielof salt, you pay i0 coots ljj$ upon it. Jfa ptsirtd vf jreen tea of 123 cents, fiffr fit.is for a hrt And so on. Jo crcrr fartirk t JWoi erowla . wluch-i coiIJ aiuned his fox is tlm Tariff r rate of duty -wLuco U,. pwl u all rtK-W -(wUu very few exqeplloiisj imporfod from for ein eou itriesri Heretofore: it haa lae.n tat, iii wrdrto4!effay"th xioiises of 1 1 - , .aL- J it .1 - r . . vjnt;uincji.aiiu ,pJ Oil ,uis. iauoiuii Debt Hut m a sHort time the debt will u raua abuut tstalf a twlUaia pC. dollars more tkait tbe (iovernmrnt have any u firV "Tjiis ' beinj the caso. the Ant!. Tariffiitos (and I am one) any that, all of the taxi-a !umld ha taken off. rTuiisecrul Id Plain a prrnvosition. tbatotifl Wrtnlitlbinl no dirpute could ari"e Kpon it.-Tor what roasou ahull we be taxed when tke Gov- r niinent have no use for the money I Oh ! sir a croul of lVuTj;eiitlerriefl," cnlt.m and woollen manufactures, su jar planters, salt makers,- die. you must cotitinue to pay the LcSvJr Ui yoJWw rj'ift ordoTTta we may continue to manufacture. ", If you d si't pey tho tax, we must to man ufacture, and we omtour tuanufactunnj; ptabliiihtr.enti wilt be ruined, aurely vou irta'l mind brine tared te $vppoft earn tie manufarture$: This" last argument, if rguoiiio 11 mny mn cbiiou, is consiuerea conclusive, lui at tircumtiancee . art. wnai is 11 mil a otmano to tax the many. 1 . a t a & mat a low may no ricn. airee, trytni will, that it isripht aot to apportion the duties necessary to be raised, aa t foster bur two tnaiiufaciureabut. 1 deny the necessity or Justice of continuing tlie pre soot enormous taxes for this turpi n. 1 am agreed, that ao much duly s'lsil be cottnmsd as will five the manufacturer present Tariff fyvet him ei excessive, vn reaaomible, and, at irrew! the best tf the community, an opt rvs.e prof,t, and therefore it ouKht,io,Wrt hired. .ThuJ a 1 so eMuiiixuiiiv aaii uri'i ' t ilhV lr mora t Ousht we t r. ! i. should have more T lit1 . l,jfjrraipa'lejond y!-m 1 1 l'H.Anauujt;ctur'..va ?! t.- j i p,tr.kla ''. of . the f.in,--, f and the - merchant, , I .ir is i f 1 i lli'l f'H former rich ? A-swroJly i 'nn- it f )I.v. 1 aa uf course, that if the nif.:u;.ojreni' profits ire firent ,lh TruT mut b rV duccd. Let ah examination "h? jroivi ..ff, and tbn tnltt.faiily" apt !i"d, aird I iio t u isli! at) the Anti-Tanti exriteruerit will . be allayed, but 1 ani'alsti cvuviiiced t'lai a spirit ia arotieed that w ill bo sfi fi A with ttothihf less. ' 1 he peonlo w ill n,.t consent to be highly tns;d,. lh: a 'i-vf , manufacturers iiimv mako ctt - VOL., til - Ottiiievitable - - aid the- tatBrbiirrref-TT tuaM.ie9tttefiajdJba.tiA' reitji.eahkf . 7 s i4 mnfrtrH-':iiabi a.iA' Tariffrom the mctetn ef tin Umefi '. Urtizan and (he p4tehknj. -:. " $ ;'l Iu .my. next coaiwteikadon 1 ivilt lof is&z sorpo of thaiutiojMr' w!iichV'if'i C pay, and I am sum the tut .,i-oy vouf"it reader will be aarpi itu af w.. ; r e.xtraotrV f'iuiryharactpr.' an.l mount. ' I JwilJ -;'. tnen ajso showhat are im-ic;. t to b tlie profits of many o tho'iitanu'acfafirajy hO jlli; will ai'M'e, that, if aorrt'c t, th ril" I'htirtni g r ii'Ij i ffjnm y3 upwi If tie cry or pr4ecfoniZ At. .thift.;ImamGiii,',joiu:n :AisSiM.t,:-- tax ia aboul to fall Opori u,it iTpe?!M-t-2r--7. hyTlri;ht tln(y.;.ami?.e.. for- luitatav,. mrgoia- .1 anmiy;:trtQ .be;: tttk en V.V,,IZzizr.:T Wtwt,erjHich.rriiitii!:iri I bASi:: awiomrist:w tir?who1a" Wale tax' :by"a' raluiWi-T'tVi1- United States TttritC ta. Tbii I.: -fir nil c W 77( !hve !av still n leave tb maaufecAirer a.fair ftud, . ; coneroua piunt, A jto our artizajii mt se einnkeT,"laTkitrrritht;,Tr )o1rsei1t,cTJ:r"4,c;iw b(, ' t-.fitire.i baroly CvirtgT thaytaa "tsrKrahnwv nretrf - much interested in a change, fisai.v ofner" claw of people. ' " . ';I'KEAN.. it - is- Tlie amount ot the reJucfiori "which 1 Vf ' fi. 1 propose upoa irou from JDjjO tI J0,w a toil, aaaalready beeuatate't by myric i.l -rr honorable frW, the Cl,'utictjir..r J tii'7 fitftion '08 thaficr.ai.i',fof;kr ih? lrj' rroininta afowtiylr worthr ! riv-n -- rlio ia eery extenijivnly t oucei i f o rt 7; a 7-7:: r Wrke oT tli couiUry.- H';. u7::i.', ';--y lAad.apnrobaiioB of thia hiw- 1 ,-lvo-r, J had nattered jroyseltl wo ij-J. j-eyq f0Jl - Whoad t lbA hftri'-i'-',:.4Hi e..Vj liX " ' in tins rxpoclauiiiil Jrs.kcV uapp.taiT" 'Z' ted. -r Pwitatfltie lrnvt!i ,nr,:.- Li,-- ''' '; f ncia lit "aTncV W a "at "t"i. r( -;H of :" Trade. ( have'Lenrd t'ir rei,,V, 1.,. tiorjawlau! Xiiafatl - W - . - ni-r.li-. (.-.'.V. s v. ' a? - .- -J ....,1 them.- I era bound to aav, that t'n v ru V : partake t.f the character of n( ai!v all fl . corainurucation.(aii47tliey are r..v ; ; ' wnica 1 navejacoireat liM-i i!--e whi r - - intertati U maaufictures tut are i- ' (octedT ly--the cl.ar.ges wuich I-arnti-w --'-'. fii'BmJttinf'ttj-rommitt.i:.'-' 1U) kr'"" aUtal advocatet for free rn !e j Hi ihi-ir n Mkfiu.i .. . of tbe prlaclpleron which the tj..Krauient ii now jscting L. vuTiacF'iits u n; "'" to Msign, quite coacliilsive, I I.-.ve r.. doalt, in hitbwa mind, why h j f cul.ir calling should be bade aa t.rt. . ,, .. yl" J.' "' o'an, 1,4. i .ily jattaU'd nje.th4t thariftueial ru.ii-. -f ires " caHipetitiaa ii ihe"be$Ufa!l t. it ia cartaiiily the bast for the .t,,r ; th .iijh InratpitetmderttaTid thnt a prmo nt' mowpolyciyen (0 any f un l.jt, .t l., while ' 11 is oeuicq 10 an emer, v aetata to that panic. ' ni-ht le an od r t,-n,V- , 4-'. ItUI We observe t'. X l!l 0 j f .t fi London papers, e ally the waes 1 1" a in pijpu.. in. t oi.i- tiiumtii i, are !ujj.!a:iin i 1.. ,1' I lift- . ptafv:s. "Li'jor is aromu. h i v u'.j.-ct to all the pri.iciplea kiiil la -.i 0f irn ls.-. Kecipr x-sl eonreriinicc wi riur bI :,. cessity -'f Wiaine tht retail wu;;.-.s s. The' ptrsons mu'-itlly eonctrned nmet uni,i tts iy dot ide. All coifirniisory pr"4 -rs w ula! ou!f leiM'ti iffSitnff.'mii.l thus iet , .l-wt a U1'T already euperabum'ant in the rsr. lirular case.- When," ch erj I bh tuth. rity, any c.imnioditv ia t-riiJ to market, it it hot tl.- necaisity of the .-. W, but the iiecersily of th p.. tfct'fr,' that raitet tha pnefc. The extreme aat ofthe seller haa rather, the- nature ii hir wUh-VtsHx ; W'irWH iirvsm ' s,t- tewd; U. -direct contrary ojerati -'- If the joodt (or labor) at Market aw Vv.-.J, t.e ileinand, thtv fall in value j if pV, w it, t.ey rise. ' I'h inpossubility of iSa saVi'tinca iJa person cart4, inUoor' tt ' - "i as ii'-i uu s " 1 1- t'a V,ht tt jt VHtfth to tP nrf miy O'jeMio i 111': K'Jvrtf?' e loiter, f f Cm.'.''. r r. - . ( i : If ........ . 4ft- -v . ... :

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