7 '-'11; f i .... t L 'J- -P' . It W Vn wine t aintfmn from Jawf which howvprwibt and fri1" '?m,f.,Wi haV" llie CBl"!anc of ineqmlilwliruh find W reponao la .the heart f thciUen, Wt which will' U Wa'.ll Witt hftleVmow; 4' j ne wisdom oi icibUiitoii is especially neen fu grartii'ir law SALISUUUy. ROWAN COUKTY, MC ... MONDA JANl-.uty.; vU VOU . vll . SO tomli.T C of tlie Of lh La pus't at tho LejMuture of : 1 ISSI and 32; r rtrr ' " T" i ft cf'irp ir a t r the North Carofina-'-)mrf-HiHt-ml 4Jotnpaiiy. - --, o. T incorporate tho tape,; Fear and VtlkkUail Company., 1 ; " ( 3. Id ail f the North Carolina Cen tral Ituil Road; and ,puI fear and Yadkin It ,; R ad Cmnpamevf Authorizes the 1 ' I- ' J iL. : mm r lo nuve surveys mwo ui ww L,it eligible routs fr sail Rail Roads, ,i T change the disposition jfi,i iiw cointltutinjj th iriciilturnl fuod. jpnVi l- tho nvnny hnroaAaf -ac truui; iVoiii Clerks, irist?nd of boinar paid l ili TrVaury nhall bo uid overty the nii lv Trustee of each county .for county 5. To prevent porn on t!v wi coast from liollin j out falsa jProvidm timl m prn holding out fuisc lihtf or l. anii i " the HH-cua-rt, fr tlm jiurjKwe 0 '' .iDt vin or mUWdiwj laitern if veil. !-, 'iiuy lw fioo l and impmontid at the diM tiofi of the (i)urt.J (j. I' reM-al an act, paed in Ift27, prtMcri'mri (he mail'ier-h which tae, ho liii ; uii l khiii.;!e thall hereafter be - coonted. " -Si-- - -?- T . nmmwl thn lOtli uprtifin nf an nt ,ril irr chap. 097, pr. ihinz 1 ,, P "' (Where lth of -urvevinf and selling the u-wa break, info the Ti...,: .iv em,iri t,v tivatv fr.,,., th cl.)ure of anothef aod commits any in: " .' i .. --- ...... ti i . i., . rtv ar- I'rioni 'Hi tao rtmaiuiiiir coaiei lo tkn Difu-.r. .rL. everaJ Volunteer Conipunif.) " ' - For the bi'ttPrtnTafK.'nlorrilr'it'. e, on trading with the CVpt Fear tiletH. " nivUMi that'"after tlie Intof March, 1M, all Tpfwla trndiajwithia fcaid Xulula, o'vcx.10. tona iurthen,hnUm y riSejTCordi.ng to the ratet already jea. tahliiihed.) . ; 'a J; ..... - vrt. : ... - 21 To aboluih tha-punishment ofTrop pirj.'v - ;r, Z ;- ; v';.: , , ft 5.' To amend an act, praised In 1612, ti amrnd the la relative to the Siiwremp Court'. JMakf! it the duty of the clerk, in cases of Equity jwrdin j in .aaid Court, Pr a rcajonahle coiiiknsatii(n, t record all bills, answers, plea, ; rtplirotionii ami demurrt ri, with all decris'piade tJiereiu, together wltli thg opionis nfjjhe Judu'- ' r- 20. To Authorize a JuHtice'fif the Pence to take deprwitjoijA jn certain cai!. In cases when depositions ' witnesses are authorized to . be read on trial before a ninle Justice, the same may be taken hy any JuMtice of the county where the wit. ncss may happen t'j be.) ;. . , rf.,-. - 27jTo repaal the ttth Tectlon of an let, passed in l&M, toamend the law with re. ect to tha collrctloti of Hehts from the estate of deceased persons, Aid the law i relation to the, lovyinir ftf;ftutioui insusd bv Justices of th Peace. 28,. To amend, atiact paaaed-in'-1777,4 aacu ring what fences a r aulUeient and rk.., .Ln' Imliaris. f IV-ivides. tfuit .Arui... J'LrxM,M -S I . at..r " h-vin.f mi his carlifMrde: Ju!rt'CB of mc, "where the party ajr. . o vfcAuvit mm l iftlmt fnrlh Rrievnu, nitty IWJTer oamaces, th s- ction an.1 district of the land j.iir- bating or w.w.ulmp Jha t,k of others flm -I. and utiori pr .ducin- receipts fr to Kv ' . V Ih, .h .".nent of the ptmhnse money to the 'J- 1 the eond section ef an 8 vr.,t irv. he shall make out a plot from act . passed in 1 9D, To enforce the. duty IU "V.-! iHie a Grant. " r irof l:iipcnrs III Jhtf fltat.3(PrticHbe' ft. T-. r-p;4 partf the act of l74lAt,M mJrnh f r Mu) 1 ao-.nn- theCo.u.ty Court- to grant r 3()- A.nendi.ijr the laws relativa to the av-t at-s in certain -ases. frohib.ts - -n-""i' o . f rtheCbUMtieof Beaufort. (Wow Hyde ik,.. nnt P ililTTTr im rnuntintf certifi. penor and County Courta of thif Stat" , ! i i "l.wmum"ue I). To provide fbr thecillr.tioa Jfioea of,nrM JH' b power pf draw imd u.HNi froe negroes or free persona mf? Jurors for tlieir respactiva eHinties, rf ,. ,1 ,T- fpHes, when tner shall be dut haa bea .hxted by the awv cied of any otfence and find, and are wauch iTtailcri as pennil einfiiuiif in their 4ft. ;AuiUoriaing Hie npvernor to gr'ant r,'rt-i, Wdato fjie Trustee Ff JJin Academy in the county of Macon, V ; To. iwrpHaftli; Yadkin and Smt0 MaMjfactm-jitjr twrtjranier.'-7"" ili F .iW4MUti4ula4io4if the eoiwlqct of negroes, slaved and free' per Mis. oi fulur. (Pruhibita tlietn from preaching ore.tlMrtin in public, or .from' acting as cliiw Jeadcrj&J.) .;.; mi ! ,r.2. T'jautliimso Ids building of a oil brine ovor Roanoke river, at the town of Wald'Hi, and to incorporate a Company for that ptifpiMH., , ' t " 3. To incorp)rate the Trustees of Raroicrfl Aeadetny t( Fayettctille'. ' 54. - To authorizo ihe Sup'ertV and Canty. Courts of this State to compel plaiHtifli in cerliiio cas, to give acciirity tor the' coats ofuiu (TrdviJ. s that in cbsjs of upal from th decision of a sin justice, ths County Cmrt mav reqniVe the pluinturto ive security. &e.) ' fi5. To repeal in ptirtnu act pnsned in 1930. Trulalfj(j'uii-aiitliie"ln this State. (Reeali that part which roqinreavessfiU fc pvr&rin.. quHeajtirttt . when they ' 'tarns free persons of colir on btwi.'7'i , ' PRiVXTL'crra."" " i: ; :,. 3 To alter tlie tiine of h'olilinwtwo oHh Cou?tty4'tsforThe coutity "orCiinconifeT Allowinj coniH'iwation to Jurors in the county tf Buiicoinhei--- '-'- -'rt-- Foi the bntier regulation of the County Courts af Macou. . To rcjieuf part nf an act iwssed in the year 1 827 prefcrihinT the iminucr tin which lands should hereafter, be ad6rti-. ed for sale, for taxea io the ouiittea-ot Anson and Surry. To prrvent the falling of timber in or other wwe oUtructing-ihe- channel 'if The' South Yadkin in the county of Irethdf. v ' To repeal m part an act pawd in 1 936r providing for the compensation of Jurors lion of the Statu .f Washing tin, by Ball (Ittirhey vt fVyrfcrr?r' Authoriaiotr the ; (Jovenftrto re'ie!t the United Slates a Uply W (lavmlry 7-Anthorizinij rthe: (Jnyernor ' tj apptjtut m avei,r '$ collect; irMrfconhciS W T"pr-f theJd J'umaht; : tlwftttry w py i'W0''f hy ihe Slate haviu bet-n burnt Atithorizinnr ,theApuh!it Treniurer' to proc'urf. 85,0(10 in, . siieiuu c.haiiiic'.''. . Io fV4r of John f. Allen, jlierilfof 5fint'"iverv eountv. .u'-;? We iiiyita the f4Vrt tt'"f,tp4 tV lite debate iu tbaBt-auta.,' which I uk f1ati ')U Utlt December, rwative to the rnditcUsui of the duty on , teas, which wttlbofiiund ai our first pael The anxiety 'displayed by the leaders of ttje Tanii' Party I" &M b, Mer. yVeiwior and Clay, to have us ouiy reuueeu,.., Knows ine uncasiuiM Viierienced by ihet'ii " l(fct the ?ri"dM one sysluq may be.uistuiOAil. Ait entire tMoval of- tiro duties m luxuries, whilst4-,c.P'rtBt'wrf-r, deny tit Crt, ii i "u usra ; it iiMns to me amiK'Wriy iiiue. ') -4fSZ i tho' rerta U atid ii em ruling prospect tf r.'-tatal prohibitim on exo"ftatiH, :t-r-J-U-i. SlwH W4n-ti!iHhat th"hm eonsoipp ti-'u will be an wiiyuleut for thia''tMT Ta altnr the tune ol Mdina two of the terms of the County Courts 'of Mac' m, nd for the better re!rnfatiia of the samn. Court.) 31. T auth orize the Clerks of County Courts to receive entries of vacant lands in certain cases. ( 1 he Clerk to act where "there is" no Entry taan)-w- ' 'ii. To repeal part of an act, passed in ta year 187, ntiilod, an act to preren una'le t'j psv such fine, they shall be ki" 1 I'jt to mv person who will pay the - f.f - the awyicea-tif-lhe. free negroes. or feit persons of Color, for the shortest time ti T-i Qnnnt the firt ertirtn nf an SkntwH in S30, auth iriam-Xrpar !,,'ottor7 V'f J .rHhak and peddle out of the Roanoke and Caahie riversfVand ther Jiui'N f thn county in which they reside, w,c' Il'r v that the"v shall first btaiu a Ji-'. 33v P''nling. mmle whereby the ei. w" The CMiiify rourr of" each Milrtm of 41m fttalt-ahaU -4maiW-4j , ,;..,' .t.v mnM tn hob and called into service, in case of insurrection I! T.m.., anA(iMi-l the ni-ovi. necroef. (Oiven to aeven Justices, the ab ,,-ofan act, paed iMi;1ncTJrtWf.''1' tin ' Ae Dram.nond audOrapeakeCaHaryff'c?ri,ran? '-county, tliat he cU4)ut the C" Mnrs - - - Militia ( said count j-,). -'rraWieths fi1iif wfiifoi&W in vncation, t- holddefendants to lail on ,rt au,ho.r,z" a",'d,r!f 1 Puhhc Trea- " lo iue brocess to yera-Crai1rtieW1b'W Treasurer to execute a deed far certain public land sum by the Mute, recently be lonsitii to Treasurer Hdvwood. - 35. Io alter the inuunar of appointing 13. To limit ihftinie within which ac- a . it. i i i r i a nous may na oroujui aainsi nan. rro- . t a. hVs that mien actions shall be brought i(liin four years. Conuhissionehi id Navigation aiiil Pilotage 14. Tn irive turner tim fi.r the navin tor Me apO rear Kiver. in .fe.itrv monev. Allows twelve mo'ntha ; ' 30- Providing ior the auigntnent o lone'l . "" Dower and for the partition of the whole ir.'T.. .-4 .u- u- -i,:w. 4 real tate dowjased persoiW where a ci . . m l unh.vfiil luaimins and wourt linn. Prt t,urcof 1,es ,n North Crw,"' at,(l riV .; U. hf rwrai,,,,. ,TC'n,J, ' part in othor States, af - ai 'htAhVl mih'iert lhe.ff?!nder tof o inovrp. rate the Salislairy Gold deat . v.t'i mt tmefit .'cWfrV'.l I Miniii Company jirj irationw, the Olfi-j 3S. ttivin; longer time to reifiter JLJ.i.id in thU State, deeds-, of AAn B'tfi mvi U 1 'firtutlwtji,i an i S T .t., ,f f. Tl- fr nubile msei- io-mW ,c.nveyao.-e, powers of Attorney, f Pr-.vrtoH a re-r,odv..Jr a .v yiuUtiooiM'-X?:-1 IheirVT'r:! " I 39. Authorising 17. T-!.a'r4 thn ftt Meetion f ah act. 4 - ayiia-Si-rati--iit.iX- at i fiiU iu ttieir reuctieouuties. . 111. Ij.llDlllllltU, IXC ir I'llWlMU Ul HI ilk . 39. Authorising the 'several "County Courts in this Stite to creel luor-Iiouses the widow of iittotttatu t'10 P trii-l Iav a ia camul caatij tr. ....b.w. 4:.- n.... ..f . I aecuriiw to tuo wulow n racVi',? iw . iaHWiis-iiw to .her. "urplu-ot tb personal . egtate J tl.eir de th.J,iftf t:,M Su,wrior or fluiireme ceased husluds, where m, kmdrod clan. ; ' t Au. r ...k .1 1 41. (Iiviri2 the power to Reimental jt'x-i . iif L'lr llloU W. JULU MailtM Hid - - v ' . . lie i.iii' rr . . aa . i J 1a ' . - - - - j a -,- iiteiiiiu irtii'T nri m i it i HiT-tt-iri I .ili'uata.( 1 . vi'Uii . .liiui'in -T'"S i r tlv fistrihution of a part of the,1 wvewicaptamii Uiuitn. wiu. Ruciineut 4 . To incorporate the Uuilford Uold pil i i" arms ainon the counliee of the !S'"f'. nnrl fir th nrturt'itlHi i &n4 ' ilc-l C--u;iUni for if the sume. Specifiea the) ?I'a,n? ... L , H,,.r of muskets each county shall be j 4ii; , An act to . incorporate the Cabar oncu ,i i " I run t 'Id Uinmg Comiwnv. ' in t j id-, 44. Aii act !) incorporate the Char- i itiii'-ii i tin mi, iinnwi liiioii, r. K .K.r. j ...,i iL i.. I oUe Gold Hmnz Compiiuy. . H. , i j t 45. To ircrrtirate tho Ureoiwlro -t'--Mii" wircn aim wm i'i ufr'ir-fiy ...... fKxH.,Hj'th-limits f-the third wm-kiajf .f? V."l' aWtet.- - - '7. To allow aDDenld to the Sunreme urt- frorn, intert;eiitorV judoments, or-4" 47-' "-"T secure th mAr jxrfect ad drs nnd decrees of thejnior Ci1s of; ministration of justica" va certain cnso.H. Uw and pqnlnrtJWidea ;4h"h--PHa tiiafe.i aih of tlfhuuoiw Juden of the Superior Courts shall allow i homicide,, 'where the awuilt ahail havci pp-ali on auch terms an they nwydeeiu, been committed in one couaty, and the aquiiihle.) - . ' - j-perxon awnulteJ, die iu another, the of- l. To repeal the second section, of an ! leader .simii lie pu usn-ewriMrs tlie aiuit 43. Mininr To iuorporai the Catawba Coli Company. To repal in iart at act, pawed in 1S30. for auininonin tlie original venire to the County Courts of Randolph, Rockinhara, Buncombe, .'Bruaawtcfc "and ChaOiam in futUre :--:-.:-.-.-is.;jx.--- asr-s.-? For the better regulation of the County Courts of Buncoml". ' - To rejoaran8"t paVseJja J 830. U amead an act altering tn e time of h"ldini; two of the terms oftiio Ciunty Courts of To aid in rnakin!f Tennawee River Road io Macon cotmty--. -r-- To incorporate llie Mijcklenbura Cold Mining: dlnpIy."-,' " ' " v r " " To incorporate the Cliarjlotte Fire En gine company. , To incorporate the wilkaa county Vol- nniepc-.lrtUIt-ripnSSSS to am norre me erection x mills no Bi Ivy Crek inthecouotyofBuitcoml) iweveoHHe-fHtn uf'MnbsrintiT otherwise obslrucluiii Ine cliauuel ot Hunt ing creek, ia the counties of, Rowan and IredeU. " . I'or thebetter resxilatian of the Militia ot Hiiywootl county lo appoint an additional place of pub lic sale in tlie county of KutiieiTord. Amendatory of an ict passed ia the year llWla relation to the appointment ot oiitmissioiieraiowipenmenu me, erection of a Court house in the county of Uurke. M ..... 1 . . . . io amena an act . passed ia ur year entitled an act ta, establish the town ot rew Sawnnw the lands of lwnj. Mar man, F.sq. tin the east side of Deep RivcT HI T" .Jili coiiipensatian Jo tha jurora ol' the C anity aiid Superior Courts of the county t Iacori r' I tir'urlina; the manriir li hJi Consta tj f Str.kl8.--"-" ' 1 j n'maj in part an act passed mine year HsJtf; to priivide'f rthe pavmenf of Jurorx in the counties of Beaufort, Ons low, Ilyiie, Aosoii, Columbus and Duplin. - ria repeat ' anr act passBd'TO ffie: ymr 1 27, entitled an" act tnenmpet the '. laws of this State relative to Caynlrv. -f fel-u ms hn.ride,- 'whihe W.lt mouly cal odalw. State Road, rantimg lB1,ivai(Htu( or (ho Spaniard wi 2. To distribute the 'rerrrsinirrVTac ahall have hen, coimnilted within.. this through the. county .of Uaywood, luay fi,r an,.,; - TPrtiyules that im'iCirv ff the fac." Ktnfe, aiid f he perii aiwul3, tlies with 4ics irrt to thisState by the Uwral G ul itn Ufmt..tleriiiiiifjcr, shall and tnaf '1-1 ymt:iy6n to edich Lf :ilieAi;u-.: h? ih: Hhlai LpUakh: ' t,: i the., county ' taitg lit "tha reanwilve Viiiipnti f:hi Wrt ' a.4uu't ' 14 IHlfci. ' r: - tnini fiH , (, f the e ' " ( ;ta p. . dk. .;. X-. J. iL 'ki .f... Honed Oajceri ef the PittfReguiicot, jd juoi.. (I;nr.ofc fiae aud Iurkijctaent- Sheril! of Burke caunty to ijive writtuu summons to the Jurwr of said coniltf " TjiJilter the time,, of holding the Pupe nor i "ourts fbr the county of Havwoou., Res(ectin!j;the toll to be paid by horse men for crosmnjj Beard'i briJfeouthe Ya Ikin river, in Rowan county, For the bettef regulation of the Coun tv Courts of Huvwo'mI. G i y in exc limve jurisdinl ion to-t he Supv nor uourt of nontiiouHirv cauutv, ot all plea and prrisccutiojw of the State. v To incorKirat the Rowan Troopers To appoint ConuniKSkHiers ta lay off a road from Neiiniowaro's hiin in iljie county, up Elk creek to the Ashe county line. Aniendatorv of the art to authorise tri hereafter WaHerrsd, ; niisoLVTioxs. . - Resndntion opirovm of the rurp of the AdihiiiUMtiatioii and recornnieiiiliii General Andrfw JcHs'knon'' fir-reiclocti i: POLITIC if. tirnW, aliei,' naval iitoresi AvV It. i Quit " wwetwA r f rr" diwrtinliitft ir6; lietween thri. Who-taki ttur, and tl"" wlm.do uot f I tlen ii masses nf import arid" export- what one does in.f take Ki flour or 'twh, ; In! Hikes In rtK!-Hwhi'1t trarc teen ircr'tTc.tf iraraii4'rWi,whirh ia tlie saine'thinp to thij PetmvjdTnnian, 1 tb-X'w Entitntler. . ' ' " 1 j V AVhftn wo hsvo arrived it thoI Jrsiil HoV nidei-atum of the rent r'K tiorunt r1at if whiat .we.iin.nr alU'uiid' make all we wa'ut, it mi, b- admiU?d, thm ; that we shaU i;row no more cotton than" we want ..fV-r, oonnumplinn. ' WiH coufiim niyrlf (hie article, aUliouh my ivrumetit apjlie emwllv to evenv other aiioW id'evporfc- ..tt'haii4ahaya-'.Wia1nii4 la" wfdttati .. i. iffftnJtiif it will not WdnM"l fimt the cotDm pla'ntfr, will be reduced, 6y 'J' tyslrm, tothUfp?vofour homecuiwuiiip tioi of cotton, which is a yery smalf part t what is or fm x rained nd na we ivunce ioward.i that eitttrH $tatt e-tV-i!ein1eitf,, in tfio me ratio wilj the cot. .h j'ni,t-r le iojuwJ hjjjhe prorfjlve Himi'iiiii.Ai r'flin market. ' HaiT tnTs eri r ', mm. upon . c loUitititJisr.t e.nini.r. sii''ar iid iriin.-are-rfetaiiitd, Wuuld not aajwl'y le . duipunda of justice, even llmh m mount of . revenue shiaiid therehv-b" bronjt down tfflhrwftnw-ofjtovernjn.TT nd we hope thai General Jaokiou w;li put h'u veto upon auy ,'oiodifieation f the Ta riff, which' is not foundad upon a regard or the nbMU;.JMMrr.aa well aa.uf. the rich,.- Jtis one-ef the grandefit 1arrs ever played ojf upmi a f.-ee people to seu an attemitt.made to reduce tlie taxes on ii!'. I'M, capers, aocnoyiei unji urauay fruits, maee clover and nutmeijt, pre cious htonen, alabnstcr ointments, cordials aiiipffiimmr4ilwi4 -Uowen ami-bill lam hit4-ittt!';dJ.irs- and.shuttlecrtcka, Coral. lea,1ji -V -dd mimIF boiea, silver spec tardea arid Jvwy he led ranea, ' Velvets and lace, mull miwUiis and "ro de aplest c auicFa hair, aha jX WM'C..tt4, riiiit'Ha .iintis,nnfTf eauHirics, tilafed chaF rmy-ilihe, porcelain - and china-dinner and tea seta, gold watrhei, culou-o wuter, Clianipiiiipio and nuruiidy wines, orau ges and nine ap(iles, uibroid!ry, ivory fans, fine Irish linens, pVoaulH, centre ta- bloTiiU' bootsv pter" Jo jklnxfaaiv yf: Wicdl),aod,.ii;4J-uui,'e,llUacUi.: me itcl (roameatH, rogue, esv-nces and courtplatuf, chensiiien, s veet "sceured aoapj lilk jtotavgrd and- istlvr" thin4 bles, inentei c, time -piece; to.tH powoer, waii"d'jJl,Caid a huodred other : thiujs used by the rishw saw, it 4.jile vf ths tfraotl't Urcm ever played -ou uikui a 4ro peoTilOliartutii- arilcici z az wc hava- enumeralod should-he .rteinpted frini ta'itatttrfi," white- iroiiaiid jmi svol len ciotli and naniiol, a'id nimiy other no- ceMartfis' nf iifefTrh:ch are" rajtiired lo rerider the aituation'of our wTirkinrtiei'iple coinf irtalde, ahmild eontiuue t- be htvi- and uiHiquany WirJened. - We1iiptj the. l'l-eftidttiilJ will ot lose aihCxif this. Theav&ystem-iMan to v tumMf - y Willi (he Vlayxville road bill, which they said r ''he dareiV''t' Wsfitse-- to .si;n.u Should they do sq, we trust that they a ill meet w it ! t lie sanie-agreeabht aumppomt. ment and " we fi'ol tha "riiorperfect as. surance, , that tn such eveut-tue t-on' 2 rei"i ml election in Pemwvlvania wadd next t all, result in the choice mon fi vorable tft'teif ciples havioif regard to the right end in trrets "nf t ho" pi mr, sntS- i eut to turn thef scale." lTmnsylvani,r u for ucueral JacR son, TarilT or Anti-TarillJ as it ' wa Cot htm, iUu-oaL:.tmBrveiint or anti-inter' nal Improvement? and, tn our Tiiimble eV ill any one Hti? that wecaa wear all flic coiton we "how vr w, ianil that our p p,ujv-'ia4 "for rrt r3fSf "ffloFiii'tg1 vution of 4iMit? ttt'ir fiintely'( -is here alao !tob.tecyi rice,- fiH, fl ur, lumber, ami all the pluets of ur tefin. 'aoft t re' jifthe winie p'redVluiIiiri tj"-w must eat : tha in, or uie tTvyiial wa'earliiirt ettwHl. osr iinvle ailiele when We hava myedal tJuiiJrBiMUlJiuictieiiMteaT piud as weappruaxh to U, ao aVall we ra !ual!)' tanle m swee-la.,, .-; - -j - Buf thia nystrm, wticii,esrnidrtitr-ho. comes too nd icuhais for contemplation!' andTiothiiw can save thoNrt who, wimld rrff-'wvfrft a lueiiiiv ) Horror ai a p.iiwv -hhomw tons, so unchristian, so urtuatiiar reetiilr, is tt iloef,' oh avarice uuJ J-xeif combin ed. . i ' .. U ' - ''-' MRTADAM.1-T1.; very nnettectd ttelhwee cwved' in the Hwinr let4 ier wiucn we nxctveu ny too ,-uaii tMiy , may he rel'inJ pa as of tiuueti iaab! "in- thniTiyiraTr:wtto wolf . im,alcii1u1!y'. to our' itimptroir, ha 4 utri.it aihl htatesniu i, bv-tha niuftTy 'an T ejilihtened view which . be. hat .'-Ulom .'of twrrjonpresMmtgtii aottncijpfid? "rve,tKe etecrable prej'Jct of Mr; VAsyt ho South ha?f undau ally where.ah ally Wa irifver hoked forynnd wo"etiifesi"trrj hopos w!iT;h" were .nwly'j' ? xtiuci have been- rerived W theciiiii4orinnv of th benefit ,of the goa-i cniwer,-whrch such rn ayww front auch. a nnarter iouafMfvHav "fi .... "1V.i ' - ' " l....i.v. , ... JL.m.JH ut" frt hit myui.a. - - . . -, - i ' v-v vnarirsrja ,rosi, - "v; :-; Wasiiitoi, Jax. 11, f?3J.' Mr, Adauin,-'(ai know, 4 chairm.ia t the. cwmmittoo of.itiauuluetujxs.', At the meeting foftb UOiwiiitfee tfiW tflntiilJ'. he came oeir tn tho n;o4" decided" hwiiiiei hi favor ot a reduction of the duties, "iiMbi May a propositicnn fntirt'ly .timdiuis;a Plf.tt .aepf t o WoM of proipno Ti.tTia ear and bifiikM it to tha serine. ; I bu for alf frdiHg $vht!itHi-t rtl'trf to tl -SiaJthi tlieir' lotnpkuiis are just tbVvZTar on. frnt.'fr they Vannol; and will not l4 mu i!iuJ with any dhjsiveichMie 4" niodili. cation. I toll writletiien: they Jti,ST re oul nothiti buthis death can -deprive mm of her-vte.;-7, tt the Piyatynt only. Mre'tI Taf m P.r liir veto; thar CBTtaiit rich 'tntpitafiat and iorWHtrona"iWiT( uionoimnos jiijurtoua 10 mer lowresis irt the'reflt hjwly the- tannera and ne ohamcs of the iinltcd tal-,.' and wich as ousU not to be submitted to aAer the extirtuiiiheot ot tlte pubhe-eVbtjmtd the) r ;'m tv . 1 1 -Y ' i, i rr- - A I 1 arm rffr tntpfwrtnq-ttp-tneir-riani 'of the coucert would bo over a euro as gun. ' . ".- V ' s . faflvCoa. I EXTRACTS, Frm a wittr iidrr ft ataorure of Stn tht,Batlon Cammtrcia. Oti, Suppoee that .cotton were our only export, aiul thai are Jji Ja surpla4 of J OUjOOObale v! wlrictyrtrMfiaTige ftr an eouat, 111 wine: which waa their aur plus ot tliat articm.. . men, an at once, ("on-irei. hould lay adutv on wine of 100 per- ewf What would be tre-;fd!,e4'l' W hy the car respondent " 4f the Spaniard wmld nave but hall as much money tain vest in cotton, as .before the duty was laid. There, then, the market for Cuttou is rev uld sfV Everytdollat that ia tAfedn rlulic, foi anv nurp !e, from jlie jrrosa Wuleaiifl4ha fijHvluee if-d her na t u ai w hit: s V?etiJ; new? . ,. tor . cwu n yyi v arcventsi t liese t raiar fr i( la kin ; tao ; much wore, of 'louxarotSrt N'nrlheri' pro lncei'1 j.v way. - , f-n?ir7ib.it"thnc-taysyTi lit-nig!! inaiiitninrd uniij.p 'r'l 'Z K Pit wilt ".this atihfv Virginia a "1 the Southern Fiat'slf'Whn we ;ManV for,. ? rr7rrfTiey ; Hv ua a ton, fl call it """" rweet MrV-C.? mtiet Acy-agjiiv tyi!ZZJ. he vmhea 1o est illi'i a irfumd 'priminf.t ripeai ( wJiWi H rtiesho(iI4 V-' ' uniK't'lniteud tar ef milli(m;u lia, ; V I , hrori iiws, l,o ninst. take ofl' iictlct mtiliont" $ if 'latif etilraCMi2 atri'h 'art; tn't.' ippeefwiivo to the fi'ior and ni;d llin chwav . ea; ? anJ ;rA lusting the -Tariff aa. a Rtrt?.Z B'.r et,TKre-N.ithifiir' short "I 'such - hindifl.wtlna, a, thin, wilHia f any avail. 1 ' wa assure 'liiui.. . 1 . . . , TIin CRINpTONR STE,y..,.y t ' The BuiHirr iiflhaCoiistitutuifl ilh ita, wonted, ability has., to -aeveiil "i.Wincea jiii'ter .Htt.tBU, a-lyit'itaje wAiyii -Wtullr . " , result to tho community, if the w..fHn.ei - ' in iatikt of the 4iuuiuCictorie- were pen- . : wnieTifmHhe?rtwre jooyv'o in pivuucju, wero impoftou irea,. iC duty.-. V'. r-'.i- .-rrt:- - . A there ' is irea t : Mrie 1 U br ihW' -" -'- raipoliatcmiu platu Eiiylish tKaK'wn Cir,1.! are pwkin. ,iur p cketa by making (u pay., j -Jouhltt furinany' 8 rth h of tho firat. r.. .v - . C!isit)-in tlie (juantity uf .American Ui '.'. fvr, einpMyrHi by irwirw f it u fu,1ler pre 't-- -ioedthat the wid tnMned ha:ids shall v r 7 IifawiIye4'--hwto'3rr wiovii-,hui ,ji,. s,n,'--(ua;ttTy X)D " "T" American lW will- tMi.'V.siVjtiQir'ryesl I 1 In the same iittfew ilb aa ainreaid,'si' t' - - rr,fihiJerabli! aatifi tff thtf cfttilmiimty at y ' TT arke." . . i ,-, - The' folltrwin-T exaniple.wiil aorvt ta il. ' . lUi-Jtatfllbi View of fie 'rfvnfr(,n Tee " ' (fata, founded on pUtviuent" of the Mun.' .vjlists. J Hetrwelvef arfl:7,4kii"Ji'o'Bi :iil'T-i?" Baiinar of. fie Cditi.ttitii.ttJi M( tavi.rlrumri in MnrlkitM '"( F.actorY produce. 7fl0,0l0 yurdaof cuare coiUiQ, wuu ii nwinu the a." pn tectincf ditty, ca?i "be'aold ui 12 T TTt fejr a;d, uvtUutir.jr Mt. JU fSOOO lue price is at U tt 9 cNita sr-f-yard tn'ura than th'frreiijh Article i 3 Jvf equal joodnos c tihl be boiiiht ; .- ' i- ir,(thf luty 11 6 J cent the aeuare f J !;s aniount .. taken out of tfca-T'-r-i-r---v p !et of the people; principally liiniiliuii'iirm r oe trjedjai,Jftwyail(l.-m 1?" t'i keep JairaHoelajre llwt ! Ialhrd the ilnioq itf-tt(tott hy itris -ft etc;; thcie.'t "TTfT" f ir?a-ibtrt-;p f - " . ,1.. ,V- i r ,: - r- - fara,'nmi .a. at 5 yt f tlili ij; Wher r: Tr:.., tliBu a lrihute yiLU. aujisjitf wud. lo ilie, " T', ftlMlfaW;-s L .i .. OolrtUt V4- tLi i tSraith w j.u;.ftkL.ii.t. the tottan Hoth. But if to each t.f ..theUVUD workvx!tl - mWwas'paid T5tr MiBraT'Vear"-' a 'i -r.r.i ' . 1... -i -r.-'trr '. ..rT" ior uiruiur 11 nooNiiiunM. 11 vmnii . amount t" .r v-'-'-i-'rr'Bia.T amount" tV A mcrrcair labor vmjia te euiidi y. ca-to, aa.iiore... , iix.x.. w ' -Ta whicji amount of pensions, if S'v .''. fha ! real a-A pf juich ( iinporlo j , soodnia added, (aa.bclute) .jKOIiyZ."---. It would altogether amount to. 2,j0 ' Which' r 11111 taken- front the ' jr. ' ' it rTcHn coifaa aboVelT OO.OUO Leaves, T,6fM; J Tul'Jhich oioiint. the public, would be VJt -, '-inersrrlie-, 11 rwi dhUme, systtiallt In? pioreBdvnntaeoWthaa'lhe -.Wricaji,-". v - ' ' aliaa tii.ff;eyiite'm,.lry ah-Wt 8 per t.; i-: the rame iiunutiK -of American labo trays )FrTna times? tti&ir.ilft.i.f' tlATmh-Stiteava win, ftfier iC wnriir, !ehute,'Vy,i- refi'V for any sdienie rf policy like the present tarifl. 'ni9--guiilooVaa . fiomvwIwtnV rtHjulved tiHS-rwioet- awv -hsve- itwitider now-xrie- cx-jrpsi(i w wine ' wryijtn W jiis janjiiaj;cfcbui it i very ccrtnia tUat liB Cxprciiiodiuatrwi .term hia lipitiioa'ifial uie, bouiu was omres((t an..i tiitist w re lie v,od, and that Mr. Clay a project "v, il luauryrtiaiti; tlie atroow-exirfmti,wthat UiaiTiMUiit relieVa r tyotlliW" -ft MffW 1 I "T:- - . r ... . . ' .j : , uitve in; unn ior s'cui.iui.iif ; in proo l bility Rtl.at i'l the Senate the wHff narrv III L.J. C.L 1.... .u.. 1 ..J .... i . L wJfM.-WW-wron.- Mr. A arna, I , w. 1m ,;,.,,, v ? am inclined to hope is ho.,e,t , , the la n , , u,f(, ; tr.-. whichhnh,isexpre4yo1illp6reee rvfl,, whi() , M ;tv ...;r tbhe.biinsrrirtnlrt.. looiilJe,,,,.,,, ,, Sr.uthj will ktUi .C iipw JJn CJuyVniiition, M thcoliiuiittea77! wt-ttnanpej'-fty 'jyotenft61"Tt.vrr? '' j k bill to- rehire tlie Sutyn Indian h!an ketsart'l .'j4he Indian Rki.- Mh.thjal-; fi aaii-e c'ura i.y a ytaiit 2a to r lift ml Utwnf torse motietts. and th vnte'yt' the Senate are- ragarded ts trnjr iiiiiioflM'iis iusu.i'ie prnicipie anl practice. A . T. 1 - - . r ' - 1 nil in assertiiv that we are' ,r8d, and ri.... - i.-j - MR. CLAY'S COMPROMISE -It will b? perceived that Mr, Citt laid liafre, tlte Stowto-. of tho I'niteil States -on Monday taut, h. Ior eipoetefl" Ptao of couiprtmite as his political frienils term tt in reiatiou to tlie " lanST. It is to tho shape of a Uedution declaring it expedi "eri.'fWss4: A hf. 'MxtSriii " riutiev 'trjwn "arficleg imiiortcd from foreiri entries', not fim taa comxttfioa wfth . i)ar ofttff marft or vuJt.ced nelihL, AH which bear upon 'the i'oiiC., : ,l 1. The. I'u'u'O partvupvn .p.-tnciule iuul frr-Ll. consistency, will einiriUUchiniU Jorihia..;i slate of things, .It i their hled hTiilifi. - :' cation.. V. : . i -"j- CfHtmbia Trftsevpc. W'e have en hand, a 'find ;-. (-- -k 7J1N withhe of iideresU : , iiig'Reporti made to the i;giutre".tyr( ' vx.mmutecs aic. w rtich we have prrved. -wlik. A.4W. d 4al f.H'Jgip when.-..:. 4u3 r The ComniiKfie to whom the 'tiijot . .. am ir 1 u a?t . . a 1 . 1 a .... m . . , . . . rta iM.vwtt cwetra-wwntau is if r : ws reterrefl,- hove wc'k'imeru'ed to tlii iniertreeilf- 4l'-syaapMaa-fr4? jtla'iiiifiiCtuiin' I"terft,' ii,wrtha( J , 1 1 ton? .HJw,prctnau:t;,vifi"Tauo".id , tw L0(!a:." 'dfl'n H"V':ti ::f .--?:j..nrA. .1 .- :J:. ... - .iv si-H . ,. - r .,.- . v. Hi

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