' extern Carolinian. aw a,,.i,,,,.-,i,,-, .,.,.,..,.. , y . . t.w U redur ,(,. dllllM . , ( -u HriM tnem 0. at hW,trci,d am,u. i . . . 1 f paction 1 credit of ,k. i.trmeni.rih. Nuional d.bt TL1 ... .k wrj, ,,,1 ,,,, ,4 ,kg Btlw- if f ......, o. wmcn (be khuim d.ka k.. Wl.r es.tlng.il.hed hive been r.l.a.1 k. mutt ti mfh the rtrrnu rut of whiih' U, N.l-n.l debt i paid. w ,B - ". on iww for prohibition, pay ,f r"r tr ll H l M dune by decrtaaiaa- ik. Aaal amount rfrtttn.n for ibo r..., i .'. . . . I y ih. finiu. ... .i m.i,' .. . . . bit 'H peroneal, A 1 . r "reaae. -V o. WoV moot M4 h.oM oe be e" "P fro" PWitioii, and there. ' bt paid i eommunicniioae. I ' 7 Pater. ; If lM PrtHiil ratj ... , . . QUIC ruv nTtri4 rT caairo. fHtinu.iuY c,na. ANDUISW JACKSON I'Jretion.in 1132. alwwaa in CUi Muting ,Mfic Worry, The " Load on li,i"f . I'' for Aprd i eoniimwd or (acreaaad. tka Mttn Tt.HL . . - .... propi. or IM, ?,,tt (,.),. not io Kt Bf ft,,,,, w(i jtc , I fontrnl of M,,Wf., or Hr rr, ". H to.rU n.tmblf f, , " f T1"" weorrr ne to fund- ' cofonir of Ori.t Britain. Th-i trt of opinion ifitt no rW, jr0ptrt houl4b l.ird without !) tomtnt of onr. Thl dot not tUm nr prntf.tiari for lh proptrif, only fr rwipf., u .wiut, ; v;t ;;Mr:t r v , p ,wr'r 1 M WM titricn.fromi.td.cltrttlfmof RtM, B;00 lh, P"lpU pfopU Uh ppenJed (0 lbt coriitolOB ,f or1h 'ofrim.. oftrnmeot f.,r North Car .... C- ThUlo. IQUtUlwl muI... rer hit romldered th n.-l.n prmclpH, '"R t'prttenVewt.iiiutloiior 1v ' . nh fltrolln enlf in rctptcl 19 rhtl J ,hfmentt f'iStwentf four ur Tttr. - TVlSrttlN CAllOUNH.'T, . - Bfirrto at .Y MUIBUHT K CjftoU.Yj 11) Ccr,'..'aja. : . . . Looting lilumei. - Udt- Central ToUt ict. Political EcA " , . ' Iinportirf No. 8-, U'atcrSf, - ' onomj, yiie i'apnt, Uterafure, ! politic! the hdttor ia thnrouth. paced democratic RrpuMitaoi ')U ".kedpriwlpl. of r!Khr. 0d ttnfe., th s'' "t Mm known tht prlocl. UtotM th doctrinci of Free Trade people of tha Caiierft Barj of jkjrSuti P,tlhlLhI ?,H'F wjkM to rom, fo .nd tft.u Rijjhto it oppoed.l the aTtmicf WcontToerrBgt h jbij Staff it eiertlaof conatrunlve .poaen and Indirectlv lnnat.(i4 .kl. ..i..ti. ' f . ' . . I rntmnM I. klk .k. . - Itha T.rlff j... M',.i. r. im. I . --.,. , uimcinit. . ii luin At ri - ' !iv i i h wtiwiu ruia. i r """l" "rl ABOLinoaxTM anhlrM Tik. .k.is'i r - . - ' tit..- . ' If I i. . .. . ritaf tod a-lfaaN. ,5., JL " . J V" f erf dNpaulonat, mind. Dgt the re l,urP0 l la necemry thai thr aboutd ""?-!!r l r J'501"61 r'fr.t V Aarrr .Tb. o . J Vk 1B,Vurr liberal .upporl hltbeno rel.d ta.1I ooatti" taeHiaihr l"1!' aijieiii tbe Wraro tkai . ..U araa. obtcb. from bal ie Mid of b.1 R1.1. t, . m ...... - . . 1 fw 1 at oaoatrt art ttrttdt at! aucbiMa em ye aude uae of for eirritd oa apenly, tm H ba ma beoetao auojtetaf ditcitfloa ...b tbe Prm,: Tfca Kb. huirer. aad rYhifc'birt boAtoa aw i fator of aboMioo. s, (Mrwbeo br Utrodanlon Tf W piiVC opon ihlcb we wattld epia put mnit, hr yWld bacta- daubU U treble, h. tbe I aplabm, If trt could do ae oitb propriety. aueb porpte. ' Thla awtbina tree lirrenfed bf a Mr. Tlorbe Jf a furoterly a officer sit tbe tttupUf warki ia tbe f chtrttia aad Zette U Tyrol. Tb- -re .era eo tbe aotot of btht; fieri w ,Uk lH, . Cow,,l(,i(mr)- for p,.. aaprodoctlfe.-tbe eea yUMUf onJr toeomium optoeortelf, aad feel eratifi.d to . .out 5 fralee por iw roe. or eoom 1 ei prr ,killt ,bM fc aca,DuM. aur mintit'e new worird oitH profit, end I refer booeeet to cor paper obea tbe Cootthe. mL Tbe mm 11a Men mirooueea tt an n, ln( i?Drince w, ,bfft iin the Aaetritaand llontarwo Dot.it. hailed H. tVa-lut to our porpoee. Wa Join wI recently inta wti.ao, Hrwii, tea ti 1 letre toatture the Kditora of tbe Coaatitu .h Amerirm. We enderrtaad tbet tbe I ttoattlet, that M ainfte eipretioa, le our re yUmn. Ctnw ano roirr .r.r,, t-.i Mrki, apoo eoarentloo wer intended te be ?M,4 one by oat ef eoerineat at tbeir ea. oWetpeetrul. We did ate' tbe word "bant. LSlihr.ea in tba tower pan or MrenrMmrf 1 fioj" bt It eru ie atlutioa to the recent eitab- o.i?, aad ibatM-we. V, Trrtler aad J Hrtment of their piper. We woold tika murk Hlt.n intend attachlnf one to the new erah.j1nVa(ur, n tmebj ditcutainf the qurttion of inn-tri' 'imt !"" unniMt wub im ranort aurtng toe Iprinf rven Crane urate, to wors too orct h m 1 or summer. Treiler ojioe. The "till apoan to be oireipl aed eee? of J We eoetiaue to make eitraeta froa pa- eonttraetion, aint eterr part or M oemf eaoe 1 pert Trent diHtrent partaof tbe Union, eooa Mr of rtrt irae 1 and H rarely, or eeer nraiof Ctyi propoeed 'cMpromiao, W bettete ir '" ordrr; '"eat ealrerttny eondenned. btr the people, "friWTiTr.i;w rtU proereelf hllf.WBne' bat w TearWIoe e5"ce;inr Ifotfl wVeTwTth foofth, at ettrient at repretented.it oitlaooe a majority of roieet amonr tbe Sntereeted wan. ... . . annplant te eerticaj mill, the araetra, ana en 1 eimerero wee now ID the United futee other aucbioet. ni become unirerttlly uaed 1 1 Settle, H will make the fnld aiininf botinett tbe etoat pr fitable that can be puraued, aad brinf under operttiea hqndedt of rtina, nea etteemed tao poor to be profitably worked. Tbe fact la, we undentied, no ore can be worked with tbe pretent aw.hiner, that rieldt lent thaa about 10 yrtint pr. buahel while, at tbe minetie T. rot, ther 'are makm -pn&it aut of era worth 4 HAVING iritde tarentiee tonnectioaf . rm of ib larett,, and rnotl p proved potteriei JU Emrtod, re AbiedV o(.rr(rone 'hfih moot citenire etotlar Nghta. . lie it oprxned' iol i'tnf, nlittry etriety of and 111 frprtnff Joteroal nbeDlr. China G. ,nd UoKinc r r""""' wiiim. win inert- T I " ! anothtr and a wort Inierevlntpoint JJl!.9UuUtorM ehoira Z'wlti YJZl ,.,7 01 fnm wr Southern frienda, uArfer h j 1 ... itha niAiiMiin..i.j ..r. ...1. i .1.1 r r . .. . 1 "'"K xirucui arte wDicK Cannot fail to firry I " iu i, maiitorcai meana or perpetuating ititnel warmeet thank. Wa -r.t I In .11 A.n... ..j ji J ......... .... " iw in wnicn (hit nn.uin 1. 1. k.i" (.-,. uir'cniciu 1 ing twtiamt waeww :n i- .ii 7 -1 ... ,. , w, - aaviWUM. wm we im mmI Irttne . rrnmu.nr.. ..II. f... .... 7. k l.J ..... .Ithli tbaitronreit eonelctlon of the mlnr,,T- blin luperior phy. libertiei h tlefenc orl!ch he UtUr ia tba brUpslwhba bode of J Important neceiittf of a chmre In our '"d a loppoied f reiter tju.ii jcatribttted ao asuch, the Kdimr will who he errmMnedall their atont t umoi inteiiifrtnca enq vitdom ahowld I urot"1' n,a ie-t" who uBainywianrci our oeitroctmn aimpiy veeeoia w control tba aflaJre of the eovernment I 't tr' manly flrmnen.' j U1 not join Ibem l combining to conj' polifica! ryitrm. The bill of rir,Mi aayt, ihot the people of this State oufht nor fe tt laxtd, or made iubject to the payment of any Imimet, pr duty, without the content ef ihemithei, or tbtlr tthrt- rniaHvr$ in feneral tttembly freely fit- en. .How are the term of tbia declar ation fulGiled I Are the people taied S tlieir ovn tonimf or the tontent of fAir rrftrtmiativrtf U tho reDretentatlon. Our It a foeernment of the people rn ntmrra, end it follow therefore, that, In ettoof a wtnt of unanimity, thf tnajorliy of the people mutt rule the minority, rbe tbe f overnment would be a mere nullite ainca tbe dUaentinf voice of a aingle individual nifhtobttroct tba noi wboletome mcatures. Whlthimnn-. .k C... .k. ..... '-w Of a.Kcin.ic, r?u f im not. l hen the iwio no no? tax inemtelve in proper peroo nor by their repreentatie. If hare were no other principle thin thi. disregarded and overlooked, under the prrtent form of the government of the State there would be amnU ...... r. , i - ... ailutary prin ciplea of repreaenfetive Republican gov etnment. It haa been elated that the Sovereignty of tbe S:ate ia vetted in tbr peoplethat all the people are by natuie equally free, and that a majority of the'e people thall conduct tba afftir of te Pr, l&i ZXl'Zi'ZXZZ: prolr Whiepurcbateiln thl. ' ;.l .hae f .A etnatitw Ji.v a... -I caa only reiirta former v r '!hert ofr7 ,,h ur.nce. of uln(t every ...rtlemo prtl. t) pe and w.ll be lent to ub.cribcr. moto tba Intarati of our luerr.ntM. at M par annum, if paid within friend in the) etteoi and 'eariety of our three month, or l'2,so after that tba lo.net of our p.h-t.njtN time, ' , . V ,6' era of our pecker depot. ding- i A,,',.:. . k n.H.t .... i. P"M free trade a tba onle.avnem. he Carolinian haa the wi.lr.t circula- ,,ch !,b,m' lh n",0, V .1 a. 7 p ' . 1 e iVi p;H eh-. tiiom as car bow k co. s ui mc riaic, lurnvnii wuum BOH II much to their advantage' to advertite in it column.' , . ., Any one procuriaf ait aolvent tub. criber to he Carolinian, ah all have a aeventh paper frratii. 8 Vat it L '.YrwTitri." Ftbruari 6, If : ( 4 . ' at7Tha Kewberit Sentinel.. Tarbo. ' MHifh Trea Ple. Raleigh St,r. Rwnoki- -iitwcBie, iinin;'on union, lliihbor ran ran warm uuuiut, JfrfiererT- A few boun aM. for tbe Irtt iel got bold of the lone;, windy addreat of the City Ctownuto , laUhr helcfln Baltimore, nn, tot Mma t . 1 . . . . ... . t j ... . .... - e A ernio. p.. ,uUul. wbkb I U Ma. lu. WjKlf k.. .k...kli theBieb Tar.r,-the lat tneaf of 0 otalA, 11 Pretident afiinat Genl. lackaoa. 'Jl a boihei. We tinpe tbia new Machine will eooa receive as effVcttu tnal tcT w woo Id 1 etoectfutry hiTite the atten tmnnfibeeitisena of thit place to the adeer titrmntof Mr. tetohtr in to-day 1 paper. Prom ill that we eat learn from theer beat ae. (painted with machinery of the kind, tbe Spin ner and Waoner are both vale able machinet. Mr. Beecber hat tbe seat utitfaetory referen Cet. We hope our eifixent wiD'fiv bit ata ebiaea feirriaL ft- Wo have received three aumberaof " an e(oiitlon of evidence in euppost of the memorial to Congrett by the Freo Trado Cor entin"-.prepnred by Jfrnrf Lt ofMatsa ohuaetti, in parouanxe of inftructioat from tba permanent committee of which Mr. Leo ie a wmber." 1 - - '- When I eommenoed readiag it. I expected, al lemit, to And t paper ably, aad utceniomly drawn Bp, but to fcy rraat aurpriaav V Cad that tbe whole of it, ia little more or leee, that 1 tort of epitome -or oompilatian of all the ittle alandera.' and abuaea. btretofore, pub. tithed m tba eppoaltioa Beet-paper Bfainat Oenl. Jack ton. Amone; tbe many reeommeadatioat aaaifiied ia thia addreae, ia Jkvor of flWy CUj, one ie tfeat so ia one of the leadinf adroctraa-ef the T,n." W .tm"nt- jayriwinw ay tarjreiwraV eoernavwlofthal tynrm which hat already ruined elmoat all the Southern State. The wot do of the - eddreet aro - r-Ai one of the principU foandert and tapporter pf Me 'er en - evetrm (the Tarif) He (a entitled to the armeet aupport ef ill who detire tbe proeper- Ity of domeatie mdutrry' and Internal imprate mentu" And m A powible, Mr. Printer, that r . . I. r , tt . . . 1 . the meaBty. and opprewioi. wfflrfTa .w' fee ,nff. rot ev ie fclaelv-eallod--n AwarvieaO I --,.t.t. - i-iv; -ww v.i ki t I "-wa.wf wao faaw fjiui4iluW ! IfC WH 1 1 1 C yatem -we certainly could barn none after prinip)e faidtr, and Uadine adrocate of the Okaala a. a. At- f . a . a . a. . I "" " - Fir""" ne . pen 01 inr 1 rr,M(1 . whick tor inraaMl. in itt operation, and oppreaaian 00 the South olear headed, and Bound hearted man, flrary It of Button,. PartTular parti V tbe Tariffwere 'aan'ntd to tlifferrnt member of the Committee, and e'n; etpoattioo will tome oat to miwAera, each member treating on a tope rate branch of em State, ia unequalled by the worat eyttem of taut ion, ever adopted in the deipotic got- ernmenli of Europe Yet i there were a lew delegatee from the South, and among (hate were r from A'nt CoraUaa. It it a matter traa aXI. .a - - "'U-M.va.a a t I ..T?.7pB.Mr.wM koweWf th,t OTyttrMtM, parti axigned to bin, ! report eayt. tba pub- eould be found in N. Carolina, willing to at ne will toon bear from him. ., I. : . I tend the eonveation, to recommend ftenry Clay No man. who, will carefully read over (beta L. oHrnL in nlara nf.hi-n.-ii. nnmberi of Mr. Ue aad particularly that one I it known to potterity, tbaf &Vm had the Ataer upon ne tii onm ooiona, will tay that it it pee. of tending one of thooa, Sai.if the aeeond aible tttt the South m'tt mocbjonger aubmit to and Cteeorat tbe tbWft ------ Ibe odnttyvtem.''' ?'. . Thit ccneenHan called itaelf tbe "National Well, indeed, did Mr. Adame tay, before tbe Republican Conventkn."If you can aaeertain Committee on Manufacture.-" am for af. the fact, willyimbe" 00 good ao to inform the (""-'ng nihimttaf rtktf to tbe South their public, what are the politict of the tirm dele. ' c"teplinti aitjuti-. They ere oppr- ned, ttiev cinnot and will not be tatiifled with anv unuaiTq aa un or modincation. I (ell gentle men, they BlYafaM the South or fyki ikem. I for one. oVctare. that t will not huard the limon for any acbeme of peKey like tbe preaent i anlt 1 i haae remtrki were made in alluaion to Mr Wave echeme, which, in effect propoeetto the tuei off of the rich, end inoreaae them on the poor, acheme tbat it an Intuit to Me South. fcr We recommend, to tbe attention oft ho - rewer. an article on the nrat nan of our on . P. from the Banner of theConatirution. From "Men .t wm bajaeea that the Swtb ft no tlone rr opnoritwa to any half-way ettlinf of '- ' inn qiietion,.that tbe friendt of t a on lettricted tomou'ifee , In' Penotytrama too" Ire PP"ied to any eettlement of tbe ouettion that Q(wt "of "like at the root of the principle of protection. Tbia to ti it abould ke Let be inendi oT the South but be true to tbe meelvct nd they have nothing to fear. 1-7 PrePJijn re jtlncjn different a f.rary, lb tOOth annteenary of tbe hKlty of WafcniBioToe:, Will our Cirt 25 do nothinjr on that dayr Will they oot "mfett their veneration for Waibington'e T Propet eJroef tf that rfow. gatei from North Carolina, in reference to old party diatinetiom 1 Some think, at they cl tterotelvet Xaiitnat HepulUfani, that they be long to the old tebool of Republican! ? Ojh enny, they belong to the ochool of AeaVroV RrpuiUcatu, who figured to eoitieuoualv do ring tjje hit war. Let tbe public knoyr. if von AwwntfMelll lav . at. . . . r-- w owmW -Tkr.-t.-.t . 1 ,. I w woternfiteni u - maia- ma eacreq arinci I N..k n -a....j tii . aiwiina oatao -j.'.f j.t.Bj.nicn jy ine.motber. Befocroteal-I. it .rbn..t;.i country, beg., ,ba w., of ... American t7? "? iv ABBaataAWaaiv1ai a.! L. a a .la a fknowIertoemeM t J.-..J... or am. na .hr S Z rZ?,rr P0 h. pri-ciple. contain ...... vi iui. uiiniipto OV I .j i ... tin .!.. . . 1 ei 10 m 0111 01 rignta 1 11 AH.a H 1 - IV r pAid on alT lcUer. adJr...ed to ,he nKSZ; opon tbeie fryr Edi or. amount of jori. and, forward their 1 1 in a iii 1 11 tui 1 iii i-i hi 1 -.. 4ftM.Ma,.i i-nr ".t ....... ..--i 9 J avuiort woom we eicnmrt ir u lUMutcnitr me -Hi rorler a lavor upon. u. which will r.e cheerfully Trlprtvted, by giving the nNtr 0 ? Inaeetlno.- 1 . nd""lhe Royalit Itwlf. Tiiation without our ha a katl r AnajainiSAa. t-.m iL.i nan wa J WikilSST. few indiJiduaif- S Awe .urrenderh to, minority of h t admitted in tbe preeMce of our rov .o,..ouid rf0 the Public. all ntVINffl purchaeed "of the trgt awnprtj the riolunve right of W. V MT.If, rtaMVy .Vw'fMtr U Pinkktm' Moeber'a Quien't Ifuker, I now affar for aelntlie Righit for (ami. lira. Cotintiee, or Sutoaj tbe Family Spinner tl 1 1 III our own r t -. -k.. n..-n.:.!- I . . r- . . ... ur, urllin. m emment that all men are equal I If mi uuvrr man f rnaf n a . a . a. . ... i " w -ai couU .ox L l..,! IT.: tnef-tW-wawgqo-,r cheap taW -ting wohine , can b, iftorJed ro t,T 1 urr oi 1 rigntt. A lew Individuale bava iaorelrzo'PltoiUcon,,',c"ii blDd0n rih-' 'h-. - rn "iTr VT ' , r-i- Kotemmen.. ment and therefore under tht bftaent Queen' Watbevie a ckeap and ii't family V01M2 milter W npAKEN up and committed 'te th .71 UliUo this place a Negro bow wbo- - r paae i bo 4bwtti 14 w" ' ii f alcirt ;of;jgej tote::: k.. j . a,? ... ueomi 111 flame 11 itac ', and eaya, ht belohrt t ' Bnrotlr.TavlorVor Greo-"'; "" tU County, North Cora.- - : - at-f ' a' conitt.cwoi well eallt:-, ... .h ... ,.v.. U . ... TWfBBj In. .a w 1 at A the roll 1 at band ia equal to ait. Tbe Pl,( ,om J,me this month bf hit A . .nil nu itcDreaeniaimn inauif 1 .r .1.1. a. ... . 1 acotuaiuoa. mat uani ioeai aut aramari . I P...1. . . v.iiiuiiuii ui inn onie 111 men ar not k.' . 1 u " . r. ' ubc tvouniy wyacre aiavcd hul go hand in band, atv aft tha rlt.. iik. k -fv ;t- oe operaled ee by a g tn or boy withoot any . . .ji "Vt go niKiinaant).ayil tba rltar. upon eqtial. Do tbe maprliy govern North lUbilitv t. Injure rrom the one- lace to thi as.-d,T.-r;rt:- - tree government Tba Wet will be Cerolioef The minority of the people of "fno.-a',ngofon baiftheaoap ' The Ownep il ftiueited tq "tomf V- d .fofVfcll,"S,rtf,BdW ""'f'hepreHn Sd forward, propirty, pay cUge.' at acme, that It, that Taxation and Rep- ution, and therefore the majority of the Jlfe fo' themaelve.' Tbe maefcine ean be take him way or he will be dealt reieniatlon 0 white rjonnlttlnra-a'r, hand Denote have tho minor" wole. In ,b.-Va.V ? frwdeyeai ibo boot of Mr. William with t the law dlrettsT"-'"' I r3tet: ' " " ... I ' . yT?. -t.!rw. y : 1 h. lUusrhter In ttMa plaeauny msm wob-I -WiaJJt , a 1 nini Dropertv 11 to beIirnmeot. . . lutokfMk tpcr imeiit wiitth Wwher taied Jet IN maa at lewt beeopreieirted. I Look at the intuttica and inemtttfrw of -f" . Pr' ' I ,. -. - - . ... ' l . f J aa, - - . a e. ........... r . ... . -. ' m u rUtBa Btr r Bt 1 1 Vn a a a. . -- . a . a-. ' I 1 W1 awi JO .ak. . - - rJ? ?? KWlitr W tha enormity of t; I county rtpretentailorv to tht teglifa I ' J-1 hereby forwara all pereona from trt- .JOHN M ? T 1 1 0 M A SlJaflnri lixingtifJ)avilson County, &Cz?-.zl SaG$irf, re. 4 1839..-- 1 NOTICE. thete ettayi to Cltmine th t tubject in 'I'.,:" JLKii -i n. ,k"J'-!!.; ",.:"M,W ""lf,rt --oV" - 1 -wiUootoldalNa'awlli.onUiiedoreeh ofovorablerirarmranrrt, ted'jciid o-lsaw. rV. detail. The writer hiniiliherthema swyUT8000 lb. Bacon, CornrWhZtt, ewtrety fbr taatrr ceneiating wf -' : T.7r- . rial at band nor tbe ini to'dev'ote- to Cwp. Ho&,PlnnktBlatk-Kl&h ;,?!,u, CjJ Weta, fliitea v f,f ..If their minute iiiMtioti.-.!.rr- toolt, One brast Clock, - - p- tombainei f4TH g b7: FrXm folJ--W'aifM ttootl Cooler. Bb.Sao!. a- I AeM. at Uilliam plaea, ONE TRtCT of LAND 7nrtr of handtome Print. Bordering and rot. T lying on tbo South Yadkin, know n hy tbe ntmo "I'w'wvaucoaa, pimuiet nt Caghtma, fad. -llABBliiV In Winghtown, on the 5th uh. by the Rev, Mr. Phfol, Mr.' Vtlentine iloover, of Davidaoa County to Mitt Fiorina C. Trantdof the brmet place. T ' t ' J1L1RKETS. . SALisBURT Ft, 4, twa.. Cotton in teed I. ft to 1.17S .......;...:.i,;:;.!:l.r, can. A KBrcBueaw. Atnt y f Ae Cdiltr.) The "three delegate!" re. forred to Jn the above eommunicatino are Doctor $AaM, of Salem, Rithartt B. M- frxmdir, Faq. of Sarobury, and '.Vr. Bam- ilfn of Cogcord. from the beat information, we etn obtain neither of tbe three ever own ed alliance with the tteptAUcam partvi they al waya belonged to. tbe other tide, and we pre. aume they are now too old to be "reformed" into Republicant'whet ia bred in the bone St hbrd to be got oot of the fleth." Tl IhlPttpt if Wnttvn CartUaa. - On Me Suhjttt f Cenneno'en. M That til political power it vetted in. tnd derived from, the tieofile only, . 1 ht the people of this State outh to heve the Bole arid exclutive - tight ol r aj iMIVUIt That no ivjan, or tet of men, are rn tt'r ttchtmvc tr Kharate ttftolumtntt and prtwirfetlTom the community, but n coHtigeratroq 01 pome acf yictry ' log both the man and bit property with I ,ur- Sm" countie In the Ctern part I rntt m ""der the penalty of ibo out his consent- It u wigenerou 1 unjutt. -1 ne West will nor go a far I population of tba Urge countUi of the tome itatetmen have done and demand a I r ha the me voice in the irnvere rcpretentation for tkttr property: and! afthe State). It knot the vjbjerprif "" t Buck aa -Ideai In the opinion of iae writer, it tncomltteat with the theo rfend principle of Rcnrentatiye Re publics: Dura J i government of the peopten PrftpeMy did not ebfar tnto the bttract idea of government." Property it protected by tbe government, and for tbat protection ia liable to Day tat. There may e 4 -government Tor" the regulation of the conduct of tbe people in which there 1 no property. The orr zinal deaign of government w to regu late t he conduct of the people and not to interfere with their property. Ours, be" ing a' gorernment of tbe people, tbet aJone ought to be represented. How it property to be.repretentedf It bat not the power of thinking and acting for it- elf. Will you tay that every-two ot three thouimd dollar ahall be entitled io vote to be given in the perton of the owner f Wilt not thete individual an undue ihire in the government! One mm, under mch a regulation, may hive fifteen or twenty vote or. more." There would be a still greater dinger attending thi principle.- The richest men ia tbe State, by ctQbbtng tbeir interest together, might liy the State entirely under their! control. The true principle in our gov emment is, that the people, who are all equaf, s-e to be represented, and the property which ia unequally distributed, to be taied in proportion to ite value to j pay for tbe protection afforded to It by the government. It wa indeed, If a repetition of It may 1 ,1 j t. . ' oe tuowec, a maxim 01 our ancestors. which' is to bo teen in all (heir petitions and memorials for the redress of their! grievance anterior to the revolution, thai a.aiiuu iiiu roprcaeniaiiOD inoutd gi, hand tn hand. What was the idea the. "ended 'o cotivey by . thi expretsion? Waslt t hat they and -tbeir property hoold o 0mm . to. 4 ner were not o unraaeonnhio in heir demand. Could the people' have been represented, we should, la all hu- matt prbhabUity hare cpaOiitjed t9 tbjj! 4 ; F.A Ni3.1T-. COO D Sn TIT. "I.JtlCti trleciioa lit sxtv onaaie-"trnia:'.v -.-v-..-v i n. Babtcribor'i Store io Sahtbury, ulaCil bf ,: 4 1- 7 4 B. 1 no biuco cara ana attoMioo otii'. ' - x: ' of Laaa nlaoe eamaiuine abaol 00 aema. and a I dingo and Buck raoH. Tt readt of iH anna kaaaia aumhrr of articlea too tadioui te mention. At bloachad Domtttiet, C'apo and Gone be tame time an place the attllwwill bo ren- nM.ircnieta, aamrree Pongee and Crape d tear and the miner Hired lor tha term oT ana I xrvna, oooinei i ibinet Laeea, aatorted 1 Sareerrt, and Plorenteenai Swias Mull and ; Cleiado. ' Com Oatt -Sugar Coffee Salt Iron . Moltnea Rreiwaa Ttllow tear. ; On Tueadav f Mth.l at the veaidanea aft Senehew thelut Aleiaodev Neely, dee'd. wiU be told M0 Vuflinei' line. 8wii and W Het4 ail tn personal properly Belonging te eaid al tate, eonaitting of , , . ... , IIorta,. A- Catllrt ; - - - ' llogiff:'--Sheep, r'- '. Two Wagont &nd Gears, 1 ' : ' Farming Took, ' . Household arid Kitchen Furniture-. "'Moidifioalbt. Bacon, -4,000 Butheli Corn, ' . . :. 200 Bushctt Wheat,' - Unit Wnrttlr:' f)nlt:- - nd a Bomber of article, too tedioot to men. SO 9 to 11 15 to IS 1.25 - , fi, - 0. 18 tion. The netrroe belotigtiif tw rnatt wotate wijl be oired'for one year u moniit oreoit Tb lb to Robe, bobiuet ad mualm Capet t Hatter inmraiagi, lgnorw, punatablo' an4 Navarino Boonetar Spon-Cotloo, Tack and fttdt Comha, " Shoot, Hardware, Stddle-Treea, tiig mo.tntinp.,. tliadlert trimming, Roping. Btgginr, ploueba. Moukluoardt, beat anchor Bulling Clothe, tie. '.ne.. , an aaaonmeat, and rem towoett of bit prices, prevent to t Ite extraordinary inJueem. nt foe tl Bodatteatloa.- . jyu.M Ml ftp h v. 20 ttllds. St. Croil. tirrn Hlmm. .-J k! Ma tfletna Sui;ar, of the beat qualitiee. vert Io. " i. j 3 UhdK frjme Green Coffee. 7 : loth. Ue. 4 1 the ex. . tho poo. T r their eall j, ' SO Brt-trafir acanted tti da. Taa. ConfMaa.. M..I.1.. L . a. ..." i mIo to eontinue from day to day aatd all fwtnetre, Lampblack, Raitine, Cheeae. Pepprr, -Id. due attendance bv . 8P Chocolatr, Liverpool and Alum Salts ' " JSfi. FRALRT U mJHf Iron eaattngt. White Lead kega, Red Lead. ' ' " v. ARTHUR NLfi Jan. Silk lilt - - Ml I Veottiaa Jled, MackateLr No. Cheeeincaiki,4yc. .Bill IX 2 J aw. ' wc awvaoa. at 'Jaet aw ihw, o-""a , reouetted to aaak imrnediate pavmant, a no I 8Zt6wJan.Z, ISXl mdulgTBereTrevBTrhWt 4)T VATETTEVLLLE, Ja. 35. Brandy, Appel par gat : 41 to 40, uo reacn, fUeoo Cora. Cotton Floor Salt . Iron Sugtr, bro Coffee Mohmee Flttteed Whett Wbukey k lb. Brandy, Feaeh , . Bagging- -i Bacon : "Cottnti -,'C.wrni,Wi..t.. Flour (from wtg,) bbt. 55 to- 6, r io s 4t0 ol fttoS . rjtooo 4to4f - : r to? Utol6 33to3r . 1 60 to t 70 Fite 85 t6to0 CBERAW Jaw. S3. 1832. .l.',. . '. . .k. ua... u I. u. I 'l'ka T.n... Ct a . .... eent them, duly smhenticated, sritMothe time Urr t"" ' - - T - preacribtd by law, or this nptioa will bo plead fjtllK IUDcribcf tl!l Continuer to ' In bar ol their racrVeryr: , . , . .. . , make the- aboTC Machines andf - - J. FltALEf I PJ L.,n. a tiinnTa,...4...l. .. t"..i. .e nmicn ne win en low lot CasA or an wV 3. TO PT " VVnh i IPll ' credu t0 POnctoal dealera. He like. . f . i . Tf ai,itlIJ wise intend keep on head a eW V?, aubcrib??r ia desirous to pur-1 surely ol COTTON filX'st.1 Bnd a..'.. . -a number of -YKtlflOE.'Vl will alio verialr thiumat.... '" Ti 35 IS 9 .., r,. 14 50 40 SO 10 H 5 .-' Molaatct Salt (in bulk) Sugar . --. Whitkey -Wheej. . - gt hwa.5..v. ' w f "Ik-Vr-- K4 4 1.4f 3F 14 45 r 18 L40 n hphe 1X' choae without any limit during the tufct twelve mootha. Any perawn haviog tucH property for tale wotitd do-vrel) ttvopply to the subscriber Woire Ihey make a aalc, for they may reat aaaared that he will pay the moat liberal prices io CASIl ; JAME3HUIE. ' N. B. AU letters addresaed to the subscriber will be attended to a punc. tually, aa if applicatioo was made in peft'o'ni; Huir wilt Attend to the busine, or in ibia absreoce .M. Rstria, the Post.liter, wil1., who ia author, iaed Kniak(pnrcHaaeaat slf tim?!." JSq&ouriijJiay K ..." Kit .. ..... ....... , rztf E. P. MITCHELL. eiuisouryijHay aiat To Saddlers AND HarnesMak r" .HE Subscribers wish to' erapj . ft1 ' : ..a R.4,tt.. ...I ..L. V...-. ' ' J""tl. UU.IWO , llaTDCMi lkfttf Jffi4Bd&stifioM haa"," 6ct3lti 1831. bent, j, oakes..' I Wtf . EQ UITT BLANKS V --ret. ai mtas. .c.,...:T..