Wi'xhrn Caraluwnt. f li. 4 . Vr 3 , A.- II t 7 'fi i ; I iri .lirhd ,., ' t r !', m a riii ' ..frsf i f Henri R; i, ...,....., . -i f-Al'l Ifc-. lrMVr I ,1 if " l-J Vd:. -""; t 4 - rif in for t h rtwt vetf - j- ... , te, H lU ilera'a wm'i, tyirriMv. tM.'laiV, ' ' C'i fM'kr fViri) ri, . , ..ay i . ' . . ' . i . Tn aerM e H, we rav, . . -'aAM M taw tJ awr fa), - - "". tm we'd cHor, whet tbofoogk tkrJ tr-r.irim.T.: a -!-.. m . Xtih (Lm, Cm Hattv Ckt! ' RHfy t nll irrff'd . . ' - "By m kU4 f pUv,. - JJof itl pi rr$ for C1y, " - - Cal cruiick U YUurj tlty,, . . . . J' th' Hiro, Iuumh, rVilefit AtViXaX I ill Mk m iMrf Vr hU r v4 tut folde tr, t I nw t n in ik IrMk u . 'And ibaafM to Ike Imi t . .l4ikTt7 ki trM. . " liHl ktpr4 lo be tnful ikr ClM(.ipqlNMvu ill h jJp -rtr,-ii top tpiw.i(p-- 'AkI rfrviMd ki fwkiMi'i(tM i TVil W M mo tit en'. . tt r rM IM '" 1 ... , Jofc. krtiM ktlkVs kn, oi ka(k I team ill k"M . l-ilV.-5ir - 5b mt kind fte ! f ui ; " . jAmculture. t wrinreoatfa w lorm ruirtf in " tree, ihirtf feet prt jeci m f, it robhlwvih ;,nerrtt tht it would be ' . ndUabl.; 1 1 ; plnt ?. beiWber h Jaod it kbund forty fett would tefrfribIt.i:The full frown trie MnenWf coven a fcf rcl cf tweoty f,T'r,y dumetcr. If the . ncage form be preferred, the young irceinuy be planted one or t-k feet part tbe tope to b rat off in th f- Vi t'glstwerjt.ywfUtKff '"' f node tnerreat advantage of gather. ,.r T-aog tha latwMhou-eUnsbina it te cured. The heJei mbht be nlantr fieen or tweniy feet apart, tod ihua aifoccopied by lar trees, and Aere'-jfould be a great taving 6Ttie M .h f ""'onf .tb? hedgr, torn. jyed witn , that ,req lired to product ' Iht large treei, ,. , ;, . , -..Jlm farmer - ! MEe it J fixed Ylllr nrr vl.W your land n et we;therM!)44hertitr; aervi f.rnerVw'H, "it dgantf have : fcTte remtrVed, To thr4fird, tt d)f f rncc i ibr crp MO pot.plogbrdh -whn- ibeaoil and ibt waihu'mh,-' ,JrVr I. U only on dry, aaVly or Jigbt .4 id, that ploughing .usht to ' Vc rrud on i7,rni,t wetber. - 7e iiiwd r ,r j.S:nt t too - 11 known to U who own thett noble m.Mlvorde1 i tHem.tn need a rrnwdy U aimple, nfe,'k!vd cfrt.tv in all ' whicb hi. com . to, mv Iniwlrdgr, hmeverr ioveteratei It y only to mix whit lead and Knited IV annailn'irleii'kad I nrvcf Iwvr k- da mrr thin twan iW Hp 4V.?? MS aiceiairy f ff-ef Spa rr:Q av. 'Tr- Tin: iroituusms.-ATiit ' Wli-l lrliithUul trirg the wuibl it! LJV I.rfin.' ! uiht - ho ibru.irg ii wtt! tvny oi.e i ImhI, ftd ( tun i:e looking an pfiin ha tnem gill I tvtr iw liut I itHiii drtit tuw, Halhur it to tn hffi ittwtWe wiihlne h'irte ht waoit lo aril me , IIiw lutkjr I tm to ht o?h a friend t B Uoui ! tc eairr. Muikg" i?j g-f,dfliored-ro atti'.m (lever too aid turn to tr Xc client htiri! Ah J bow o. UkI ! lf til It tic but ntvrr mind, it will clcr up i and if you io&'t why, there' billiard.. What a delightful irtg the world t" ' ' ' 8J tolUotiuIz- d "ClwTTo 'i tni,""i 0i aq of j f n.ijr-ooe a philaotluopiw nd cptinant. Our young gentle, man m -l-arf-od- ttniFy nd large; lot tun f brave, generou. rwfi !'"Ii "J "pen-beirted," (In ability rat above the ordinary ttand nrd,'a..d be had a, warm lov and a pure taite for letter. He had even bent a knee -to "Philotophv. but ihe elm fold gracea witH which the gotldrat recftlfvbcr icrvanta fiat c n diCvntf Died Ihe voting votary i(h hit worship. "Awayl" cried he, one ovrniHK, fln-giog atulc the volume of Li KO' hefciuc-uli v hich ht bad fancied he u :derion.i A v wttS thit avetSaH and dtbaiing cotlrf men arc not the mean thiniqt thev are here described be it miff f i thiuk riiiltingly of my vpoira! Mv dr Ktpriene, witli how m .rty flue rn. timcnt iIo(mi intend 10 play ire dc vil f It i n"t witno 'i reon thai G' ethe tcltt us, fiai though F'tc ij an eicltrnt, the It alio a v ry expe;i live tciiool-ni'uiretf. II a Z my Uear piisn't now are you!' and Ctp ai- BiW ur rttrt thr room, a fir dark, iand'.me fill, with omcth;riK ol ptttrnsi n in hi air and a great deal f frjrknriva AIUv Wara-ia lUe h rr. Com u. iKc wind . DxtiHit he ttp (trl What actio- ! l) ton "mk hr forehrad 1 II . he lauir hia lol! G d. 1 in'i think. 'ou shall bave him alter t.l !' t i . Niv, my dear ftlhw, ou m-v writ be s rryto pan uiih him. r i un-rb T Qi'n ton d h !' If fc ritinr mtivrdj ' Do y u think I imd it take rr 'rd t .r it I The f"'Cc ?" '' ?, it yooraelf. PKr f , once i.rTrrrd me a hundred a d-tigh. ty but ' Vod- . Y.iU shall rave it.' , No, Nugeoltay( a hundred and fifty. . '"' I Won't he outdone tberfadrafi fr tbe fllO. Upon my aoul, I'm aaatned h it y u are u.h a nth fallow, J vto, t ke "thejjiorae to Mr. Juge; t' t4blrt Wrcre will y 'U dine r. day ai the Cocttrt f ..'.-"-- - - t With all y beart.1 . .Ti The young men rode together. Tney dined at the Cocoa-tret, Bui' f.iur ordered "me early peachct. Nog'-rit pat4 .the biU;Tjey. want to the tinctar " - r'Nueent h.d written a tde for "TbeKtepaake n it waa hU-fij4 Ucrary tlTorx u a tolerably guwd ad .CXceedw cly poaular .. .Pne dvy. e wa long'Wg over bi 6reaK(ast4 and a tall, thiir-gentIeman,-iT btaf.k,' waa announced, by the name of Mr. Gilpin. ' ',-'-', V' . ; -Mr. Gilpin ma4e mosreaprcjful bow, and heaved peculiarly prol'outd ign., .Nugent . wat, jnuntlyy.ac ized wi h a lively loterett in tne atrangrr. 'rTirU ta' " iih grt reg'tC faltered forth' M Gi'pir, T'iat I.teek you. I I 4 low, Cooaumptive couJh cHi.keJ hi pecch. -Njgent cflVrt d iaywopflBf tea71l"tirTitiry'"was refutrd, and the atory continued. Mr. Oilptni narration is a'kon told. when he himelf is not the narrator. An unfortunate tUrfary mnn once In fU lent cin umatanc eiccurity. lor a treacherou friend friend absconded pressure of Ui.t'rcr.co clrcurntt iru cat angel wiU and iur cherub i hll drenabook 'omine 'out neat teason deep distress at present horror it being -fod beg- geiwroua aemi. nrf ota xpre ked in the ralr vrit'm bv AL'lKv Kcojt fort'by'iruclt Hi on -1 ray at hong rr tte on Hti..nnna...anij. C0tf ibe-tjuae .f Mr, G.lp n'a vi U Never waf'.theie a -tna! invei raUog personificationjnf thrjSl't'ed ao f.f !eUff.r54ban.Unrgnryv.Giipmr:rIlp lijiokrd.pale, pattVatnd r up. ciaGkf he coughed frequently, ami he was drettrd )t)flrrp mourning. Nogr tN rart tvelledvh placed baolt.no e iiy M'r Gi'pift't bin'U e promise. 7i rctfJtcrw-'l relief, and MQlJ',"j retired, vrpoed w.ith hit owrr ga'- tude vnd :MrKugenTtpctfu; c mpaiion ' . " . .. Ho bappv I am to be richf taid the generous young phihnthropin', throwing open hit cheat, . , ... N ijtent went tt comrrmxione at Ldr Ir-nnta'. ' Her LdyiriD -i wdow, a' d , a chtrraini woman. 1 ... ' r ' W . SVe -w . .w--lmle oHhe ;e, tle.ai the fiie ldy, and a Bttk of ti e beauty; and t tuci of the ' e and a great deal j'th aentirBentt) - , iblUdtiaftiU I.ik I she had t lo a waim Imrresi I.. yuOg tUM, 01 me ifniii' -aleiit fd amiabil't) Chailr Nu -rot. II l ncli ftt'l t: v tatkiU fthe htartli-Saiiill '-I l worio..-i. it a g'd.:4u Wh tn mm wi iweu.,. i.e. i.d ladie I I 't . T (., nJ ladle I l ri , ai ci-l.yn fj.ni. Liy Ia"-k tm la.otd, Mr. N ig. nt tfihuJ-d."0. .eiiuiVa'k ol It'U ti - Ce ltl laid, P pia d or ijRitl i"gJ.lke ,'JL,"1 fttt here in 51adan'dKpwll'? tiihoiuliciug adl) C iropied j and not i leg bf n g Out Ire goodoett l our nt .rtt m re th.u a charge against the artletsurst of o.h' it. A eitelleot woman ! ihoogbi Nu aet 'l. haa-m Jl.agtl' " 7 ttt daughter : Ob! chrm. rcg famift j - ..'- C " I ti lnn' g 'plavid ap fTrc t:i'g ir N iKet l !:n d ov r th pi- no tbey talked about music, poe trvr gwiwgan-bvi water, . leoiimeiif, and Uuhmond IMI. Th'V a part . pleasorr, Nugent did not sleep well that night h w eriainly in love. When he rote the neat 'm .tning, the JiV wti bright a. d fine Bal'oor, the best of tri- ndi, was lo be with hi an in an hour Balfour' honr, the brsi si horse. a totoeyty him t Ku h. mood a,' d it Kut.rroud h. in mtciLsdv Urnnoi, ihr moat agrrra ble i iui.iiiert..-a d C loite. oi ist ei cr anting of daughtrrt.. The ilantnitehmA alwaya been a boir.al e an ow f 'g ttco Ii cen only la a drlighilul w.rld!' repeated N(jeot, as be tied hit neckcloth. It m at to.iic timr...we will oOt ta) how I. iit- ft. r the datt of mi hap py div Nupnt w .looe in ht ajiHrim r.i od alkiij( to nod fr.-.-his arm f"Meil, in fr wn up o hi. Ii. w. 'W al a tastal! vht anej-i wrrth! aod 'hr 'omr was hm- tii t ...urit-M I orh Itn nou Ji I to C' i fi np, at a' follv ' Tfmhf vrf i wrwtld wot mia;., . iitk-ik I'M M.'fr'l.ng ttoxk r hr ...to Bv h at rut, h' fall rrnrni .. Rrfofd munry I mr,.hrn ma Ir 4 j i iA m' o'l-natur f-intr iduc d i t i.. h rloii n d' t pill .p o ! , ' k G d, I can t'-.oot m v ! Ila' Colonel rit i. kind?' n ii, ri! Km n in society jwii'i a ftnt f rrh al. a shrewd, coo'rmpU. Tve ee, and, a ijrrrable ddret, raurrd-ibe -rHm4 T- . bw Kgrnl pourrd f- rth thr lona lit nf hit ericv. .n.rt, and c n bided by oepfna him t -convey - chad ng lo t. r- brti of frirndt..:CapuiD B (four.- The Co. Innel rised hit er-browt. - 4Bu-,.mv dea this-grntlrm -n bat cer ainly behaved ill t-. y-ru. 1 allow t'bul for hai specific offci.te c!o vmi mean to chdl'-nge hiruf F'rrv.'bit conduct in genera).' . T"f C"lrtrl l.wghrd.. 1 Ivr a4iog yrtterday, then, tht I Wa grtmi ad-d bore, ard he tTiurd cut me in future. He told 9e!wyn ao itTthc bow iodow Wite'. i-.Tnc Colonel t fk atiff. Mf 'g'Ml youhj Mend, aid KeI les pu uon i anow me worm, fj mr a. . M and dine ni) me t dav a puncu I seyJn7TlVeUialkvyt Mean wEIfeyou can't challenge a man ft -"ata,-iI..p .tior'e;,--"r: -Vr'.N ' ba1Uagt him fwliat should I do then i H L"Uih, ahAe your head at bim, and say A'! B-illtruryn-'re a ad f Pow. ' The C lonel cuccreded in pfevri-t-lag ihr ifc iull nge, but Nueh'' it.dig. ttaUod at be best of friends rcmaiucd as warm at evrr. Hr dc lined . Ctonrl. invitation h" a "ti dm with the Lrnnox's. M' nhilr, h wtbJU thtvKadv p-att I Krt Garden t i dulge hit r flci t. He at himell d wn in aa arbour, and looking mor l ei iglv over the iu Uial, thedatrt. av.d'tfe witticiamt, that ha ds, I 'tig since mouldering, have Covgncd to the admiration ol puttetity..- -- - r A'gyparty-were tr. llingby this retreat thfir t.t ishtrr .nd voicra pre ceded them. ' Yr-,' taid a thtrp dr. voUt, . which Nugent rec grilt d a I I. Ou'r g t one;f thr wr, .of tbe day rla too. Lady Lennox, tlktogtenaatnitd Nuiteoi fit. h ertblym "tie your time aounpi. fi. t1lr' ? A ! pwor young man ! he ia cert on. -hittt hett'hmih hi fi phraart, and t't forth but ti a good t rt atui. n thr who!, and excrrdi gly uarfoiT --'Uful!' 4 Y fi'lt up ayasanrplace at . t table, at a-ftavs war-iaKi Ir d roe i(it carriage hortrt when 'nioe har ojcrht old tuhiiribr to mv ( hari ;if form ; andtupijies the draw tn; room wrth ftiwer.- I i a word, if were tore .enible, tn- would b' lrs agreeable t hi nU charm it hit' M- Slrs.- 'y '. ' Poh, Jupi'erl what a detcription from thr moat tentimental of mothers, -f t e most talented, the' nj tt , inter. hunderatmck i the party awept by'; hewastandiaCovfred';".':' S.F...-: ' fle rayd he swore he wt furioua, uid r,i soch a Icwr ' e I1' it t't .ul I sp'k digg-M.! But to i u.'htci Ciuilottt wis . t t th fraiiy. C .j.h ttc h! CharMie wa. il". ..mi ..ii'tr front 'hit qule a uuitnu - ii ihrr the msi aaiutu, t.anplc of batnao being., and evident. y . yed hia. lie could not be mi-llfii,-there.'"Ve, ff ht ak b would go to tbe dinaef be woul-l tm tbr bit jut rtseotment, -HIw7ir iVUJrU naolVr- Ir -lit-rge prty. The ug My q,r,. f Auattrly bad JutiieiuraVil rrorahis travtUr II w altliaf wr to !- moil lovely of Jaughter. Na grn wt ftjtaj -tte. ifjfXnnt nowevr, h foofd anipportuoity to av a f word In a endrr reproach,- and he befged her i . ai g )fTWrrrrmitcftTrawriJ Car1ie wa hoane -nau taorr i d id Charlotte euwlil n't ting. N" gei t left the ro -m. VRfn brgot-tn thee-.d of.be atrret, he dUcvrreH th4i be bl left nf bind. II a ml back for it, (f r he -.at really .In lov) of ao 1C se lor dar i"R an gr glance at the m t simple, t' r m mt ntioral of huma . bring, th' ahn.il I p tvnt her .Ireping thr wh-l r.nM. lie acrnd d the drw'niR anl Ch .rl.lie a..delig' t;Pg thr M iqurat o' ul-rU. So Ir ed vrr h" . htir, wi-h He met; . Uvm in a crwl' . " - C i-arlotte ! " " ynungjlovel muA irtfo . Loul A'nierh wyminK, i rtnerirnc d. and vir. lenalhan a rHiintb, he pmpoved, and .s accrp. td. 4 tKeJUwell 1' tai l p k Nuge'.t one moro.nc, b- aki-p; Ir ma irventj be 'ravl o mv lrieodhidrrid mv lof. the plr: ure I doing good I- Mill left mr. r.ir.-tsht.. ql(u u all'" fi Mt of It'e. lr .it thr c 1. B ' e Wn e la- " til! de th ! I'o G' ! h i erat.tul he : I miUI'lE? V t vr Rtt rirr -rh JT ptatr-n b-nid T ''e bi b OKhtt, ri- to k on a new maaziiu . II optii eJ the pace at a violent attack on . ,..tlf on r. '.ratiiiful tale in ihr k' rr.aakr.' Tlfl tire wtl " 't C- If h d to ih irnikr it rate drd to th author. 11- a a top. a toxciimb. ole ctca' pie .sar i . ai. aoortl D. 1 irr,ari i n i I for a O'jti out l auirif. i. 1 i IU brfore b i uied i' lbrr1",NHfVTrtv bad jra flMlg"-rf maf.snie t' the other end I t r room. en hit lawve.r care to r raner matte'ahoul morlaagr, which the gtoeroy Nugent had alrtadx hi n forced to raise on h eitate. T'i lawyer was r pleaiant, entertai'p g man of the world, a uttomed to to n.iciety, f r he was ccuito.ned to tlo. a. u of young mrn, He p rceivtd Nugent vat a Ii' lie out -of humor. He" attributed the ; cause, neural .nouh, to the mortgage and t tii. mr in temghr-, he- entered firtt. tii a general convertatlon. Vh t r.oiruet n re are in tnr otir'.-r id NjRent groaned. ThU mornlee', f ir 'intfani e, befJrrt c mr to vou, I w.a ehg gfd lrt a Cu rious piece of business rnocgh. A gentleman gave nis son.in-iaw quai ificitio to stand for a borough j tn .- I - TII'"- iun.b.Liw kept ttlc deed, and to chca ced thr J g-d grniTf m .n out of more than L3X) a ye .r. Yraterday I wt eraptovrd ag mat a fraudulent bank rupt sch an instance of long, prr.. med.tat d, . od-hearted, delibemt racabiv! A d hen I leave you, must i( ht: is t be done with a liuxary-aw- idlc,rw,to,.',.ll'?e atrenflf.h i t co'wampt ve cough, and a tun. f bt ck. ha-, bt-eo reapectablv livi; g on c Tr .xatun for the last two y. art.' 'He haJit -committed the m"' Bcianout jraud a forgen', in o hi own uncle, tbo has twice . 'iously distrrsned himself to save tK ogue of a nephew, ai d must now suK, mil to thit loss, or tcm, bv c iminal prosecution, the te,Tc? o' Ins own fimdy. The nephew pro reeded of course, on hi knowcd.gr f mv client' good ess of heart; and thu a mn tuff r in pn portion to hit amiability.' - ' Ml n.me GVi Gil Qilpin !' tUOv mcttd X..aL : 'Trie me ! U no : nae vou .. -w s B a bi- r. bit, too, Mr. N 'gri.t f Brlorr oiii oer could n rr, a U i tci w .t brongh to hi.ii N ig'r t , re t'e teal: it was from ihr edito- i t-e mav z ue inh'Ch he ha jut md his oafn conirmnatioa. It ran hu- : ,gir Il.tviie been absent from : . O . .... l,oi,.lor. n uii.yoidable bjamest for in' month, and the care id thr - i in M .g:Z nc i,aing tnereby dev n-t--i 'nau her, hoha very ill di, Cargrd itt cftiet, I had 'be surpri. a m -r i i fir at ion. ot pr tivmg oo mv ret rn tuiaday, that a mostunwarren table and pfr onal .Hack opon v u at been adspUted in the o mber W 'hit rrpnth. . I ctnnot sufficiently eV ' prerhi y tfrW on finding that the article in qursti L W written bv a mere mercenary in irftera. To .convince vou of mv c a. ccr9 a&d jp i cioluuoa t guard a ,,'mtl torn u wort, y Ptcfridi .k,s i itorr, I entl ue v u another, fc : . t ackcrtr ' ,, for rfncai nun.her, . d 1 Kid I gf're lo ., tha unprmc . hit alrr.ih tUKCtdcd i -I IMXI"' aUiaining from th proprietors a t . . . . a . l. . o nrratiit... wj-c. vc ye. t rfr..i. rvts fril on the enclose p per i U in he hand vi.ting .Mr.. Gt -gory liiipm, .l.ne fc' f K ANirL XX CltEfiS T.'J.jti rtflci-i ' . IJ 11 1 a d aialar -1 OooM, a! i bis irmrr to-ek. remi.-W r. i- anullt krpt In I Ceuntrv rr'nl tt ore. ahirh th atn lw r.ir, raa. m a w rt tr in ,v..I lraIrr!'The fMibne" ar? Mp'CTl'i1 ' r-r).ii "A In eU id Jfa f'r Ihrms. I ""a sW eoaiiaoaa the mnftart of tii.I at wis'rMa'a, S"1 I" mrnr stl f w" ri ..hip, llieinf a Vrrr larta ttoek of Tri .- a rtnf snd kl"f rlfrrminrtta trr" ) iULed.Cci Pr,rS.jn-rrkifis wnytj dp rt . all . him snd fa tf.17 mithIv. y olt! fVmrn, Prte, Frt1rrs, l'aU rk'ivsf . anr Wool, lakrn ia etchft(t. M I ...... ..v. - FIH1H i.i. trrvics ilir ;iiklic, aa co.i.iftav Mr.kcu.txr a - ; - - rir.iHDt o Aut-vf, ll is proidr)l' i n i (.miii'.rilout wt aouset for alnrint; Colir.n and crfhtr ?r "ucr. and piopoaea ra kinf lib,'ral Jf r, arhin t qnraud- Ila orriip e ofrhr R'i k T' amen C.tfofi i Tuoter'a If '. A J'."' nt SBpplf ... OKocnruns Kr ,ep on haorl, ml all Tt'nVr from voiin punr'o Hi i ai'f .ndf p. faytttmllf, Dtr. Wt ll). 00 f TFiuiii.Ksru.s --nM cherjih . THf. STF.-.M BOtT MACON GRA .aWV MflM o.viiiR miimLjriiy, etrj Tai mm kr. .tffd iaI lllmm. .- w-- . ui. I t w auu -fi '"'I? . i ... i tjwii on nrr an .. "T 3 trWKWf firMriwe'tier Tnpt tn t , OMrc of 4 fi w davsand ii intended i'i i , on'tnued in the trade (be cntoing iei Hrr eireeding light dr.fi of Wv r,inK when load' onlf abou four ' tulf foe1 tMiet will ei.ahlc hrr o rrv Ctieraw at all ime excepi, an unroi nrm bwrfver:rif a her nrpn will n 'iKhttned al hr Eip m r o( J. B ( i.onii. ft o She h.t Coii4.)nbic .. ru ioi lor a U pitrnrrs. 93 I J b. r .oticb:. Ijic CxarirKATea ir i" rv 1 . il t J in Siui r.r S'ktc B k of V .rt C.roiin... '.nV' Tt,om. f)At itV o Rnw.n CoUn. N C. nmnr tjern nii. L.'d'.. .Nftite it thcrtfort hereby uTtcd' o l, pen ins e onternad, ,IW I shall ap ily io :bt PrtsWent ot the taid B.nk, ri m pvtgti "orhyigrnT, tor KOt d; picatc thertoT. WlttHStW 1.0N0 JSdminutmtor of Me ' ":rr vfjnt(k!.t ,v fn . deed. FROM m- he- indh.v-A",- ., M ,j , ttu l i, ini, my aif- Ei e, T )- t l;.r all xrwl-n ba-bein r ..r Ri,j ... , ,j, ,ifi my t , (n- 3 10 OHOV E snivK it mat tvfu the lOtli of Si-pttrr.h J W l,t, froir, my p!iitina n , Jon. r. Miitv iwo nvr-Mt, o e ..named WASHINi.TON, al.n,,. 1 27 vrr of art. a vrr. bri,l, 17 l" r.e of In, hanrlt fi I there ii a tear nrcaaionrd by g'n . h aill ehanga mi nam.- .id mrtraTW to paw fora fret men Tr mhr i iimrd JOHN, a common muUnr., abiut 30 -an "fagt, fr inlelligem, ha win pr.hbl) n- a-i dia wrva'it of W.hinr?nti. ,,d cbafrr - ;Jine A rraarJ of Dollar, will be (riveu i ilu delivery ot either in an jail, no diat I a ret -.n ikfiVM LAMtR icfi;tfr:'l6A 4'tf V f Tt.t IVorgiarH Sannnh t the Telea. unr. Coltiinpi.. 6. C i nt Itirl.mnnJ vnnu. . - , .....in.. rrr, r. raqn.atrd to puttliih lit abnv wceicl- a"l' I .a. - . a ' io-mi, a 'nm rurpartj meip ascounta t. ... .5 J I H htale of North Carolina, PVID80!t CoTJJfTY. Csjeri ef Plea$ amlJliMirter Session, Tt OV, TlHX 1 831 . C'iKlSTOHiEk HEDKICK & Mar ,ret his wife N v y Billings L' riaiMu Biilingand Elia.Uc:li Biilincr. 1.- her ix friend Mrt.t' i B:ilinc va. David Billfngv Johri Smii" k ttft r. ck Bil'tnits, Executors of Frederick Bd ongs, de'e. Petition for division of Nt .nt. t li app-aring tn tbe satisfaction ot . C'lrl Jhal D'aVid Btltlilga one of (he 1. f?ndant ift ihiscase if not an inhabitant nf his S' i!e i It is en motion,' ordered, nat puhlir.ation be made . for six week m the Weaiem Carolinun, printed in Sat ibury, that the said Divirl BiTfinga, b. nu apptaf at" the next term nT this "court i lie hld for the Coun) of Davidson, at , Court Hou.i, in Lexington, on the li Moitdat in Fehru.rv next, iketi and nte.;o plead, answer or demur, io taid Petition, otherwise the tsme will be ak irprer eofif& s?i Inr luwrina 'iptr te. 6 9 P MOCK eee. Ol' ev-ry dcscriptina, matly i rinted,,ad jYnv I inn IN I I MN(.t.( I'aclilfia I.imiiiIj y 'H1IIE "lii!.rf, i I tntrthlc Hi!.t lh. p; ' " fti ...I. ia ll.a lu., af U.(r 4 k. , Ul.lVr N. C, tm) lr blMlhl .1 "'"'A JHkbH,a-.N,.rd1 WrX&'-l.. ' Mr.'Hrnrv lluini.l.r..'. .1 . .7 H '.. ' Mr ll,nr. Ilu,. L i CM,rt M , COOD r-. ., S UUu'm,.,', 'y trm'r;'-. -j vat evrr. art.tla krpi hi a r.. H,' f mrTWt4-MUvrr krw-f reC4f a ' i"g t poreUaa : ;.r OXIOiiP OOOSj ' W Pm U aa a a rail M g farad ua rmr -an l. f o frartjl,,j " . r, . All kmd ' wulrt pfojVfc,, '.ken in t a chaff fur g C H t - ,;nw p, ,. HHI.LI-NGOFpir- t V VH X BOY 'PHt BuwiliM-tt u .;. K ... i j . aeenaa k.v t-rrnnediaa.M off ,.. fENMVE STOCK 01? Soont MiMtforward. oert ar.lri. ..... 7 'ocd al prt, ik, I i w..o ,rr dr-lnvt . f purcb.B -Cheap Goods." MERCHANTS, aitning .0 .dd i0 jw irn., wouht r ., ,0 fi, 0f, vf a n i r d R ihGAI.Vf tOOJT TO TMv 4 The peculiar .oj.iion of mc toftcera nrfrrtli nrrn,.r fh, , 'eb 'd to h 4 rn ,hr.,M m,la tal.iim. -ii..ir. srflrm.pt T? mu', JlL,jIJ(J. ROUT KVf F, ) v. HAZI.T KYLE ( Salytury, Jtn. j, !) (4 ' ' SHERIFF.. i fUtoldf-. Y V it "it Coun flbuia r. S l;hu. r.n th. iki.a " ,Tt!-rh r.hr r.ex" th. Th .t ;: jcr0, . Atrttnaui belonj:iiii toCht lffn, . . :.t n. . a. it B. f. F ' snd,'- ing; 'hi- Hirtr foirner't be niftn i n Dm Ro r i Monre and luld i'Jiu S,L.and b.wt!b by aawtrt-ataV F.rrar.ri w7.sa A'V im m ifi nm L- . u-e t'or.m . . i' II nr Aero'iu". S 'd tn Filio ex u'ioi.s in mt hnH, i-- ' i "i ar nd ohr rtir id ssld Fn ian.1." S id prfta T ttv will te olti, in orth-r o- S-nw llV i' .ri-rn-rhip br'ween r Bw.tttti4 " 1 1. . . A r of t:ifl Do' i 8 f";'d. 3 9s F. Siire. -VtiiieAari on. IIM ill . ' iat . -..ESTATE,-.- of ran 1 RIZrrM.VlZS MeKXlGlfT.- fflllE undrrsiy.iii having ob'ilnei-" it iers of.jilii iiiia'.r.i inn oin tht E'.: iaii f ..he,Ry AoWiJW.iKnlgti ft ii. e Novemb. r 'erm nf Iredell eouatf roun. Ltrebv "0 ifi. s all iIk.t indrktrl--m said etlatet lo coroeurwird at : . ym. nU And all tboa.h j x i1'1 -.iunt: the estate re.jequsiijL,qjrj tews mem for Pmr, gail fcaw. "rated, wi' bin ib ime p'atuuied bi ' w. or this no'ior will be ple.n in bar tf i ir ie.Jri. 6 1' VM GRAHAM id'. '1'?. ' : - Police ! . ALL " bme-hnt awe Udebud-tfi aUrt .J... nr. bv hole or oihefWisCt ' ate earnestly reqijetted to cotre lor ard and t- kpywert -M-m UOth r f February oext'. JOHN HAIJa. ,7 itl otrVftA-"-T- rpHE hrst volume of Ascoui 1 Shakespeare. The volume I well bound and ha green edgrt : M name it recollected to have been wrifr te-. init. Anv peron hayine tucbl b uk would cooler - nr by returning vA(iaoN lifts Driving 16 raytucvit!t? imriLL 6nd it to their advantaee. I ,0Pj FT the ffagm JW, wkere lenience it provided for Msn and r-rae.to nusv tUera wmtortablr, at theiniideratt ehSTRe m eemi a day and night for the nnvileit Yard, tbe we of good house, fire. JfJV0 sbtber. Attached to the srd. a Crraow snd frov'iaioB Stort. Bread Shop ao jiunary, .ad a IIou. fur BoarUe,. j snd style .ftii,ateWtfe-i'.'''y'1 Committed TO ihe Jail -of Lincoln Coutf, on the 10th of Aug''. J31:.. negro man, about 25 yearat age, A feet J-tnche high, weB formed, Mi Speak, polite. He V .f right Cheek, he tall himself .VtfV tiemui, anTnyrhe-btilong 'ariiel Hp Idell f)Wy. Carolina The owner ie teaquewf " come for. rd, prove. Pr0Pf"1 ','' 1 T,r

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