tFcslcrn Carolinian r 7 4 4 . - - 'it, f a 9 . ' t M.ri.n Van lluren. ' .ftiUt -iheeuosti'' was taken euhjeetcftheeolooisl trade, be hn : 2. f .ll thTrWl eo0"n, W lU -f to Btoo, hJ wmwded IL.112L.i-f Mtftl"ViiIJii!- its nigh and eletedeheraUr,h.sevie, ft - "J .di.rag.rd to the r ' EjlSn. Bsatott, Bruir' B"ek' ? I"00 rf ,Wr rrrnwc!'i' I ras- ty.ii rii.- ..... ike obieet of ' 'vrW'OiU. HJrkUr aU Ii. Tatewell, Tipton, Troup, TjW IP J"I I "Wilkin. W IlkM. ' B rk.mUra. OlV.L "-Aajnv-" Cl.viiw Ewina.T. FrefUghwyeon, M.IIr, - Rnjrlee, Seymour; BiUbee, Spregu. 1 " ---KwWir-l-"' to ttuti V Bum DEBATE IX THE 8EXATB, 0 Hh Vm Burta't Noaimtwo. EEMARM of me. ctiamberi M. ritiUBRlta Mid thtr werw few Ocimnoa which Mwtd ocouioii with kin puoful trwjtfta httwoea portowl I . wh.Th7 w Tolh,, hMtwhaUrrght,.. et. Vr,th th somm. id Mr. C. I ktra for vr enioved vsnoMl and oeil tUiioA that hit Uft MDrwaiioM which I r tl would vrmiiV id m iadulf hy aa l I :L yraioi of thair kind rwollaction, and I vthueofMideratirvibthfctof Ifr AMtii lavaiimt liiaflteM af hiirh honor od I limit;- aad hi dirtinuifhd b I - taUti- to th political aartiaa in th coua - Inr will eonawct with th tubta-l an inter - -wt waly occaaionad by tha oawMnation of n .indiridual to ofno.. Th oflk itaelf ' fo which h b Bominatal U aontiav Itelv afUxtinf th aaeatiar duties abd ra pimlbitUi rfth. Eiaeuti MitrtUl by whom wa an invited I confirm lb ap I wrong; befor tha late humiliatiag ana di tointnunt. M to rxruir oa thfl aart of th I aTmrM eorreaonndnnca with th Hritiith Bonale a peculiar dairre of.lndu!ioc. I X-eardinj a diplmtt (uoctionarr u th miAdential organ of the prtaidant u a, lected with apmioua knowledij of th peculiar !tttiw Jo be performed by him, tnd with reference to hii atpecial fitnaaa f.r thoee dutiee, hi andoubtedly proper j tuthbr of awh iaatructlona, a a Minieter that the Executiv will in regard to thalt repreeent th intereaU of thia Nation wflV'abealdwot be eewtrolM but trewj 1 he moet unyie lding oheticletJ tQ,oppoee J 1 lr Hgni oauaea wouio maae we weigm oi i kit reapotteiwilitiai and freatly lacreaaei EJJTStZlA: wrwr bwdefenaibl onlfirpoi Iheatronff j wround of Bfineiple,' harinf direct and I imKliaUrfreaxteeenavkratioMofalJIolmei wer under eoniidnration, and to- Public nature. V I It the deliberate council and adflee yhlch the Cmwtitotion rMulro to I five to the Preaident, there ie no proper Z ftoct for the vmvMtfvmsNi. la vor w lirwJI, fT party prejudice or partiality, fir, e en of tha humbleet member of ihi"hodyr icao lUrUaJy appeal to my ourae here on all drmer accaaiona and to the eourea of the with whom I nauaHy wet wjritle tb moet - entire eonfidewce that ft Vill evince t ' liberal eharity toward the nVere iinated, and a wanammou ejoirenclar of oenonal and aolitioal oreht. iicee oath alter-of th pubh good, and ararceW lha Vote which I ahall rive an thia aeca. any member of that bedyi that the reao v;si lutiaaw tdftiwi. by. aba Seaatorrom, Maine, Wa acarcalv necearv to affirm, that in charaetert for ia addition to impeaching, ': " wion, 1 have obeyed a other impute thaa . that of mv iudremeni i bat it will he ner. . tailed me to aieert aa I do with tha moat V. naflbeted aincerity that my peraonal in. flinaUona havf reluctantly witneeaed, and 1 vould fladly reveraa the aeatenc which a kijH aenatjt oflkial duly, wiU corapeJ me . la record. '-with a doen andabidinetiJfiTivaMtbr onitmtwa of Mf. Ta Bu iunJ ita...iaatneaai ami' altnmithaf - wer of (ha: danger to which my vote mf aipoae me rcom the malignant nru. fanoe ol thoaho Jhemtelve ineeaaiUe -T: to Ihejiooeft and rionorabl fcelina which u fuWiw tb petty .pejeiona of a coatraated M fcctioua partisan, are on all ocean ona ' Inoluied to attribute tha eonduet of ethera . o tJW"harro Bjuided: Jolicy whtca g)y. raa tnameeivea. Sir. 1 ahouid be aa un fkilhfiil urvant of my Aate. traaehAraiia to the hirh that which 1 am charmx! to ejiecule, and destitute of the oourage ne- e3mrj to protect the interest confided to y , ruardianabie, iTapprehenaiona like Ibeee oouM Jir a monwut divert me from th path to which duty pointa. . It would "Rave a!Fxled"mgret raiihVa(ioii Io fcare Iiateoed to aonM more abl advocate t( Ihe'nation'a honor, and to have been able la repoae my vote on the cauaea mere eat Macterily . assigned by another. But the queatioa if about to 'be taken, and I will ot coneent to allow an oceaaion to pant without raising my leeble voice) to redeem lha rtemnmed raputatioo of my . country. If other Senator accord with my opinion, . le eeaemiaj,- air, that tn wt or rejeel wm anau go tonneaeeoiated with the raa . " 4 Twna which influence it. Y, air, th Jonor and the dignity . of thia nation baa 1 ftuj 1 think it depoMtrablaVthe hereto. if)f unsullied diplomatic lofty pride haa . ' 4en humilliatod---aiuee&rily, wanton ' ; Ty , babW by the maa who ie now. pro fimi hf ha guardian, and protector, and ,', , advocate and aaan Americah Senator,! im'.n'it content barely to put noon him ihtfwlHo"M.Uto:Amettcn - tovmment,lct the American peopb.proud i - f t hoir national honor, know that no ruth hand ahall deeeerata A with impunity ; mm let lorem naiionsjuui au u wmn . . i. . 1 -t .1 ..jj ,ni, tbr .even in American oecreiaiy ejf State pare not pouuie na wmo., -l.(rl, Pvt&fei-- t'-mean'- to - resist the) meiit eicluively mi ground, thai in I..- inntfliima In Mr. McLana. m the party -amongst us, and has disclosed I faifllga WHKH iuwii- -r- !. Pof BMrurtkMN assertion I WM nlf avr luaivelv OA hit OWS) Words, do- Uberutoly :bod,sd, w Wrt J on thoa. to whkh ha be kMlfMJ. pwtwM wnici m w. . UrtiUr rt of th. -r Tkr tr ibmt pMitMM wfclcb, oa w other oecMtoR, U would b proptr to pult,n4tk whol Umpr wkI Ko dMpttrliet fcrtttb ir oi humility and Mmrnmuxt. ami cJbvictiot of tfrof, od uMliuit entrraiv of Civor & ootx, which i . .. . . I think tAAinchcM frfaa hould do m th. pr ird tba pproorut Uofuig nt.olddMit,4toMk -- Mr. DOT in aoncludinf hi PMch tiA. r. ihM ia th fir4 tun thai I h,,, .romjuncad tha inatructioo five by to Mrr Mc. immm tUmti Minuiar la Loockm. and tha naraciaJiow with th Court of Great Bn tmao, oa th aubjrcl uf th Colonial Trad, u, k. aairradinir aad diicraceful to th Na- jjr j ha trer brrr prdo-nd w gorjt tkat i. al Mr diplomat! intv courM wtth foraitn Natiana, we bar dt- .dmittad ovr Cmntrw fbtin vrmr f w tbw ererbaen prowf te wi -e GorfrnmfaL Thia i tht rirat tim her wbola hiftory, in which alia ha ever begged farora of Royal boantT. And holding, a I d, tha author ol thoee in. Krrjatioa reapotwibla f'r, tliia diagrae, I can waver adiae the rreiident to aend the the urn eoort where ahe baa been ao diAgrkceaWwl. 1 muat, record . my Tote araioat the nomination a a ML-MIBCW REMARKS On th mohtiom efftnd b, MrrHolmn When the reanlutiool offered by Mr ward tha clows of tha debate, Mr. MAR ICY ohr?ed, that h Had not intended to make a ainirTe remark on the auhiect then belore tha Senate, yet he wu unwilling to givo Tote, from which it might W infert red, unlaw it waa accompanied .with a word of etplanation,. that he wiahed to auppreai uqiiiryr'That wajvary fax from hi iatentioa. I f any honorable Senator I hu rtaaon to believe that the peraon whnee aoeaination ia now under eoneider ation, ia chargeable wit improper eon duct, and will rotradwee reaotutian pe. aiNinr the charca. anJ aakinr for ioouirv l he would give rt tin aapnort a readily indirectly, if it may be to eonaidered, the integrity of the Preeidept, by propoeing to ak if he had lUted the true reaeon for I the dieenlation of hi late cabinet, it wi bring before th committee, ii it ahouid be adopted-, a maee w mauera, . vary, uinicun l b. inquired into, and not at all coanec. todlif.ha eopceived, witli the yote to Iran. No committee io which these rrso. I jutiooa eriU be aeiit, wifl voTuVrfanly enter into we vanoua mauera wnicn aonw ga- tlemen may auppoae to be within th ecope f w inquiry ime me cauaea w me oiaao- lution of tha late cabinet, and the Senata augbt not to impoae inai laoor on inem, aulea it be propoaad lo . ho, thtMr Van Buren had an'ajrency in that affair. u i not preienowi rwiniv um, n ui I roeolutioo - that he waa eonnacted . with the event It ia true that the revolutions, aftr tha iatroductien of much irrevalent matter, propoee to inquire whether Mr; Vail Buren had not participated in prac I liee diagraoeful to tha .national xharac. ter,Ac. ' Let any Se1iior71yh6be1i8Vef liuch practtoea VVr uau, m pim u mu, any existence; put them forth specifically in a resolution, and he would, he said, vole to send it to a committee for investigation, and if they wort found to be true, lerthe nominee U rejected.-rThe designation for of&neea by the .terms of " pacticci disgraeeftd . to the natiana character," was very vague--quite too vague. t.aa natiiM and character of tliese practices should be Mlinedr tliat the innate nay know the duty they impose, audihe corn, mitteethe uty they art required t per. form. , , , c 44-' The proposed resolutions, as now shaped, make no epocific charge, and give no aer tain direction to the inquiry. , He there fore felt himself called on to vote against them, or to vote for laying them on thd table ; but when a case for inquiry was MmanteeV'l'WtwMl-wrtAur-ga InSoed ha wished to b distinctly under toed aa' inviting inquiry ; but in Cfiita, it, should bean Specified chirgea. . '? , . As to some of the. practices iptendad probably to b : embracM in tha reaolu tions, we have, he said, the solima public denial of Mr." Van Buren, accompiaieM With a cha;!e'ige .toalI the world for proof, aid is kaa had ye beta M V thai challenge end cam Mh with proof. Tbnao who best know Ihe chsracler and conduct of the nominee, foal the Ml. Confidence Ikml nothing disheoorew or degrading in the elighU-st degree," tan be uuataaf ttted, So far. therefore, from cUing lha dor of infti5t. tbJ willing to M inettuxeeniai w op"" M aaupeort of the Memorial to Coagreae Mapttinelhrththe ariUoftheeiiatinKTr iff of Dutiae, and aakiog auen a mortin Cation of the fanjetM ahall be eoaaia. tent with the purpeee oi revenue, and anal ia it epetatin) en the different parte of the United Sutaa, and on the earioue iaUreata of the ame.n Prepa red in pureuanee ol ioatrjictione from th . . . ""Permanent CinmjtNrippoiatd by the Free Trade Conventi awemWed at Philadelphia to prepare the Memorial to Congreae. By Heary Loe, of Maa aachaaatU, one of the Committee. Ko. IV. TAXES 05 WOOLLENS AND rR0.t. To en ITWlra. ' - - -A the diaeuMion of thi important item ia the Tariff, well aa that of iron, wool and hemp, haa been aligned to another ember of the Committee, who ia eble to do each of them ample juatice by diaplay. ingaJI their evil eonaequrnce we ahall eunflne our reiuarka on this article, chief ly to the amount of direct and indirect tax ation impoaed on the nation, for the beae fit of the efaaU portion oi the woollea man- ufacturera who depend on extreme dutiee lor their aupport. The importatiooj orwooUoaa amce I ail are aa fullewr 1821, . " 7,600.000 1822, . . 13,3(H,000 l&M, . P,30,000 IB24. Z 8,200.000' 1825, . , . 10,900,000 128, . ' 7,100,000 1827, . 8,200,000 mwzr. 7oooo".i: 182-9, . ,:i(o,ooo iei), . 5,hoo,ooi 10, yairs, $3 100,000 the exportalion of vMiMens u "r small, varying from 200,000 to 400,000 dolUirs per aaaLst, and cannot exoeod millions in 10 years, which make the prime coat of those actually oonaumed, 8, 000,000 dollars prr annum. The duty on woollens under the act of l7SI waaoprr rtwfrtt was aobwqiiemry advaneed to 7, to 1 2, and, during the war; to 27 4 prr ceaf, wholly however for revenue ox f r no other purpose. In 191o,on thsad jtist mentef the various claims that were put lorwara oy inose wno naa leierests wnicn had grow a up under the war prices, it was thought just to give the manufacturers of woollens 29 per cenf.; to fall, howerer. in three years to tO ptrctnt. But before that period expired, a further-time of seven years was allowed fer n reduction of th duty to 20 per eenL, and during that interval the act f 1824 wis raised to 33 i ptr-ctnt. . . . .-V; ITie manutacturera, aot content with thia duty, which added to th common importing charges, gave them a protection against the foreign fabric of at least 55 per maJ again demanded more duliea ' T1iua7within"tha period ol two year. there wu a gross violation, on the part of lhe: iiiaJiuIactUrir :ApttaJuUi tha c Use who caa gain by tLUs) 'steal J af4hat implied understanding, oa which the act of 1616 waa supported by the noo-msnu-facturing States. That measure was ask ed for as eilurdiag a moderate and tempo, rary protection to eertain valuable inter cats, which must otherwiee have been in' volved in ruieand not as justificatory of tha principle now, contended for, that an interchange of eur agricultural staples. with such foreign nations as are in want of them, may, at any time, be justly and to grdfy prohihitadl.CongMsa, whenever it can be mad to appear advantageous to particular sections, aad to particular class es r for this ia tha doctrine, on which th M American 8ystm" ia sustained by its leading advocate, -j."'.- Ii The, act, f-Wlft may be eonaidered. from the general support it received in va rioua sections of the country; as a national strattiref ,1wt in making innovations upon it, tliere have jbeen exhibited, uprin ' the very faceof the proceedings, both in and out of Congress, the strongest mark of faction and intrigue. The aet of 1.838 walioiroMTy nounced even by tte advocates, as having I teenishoneIy-tainerand a-being wholry incompetent to the purposes tor which it was intended. It ie surprising, therefore that either of these acts should be claimed as furnishing and decisive indi cation of the national sentiment, since the first was carried by a majority of only one e ott, and the latter by a majority of three votes, though there probably were 50 or 60 manufacturers, or the dependents of manufacturers, in. Congress, who went to that toifclluMy; for no other purpose-tha to obtain bounties for themselves and their principals, and could not therePre be con siWsred, in. any degree whatever, as the repreaentatrves of the nation. Siill, the national panx, when remonrtratirg igainst th injustice and oppressiveness f the ex- istinS svstera. are referred to the acts f 1814 and 1829, as expressive of the sense I I" nation, loan wtucn nothing can meaeura has been denounced even hy its advocates, while the former had among ita moat atrenuoua oppooeta, tha men who are aet the leaders of the Tariff part v they having, as one of th most djstingtiished of tnem norret, in expitnauon ot ms. d uitnent of hu frmr . opinions, chansed their pditions,5n regard to thia ijuajtioo. wm wai uisu fiiscifim whirh they obtained by tha a t of I82J, f;;lgtLnr.e.ef43toU0cr, fad rng ge-rally oa the ertiel.. in pro. portion to their I thus tW people,, not in proportion, , to., t most prominrnl fr-'.K,,,?r.,4 wk; l . rir aa flvstem. , The dutiee. then, 'within the parted of tsar year for wliwh w hav gtvea tM imwut oMnvpwrtaAi a-a froix up to their present ratee of 45 to 1 W Tr ttnt. It ia not to b eeppoeed that aaany rMds will bear the extreme ratee of du Which are eetatliebed, ad we ahaJI there, fore call the average ef the dutiee MiueDy collected, under th exiatmg ct.a per crsA, though this U probably below what has baea actually paid. We h brur as statements from importer wtie nave ;.l rVnm HO to 100 err ttnt.' On the Ut tea yeareimportalioo of woolUu actually conaumed, amounting to 80,000,. 000 dollar, the result will, show a proto. lion in the form of a revenue tax, of 88, 000,000 dollar! ; to which 20 prr ctnt. being added for ehargee of imporwitm, will make the whole proreetioa the manu focturere have enjoyed again foreign aonv petitton equal to 42,000,000 dollara. Yet even this enorataus sum, ecced1". th uAen repealed declaralione ef the moat o.Ua individuals in favor of the Tariff, baa proved insalncient to enable the borne manufacturer to gain tne eruioai t .rofita of caoital i thouah the duties which have operated te keep out many staple ar- ttclee, ere ol course muea mgnar inau average of wliat have been levied on the imaortad 7ooda i and. aa we shall show, impose, oa thp nation a heavier burdea, which, however, ia not for revenue, bi got, at a bounty, into tin possets of tt mufaetur$rt. Let us now estimate the taxea, paid lor the protection of woollens,That portion which arises from importations, cs which as a revenue Ux ao one will object ia ; as Lm at it it ntttttari for tkt tb lir tomct. 2d. That portion oi tne tax. . w w .. . which is wnpoaed on rbe nation ny ine ex elusion of foreiirn goods, and which is lev ird solely f r the btaefit of ths privileged minuftcturert. ,,,. 1st. As to revenue. The average eonminintiou cf foreign woollens for ten vearthim been ".OOO.tKW dollars : but, as might be eipd-Ud, the extreme Tariff of 1828 has greatly reduced the amount. With a population of about ten millions in 1821 and 1822 the average importation appears to have been nearly 10,000,000; while m 1 830, with a popuiauoaot oeariv 18,000.800, it had fallen below 8,000,000. Still, this small sum, out of an annual, consumption of 70,000,000, dollars, though loaded with protecting ehargee ot ww per etnt is complained of by the favored maa ufacturera, as ruinous to their interests. The revenue tax,' then, wa the email quantity of woollens admitted under the estremc dutiee of 60 per ctnl.. s mounts on 6.000.000 dollars, to 3,600,000 dollara. .1 2L.To ascertain the amount of tax im posed bv the prohibitory duties, w must, as ia the ease of cotton goods, endeavor to form an estimate of the" amount of woollens excluded by those duliai t: and we ahall, in prosecuting this inquiry keep within tb limit of probability. Some ofthe manfacturer maintain, that such r lha advaalagea which foreign countries enjoy over oars, for proeecutiag this branch ef manufacturing, that even the present ratee of duty, enormous aa thev ere, will hardly sustain them j while ol1 ertTWComnwiwad wi entire prohibition If tWy'hre correct WntniatMV.-tt follows that a large proportion of all the goods we consume, would be imported wer the duties repealed. . But we do not admit this to be true, and ahall therefor not avail ourselves of tha advantage af forded us by their own fries assumptions, in estimating the burden impoaed oa the eountrv bv their woollen monopoly. f The whole "consu mption" of woollens' Is estimated bv Mr. Niles and others at 70,- 000,000 dollara. Our annual importation of 60,000,000 dollars with the protecting charges of 80 per cent, added, ie 10,800,. 000 dollara leaving the sum of 59,200,. 000 dollars as the amount of domestic woollens consumed. The question then recurs, what proportion of this sura of 50, 000,000 dollars is forced upon the consu mers by the enactment of prohibitory duties, on similar loreign articles i we should sav, certainly not less than one-fif th of the amount consumed, or 12,000,000 dollars; and, estimating the prohibitory duly at TO ptr cent., we have 8,400,000, as the sum levied upon the nation to ex clude i the cheaper foreign fabrics ; mak- iig.with the reremtetat of 8,00,0q0 dot- lars. the sum of dollara. . There is, in addition to this taxation, a considerably increased charge oa the cost of auch portions of our domestic .woollen goods as are independent of any protection, arising Imn duties on the raw materials used in their manufacture, and from the tains on many of the oecewnries of life, which, operate heavily on all branches of industry. ' ," - In justice to the woollen manufacturers, it murt be admitted, that while the duties imposed for their' protection ere very bur densome to the country,, thev are them selves heavily taxed by highTiiutiea on wool oil, and indigo, which constitue a large portion of the cost of many ataple fabrics ; and it Jas often been asserted in journals and speeches advocating the interests of the manufacturers, that they suffered mora bJ&?J rials, imposed by the act of 1828, than they rained by th increased duties on foreign, fabrics. It is also maintained that they are injured by fraud oa the r rena, and by smuggling on the frontiera; and how can it bo -otherwiee, aineo, as we have already shown in a former part of our Report, the alteration of a few conle O uXjar4tf aJth,mUlfjaajL4aTWT rate, ofdunei from 181? 0 ' 1 per fjutir can be prevented in our Jong Ii f froofi.. wheo woollen, and cotton car, hr . . v .i it rww-iPO inai ainuu- tranaported fr,m Great Britain n lb er. rs oflheir extensive " ' (A 10BrMtlHertuy.n iwanrnum colonies being on ajiy per wei.iiaiior. - - . - .., a i aia mori by the illicit inlro. t . f,w pieees of cloth, than by a or.'- t,v- ing man can ductioo of a l yaw . . , ..mrTrtnrre end-elestoe "... 1 .ii . :t .l . I re are eoaenslble of thi evil, that , of the subjects moot diecu-ed ewYerk Convention ami Mr. b,a reapctabl tnnibrof the h rh duties are sosensihie oi inis evil, mat I it was oae of in the New rl!.rth a kady, b-erved, H that to each ,mw atteiA J w,ere frauds practiaeo, mat ine larui waaiiau vt auiiam iiirotiga itm wholt course gl ity la toe lace e ail us pro-iour .L. ..n.,r..(iarr A.A mnt in raalil I Tiarana, lire u....-.-. .' enjoy a proteetim of more than 40 to ih I ptr ttnt. and in eiptanation mt 6. n-1 dad. M that whaa lae enact of ine-uury on i eot was coneiasreo, ia pi-u iariuiu"uu cir umiu cuasrquetii (ln id not operate aa a protectibn to th man-1 this relief, would soon place them m a ad? d, ufaritirer nf AS war rent. This statement wu sustained by Mr. Brown, of Boston, on of th moat intnlll-1 ..Li. j : j kw I rent, mpiw"i aprKJuw I uimI in manufactnrine ' I M He had loag been engaged ia tha baa-1 m . ineesand he bad always said that th! of a free and constitutional govern meal ef defined and limited power a our waa one thought to be that equal and mod. a rate taxstkm, the result of an economical admiaittrstion of public aftaira, wis among the advaaiagss, which under ordinary cir- cumsUncee every citizen, in whatever section he might happen to reside, might reasonably expect to enjoy, i- Ia timo-of I war, when a great expenditur ia required be content to bear even a burdenaome tax- atioa, aa tha price of that aecurity and na- tional iderndencorwhich xaort be TnatnH iaiii.iiiiiiiiv.nun. M Such was the condition of thia nation during our late war, and it.ll more ao dur. '' rv i-natie k fa regarii.-tha eoat of ' principle ebjecU r wh.A waa to eioner- clolhMbe writerr who appeera ti ha ste purselvea from unequal, afljUal, and ..trnsive manufacturer vw w. . hurdenson taxation. In auch an emer. goaty, with a at wtmnal debt, lianted revenue, and a heavy expenditure, every e.itizeo wu called upon to give up the lux uries, and many of tha comforts of life, that the Commonwealth and the Nation might not fail in the conteete they were engaged ia, for want or pecuniary support. " But we are now almost free of debt- have beea blessed with a course of abun- dant years, byoatr every forme re rsmple and have a revenue of twelve to fifteen "T -r!li , " .u r T" l " ao unwnly burdened with taxea as aretiie people of thia free eeunlry-who, w,thoMqTiarterwprent rose, a one man agaiaat the authority of , . . . - iu huh pwwoiiw utim oa aaJta aHl i for what? aecouH they would not endure an unjuH taxation of eoen three eentt per pound oti tea I We have said that our systoa of tax. atioa waa more burdensome than that im- poeed on any eiviliaed nation of the old worldr-The subjects of the King of Great wriiaiii, ii must wm atwniiiiau, ara aa avail- ly tawd ii aav oation within the pale of Britain, it must, be admitted; are as beavi. civilization. Let us, thea, compare the taxation imposed on the agricultural and laboring claseee of this country, for the benefit of a few thousand " wealthy capi talists," with the. taxes imposed on the ,Williiun Ih. JRirth,. .jwding in.. Canada, Nova, Scotia.. 4tc.-ad .thi ..Amr will aaa if i. .M .. dantly sustained. ' Duties paidlDutiee paid in in Canada, the U. Statee, Abticli. w. "ji " iim- eubjecta orW of a Re- a Kin;. 'public. CoUonXJoodji. Silk Goods, Woollens, Linen, Earthva, Chi na, and Glasi Ware, Hard Were, Rolled I ron, Iron in Bars, cent. 3 per cent. 22 to 83 or et. 2J per cent. 30 a 2 50 prct 37 J per esat. Pi Pf..ceuU 3) per cent. 24 percent. 12 to 70 prct. 47 per cent, 10a. to 160 Uf per cent.. per cent. eito3 50per$23 40toS37 ton. per ton, Hemp, from fit. Britain Free 1 100 pr ton. foreign, 5 50 pr ton. lOctiprbush - Pall, Free, . jo Mta W Suear, i se uiv im iu i v wO" ara aw jj to . CIS pr ID :'r - - Brandy, Oinl II r.- B-33 to-W-ta. J I Mllnn I and Rumr i. , Coffee, 1 ct. per lb. 2 cts. per lb. Pepper is ota. erSpiccs,1t from Great! Britaia, n . Wam" ing to 80 a L . u per CI. Wine, 14 to 6 .eta. in. All i. per gallon. Tea--BobeaJ 4 eta. per lb. Hyson, 10 eta. per lb. 4 to 25 eta. All other pr. pound,- kinds, 6 a 7 eta. per Many other pound, articlea, Free, Meat nonnn meraten ar ticks, 15 to 20 per et, ww wj aaaavwi. yuuiw itf a)uvvv ovkiciirwiaa ntatemant il a fi. i ..i tx. t iretw.jMiai ei'n P,i'v- c jvmiwiwr of the Vonthtutxooy (whoso Kditor has, done so much' to expose the evile of the perni - cious act oii9W) mat a eompansoal . a vtw miffht ha mads between the taxes r d thi and in a aAighboriag eountry, and convince every reflecting man of tho utter impossibility of preventing an when eqch ifi.-nptatieta 4t held out i !tiiiufrlurer rmild do a bitter b.j,- " iiiider the tariiriow i lfclfi. . . ' 1 if th e.ijtingfra.t J, .re p,rmij to 'L 'frrt the - ' . LI wm forts of theae frauds and the dm L - T ltd not aatMnate the oeotectiavt.' ai-. V reahted, aa than 11 her otnL u- i w larajiom inn ' V"7 rouble eoorees, i -f what is her advsKad -od .kMr l wrTMl ;yr!I M ev" a. woiJIans. the mast hikl " "vw.iia.ja wTOMigaiy Metorta 'r'V H nufactartra, accord. to Uwir own dcUratiooa,4o not rali Z much protsct.oa eejbey WWi!d modsrata duty. . lirla. Ina ananiinrturara . "' - accoraia. . Thia is th prosoallion ts have attat.' - remarn-u .w ' BiactartM " kava thaiara miiafial kill... i . , . lire Of at low duties, and thia benefit, together wub 1. a reiiai inm ma generaijUHUon lajpw- oy ina rasincuva systeaa and aa inen..! en rro,lrou eoojiti'aai they now are. while tha Z tha enabled to throw off that haan L- l. .l.i. .V anroea. enabled to throw off that ha... t.i .? " a I under IMlOn: uwrci which mnm laoors. and mrt.u.L . . : ad looter to be iv!um. " m . Som of (ha most wteUiami --ji- mamuVturree have always depreeaied. I ...... . Huaimi. an . from th aet of 1816. Taey cooaii,? the act of 1834 as having done tWaJ!, harm than good $ and against the aril? 1628 complaints became still mere aJ. The following extract of btttTL Mr. Niles, editor of the Baltimore RcriT ter, shows in what light the act of 1M waa viewed, by the claa of eufkmna to whont wa refer. - rie onlw trvt friend, if ,la f. art lioar vii m. .l - . ' h riJieuUt frif of n, p.. TvT frrrakW . j 'T1 , duty on 'wool' ;thia prowajwiaT" i Vila ina rami ir imn.H.. I l .ni0Vman .d .k ""T jj,n, trowin. woo, in ... "T-T Jo eUnha, for lees roorvv Z yarf, th. i, eort, to ImakeZi 2 ' wra io C4iguuia. i nut we have teitadbe V i 1 ' ' experiment. I ipek of the cost of mtna. ractore alone. It would be mrD bsU,, for us, if we were placed in England I H we could there, with our present baaej and advantagee, make cloth, send it la New York, pay tho duties, tad tali more money thaa we do now,,. 71s djfnv. i ' ' .i . i .... . .rik,,,.ku i. ,k..i-.i..u .i.Z" entm is tne motK : ana uus dinarenee a) 8V"m M ' ,Un4t-. TV dutisa eg dye.stnfhi, oil, soap, and wool, takaa at ee. 0io with lhe rf . ... IMntlilrmt M .J. nuch higher protectiea la .v. c-; .t.., .it .5. ZTu w I hi. iiiw w in. laiuiHiufwa . gnor, us. Such are the facta and each' tki fhiits of th System" which the Ami. ean manuncturer haa toiled to supporjP.., These are the opinions of a manuika. turer who understands bis ewa iafcrtst. The act oi 1828, which Mr. Nils affinm, ' in several of hie journals, " eu Us rsibi of political bargain, and patted a ,. ., . Jt a pnacip diarrputoaZe to a Csngmi tkt lntttd ' Statu, may perhaps tit been advantageous to anm few mdinduii manufacturers j bat natbimr can as awe obvious, than the folly of preteoduig M encourage manufacturing industry, sag U tba aame time to IU the raw materials. n. t woo' I other oooipooenl part of. jnanufatturei . and constitutina the principle aJ 1 manv of them. RO to 900 wf cent. ' The truth ie,the act in questio wet passed- without any regard to the fwal i iiitereexa oi ine ubioo, maa wm, , obtained, as Mr. Nile allege, by a eoa I nmm.J i Kian rariooa individi!, " ' lUjujao -perlwwat x Goiigtwse for tho premerta m ineir dwi onoa, aim uiuv, iw, instances, of the moat sordid "d selfi chsractsr. They went to that acmMf pledged to promote other objef ts than that Of the great inienM &Mm1 terly devoid of that etovaUoaof sennmearj and purity of purpose, which ougm characterise men entrusted WHO uir eminent of a great nation. I . - from tht Norfolk Herald of January FROM THE WEST INDIA SQU& The U. S. Schooner SharK, L 1 Commandant Bajrwi, amyed H'H . I iniin run nil i rui, w -r 1 - lik'mk' - li.dr.ia'r'ajvneTienDur"' ---- - - , - tUQ rjyi i liny. aawaev -' . moiuyghin4it?ye ttrmmm tho whola naaaaire. and for the last lw.. i days waa completely enveloped n oi ice. 1 na ouicaTa auu v.v- health, but, as io reasonable to. WPTT . ..J L .L- :-.n toil SW mucn rauguau oy uw - li r?""' . l.. fon net home b Com." Elliott, with dispa9- nnii ai. wwj iicai is a - I noma oj vuni. uhwih ..Jla I Tor Rotrarnment. Which WO nuei r. R.nniDl wtMk ara BW mf-raTlon.trelltr tot tommtrrial mrrgfV ..j i i: .J.l il. Utifiii WW tikt. .dmniairt&ll tO Af". i, t-. on the j tkaivftkt w favored tution: m -The Bharhe sailed JntPortu-rr - hn company with the V. . snip 1 ana cne, nouna on yt and "Vis. bound on a, cruita " and aooui iu oays out, apw- -- m'ld, 11 daya from MataaxA, bound to a a .a i . uAran aan Alas' - w wtiavM ivvviaa - o i wmcn renonea tne bbui v--- e..k. LAYTtk.fT. JtshiP rT' I wiiaiiw t-vitf v'!"?s.s-..' - 1 tapt. Shuanca, irom inai 1 a, all well. . in - Saw's LarrvA.. tao .woian-r- 4 to I the other day, erecting the atawe I liam Pitt, in Hanover Square, a oj . enquired, whether they ain.KI4 to i well ' Upon whifb IfVtingtKi ' ' V' . i:-::.--:'.."..--vV"'