I I . , -a' t ' ..'-.--,' TFcslcm Carollnimi. -. . , ; ... . W ' j a" r w : , o , r- r y . - .M l '-. .. . ' wfag aMart. ;vr5'a,,ilWWi . V, ,;-'.;fotrf. Ph the btjmi-f bevl t eik. ptm. r, fbl wttked were tiietka Mtctrr . Tka tVod '' , Jl Mi kadrtd kwron mu " Ttt maniac ettWto rvll i - T tka Ueeaf la keait, ; , 0 eWk to cab Io tl gretad, , lu lathi Iteb the fast 7ba erdrf HaV rnort y4 H BcUiein B kfaL 0 1 atare ( ' i Uiaa tka (tag ; , , 5 J. axwa ptMnnu iaa im fv ' J i "r ' ' ' ' ' 'K'4 fa & tb ord chat 0 fcatk alaie r . ... A4 a4UM eMtM, ":Jj:, a"Wto. aa4wk(k o.7 1. J 4' " ' A1 ta ta4 abating aoa, , ' Aad i(tke liaa ikeat ail, tWk 1(4 ''$ -'y Hxk aaa tlte aUanaf al, '") i'!''TaegTaaafeeafja0owa; TV a .Vnaoiao'afiia ... ,v -V " CUt Warn ika brigbt and brae '" 'aaf w,aV,rwaria, - ' . . J . . . I .i .1. M4plop4 !' ''tlJ grata, ' ; raMr'aaifaUfcMjUoiaaa. T 24 . im katlai all alaa taal are . - TfcaUrflMiMaaaii4, . ffUa b?a taa ektitarf dpalr( 'ArftaMraVdeaUo. , iOf al) tba tNii) Uat 'ar katb earwd TbabMMeftaakW!, .. - Tie atrial ia taa kraMi. At ba rr kmI ateura, : TW eaama lla Oath aUaL ffakfcteUigU aateara ... ..... H;faia coom aai aM.r ?. u;tr-: MJJJOO IAJCD. raaaaaeei aa af yiiiranaaar." ' "l Z rUAIl TO ftiKQ THt BELLB." "'.' .)8 il ra a atary tkaCi act ia Tam Uoon, '"" toawg lior tkaaaakMah atafreitygWCi a a eafl'i ipM Uf- J cUck, lJkaafnK aingbaea,iihaeaH4oiiMe i T a benaWJ, ariatavar bat lg era be at. " Will rua Kkt a pan kra ka krara a rai tal flo Laof raa Bp aad ta - too atcanda atorv $i itrttioM4 tke atnger;a4 anawertdlbe or.4 4 T lag vai Wraa kt tka parting vaa ai fof tke aaaamrt ar'JI com vkaaaaok tomen la aka kiaa" J kiia, aad wkiaparad. pot lna llkii Tka ant time yaa eMaa,' bia, preyaaiaa wna b ruif .... JrilF. MORALIST. "... Ll60RE0Wim.TH BEAD. rThc lorroar f -r the dead ia the uj jtumom frosa- which are refuae t be - y- mi i' mil ctctt nuitt laifiioa id M AtXiH takmAnrMltiia rillirliAB ma oheri.h and brood over in a -l.tude. YVhera ia the moth, tk.i .a.1,I .'.It. Id.U forwet thav infniia that Mri.hrrl . ia a Bioaaoan rrom ner arma. tnourni i it . ' . . r'a,.r.'HmnIM4'. i.'. ....iivi,.,. - - .'..v. a. tv. .kit j ..ut.t Ltn: ?i r...Jof the impreaamenf of ur teamen j. ji. A -t . . . "... ' i . w' mni under prrata toougn to re 1 ;.;.m.ber be put to lament t YVho,ey '. : T ' 8 hour ' 'Kony would forget . aka, frl.rxt wa wKam k. jim.) JTlw, tvea. wheo .thclomh iaJiOoted nuwt in her own aeryice , . f ,- ,k. Ark... k. -.t lJof the national character .f the -j-i-t k. f..i. kl. k-.rt .. U .... .i!Iruhedi the do.iogol Ju.poml, would accept eoaaolauoo that wat to - k.kt b fnraatfulneaa I No. the Jove wniCB aurvivaa ena iomu ia one "i he nobleat attribute, of the aoul. ' If 1t1iaa ita woea. It haa likewiae Ha de -r: tihUTinA f lis Ai bverwbelmiog l a .orit of grief tt calmed iato the gen ; tie tear of recollectioo t whea the oud 'aiaaaMiuidil.tii ;;fmy feT.vne: preaeni ruma. rifHtnit tT ia anftnft aavaw intn . , ' ' "II at... WDkive meditation on au wai i waa (n the .daya of ita lovelineat who . -arould root out auc a aorrow irom -xX; ; Thoughit maf aomettmea iriz!!hroVp -ir f.r ghr-1ttmtror-aictTA ur apunora Vadoeaa over - the, hour of yet whv wiuld exchange it . ." rlo,'OJ, for the t'lrtg or pleeaureOf .the v. ... -r ,-.fir r No. there ia a aiu ww 1 Voice frm the tomb tweeter, than ,Hong.l; Tiere ia a recollection nl the-dead 10 which wef turo even .irora me 1 Charm of the livitig.Oh the grave ! c. iht grave, buriea every error cov JJZL..wv deTerti-extingaiahet.: every ::lw:;LJl";-.nr--Frbmjri-beacjtfuljiPtm --tafe-S-el n.,oe but f .bd rfgrelt ntl te- a4 ejrr recollect n.. Who can look down upon mtP"" v" H.V,VtttWd out teel a eomp.ctMnf V.;r -thrVfi, thai f ver he ebduld' have war. t :,tti "Hh the po..rt handful -t earth : , n.. M1derinv! before hioa I i --- f-inVditate bThee tottle the- account. ' iirH thy conartence Tor.evitry paa - VfiV oiireioltejoerwr paat eo. ;-.r..:j-, ...:--: s i.,..M,l,t . f that deDlit- ' f.'f. thoiv a-i a child, nd A-.tf.,veti -jaU 4 rrra ta tht iouU 0 IQ-"- wctw ' , i . in i ii row 10 the oilvcr brow of an T ttlon iW parent if thou art rvhand, am! ha at ever caused the fond botom that ventured it whole happm in th arm, to doubt one moment of thy kioJnass or ihj treth if thou art '. frieud. and hatt eer wroneed. I" I F , .bought, or word," or deed, the spirit trut eenerouely eooflded .io iheeif r.hou art a loner, aoO Mel tw one unremitted paog to mat irne bean I that lie coldaod attll beneath thv . . a I feet thco be aure that every uokinH look, evert uarracioua' oord, een ongeoue nctloo,. irtu tpp tnroogtfit l both opoij tbjr oeoia)ry,od knocking Idolefullratthf aoul thca he aure that thou Wilt lie down aorrowlng and I repentant oo the grave, aod attar the unheard gToaa, ood pour toe uooTaii. ing tear, more deep, enore bitter, be- cauae unheard an unavuliog. :Thea weave thy cbaplct of flowera, and airear tbe beautiea of nature about the graye eonaolc by broken ipirit, if Uyoa canat, wita tkia tender yet fertile tribute of regret j but tike amine bv the biticrneaa of thia thv contrite kflictlo over the dead aad be more faithful aod affectionate in the diecharxe of thy dutici to tbe liv. iog. W. Irving. He who aaya, l will aorrow, aod will not be comforted, ia igooraat ol the lawa of bio own nature, be kooa not that which ia within him. II 1 cannot dedicate hia day a to woavailiog regret. Comfort will viaii him io a thouiaod unknown aitapea, and ma auapceted fvrma. . S- metimea it will atcal nnawarea into hia aoul, and brooding like tha Halcyon on the biU Idwy watera of hia apirit, they will be come calmer. Elane;jjira.like o thang of life aod beauty, it will atari up be fore rim in hia path, aod he will wrl come tt to hia arma. II r v ia tran sient, ao ia aorrow. The- rharint ol Tia, though Ha wheela he noieU- a ever rollinr on ita courv. orld may remain u moved, hut to u it ia etrer chaneira jht mouniair. 'hieh in the nvroing hidea half th firmament from the eve of the marin- er. when.aeenat evearjde from tV deck of the recediog .e-.e!t aeems t have ahrunk icto mnlrhill. Youth require a no artificlt atimu- lua, no extraneoua excitement to goad on tha fanry to enjoyment. Thr eo mon air, the earth, the ekirt, were in the marlvra They gave ua then wh it milliooi cannot pucbaae no. I' youth hapnineia ia cHeap, bu' the en joymeota rf janed apiru muat be deafly bought, and whea bought ore vapid. . The Ne hi' othl) Meg i October, cnt-me a lone article in re ply to Capt.- B ail Il-d from the pen of Mf- Coopr It cn I UUOCa aa ioiiowi j I - Aa to the declaratioBj of war, what I.. ihi vlir IV - nmnliinrd Al . " . . r '.T- -: deDrtdititu on our commerce, and I n ttmmm n.inta mm nn( i'.tori f arrnr veara without effect. Your ordcra in council were continued, and Englaod ttill took our aeamen, making any man. I will li-ll you an anecdote. About r!'w" J'"" viaitew coj.n. tl la a aajwtorm, ana req inro at. Ilelen't road and anchored io thick weather, Whea it cleared up, we founr w.aclvea lying ta ahore of ao English fleet. I remember the char, acttr of our crew perfectly, and aa it waa no bad epitome of out men-of-war and other veaacia io that day, I will give it to yriti ia detiilrThe capuio and nrt mate were Amcncaua, toe Sod wat !,a f tgueeA-ahippeija,iy for the outward paaaage. The cook W4t an American negro, ard the cabin boy an E-glh Iad.-.Wo had teaybe-fore- the--maet j wf-theae lie' mtrt Amctkaat lioro, oncwatAEcuihi w bote family had emigrated whea he waa a child, one waa a rroeiian, oce a eganiard, one a Dune, and one aa Erig4nhman,h6 had beei.i'wrecked on our aoail, Und waajwnrkiog hia paa a,ce home. ' The weather w,a no aooner clear than, a boat heaved ff from one ahip, a vdjpuUed toward u. We hid the Erigliahmao in an empty caakf and the rcat of the crew hunted op jher 5yl4ej$ffor oation-il. ch rac ter. We were aooo b nrded. a id the f'rew7a muatere5.:Mich tw,fi'M-at man, and nucK the hlet aeotan we hapthratmate-excepted, waa a man from New-Jery, omed Coke, The lieutenanr pickej him out hy in inct. Coke produe'd tHe uau-l Amerin protection, Thi will - jjAat A tits l'at.not,-:v- V-ca-'1 one of thee for tw d.-ll.rain N -Yoik; Will thia do' aaked Co'Jie, producing another document ; Hf had a certificate of dif brge front the Rritiah friirate Cambrian, aieoed b her captain, Gv FBerterprd, I th nk; . ci i.i'.. r..m. . proved thai he wu MU"ytttUMof V United fl''te, after bavinj erved in that ship ion ngt.ieea month, l memory does not fail me. The I""' t oant was staggered at tti. Lok. tag about him, and hearl .g a m-rfh rikcn.Eniin 10 anewer to ni que .too. he toon fastened ow another man, the aecond-beet of our trew. Tv mo,whoaeBeMO.toe, waa. I ST 1 . a a a. I tUM W Art : a i a n 'itoii '"' rogght forth bU protect,,bul U wa. heeded. Gamea h i aenrrd long in tne 1'np, Boa ine tim era imcnerea . .L f - I wrmlv 10 hia ocnaii. wnea tne ncu i . . t a e a .a. a (eomt yary cooiiy ana wereojnanjtf wld oot have bia trouble for eabing, and compelled the iw-.f fallew I . g. with hmr we aikea tne nameoi ni hiD.'and he give ua one, pointing O a vciael towarde whiwh hia boat did 'fi ateer, We culd never find Oiioea. Our ahip aoon weot up to liado', when Conk eoied meog -with hi o one of the public oficea t ' g't aame a iri e money lur nia aervice to tne Cambrian. We went, tod 0 acrount f uaac f'.rmal ty C'ok w.a required t le f diachart e, ahich conuice'd the -Jatea f hi period of aervice. I re member the c uatenance with which he entered the ureet a if it wert but vraterday. "Here I am without paper, and lit feet high," he aaid " lor they have kept my ducharge in (hio ncr, and the Li-u eoaat, wtv impretaed Gaiae. carried off with him any protection. I knew the lat er fact to be true. In lea than ao hour he wa carried "ff from before mv eve by a preatfane. 1 never rreard of him afterward, lor all t tempta to trace him where fruitlea. -WkitaKtffMnfa-zint tomhmea vatiely l mtuuciive na 4mui-g m 'tter, tb' upriing in onginilnv nd re p'-lmcal ttprit f the l v. S long it exhibit tate and Rrmu uch a I ivf h'thrrlft diatiniriiiaSrn thr nrar . rWt, it will kefp it r xlteri atioe n te rank l prriodicala. Ve ub- 1 .1 irnm u a neni arncie rDiuica : Brevitiee.'' Fortune i pamted blind, that.fhe ry not bluth to behold 'he foola who irtong to her. S'me mca get on In the world on tne aame ptincipie-tlula aweep pece n.iterrnpedlv through a crowd. People who - ffrct a ahortneti of ght muit th'n.k n the height of good fortune to be born blip". Loungingt unemployed people mav be tal ed o the tribe of Joshua, for witr tnem tne aun ataa atiil. Fanaiire think men like boll tfcrv mut le baited to madneaa ere they are in a at oodition to die There ia an ancientaaying Trntb liven in a well.1 M-y.not the modern ag rua "The moat certain charity it it a pump.?' - Borne - coanoiaeure wauld give hundred pud t-r the pair ted head .f beggar, ho .would threaten th livbarmendic-i" t with the atocka. " It tou boaat of a rontempt for the world, avoid getting int. debt. It trTvinf to go'ata the fang of viper. Thr heart of the- great "man,' ur rounded by poverty -nd trammelled hy'depeodefte,' ! like- an egg in cat built among briars. It muat c a a ther curdle into oiuerneaa or, it it take life and nvun, atruggle through the th.rfn for the aaaeat. Ftmrt ttTreeated bearitrg t trnm- pet. Would not the picture be truer, were the to hold a haadful of duat I Fiahermen, a order to handle eels terurcly, lrt cover them with dirt. In like ma tter doe detraction atrive to graip excelleme. " The friendship of aome men ia quite Brl rean;;They - have a hundred banda. ..lAJtCL I -The cuy aod temperate man ia not he whi ja moat valued by the world the virtue r-fhia abatemiuauea nakt r.im ita b6je f t;ofr.indifference; On; of the graveat chargea gaiot the as ishe 00 livi - on thiatlea. - -The woundaof the dead ire the furrowt in jaJhirhUvw their laurel. WheTe we cJeteftnioed resolutely to avyia vkcb, wc wvm,-uu,iui.u them oa ua a thieve put off their plunder od te guiltleas.J s When we look at the hide of a ti. ger io a furrier'! ahop, expoeed to the g-eHf every mlapertrand then thkk f the ferocity of the living beast i ita native jungle, we aee a beadle be fore ia magitrte a msgiatrate bef r. a miniater th'eriJis the skin of office the aleektir witKriti clawa. Withrioe e pie political vacilla- tiftrT heighrena a m-a'e celebrity j'tw aa the galkri't applaud when aa actor enters n a ew drua. Tf we iudaefrom hiiorr,of what the b k of glory compoaed i An not ita leaves dead mea'i akin- iia lettera atampetf in humao blotnl jt -olden el. ap the pilUge of nationa i if la illuminated rthi tears aadbroiro Se-trta. :' -u V' ).' : Thi follftwina Curiwit eompliDeni t the fair sex ia to be jfo rod lln old n'vveontled iCuptd't Wurgtg t-- itf 0 woman! cte we noi rorn ynuf Should not, then, honor you. 1 . 1 S'arar i bv vou. nd not regaru y v Mide for you, and not aetk vou f AJ awef we were made otior, ,... o..ld we not love aod admire you. a the Ut and ot BCi;fcct; .W7k mature? M- wben Witure hut aa aatreatice. but woma wkeo ihe waa nkilful mUtreu of her ! 1- JA.,kl aru ' By your iove we w r hrea'h. tveo ia nut offpring after eath. Are aot all vicea maaeunne, - - ... . - .ir...a fminine r Are not ine uaea the loves of the learned f V not all aoble spirit follow the 'gracei, hecauac thev are womet? W oot the princess aodf.undresofailr.d arte. Mierva. born ol i t oram 01 me hiehai Jove, a woman f IIo not m a a . a man the lace ol love, tae tw.gue ., pertuaaion, and the body of delight O- divine, nerfectinned woman ! . If il e of thy aex, ao excellent, what ta b, then, to be a woman enricnea ny na mre. made excellent by educatien.no. bly by birth, thate by virtue, adorned hvbaautv! A lair w-man, wnicn ia Jie ornament of beavrn, tbe grace of earth, thejov of life, and the deligh of all tene even the very ftfOtmum bonuM of man t exittence. Cupiat Album MINWTER ACCOUNT. At a mectim of mioiatera, an aged tervant of 0 d renretroted the Judge aa calling ucm thn wh had been preac era of hi word to render up ... . . - . .r -- heir bil account, nd proceeoeu in ihit au..er t To the fi.. W hat was vur inducement to preach my word? He r plied, o receive a gfd living. -.land by, aaid the Judge, you have reiveei our rewnra. totnrac cond, 'and what did yu preach for To diapl'V mv learning and eloquence od ran pnpuiaitiy, 'H ana dv yo have received your reward.' To th tird, 'And whv did yoo preaih f He humblv rrplied, 'To make known m,to met m the croa, 4nd win oul to thee. MU rn, t.u.dt room, a gel,' aaid tht Judge; Met my faithfu servant enter miheju of hia Lord, Te miniaiera returned from the mcc ting with aearchit.Kt ofherta. HwaaaiaaaB vf Serenmrr A -1 taliae ppett trtre thai an organ led bring haa been found in Amc wh ch aeems to form link in the chain between the animal and veeetable kingdom. Thia ' e nrol ocing '.a the form of a apotud aer pent. It creep alo .g the grwd, and in lieu of an head, it ha a flower formed like a tmall bell which coauiua a (limy liquid. Fliat aid other In aecu attracted by , the awtet t4e.,of thia liquid,' emer lh flower and are delaine d there by ita glutinous nature The flower then clotef and remain doted until the prisoners are truihcd and transformed into chyle. Ti c in digtttable'part luth'tt the head and w ings are rejected by : t wo -Inferior oprnings with spiral wmgi;r The ski of hia aerneni plant, resembles Iravn toe flesh is white and tender. Tf i habitaota of the rouotrveat lt and consider "it a I'gfeatBelua..?. l new Trick. tat evening a gen teely drciaed aharper called at the grocery near the junction f William and Doane-treets, and ordered three hot. lea of wine to beacnt iato the re. icTcncc ora7epcubte oelgh&or well known t the at. .re aa one of ita cut Mmcrs. The fellow, being ia a hur ry, wished "to pay for the wine, and gave a tea dollar Bote, which the thop keeper immediately exchangedair suspicion being lulled by the auppo ed detinaiion f 'h l.quor and the pun hasef. walked off wuh aeveo good dollara clear gain. Not yet entirely tiafied, however, he waited ia front f the houne named in William street and MQrrevd te win also, from th? boy ami 1 1 driver it. But in- atead of taking it into the house he put the hottlea in" hi 'pocket, and trudged "(Tin o other directioo, with the intent. -doubtltaa. to enjoy the apoila at -.hia leisure. -It waaaoondia- cjmKdiLlheojoHarjiILwas bm the wine had evmota. ted, the money had taken to itself wing, and the acoundrel ia not yet in Bridewell. .V. Y. Journal.' The Editora of . he Richmond Whig ' 1 a a promote to puunsn in a volume tne debate on the manumfssion question, ihat 4it may cir ul.te in every corner a iaa I . I a, a ot the U immonweaitn." vve nope i)Ot friendaw.ill reccwiaider their de termination. The newspapera arc dvine aufS ieot circulation to thia de- batet ad are carrying it into more "cornera of vht Common wealth" th e ire willing; to see it eo u a whole. It ia true, apeechea were de iivered, able, argumentative, aenaiblc and worthy of preervanon-bat oth tl amatory, and almoat'aa wreckles a GarriaWa fanatical e9uioat which w ccould wian bad perished with the breath that uttered them. Tt'atet ?iTe3akimtre'3ef kysti-The jjMlr:;eceiptt of V Rail Road Com. pkt7 Amouaf to 5Q, FANCY GOODS! a ' cilWt u lrtli W niw apetii"; w mr .ibw.bar'allnrUliburTfNlfltkr i-iwat wl'k foeh ear and aetha f Wia- dtliit a-a wrkt. brt anrtv rhe mm hvorabl .reim(a'., a railucaJ prkaa, entirlf Inr cart i awinf wf - . - - Cloth.. Caaatnat. Blantet. naiaaa, r wniw.a, Cabkia,fUU4 ktaow to UJka Praaa-a, tuMkaailM, Ctreaaiaa, Moaiary mf all rip linn! Ctnlre 8bi " TtPP'l Jtf ariatt uTkl'vdaowia r'inta, iorJarttie and Tut- rrturaCali. Di't S"4 Ming-iiama, raa fan and Bockram., Tkrtaoa e aU aaria, bma ,,4 bUeW Dafaia, Oapa Caw Hta4ktrcbiefa.aMKtedt ronnefMlt raptor LfriM, labiaai Uoaa -aaaortea , "rt'; taaebav and nareaiaaaai ih. "'" laeorat Mwlinei I Ml Swiat Bd fcW pnct anla. knkinri) and witla Cap! HttarS rrlwwlnn, Urhaea. Du -te.nrit tnwn Cril-, Ta ad Crinba, tkoaa, Hardware. t.ddt-Treea, Oif BMMnli. Saddler! IriitMinr. iBpiar- lajr. plmiri. Mould board, beat aacha atiUi( ciotna. w Tne-adatv f bw aaieaaawt, ane.'iw Miaa fowaaw bi ariert. breaenl la Iba pub- IL. aa aatraaHiaar MuerM t far tkair aaO MdatUatioc, JUH MUWHT. 10 Rhda. tt. Crwia. forto Rica, and ftW-t)a Iran aufar, of tbe bra) qoalitlet, 7 J hM. rnaM uraca lonaa. -90 B.n Mranar aotalrd Rio. da. fea, t:oppra. Madder, lpanlab Indira, ahpairt, Lampblack, Raitina, Ckneae, rpre, apica, Ckoealatr, Llrarpool aad Haw BaJti ra caatlnr. White Lead in kaf. Krd Lead, reaetkn Red. Mackerel, We. I k 3, Rioe, Cheese iacaka.aya CALL IHD JK I ai, Mttur. tan 1. 1 131 SELLING OFF!! COME Sf BUY rflllE Bu-jacritwrtiMrrivliieitMrtoera A. .1 ik. a ran rtt kTvUia lr kf.Man kava teieTmbtedtirell -wB tbi rer EX TENSIVE STOCK OF GOODS Hrnrrforward. -wvery ertkrt wtll b of ft red at price' that cannot fall ta (nit those who are deairoa of porchiiing. Cheap, Goods MERCHANTS, withing to add ta ihair ainck. would do well io call on Ihem they may d'pendon tettinp BARGAINS. LOOJT TO T3.: Tbe peculiar aitjaiion of taeeowcero, reneer it necessary tha eorv person indebted to them tould mtk an imme dirie eatiUWtJIb muat, la futnra anil rhnor' for th 1 ROBT- KTI.F.. - 1 5rii.. fimrtiu HAil.T. KTLE. '''" Uu,lury,Ja. 1 IIJ1 6 10 CHARLESTON and VHKRAW . TtIK ITCAM I0AT HACOIf IfT. J. C. QRA HAN batinej been -VTted; ltt tammer, in lunr i, "' n CFiarleon aad (The (calling Qo. Towa on bar way up :.rdOon, will resume bar .Trip la th roars era TrW days and h intended lob. i ontinaed ia tke trade the emuing ta aon" " - Her excetdinK fight :drft of W ate dmwlof whea loadej only about for ant a hall teet water will enable her to read Cneraw al all tma except, an tncom mon ww nver, when hnr r irro will he luhleoad at .'ha Expjace of Boat J. B CLOOH. -''"""CktHnm eTeriJ'llSl "N B. She n cmroHnn . ..aj, elttiona for a few pmengr-r. 93 1 J i.r 1'bw vraoirn.iai lor inirly aavan haieol r.e C.piial or Joint 8-ock in tbe 8tate Baok, nf Nortn Carolina, in tie name of I homaa 0ket, aeo of Rowan County N C. having been mi laid. Notice i ther for hereby given, to all parson concernod, th' I shall ap ply to iba President of the aaid Bnk, e4 ther in person ' or by agent, to itsne du pticttes "thcttof."- WH.LMM W.LONO Administrator of Mr Estate of THOMAS litlftr X1KES tn:, 4et4.- Jailor's Notice. niAKEN op and committed fa the 4 d in ht place a Negro boy who appears to be about IrJ or 1 Jyearaofagr haa-no beard Hia name is j,aac and aaya he belocga to Bruntly Taylor, of Oran villeC ouoty, North Cari. Una and that he was taken through this place tome time thia month by his young master to the gold mince in Burke County where he stayed . but one day dC. The Owner ia wjuetted to come forwardr prove 'roM'rrrTpay charEea and take him away or he wiU be dealt with a the. law dtrectav JOHN M. THOMAS, Jailor. Vemnghn bavidtom CountyitrX. Feb. ft. 183a. . nf To Saddlers Hiir.iess-lVIakers. rnil 3 bacribera with to emolov ooe 8addler and two Harness Makers of ateady and induitrioua hab its. . , JOHN W; IHLTON, - ft 's'::BENJ.JrOAKES. 1; OcLiUtmU Jtf a -.-:----.-- av-Mk 'nv ' itotlicntrort-. Olaii, China L1 : . Looliii ClliVie,. m Importers No. $4, Wtter grj" 12: Ncv-Voirl.V HAVING mdeientlvecofactJ( oeof tbe fargev, mt4mfM'?' . - - t prvTr pocnci in ..ngianff, r( a..a tnn IT. r raa Yitta rrw..i , - r- r oai or tha tuo.i BunwtaTt! ' arket, conslatlne of everv in m tw bartkeoware k.... ri.i..ni... , ."'r-. Olasaa. --., va v(sa alia Looking. either reptcked to -riL ln. back -ge, . unc0mm9n Z 1 be orlgl tww9t vimrr xrj Uttcniantet very liberal support hi.b.no ractuH from ur Southern friendMde. tka most trying xircumtiances call, fa -..oiCM.o.nav tavtor.ifHllla. far in the struKcle with a bod. i ll! who bare combined all Jbwlr eforta t! effVei ourdastructloa aimply kec.M -! will not join them la Combiajaa pal the country Merchant to pay ... orbitant nroli on hia tuh.L: i . "r it pro line. Wat can ntil r turaaeea af ulna. .hm i . . , ' "' tormar as. ' . 7 " w,"f """ion 10 Draa- rrtendaintbeetieal and vari,,,r, or k, the lownes af onr prka sod tba .kill snd car. of ourpack.r, depandiae upon a free trade aa ibt anlv V..,.lf hlrh can give stability-tmbe matiH it.ratt of nnf city ,nd ewnni,. m cbtnta. THOMASJ BARtnwa.rA - . " " vv. . I waerar. AVw-rvt ' Ftknwj I, 1 us 4iJ . .CZI : KT To i Kawbe Seatlnet, t trsaejT ougr Free F.e... R,.fH 8tif mjg AiaceWMhinrton- Vrtion. Hin.v. nngb Re-;ord;r, VTesiern Csmllnl,,. Rutherford Sperttoe and Miner k T. mers Journal, will iaaert tke abtvt't tka amount ol fJJ $0, f. ,nd fbrv.rd I heir .r na t0 i, . OIR. r fr rj ,mf nt Negroes Wanted I T ''IlE subarriber ia desirous to pari 1 chawe anumberof.Y2GJlO without a. y limit during the ten twelve m ntha. , Any peraoa bay'na such prperty for tale would do eel to apply to the aubacriber before they make a aale, for they may reslWure." that he will pay the moat liberal pricaa in Of 47. JAME3HU1E. N. B. AlMettert addressed to tha suhcriber will be attended to a puac taally, aa if application vu asade i peraon. Ia hia abscence Rom flott will attend to" the botinett, , or in hie absence rM.Rllrxvf te Post-Maater, wiK, wb. la authfttt !e.d ti,mke,ptfrchasea at aH-ttatrtr. Samburu, May SI. . Z7tf 1. rPME aubaenber aiiU Tntrnn7ria -. mke the. above Michtae 'Stt keepa supply e onatantly oo htafl hictv he will aetl low f.r ffliA or oi" credit lr punctual deaiers.- He liiV wie intend to keep on htnd a g 4 aupplv of COTTON 0IN3, and aej will aljo repair the aame to orderr 1: -Titf E P MITCHELL. r Salisbury: Mri ? C;: 1 WANTED T f MEDIATELY Taaeao' revs Jo " navman Tilwrs vl . tdy banlu at whom caattaat amploymeat I'd I sat wtgaa' ill ba gitaa " THOMAS DICESOt." Salurv, w fih Hit . rf Runaway ON tba 10th of SepteaAei last, from err plantitia ia Jonc eountjr, twa aerrej named WASHINGTON, abaaf V years of ape, a very krigkl mulatto, oa ana . of ha knd there ia a sear ooeatioaed by a 4n , b. ill ehanre kit aaM aod endeavor ta paas forafreaataa. Tka ether named iOH!V, a esme-ttlarhabeet m?. rear of ajre, erjr intellirent i ba wiH arobtblf -uaM ai the servant of Waakinrton, ,nd cbarlga iiia nam. 4 reward af U DcdlarswiH btfiwa lor the delivery of eitbar in anv Jail, a tkat I caii ret then. JAMU AAaI , Octar 16M. JdV, . C3 The Owrrrlan, iavannah t VT-J'a?--cope, Columbia, BVC. and Kcbmaod faQj. rat, are teueetedtrjbBitrthralwie w" unni louid, and Utan forward tneir aoowj - ' V 1. l.A Commilledr TO the Jail of Lincoln Cooaty on the 10th of August, 1851 V negro m to, about is years oi s-t t feet 5 inches high,, well formed, Speaks politer. He has a ecr on ri.kt Ck.V h. alla kimtrlt JV I dmt, nd saye he-belongs to ! taniel Hops irrlredelt County, IorUI Carolina The owhei ii;teiqueted,tp come .forwkrd,' prove property W chrgea and take him away. U"! Jacob reinhardt. v WAOGONEttS, W1 ILL And ft t theadvantaew, t the- rTanai Tara?, wber 7 reaiaaea ia provided for Mat andM't!' 17. eeata a day and tirbt, foe tke privUer "" Tard, tba aae of a rood bouse, ira, shahar. Attached ta the Yard,-are a vr and Proviaion Store Uraad hop PrL tmnary, ,d v Hoaa fur Boarder afSS5 ia a plain, cheap, wholreooie a4 eaatwT"'; tVlo'ejananft 4. Iri l&, 14 J ...... ' ' . " ;, r ' ' '- 'V '-vis... . .-.T-a 4-W ar-

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