i 4 ' 1 It U even wise ! anstsio from taws wbitV W ' n-L i ... r I..: . .. - "" VIUKf 04 incnuaWV VlMCa Mil M rasMBM la the heart Of ' tha c tlMO. and h fh tt.it I trd with little imiwm. wer wie -- . a ii aariauiiim m iiii 1 11111 IB rmitrst-iu.il w mimb am a aa . l- . ,m - r - ' - r - I - . - - -w - . " ' ... w - X. ... '., SAUSUUUV, UOWAN COUNTY, N, C.... MONDAY FEBRIMV . jm mm,-,,,- . - . 1 V fVOLVXH . -NO -"it' r jm:iiatr in thu fE.X ate. . Mfi- wear ,. ; 'i,.f'WMt.' iiiraaMaaaa,fy:--r, - , -. .-i0 - REMARKS of Mrr POINUEXTER, 4 of (h original friend of Genl. Jack- POlSDEXTHl rose, nTwuJ, thac an a War of several war k from 111 JVnate, orcasioned by indisposition, had ho u inCirmtd, tVca the cause 'of .immo dly"m"lhaf foal actioo of lli Sea a, on tin nomination. He regretted the circumstance, and evefi now tlmt he we enabled lo resume th discharge of bis dutiei, ba crtuld but ill rfiuittbt kittd iwlulgf wejf tha 8en. aff, it pHitponioi? qu"tiw a'ftia ac. cou'm, by pffTt f hi, a invwtigata K.rliiiiiMicirtta iHwiinoa to public cofifi- i utiiiuch m the dclicata atata of ! hal h wnuld tA permit him in entwr at ar; into I ha iritiintaratlin lica whirl Had been tdvtirtod o in the re t,Mrli .f the hmorabla Sainton who had prrr-wW hiw the debat . : T-r- Sir, d MrrPi!iiTa, I have rian to iK rf'nn aa unpWmt, but an impera tive iluty, from which 1 caww withdraw witu aubjeeting my avuivea to miwron eeptinfl. 'or iniarepreaentati'm, in relation my vote on the quetion nnw lof re the Soiiata. Having nothing to ain by the jeji c'i' t nonunatum, and nothing to hopv ahould it .be . cwhW" J, I can ri Ur PretuiUiii. no other aolicitute on the aulyect, than that ahich ariaea from atnie of ihf aclemn duty which I owe to aiy country, and an ardent desire to pre arrve the honor and dignify of the Ameri can m.ple, free fro tba Ui f -thai ati.ral turoituda add vici&u hitrifrue, h,rh catvr the corruDt eoveniine.nta of' tu pe with infamy aud dwjjrace. .Por Ujih purpoae, and for no other purpose vlatrver, perwrnal or potaital cUrnrtar, (acta which have been detailed to me by men U the lirtt rank in the nntkwi, in'd h icb J lit . lx und Id , Ix-lir vvuntil- . teaUktei by at ulruca at ill wtorf Jmpmiinr, hi whole coarie ' u nwikai by p ayW (nmatic tinaue of dark and utikJird tntrfyptc which, in it cOnMourncea," atpt into chsot the clrments of that patriotic band who fought the , battle, and gained the tideodid victory in which placed ea the brow of the hero of New Orleaiia the civic-wreath W rthii 'jrrttefut foontry. Diactrding all perMonJ conaije ration, ior I have neither revenge nor politicaTaapi ratiorj to (ratify, and if 1 bad, they would hot enter tliene wall, to influaoce piy de liberalioni in mattere (national concern, I uk only tfaeiighM oi truth; 16 gtiiJe hk- to a decixian whkh shall accord with trkl end impartial justice, and eceure to me the approbation of ap enlightened peo ple, and what ie still more precious, the mihts of ao approving conacienca. I ft, then, the friends of the aominee deem the information which I have received, and on which, for the preeeut, I mut rely, io If curate prWaceptible of lautisfaetury j. planation, I invite them, I urge them, in jtwticc to thi-ir friend, to rescue him from every ahade of suspicion which mar be cast o bim by 'the apjieintnieol of a com rnittee, tl.be choaem by ! tbit- bunoralle body, who shall be charged with the duty of collecting all the tentimoay which can .Jjfltldiiped, eitheribm.5W''rAM"m inee, and making (aitnrii report or it to the Senate f and if the result emiutd- be such as to safiafy wry mind that the nom inee is innocent of the unworthy conduct which has been ascribed to hi in, my vote will be given in rkvw of hit nomination, with mora real pleasure than I can fee! ie obeying the dictates of duty," by denying lo hire my support. To Buck a committee I am authorised to furnish the names of sev era) gentlemen, high io the cxailaaaee of i I Uve emkavored lb inform myself, by , the country, who are ready to testify on oatn, it required, to all the facta which thy have authorited ma to communicate to taa Sanata av the praaeat aetaswai, in a much more enlarged and satisfactory man uer, than it is in my power to ftive to thorn. Dut I mutt be permitted to remark, that if this invitation is declined by the friends of Mr. Van Buren, my vote must be recor ded igninst his nomination, confiding, as I ll tKe means within mv reach, oi ine Win and circumstance touching the mcr- iU fr he indvidusiwo..nwinatioa is e under consideration. I have adopted ti rcurse the more readily, because it wn I undrtand, oa a previous day, re er'nniended by honorable 5enatirs, in fa vor "f'the nominee, in pr-ferenca to a fit: and f irmal invftirmti n H a enmrnit- ad freely 0jileniiMjjneawire,4Nwmec. is a rootaw-holr eveWofihe fmijtv oi uI w.l. national nolicWe -principles political friendship when aa.M bv iU rlrLPr"f fi, '! -,h ",n,,ra intnjp.cjjpfaimbitipuf tonlrant,; which thef-.pl, Rl,6ht terf tha claims of But Sir, the trowns of a d.linnnent friend, the dmiairalioo to their conftdenca and clothe, with the panoplf of power, 'a re eupoorU - Every lUg wa involved in hnantent and brmleas, when tha Inten.le4 o-mpiarHi imr ertamly, tn ortfer fo eatch irtim u nrotetied by tha mild radianre of DlO Dra4aa ffenhitlapf mnfft 4a MfliuA t - & 1 .1 . it f r i i ,. . . I r- """""' i inui, aim ins snitia oi imp 'nnnaoie aoo- 4.rjtioo it might set, and to Worm lo or. The President invited this gentleman u ovrrwnei.ning .ir.mience. ITie south, to a private aiklienrv, U the pun" T . . , ""T,-M v,"iTrr maajng mown to him tne .new. arrange, iioa.waa ar.tWd, gattered, or Mreqfrard arniti on which he had determined. . He ICCftrdiag t la thermometer, which reg- commenced with an air oj dipl.nnatie cau. ulte-l the k Jiiical atmoaphere around the lion, and studied precision.- Sir ! sab- walls bf the palace. The monopolists and mi t to you two latent, which I have re- olltce buulers nfeived aviuranres tosatia- eaived rV..m IK. au-i.. .n,l y.hVr u,n!'7! wj.h epccUtioiM,ltho.- Secretary of War, iwaignin thrir ra- ajtractam and pwscriplion on every hijk ami the utnie;sof tha J American Bys- Upective ofTices, and ak for then) vour a lem were adopted and repudiated accar- rious eonsi,lerBtio.w Sir," replied the ding to calculations founded on a well ar- astoniiihed Secretary I am i plain maa ranged scale ot political profit and M. and vour friend. Our imerrourse ht AneflSirtto restore r the ancient usage betnof long dnration, ead J hi know that of cabinet councils, made by a few of the diplomacy is no part of my cheracter or most devoted friend of General Jackson, yours -be so gowd. therefore, as to tell ass replied with intlignation, and the me frankly, what you iatond, and what friendly interposition falnely ascribed to Vou desire of me.".' "TJien, Bir, I will 10- p'rsmal hotitilitv, to a particular member l4rni you that I mean to reorganitt my. of lis cabinet. These aentleinee have ev. eabinet." Very wall. Sir. I hone voe wm profit by the change. I have not been vour friend Cr the ake if nflico, and I wish on It to" to informed whether my conduct ,wnile in' your cabinef was satis factory to you." Sir," aaid the Presi dent, " I have no fault to find with vou." and blvinhingly thrown ..bf.Cjre,.ihft. world, the ijnriil(iiil who appropriated Jheni to hinj-rfbr!j;jifi7uaracrfc.';ilitt.iiiJu-tt of, the oflice which he resigned, he should (Mlhwith he created, r.ovoy Extraordinary nd Milliliter Plenipotentiary to the court Ot St Jaine. An-t yet the fct ia etb lished, by the conversation I have quoted, nd strongly corroborated by tha letter of the rremdoot, in which ho reluctantly ac (sptl the resignaJioB.. ,t-l'L... .jMr, President, I caa view this nornina tioo ia; no otbef Ii glit, than the result of a systematic course of political gambling and intrigue, originating in personal am- bitin, and prosocuted with unrelenting le n( the Sennte, ahich been oropoaed ; (, jD the honorable sources from which bv an h'MKirable Senator from Mai n, 'Mr. my information is derived. I forbear to i Hoi.wm. Mr. Van Buren has leen long dwelt oo the novel and extraordinary in 'the public eyr, has 6!led high and im- character of the instructions given br Mr. (KiruiDt polifieol stations end the influ-; Van Buren to Mr. McLane, our late Mia ence of hi puMitf eorriuvruMY t) traced rti-r toXondocu on the subject of ooeninr in every prtnient of the government. , the Wost India Trade." The-Yiewi pre- ,a i I a..i .'I i. ; sented ot me nature and character or these rmdrwetiona,- by - other gent lemew, 'leave ma oothiag to add but the expression oi my deep regret that, under any cireum stance, the Secretary" of &ate, acting, either under the influence of his own pas sions or prejudices or by; ttraHnslructioni of the President, should deem it compati ble with the dignity of his station, or the elevated character of hi country, to. ap proarb the throne of a foreign monarch in tha etvle. of supplicatian. aLrw favors on the rHV, and the statements of persons of! hc liumiliatiiig assurance that the party Mfti staKtioir an'i responsituiity, wnose to whicn ne Deionred, exercising the pow er since been looked on with distrust suspicion by the President. lliue protected from all interference on the part of hi associate in - power, - and from public animadversion, Mr. Von Bu rsa shaped his course tn suit the crisis. keepieg-steadily in view his ultimate ele- J" With this assurance' sill the1 S. cn?tu vstiou to thefirsf office fatno'gift of a free yrrtTam 'f.iitXif r6ur'aTr.w"me'to7n people, t Possessed, as ha wa. of the on-1 " 0 is to "bewour Sec re I irf of limited 'confidence of Gen. Jaiksoo, ho Stater " At r. -Livinj;ston,n was the re. very soon found free acceae to his oar, and P'y- ' vTlio i to take the Treasury De- by appropriate advances, led him into et- partmentT' " Mr. McLane, now Minis- cesses, and errors, fatal to the tranquility England . Wb" will occupy the of the country, without affiirding the Nvy Department T ufr Woodbury.'' slighiest evidence that he, in any manner, M And pray, Sir, who is to replace Mr. participated in producing the results McLane in England f, Mr. Van .Bur- which he anxiisuly desired to aacomplish. nN eu the conversation ended. The prescriptive policy, pushed, ta it was, The infereuce which is inseparable froili to sitremities wjiicn -the public interest these disclosure, immt be obvious to every did m4 seem lo require, and far beyond man whose mind is in search oftrutli; and the practice of any other chief magistrate, whose judgjneut ia free from the malign has btu uuivaraaiiy attributed Uv. lhed iafluewew'1 of prejurltce my6mmr-j vice and influence of Mr. Van Buren "Thi finger of a diaciplin intriguer This system, combined with the whole yisIU. in all tha ,.,u. -..jS patrouaie of the government, was, as fiir I dismiss nsnirnl.r nn,h-i. f .w: a practicable, placed at his discretion, to ei, from aa early perioafter the inaugu ameoth the way to the ulterior object of ntifn of Ueueral Wk uuttl it wa. ef. w m,uum um- oiinseu aimom tbctbd . W J MU JTho object cannot be the sole adviaer orifto- Presiaent dunna I mitaln i.iuJ mfrhim J .i . irs of his aoiaiaistration, I searealv miKimd L. u:. i .... and every one who stood tn hi way wu posef desiirnatmi MrrTanirQri5 minded (tntesmaa in the aaliow" who rs- fused to subscribe to the articles of (kith dictated bv Wit nominee, and prescribed, as a test, by which the patronage of the Government ahould be dispensed through out this widely extended country. . The succession to the Presidential chair, mud be aectired to thi court favorite,' and the means to accomplisk this) end,. wsra these impressions, I sbouH jo guilty-of a gross dirclection of duty to the people, , to the President, and my own Conscience, by ad vising' and consenting to tail nomination. I beg to be informed of the necessity of so much haste in despatching a minister to London. No negocieHiona were pemliuj which required the presence oft minister, with full powers, at that court; ""Paglaiid was repreaenivu ne uj a vnar a ai law.": VTe bad IT diplomatic Igenf there of. equal gradeand eurety the relations between the wo nations might have been suirered tofeirsiin in this equitable con dition uuiil the annual meeting 'tf Coo greaewhr-n the advice and consent of the Senate could have been asked, before the punlic chest had been opened for.!ho.,out- Wit and salary of a ininiteri " The cireum- stanfea connected with tins uiiuoceisary precipitancy renders il 'obnoxious . W the strongeel objection and warrants the conclusion tint it waa designed to operate on thw aetranef the Senate, their deUb eraliima on this ooniination. 1 cannot enbject my opinione-lo the -control of a ,T;-iv r W hclhrr. lhcrefore, his previous acts en title Vm to the confidence a tha Senate and t' the nation, is a question which tti .eMtieinsn must determine fwr Jiim-aHK.-and I claim fr .irysetf the - humble p-'vi-ri-e of prrsentii'.t a concise summary ; 'ground i wir h I hope to justify I ' !, W Inch 1 i lull i'. i l bound to jrive .. . nomination. The evidence to whi h 1 shall rel', and which" has opera ted on fov judj.nent in this cae,1 drawn from-lhe histary -of the wassinr eyenwot roaue w ic tne powar or eioculivo oe. successor of the present Chief M-eistrate ssn.savem w lliu HWI W Wit I ff 1X11 ATM VnlfsftOl ' SB Ihsatt mm n UAUJ i. ? P Mn preMiir' 8ir.wl'canwerecon- hr4 and eocond officer of this govern' elle)hr prompt 'and unliesitatiiig atiewer, ment the peostratton of those noble and pven by the President to each inquiry re- h.gh-indsdfncnds t wbos unaravsring laiuigtu tlia iadivWuais who were toeoih- exertions, and lofly. eloquence, Oeneral bom taa newuhinet hmttd ti,.n iA . Jackson must feel himself indebted fr hje 1 suueerted sod exnlicit amriewwentJiiirmMh ndeorruptiom. at tho hazard of incur-1 sisted upon M a matter of justira to ouf . a I a( T . i r . i I n .a i.. x. u. ..T 11 11 . f. r i ? . v . , . , success Ul Uio laio contest ior in rresi-l nm mature rfn lw.. . IU. t-J .s i f uwwMigiB.. im uiiw ,u ci CWWirV. U WU'TKWUM V fllracted tn ' " r- dency , and fiaally, the dissolution of the consulutioui with thoea - whose rTsMiticaH Pwer tnA wrget right,'? I will fearlessly J consider hie - wo. rGtnnir.n as' justly TrfTk eabinoL and the conaeatMnl nominsiinn nf 1 i....-- , . and tsilhfulhf discham the trust re nosed I attailnhU far" taa lmsriut tm 'ah '-"-lZZ:.. ... , vpHiium us was ui;uyirava 10 ISKS on : . , ' " , . , ,. i " vni Mr. Van Buren at Minister to the Court ail ittrthe jnterity and veracity uo one would pre- j ani.K t doubt, when their liamea ahall be diw!.s('d." . . .Sir, il wlnowo toaU who-hava looked iati the political movomentsofthe various prt,es, which hsve coutendud f.r power, .witmithe-laat five or sLxyearthat Mr. Vs-i Iluren entered rtie lists as the friaiwi f i-ieral Jackson, lng aOer the coin-tn-Ttment of the administration of Ptesi sldiit Aoams. Prior tn that event, Ro had lent liis" influence to a candidate between whom and Genl. Jackson tliere existed tho most rfeatllv hostility. The adininis tration of M r. Adam bad no rhfirmt r Mr. Van Buren, an( nfter due delibera tion, and a "judiewtrt estimate of the " 'preli Me results,' 'Wnecahietlie'' advocate fGen. Jackson for tha Prssidencv,-in opftoskioa to the incumbent whose - pres pects for re-election wre overcast with dsihf-svl uncertainty, and from whom lie ould rjrVct no. favors, either for himself ..$rjja.l;ie brouiiht mt.i the stock of political Influ ence then operatinff : on the - Presidential nlection, was supposed to give him a claim to the hiiih st distinction, in the event of the successful termination- of the struggle. Accordingly, he was placed by Gen. Jacktwa at the heed of hi constitutional advisers, preferring him to other distin cTuishod fftntlemen. whose sunnort was of longer duration, and, to eay the least, 3ualy efficient, and whose talents, would bear an advaatageoua comparison Vitb the tnostTBntirhter.ed mteameTii in the world; Th'Js prrmcted and flattered, wielding, as be didrthe' Executive arm of tho nation. prniit me to ask what was tli conduct of Mr. Van Buren. then SecretarV of the iVpartment If State77Wtt ,,,e hno' 9" relfareof the country, or jthe purity of its baracter,-bjcts nearest to 'hie heart1 Was his mind free from the bias of undisl JOirtlined ambition : W was he exclusively wan, or of the honor of hi venera W chief; nd of the tntogrity ofthe partf hjfA.JrrogM itim.lntck frftfl. inM , ar er; these grave quetJtis by any tniig ..vl.H h.jhlls wuhin the fftupeofroy persoti koowledge but if Ujaxt b truib era of government, were better entitled to his lender mercies than their predecessor in office, who, it seems, had been miiltv of the crime .of demaorlui, under, color. if right from his Majesty, concessions in fa vor oi American commerce which a mors enlightened administration recently brought into power Ty an overwhelming majority ot tho peopje were ready to a ban don as unfounded " pretentions." .akich an appeal was unnecessary, and uh worth v of a statesman representing the interests and honor of a great and powerful nation -.1 . iii us intercourse wun loreign rowers, sua merits the reproof of this honorable body as an mtea I part ofthe Executive. But, Mr. President, what is the history of the conduct- of Mr Vaij Buren itT'fefvreiice to his intercourse with the Chief Magistrate, and those associated -with firm la the ad ministration at the seaf of the National Government ? He entered the councils of President Jucksou with sullen reserve on his brow, under which he concealed al his opinions on the great questions which aritated the nation, tin seized on cir. I subjects of great and absorbing interest 'j '? bf Lnrrt rndi?" V"l2 Mrtinf the righu of Grear triUXiJC Thai rttiiiifrv. f nkt tli Tu j, , tion of the moral feeling olthe poople whol in, and particularly for omirtin? . -- ii sr. !j---.-crrry-i I'.r' J t..-t ,. . - , .-.. l - i , .. .""-- I J.,BT.C iir,x rrnucninee ,pui in po-i ty known to every owe acnuainted with thai ""H "T,m"J-t wep in ms shibsm y laeart vf raiV?- session of a communication- tracing with I nolitickl movement at the u.i nf th. A... 1 ,na errec ." mnuence lutaient of July 1515. JI vaairect4 t -i --.-;- greai ewwitaneea, ane 1 Mya no doul ac- iioMCbvemi(,a'any oniwcord that I v Vmummg juortmaiiaiswmeni apeak' anf cwyirfenci 6T the rospeciiva) T i-ui.iuij, iu umui rans w oy inr. iibttoiirejihan a year preccedinf the np4 1 , 1 r u j ww wuoni in ajmut Van Buren to productb rupture between turn of tho late i cabinet." bo consultations1 r'h followiag ia lh. letter, referred to wtration of this Giernment is now com. tion into office, novel in their character in ihi-oujitrVr but familiar at tha Court of LnmU-'the 'Fifteenth, in . France, i and of Charles the Second otLngland, hy means of which, he c'pntrived to "ride upon the whirlwind, and direct the storm," and to render the credulous and confiding chief, whose-weaknew "he nattered", ind whose of Gen. Jackson frara otTic at the etpira--. ,4" , tion of the first four years of his term of ' arnicc, and who hud endcanored ta coo.. . Sinuate their designs by ' traJucin " tiaraetn f eAatte an4 tirtuotn If '. Ma. On remarking u Mr. Van B iren, ' TA thai I tliought la had mnnaped ael t C'ass unsrratrfied throuni the fienr ordeal, e laughingly replied, fea, lh, aner for some two or three niont'ia tha . a proach of trouble, and -that a.diasulutioa pf ilia' Cabinet mutt eosue -tho- material . V" '" pf which it was composed being toe lie. p-"' . t ordant to eontinue together in harmony y-and to as mytrtl thought it better -t to retire In time Inowiag that if 14 t , the wayJha rest, aunt fUlow.H X i- - These, I believe, Sir, if not the verf expressions, ' are at least, the sabstaoea of. mr. vaa Durtiu remaru o roe. I must i. I permitted" to eipreea my regret """ at being Ihua called on.- .Having been am m original supporter f the prelensimii of . ' ,JiC.jf.' tlen.. JackjMi. lo. the ,'prcaidency' and iv' u fkithfulspproverof thcweofhiisct whicb ' 1 I deemed correct, and being now in retire. -t - -raent,! moat wucerely-deplore the necuN v 7 fence of any. ircumstanco which could ' draw me liefore. tht pmblie ia an attitude - .-r -; that may appear ao unfriendly Id Jh? adC:; ---- --- aninistration.-r- But, "however annb us mt ' urn nni uijjii mwi respond. x Call on iiiO. and duty deauoda a rnm. . pliancewitb their, fall, mine if n. ( thw ' . T . . - A- I . rf AAA-AAA, prurieca to reiuse. . "-- 'iZmiost respectfully, V . V Tour" obodient servsat, 1 ' SAMUEL K. CLKM EXT.: Hon. G. PoiNiTE. r Mr. CLAYTON, of Delaware, said, ha rose wider a d-p sense ofthe respoiwibilU . I ty which ba owed to tha Senate and the ;', " country on this question. - H9 0Wf)(j ,t t9 , -himself, to the people whose repreaeata : live he was, and to the body of which ho ' waa a member, to state briefly the ground ;Tf? upou which he should render a vote, with.- - holding his advice to tie ProtiJer.t lonrnk "'TJX' . ... "; '- . thia appointment. arl asree. aaid Mr. Ckf-with -r premature movement on the part of the from Maryland, (M.r. Chambens) in t!i) executive. Sir, f am aware, Uiat for this 1 view, which he has taken of tha ihatrueV irolependeiit exercise of my beet judgment, twna given lythel lat tJceretary i4 grata) xr-r - I shaB be denouncd"by the preaa, as the to oor Miuiater at tha Court cSt. Jjiint'ss V Zi- partisan of a eornpetifnr for the Presiden- J consider tfaaa late negotiation reepectiiif 'JX"'-'" tialchaifi I spurn ' tW Imputatiohl" At the Wrt India trade with the feiitrsVrie. " TH" my-tme-oi , t-aaya-nm-i!iopei rron.as thrTnc"Bnffi1irftlng : to our naiiuo. froiii the smilel,' still less 16 four', from the al pride, that ha occurred in the annsS' rmsmanT any mawtn tviwer. T honor the I nf mir itmlnmaeti. Tl. f;,.:.i.. I :K man whose heart ie pure ; , whose actions with instruction . to fawn and beg a a -through rife exhibit tueid proof that he ial boon, at the fontstoot. of A foreiirn nnem." honest in the cause of human liberty ? but, j Uat a were entitled lo as a right, and te waen i an mvoaea w giva sanction j aixindiitr tad oenonnce, ai uuletiabl pre, to dark intrigue, VdiiieaTmaaageiiient tensionsH what had been alwava beCre in. f Oen. Jackson and laoae honorable men I were held, and but a formal intercourse : 7 Mr p mittsd," to lay before Europe tha'ataie of partlfl IA this country, and lo oeuradw WASMIMCTOll CITT. JAW. 21. i ftM. .- Sit : I have the honor to acknowledge n1 H2MH the farmer AWioiars.' V tha receipt ofyour note, bearing date this twna,- of. our GoyeraneiitV' 'Juriiig 'hicl U.C i " morning, II was this momeut liahdsd fi u.vrT-qjDBweq upon, ... ea.,...; . me, and although it is by no mcaai desir. ttn7 nJ uncotiditi-mally withdrawing al jf . , . abl to aland ia tho atHtude--of a public wlaim for jusUc. that -country A t ;" -: f snimer of snv man holiW a Xnh nd lie waa iota, in s.i list anew, td press upe T .1 . i . . I ner T art Y lha ail . I A a! . J . . . : J care- responsible station in the government, yet, l , I n.,Hni.Ue aV ...ft..a uai.. I IH1 IT U 1 UllUUUIal M IMUIM. ff fM' Wl mM- ? IUIUUUUCU U A WltniUVC UUTJC inTtUfir T ----- - -- , - v w 1 ja 1 ! -1. - J at. a . .a aa . wno nan acMpica m invitation to become kspt up between the PresiMenf ami three members of his political family. I for. of hjs constitutional advisers ! It cannot, rJf..l-JJK b Hj'P.WW.:wiH,rotJo denied,' that cause of tlw peculiar matters ofkchtt the Hecsetarvof St.te k.t ILmJj' treaty ht hold myself wdy to deliver to occupy the first place ui the coufidence it, with Jhe name vf the.kuthoj-o any. and alicctiona of tlie Chief Magistrate, comrofee of iftvestigation which toay be The only rational conclusion, therefore. wu.mj iu eiiucnc on inni to which I can hnng my miud.after a can subject. I hare also receiyed, from a gen-j ml and impartial examination pf this whol unman now in wis city, a statement oi a onveuation held with tho late Secretary of State, after he had aurrended the seals ! 1' I t i a . ' oi nines, wnicn l ueg leave lo Wy on the Isween waa to be made of all thnM h I nfmv rlutv tawe.M ihe iactsit detailaare intimately influence he. dreaded, -"appealed an eoanected with those transactions whirKK. i..j,.."..i i.j .t. i . . i , n: . i :r l heifired. ahd'U tre.t m.hJ ... . I " . " " W . l W W V.i.l , "" 'Am AA A), Al , . " . V w . . . A) . A . w , , . iibvo wLupisM au 'gv snare oi me pua 1 but tie attention, and which, rWret'tOf say. hsve never been explained in a manner tc satisfy the nwal feeling of the'cwntrf.tmi ni.nt hiin.lZnv Mmark arhiek maw fcav lma in.jJ the insolence) and asicaam of Hi 'British tJt th writer of thia communication, 1 1 self ia a situation atUl more coramandiair vertentlv made to a friend. '.-' h i ministry, until the eontemptiU booa watt have very little personal knowledge ; but 1 in tha nuhlia ee. an! h.it. .A.m.ut.A .ft.r ha X,.,..; rJ lul I M eranted.T and the national Vharacte he haa the nwot respectable testimonials j aouelerate the connimation of his ulterior eons' first Cabinet, while th Ex-Secret. fltualiy deerraded. Let him take .hit. of his goed character and conduct, Wid. J U. .swStatJii&yajii.Bufaway am informed, hni been favorably known asjt.ua in island t f MrIYiiTiilEi from tho Court of SU James, I saw him. "'f0, Ine. vour" .". James, again to Being then the Editor of a paper support- ""V M oegrade us n t . e subject, is, that the Secretary of Sut, of your inquiry, a being "Jnaof-hr-amall p?wwa. autiject had tairingty.T. v, I prior to, kit own voluntary resignation, ! dejjree of importance, f do not feel my-1 wIllw, w".,c "c.hed Aryoad-thw ? I had not Only aiu-eHainnH tlial 1 1 avlfst lihartv I ft ahrink (mm th Ai nr k fit or A I immediate question under discussion. Sir. ' - . or withhold from in hnmira. tn munwer ma as ho ti ordered to dov t- sh be luduced "to bend the kmc to Baali torial ca)ciiytany inforroatidu iwbich.I miVj ,n ft-jri"- regrettedVV.'. b- but bad organized li-new cabinet, and may be in possession of, touching, tlie sub- nd olrcited, lad tmiJi. 7i Enough last notteaat, had taken especial ! ject of hia inquiry. Nevertheles, fc". '- MUilH to care to open an avenue, through which heigreMbatl am thus called upon toiapeat ro? "" f repelling witk 'digtur . ue eauor i a journal -laewr-1 oiH; Sirr-the t ma M WhKl.""lh;i J.rai:r cumstances which pre-exwred hia indue-'nenoiy to the present administration of hra, ma.le is yery remarkable J jt preceed. the government, ror 'myself;-I do not Uj the publication ofthe modest oVofn doubt the verity of hi statement, and sub-1 aiclotter of resignation! in which the Sec- inn ii, wmiwi comfneni, io mose wno ae. rctarv of state attemntsto mvstifV (he rao. sea which had operated on hi rnind, in surrendering the high trust to which he had been called by the President, r He artfully seeks, fu thai anomabmsVommuni- the sympathies of the sire information on the matters to which it relate. Mr. President, in addition to the unbrok en current of testimony to which I have already adverted, th6ing most clearly the 1 cation, . to excite niiuiiees ha nourished, aubservient-toitbul means employed by the late Sectetary I American weenie bv nretended aelfimma. all his jnirpoeesv twrsonal and IJik plan of operation were ahrouded in learned fame of General Jackson to the ad- patriotism. . He retired to the shades of darkness and mystery, and executed by Jvancement of bis own ambitions projects, jpiwlfyr, to disentangle 0iO administra. .UolCjWJ'yJ, 1 JH 'W.! . ovcrt''row ,a'l wb obstructed his I tion of President-' Jackson, and tQeatofB developement of public opinion, for thej path to political power, IJeeJit toUjiiy MrmjnJiit councils! iVo sinister and M solicit and degrade us m i inr tha measurea ofthe adminiBtraiion. I1,M V ot tvurope, by laying before. th.. fuit ' aa was naiml iariH Inturorf In ikA . world tho etat of our domestic diflerBeea"4 . ents which transpired, and which" were! to"-. "JT '. Briwh 'Gm yet. to trunpirei, tailed Mr-Vn JJurenl"1"0" " "V V f w,iw? ne f . J; who was lo take the place ef Mr. mUmy..9 cn .. T at the Curt of St. Jamea! He replied J "-'e" wa,, 'nat.wo pretcr to recall that le had the offer of the miesioni , but ll Mimater who m di.honored us,tojJl. .... - i L a .1 J 1. . aU a t a ' that he was yet undecided aa to the pro-1 ,'" P"n if""1' n" raiseraoia .i . L :. tr : j l:. ' j. I naotialion. I Jn thia mrntmA klAno - uririv in m rruiiiir 11. i iib aiu ins irinui i - - , ? b i rf. , o l.'ii.,'..! . :. i . .. . t . . were of different opinions of his leaving tlie count there beiag aotno' arrangamonta ut? 10 t?ve f the Senate the substance of I motives lingered In tht mind of tho ua a conversation which took place between bought pMrot-nw miasiot to London in accomplisliroehrofhre uTtenorieivi-. which anew ao limit short of contro ling and directing the destinies of the nation, the President, and a member . of hia' late I the vista but the noble sacrifice ia ma The established practice of every prece- jeabinrt, simultaneously with its dissolution, j panimously. offered up on the altar of the ding administration to hold cabinet couni I Sir, the distinguished gentbman who madel public good, with the reservation nf such lWljfd,-andr nery of politicul intrigue waa put intoaiiCf 1 above suspicion to need from Hie the eulo-1 bestow, on one, whoae merits could oiily be irwim upcrniiun, .wiiruru iij.ir.imii .nip, w vnsimin, juiiiii. mu i.ciiouuv - iio ynrnj OI QIS iniemions I the master mint, behind the curtain. vto jvaie, ao jusiiy mem, rus eieeiion from r, , would it be eredited by a" virtuous -wt at . -.. -i aa . . : , j"j . ' -i --At. t - ' - . a iioaro oi v .usunaiion artuno. , mf jcreenj mauua-wittcB. we nia nm sees me aunesj ana eniijniriied cloth was held, where each member waa i of .nicn no fjischarjrei wilhaomucncred- required to uqfoidiuf aQtimcaU 'clyi Uto Ujcli jjd , that, at the vnry L!L ....I-J " .1 in iJio ,, jpubJicaj,. party lor futara opera tion,. Jleobserrfd that heM it nxtbua to have $n interview with Mr. McLane before leaving, if he should conclude to go. On being , interrogated by me u to tho real eausea of. tho - dissolution of the Ca.bir whether leged ay some of the edttora, caused by Mrs. .hatoo, ot by a .mutawrdiswjntion i al to tkar policy th5' condemn; tbir appointment;sw try a that time," M "7 'l gd to efli-cl it j- and in. u igamantsto niake "Wjr.MMAinorienn & nntor t say toi i Jo futaraooera- -nSl,n,,; ",.. JfiU jpever ..consent Ja.s ri peopl 1 M.. .. ... , A..Iaa . L. i uniunui iiivoiH, niira anuiea semi- more Br me -J.. ' A ... w K k . I J adrajat-setobja coorifry,Jnja ajod PtnoUo PTor?.;ior trera tm-iMi. lazbam, amoag the heads of departments t he ah awered, that Mr. Eaton - had no agency in the matter, but that" it waa caused Conduct of Mr. Calhoun and teranow and waver, tljajt w will condehitt " every attempt i carry' enrj fkmily "diviaVr,' ions oeyona our own bouaahoid. " , .' . : Mr. BROWN aai.1, that imwijlmg aB-3; had beety t. participate) In the discuiMioov'H" he could not,";tjustic hisawn fael..; : . imr, and lo tithe-5 distinguished uvJiii : " , whose nomination as Minister ar ''? wdaiirad tb$ teueeat l?i wjtt' ten btfcirt "-?it.?iit, itejr. l ,'. , . 7 i -4 '-is: . '.y. - ..i--; ..- f - Si. 4 .V--..., . : -."W J-.. J ..- r-h

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