Wcslcr;. Carolinian I fr .in triviiif tttlereuae to the im.ijj lunnuii oi uflirntlion eel cwra fours the rub'; lha objection to Mr. Van Euren, be fared, with some gentlemen, ws not that he bad don too lilllr, but tint h had dune to much. Under hi auiiee, m Hacretarv t4 Mat, a migration of ,1 I rbieb lbs debels bad Ukea-e which etwh him Bsatlrosiei' ' t"7f"7lUwyu,tJawr t-Wtt JaJi tl had teen tl!reted. 1 ,Tbe criniwj wiih erbieli Mr. Van Jmij Wreve nriewme, ia vain r. 'Beree had been emailed' f iho ri)iiluH to effirt (or several vears. Vuich" bad been so liberally betfowed an J II called on gantUman who had Si lam, riuiri w .vwHDcariop at tne babd of tb'a who wer favorabl to eon- finning sit aimalio,agBiat the injurious nd, u b bsuvd, unwarreota&Ia e.hargee which badbesa preferred against him. l! would her take Ja to remind m- .- I li me a that reproachful epithet afforded - lut a " poor eubstitute lor. srpiraenl, and mors atpacially whea adHrsd to a body '"im dftiberatiorutheuld be govrnasd by , caira ana airJaeionni coniwrauon. . The Senata ha4 been 4d by th honor 1Io fotlaman f ,Va Clay) who had pro ceeded hint in this dtlate , that Mr. Van . lWn,' when actings Secretary of Stats, ad disgraced hi country, by eertaia t - Prttui hm contain ia hi aastrectioae riv. I po ked ao pathetically of thii country's dis grace, to adduce eoine proof ia sspport pf I be ' charge. When had the American uam) at ooj more honored, abroad T Uo dMrwhal aaaainiatraliofl, from tha oriffia of tba (oirernmont ta lh!a lim, bad th nattoattl character hnU a hkt IoAy ! aUoa) T ' TUr waa M civilized cauntrjr, but what Ameriran chararter, AntenCM lut1ilitioniira tberwi of lb Uigneat pafl.' gy no audio -or .aaort than ia that f ountr.'with wliom tht diahonorabla trana action ia aaid pa hare takaa plae. , Th lively lenaibiKty which th Pretidtnt had on all oecaaiona shown to th honor of hie country, forbad fh fuppoaiUM lhat m would trtr havt eanetionrd matnictiona to 7 . rr McLaM, mm nuuaur u bag. frrzn miaiawr, by which th eharme- lanfl, in retatkjq lollm MfrociaiMM Mtwea wr of hu eowntry vutabe eomirmiaed. If tb Minitr of England, waa moat hop. orablr ta him, From what Preaideni Could a apirit of eonciliatioa and eourteay towarda England, coma with ayire pro priety than from him, by whoa valor, ia th (Mild, br pridai bad bea humllod f There ia ao mark mora inlalible, aa rejrvda th derre of wiadoaa with which lb United OiaU and Great BriUia aa - the aubjoctof the -Wait India trad.' Waning all diacnaaioa aa to hom tha re .- "tpofiaibility should attach, for inatruction given to oar Preipi aiiauitera, whf har to . tha freaidaot of tha United State, or , ta bia Secretary of Slat,' be would cooco - . t ,thoii efpoaed ia tha Oemioatioa the Cinciple eoatmded fot by them, that th Tttary of Statf was roaponaibia for hit ' aafecial conduct, to lb fitneat extent. 1U I final aal aAtarfltaul tkain (laaa mbU.1I tncwMwVaaBuraatooweBto believa, ityof that nation ia utlier cuuntne. in t r a moment, that h would dcairw thai butory will teatify to the troth of tha re- j any ahild should be inrMMd to acreca mark, that aa aiminiairaiion condorted Urn front a proper raaponaibility ha ba- fbeUy, .is contemptible abroad, and that r .WouM ttMA tricteat which ia conducted with wiadsraaoJ vior r-i-m-j HWRwiTur 10 aacap irorn It. ut ta Wane to tha instructions. What ; yrM th laspag which V4 deemed ao aftcrtionaU J Jn odev to remove the mpreaaion that a feeling of boatility-rai to tbi eountrr loWa Gnu Ri.in. Iraviag him at mUrraad, by a rival, in hia own If lata, la !! mein tin, be ia to pa the oraVal of the Senate, ami tbi ia to be aiettd esos, let th avcul be what it will, t aid ia arnufglm,' him ia. FkovW h b Verted on areuuat or ai rnrriftum and intrigwa, hia partiaaua will rain the cry of pronctition, as la avowed in thia Wtcr. Wbil on'tha otW band, hould he paai, that will alao be e?Bd upon aa fcoacluaiva proof thai b is inna tent PMbt many acta of wbica ka ia known to have- Uaa guilty, and wbkk hava tended lodivid, distract, and corrupt the country, , . . . While tbeM intriguaa are going on" an- cref arderi'are iaaaad from tba Refawy stabiiahad here, to fill tha conventioa with his sobaervieat tola, aa preparatory t his aomination. - Rtgencie have beaa appointed ia the different Slates, throurh which th derreea of ihe Waahingtoa eaj Ul, beaoad by Kan4an and Lwia, are carried iato sffiict t There are aeveral of the States where the supporters of th pretest adminiatration are ia a small mio ority, thy are ore anizad with, a view lb nioyont of th patronag of th ro Tbeae Btalea will b fully; rep- era inent. That ha had : authorized tha language of resented, and, dependaot aa they are upon eonciliatioa to ba uaed, in tha instructions I catial, their delegate will constat never faile to socur respect, Mr. Brown said, he would not institute a comparison between the management of ottr diplomatic afnire,by the prrscnt admin iatration, and that which bad preeeeded it and it would be from ao apprehenaion that tha result would not redound areatlv to - 'kthaimprovideia.' d'lbalaj admin- ---r- .W r?',, "ett : India th credit ofthw atiatiag adrmrnttrntiofh Zr" f. the.Ute.Setifiyuryif I Mr, Vaa JUraa.badbaJselwwa&Vwh4l v " l &netion, to acting aa fecretasy of 8uts.aecomplihd -- ' 'W.ehaaga which tha peopl of th Uni. Mora ia lea tiraa than any f hiaprir. 7" m made, in those whaadrBia.ceaaora- Comparatively inexperienced in if - " CT,rmen. n n following th new station which ha had been called ' . - - 1 1 j(- -HVHTvii np.,, k-tc wim wiiivii uw JiMw pimp- iavaw(invad from i aarticintlna in I uJi kimif ' ih. Mnu;i .ml v.;.i. ha had comprehended the nrduoua and (fUio councils, ad wall aa oik.. " -wmahfln-wtH anible J6U 16 spot "Vith eennoenea (ttfar as von aVcai it - iver parts taken by thnatla vhoui tba ad . - Awistraticaal thi Tamsnt' is now ejoramittedi ia relation to the course here lofore aarauad Bpea IhesHbjecutha aa- banial trad.-Tli? view upon that point vapeen aubmittsd ta tha poopla of lha JaitadSutas, and tha council bv which rour eondacc ia naw Amia .m tw- ... x mt of th judgment aepmaed by tba oa .'""'r nbnnal ta which th late ad. lb moat suhMrvient tools of powsr.- I he, added to the large sad weli-drtlled phalanx from New-York. and auch of the aelegaiae from th other Sutea aa will b subject to their dictation, will place the movements of th convention entirely un der th control of Lewis, Kendall, da Co. Such ia the machinery by which it is in lenona 10 smuggle ins arcn intriguer in to the bigheet oflice ia the gift of the peo ple, for the real object ia sot to nuke a f ice-rrionei, dui n rreaiaenb 11 is avowed ia the Utter that they " can aav. aa mskb rim rar.aiDarr" but by the fimt making him Vice PreaidonU We will ex plain' thia reytterioua expression. Aa painful as it is, wo feel il to be our dutv. There never watji time when (he people were ao gulled j eobctra) ed ; so' deceived. They are made to believe thai they are about la cheoae a Preaideni for the aex four years, ia the peraon of Andrew Jack, eon. wbaa,ia point af fact, aaery aeaaibla man here, of every party, knows that, in stead of clioming the next Prtridtnt, ia Gen. Jackson, fur tkt ntii tens, aa the peopl suppose, they will choose him ia the peraon of the Viee-Preaident, whoever hs may be ! 8e infirm ia O. Jackeoa now ; wq mum provpeci ia inre 01 nil living k?1v r ! Mr. F' rKlu'i) dir acting an iwuiry into the sipediJ-nry of dix-ontitniiPg the olTK-einr Decooo uomp- Iruller and Svt tnd Auditor was sgred to. Mr.Clav'a reaulutioa waa taken up. and Mr. Ilulmea returned and concluded kit remarks fn reply to Mr. IUim, speaking about thres hours. 'Mr. Mill uvtnaiel intention ta follow kirn ia th 4ivumM, nd aa bis motiontbo Benata adjourned Wr. FrtlinrhuyMn submitted a rawJe tioasxprcaaing lha aanaa of the $eaa(e ea subject of certain Indian relation!, i he centideratlua of Mr. Clay's resolution waa reeumJ,"aiid MrrHilCi Near llama- abire, speka about three houraJd opposi Moa to it. .... Tkuriday, Fti. 3. Mr. Bmith introduced a bill aulbonimv a aybachption on lha part of the United Haleetatbe stock of the Dalfimore and Oliio Rail Road Company. Nr. tlay'e ratolulion waa taken up; and, aver soma explanations from Mr. Ifayne, Mr. Clay cemmencod a apeecb in aupport of tkf R. solution and in reply ta thee who bad op. potwd it, sad eftsr apeaking nearly (bra hoara, he gave way to a motioa to adiournT' V A" atateameti. "H had been objected to tha nominee, that he had introduced into ' the govern atent of the United 'States, the party in Irigiies and discipline aaid to prevail in bil own Stale. , Without atooping to notice what he conaidarad aa unjust rafloction, oa the pahlic character of a great and patri otic member of thia confederacy, he called upon those who made the eharge to support it' k iftT If mm kAiumkla I.. U. IT nijnatratirt wi ameiiaUafcr iu actaj? Ia autation af .Mr.,VaaBureiv bb pnW.r M yl nt t uurraiaiHi riTaiv, ini wnu nil tntmifl were - eaaertea k( mm, r-. n .l I j .:. t. .... : . , "muwfc.1 uo- iwicn i lurimn ctiucik: in mivpnrx n ine ebarsea'' arsed ifainrt him.-ihav wr unable to (jxVpnn hirn asy on of jhem by th aaioblancs of proof. Pasaeaaing tat ents of a high order, and rardlv growint in tha esteem of' hie countrvmen, it waa not a matter of aurpriae thsthe had been marked out. as tha. victim of unuwrntad persecution. ' . " " .Mr, B. could conceive of no adequate difBcuIlTufieB of Becrefairyof Rlate7Bore Through IhaTioxl terrnf thai the profligate honorable testimony to bis abilities as a jerew who are living upon hia influence, and fc" badjiatardad At kla .dmin. Ist rs4.0riv fretn aawer aad the party to peopl? Jf lha Uaitod States bad r.ommittodjka rrwas o( govfrnment, StTJ- ntnJ rivoVaU. to th ParwigeaienLHecoqM ,thm. jre, nwogtHxa in thu aa solid .bioctioa : ait mind, it kad mm tk. aw siwraii r"r"'"nea8 of verba.! criti btrttci nca of tba " k- ; M7 Wc-!f ttirra-yMf reason or otryafor rejecting tha oonuna 4 frj' 1 mWw tana; as gentletMa peculiarlr fiUed.for tUalaliua which -m ; opponsa, ay awcaoding a littla fuf. wnwa won d eniehiir . . 5VW??W,, Mreppreketuions; and wwl if tba lata fU.M,.r ' .r.... T 1 Ltol!ofeontiJiatioyba Siata of Nw York bad repeatedly vouch ' 1-. . to oa ef roam lad for bia character and standing, bv be- waa peculiarlr filled for thc .atiiliau which the thia filled. , His thorough and intimate ac quittance with tho commercial relalioiw of tha twa countriea pointed -bfm out as a fit and proper repreientative of our mlnr eete at the coort of.d'reat 'Britain. The y u,m, woaa argirtg the juat eTsjros atowinr on Wm tha highoet civil honor VcauattyW----. .,1, gift. Mr.' it. aaid, b tbar." TtlM jartaf tba HawrioMlcTwirteli'i fora considered if duty which he owed !T . . "''"uas.Howa. "If Gt. lothoeHHUry toioaiiidivWual th --rnt aeama IHdvm to her intereaf. w r-'P"" m iraaa with f'J". 1 finda nothing in tha at. TV r " nn ta induce her to ap. f' na, ana will are controlling the movement in the elec tion of the Pretidant and Vice-Pmident, are trembtinr feet ha should expire before iirc nvnoa ii iim viociioh am ve Wa feel it our daly j lo apeak boWlv. Every one who visita him, ia atruck with th fact, that oe ia bat sinking ; aad that, if possibls, hi mental fecultiee are giving way lamer than his pnyaical atrength. It has' no parallel in this country, but in the groaa imposition attempted in the ease of Mr. .Crawford 4 who was supported, -and voted fur, aa President, when it Waakaown that both body and mind were so paraliced1 at utterly to until him lor the ot&ce; and il ia a alrikfag and remarkable ftet. that tee earn individuate waa wra prominant in Uiat. cases now acknowledged to ha been so gross an impoaition 00 tha Ameri can peoplo are equally prominent in tha preaent-.il would ba curtoua lo took over a bat of tho whs aluck by Mr. Crawford I tha lattj knowing thai he waa incompsw lo perform th duties af th otfiee, aad see how many of tha aanieare performinr , now ' a . near . . a aimiiar pan. we may ourselvaa. ihould wa have liure, present the list.''- " T It is thus that Mr. Vm Bnrea and hi partiHans, while they ae nominally prf. ing upon tba American people the rele tUm of Genera Jackson a Preaideat, ara, in reality, oonapiring to defraud them into tha election of Mr. Van Buren aa Preai- Friday, Pel. 8. The Annaiderttion of Mr. Clay'a Retolu. lion, relative to a aaodiheation of the Tar- iff, waa reeumed. Mr. Clay returned hia argument ia aupport af the principle of the Raolution,and in reply to the argument arged againat it, and, after apeaking two houra aad a half, ha gave way to a motion to adjourn. The Senate adjourned to meet oa Monday neat, when Mr. Clay will resume, 'and probably, conclude hia speech. HOUSE Or REPRESENTATIVES. ' Mmdaw: Jan. 80 Tha Speaker presented a memorial from the Free Trade Conveatien, recently a sembled in Philadelphia, oa tha aubject of Ua i arilt II was raid wv rh-tWi end 6000 copiec, in addition to the uaual nam her, directed to be printed. Mr. Johman I Kentucky, from the Commttt on tb Poet Office and Post Roada, reported, a bill reduce the poetage on penodicala and pamphlets. Mr. Wilds, from the Commit tee of Waye aad Meant, reported a bill making ka appropriation to carry into ef- rcl the 3d artiel of the treaty at Fort Wilkinson. Mr. W. &. Shepherd, from, the Coiamitlea on Tarritoriea, reported a hill to fix the eatariee of the Governor. Secretary and Judgea, of the Territory of Arkanaae. the House renamed the con- aideration of the Apportionment Bill. Mr. WickliftVa motion ta re-commil the bill to a Select Committee, ta eonaiat of one member from each State, waa loat yen 76, nay 118. Br. Wicklifle then moved to etrike from the bill 48,000 as ths ratio but before the question was. taken the Houss adjourned. TU ltd of Procruttti.t. Clay, in hiatpeech In lavor - 01 in mm on,ing Hvirlrm. saya.in relation to lha pp-t lion " to fedurs dutirana all articlca in in (ha ama ratio, without re-'nrd lo the .riiwinle of arotcclion," that " il wrmld Ktablnh I sort of bed Procrutle. by whic the duties on J1 erticlee Mioold be Mind lymcanired, without reaped lo their na tnra or the extent ollheir contiiinplifm.' For the bem-lt of the unluarned reader, wa will msnUia, by the Way, that Proem tea wss a noted robber near ths rtvsr Co. nKiaua,in Atiea," whoroearored bis cap. lives by his bed snd, if loo long.eul tbem tborter bet, if too short, stretched lkm limner. ' Th allufdonis cerfamly-tUsaica!. bli.1 it is not apposite,"and for (frn very , almpla reason that th conduct of Prerutee wst marked br eutrairs and iniutfi'ee, whersai ibaaaualizaUon of duties would pe jwrw. ad upon nnooeita principles, -ita nave 00 objections, however, to lha figure J ind,"lf to reduce a duty of 10U per cent, down - 10 15, be to cut off let, wa are clenrly In la vor of lopping. Wa think, hnwarer that we can cive aa illustration of ths proce wa would pursue, witbout rendering our nartv liable lo lha charge of eruelty. Suppose s parcel ef monkeys were CooJin- ad in a row of narrow casee, each on bavins, before it a pan containing he ten ants food and soppc-sins that some of lha monkeys had bad longer arms than their neighbor, and instesd of contenting themtelves with their own mesne, ahould reach their arme through the bars and rob their rifhl or left band neighbors woak it not be right in the abort armed monkey to petition their keeper to make the plun derer keep their pewe to themeelves or, if they would not do that, la cut them oft, ao as to put tbem all upon aa equality T "h '"- "urce of gratfir.,, (be friend of Prre Trede f 'reflect t! where twelve monlha ago, their priori jj were ogly a aubjccl of derision, that at! they, begin to U undsMood ( and riJi those who twelv memtha ago lon an9 BKHlification of tLs Tariff tlmJ 7 treason, now think that Juetiea u a,fl !! Mind policy .0l .Uj hf e rno.r(fcatimsnhat whils Iwelvt mowU.. sgo congreM contsm,Kuo,y (hrty . lha table all, our complaints aad M rtraness, that now tliey lr wiIti , them a respectful hearing. r Tbi, ir much, U the stability of our ioat;.,.,? " II provps ihaFpuWIc opImoTlSj lpropery;n!ightene4or joatica J J -meeted out ta every ctaaa of our But whilajwa tr thua exult eesaful prottialgatjon t tha docWV, free Tradsj wa ahouhj stiJI nmm that IbrMlgh w bsva Kavnol ffcjnedtU that wa warn .7!- - prova tha justice of our demaad,. (or Z people only hav to b convid re juat in order lo grant k- lt tHen grow luka warm, but let M Ufl every nerve to break down rooowp lo bring back ur govenment, j ti miniatration, to ita proper fj,nii, , , will succeed. All that w9 can do m- l. dona by tha force of argument- deed il is tha only force thai oh ev,f to be thought of ty tAy p.rtj, . coumrj. Trneneverit becofnni UNITED STATES CENSUS. Population j Cities aad Tsww. Vnder the new eenus, the citie and town oftbe United State, which contain a population exceeding 5000, will rank in the following order Z 1. New-York, jlzti -2(3.179 .. r PbMtehia,-e- - ITMrt " 5. Baltimere, . . P0.519 4. Boatan and Charlestown, 70,(33 6. New-Orleana, . , .49,874 6. Cbarlrrtoo, 8. C. . 30,290 7. t lociftnati and suburbs, 8. Albany, . . . Waahingtoa City, D. C, Tssks. Jan. 81. - .The reeolution kretore submittad br Mr-Jenifnr, together with tha. aadmenla proposed. by MeaaraThompaonof Ohio, and Archer, ia relation to the ramoval and aoleaisatioa of free people of color, was re ferred to the Select Committee 'raised on that turned. ' Soma diecastion took nl; on a reeolotim heretofore offsred by Mr. E. Everett, calling on th President for a eopr-of a treaty with the Chickasaw tribe 01 Indians, which was arreated by a call for the orders of tba day Tha Anuor. tionment Bill waa again taken npT After a debate of conaiderable length, Mr. Wick- liff s motioa to strike 49000. from the bill as ths ratio, wa lost 1 Tea M, Nays 99. ' 4. Taunton. Mats. mm ww a . w . ' mr. uub&ard then moved to atrike autaa .43. Rsadinv. P. ana insert a4,uuu as tbw ratio : but before the Question wis taken, ths Hum a. 10. Providence, R. t. 11. PitUburvn," 13. Richmond, V. 13. Rochsstsr, N. V. 14. Salem, Mass. 15. Portland, Me. 16. Brooklyn, N. Y. 17. Troy, N. Y. . 18. Newark, N. J. 10. New-Harea, 30. (ouiville, Ky. 31. Norfolk, Va. . 33. Hartford. Conn. 53 Georgetown, D.C. 34. lllica, . 35. Petersburg,. Va. 38. Alexandria, 0. C. 37. Lancaster. Pa. SSBwBediordT 29. Savannah. 30. Middleiown, Confl. 31. A2uaU, Qeo. ? S3. Wilmington, Del. 93. Bpnactwld. Maes. 34. Lowell, Mat. ( . rtH, Nwbunrt)rt--'-J i .38. Bullalo, N. Y. , 7. Lynn, Mats. . 83. Lexinr ton, Kv. ;3ff. Cambridge, Man. 1 40. ftewpors R. 1. . '11 a. 11. 01. lAwie, 30,513 25,510 18,433 17.M3 17,3n3 16,083 rjr to resort to sny sther, then i.deod aia wa bid a long far.wHI to our free lJ tiont, then may w prepgra oar aeckr tha galling chain af klavery. . A correeprmdenre ha taken nUea U , tween Gov. Branch and Mr. Form Ih ra. spectiijg soma alluaiona of Mr. Fortyth'. , lion. Mr. F. disavowed bavins had alk. sion to Gov. Branch, and the matter thus ended. . r'A?p representing us at ths court of Crest Bnt. sin, id vote for aouSrming hia nomination. tup fVTRifziTE ncvrinprrii at . aa ewtm w mns m m m w e, iijs WtintsJam. Fek. I. -Tba raeotatioa, heretofore propoaed by m, cm iiorei, cauing on tne freaident for a copy of part of a treatv with th Cbickataw, tribe ot Indiana, waa further .'1 1 m -a wfZT- Tk eWP"fy of ptacing har I J.m.r W.lv, Webb, one of the editpra 1 r: cWtS1-9 ntuptJiaiJaJUh. Saw.yorl&uriezindJaiqUim eaffcrfci Jrafion ast ha cast f papaV'oeep in the coafidenca of thaero- . . r-""",', wnu. n wouiu WIIB, WOUId. UlVtne a rfin. I J:.! l.r .L. IV.' V . -L Sum.l.....' 1 t . . I CUIIUIIIUII m IH " 4vW . Uf, Zj i7" ""Hx ld which tba writer ia an influential member iaanl aatenabta mil eae. whirk m,u I u. v.. n,. t. United 8taie vi j " rT.otine jcunoua, asgmng a nietory 01 ine preteol iimatanr. 1 ::rJrr'w,,"o niaracat ot in party Pk if tt v' 'i wps.w?MJ' Wlt ia particularly interesting, as discios Tia fona of foalrng which a course so on. ms wbVt wei haw UV ainco boliaved . mA n Am it "T.S)"" jt't""" laoniea, inai mo rau odjcci ia io amuggie w. e. iion waa lanOTiatr. ftrm aiwt m. V.m H,.m. . P n --- , ..... . w M. . l.mvnV,. iter ear binir e fse irt fthwnrBrrVhrVii w PieiidimeT tn ptTaer Iimim .,f:7rLyr.iwia.mm M.&.iajn.co!i.nsjaw.jpaiu.'.; win, ui ino COUOtrv. mnA k..,ULdl o-.: iLa.Al mik.:" T Jt '"J"" " ln Pn I Amm 1 Kendall. w hare axtracf thai w no opponents eitht luimiiui:.. u ..1 l e r eprnenfa of the troiitotisn,taain. portion of the I detarhed parts orthainstraption suhieeU . It a flaoMt ' iam Jl aoto5 tha only fair rul ta a .t. r fraea whicbbad iewa strongly nrrod aand lehed apon. li ,w, Sir, ha.btha Min. ec: ro a.ngiaua disgraced bit country t Senate will reject bis nomination to En- Awca to bo foiLTd I . Was it to be ibund tioa aalV. P, and afterwarda President, ia IdtotacUhat out arrangement-bad been rendsrediTK)rallyeerfain.w--w f f v tnadetweairth tmWd-SeVandGl.' "We hera have vba, whole machinarydis. ntatn, In relation to her colonial Irada, closed candidates ara to haatartedin ev axiostaiitially. 00' tha ,fariraaiBa'liaas. rv si.. In Anflmiiw. i hi. 1. that ftopoeed tinder tba administrntion'of J they hav bees started in every directioa dent, by presenting him, nominally, oa a cauaioate wrwf v ice JTaidency . 7 v , V. 8. TtUgrapk. -r W percaiva that an eflurt is making to prpauce me oeiini mat tne rreaident is inoitpused. ,fcWe''aure the public,' tbat tha President, ao far from bain in ill n uuiiuu(ua .1, :i.." , , . . I . mi unjiwi, wu runner .vVe publish - a letter tMay from I " ,ec,uae, " wpreaeatad, ia debated by mesar. Huntington and Polk. .n..,v.,iW. ,mj ( ao nun. 1 4 ae aeoote was arreated hy a eall for the red persons dailyis incessantly anza Ordera' of tha dar. Tha .n,. . tolbderpaEttfti iicuuniig mo uuiiinnw oour aaa joins great length. Tha motion of Mr. Hub- regwariv ai wow 01a largo nuung partiee Ibard, to atrike out 48,000 and insert 44 , V " r, wr,w ,wn.. wnui, wv,U IU rllta wmM UltUT lfTM to. awvmw fwa wiisvv axiv a rauw wu iirni 1 1 au y"J m va un Ijy indisposed with tha prevailing influnaa,- nu rrniniiww ma fnjna tu.aje arm t . , JTiurtdav Feb.l, avu ai iMM bajorer he was quickly I The resolution proposed by Mr. E. Ev. wv BvarcBiy eer an in- eretL in relat oa ta th tmi mAt. ,l. "Jff K wn rapidjonvalesceoca. He Cbickaaa w tribe of Indiana, waa further aanriainca uma-gBTumwcurom nia ra. Wlir emplormont, and this it what wa ba- tievereaa'acarcary be aaid of any other itf- divitiuai in In city, who baa been eubiect ea at an to tne prevailing epidemic. Wtfi".?oa c77oV. CONGRESS. 44. Nathvi lie. Tann. '.0. Wheeling, , an. lork.Fa. 4 47. Roxhurv, , 48. Marble head, Mast. Fortifn The leal European n.M contain the speech of the king of Eogtsad the meeting of Parliament. -Th rac -frm bill had paxted tha House ofCem. mona itt aexood reading by a vol of 3J to 162. Tba cholera hd approachee'la' th gates of Edinbtrrg. -TbelinTof BoJ.' m una aaa rented to accede to the decwiea - of the great powers, and dens all Emopa) . ... m The emall-Pox ha mad its appearaact in Vieaborg MiKtiatippj. So aay tla Register published at that place. ! - Mr Wflaon, chaplain to the N, York legislature haa been read out aftha assembly, for "puMiahiag a ' pampklei iiiix" commending a Union of Church Suua.-; .4'" - 1 , 1 ankett Oirfa'oac. Pieees e Tfoolen wrapped with a atrip ef Tofaaote have been told in Louiaiana, as the ml. genuine Virginia weod., . .;. . letter1 whieb refers to this was written to a gentleman at Harnaburca, and m as followt 1 -tAb to tha VICBJ PRESIDENCY, Van DuVen MUST be tba man, nolent eoA raa It not WE CANJlElElLMAKE HIM PRESIDENT, and Jhe TRUE POLICY now is. to start a candidal in low. Sir. Lm iK. f;. EVERY .STATE. . It. a aa d that lha XITPKOttB en rrn-rm , . ...... .1. The following ia tha- tha aircuits for the year 1832. oprtna. Autiima- enton Jdga8wain, Judge Donnett, tfiaIata arrnniatration bdp every mother Sf ate), apecjal Senate adjcHtrned.. wl'irJmJSSrs :ifeen.K ijicaaal of aM4b4 a aanctudeillia aamarjw aihen tha ; wpprweo wax nva.ure, now prepared to Van turen, who are .to be ready to yield eoolran be preaerit administrtioa for ha- their own 'claims M hi faifor and it iaa Ting succea jed - in for ming' sacb an lr remarkable . feature.in the history of vtbis tanimetrf witfr-tha BritishovernrhenT: J proceed ing, that, trifttt ttndifUit are to ' k REV 4 ,ii,,,..,an,,.jj 1 ;- ' Mondaw, Jan. 30. Mrr Wilkin presented some resolutions of the President and Director of th Pitta burg bank, in faros' of the renewal of the charter of the U:S. Bank.- The bill for lha relief of certain revolutionary orBcara and aoMior nf th Virginia line was renor. ted, arithoutameridBnt.--Tha resolution ji Tba House thaa adjoara- resoectina tha TariT submitted by Mr. uuiyv waa diseuased br w r. smith ot Md. I f 1 r -mm. Mr. Iloliae f Maine. Mr. Uolmes UWa ma. until tba expiration of the honr unially allotted 19 morning oust nets. 1 he Apportionment bill was then taken up.. Mr. McKenno of Hennsylvama, who oa yeaterday, voted witn the aaajontyon the motion to strike out 48 and weert 44,000 as the ratio of rspre. miMuun, nuTvu m rwconsioerauon ot that Vote. The motion ta reoonsider waa car ned, yeas 100, nava 84. Tha oneatioa then recurred oa the amendment propoaed 7 nr. nunuura, 10 einae out ae, ana in aert 44,000 aa the ratio. Allan of Ken. lucky, moved to recommit the bill to a 8e lect Committea, with instrscttont to fix tha ratio so aa to reduce the number of membera to 300 r This motion waa rejected, yeaa . .4 ' i.r ' rnaaf, rtt. a. ' a :it 1 , 1 ..-. ejWH.CT"iiyiStn waa omeo apriomt,; irjy a joint ;wommiuea to: make arrange. menu ior ina ceiearauon 01 tba aaatann al birth dav of Oeorga WnShiagtoa. . Mr. Evans, of Maine, addreneed tha Hmn nad faile aecomobh.v Sir, aajanniAaea,aW Tuttday. Jan. 81.. Kb wing' reolutiooj respecting the Newbera Raleigh Hilltbor'. Wjjmington Mol-jranton Martin, Daniel,. Stranger ' Norwood, Donnell, 8t ranee, Norwood, Manin, Daniel, Swain. hit rctnn S4T envv. FEBRUARY 20, 1832. FOR PRESIDENT, ANDREW JACKSON af TBXKKSSCB. . Election in 16,13. accounta from " Washington aawe of anv conseauenca. ml'. 1 fie last bring us no Tha Senate waa still engaged in the con sitreratioa of Jfr. Clay's resolutions ibr a asodification af tha Tariff Mr. Manim m oar Senator, haa made a apeecb upon tba aubject of conaiderable length which ie highly cpoken of, by tne Washington pa- r.Ty 1st 0'irgaBxt bad (he floors The Koaaa was -still engaged in tbi 'coaiideratioa of tha - apportioantebt It is reported that Mr. Rives eur minifr i.!0.lrnr will be. eeiit to Eogjand,. v thai Mr. f '.w'.w. ra. . n . . ... w.,ll(.lul m-zimatj 91 Duuiiu take his place and that Mr. Taxewall aj Virginia wiH be aerretary of State. v MMMawiaa . s The Charlsston Merciiry say lhaj . Hdgh S. Igars.Eaq.ofthal city ba he w r . appointed ckargtt dt afain to aVIgiua. r Mr. Legare is ana of tha most finished - scholar m this eemrryr 'The Preiffenl has doaa well in the s anoint msntj ucl menae Mr. Legare and W. Irving of&ce. . " The next seaaion ot th South Carolina , Melhodirt Episcopal conference wiD b held in Lincelnton ia thi State. The following resolution aasaJopted.J tba Tammany meeting recently held i. New-York. It look a little mhlifeatol f Rttolrtd, That the Stat of New-Ysrk yielding to no elite in the tTnioa, in.it attachment io the Union, eon, vnit v freiriff lottoUt otrn tm?qiir-4 'Mthl tufatit to the studied indignity oftrW one of its moat talented and pariotitt' -: rn alluding talba rejection of Mr. VfL Buren.")- - .-.r:". Anti-Qiiackery shall hava a plaee to our next. . :;.. ' - "s . " Mr. McDufnefrom tba Committee af Waye and Means ha made a report up the 'Tariff accompanied with a bill for itt mnpificanom It ia said to ba aa able pro ' duction. . ;..it.ijS:!:. Mrr Gallatin bM-iiovasd -atiorl '-swlhitf i parta of thd'Tariffa 'wara Signed In kiitf by the Frea Trade conveatioa.,-. :L, It will ba anea wadar our enffresioaai- J has4 that'tbamsmorialof tba fr Trad convention -baa bdef' presented a CM ? rrei and tbal-'A.H)ft''itianajwe- hava be'ottlered to"ba tlrintadTu1 will doubtless; hav a greet taadency toea tgntaa puUid opinion upoa ttf sas)jecuw.j Ttia Treaty of indemaify made with Fnujct haj been caealraud bv tha SaaatA. The last accounts of GanJ. - taiay say f,hat he 'was eonlined to hi bad y 1