iff VT1LKEBD0B0U0II Ai meetlne f thicttjtent of WJ'k? C.Bntv friendly th're eWctloo c' Ot!f .JACKSON, held le Wilke.borough aitii Atb? '' Utt nUker m teH'1 Chair and Diild E. ex appointed ierv ,. On nvl'w f ot Ui Mrtlnt If w. ftfhtd, Tbsl Ik Countle af Surer trnd Afttt, b lnvlt4 t M ,. earn-nlti of t.preon, to Oree 1 similar commltte for ihl Cww-Vr - trjkesbroUgera' Tuidsf of Mr Auirtrior Court awxS wkoa duff It thl be to Mmltiti i euiteWe Mnoa ta ..rr reseat this district A tha Jackson ticket tj iht ensuing EleHortl tloctlon. ItrNW That Willlim f vTiughT Jner V annoy,- Richard : Allen Vin- C. Cm weft and JohA Barrio, com pote the Cbamhu oo th part of thU Couotf . fn motion of lit II. Norwood. tq. lew the unsnimoutlv,' " : Rnttvtd, That it It tb MAM of til meeting that lb Bk of too U. Set tbould bo recbartcred, with luck modi! c'kn, li milt (loot aod rcatrictlont a iperieoco aod observation mly ? the fit to bo neeestary or expedient. On motion nfOen S P. Patterson. Hetttwei fwtktr, That lb Secreter fer .rd a Cop? of the resolution tt tbt RepresetsiivlnCongree from 11 dit'rlrt, tod to our Senator Rtattd Jvrthtfy That tbo proceed ingt of this meeting bo signed, by iW Chairman and Secretary aod publltbrd I" tba Wiern C r"llnan L. HlCKERaON. Ok. D. C. Moot a Srr'y roe. mi wtrrta caaetrwian, Tt U Pnpk tf W CanUaa. A"o f On IV ukftd tf Cea. That ell Doll.irtl tw.w , ,Mt f 0d derived he fftf, 'tny. "That the AeoHr nf ,m, a,,,,, ta hta ibo aole tnd exclusive tight of regulating the internal government tnd folk, thereof- .. ., .vj;. M man. or Mt of men. e M tmchuht er tfimflt tmatuuewtt wfirtytUftt from (ha rommunliv.hu IS ron,ide,aton ml pfc Thar ib pcoplo of this & ougiv Mt o Ho taied, or made .uSject ro the foment ai tne impoan w'dn'v, wMoof U' aeo of fieaucr. w their tefirt tmialbts.U MMril Muaiblf fr t That frequent recurrence to rpml "I pinripKii U ,bolir.rr nerMi.rr JopVHr the hlMtlntn ol Itboeio ! :r. '"'tacti fromtk doclaraiSoa ofRifMn. ppended to the COMtLitioo of North Tht vknc, f roMfBIBPnf ihow tap Pce niib ih ourcb of Intellitence nd d-oWn of virtne. The proe-resi " ,,e wber acleacea baa btrnfmrifa .on. and why Hot to with tba prlneitlVf iitil md poUiieti b,rt? f Tbt tnttratn lit br UI mark orb epoch kthe hutorv of th ei Id Europe, bkh h.d ,Unk into profound repoM .f. J' ,ke eulaiona produced by the ir 'd despotic temper of Napoleon. "dnTTealMd (apH.nd broke. J p" tM bWof iwr nthralmm: oltlona In roral Kovemmoma must "f!,,,riI! m Ibe efeet of TWt, and and enentetle action. Their v ok,,, rmr rieted so ckel, require hr J" t posrerful effort! to nnl oe .' em. r;re acted Her parr wlf. Hrr cne a were not prtp.rHOP 0 elroreoi on itt tnm friends cOttdoro. r, KovernmeDt mJ n ' cannot retrorr.de. When mm ran templ.t. thia Rlorioui'rtTalutioq M ;ornie to the liberty of the tubiect, and v.n ne eoect und back the f our rt UM -oeann bat ne TBt Pnitl ! was the 'br Prea which ia earrrii.e; reform in -. .una or th9 thunder or it eloquent-. i the Presa which nouriahoa and au the Treo of ibertr B- ,h. boMr,. Aiwriea. The force of thk wonder wl I tufio, j goeemm-ma unrieslle " Vinls, our 9ist.f St.'r, after . bard.' ruttglea pnbl-opinW lrred ihrralnnrt.. - AU I Tallin of ihJTcoiiatitutfef). The j PPoenh coiwtTtlna)-MtoewT" Ta tnW eond ftH one color of e. "H'-Jhor wde' ininy hjfta to ede !J rlh l i'jraat cloaelr preaaed by J 'IV f onyen?ionfh tbo We i could flot rtaf at It, and th jMtislwuro tuthoriied the meetfnr of t w'ttwn, fa ?.irla"1ixr f R'Watntf necett. ttMe ,hJ JlB; tf alteration mint- ' aa prorided for in the old Coni--fit' uf theWSt,te,V- Thi iaaant'of it r Varn of Nortb tf.roftVls no ne" 1 oUoftaj'oTeoatrn; - . ... iwimguon nost M menii..n - e raannlr of atitMon'or srntndmtat, .lni It lo the wisdom and discretion rflhe people. WbF ,hendo we hili,, to so Into Conrtaiion f What power U tr tofattrsU ike Boterelgn ' ptopif I I 'PPrakand there It bl Htt1 doubt t it :!,'. Cast woold meet upon knnnrsbl r'"1 fQulithle terana and should bita tr Hiatal rifhti restored to t.' "Tab o of the peoples and If the Meeds of rnnVentJon has respecUM majeti 'r which conrtra with 'ken In their ew, let. them sau proclsaamla pfM nc m and plerae (bo p l r Mlert, their deWgslet will meet n mrbd th eonatilutlow of Ike Stste. Tt Mlt of-eepfeMfltsdon lnthTCOn ''lo abnold W wkJuT pojolaiion. T people aloto bo tborifht to ansba rotertment, and if tbey elect to do it fWWbo r r ipotiibl lo them, ihty jiom should aclectho areft. Rvery man li entitled lo an equal voir the election. The rottennets and Instability of our r"'Mfal sra'em bat carried lit blightinc loenc Into f tty department of do wettlc lodnatry. The ponderous Isles lib which ibe Weal is burthened far the noport of i ho rnvarnment In hrh shr tst so email and unequal Interest onciv. ' a great draw back upon their pub splrlv ,t. ncltv riertion of wkirh -euldsunolt them with tk metes of totnbrtlofr, (helrprodoeo to mrket lline; coat., when aompared wlh h? reenl rata. It U too well knew te r qui' roeenhorstlon bar tkat ii "r rs. hy fr, the irreeter propoe'Wm rr rharre hf ike royernanent wl'hf' qul share In Mil administration. Oae oMf, end a Wtf Me deslrtbU one H ha) atrsmed ty'h rali'ofe rn Tin if rentitutlneji ran he me unon the prinrlpt aef lb West, tnd hv U ht the roeernment may be dtmlaUh. "t to a nan'r teste, t great 0)an ey 'yeeeoa !opret h0d the erff for --d'nlr.ifMtioo edueed to one half it rrn tia i hi mj be grett ee ljro ke neortie of the tf) bo nee me ef hee 'toentes hm the Ea Tj? e W-yJue Cner 1 Unda and. more of tHem. and ttee onltnds tee ptld in prn- ration lo their luThe rtWtstlou I Is considershlf y reer herattse th wrnltin Is 'sr more nutBeeots in the Wm than the fiest. Such It the tjne antt renditloQ of the pynple of North f?inillne' who eWes to fire nnde Rerwearata'Jve RtoWien ynyennwen 1 rnrno no to ms sotsatbiaf f i tent wnnlranme cltose In ihe titll of RVhta ofTNoeh Carolina, ' thtt fre qnent fyciPTf nc to fundi mental prhrl ptes h sbaolutele nc cessV-y W trearr? i thehtetslnrsof libery H Hitewat'hen counsel of this ulutary prlncipfe In Re nuM'Cs? It is neeteury that tit UnpoW ti-s, which time and misrnl mint fctee imtlrmtd with -the -ylrtuer- of 'free roveremenV should no wen be thia Mif pervadin; hewn." It ia'nom sal y m order to pretery the Meetings bf libertyi that wethould frequently re.tr to the prineiplea upon which that liberie rests. How is this to bo done but in convention 1 L t us go into contention, txke.the origin! principles of liber wpon which ew-Tontnturion wt hun-i eaamino whether that ronstNtin qut res with them tt this time- If to, then the Western people htye roajipltin d without rtnte. If not, then ) a re. rurrence to fundtmenttl principle ahso lutely necetwry If the WMi. baa not good cause to cnmpltin wht is the Em ' srie, so perterfelr. de'erttiiricd.ng to sllow them an opportunity nf pointing out their grievtnces tnd'porti iog Jhem In helr ttu colors f Tls oSfjintta aplrlt will but 1nerrte tlie cUmor sgslne thm-The Et would aecm.to h .to hjA tfrigy bur little re vaeencrJor tbe bill when it refuses to listen to one of i most salutary admonition. There i of fre a rgorernmW to funrjamenttl principle. Nrw tt 'hf crepted hour to perform 'hit Work. We hsve no. State House, tnd before , oostrurt onother le us reform a get rnmcnt which has departed from the pu'e tnd equal principles of republican ism Le-us stve to tba Srat the e peove of erection of two Mt of public tmlldiogai hy pMsiUNtf monef In th Impeovement'ofrnr'SfaV. TheM eubjeet If they ahould be wo! : considered will exhibit the urgent n cetsitf of a cocvention at (hi, te, in the trenteat poaaiblo light. ; f n yne- wtottarr rtaoutuai -:-f - ;: ?..Te.wwa, inatmet ate u lyaW-T-fi.; kn evil a-hica admiu cure -Z s. Or how thii evil can be borne Which breed,' tt.once both bate k acorn " ata. CMren , I , jiviatrtntmruA tMio.flirooeh1'r. tBediontf your paper, a word to . prrJ.H.c ,rtU tht f,'rm pr. 'Wt thy w.b of rhtlr tmmmtrM4 tterMhi. .kuJ-- CIM mi iW. n"th M eMwnir the bit ml sD this, ea m MtW. ka a-!'rt.W e fHM ht syM te e follow T the attf mowot (M km rnt4. Tet, .. - m jmnes te aeittre thie twteei it tnw. J 7 M T?4 sa ata. ee avwe dH-t thte a "' ,.-T-- ,r .. . r. ?hr hte. a til time, keea eppMed te ieninfwtit, inr;Mi tM tctttce, t wttl te etert krtech ef Mhtnca hat hta rettetVd T9. t freeytoil, thMct, fof Ht f'"e,eWint,, bleltri tnM M We tt M tlOITI Mu'lMiM mmmmmmM Imt "it thoUMcbMto Ue, ttaweeae atww thou hah not rwtM tttaMnrW TMtvwtcroiMlwtf tebtlklktlratmSM y hm ? 0 1 erHW, owbutUt wbe win tbt kRed Wbvf the darheed Mr cette tit eitteee I Whet will tbt wttT tTteple be ImtMl turn jnt ""w of in ertoltd proMlvtM ! Wih the hoef tttqetnr f tbt tBitteaee tlotvi bold mit artintt wititom. tad tor "Mo htt t m HiiK. eio tftin nvm yrxne. ha ie fartW, and here Toy yrooa wtret by ttoyned r- " WN onr .r?wi o nmr trhoolt rnweUtiootmr.whoeMaadetooltf "' M" hltett ott'rrv tttde vati rontt . .. Wht! toirt tour grooon f Ted btd bettpr u'er ap witdes tnd tbettt . Or, knatyta htmoktrt. " I tet t duH, eotiled noobot CMifme thtir btint, In eollree tltatr TWv fttf fa ttirkl and etow tm aotta elato nitt to apetk i A a trat tkty think le climb Paeoaasua . Bf dint ttrttk " . Sua Dotfie. . Hotatmaaj em" Our Lceitlature tdiourntd on the flat nit. after an lorereitiof tetaion of about two mootha. lo the early part of which, however, attempta were mide, byone oftboae eitrtordlntrf political fatalitiea ao incident to the potacaaton of im'werT to introduce the eiplodrd doctrines f the Federal iotxtsref ".TlicnttBprrTttrrnrght I L L . ! a m nave oecn aniicipateo, wsa but futile and ehort.lived, b. trayiog a knowl edgy, neither perfect nor patriotic, pf tne rigut and inter at of our rislof State, by Inviting us to n participation la those principle which have luatly bean regarded at i perishing tomb for the Mnaioa of our country! liberty. But those ecniirncnte hare happily been encountered at the threshold d) consigned to the " rehukiao force of rjnWir-eiftion" where thef Vinr derided ae the past monvmenta of ei ecutite presumption. Sehna .lla. Argus. Judicial We. Apo'TA, Jin 91. A i sc W4 Called in our Suocrinr Court, oo Mdt Ut. when, one of the counsel tnt abttnt rgone as waa supposed, to effer hlsdcvotiyns at thavahria oflHr men, mother of tbtounMl mentioned hitobseneo, end eufgested that the ett tbowldlbertfaroboliidoter. The Judge bo nnderetewd it to have been rSit the iktence wa ctuaed br Indiipo tt'iaio,) replied," tl Inatmuch ' Cnl. was Indisposed, the. nr mlehr he rS"d when couosellor onst reed. mm he could not tty thtr Cnl . wt bunifrom tirdUyooltion, nnlrts f ten." J-ncy to aaarteeny might be eontUleted ta a dtMaMrOb'Cyrtainly,-fiot fstld .. rfuoge,' eery prempty,j - and .'one fvtt rJker etperl, Vh tee n 'tendrt, " ey wwuJd tnc&ar aVat le Court -..AhJ. - . - Carstifcto. ' - 'oanafatmmjm 1 w r " tnduttty There live a man In Eng I nl .,... -dtlly labors laat for 19 h ur "U-"the S4. who preside in th House V'f dv. nd .In a Court of Jutticr, who rivre audience each day to Barristera n longing to both kingdoms, tnd who fill hVe time IP write trtklea In the Kdinr ergh Review, betides element try workt, whirh try distributed ftt'iathroHhoUt th kingdom, tnd whole Director of it leaat ten atsoditlons for t'hC diffusion of knowledge amongst the Working cltiMt. We need haNIr dd that tba person -rre alluded lo is no other thn Lord BROUGHAM, ' ftVT. Wreer" COMMONlCAlION.l Mr Editor Obitutry : notices, or a .eier of the ded, can be ofnoestential le- vice to thoM who ar removed, wheth t r from fho frowns or favors pf the pre sentVworld but when an amiable od useful character can be eihibitad, a a ternbf good works" toall thtt rive, nd all -that ahtll ancceedi h t i'a'cl of gratitude, dee to tbe eo'vercign Giver, and a tribute of respect we owe th me . raory of the deceased, to mtkc it known. John Davidaon, of tbe county of Merk ' nbutg, on tbe JO inttnt in the tPtV ) er of bit age,' departed thia lif. ' Ontintb period of hit dUtolutlon i'r rived, he Waa renwhtbfe- lni,ice of a '.PUIMI fB'Od in aound-tMdf enjoying t 'the t vaatiaftotion Tofhla friend, tne comforta of hia etuueur j'od 4h pleaauraii of ocioiy Iteo tfce aiitecn ear that were added, beyond David's lint'l of tb life ol man, wmo generally riempted tli'oni eorrow, toll, tnd pah. the usual companleoa of old at av - . . w '.-.wiaSv . bkaaeel with the tiatural IndnfJ 3 ? ne'9lftiltand deaecn 0V, 'fT CfM ibemabliianj faWa eedum cWnlm t tear. ' V A . 1 Tjough he naoyed la th walki bfprv le, he did not Mye altogether fo wtKar of tht Church ahd 'litte, te.d U a deep Interest la lhair prosperity. M nf cbsracitr hire been more ton,ple on end aplendldi noa more perfect none mor uolmpeacbbt none foriiMii 'W rong; faw nearer lo rtghl. t a untsuming, friendly abd cone teouei rejoicing in thtprogr ofgtti ral bapplocsst skarlnfwhn "thoa thai try protptTTTf r-nd yropfthlxlng witn tboM loadrartiif. ' "Ie mat as attorned tf tSi tittfitl a Chitt." . A 0rm and unthtka odberont to the doctrine . of our holy religion proving throughout " th court of long life, th ' tlncarfty' " of We Talth b; the KoedocM ofbl workt.All wh rjd, bowevejmlirr'iihe oc. e upVtions U life "rat v be, ar invited to profit by tkltaatmpte. Though drad. be Hvetpn bit pottrit jto whom b hidto. queathed richer legacy than thie wo. Id ctn beatowr; :. iy we no: . humbly bop t may W not comfortably believe, that while the rirthly houM of thia tabernacle, which ia now ditfel?edritrin. th lonely grave, the living principle, having mid ht cip front . the cold tenement of tl.y, now wttkt wiik God. high In 11 taiion and the ctlme of blita." h) death, thou canker worm of human Thoo cruel foe to awt domestic Pel . ; Fie aeon, aktll com, who tball thy shsfts - dealroy -r.A - ; ana csum toy - ejreadful ravagea i coaae. . . Tetttbo Redetmer ceaea, to wipe tht Th briny ttara from try wetping wiatytgUwewat ate mai aaafW''i.. a And tin, anAdeetb, and doubt a,' at gloo my fear Shall all be Mt In .endless vicory .Venjw '- -.aA Mtlt, In Lincolnten on the 9ih mat. l . me Kvr. Ilirtwell : Spain David Note to Mitt Nancy daughter of Dt J.t Biting.- On Sundiytb 19th of Jta'v.at Mount P etuot, near Mogtntn, by the Rev. Bobert J.r3piller, Doc Jten Cobb of A- MM. Oeortia, to Mit EUena M Booth tO, dtughter of DeC"Thm ja Boucheil. lie"" j ! .w am t-ht - MARKETS, -tenia iitiVin Cleoade. - "it. -v,:: f U ff .: , Cora .-u IfHt 30 tone to 11 :c.ao ' -y rr":"3iiiM";' Salt - - j- aji, 2J tseaa .- . -: '.rirxsr. t i . Molaata , - .w-ui54- r Beeowaai .l" ! riottr "v-'-: ' ti. JJ -' . : ' pAnntmti;ta. , - Inedv, Appel per pi. ! ' 45 le 40 ' Do Peach. . ' . te 60k j aoaa - -.;'- f -a g-: .Cora- ' . 1 4s t SO ' Cotton - Oitof.. It.- kit lrea tt-,ajrVT''"o,'---'aji"' 4 to 41 r to ugar, Coffee ""-;1tet5 J3e3T giteoO riatcad. ..... Wbrtt Wkitke - fatooo OHBtAW feb. li. 1831 trandrreach ' ' gw.IT , " - f to ., Bggug.. .? . ,yd. U X0 ieiiow .. - ... Com . both. Cole ,-v V' m. floor (from Wag. bW. ' Molaetet. .. . . - . gak fcttCinbalkbufkv 7 Ik- ao-r-.f. 14 Id f4 R4 14 3T Lt 4J' " niHcy yiit . Wheat Female 8emiDtrt TOME second Setaioa .will cflm ... ... . . ' meqrt on 1hurada the , I t day ot Ntrch Boafdj can be tfbtaiaed 1Q the best families, at UJ per aeiaioa. Tlte nriee of Tunion oer tfeeaion ia $lotSO, .Drawing i :fatntiog10r music sw, payaoio ia advance ' B. COtTRELU IrfJMffMrf; i.K.lB. Eight vaung Ladie caa be uoardejj In the Benioary JOURNKTAS - WOBMAN. "A NET'ei whom od wavei .and eo&.' XV'VtaotEmpbymeat,il begivea.-. Ail for further particulari, tpplicatioa reust b made t the Bubscribcr, at MtgAQ'a extort Muntg mery County swmarw, tun, i MX 1 3 a M,pL I III. ! II. I I I II K w I ! I Benjamm Fraloy, fyf .ylNOJun rweW,J lh luaat fttw.Terb A anil Hit lrlpl'i fa,li!unt, ("ftibaf oith Mmier ftiktont of Londoti, in j fctttini; aWa tmngtmtnit le reetitt ihtm rrgultrl, ta tbev change, tnd having fliry or til Bret rait vorkatea ia hi eatplovmeel, will be enabled t locate all work ia hit tine on ttiort aotlw, chttp, md iq a superior etyle ef workeitnahlri. Av aerton wntilnf te leer the neo.Terl and fbiladcliht f tttnt lirbl mod of euttlke f troeaii mm be taught bf th enbar rlbtr, ia UlUbery. All Ttilore Weuld da wall I tUp- ply ikewttelvee with Rights, as aletoat all tbe prteclpal Tailor in tbe United Itatre UM One ee ibe ebar, ar both or them, I ; 6in.Q-;i::itwAiw. riAUYa... O V f 'HE (ubacriber baa three X' hundred acre of (and, -Jving la fertile- aectioa of TZ1- the Fork of th Yadkin, ad julhi g the land of Wathau ChafBfl .' a a m m ... mm and others, f hicn b will itll, on ac commoda'ting lerma. The land Is well litoited) ia a good neighhorhood cd convenient to a good mill, Aay information reanecting the land can be obtained by application to Nathan Oafiio, Eaq, or to myaelf ia Char. Irttte, : ' Atl6 ' f JOHN 0. IIoeKINB Charlotte, X C. Feb. lo. iSJt. bi iiuoiv. AFATORITIl fie of Hlr Archie wiU ' .land th next eeatoa a . uneea ttaoie, in liaili. ta . a a mm fai County, Virginia, and will render aeryicc at thirty-ire dollar th fiea ion, payable at it expiration,--which may be diacharged by thirty dollar ctehr"" F.fftjrtiollaTt -nr Inaur 'jjayav: ble when the foal li laccrtalned or the property chaored. ' Oaf dollar to the Groom ia every instance. The aet. inn to commence on the 15th Frbru. arv, and end fa the lO'uljr. Good pastorsg gratia,"and (farea grainfcd at twenty-fir cent per day when re jested, Every:ttenrioahatl Jk given to prevent accident or escapes, but no responsibility for eiiher. For pedigree and performance refer you to Tarf Bcgiater ad JlandbiUa' - JAMES BNREft.- P. CARUINGTOKr Fth. 6th HJS. ItlJ QT THE Raleigh Star, will rive the abtv five intertioni, J, 8. NOTICE; : FnPO all thoacwlah- tng to rai Uorae from good tock. rll-)ra Jerry full Six teen hands nigti beautiful dapple gray aired by thetuoeq,ialedHoree,oldPack. olet and out of W Owar mare at my Stable In Lexington the next Season Particulate mad known in due time -tttf JPrMABRTrr tamary, laA IMS. KTHOMPSONIAN . i v- r HAYING .; :d.-W!dtM . time aod. aitcntton to th atudy and practice of medicine fa - and in the next) auttemi nd having under tjenf ah aximlnxtion And bricflf ap provtd a id dmitted t- arntic, .. I take this method u f tandering ray pro fcaaional rvtce to my - friend and the public n4 from tbe general hue ceae of the System in relieving tbe aflicted, I trutt that I (hall bo liber ally pauonised. ' " " HokiAical Phytkia Mortanton V. C. 810 REWARD, ANTkWATT from V A1, the ubacriber, on the 98th day ol Decern -1 --ber lair,- man Charlei Aboui twenty ..year a age height not known, rather tlender . made, hu large full cyea, atutters conildcrably. , I expect he la lurking in tha neighborhood of Pearaoo p!antation,-or Kridera atore. Any penon taking up laid fellow and delivering him to me, eight miles West of Galiabury, ahall receive tba above f frardV " r,::-' ,aHtt. , .WILLIAM. GAT. jtflfAeeA.ll3t.r' - VtVAOOONEUS, lertnMf' fi JPaMaeT0 L And H te tkbir advantage, t (top a be eTerea ford, where every cow. veaienc ia pretided for ktaa and Uorae, to make themeemforttble, at tbeevodertt charge at 35 eenU a dat and aitbu far the nrivUtr of lb Tatd. tbe awe of a good bona, if, water, and belter. Attached te the Yard, ace a Grocer tadPraviaie Itore, Bread Abop aad Confec tieaawy, and a Ho fcr Boarder and Ledgtea, 10 ItMua, cbep,wnoieaoiaa ana norn'onaUie atyw. Vaptnllr Xr, . w tHJ ' -M U . J .. - m . I - - I f at ib Wif'deenHajaaar rtiated, tad -1 .PItO0EUCTUt) '.v. '. ' ' - -Or THK ' e " '. IflirttN t AKOUXiUli . J." aniTt at - - . ' ; .... xxmet-t chaizv; : . z " ' is ' i-UhBinr K cjnouyJ.-T'- - ' ' tT. Wtern Caruliniaa ia deyeje ted tet Grttfrd PoUHa, Political Ee; ;J: ohomi, Stole fuperti lMerdure,rj ForeigA and Ddmrttie Atit'l. AktU ' T culure,Mechanlc$,Vc ' - v' Ia politic th Editor it a thorough. . , paced democratic Republican. Ila -advocate tha doctrioea of FrceTradd . . . t and Bute Jtighle la opposed j thd.-. cxerclae wf twnatruetive powera ant ""V' incideolat right. II i eppoeed td V th Tariff aad it offspring, Internal ' Imptomenti,' bjt tht General Gove iT ' emmcat, , lie ia in laror of Internal , (mprovetnenu by the State Govern' , meata HUViag tr re-election ol . , AltB&Str MCTLXSOir; w;rj e tk-a aureat mean of -perpetuating thois, lihertiet ln defence of . which h has : ' . Contributed o much, tht Editor will advocate bia re-election with unftincbo . -t mg al and manly flrmnaaii 77i-lfS....Tht Carolinian it Printed one a week oo a Urge imp ' ' . rial aheet of good quality, with near ; type nd Will b ent t lubir riber 4 t ti per annum; t paid tUhL J;v three months, or l,30 after that HlMi 7' fir Advenialeg at the uiual rtttit AA h Caroliolao hal the wldeit circuU- tioa of Any paper In th Wcetern pari of thef uu, advertiacra would tnd H much to their Advaaug t advenlaal ' ia it column!. .. " i-'r ; ; f r Any on wrocurlng six aolvent uba scribe r to th Carolinian, ahall bar a tevebth pper grtti,':- EaidjDnjaU Uttcra addressed to tbm !dltor.T "';',": " '. -r:-f 4 frT Rdltor with whom wa exehangw " , , ; s. - m . .' l 1 . 1. 1 tower a tavor upon, ua, wmcn i . . n cheerfully reciprocated, by giving that--7 ' Ihov a few Inaertlnn. ',. " . . -.. tag LtXINOTOlt. tpaeidawa tunty M. C Till atthaariber bar enterea Inle Coptj4 t Jnerekip,. under the rim wf Henly ta " ' Huat, la tbe Tew af Leiingtna, Darwltot) 4 County, If. C. and ha bought tha eiegtnt brick bowae. North- Waat ef tbe Cort-Hun. 4 of Ur. Henry Daatpbrey'a, ajae that ephindvj v, ' tatortatant ef - - - j ... . of Henry Hamphrey' JCrlC. eoMktlng! asoat every article bent ia a retail nteret waiua tbey ill ll very low for teei t raon wittn J tag w percnaao . t;. , rr car at oooss , i!l plette to'gite et a eII a to pitril ,t pared oa owr pen to give general tatioUetioai. r. 9. aii bind or eotuirr praauce win a ' , : Ukea U (icUngt rat geode. .' ' Tr2pf : Dm. IT, 131." , ANDABvr HUNT. ' -a . J- 1 -Mnam . -: JYewGboilsI rv ayrrrrT. rr arayw u Uat aaki mmw .in l.'l w rwi . wi; ij www, P.tcl - - with bit former elect, coatpriae every art tela " ' ntuttlr kept ia a Caeatry retail ttoea, which tita witt tall low roe oath ae aw a abort eredi ta punctmi ueawra:.Tnt pnotte are wpenuB.i , : quested 10 oou tM juag tor tbameat,,,-' 7- , II a tlo coaUaae the ataaafactaea af bnUA todTi Waaa, warnuriod be made af tba". " " " bast walerieVa, and ta aaperia etylr wfwor . - - 10. ' Havine? a Very Ufwe ttocb tt Ttw ware oa'kaad and koine determined le aell i at reduced price atercbaata weald do watt ta tag en hit tnd gat their aeppl' f. jf Old Copt rawlai .Fei WW Tall Beetwaa, aad Wool, taken ia eackenra. .tariff A4Wb.'ja-.' LAW KOTICE B. uaroa CnaiOa mitt ktattitt Aa lr " tba cpunty eounaof Rownrrl("myTat aH timea, be fottnd, at the '8ict of that Ceiwllolaax' 40 v. T.,r'tJra.oatii.:.v... a. WlLtprteuie .ia ih Coatteaf taie Coeet'"1-' ly,UidoisMekUnbrgliCtbrn'.' ' Hia office ka few doors below aba Conn-lionew - Oefetae AaV tl tsri fTHB tubicribj atill. cuntiouea ta make . th f above - MachioeA . undl keep a. buppty conttantly 00 band wbich ba will aell Jem for cuth r credjflq puociialBkriiIItr like jl wit intend to keen 00 -hnd a Rood'-' .- upply of COTTON GINS, and f will ajio repair lha tame to order. -e r j THE fint volume of AicougWa lhakeapeara. The - Volume m veil bound and baa green edge i Ma otm la recollected to bate been writ ten in it. Any penon having uch m r-' beiok would confer V- fvor .on tn 2 owner by rtureiiny, ittaip tnpet.! tS WANTEDS : h; IMMEDIATELY tiatt ol Uft- V , i i .iiavman-Tailata, vf attady' ffcf'( ri-'J''::"jY Hpm..f)WtM.;amplOfmV wage wlllba givvn -"r '.rr-,- . ... r. .. T j..."".. .-Ji M. iJaaa"- -a.-'.v'-. -v--.V-..Jv i '... folaAnrij. Jaw. A lAJt - j ftf . .. -i,' T ! ' m ii... mi 1 1 1 'iniii il ti in" 11 1 i '1 ' t Notice. at few mw or wnuay aaoev nw aia at . v m'A. ars . -... -. t)ce. at gl 10 per reaaa, a fee" rata E'A aad a few C W .ina wa!:: a - . . . a -. I i - t fa'- -- -i Jtam-d W" r - o l ... 1 '-4-':. '-i:;.:? atjHa.vat-A-)wwilTi-ia ua'f!mt 1 . . ,-' . MtRn . iav- jt, ' Jmmm9MmmTmw ai .wAja.re-r;jaT -fT,.--'Vt..r'-i It-,::.- : A V '."..!?.' JS vl" '":.-.' ; ,",!.:1 ..

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