lcm Garoltnur.u- Tl WSeTaw f atel.llUe, t 1 1 y if lt ppr 1 w ome rtmr AnO-Q . ker against fjteint D tor, to which I hell wuke fchriefrtp'r. 'Antl-Qia kery"eem to view lU .jci ae w Impor. (lflf end .fleet entire -eeuity ..tintt the encroc..mew of, em. pir'nk nJ yetttrang to tell, he ly jtld the oobler wf ap nt of re on and trgumeot, for burleiq'ie aid ridiculei ir,flg wrap b Indeed for jo learned i mn." lit ttrr cooncooilr aprnh 0f f4nticn and deoounee Piem D Ktori mK No f I ndertod ari ought to bo the object of hi ' tommtitiication, it hould. be plain gjjrest t the bodcrttandiog of the cimmAnUfT "Ml W ht doee oorcoo. siderthe whole community a "fo. tiict why die he deal io empty - assertion aotcedbf argument the lommuoity expect! reaio and argu mfnt (rm a - learned imji at A iii-Qjickery'' and NTree rc. son .Me proof of the ope riority of hit fivte of Practice. Thil it the la me be tWeen u, and if truth be with Ami-Quackery hie dignity as one of tne teamed facultr, would certain ly be better preserved, in the catlma tino of a free and lightened people, by plainly attempiog to prove the eup-riority of hi ccur of Practice, than by denouncing those wb differ win him aa fauitix. (AntU( tack, fry" ipeaka of "full grown D tore io a few days" and icroU'it it patting strange by . ihe Uu of. Lobelia .and 5(rantf to fleet what learned mm caodo with mercury Now wa Ulxre that vegetable raedicioes arc the brat and moat natural cure, for the diaeaiea iocideqt..tOhunaa nature, and that riperiepce la the only aure teat of th properties of any medicine, jt if by experience" knw thai a certain Cj-iantity f Calomel, will pro duce a ten -in rffect and if not" can tioutly uted, will produce faul ef. ftcu, and ia vegetable medicine ia fa tnd bv experience to have better ef lecia tbn Calomel, with -fewer or . none 4 ita cvila, wha oot ue itf it mtht be oecful even in the fundi t aSieam Donor. The true; ojiettioa bo - ever ia, have the medical proper lie of vegetablea, been' ao developed ; aa ib i ibey ought to aupertede the ute of Calomel and thai the plaata A whtcn c ure h fuoithed ui have aucn qnlitiet. I .have no doubt, and w ictner auch egetblei have been dittovercd ia ot unbecoming the ae irut in-eatigation of Anti.Quacke ry.M I' e c oprre our eonui ration aadhealtn with that of pat genera tio. wheo the airople medicioea of ; Bturewet used, we have reaaon to laHt the uae -f mineral prepara liana, aat their greatly "preppndera . tingevill. , A4tn, 4VAotiot.ickery inv ike the aid of the civil law, the uuai invocat.oot of Deceiver and tyrant.'" -Truth need not the arm of novcr, for-o' protectcuy-he,, i al wa beat tujJported by the pl4ta dia ' covery of ctpcrieoce in , our .prolea aio . If any new naedtcine ia intro ...... .. ... . fc .......-. , ..... ..... t - . da ed Andw.imniended, a naymg catr.ordinary qualittea, the - aureat wy-HW nlwaya o-ot o wait the i ' ten of experience . nd if. louod )o have aueh propert'ra to adopt the tote of i . It waa by experience that An ti-Qiackery' come t hi knowledge of iua propertiei of Calomel, and if truth be with nim why require aid ot the Law. lit thi he certainly bctraya a tyraoical apiri a conaciouinea of terninr and akill oL which w boaati, why fear illiterate men, and why call on the ttrong arm of the law for pro. tection. If hit learning and deep re. tearchea cannot-protect him aguntl encroachments of -empiric, ne cer ; taTnlyWghtldiink with Hit deluaion j when a man It ticr aif he wnt u to be rcitnred to ht.lth. and he caret oot by what meana, whether by Lube li or C lomel, and if the Steam Doc tor, can cotlect fromhe aimple vrge. tableaf nature,; anedicroea which will Drcfluce ihii d?irabTelf t 'beC ttr thi ' the hemical Dreoarationt of tr. int raU, let them be uaed, and let "evrrv wieJ and hunaabi man ceate to int ke ajaliit ihe" pr tectioa of the law, auch a braciceT'T friend Gamma, I would aar pretty much what I have aaid to "Atui.Quackery.'V He eppearr to be i critic aiTwelt at i inembet of " AntiV achiol aod at thotiafc.. I rannot tr ve him muct more praise at Doctor than Anti, aill I ' ifl i.;nT denyThi a'ETiltjici a "a cniTc, and v h lact. in dr.wi r the attention from the 'main tubjeci by a jTifllng quihling on word. - Hit . philological ' bitHi on accoantol hit greartearOJf : ;T i ..:ii n may 09 eupenor 10 nioc, auu 1 may have vegetable -medicioea u perior to hi mineral , preparation, la r nduioo I will aay to frienda , " A"ti" aod Gamma, that valeaa they tuof ie themaelvea to the mata tab ' . their jtaacrtion. my effort in furore "hall be entirely employed in proving to the community expenmeouilf, that " n.I. . .'tf A TLdW 1 i tirkde., ;tU i medicine c( nature 9J&)&J ' - it .w, 'lTll-t pftetiteiu Coentofthia Conntf tirq man more teiirt.tnan au me munc f the Philologitt,-? r ke f l! Hu VKKt LIL KaOU tUKUfr Tm parlet Ud -Altany, H.aklni, '. N Tiiik from ll ,vr, tailed on ih of J'ff T; liiii arrlf ,1, ih idiiorii. tnrC-rmmrriit' AdveftUer h't Blof TarU pypart tola't 117 incruilta, h commarci.l letura In. X''t paper cO'ita Luntfon oaitt ne Ira )army. - - " - - . Iin0 Cfwacailoi Bronham bi btcn (Onlncd ii a IligM HKkO''4 Camera 1 ' ;- - ,Wf Cnd "nooffi(.l.l atalament of th. pror, of iha ChaVra In Oraat Dritiin. - VVt Kvrioa The vepnrif "wbrck were rncoU rq with ovidiiy by lha ami miniilariat or ar parfyi iat not ooir Koit but PiWI and -Aiwtria would nlatoio tanction in aficlet of prct naiwaen B'-lglum aod at dxii ad by the Conference al London. en tinned Io ba tire ii ParU. Tbe Lmdon Cou-ier of ihe bit tbe fallowimc tiaf(raph l , a Our rradrri will reeolleet that, ahnir tonnifir-igo, we tatd that the Irdu ence of Rottia bid turndrd 10 anotkn Oieat Ptr, and thai triooe rlnubtt ere entertained of Ihe frition of tbe Treaty of-Peace between ff ilgluiri and Holland, ajrtd upon by IHf Confer nr Circomttancrt Hate ut . occurred to convime t that we were pfjfrctly wrd informed on tbt aubject. and ibi if ra'l fl auoo ahould arrive either from Pm la or Aottria it will be aubjret to to raaaf mudificatton a 10 render It n t vmry to no tnrouich thr whole alf iir d novo. Indeed it ii confidently a'ated bat there will be no r.ufi' Ion bfoie 'Ita time Bird upon by ihp ' Pioiocol at the Ltttt perlodi vit the IS b inatant. Wnb retpect to the modification wbicb are tpoken of at thr it upon bi b Auttria and rrutia would ba dl pcMed to ra'ifyi it UtahJ tbal a rliute mutt be added. na'o1'lnth. O h julcla relative) tu tbe nvniioo of 'h- Duicb watet, rlvcrt aod cinala by the D lun, nd that a derlt ration matt Ke mide de fining tbe nrvie.tlon of tbe Mueae. where 11 paatet tbrouvh the too and forirett of M.enrictht. ao ta to prevent fu'urr dhpotet tbe object of that mrr1i8' tiona being to reap c' be right and 'tr, nitf of lb King of N.-thertandt. W- ar alto that Auttria ann rmttie drdinr o ctiaranie tbe annual par meet bt BI gium of tbe elf ht millint loar hund eri tnoutand eildera at their portion of hr Interval of the deb1, 00 (he round of ocb 0 ' fft)tratew.l'3lyJne;"-oMM.rf IK intecntv f Kinaj Leopold Snmild bate rnod,6c. iont be adopdan tucnd tlon of time mutt take place 10 cmble iha p.niet to complete the Tret'y or rather th ConteatioOf Tor aucb would be Ii new character. - . V It appear bv (he private rotretpon dene wf the Journal dU H4vr, that the Xortiteur of tH I S'h denied the report that refutalt hti ben rercived from PrattU and Aoirt. But the writer folt.cld'' b enkn'-eiliWiha-Courlefl that tucb delav wilt tab placet a will produce embarrtatmento:; : : " TjpOTfiral. Mitaita. la Moatfoeaery County,' aw tbe S9;birr: b? obtt 4Hen, Rifl j Mr Jahn.MeKaf ! Una tlitaWb " An."; Br the ai-e n.., the 11 Inet- Mr Maeesib- He- ttrt......Uiaa baaey M.JLakefl.-AP jAosaoifi In SiatttviUe, oa TuteJef the-)rtibnlwWat. r. Coeta, fcq to Mitt Ann Alliaon, dauthtcr f TaoBMt Alluou, cm. 'MARKETS. .v;w.vAtJalUiai...eH.M.-mi Cotton in teed , Corn OaU - 20 . toU -:- llto " B1.13 . . ' 30 -. . a 83. 55 CHEBAW March 3. B31 Surer Coffee Salt Iron JUoiute Beeaval -Tallov; Hour i "1 andy: feack Appla gal" 0 40 SO M 18 10 Bacon Cvttoa , owA."-- SUSS - atat f rrJf ' (i.b-ik):- r J . Si- -40 - J" bafi' ' ss Cora Hour Motaaw 8th Sueai Wliitkey Wheat v-pHJd celebrated .AHM- ii aland the present e .n, at -Chrloti tJJanda a tJrid T-edya f at Jtfteph McUinni' ae jntP vtu mile oortli of C'-arlotce 00. ; VVedoeaday ahd Thura d iy "a' Concord 00 Friday f and Saturday. Six dollara will be th-rg1 ed for the teai . four doll ira for the tiirle leant rivht dollvr the iaur ; 11 ...r a,kurm k j Hie artiV a tear riooei bejow tb Ciri4toift. Att J imti.tii.ii(aa,lt rTT-.TT- 4-v-4-'tWI. -.ei.3i-.ui:iM.wi fNlW 6th ol J.,m,ry l,tt, there a a letter Mailrd at M mni t PitKai.P 0. at the end f the rry N S1JJ, d.recttd to Robert D,na. . nd of which it tigned by E. Chevee Pretldent which I now io te tfttion of 4bc lid Flower Alt the rght Tiatd end of V BlOO btll U. S. Paper N-. 3900 the left n I end of which ia igned hy W. Nfcllviioe Cwh'rrwWch Ir Wto to the tbda of aid Flower. The above mentioned letter hit been taken nut of the:. .Mai) Rag bv torn meauproted hy lipping the ttr .p which condnet it. Aerth boy namd Alfred Wallit who et mail carrier at the time md h hat aincc abKonded I tuppotrrl t b guiltv -uf ihe ofencev Te ta-d VValli it about lo year of age, light coroplexioTand ttout of hi are. A reward of tSO will be g vrn for hi pprehertioa nd prneetiiSn to con. victiiv.. UL KERR. . .if. ' tunnitt.Mlfk t31 Iff - .ia..- TAITiORI.TO! itoitACK 11. iiKvnn, HI prcyn ui iar.m ih, Cuklie thai K fm reteaiiv reaenrrd, a-td rHn. e j reeeiie rrrultrK, M thev are pitklitbed. ihe l-emton tad New Yerk ruhiom, (rum H f. t'Vrtt, at New V. 1h-rtt,4t be it neepared le acemn-tedale bia eoa nnni in a eel ead. fikwatbWatvlev- f dertMtitei tare and fttbion, hit ork far wptMr, tnt done U thit Cmieiy A very lipprunf 4jei to lb euatemer ia. thai b euta rail of I ta almbad ee-e 'rita ntnet iiti tnr Taihrr ia tbe place 1 which It ort!i of coa.idertiinn. N AM irtrmentt made by the eubrib r ill be wrw4ti' : 14 f HORACE H BMRD .earv. 11 4 Educational rpHE tubKrioar, h.vtn complied a . rc,ufr cogrte of cLaaical and col lejttte aiadiet hat opened, and will con tinue! a choo.t Sicietv HiH on mile watt of Back Creek Church, Rowaii Countr, N.C U-a-hkb ba ill r-ee iructioo,: lo Ihe followlnf; brnf.H -a. Retdiniri writing and Arithmetic.! En tilth' Grimmer, G orrphv, Aleir Otometry. 8urf ring anriTrigonometf N,ur( rhuotophy, ett'onrjmv an'lfjne Dilt'ry I Kbclork and Lojic,"and all o'h- . 1 - a t er ,branchci ututitv tiOKM tnciatticai trhoola. . .v-Tuition from SI .:o MO pet tnuro aerordinv to the advanrc-m nt'of )h popll Anv pert on withinir to ceerin the aubtrrlor r't r ht'trtr. . nd aualio lone ran apply '0 William Kiig or Hogb T: 5 wart Eq .iUde f K wiei. HilUt- pir.Willitm B.rr f R'v. A Lock rldii-ftfRwn.- - AMOJANDRtWS bad in the moat eetpacttb! ftrnilie upon very ino der'e" termt.l . x , r drninistriitorV ''ale. VV Houte in S litbury, on Tue diyr ihe 3rd of April next. . . . . . . A"tif Likely itfegr04tr conalttins of meo. . women, aud child.. feor fcelonviof to tht ettttt'-nf Mf the lock e decM. for the purpose f d'utnbott'rni A credit of.tx month will be ' giveo,- upn - the purcha'teri giving bond, witJi apprrrvrd a-uniy IlFXRY GILES, Jidmr. March iofA li.f SIM Executor's Notice. ALL P"on. ir.dehtedlo. ; e ':a. late of Rich'd. Qillrtpte, dee'd. are required to make imniediate par mcnt and all peraona having claim will pretent them," legally aitetted wi'hin theierii'rreWrbed of 1a7 or thi notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. , " ' JOS. O. GILLESPIE. ExY. March UK HIT . . 3tt StateoF Nortfi Carolina, ;j Japwa s.eoe t r t."c'- .' J fearua-jf Srenen. .1 6. J83J, . ;,vtllianj.liaep v r I,,!.!, s:r- a-rr " cridN,1? -ttobt. Q Hdea and . .r.'h,r,aer. - , wnim,Ht4a ; RobL O Hdea and ( Je-ithtr Ware. S On moil m, appearing' to the tatiaf action of the court that Robt. G. Hadeo and JetitherM rr are pot in habit ntt of trti State, O dere'd thtt publication be-inade fav i week in trve Western C"olioiaa, that the" ? : d Rvbt GIladco,,ind Jlither&Urf apnear at the next Court of fica and Quarter, Scmioo to be he'd f t the C"UBtV of Rowan, at tbe Cou'l-H mae in Salitbury 00 the tnird Monday jn May oext, and thew cause if a y thrv have why the petition of the tsid Wm. IJaden haU not be grantrdcahei w'we the aame witl be heard r'Xpafi Ti 6:20 JSU. GILEH, c C Bt VBTOB S aatoa will firut lice ia rir'C'iu. if C'ii-' ..' y Kouun. tl ' niaf.a all limi t, bo foundt al tba o(B of tax. CimJinlan,, W 4ild aiaocd bv fiawe I'Im.h -,kTk!-Ta bU haa'aeta alreadv ..A -J .1. t!i r J M-aber el f tulle m 4, '" ' w nail ni .,r maA mm v... Kmc r tr a ... .l ewe.taa we aave aeeei o. w.d. whip a. 4 00, me nn iiand, preteeuti urn. kr letter. Y Petition for 5 fartitioa lfcU ' k LtitJ' I f w7fd a vr-ekl Mtpm- -TrJTJf CTcar..; r" " !. TMUtft Of III m n, by tfc. acme ef THI eoatavaaicattd u flfl Mr1 tellS eucMircd l lite aol ut appenbatiua nl, hut ef nrg 'iter. aje of the principal abjecti .ill be, viia aucb Uirrt u a Can Urn. la dif je Hienry tof jewMiua with corvee) t yew the ieteaee mf pefle-and aaedmnla edurai, and evptaMai hte btel weth'Mlt , Jiwee't)r, but with aa MrnendrM fVeednea af eihrtwe, t diicuea tubjeeia an which h I Mipoetint ! ehl.f'ien the public eaindi U pnklieb aau ted ciroyM'tneet ae. aurrlny a-nann eirartvea. ttal d. eere. nuliae to eihibit aclaare la papoltr fueeae ihal etllln. Bait eurineiif jitJ he fntJI Imeliifibki and la fia a aenpetent pni'Mi a iba pntita-al and Nliimta raietlieeiiea af iba tiaaa, wiih a MuJi ev eachjaiaa) of ail tbal la of a party eharaaiev, If ae baa tut mUapprehended pebua aeno ment a epiaton btalortf aie' lea la many perie of vur attte, Ihal a pubKcaOM af ihie nature tu preperle ha be aineeied froea the tile af it anterreity, lie arteva parpw. -A which ia to evltiva'e and d rTue vthiable and praetical kaeMfe, nt ii m already treeaured up, aad m ceettantly iaereaaiag vith the , pea. (Teeaef tiate. . . . . l a eonduoi anch a paaee, vill reqalr the hale lien. (arnt ana dilijenee of aa editor that vill rnk high' ia ability. Fer tame time paet hate been intent aeea dieooeertef a enttreaa f tht daaerlation wha night en em to u dTtk it Pucb a eharadee, vi fulK, helive. bta been btppiljr fund la Mr. WIIU O.t hitt'da,br peafrMiaai ta adve. cat t 'he sit af H- Frk. He le arlfinallv of out ennhm, btlnf a native ef ri r nla, aad baeinf been -duealed in eer nf tbt dllepa of that etalc. We Ibinkt we war van. nf la eemntend him In the HibKe eonldenea, ttqHalil d fur the taik af eonduc lnf tba Her. binrT. ' '. it ranmate hu bee made b a teMientn praatkatly Infnrmed. roMprrhendin rveev ar. 'trie of etnepa ht 'uritleUtee tMl tueetniri( th neeea.rv eetahUa'teaent with tbe adtxaeton of aotbl'ir aunernuniary. frem thit it appeara that the raMicaiio can ba eowwenced, prevl aided tJOOtubeeribetaean be abteined. for the lt r vearr - If rhrte terwe.- rheer ebatt be rfTected vitbia a few eerkt. e ahaU nuke ihe neeeteary dlvo4 oa m "peedily at poetibla, and the Men of mir l-vt nuethee will five on. lice w the binnt..e or 'he year for which tar euhee-iatir-a w ta4;-r Tr-'.T - rr . It ia a aoninion entnininl with ihe pabltebeea of Ofriodical wofkt, pnnc'ualitv in remit- uaca ia Icai apt to be eenttil'ed ia thit moat pihertpeciea of butieea. rhe on now pmpoeed. e can twuee Ih pubhe, will be whallv without oroAi lo anv one, except the n-creery rentunrttian lo Ihe editec, and la thoa be ttitl! ewrrey f r the Tfleehtnirar ei. cufioii of 'tbe 6rk-W"er uS"nd cW t te thaeeed of Ijberality ia eaakinf aterile. But tftould Ihe preeenl plan pea int. !" tirtn, we think it not improbable that emerg en. aiea mae eatiry happen, eatKar Upon' aa imp.. ri'nOr to aid the etithlithmeni tbrmifh le-po-arv diiytv th Iba Certainty thai we are la derivi fr jra ii mt eeaohiVnent, we canawt bttaneeaa ee'iaJ certainty that we may'nnt attain pneoniarv lorn A Mriodieel paper in til rrt atutamta'a wmw y the very 'wit ran tetJmt lime, and every avpeeienced tad rr nmattn knowa the tratb eierrewd bv Drwtor Jtwnaoav lav a yaajini raae iuta ena.nota for hie antetfonitt. nluet toil wilb diHrenee aet to nd himaeV beaten, t vere one who faeourt the Harbinrer wit aitpttmntee, we epa will do U wilb pretence of atind to the importanee af I lefhy in hi rarai'tt neerOo ttut TbeetaSlib. J M muat depend 4er it eupoort. .. The editor! vVb hwaae'i ante, whether tbev aball aneeeed ar asL in fulBlltrc tlie ttpeeutlnat ollh nub lie. will (ire ate pledge at tt, that if foere be diMppmntment, It tlitrt eot ba eha-feahle X erfaSation of eAVt rm their parte ia their Mention to to tovluct the baainea, that iheir aeemaia 01 rcceipti and dtbo"eevaenttmay tat. r rtrr one. that tber atk a o but from their Iwbeeribera thai it reaJle eecar- foe tfca rapport,; Frank etplenatio they wiH be ever ready ri end ip auch mannar at w may vaniura to pl4e ahaU ba aatiefnelory. We would not en'tire on tbe qutTuict rf the pubticalbn tl'hntTet','yvt,w to""ViiV Iw' the" .aeant of ur,Wior ,eana u poi'ijn. it mii7NVetN and aHawrt,,leet. while eonwdtina thai olt. wa mtzht aeem lo a Dom ourti-lvn to the durea of ntkinr vain promieee, ra'-aeaTactatiaoa tew- bi(b ftrna to fulfil. Bunhatepaperof aocba chtraeter athta Mrhapt beta already inured in lha miad of our readera, W dewrable ia our atata. mm aanaoi but think lew will deny. : One r. tton why tba tubtcriptio la Lib at tnt.a tba ectatirv of f-irnithinc tbe prin 'mt 'tblithment m anoutfli. fThe toat of thit ( will not be l-ta thtn en hundred and tfly dias'---1Wreily',' somefh'.ft'r-moea. TbeeaHtMMtaxca or thitu a durtbie capital, will etolaia the prubanty that 'lie n;iraiin of the firei veer, the paper may be continued at fmir ilUre ner annum, if aol a lata turn. - It rill er maina e kifma) aue feieada, thai lha lemtea.n to whom we hwkm he mir editor, beoeae taweafullr eetabHthed -rn bit profceVooal praeiica in ihe city ef .New-fork, eannotfeel himeelf jnti-dia relinquithing hit nroraeeta. anleta pledjre eaa be irive'n ibat the paper thtll be auetained far two yetr. f bit teic ire to ba aeeorad, it aauet be by a competent number of ubtertber at nee 0iiiara fMlbcttt4iaod poeejbly Jour orJaat for theseeond '' ' . " r h U nn ta be determined after ibia slp'an ttion, whether the pubiie,oa we prep f enan be patruniaed by .a tuaent .nuraer rntj. teribert to warrant it commencement. VV. requeat of thoea fentleeasn to wh im ihU pro BMtilM Dreeaota tba obieet. and they will MMMtt tw-wnt foe we ia biaiai eubioribara. either thenwelvee peraonally. or bv toote fritad who mi) be wiinr lo andertwe tae tats. k,A would none that these papen nay be ftunMd hi mail, or tome other conveyance, in threuarteof montn. marine fuettran may oe reserved ae "f poaMole, whether the plan w propiae it to pate i-ito op-ration or not. . , COtriOY$SUMMtKiLT STJlTEn. iXITb payment fro-n each tubnber wm b five dollara in advance, and ore u.ilitrt and b.b if not in mtd till after ti montht from tbe linwaeubtoriptieovCa tbalrat yaat .. for. lb tcaund tear, U witl not ba more, pcetibly it nay be let ibat loar dollara In advance, and four doner and bar after wt WMiatba. , - - Th iUtw of the flrat paper cent to a ub- aerioer will be eoneidead aa the begiaainf of Ihn year for whieb be aubaerihea. , '.. 3. Tbe ptper wtll be kwued owe a weak, aa a folio eheet, with good type, ad not aoretbee twa eolumea allowed to advertie taenta. . . Wa aanae4 atiDuWta at oretent that tba nubtietiiwn thtlt eomnwne. onieea 12W aob- - m .Tf.a " t ,fm , ,a., 1 a Mi'-T.r-r? v 1 i.'HDinBU Dei otnitncu iw ww t J All lettera addreetrd pott paid, to Tb H.-hiner.- at Cbtoet HilL N Caeobna. Tbeae are tucb termt at we are able to offer, ff feeing employe our-be rT'rt poa -he . birei lor -eoeae - awntb part. ate .r not eanruin- that they will be ae i ixed We can oilv ati . hat if competent -eeraf ement ahould ba afforded 1 the Har. bingat tt b) pat to be 4cST thiiltadcr t9 . n.f rmenl af iht etfilnf We htve pranirod. 11 will he hi(h in rwk amorj Ut p rKKVl pwhhrttkmt U the failed S'.f. IbmiM It (ni In whttinifif the nvmuary pitrwtna, we ftht'l no re feet the lima, eatnion, ae eiptnee, whkh hae heenemp'wted in ihe enttrprUe. Chfl MiU, frhtnify , mi Ti l Ii-- Saturday Ihillctin ' i family Mictpapcr nfthi ' zzzztery Vu jtsl clan, free -;-'--,. from all rroltiicnl lv PuMMied iii I'hilaJclplila rr- a'. l' ft ii err, watiirnaT; DY.ttumunfl Morris, & F. K. CtirVribafik. ' pJ"f.'et-tiret.X-'T;",- -M fe.ll.!1ai'i i-'fltim. - ---.).)H):0;w--- The frtpr i U lUe ha'urda nitlrtln take advantefe of Ihe enemnnia rUfjt.nt ef their peptr. re point attention to Iba mentt of that bifhle nofuUr Journal It aet the imbltkHit aia ef bemf Ihe ateet fnenofn, ano aemetni td . aet ttfrltre af aN newt pepere, in I in particalar ef beinf the beet tVeekHr Fn per Pie reipeetaMe fhunliee, ever arToided to pub lie peironeee frwea the Phi'tdelphie prttt. To eeUblith thia laiter claim, the wtmuet ear it uken to erewd lam Ht ample eolamne eewe piwtible eariety of new and intreeetiaf; VnteDi-' (tnot 1 and an the ecore of Ihe ttleni, tririt, and real lntereet-d ita ewwitntn, combined with ihe beautifully white nepwr on which it prin ted, the clear, new type, aad Ht not beinf crowded Ith abundance ef edverOteateele it ia bnped it may claim ndmimio. to the bee. leuraand bbrarietwf all peraona of education and tntle. - To thoea whedo, at wtU eeiheee who do aet read Iba daily papere, Ihe Bnturday Bulletin wiH never lack noeettyt every pnrt he entieelv wri(iaal, we waeapeted la a eaannar to tml aitantioa to avea - the leaat latpotinff pnrtonnf h eontentt "H wpHntrd wa Inrfe imperial tbeet aflno white paper, twentifowr aelnajna in oaeb number, and oontaina Ihe aewt wf the week dew. to Ihe Inlaw datee. ' Tbe pa'ieti fur aabtoribera Id iba Country are carefully packed io etrwnf wrappere and put into iba P'wt Omne in time to lea, the eh ty by ihe-awiW af - aalueday atoeniair, aa ike by "unday niht, they may b received at ooV or wae hundred and tfy atile dietanr from the ciiyi while thoea, who Bva wit bta lite r tavern e eattee, will - tret tea tneta eo kb evw wing of a'wrlav;'7 -;:-' -- v- -u. - Ommrtf Plin of the ' - JhtunlXr Uulletinl u j Aew. eiae w treff aeaful met and to. tcreetine; occirrtnoe, whether ethwmaeea bmed, carefully telaeled and loioally areaaffad with peetieukta auantinn to -tbe early Inatnita ef Uto fmtmf mme mr-a. r3tirr Lir M rioVaia Iietapiit-4 in a wnti af well written and deeply lirteretlietnarra. live under tbe litis of tba Tow Tatlar, afford t picture, ef real UCa nave bafaes eammuaietiod for ptikficatioa. ' Tae Oinme Cekiciaad with frewdom and talrii. but wub eandour and kindaeet .IneenVet aatf Cattie-Under n hevd furnibod all the lining rumort of the day which are deemed proper for a aewtpapet re aaafeeWoTbit iibjeet ie Peculiarly in toroetinf 1 tbe wnoniry aubeeriber at all tlmee and In the prevent einlted Mate or Mrope, m of Mare at ' Importance. Tht atoat enpldtrt and aeoueate aoooual win he rteea weakly, tip to the latee mement, wf any chanf na la tbe flour and Grain kterkata, including tne pneet f -Wheal,- arya, C'irn, . ruaaaod, mev-ura Mea' We, flatten, .' :"JZl. ".. Z. J". '"' & wet renete-ofWrtllaf er Ihe ch atoee tfl moat cap'iratiaf Taler and Bkctebc from Cltckwoojrt btarttine, sod ether hlehly pop- alar Knviith ou'iTteat'iona. Foetn a. PtUct Keprt-rTocun& .etcluaivew for thio moot, and to ba found ia no other rbila drlphia Publication. Tbraa reports eontitt of eatetat the Mayor't OBje. aad are reaerally f an at ewedieelf -buato"oua cbamotcr, while eft are tovariubtv intevwetiaf. - In three eana the counter feeder; thane b ' ftr faeaweed frwea the buav aornc will htve s b ed s eye view of muoh itiat la daily Iranapirina wt real iua. .. nW rTha et . premMv al aaea n in all the Cmrta will be faithfully reported ro pufeei are reeUeteeaptovwd toeuenitb eta- thmtwftateewat that maira; - v:;-ir."'f Utrarrtiree v twar a ftunnii iitt at pee riatret and Deaiba foe the w-cK, The Saturday Bulletin Hat been ewtbTithen about ava yrtrw and duriae thai period, Ih Htronaet baa been freat beyond an parraiiel a iha biatorf of Xmenetn Ttawtparf. five tboutand tubacibert art a little tuffloient ree- omendatioa to kt wterila. . Wo Oatette, I met could be offered with more confidence to the vitinal atelier than ia p-iblithed in aay other periodical Krtdi and ; nearly one thott; and dollar arc annually paia ay im Editor to wettor for thia paper A t- Mmbertaif Itvn nanee wiH onnt .to nnv peraon who may drtirooa of etaminint; ht pre. tantiont,nn application, free ot poeaf a, la Ilia Rditor. The eitoiMtvt imnrntujien'i anie in the site and aiafiiv of the B iHttia .an lbs Firet of Jaauary, 1132, - "eaa , b eampenaated only: br an ' incrtaaa of tubearfbtret and in orJerfia induce gentlemen at a ttietanca, at wen aa mote in in my, 1 promote 1U eir wlation, ih KdiiorofT re Ihe fol'iiwinf t.-Aet pet too fofwariline fin tuhacribara tad a yeaVa tubeertpiion, shall receive lb pa ftr frmnr bimtelt. nalong ta tblvr eontia. HO. : - r y l - j..ny pereana forwerdioe; Te aubeeribeTt ted a vart eghenrt?tion. ehajl- receive a aaiw of tba LITE OF SArotY. beautifully bound InTwo v.tiumeiroranyTotterWVV; nln- which may ba detired. ..Tbae bonka witl be forwarded with etraia the manner directed by tba owner, ADDRESS THB EDITORS. gi tie 10tb of September W w Uet, rrom my plantation In Jonra county, two negroes, on named WA8HINGTUN. about 87 year of tee, a very briebt rmilatto, on ana of hit Jiandi there la a tear occasioned by eut'i It nr etiantfe bib; nae and endeavor to paea for free ntan. The other named Juun, a commoo mulatto, about-so yean ofao, vary intelligent i be wiilpiobably pas ta tb tervtitt of Wttbinpcs,' .id: chanf hia name. a reward of 33 Dollan will be rivea lor the delivery of .oitbor In any Vtl to that 1 eaa get tbem.- v -JAiTitS LAMAR Ocioaee 10. . ir T Th Oenrctaa. Kavannah 1 tLe Tr!ri Cope, Columbia, fl. C. 'and Ukhmon l f.n : a j nut lorbiii, sna tbe forward tiieir aocmmtt t JtiForSale. Wit hundred pounds of firrtt rale ' WorlhuntJIs, iqulre al tH if rV . 'flllEBuUcriber hit. Jl " T l.telf purclarieJo hi Villi L t. n. Dtolei. ci f Va. i) i,e waa trcJ, oa: half . of ih thorrmjh bred hort God'Jphlai Kciip rising f-or year M, ixtcrtt . 4 -hand high 1 ' posaeaatng a lrp . i there of bone and mutcle 1 in col 1 r, . form and iae" rrlembling hi ire,1 ihe celebrated.. American Kcllp" .'ZZV-. hot padlgtee it 1 uonacettary to ...:. mr'Hinn ta he la universally kaowo , , to be of the bat peed aod bot'Otn i I ' the United Bteteij tiivbg Veaur tfir Ch iflct and Bir Hrnry oot of E30.000. I " , Godolphln Dam wis tired by 14 -.;. t. ; Archie, aod her Dam by Mtdley. ': - -Codolphin Eolipte It untrained, but tho ight by Judge to be equal ta abf r' io the world, lie will atand at caf . . ttiM only, ".'. 1 e ' - F-r particular of pedigrfo. n(J - w tcrmt, H-f fltnrl-BiHt. '. ' 1 IIEZrKlKL'BAfTfDEW." r t T I Guilford, A. C. , l-ll..- ., i!itosLi3crija ' - 'or TirK '' WEim tAfcOfJWAK, , tunrnw ai , i.. iij siniTOat cnLAzaix - ; . Iff LtLlSBVitr ft VjRQUJfJ. . f - THE Weticrn CarolinUn i drV., ted to Central rotitic$ Politic! . onomy, State Papertt Literature Fowgnani Pomftiie Mhct, JlerU cviweMcthankttfc. ' In politic the Editor it thorooghe paced democraiie Republican. advocate the d.tctrioel of Free Trad nd 6te Rijrits if Bppoied 11 'ih exert lie of. contlruolta power and incidental fV;he:.T Heia opposed to theT fiffnd it oftpnog, fattrnal proeroenta( by the ueocai uoew err men t. lie It 10 favor of Intcru.l mnrovementa br the? B:te Govern ment. , lU iieviog rn riecuon 01 AVSJUTaT. JACrSOJf. wiO be the torettmeaaf' of ; perpetoatin g tho Libertic in defence of which be hat - contributed eo much, the Editor will advocate bia reflection with un JiacBe. htg ieal and manly Irmnett. 1 i',;f.Uft,y.eeee aroilOUO D Printed once week oo a Urge impe . rial heet of good-O.Oalityywith rf"? type and wilj be sent to lubtcribers : ai 81 per: annum, V paid tvUMa three monlht, or Ki,$0 tcr thai time, t -'f' y -r ; "t - 'i Advertiamg ai the iuat rate Al ke Cr 41nla hat the widett circuit tiott of any piper to the Venero prt ?. of the State, ndvertiter would find ft much to their advantage to advert!) In Ita eolumnai u'.--; - )tay one prtxaring 1x nlvent tulfli idtUr to tw Carolinian, tAaJI a eventh paper gratia. i " 1 - ttr- POtt TM - t paid on all lettera addrettad to ih C7 Editor with whom we evchnirw , ml .onfer favor npon na. which, will ; oe enaarfwlJy" f oclproestad, ty iyinlhB hove a fw inscnlnos.': - . " r?? - - X l 'A'9. 0 appear at theT- "3:'jKrI M-ut In Saliaborf Vaj'", ' "Vr!i,r,,1.',rdy of pr next," l 1 l .tjutpptt) a the law diroct; V I H ' ..' Pt ruder of the Catt. " a W, -r jko 11. tiAKDic, fircvw .: : r v N, B. ''Ail those I hat hav , rnukeit will pla.te to rin fAe'Sf'ST'EvfJ' F:i-Mit(i2hei'e S0--'H1 CUARLKS WX etwl CXCMrf. ' VrilE, ITKAM. BOAT; WAGON v .; HAM having been KJKd last tommer, hr iunoi.K !!. i n Chtrlet'on end Tho ten Calling a: GecwTown on hei Way, up and down, will resume her Trine in the) course of few day and ii in'eorird tnht) continoao Knirado-tha entumr " on- ' . t t " .- '."' . ' Her exceeding lieht draft of Water ' oswlng wbetilotde d oolf about lour nd tT7 a half lost water olil enable be 10 restfc-----.'-C(ier,uUltmeiexceptaia.nncom--.'1J ,r mon low titer, whew her cargo will b -J UKblenicrfTtbe fcip'nro of Boat. , i, B. CLOQIL -5 -,-.. CnWwfait M lUI V K. B She bat tomlortablt' act omd datloat o.' few pisaeorert - - 13 I .v ii y t if a a u 1 x Benjamin Prdej! , HtriNO juat "reoeived the mtatt New.Tor ad Pbtladclphmhahiona. loe-ethee with MinitirfatbiontHfLoavji4W ' arrtnjttmenta to receive them regularly, as they thtnee, and havininveoe tia fira. rtt". ''. j. workaeala hia erniiloymtnt, wIU be nabtai --' to depute all work m hit Tine on abort notir.e. tbetp, ami n euperioe styhj af vwrbaturehin,--.- Any PrM w)abiawttirtemt Now.orb; '?:' aod Philadelphia Patent Right mod wf, outline ; " (rmeattcaa ba taught by the eubecrioer, inj ;, i nliabory. A.U Ttilore would d WeB toaup . f I y tnemwivea wub Rifitt, at almost all th4-n " s V 'iPfM . Tiiloratn iiAtiroVrtWwK&frwt: InemrlrSiS -. UlU"" BENJAMIN, I'ULP.T. - JO II PMMTIJSUC . . rt .aH nucasrvwa,'- i eitepwen mitt aa.rvnt tr attr.t, ; t ; :- ' v ,. .1 1 art '-.j. . ; " :" ,;" 1 '"1 1 in an- a -e ym jmv. . I- . f-r.-j-rrf .1

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