7 4 OU'JJjUO: WJU t. , i f , , , : s - . , ',. ' ' : ....... . ; . , . . -' " : - i r 1 4 'm ' 'k'" we, W'k hmmfr what f"oJ w IWwjItm, have the semblance of ukrmiallty which tnS no re-nonse in theheaif of the t'iilznn, end which".! to'f vaJeJ with little remorse. lh wwlom f Ififftaliofi i epcmlljr ueo in rvAin oa conscience. , ; - - 4 . ( ; , .. , , ; , ''J ' J)r. thinning, , .. .umtt''"Tmmmmmmmmm i eajaaaiaaaaaaaaaasnas SAIJSmiUV, 110 WAN COUNT V, N, C;. M0DAV MlUCIU iri , -w.(VO!., XU ..NOi il f im riiWii Ml fr0 :Af ?aniT rtC Coi'""' J-. rmr SHALL BE DONENEXTr Mr.' Editor rarsa'sri" who . tht f hat we wtf,fW the couatry Si; whatnot J! present of Congre I Jo Lw, and, thereCre. I wwt but W"M, iw w. thftll be hth! fro h mortifies L 1. about the .TwilC Tber- pj Li comproniiie, there easht te I e upon pritMTptt more 4TeUgeou to Um prcll intercts, tba tl present.- A m who Jiee o wbirh; -y tu inlUiV.cnnothve hie-njh! Kft 1'"- If lhe PecJ,,,J mtof .4, n.)t wiee in time, the danger U AH thr be wemhelmei by popular Wir,IHt'ion. But wpne tlkt Conrctj aV, 4hin.t whfct then? wlt next! .inmaion ie wuwered by kin tn-t,Ser-.Wh.rewcre we but yrtr tlthn ji.p.t-Whert, 1t in the depth of Ve Mir' ml what brought vu to life? hit tit rnMins ie1e enimatinj, cheer. iB,, oun iv4hf r-e1ti0 toother irt cat. in the country, end then U rhiU. Jelphm, fniriiijf'pini. teeerUiouif th we "TirtU?httiiK eboof the niiin .Miu. xl than ire4iflg tbfte opini'HM ib"'' t( peofl"t Can we doubt, then, tl-vSi i tibe done next I Cee we Mv.b'v.l ov better then tefo ojii r h ;! V!iti, bv ctwrintf knowledge iiv'CtKc ix-''T We rmit rcaiwi with gi..mU-ntmd iu No mte could km drW-.n f, tMw ,i'Ht!e t ,. thtt the Thie m wr9 founJe- lion ? i von oCTherefhrerp on. Rut thr iwnethini te do( the snrf erfromente thet will be breusW out tht winter, io the 1 Report f the Co-nmiree of theTree Trede Conitnilon, m! in Conre, ourht end mu te put frtii, in euch plain popular f )rma, that "thry can b ' cempirhenned by-" the mat hoHv of thn people. The friend of Free Trmfc. t WMhinirton. ia end eut of Con vv" WW there, ought, the momont that Jt in awertained that nothing will be done tla winter, (if, unhappily, that ancukl be the ens J ti moot, and recommend tome Min ai concen. in cucu . jpmiv v ), txbMit thi obict ikai it, the iprttting f information among tit people. No fnnt amount of money will be reiulredi . Ml U- ...lyl n BUI nrirT irur . uian jiu urn ..m,yy '"' v - tir;9teethiny, and be will givett-..Wba on!Tbjeet can we nave wnmv. pumr , HiritT is thre, tban, hannR Wt ide Jill !iNiewi," tn rirrulat'MUst ideal of p . lii;.cl M;noaiy am'ieq; . free peoplej who r. m tH lcnn ourait oftho which enno kin i?vir -ndiliont- Mr, Editor, I know th..a!ue ef,your. excellent paper, wit ', r -vit reach eyerv body. I am not wi,t;Jajjirrticol "plaairVul I. do iit. i Hat. nr m w are to the desired ...4m". 4f-44mHot -atay.on 4eckvA1 thr t i-tu. and .work liko jaen, ...we . abaU -downr a .bei.attd ishail-be hipwroekod tvr 'c that thev bae not been eent llw-r- f' tmtriiniT. Tliia i the voice of juntP .ui "f twentV" dwliitereeted men. ONE OF THE NINETEEN, i'ti York,Febuary;M2. ; thnt warm hearted and intelligent people." l""f.JJLl A L FOR 'PlRCY , uxOiAtimloa to acUe,Md a wu mmi. what difllcult loo. . But , any , mind wai amonir the bird tinner Sdutb 4 .the Flur. da, ltod Itiver, the Arkanmui, mat tlnto known eHintry California, aud tho Faeifie oceenvw I fall myaelf drawg tu the untned acenei olthoM countnea, anJ it waa ne- ceMiry for me to tear mytelf away from the kin dr m frtemji. .. . , , , AAef ilreribin2 hie voyage to St. Au pintino, aftd an iulerealing Inetiriv'wlti a entlontan on Bt. Simoh, Tland tie con tiniina, Auju'tiiie wh'tever it may fitive been, ia far from-" tvjinj'a 1iuriithiii place now. It lie itt lhe bottom of a'ly, eitremely (lilhciilt af accoe even for tea. aela oflibt draft, which atlclom reaeh the city in la thanit day I cannot aay nuch for the market, nor for the circumjacent country, Orange and plenty . w Rood &4h, eeera te constitute the wealth of tlte plaea Sands, pine loreata, and impenetra ble thick! of eactu. tutd pJmttoa form the under growth. , , I will rive you a akrth or our manner of pawing the time, we are up before day, end our toilette ie awanada.- It the day ia to be epent tt drawing we tnke a walk, and return when hunrnrand tatiguod we draw nnintetruptedly Yintil dusk, after which, another walk: then write op jour- nail and retire to rest early. When we hare nothing on hand to draw, the guna are cleaned, em nirht, a banket with bread and ebeeae, a bottle -witlc4d hiMe jn?rdl lhe veMetT wai "aent' key, amraome water ia prepared. vTe got into a boat and altar an hour or hard rowieg, we find ouraelvet in the middle of most estenarve marahce a fir ae the eye ctrt. reach The boat ie anchored, and we roon, wading through mu I and water, amid myriad of Band flier and rmraqoi. toe, ahooting here or there bird, equal, tinj down for half an hour, toobyrw the way of. the beautiful peinga we are in purauit of. Thi in thn way ia which we From the Time &i Gasett. Thi dlstinnished Individual if TtoW'in Flori la puruinr- hia interesting nnd ardii- out rcsearchei among thcdjilerentepeeiea of th leathered raca. Hia object ie to "emler complete hia iplendid work on the ornitholocvofthe United Statea, the first volunie-W whic!iiB:adjblhbe Fef; thirty yeara haa Mr. Audubon oevotca ni time, hi talent and hi fortune to the rtu dy of the character and habit of Birds, and with iinexnmpiftd enthuaiasnr-" We hop hi valuable lif may be prolonged, ) that he may complete not only the tholojy liit one of the ftneet epectmen of art, tliat ainy country or age na ever pro- TioHwmlreWi-e late letter to a friend in Philadelphia, tpublidhpd in Mr. Foather!TOhoi.'h a val tuhie Journal of Geolojrv nd Nat. Science will give eome idea, of bit feeling and Jiabits. ' ; . ; " We at length approached Charlerton, and the view of that .city from aeroa the bay, waa hailed by a partywith Unfeigned .. dpiight charmed as wn wire with having germinated fluraryjourn occur to ua to anticipate the extraordinary Woitalitv. whioh awaited us there, and which led tola residence of .a few ,ef the Jutppiest week I ever pawed. v " Having received a, warm reception, and been aided by many gentlemen in prosecu tinst DunwY.ha'enW I believe r preWred about 300 epecimene, coii- ting of about 00 epeciea1 of land and water bird. I jumped at once into my ' wood- IwKting ihnjii:iini W.fy$Z?, dav brpni . knit Rftnn ai work . either m the r ' -:.-: .r. v., . .f ay of ahootinff. takm view; or drawn bird : after sunset acribHina in our jour. ale." I n speaking of the attefltion paid aim in Charkhton be remark. It u not ffiltl for. me to exprcse . propetly the The Provide Putrid of Wedneadav cjntaintttw W lowing notice of The exam ination of a man before the PiHtricf Court ma charge vtjirvy and murder-c The examination of Blocum tor pirscy and murder, wu agnin commenred Wore the Hon, J. Pitman, at the District Court room, oh ijgturday last. ' Hii i the most extraordinary case that we ever heard of. It apper that Mr. John -Allen, of New. port, formerly , fitted out .a aloop Jbrtjie coa-t. of Afnca,:roni which he received intelligence in' being then on the South Africa Coast. About two month mice, several aailur arrived at, .Newport, from Norfolk". They ; hinrd a carriage Ind proceeded io PorUmouth.. They pas sed a hotm on their journey which one of toe sailors olwervea wa occupied by hi uncle, and that it wtu the .tr where hf nfe:U hi younger duy. (to turning to nswpon, me eauie pcraon tooiMome ep ium and brandy, and soon, becamn very deranged. ' In thi state he declared htm self to be one of the crew belonging te tlie aforesaid etoop, nd also that the said crew rose upon the officer, and that all were killed except himself. - He . further atatcd that ha remained an. board of. the , vessel for several daya alone, ami wa taken efT) bya piratical cruisar. " After" recovering from hie fit of diliriam, he denied the a strtions which he had made but he wat aimilar and even contrary purmiitay Whilst the eoldtnna ef the (Jirard Juumat, tlrrtfere, will tn spectaHjrevntwd r the illost ration, eirpervtNion and history of hia fceqmao 4l ilt cMwprie mcH a - variety a te rvlieve from h tediutr, of mon9toi- oa narrative, and animate bv the spirit of th living and aiteaking worl.t; lest la tM cold apathr of historical troth, w should impereeptiMy beenme enveld in th bdage ot the mummy of Egypt.'- . - Borne of t?i (Wbera psert, VtWee those of Suuth Carolina, sprsk. their sen. (intents on-tlty plainly m to what may be expected frwni a' persavernncfl of the Man ufacturer in their system or monopolies. A a spximea, we gie lis) following, in which there appears to be no anibigsiiy." From tlit Columbus (Gr.j Enf. tJn, 2f . ! The movemente in Cengrese begin to have on air of mnch intere.. Question of importance begin to be agitatod, and the champion of both side begin to make preparation tor the eotiteet. On the 11th ituL tb whole city waa gathered together to hear Mr. Clay, npon the eubjoct of the tnoilificattoa, of .the Tsrif, not. svick , a modification as will relieve the Southern people from Ike Urdeu wbich lhy hear,! but which r moves only that pert which bear dpon the Manufacturer, and leave upon ue of the Sooltj the whole weight rf tbat atenrsed aad nitolerarle tytfrm. If a man want a ahne mended, he take it U a eoblerr- If be wanuaeoat mewlsd be take' 1t te vtllar. If ' be wanU wirh mrtded,he tkcs jl to watch maVer. r Aualit; tf asvmen;wi.tf hi quadrant memled.'h takes it te a iiiatlirminri ln atrameot maker. If a man wauts Ie en derstaad a point of jurinprvnUnoe, he ap plies to a lawyer." If he want medical advice, he applies (0 a phyicitn. " 1 ,NW, why is tmseoerae tnvertawy pur- with all il force npon thn mrfare hi Ii rover the tee from about eiU r iud ehvek in tWnwnmt 'Xtwtil htwia; tiie evert irtg t but the the ice dene all thn force 4 flio rm' mjIm no nikfter how Brssi thw3 heat of the atmotpherss Ae eternal mr rent of cold air ismir from tK bus, of thie ,. bed of ice.- Individual pawing along the) path way feol 4tJej eolJ air tery semabr aflectiog their J4 and ler. ' ; v ; .'.Mr. JJoevere, the owner of the laad,ha ed by tha whole community t Bimply reeted avery mall Jog dairy tt tl han) kcaii The tvblee,- tM milon the watch l esmtntaiii, whic h presarve m eii! ; maker, the mathematical initrument ma- butter, fresh melt, Ae. at all nm. ha 1 ker, the lawyer, and the phyajcianj from chooaee tu 6 ft Mm all taut or h.try hiving We lhr particular pursuit a every kind. If a lly return tabi k.o , study, and frstn having., amited practicn dairy, which eomctimee baripetia, be ie hm with theory, are kwn to ba better. mta. Mnly reduced a Hato of tarpituda, and ifteit io oarrorm their roeoeetive function rendered incaoable uf 'nVang the )at ia -' . ' il - - I Si.rv. CnM .J lUm .ral.l Si. An hehlit MIa ini v. lit v f f ' " "M spend oiir day"--They, then prepare lhe akin ef birds wsich are'intemlo-I toTle preserued, and he add, "all this, added to our other evocation, brings ua into the eight pretty well fatiguei Such try dear friend is the life of an active naramVtt, and euch in my opinion it ought to be It ia nonesense ever to;, hope to eee ia the doeet what ie onlv to be perceived a far a the laws, nrnniemeiit and beauties of ornithological nature .Uoncerned-fbyi that devotion pf time, opportuoitiee and action-, 1eshehj I have consecrated my life, not without hope that acience may benefit by my laboura.'' "''i-- J,.rn, pe afraid my aity 1 tax a reaonbleare of my aealth and Tife-ii I know how te aiurd azainit.'reat difBcuU tie, and I have no time to attend to, that wont of all kind of difficultiee, imaginary ones." Circumstance never -wit hia . ray control threw me apoa my w resource, ..-1:.' ''r..iL.IAtLdL. at a very early penoa 01 ray mo . 1 irmwn un in the echool of adversity, aim am not an unprofitable scholar there, hav ing learnt to be utWhed vrita providing for myTkmilv arid rnvnelfby ttry eftiohfc' The lift I lead ie my iroeation, full of 'smooth and rough paths, like evsry that men vsriouslv try. My physieal eonstitutiott hae allwayabeia mnnA rul the hne now 01 IBiril 1 nava, haa nitflsi s-raatlv assisted me in. aorne of the moat trying pnasagea of life I know that I am engaged in an arduou unoena kmc. but if I live to. complete it, I will of. fer to mv country a beautiful monument of the varied aplendor of American nature, and of my devotion to American ornithe- iirv. ... . ' ; -- Thaaa few extracts are tufncient'to shew the nature of bis pursui'l, and Eis In tentHiM Wa are hDPV to eoa our-W ai. nrmeat aidinff him in his exertion by placing at his command a mall veaeel for k ninvi oi avnlorinff the riven and i oesrFloridar;:,;; ;.; JJi:.;Ct. "t Wa wmh him everV success in ma ia horious work, both -aw aeeoant -of - the advancement ef Kineee, and hie own great I !a tAlw svuAis1 r.tat tan saw-S m a1 m iiiiiiwuiuivij fi 1 1 v (? via iui a 11x3 a. iiir vi , .A . , , - , . ... I A nm Ma.. fTItlir kalal arii ! IM (fss1 Up. lreiareA rtcyand murder. Mr. A lira (hi oncurj J y Vz J il f- the iWrotlna veMeCwaineut fortSniade 1 for remark, and mov e4 (or the ; 1.. .. ki. poetponement of the subject tutd Mondayk who bad eaileifin hie veMclTha eailai ,hf l tb,nS ,ock denied ever having eeea Mr. Allen before. I rwtmj eVbato npon the Mr. A. then stated that Slocura had alont ,"bsu jJ bere,mu4 be eeincthing at hi house a few night. brfore, and ream;; Jmr- TT ed perfectly "welL-acquainted-with ihe'liP" bjThe.fcciang. 3!fjbe bouse, fllocum hawever denied having J ,h .f'.f. 'f anyknowlodgeofAHenorhieversel. ThS-f .'7 ft, 'ftf dUmat.on mother of gfoeutn was then sent for, ami : frmnd. of . e Pr,i 1 System immediately ' recognised her" who,-f Vt f "J "fr .he thought dead. 4 said that there ; " th thi. abom.nablc were anveial ac.rf about ni. bo,lv Iem. by.h anemn, anow of conceasioe which hec-uU b- recog,,ittd W Wex- f"'1 . ... v t 1 it l inff detsrmmatioo towpress. But it will annua)!' n wva ivuuu. k. - j S. Marshal reeognised him as a lad whom " B " !a" "ur'"B ha tt knew in Irtmeu.h. Mar li'Tlte at a ran MM aim auoewniMM iu"uini:aiiiHi, III' : Kiuiwuun ..iuuimuwii .n.v. than anr bhJv alas. ' ' I Jury I.' I ' .1 . . ' i I H.1..1I inU a l.miutMil. .f m.dtlili.NI. tlM I 1 oniy 111 me science 01 gnveniiiHJoi "ji"KTi"' j i " ftll $eiwe$ and arts tkt ewMtlcow- rw overs animation, and fliue oft plici4,' ielieetn end sficalt o hi an- If a make in hi rambla hsppen to get , drrtiood that every ehnfiow pt ia the 0 the etona covering the joe, lie frfw be. wholo nation considera himseir a Wis a I come so cniuea as an wv 1 , . hislneifflihor. You will A find a politi-1 aad finally parishes with the depress cf - clan, from Maine Io !auik;ana; from lbs cold.. ISever! inrtaiicce of (his kind bavw ; . ( lofty aspirant to the Presldrmy down to been ere in . Mr. iever e oairv, k the hamUeat -ecnodefr of a motioo Ml has bee see n-itmidiflimmert. Jit, tlle, State Legislature who does not eoosider ksll informed the aullh r that he bad sera j ( himself a wall qualified to male law (or kn ia h dairy in tlui' month of July. The v ' thirteen millions tf people,' u Lyeargua author himself saw ka no the a., and . and Solon ware for the inhabitant, of Spar bkicks of ice .formed between the Vga" ; ta and Athons. Well was il oixie exclaim- ia the month of ApriU , ' eJ , I Immertialoly uuiler this Wnk tl tee a , Qurnm parwa eapienH regHur miu$." rety JreauUfnl transparant spring -issues, v-.t 1 . 1 . ' ' i. ,iM 1 and empties Into the river a few feet (Mm , t,?Uud9mi'tktVrlif09; itahearf. This spring is unquerfionabbr 1 rw 9 --1 esjs, ;'tfB-.t . a - I . atL i,!:.rent times, lhe Jud.. discharged hi.n !f ",'l"6 nD wlu "P" ""v ' V say- S9 nrs " .T SW . - on Monde? Usty-th partiea having IkiMli ..1 .:r.. - -- 1 - . . 10 lucuuiy muu . ... ...... .. . 1 - - . ... r-r J l ae ;ucd in tne uouse ui siepresen- Anewneriodical of averTBmffularrhar,iativesi a sketch of which will h (Und in actcr is proposed in Phiiadelphia.. Dr.'tbi paper; augurs a revffaj of all the anx- Porter, proprietor of the Literary Rooms ; ltiee and tMubW of tlw Miamri n,ues u) that city, baa issued a Prospfcclus for a '. liomThe disturbers iif the Union in the periodical w irk to bfr entitled " The 7tr. . North ftkt begin to pla v iheU part more if Jauml of Wealih." From thi nro. ': tiibly. They iuat the Tauffis not sufii- pectus we have 1 neen '"ody" the fcilowmg:ci?nto0telfJ.f Wvollie SoutVto; .ifr.rt and w kre tinable to state there-1 lence... And : now they would . mingle : . . . ..--.-.. .i,:.t ..1.... (ore with precision the terms,! lorm, ire- j mo inuian couironij m wmc. cniency ef appearance, eVe. ofihe prpo Southern .grievance, ..m .euch .a way ae HiikfiMiM.t Kmmm. itm -ti aim lhA Jul.t la nukKe II ins swn tn SlfUOJ: mil LmwilVliivsii s wr - i- .... L,ti. aeeinr f ita' inttnfo& character:! ever aarrassea llie country, - - l,n..U not anticinato for h"a lonar nreVT t Wa reffrat fliaf the reoehf 'deeisionn traeted existence. 4 It appropriate topics, jjtha Supremo Court hue been hastened, eo we should think, would ooa be exhated.i s to bring that Iribueat "ulethe-eonflieu It U difficult, however, to forelell what inayor partyvi.1 W", uopeu,wfeuiu, 6w"euroT. Whe Mntnw rotsybave bwnrvitd tbeeflWtsjiiv cau te ae oe ' Kins dt mo vniw, . merit-. Twe letters have'been pnblished in the on the 27th of January, from which avtracf the'lolloWinT t.Tha Tariffis the most and ainrapor tant subject of this session of Congress, nJ mi its aatiafactory ndiustment wdl, I xaiat sjraai aA a - . . m (bar and temvt,iertke continuant of Ut Union. Moreonthjasnbjaereaiier. "The Tariff tolas appear .uierniM nnt 10 abate an Inch of their pretensiww, an J IonucnlMwrif thejrhave the coarage to adhere to lheni. that the irJm t ikif tttnitt M hi ditiolved I have resisted thi conclusion as long as I wasable,nd hav. at )angth eome to it with sorrow, but the evidence in jrremstt. ble. The manufocturers" pretend to be increduloue, or else treat, the subject with knaHn. and sav let them so. And the Sooth will gel There -is no division ef sentiment among- tnem. 4 1 nn is, mo so cand attempt of the , New. England arts-tociatMs proved abortive by the virtue of our yeo manry ; so, having to nope tor irw quarter, the 4lartford Convention fdk fetf mined 10 drive off the South," and I greatly fear that they wil - .TTT.a-.. n ' " - sls Tor pubtishint a period'u voted to the death ef Morgan, we little an tidpetedjhf; Jrnnency of Antimfta6nie pmttcalien w ;-t,ri,'M"' "an" M lid from all ether consideration, it i due to the character aad memory of the deceaeed, that the magnitude of aiipaiuuv thropic deed should be commemorated by some iiteprary estaWishmmrt having teftr- ence to his aoxse and character ail a temporary edn transient journal, wbieb should terminate wua mo ciunieraiion ui i his preperty, and the fulfilments of hie lau dable ioteiaiontionsbut one which shall imitate the great ecope ef hie Character and gemralisn inivaneak TaiUtrmaorr from his example. Il wu not iner aurv butee of Stephen Girard t attem pt what he could not perform; er te be dispirited by slight obstacle, from th accomplish, ment ef his designs; WasiWeji n pir. $en'ti&V fiie exertion, until he had vanqiuBhed, and surmounted all intervening obatacleEphemeralef fnrta had no existence in hia enduring at- mnanhflrt. ' Nor would a proper view ; of Hariarn Arirufl. front -Waahingteii, dated 1 his ample and comprehensive character, 5S?!SiC? undertaking that wsseitnerUm- . j j ' ...immI.iI in ,1b ftiama' (team wg, or dweussion. ) ' k f " " . i A CirwsT Journal might. It first view,, be deemed a very moootonu production. But the cenirary wiU eooa appear, wnea we consider Ilia ivariety ot nis pursuits, from a Sea Captain to a merchant, a" bail Je. a butcher. and a banker and the eonwreheesive sweep hisulenta CU oicupeiions as well as the -boundless varie-j ty of his wealth, his views, hi actions, and eharitiei. If we follow the track, of his character, id.the : leading fenturee of this iOornat, we enan presuiu 1.7 anuailed bv the diversified pursuits of man- 1 v - Oi.U ' tl'.mA kail nlmiwl ainu. . -r or ovcjiuu v. , -anna ihouffh the entire circle ofeoeial oe- cupationa ; and those which he failed to cIom all difficultiee arising out of the In eiaa title tn ueorgta niigni.navo pre vailed, by extinguiunhjr the title it!i. ' yrrClobe.- A eorresponJent of the New - York Ca tette, in a b'tter from Washington,' pub- lishcd some Ume ago, say, in relation to the discussion which anxe rut ot Mr. MercerVresoluti'Nt to raise a Standing Committee on Internal Improvements ... The vote stood 90 to 90, and there atr negatives enough , among lhe.aiiasn tee to have decided it in the neirativo." by the Federal Government has, got .it . . , a 'il death-warrant, ana win, ai mis Kion MMaitfA ita Jnalh.liloer." . ' , : .Whether 'the : poliexit jfnteoial. Im provdment by- the Federal Government has got its death-blow or nrt.'as fcr ae the Con "res is concerned, one tnmg is Very elearwd IhatZii', tliavt in death-warrant will never be recalled eo Ions as the man who simed -it - continue at the head of B . 1 ,i t ttHkira. "r v.rTzrr'.TrTrX the coldest water I have evei( seen and I . will harard thr nmnionthat the waiter ia At (he time of formation of the Federal I the hottest season df vtar, is b it a lew dn T"7"' Coortitulwo, i aerar auuoipaled llial jrfsboW the freeang' point. ' Yet in) ' a ease under il shoald arise, like the one winter thi Hiring water,' notwithstanding; -"now Dreseuted. vii adifKirence'olbpioiea Tu externa decree ofcoid.'ha the eflct." a to th aowere granted- to the General I of preventing the formation of ka ia the) Goveratneat. acccompamed by a refusal I rrrer where if empties. . Mr. Deevers la by both pa run lajntxa. tntunrsi .mom- Uttiiw4 the author f that -there te- al wayt ment in any attempt settle it, by refer- ta ffjmB channel ia the ice in the coiaeat ring the disputed pointa ta a convention winter weather of home twetty or thirty 01 IBOJUlies.- .,! ! yoiy wn'j i'; ! looi. - - - ' ' , a perseverance in the presenfeourse nmsir-Thsi'tllssiiuVtitn'Wcfl'B: inevitaWy break up the Union. ' lf(An I hibiu one , of the greatest natural curiotds . gre Wishes to exercise a power not, gran- (iet jB c,wotrj 1 1 believe is aimittM t ted by the Constitution, and, instead of ap- by every individval Who haa euoiimed it. plying to thn flute to have it conferred lt anquaitionaWi' afSrda the very teal ci(wt 1 - J ........ W.mm a bam tka Vkkar. r -t . r 1' ' i - . . ujr anrenniirem, www r i " Kir isq erection ai oisnps in our cnwairyi er by a farced eonstnictiort, and then af- ,no probably isaxceee4ed by aontf in thw t terwarjls.syWa wautMamendmenl to worloV- And there i little akuht-eha. it-L. the Constitution; as It already confers all will at eome future period, become valaa- ' . the. Dowerjre wanttwJt i vetyplaia,t bin for that purpose. -The .noevetr a4 the guarantee of a written Constitution, of snouoluiiaus eouutry. -ia itTnei?bb.irhooa - which so much ba beodf is a bulwara n,ay protahlv retard lay 'vslnahl im- of broken reeds, and is jit well adap- prurrff epts vf this , daecrifUon b aoanej ' , tedtontMthelilssrtieefa uation;as a yftrs but as population increases, and i cobweb, would, be !Jo protect a lamh froia the imprfement of our swwttiy rogre.;. the eletches of a waif. For our part, w MI lhr- j. Wlbt Urg, portion ef . can eoe nothing:, in the cupidity -of eur Mr mouHttu,, wifl be turned to goiaf ae. Northern mornrpolnts, wUica argee inem j ,.,m ad 1f4 greatly tn the wealth aaj 5 dMBWeti hippie"!! etsocitrty.TT. rtt'; -. te eonvert tlte conatitutioo, iota an inatru. ment deeigaed (ut their special beueiit, bat the seeds ef a dusolutioa ot the ikywe atruc ture which has Teadered ut a great and prosperous peoples and unleea a more just .7 . from the East port fioftmrl. 1 It mav be a satis tact im ie i!e curiomt spirit snalPUke 'rae plaeeTot ttiw wri ivitem ot avarice," some -01 ds way a mil0( aiaoB up nl ' 1 and Ant ws im I t'lit tlr " alivfh'dafwmineesiheaotjri yMi'ticfktiy:dV which we' have alluded - . C,M w, ,how faiths,, i Barber, a';.-- - .:i;.'irtV-; -tiwsw-' - iK V' IheprdaTaylori a Cooper, a Butcher, - . '-$0& itUWa I Al.ie " - 1 eviveiiiwii fusswii va 1 viniif a fuiinjif The following account pt a Moutain of ' fh Uktpf, a CtHief a) Ice w taken from Kerchevals History ef " xirt eU9..0 Arcner, two ; of the Valla v. of Virk-iui. aow 7 in tho - ...,,.,..-. . ,.. .... . The author cnnaoi preremj m grve n w. scription of alt aatarsi euriomtiea ef our country. ;Thta would roijuire, 01 tweu, several voluwoa. -r '- ;-Tt 1 I shall, the re (ore, content myself, and the reader must be content, wiilea ae quarters of the Amerieaa Syste England. ''" r:-';,v. ": , ,-''. r Went- The price ef this article wm not nrobablv materially fluctuate during . . . ... ; re the coming season.,, 1. ne average price 01 , good lots nwy.be quoted, at oy cem. per lb. which ' yields the rrower and the man- ofacturer about the equal profit. As the flocks iocreaae throughout the country lhe price wiH be reduced and the facililie for vrowMC it increased. It Will then be come' an article of regular and certain IWifirinot aubiect to fluctuation from spec tjdations la the market, and not liable to Cook, aad a BtcwarV - lley have alaft on Angel with one Wing one Meaane'. oue Soul, assse'las jwtnwinniresting "fattJ rr ef. the aaimal etructure such aa Armas 0rvngi Foot, X'hian, Nuckolls, and Broadhcndei' you find Robbina also per? bape side by. idn with, a Lyol a Gnflu and a Choatte Then thMr have Weeks.:" In.' ... ltr.!. 1. . f r it i r eonnt of thrmost prorainenn-Anvmg the .y jiu o.bibw aou. omuwanay.i 1107- numrlhejvl5e,jwnuin " in the.opin4 ion of the writer daservoe the first ranK, ' "auu"'Z - - , This most extraordiaary and wonderful "d Reeds-s Kaae, a Pitcher, a Cannon,. . work of creation, is looted about 23 miles Carr, and Mocre, to. Tbcro ra two west of Winchester on the east sida of the Whites te oae Browa-1 here are Qrr ut . KnrtK Rranrh of Cnmm river eomnvwly I oanas, aiiiu iwa uooueis, one roro.axi called NdrtS TitBT," very neaf what ie J eome frf iore-That they havw aO th calledf North river mills,"lbjt residence prevailing issnioqe in anow ny uie grna i of Chritopher Heiskell. Esq. in the eoun. variety f.Tons, for they hart , Clay-ton, , "V ty rfHampebirel leliol iwrwbaa NDw4ihas.toif:l,t4on Bentoa.' jF eome tbree nr fiwr hundred paces from ) in-ton, Applem.Dray.toBtHimtieg-tent: t xi, itniu..il'. nuhlie hoaaa io where the Waihing-ton Ciiiih-ten. -They hav x li4. h. tmilI'r abri milal nunaoiTamiiaaa probably something more, ibis mountain j eon, Dickefson,;Jtobin4on," Ander-sosta presents te tae eye a most gnwu soi(a7-i " T ' ' ' . . etacJf. l is probawy ail m eigni am", ,rn, 1 ,F . IWO pioos, oui uninuniaiy-nw .iuvkt" and finally; they have what i a shame) with loose etoaee ef various siaea, many of to eur Republican institutions, not tiiy a which are of a diamoni Bhape, aad from Tyior ana a waranati twi jviags ; inaes) t one totwe pounds weight, te one or two I wa recommend b taken to Gaither. ui thousand. . Thia vast ptla of stone appears I caatnul twot anaiJrajuyi-u. to be atirelyjwoee, not a.Ihring togetuer and easily removed, r it Use. 1 wesaea by the river for eeveral mile about one " . . . . . , ' .L , .1 Ill tiiinaree yera m lengin, anq anui or 30 feet in breadlh.al the base of the main. tain ice is to be found, all ' seasous of. the year On removing the stone,, which 1 very easily done, wita a light tiK or wiiu Th fiJIowinr Drecious eonfossioBLof th profits of the wool monopoly,' ie worthy of lime speetacJf.. It is probably ail M eight notice, coming as il does from the head hundred feet tn height, nearly nerpendic auartere of the Amerieaa System in New lar, covered oa the N W, aide entirety touch in person, he finally succeeded in be eflected hy good or bad Reasons eo hri.ie under the influence of hi capital, much as other staple products of the coua- r,m-eej iraifeP nianulacture, mechaB- try vJWje. havtlhetriiitii ..,rrw kH.l.lm. minitl-'. inoeo exieisiveiy eniazau w wvm kivw UI., HIWII,.! """TJL " ' - e-l.. " .- V . .. . T, T -.- l -- : ... .1: M;l..MJ. .irrnlhire. aardon. J ins. that wnatever tne anicie nnnga ia ing, in fine, all that man can dn.'W mw.tmw-rr "T.V, .. operate upon, Were enmprrtniaed-in 1hejTofiti;inJ tbra. can be no dmibti but U operate upon. weuid aancliua the Otnuet extent ef fcharacte;ef Steph-Ht GiraH t enl whiehiwill ne a long Unit eretbe. price is 1 cm-1 ancen iotii ft; ' - we Extract of a letter dated City of We xien ".Jan. 11, lMS.freni.'af American gen ' .v .1 ....i.;f:.i .i r.... . 10 nis coTrnqaxuieni in uti city a, -4, Pray make known at heme that Can the naked hand, the ice appears in blocks tsin WiiuaM MoaaAJi, who waa eo erne-1 ef from one to two inceee diameter to eight I ly murdered twice by tbe wtcaetf xuaeona or ten laches thickness. It la '..wedged in I kn the jporthera part of the ata.te of Nu , among the atone, and I presume the taFu I Yori, and buried m a aa; u one lhe4i 5; ties (or what would be cavit'ie hat f r ifie l lake, ie alive sa wep, bie au4 - ice) are, mostly -filled with - ke,: From l ftpjng an honest livehhoed by paintinx what exV$wJiiry' naffirat Causa the ice coaches, houses; &c. He Is Out much; iapreservedj l am not ahw tn torm a ecn-1 pieaaext maims wiic wrnw .macis Bu iureVlt if certainly the mfe jfrrnar.! tryery rnOsful to Jtfy. fag hj lof, lh ,lienj. t, tJtii n . IIleelrfUiekiwJnwIrecwTedlrom - -..4; ;..r .. .. . ' . y' '-'- . ' ' - .

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