fFcxtem CatoVmL:;. MCi'" bepeimUr fiirt seen sd 4prvy renown, but wU tbt Mind IritrM a removed from thle litnuinty oeoe'"4 .'he kUaeof kit eUqurore kat ke cotae ti'njuihd, M it mutt shortly do k OitV einbr4 only to b etccraud b, i -lo" of.Herty . and .toitl right sd peivi!,, H U th (Klopi "" atKbtM belott lb Senate, of tbe United Suit, which will tercr tha Union if bit vttwt irteoneurred Inky a majority, of that body, " ""''tnd b fwJ'Ot lor rrnt iihI tha ncotna. . rnanl of manufacture beenme lb settled piii. ry vf the ftrrnrni,tt We cannot ttcap lt. conviction of the truth of tbUJurtly dretdrd v'ctlfi'r eea.tke A0 Prw'f J Ik- erlAeoW'pruita'- (tuppvttd. It ke) of r ftoulb Ctrulint belonging : P''1 "'r.retten'ii'g B diMluU0i of 'k Ceiae. Th ' Wi'or of the C dn Jo'' reepo'. tsgerti tt lb K.nlrnt LP"'; 0:.tfcHJb t1 l tod wiU he clinid unlet, (be tariff laot U eontlllutiorr mwlinet!. Here we think both tko LooorabJe member tod ibc digtilrd . printer tre M;fuf..Wejl pot 0rth ff, t,eit" da w aspect tee diowlut'oe f lb Union. We skall hold every msn a traitor ' who mtyproriwaolhiamiideof ridding eunelve 'of the nbflotiow ttrln' lawt. Wo iro l" muck attached to liberty tod the Union of Ik 8tt arhieb'are tM ed Ineeparebl," 'hit wo tiitC fleer eonaent to iKir atrvWaa white iSert to feope ofettlig wr&ffereoeee at a moretri. flitg cwt. ; - ' -Tb f'e of Froaoe 1 tot very entertain. PopuU din in' i on n ierMng thrwafHoot W Cof Jo. 4 be ril ptitwtM of Jio. U' II , tnd Htmy r, tra roodr iKo Ir f. vorhli minnt lo rU rbo ttmhd of rrkl. . m, J drlvo LmiU HiilKno Intm Ibo tbfooo. "j-w Kuir j., ifttnradeirt e'trtWo of one of , bcf' -n'tho " Citif"" 'Kinir tbotlboj lo' Vt. ww lb Tinft objrttrt tu- ' t'tf Indifnttloo ?f Ibo wtiU No linn. r-l lodividntlt wort loltlf tiraiynd Wfo Court cf Jiiftteti" Nrio, cborri i'tl tif diwriiMtll Of fedilUot ppkirlt, - fcl. Tt.rlf trial til CMuhietrt! Hi ory orevot W tn oid K turbo'co nd eonWioo Wliirh mUM in t (MlbK pllft. TWtt ihimI oib Mir toie dridd aoro puMio tiUt und it " lht Mibteity," tad drfird Ui' Judgr wpnn lb' bcoeh nd rrroUd bin wilb Ibr mft oonortllrlod indifi(f, for thick tboy' Wtif pWMfi by tto row tnrctotoit wno M- tmVd k trial.- Tkoro it t do-. on4 oorto difCctfn;ibrkoit th toipiro wilk tbr r rrnoo. What my Jlo, it U l pjtilblo 10 forwtt -.O:00:O: Mt. Cbapnian oko wat eharftd witk ur. daring itr kubn4 m ennjunetion whk Mt, wboi trrrwar1 marriod, lalrlf Motived brr "it! in Doytrrtow tnd WU acquitted - Ifina trial ka ka pnttpMod. TV- H-w Vk Pom otat a tkalllr . Bir.M w Kin'nrr to franc bn been rrqn-ntrd to re Urn not ontunra l waa tntanre, 0"io titto tiae. that ko would k wtAt owe try of ' Siat Cbf. Iraeo, oto of lb tywken of tk Con oiV btt formed tb protont tonotilotUn of tiodio4Wkhi-Oa'iH'ord'oiov,ard: fij teat .: ; Ttio rraol Jury nf tk oownrf of -lovio-Biir, KaVo prarated ibt atrmbliet of tUtetand r oetrKiat Wlalv.atnuiaaneet. When ikt lao Mi'0i:t of LWtnrlorrr waa 3tr'ay of 8laU a friend On day in a familiar contenaiioo, took tht liber' of aabioff biol, trbiuinkia o-taial twpwintonnla, bo did not proo merit rtni i-erid-Tbf Manjttit. " 0ero merit did not promote me." "''''...' .n.iW'. .i:-..':;.ti.,rL. :'"., :...f i- :.',:iM'(A;t(:fi..-:' Ur. Clay'i admirtn are making a great noiw tlicMii Sii " ift'm&r tpetck upon tbo Tariff. W have aeon .'ko tpeech but bare not tad tt, bot if it it any thing Ukt kit Ait "grind tntrt" at the eommenemont of tko oeoaion, wo tbnnd .W 'lw ould rtibtJt!wJ - (tan witk otultttioa. But mora wket wo hare lime to read it. Th R'ato of Ifow Jeraty Wi tranloi tot eaduaito priilgo of making rtil-wtvt lo tko fi'a'e io ibo Meotrt, ttoeena for thirty yeart in Ftnaideeatran of tko annua) turn of thirty thou Wad dolUra. i .1 thituhr tnplitUHt -k letter-oritor from Vathinvton cit, apeaking of Oetl. Hayn of S.-C. mrt; -hr pefet frontWmtntV. yrvn at crt&t fur-it) u ho duot tot know bow to rw herwiae.' Dinting tbo . Weticttt lawa, if t maa killa an ither in a duel tit kteomet antwerable . for all dv-bta, Tbia it taluttry regulation- Sack tonii would Siri t tendency to cool kt pu(-nclout spirit of torn of (bt Qottpurt of the South. f .( oiutital k0rt4-dtUr.-O oTtkete gentry bad to an knraet to wbick ko gaeo tko clanical Pameonf tmoo and AHortonet. A gentlerran fearing uked nit mat on for firing them thoae nanaea, ke repfird, Wb vuu are at kow wkon 1 drivea Undem.1 makeXerzet ny leader, tnd put, the -other in the thafU, end f ! call bim tre-Xena." -- . -.w.w..;t,v .. i ts- "IT e In ihu -ouutjvjju.ut- I3;u . ji r a ilU He nf It hnnrt Siraj, Lo.i.a, I ftnt djughter of John Gibeon, 1. tged ocean montho. Scarcely bad aht launched into life, wbejl ok md arthe Haf en. Of ouch wt hart a Me that they abal( Inherit the kinpdom uf Hea en where they thai) aao God. "hce to faeo,'' Ud partake bt that thjlnete bf Jo," whicb u w bia pretence forever mor. - Hath our maker ooin for ut and arc we loth to go I Ij wat for ui . c-ur Saviour triumphed otor death It there tkB eav-feet of t foiled jilverttry f Poatk it . . the end of Crorv and e$inniof of (olieit. i.;u:;;.Jrs,i hoUwurovik tnbute ,fb4 tft heavenly felielt or oiernaJ aiiiery. ur birth it ootking but our deatfc began, A lapert aett the iaataat they take Ire . Wky do t mourn deporting friod I ' - ttbakett oeatbtalar-M .: - .: ' ria nut the Mice thtt Jeww ten It . m niKiirs: - MLUtUT Maarn, If, m. CfHtooloKra 1.7S tnt.no Coro '21 ' so lioi,-..,,,,,.,. . ,. Si.it ' . - - - w . IrtO Molaotit - flrvawtt "tallow C4VDt, M.rrh, 10. ?ir" u ii " . 60 ? wheat, , r;vr:-iTrrrrt. r 5 m .. - Bacon, Jo. . . , , , ; , a 1 10 5St40 Brand;, Ap t. . ,. . 35 MS . Peack, 40 ( 11 ..StuKct tt4- h, ptt kurbtl, ...,,. . j . tl a 7S uar, brow, .' 9 It TME eifroorblp of Kam fc i.i!.f , it lliia da diomlred. br mut'n! -int-n' . Tkoo Mtbtti to Ih In are rrtrfrd t eoo forward tnd akt pavment b C m NOTE, M it n imporianl tW tbo kutinrai Wd bt elord at kv ti oouihte. f1'If onStrril-rr btin(r l tmrrhafd t inlr. tt of J.mn R tfami", io the WtirH' wiakrrt Sho;.. will rill rarrt oa tht b f"l io rtir taw place, in, all it atMii krtach'i, d. tnd Warrantrd to pi.rf.iro rl for TorWe MontKa.-f ir ibt eneoorarmwnt hoeinfnro reolved bt the. Cm, I re'xm alnfe thonki, tnd bopr by t'tention o be ho'ineH to atcrit t ooolinaoo of ibe rw SOH1 i; tMHT. 5an.aT Maui 9ik 1831.; WtJ.L VO ILL b tid tt the C uiit.Il . te in SUburjr.ot) Tucidav of April Sun rjor Coort, - , Tir V AVrrtr&w td tato ITaowZ . betoriing to ihe fttte-?of Rahn UrftdaKtw, dee'd' Trrwirof ttte-wrlj be mid'. kfrt n i Se dr if sale. ROBT. BUADSJUW, ) March I lA. IS31. rVn. is-' AdminUtratoi Nl .TIC I - 4 pe'' worotrd totae owoto af 4b Im. Moad Hall, dee'd by nute art rquootod to atttle tbt a mo by April Suprtii.- t,' i Ttoac. (ailing totttead lo tbia rue tr 11 1 A their ootaain tkekandinf an oK;. r i'hi.n' dlicrimrnaiion M it abwlutrry n-eiotry fht tttale tliixild t aeUled. iKt C. McCONNAURHEY. .tJm'K .Hare 1J lttt 4 11 THIS Cfltbrvevi hone will ittnd r preteni tettrr tl Charlotte un Mondot t ra T 'divt t at Jueph McGiontt' te veo tnilct nortll of Carlottt on tVedneedai t and Thurs d jr and at Omeord on Frid'tf a tod Stturdnyi. Six dollara will be tharo- d for the iitT--frujrdf?Hara for the tingle leap irht Wl-r tlv--T tnntir artce-. THE PROPRIETOR, i toA.r. Math lt 8 J J. rf oVYiW.Y .YftUU.oYM ;" Benjamiii Frale?" "J If" VINU received thelaictt New York IX aod FhiloJeJiiokbkrnti' together wi'-b Miiiiatrr'i farhieni of London, and havinr mail trroiigementt to receive tliero regilarW, a. they change, tnd navin; gee of fit Bret rttr workmen io kio emplnvment, will be enabled to execute all work in die lino en abort notice, cheap, and in t euperior eiyle of workmaiukip. Any peraon wihin to learn 'lie N.-w Tnrk tr rfeilailelpkm Tittt Rrgm tnttde -rjf tTiYr garmrnttetn be taufht by the tuntcriber. r talifthury. All Tailor would do well lo m ply thoihtritea wilb Vighta, to ttmoOt all the principal Taitort in the United tlalet ute one or tbe other, or both or them. dlltf - BCNJAMIH F8LFT Notice ! rTlUE Sitbitt btr bti removed bit ROOK BINDERY to the OA t rrf theWcVWCx. Jiiuat where h. will execute all JOBS t hit line o butinrH with nettnc and ditpatch. muni ff nr. r AiiTPwrT 7 Stiisburti. Warch 3, 1 832. 1 S.f Garnman and Cheai-BtnU. rnttlr to order. T4J, II D C. iiYewPirm' IN LUINqtom. Dtridooa Caunty It, C. mill tubteribera have enterea into Coper- JL . tncnhipv under tbe Firm of Henly It Hunt, io tbo Town of Letingiie,- l)avid5 County, N, C and bate fcought that elegant brick houee, North We of tbt Couet-Houae, of r Henry Mumphrey't, tlo that vplendid laaorttMtt of . v. ' " OOtfDS of Iteniry Humphrey'- U Corieontiafingof V' moot every article kept in a retail aWe, mite '. they wilt tflt very low fur f oA rertona wvk jng to purchaae will plrue to give at a call tt ao paint will br toared oo eur par to giro general tatitfaction.' P. 5. All kind of eoufitnr produce will be taken in eichange for good. ttf JOIW H. HENLT, -Ieaav4r.4f.ll. -A.NDHRWJIUN f ; K'"ltlt Ot ' oUlllkVaal: iireifirst volume blAacoijgh . Shakeepeare. The eotuate U well bouad end h ta greea'edgea t No name ia recoller led ta have been writ ten is it.-Asv pr-Vann having tuch a tT"k Would e'nsfer- a f io ?. tk owii bjrtuAiflg limmii olKec W Itircbiril gf.-Co's.: nnxytLYjiMporiti). An J jbc i ht f re V. t h ibi it 1 id th i. , . "TT't't'Tiiir?V V To Bit EihibUrdm Salisbury on Friday ani SitlunlaH Marci tl'Sd- Mfur 8 dayt only. - -a j - -. n J Triott rare collection nl Living Ad mutt f f r eirtiWtf d In A nr ricr Anmnr i h t'.'f - satYJOTsaiS;, lr Mhitr Polar llrur. , Th nnU t tii r buMifnt to thit cniittry alive. Thit Aa.nial, at an ohjrct l CHrion.w anJ wonder," ow o- . " . - . 'i;dt lot 'a the icalcorptturali.iitory. II it a Tuge creature, Uhtbit'ot the ftr.Xrn rrgiunt lhr Nrth. Yrm hie tboe aTtongtha le Itiandt, and r-g - he 1 ta't "tit, hr it f tiled the M UilTIME RIiR. Nivig.tort 'rt- lelrlul 3t;ricr.uf.hit -fenuty r Thia powerful aolni'l eigne be ie' o ee-ro and eight huodrtrl pnordt,- U taa been exhibited to Ve w. J , i k nj, f Hiltdrtphi, wherr he bat-beea - viaiteo kv rnnv tho-itanda,- who ' ' tkoowtedgrd him to bejha,; yq Tiger. JlfrknnzLioni T.HB. HYENAt Tfi't It one ui t;ic ra.it o-.oriowlr her e and blood-t- riatv animlt men iloaetj a hutlirrt.,. lt)iaa"bcen known t"r rani.ck the rivci,"nd "devour ,lhc:putr d hurhan" bodiea that . - k. t t . j i-. ---- nave tons on o ouriea-it in v - i .............. T-4 : r;.-r ntn-ti mr e, nrro c. tntioeot. ; LEOPARDS. "" i8P0RT-ttTH&'WQrJ F-ka th Yadkin, ad. - Tnia tm-itattim ofthe hnmn ineciM"1 iOitn-D(Ia'ot Nathan-Chafis and hurlcad ie upos ' human ottul-e, ii .i.' t a.-- J". - will go through bia diverting Etuet trian r-xrrcitra and Equilibriuma -oa tha SHETLAND, PONY : T. ClUciiooTcotaiiinV' i aoriety otaer rare and coriiui AMmala." ' Paretit echi rV and Ga'rdiaiit 1 esa vfia-a ft aaiv a aiiiti uu 'iwiant Youth, Ntturahata sod wthera io admire the varied and wonderful pr da ti- na in aatureTp-rdoH Vswhil wi rrminrt you tnai now it .rueo you m oprj i tonity of beholding theierare Anintili which stand at the head7 l our liatanJ that now it probably the r-rtlv. opporutnitT that aaay ever be presentedto' y u, . Ladica sod chiU dres, or children unaccompanied, may viiit the Menagerie perfectly unap. pre nensivrr the place f Eahibitioo it l irrre nd th- Animal, artall lwell secured by ttr ng iron agre, or other proprr modes f confinement, at a proper dittance, w tih aifog railing, a d cautiously attended by their keeprv.;----'"-. "-"- - (fr Hourt of Exhibition from ii i. j!. to Pi - Af' Admitlanct 50 cerdtCkWli'pmt.' The Ex hibition it accompanied by good Music. " ' ' x"-w - 43pLThitXQUejBioajrilLJx red -i Cmcord m Thursday Mt-.d twHi a - .a 9 aa . a- State or North Ctruliot, nowao coeott - Wiliam Hadta . 1 - David Maxwell Elbe Jenkins tad kit win 5 Tctit'M ht Lctitit Devid Newton J ftrtitloa R ibt. Q. Hadcatad . I -.::;4eUtW.M.aiTAK!ti.s.': A On moticto", and It sppeanng to the tttiafaciion Df dfee court lhat Robt, CL Hadeu vad jetither Mrr r not in. habitants of this State, Ordered thi.t publication be made for sis. week in tW Weattrn Carolinian, that the d Ribt. O. Hadea and Jetither "Marr appear at the next Court of Pleat and QuafMrS firialoia te be held f r the untv"of Rawaastthf Cwrt.Hrmte ia 8jliebury of 4he third Monday ti My next, and ahew cuse if a y the h vc w y tr -i patiti.-o of the ttid W. U& htll not b f-aot d,' other. i-.e the same tll "htir-std .exptrtr pur itioB -.rderrd (iccordinglv. 6aS0 J0. GILEm, f.V. I'lCOSPlSCTVti WlairHM i AKOLIMAN, '. "- aortas at ' xvuton caAioar f.v hjuiackr x, t oam l . Ill I Wetter i CtMlinUa la diro. ted t Qrntral Pttlitirt, Puliical Ec onomy, Slate y PvprrttLUeratare; Fornzan4 ftomtxtic Xcwi, Urk cuhuretMcchiwic$,Vc. tJafiiiticiihvJi'jilAfJtiihotdugh. paced democratic Republican, lie advocate tt e l ctrinctt)! rree Tfkde Im BtrtO-KlU'ila lit aiUpMteri tht rxettMe.of .copauwn-VFa''uViiTT!T-1.in . ti- it 11 tilt " i.uidemal rigr.,.; Jle i. TpP,.ed H ACK IL, IJKAHI)r iheT riDTnod i t nffaprine: Internal TR 'urmt ta. pubM la.t , , h bf n Ukeo erat f the .Mail lne.,.n.. 'li;. J ri'..l n. UJtMnUyir.eo.tHw .in t.,n. . a...a unn-aad f bv r ... treotivtreguiari,ttitey art puauabort.1 " ' J rl ' ti er.mrnt.- He la iait-ot of Iotrn1.k. iUaowt X V.e, rtuoot tra a. 1 olinniow .the tUD Which COOnntl Fu Imrovemcntt bv the State Govern- f. aiueaa. of N Yrh. Therefore, k it a . koV earned Alfred Walli menu. Br lirvirg ie re-elcdiou of ATfDIU:V7 JA03S02T. iil.frt ikt 'ire jOictui Of" perpetuating tKJte liberties it defence of which he hit coomtutcd to much, the I'd i tor will advocate hit re-electios with uofiinrh ng tal and manlv firm fit.' ' '7ii.?.V.....T' Carolinian ta Printed n-cc a ek on a lirge impe rial sheet ol giol qj!i'7, with new type and wll br ir it l tuWtibrrt at St per - annum. -if paid uUMn three months, or ti,50 after that time Adveniaing tt the ututl ratca. At the Ctr.litmn ntt the widrtt circula tion pf aoy paper in the Ve;ers p.rt of. the State, advertitrra would fin1 it much to their advantage la adverute in ita eolumna.- - Ahy'one procttring t tolvent tub' tcribert lo the Carulinitn, thall have aetenth pp-r gratia. ' ID f;i::t:muat be ptitU'OOtt lettera addretted to the Editor.-?.. ' .. .,1; irv E litort wltk whom we eichange wilt inifer t lavor upon ua, which will be iliaei fully reciprocttcd, bf giving Ibt ahcveafiw inaenli nt.' rNcwGoofls! TTiATITCL JX 021C13 jutt ree.i.p-e AVtrrail a4 wtrtrer-aupity nf Coatif, Whicb witk hit former tlnck, eompriart over ankle umally kept in t t'ountryreitil rore, which ro will ttniow for -ai or .ontahort tredi . to fu'T-'Mil dealrra,vJTbe publi tre retpocllMWj requriled In call and judge fur theejrlvw , H tko cnnlinuea tbt rotnofacture nf SeiU4 tnd Tit Wats, wtrrtNlew to bo maaVnf bent ma'eriala, tnd in I tu peri nr etvle nf work manhip. ' Having a Very krt atrrk nf Tit arc in baud and being determined to tell H tt reduewl pnee. rMrcaiuOa would do wwU tt tall un him and got their tupplv.-; ""!T Old Conpe FeteiVFeAHlcrt, Tallow, e-twta, and oi,ttken ta exchtnge. ; A BARGAIN ! i...VD t)telil. ' I IlE irilwrliher haa three a -1 T huodred screa of land. fl:-:,in in a iertiJe aection of aod viuera, which he will tell, tea ac commodating tterma,- T.e land la well tiloaied, JttA good nclghborbond acd convenient to a ood mul., , Aay mforma-toa - respecting t he and eas be .ibl.ined by application to Ts'han Cnafiit. Eaq; or ; tt raVWlf taT Chit.' . - - - .-r - . . UmH iS tJL J V. r ChaiTolle. C, Mil 113.- -Tbfi V'enntsstt ?TtnsiUr fllll E 'aubtaiUr. atill utiouea make the above ach'ioea aod k cepa a , supply doniumly oo .. hand whicn ha will aelt low fur cash or na credit to. punctual dealera... fe.lika wise intends to keep oa hand t good aopplr I COTTON GIN3, andly will alto rrpiLlhe same t order.'i f2tf -, E. P.-M ITCH ELL, SalitbuTijt May S st. " -'J 1f k0i tfteSuoaj-iber,'. . ttielO.ittlr.Negro oo. Sabbath oman, alavc ftatw,t 45 AV-d 10 yeara si age ab-vt (ve icd and amc inches high, auilt. .with red eyaa, and oo MBsiaati erne - will be fouad - to ybaea Wcmith ja U. - Had ou when he left aa an Oiivt mixed . frock coat a"d a g od fur hat. Thia mad wcat off ia company witn a Negro lft belonging Jg JThonaa ; Nelon tnu.fcllwf ta jroung and tall, had oa when he, left thia a new blew broad clotb. coat, and a aew fut bat. ."A reasonable compensation will begiv. ra to any pra0 who nay, lodge these fellows, or either of them in any 'Jail in N rth Carolina or Yir ami. Information thereof civeo to aubacriber,.ivi,g q 'Lapcuter DistTHsWt.roi , 4ir JOHN I ARILATr Feb. 3iiAit3i. : . ... P, 8.' : "Nathan will priDbf hlj at tnnpi t 1 pai a t fret man, and may iavr tome jjre ended fret paaa or for ged ceruieUtt. f freed an, i a- "jsnfiev- M JSW t ,"'-f' ' wL niaawiVt'A!.!. mvm -.4 A.) JsiiVRY IU.VE. Y.y r brt5v tornmau r)rd.I0. atwar.aitbt t ,. fioua In litbarr oa 'vrflit todif of April mat, qui) ft 4 aa tko Itw direct e. Py cider of 'be f "i. JNO H. IIAKPin, Srtf, AftryA S. tZ2, AOft N. B. Ailthoie th.t kie . rnuikcia wiU pUa Mitts uF.lijib P , Mrtrhrli'Siij: .TAIi;07?I!V! prepared to awetmftli W eu.lom.ra M a Itil IW awuvnww viwim uurw.ni., taote and fpUiiua, kit work far aurnaanrt any eVaw rothWi Cwntf A very importont -wbjoer I lo the eowemrf it, that kt eye out of I ml ekrtbtnd u.a l a. rimming than tnv ftilor io the place , whicb it worthy of totaiutrtUM. . N. 9. All earrtenti -I a.. flkent r ioiadtkytbetubtr,kerlreward Ol 6J0 wilt oej.eru iur, i will b w,reut4 I" It. 14 f 1I0RICC U. IKARD ViJory, 131 Education, fTlllCSubKriber, having' completed a rttultr court of .'ctttalcal and col- Irglata ttwclies, htt opened, tnd will con- 'Inuet a acbool at Socle if Hill one mile etl of Rack Creek Ckurck, Rowt'i County) N. C. In which he will give In 1ruetioii'r"T;TThf following tranche Reading! 'writing and A(i'kmlct En glUn Qrmmer,.Qeogrankv, Aigebra. Geomttry. Purveying anr! Trigooomrtrtl Niurx.rhilooihf , aal'onorny sJ Cht mia'ry Kktloric tnd LogW,andall oth er bunches utue schools. Tul'ioo from Jtt ta KtO ner annum KTortinaWo-tbadnaew pupil Any person wishing i Metritis ihe luhtrriber'e rhtitcter ewwqutlili tfoni can tpnl to VTilliam King or Hugh pla, VYii'i im Barr or Rev. A Y. Lo. k ridge ofKowan. v -- AMOS ANDREWS .Va'fA 9A list flf N. lfrrrJmetrtWHi moti rripftabia familws apos vary wo dre i"B, NOTICE. THE Subscriber" lias lately purchased of A. B. Dalcla,Eaq. tf Ya. t-.rv r: ne-waa brtd; oner: ball of the thorough bred horae Godolphin ri: r . I.J I r" v .t- "r-. j- t . w.-".tt handa high a :- poaaaaig-a large ahara of bnne and muscle r lo coUwr, is form ,nd .Ue, membling htr alr, jJ, m1jU ,r. tha celebrated Americaa EcUpat tr a..... h it.. whoie- pedlgrealt-laniuaeeaaaary-tol u kirf lh bu .pced..d i...o io tht United Btateaj having beaten Sir Cbarlei and Sir Heary oat bf B 30,000. Godolphin! Dam waa aired by old: Archie, and her Uara by Medley. Godolphin Eclipse ia untrained, but thought by Judges to jit equal to say to tht world, - lie wiu auaa at tmv atable tny - - J?CPrUclr cfr padigraa K jd tetma. See Hanri.UiIla. ! . 4 r-?r II EZEKIEL 8AUNPER9. Guilford, y, (7. MS - rJUtIbt..UlaV J.l.,,lhvou V V House io B-lithury, oa Tues day the 3rd of AprjUesv '."'rr'tr-imr ri Aim Likely Negroes, conaiating of aaea - women and child reo, belonging to the ettate of Mai q- it , I ra thaw Locke tlec'd, for the purpoae dittribattoo. A credit of six anourhs will be giwen;: trpuar therpttrchater giy tug bond, with approved arcqruy. HENRY GILEB, Jldinr. .""'! fc)"!.1..1.!" . .1 ''Tf1nwsawjLiy PiVPnn'l ftVa ' JVn ltA I A LL persona jadabud to tht ea A tat of RicVd. GiUespie, dee'd. I are requeatedto make immediate pay "'"i Jqd fit, persona haythg-claims will preaent -tbtm, legally- attested withio tht time, prescribed by law, or this notice-arilltr plead lo balf of their' recovery. ' - rj:'- - ' JOS. 0. CILLESPIE,"'r.V March tthXtlitY , 3tl6t - t - - ir - - CII.MKSTOX CUEILiirAdJcktfauiA Court at r"V HTHS tTEAkl 10AT MACON Office tha third Mr.tda W Januv , . ' -OAPT. J. C CRA -I . urn t..:n k-n yaviii iTwriieuirafi laat nmmee. tn .uoci'hi b( . in Chtrles'.on and Che n n - - - tw calling t Oeo.Towo on bar way up, nd down, will resume her Trips in tbt coarse of a few dsystnd is Intended lobe ffonnaaed ia tbe trade tha easujng sea ton. i A' " ' Htr eiceedine lirht draft Wstar J pi ... L.L.. t I.J i . . . J mZ? oif-eooqt u? " ... teat watee win enawrtrerto teeej heraw iall rlnrssaxcept, anr'apcom ivn, ufrr, wnto oar cargo will w lUbUaal u kt Kaposr nf Bnar. , . - ' - r J. B. CLOG H. y e5 OLtrUat9 SeAl. t., lJl. , N -She h4B . emnbV.Tr.rintiV Minuter a ft ftuenger ' i 9)4 M.nr noumJir. ; m a i ON tn eb ol J-ntMfv uai, tnero 4t letter Mailed Muot Piaeth P. O. tt cod tf tbe f,st . - . . . . , ... - N . 113, oirtcua u'-"" vu- w Laocatter C ,urt-IIuft 1rl IZ aod tigned bj Oeoigt Ftowera, whtckj itid letter comai ed tha ota half of BJOIL S. kill N r. 7fli rifi end of which ta aigoed by 8. Cheui Pre'tident which la bow U th poa- -tea ton of the laid FJi.wera-Atto th right hand end f a EI00 kill U. 8. Pltf"No.w9r!'f-), which Uaitnd.by Mcliraiawx Ca.h; whrdja 'Uo la tha hand of ' ad Fiowert. Tbe ahora mraiUwed : ... m,;i ,ht Dd - - - ill " who haa aioCS sbaConded la auppoaeij,- t,r br? uiltT"nf the-ffenf .' -rl I ne ttiu - S. aKaiii lft eeara of ate. lithe, V'Uf U. .J" I- a complexion eou av -t. aoDrehanaioa nn prneCviuon iww friction. tT KfcHU, r. ll -v.l..Vor7A 1133 r lf Bubtos t aslVt milt firnctitt km In ih, toutity eour tef Rowsn. - Ht mtv,at i!timta,ba found, it Ihe S" if tha C,rrlini.n.- -1 'V ',. '" ln ' 901X23 '--r v A T VO urrti vvt)V jtW- WII.L praetiVt ifl'he C-"i'fw ''""J ... lUvulaoa. Mecklenburg R Cabartd Hm wAot at t tew doott bolow the Un il-uae. SiA, lt3l.- r - Kluumi o Miw o r . , th,rt liati for tha- CAUOUN-V to him at Sahtbury at aooa aa eooveaw - eot v. t, , j . ' ' ' . Z . ,toto enn- v yaece will oe pieiscu ir snv uwem.w to l idgc then wittt Mr E.. Aiieasong at the Mansion Hotel. YYhcrf prhraua opportuaitr daea aot occur, I will tnanLratBflUbOitfi tuhMribcra to send by aaatl. ', II. C. Josys give feotice that thfj nnWieation af hia paper . wilUao maore about 'the laat of April next, Fcb.'iSth Xtit. " M Sute of North Citrolioo, v-j: (i,4aaet wototf.t -"-- Robert Neel, lo eubtiltut. t now ' troa other,-.- . V le. tna lo tail t pan an woi i titiw--tieogiag o wm Jaa. talon or tit J toamnuo at ww heirs at lsw.-rt Cnrek rweottng I t-APPEAWNCt whe aatiaUtwn - L . ..i.j ,t.. kKeaiinn b :,... .d . BJi.hrr..ih tht defeodiota be ad -appear btforw tbia HoaoraUe COURT, ta bt hclj w r - , - , - fof the C.'uuty of ? C-ba.rruatJl!S?jfc Court-Houar ta CONCORD u. iho Eighth Mjuday after Ute (ftnh Htsn ... dy io March pelheand; thrr l---- plead t anawer ar aemur, or.juagw meat pro coufetso w.Ul be tkn t an! Ait': wit '?htrd exbarw vWitaeaao t Paul Bartia get cletk four aid curt'., .... at Ofli. a, the lib Monday ', after tho ' 4th Monday ia September Ifil, sal ' ? ia the 15 th year of oar ludeprtidttaita . r -tllr- -PAUL BARRtNGER, . Btote of North: Caro!inv . .-'--- '-oiT sttflin, iMkJ . " r - - Lvdia BrtntorH rt'iei J . r -r. - ' of T. Braaton dec i. ",- n s - -taiM M-SW -- the Mrtof Taoiut I : . ,., w Brtatta dtwVlrr-r.;-u r -r-.--f -- 1 -. : "t yonwtT irrrlia, 1HJ IT AfFEARINCj.to the taiitractitvt .l . . of tbe Court that Sally Mthawa . . ' and Betsey CopeTand, twy' t? the heira at law of Thomas Uranton, lcc u. arm chabittota of this State. . It b publication oe made aix weega ta tnt . Western Carofioiao, flat they brnai - - .ff "Z . i appwira Cotlr-C6ttrt of ne and Quarter Session to be -held fw the Couoty af LincoiijaC tReTCourto . . House lo. LINCOLNTON," the fiftbj Monday after the fourth Monday its , March oext, then a d there W anewet or demurto theaaid Petitioo. Othero wise H will be taken pro confcso and ,.. t)2itf rwjssl taaanra4iMsttar. liVitnaOmw. Vartm Ja-. 132. 61I . " ... YARDRY M'REE. C C C. r Driving i"FycUevit!et ,;'""v" TTTILL Bnd it to their tdvautage, to stop at ill , the rfoftn tar J, ,liero every eoa vonitnc ii proridad for Wn J Horae, to aak J !lL.i. "owirtWe; rr .ie,aiehrtr of if rL th hm of a -ruvt r.MM. Ami i. .... wofajroor! ttcUKl Hr-yl -i..ner.. nttaeneo r "rr T.rrt, a. . cA.a. UuA Wr r-Ui a aw mI:;T ttaiw; ..d Au. far irl a :i 11w t niain. eheao, wh.JeHeyt errji -vi'.www .vwt -r. r, ... OllCCa 4 f twnw pf evrl-og paper (be tale at wSJlW . m Office, tt S3 AO n ... . Cm . '; 4 - " .

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