r 'ft r k r. Hf M.- M anSJ. 1 Onitaaad lugu proclaim ' 7 ' tu t iifr. bind tt 44 bid each voice to Jmtm rie ; Te tugtiify a . - ' Tk f MM, pMt Vore' tire dirlne, Adiiu Miff I , ItrJeatlAg Wt Who ShraM IbwirtVed nations bWcd and atae Ton world hi boamdleai tpMe, ' ttrVf mUcb - - j the W dW uU BmHh -i - Oftht nneUMWr. V . . . 11 tho, to, Wt rtul fovvrat gay T f Httey U the dawn i Ti" '" ft"' dar, - IV biathur comet Unneb'd ewy 'toted the velvet I. . AlU)bk'tpfmftUflVd, , flvv-dlrat I thy will," r Ik lew ! f eh wheel rotrod, ataHi dawning ey-b. yet Q still bond, 0. order lo fulfil . tTui.u roi music. at iJ at. 4 7Wrt fal teM-Wrl fcU I rt, odex.4hlJtadltoregti . I ;U mf Wart b4 warm for tb I iov the yet I lor the ;t 1 . I tHougM I sua , ;r .. . tttk swroinf thrift, f (bongl ( draw each Jbod regret, . --r-tjrirI"- .. IVfcub eatri , i t re he ywj love the vet ! liM ridt tk Cf I'm ft, Vm kttrt Jfc? 4rrni that, ilt the ! d W, I bear tS fhl benttik lk wiaf . A lif In w bowtr . " At telnet iw, 1 wArrei'trowt ttv nil"4 r And lean mIkHI tH Be Mitch loo veil ' ' .... S beilbci teUJ ime lite yet.' - - . TO 4 TOPIR jf LOT I. - Tw' tad Ue, lir, MmS lo ) ja mu( -ie MkMbU ead icbe, ' )d mi b ale brt. o-, ... j --wa4-ytajci MLlhtre faitened my om pork f tnd have lappoicf tbit i i !ter ewe of of& I qti rt Vjwand -i day til t mtich M mm srrxpec led . from giod ieeplngr On -the fourtii day uf J ilv taat, I purthitcd 4 ; .... to prinj pigwse j) J weighupf . - -fUy of J0uirf.hfyLtr killed, tnd j--..-. looted od oghieea p-'dfrf-e Kkh .)t;th nro f otmdi pr dy fi; te''-Titir'pigrwerff imau-breed,- hac ''ft hd W-MO ft 'Ikf J'a li Uc& tht A hhi graus it ' tuii-'lv elded W. L. New Ham, Feb: l , 1 832." Why arepotatoei the moat aouriah '-Of all vegetable! f -r , oot 4J Salop, tapioca, and i :''Mjt eHTeflv conit of atarch, aod" are ,. , , wonsruotiatelf numtioui, - - j .... - .....i.......... .-.j .. lo aer to the-wquirKi--four 'x - - r forT'eauoodent, in the 40th oemlier rf ' Ihf preaent yolame of" the ' Farmer, I . cciaary w oe applied ti itLtt cUy land nd eadj lolU,' I will endeaeour to i - g' ro t waat uttie toowiedre . and xpenrncr hare itj the7oe of that atgirj pornt manure.' I oaye found tha atta clay Unrl re eqirei a grettertiw,tiryiDf mt rjiHt r aandy-aoilt, and I - generally , pot o thtf former one hundred buih U . oU a the Mcrei ita effVcta are hardly r:Y i.fver aeeo thr int icasotj unleie put n ;'k pi Uffbed ground;? In prder to ob , taioj in mrdi-tte" Advantage from it, I H1 P'00'1 ?Toun intended for corn . - It the ,fU preceding, m order tr get y- t the" 1 me out a early in the tpriig aa :.prDi-;.rtaiM"wVicV. I have apred tmnae rfr ; tJiately before corn oVnting; if the Reason i not extraordinarily dry, .ita nil ! ffcir be evident io the growth rCv. i H'he orn -1 baye pursued the aame : court .on team tut land, where 'X-t KAr elya" eprar of; graat wai be .' fiye' yetira ago; adl hiclv.,Are r . - bow producing al goodcropa aa the yichtMit Umeatone lan 1 1 have,' Thi iJUM ,ifA.,jDaturIli thm, joiermued :.'.pl,lt,'altert : XXX X ";et the quantity '.'fvtime uaed akut I v feorvive buahela to te acre, K :x i c rrAoqther method puriued by tome ' . ' werv ipvmJ i rrnrr in feooyating worn 77 eurj ta tr ?pplv-Sfrv taftele'..ef . , i..i-ii jime w t'ft rr,vrilT japrrad on the 7 ' ' ' ' ' ' n ' i .'".. 1 V j m produce fpiti paitort f't th growth .1 the oltural trail i After utlag II lot . pattur for two at three yean, it it turmed do wo ud oboot tn lime quantity ul timo applied oo the ploug hed r6und,-irhithll tb produce eood crop of coro, ry fr.'ttei A treat object with tne hat bees to pro- . . m a a duea a good growth or eiwr nrn ihia la once obtained there la oo difi enltr to Imorovine the Quality of the T W ' ' and with proper manaeemeot, 7nKeToregoln'g"ra f ervice to pur correiponflf ot fte t av at heartilv welcome to tbem, and 1 foprihtf m a rilef I theTf frrof rnrjiitiwuaeif th of rour rood Chetter county i jfc.rr. 1 ttW;,"': brre. who bav We eo ao much benef t ed by the uae of lime, believinc, that tf I am wrong in mf plain, they will he good enough to art. ear rtgni.- lwur, 4.-. . A GERMAN FARMEU. EXTRA VAO AN t Er A Lodoo pa per, doKfibmj; the dreiiei f ame iidiei on a public oceaiino in that ci. ty, mkei the following ttmenti i T" D'lehet of Argyl, in a dreat of anaative gold tittue, her raven lki, and a prndigioua plume of fea-theraof-the tame color, produced a contrvtt with her dlapoudi, equaled only by "Th Duchett or Bedr..rd, whote jewelry aitooithrd all by it glitter t tiare.inc latter maae a prroit;i(u diaplay indeed. ' Indepmde. ilv of the necklace, which voi fljh thont- end guineas, (JO.ono) chains A d'u. moodt, atth .amethut io the centre, decorated her grace'a dreit, from ih thick velvet Bpnnh hat, to thr gir dle or ceitui, below the atomach. , The.Hn..Mrfp0pe, wat a me-1 teor in te throng that lady wa mitint b'mament, and tt a l tha'. the coat in brill anu alone, in a dreta of inmbre nMg (terhr, (c-im-aon. etcerded serrtt hundr-1 Av tfini nnimrft f ur thrff mWinrut ore hundred andX tight -thoutand dot- fHORTIITCARpUNA,Y. The 1 it Ceniua tcWet 1'a rfart which prove that Ncrth-Cml nii i or e of the moat healmv STATER in tr e Unli"', The population amount! to 7)8,470 aoula. Of 'hia rnmker 904 have attained The ' age of 100 ycAte and up wardf Tvi glyea.. centenarian iv every - 842S perton thniuehout the State. Woat will for eig..ert, who denv . American Jontjer hyaay to thii l:X?iMc(ntU: T When iforne ToV-le wa called be fore the commiaiioneri to give an ac count of the particular! of bit income, havinir anewe'ed iuevion tha wai aik'mr, one of te viae men atd pee vihly. that he did rot oodrptand h'n AnawtLliIhcn.iai(l,,TK)ke; ab you have not Af "the undcrtt nding xif another mao, you ought At )catt tu have double the patience.-: - A bellow lately atole aalel th and hnraea. iovEaat' dir, -Comv aad made tor-Canada. -On hii waylie huod handhilla frring a rewird for a atolea ileizh and honei, and to pre vent tuiptcioa to a lot nod dittri- buted them n the wayo. j.ile eyed aheriff, to , Canada, identiard tLa .raaoaaJcscribrd in Via own hanrlbilli, and brought him to Hart ford " " ' '-ii""i.ji..vi----.-";-ts. ..rfcrvta--.''.a--v' " A ". KeotuckV ateamboat eapta.n. commending hia craft, laid, "She trota off like a hoiie all boiler full pretiure It! hard work-to- hold her fnATlhetaryer-ABdlaBditrgfri could run her up a ctarcu Sue drawi eight lochia of watergoea at thMr kootrt mlnote the snags (tnd sanibmkh-"'' A. boa ivantXahJ9,-brought to ia death bed by an immoderate eieof wine, after having been-aerU oubly Taken leave of by Dr Pitcalrn, andtngenioualytold that ae-erndti-flf in all pfob"Vtlity 1 aorvive'I1o"irra, would die bv eight o'clock next mor. tiiogi eierted the tmtll rem tint jf hisnrength to call toe doctor back, rbich having aceompliahed, with dil C'ltty, hit loudest eff rt not exceed- off a whiiper, he laid with the true pirit of A gambler, D 'Ctor, HI bet 0111 bottle. I nfvT'-nyw." r - MEN OF GENIUS. ' What a pieee of work it man!" A Mll t. A til lltfri.l 1 f A the mau ol Human pemga wnicn aiiy r. . . ' -,-. put before our eyei, no two facei are to be found alike, and ao two people with the iame. habitt, raaootrej And diapwtio u True, the br ad end die- unctive feature may appe.r the aame ioUf but every individual iaau- merable little traita or characterxaud waya of thinking And acting j which mark him with the ttamp of radividu ality. Th't haa beea the cate with all whq hayrpaMee1 away torn te earth, and with all who re on it, and tt wll bji wibji ri a I Tcstcm there are aaiay literary roktr, with and ni coitive braini h- are frai.l that tin aourcea of book-making will be dried op a4 that future pocu, dramatiita and aatirtiti, will lckmat ter wberewe to eierctie their faetiei. Let any maa look upoa the w rlJ with liia eye and pertei'.B open, and he ill iooq be conyioced! that there it n. proepeci f a icarcitj of kaaeei, f toti, coxcomb, flirti, peeudo aentimenm uti. mockfmUaaUtropca, tad other lcg.t.m.'..bjett. for Hom or- U,gh4,0 a poor .hioe making, be.tUrUk . .The oit common, every-o people,, a .day.,.Are..dcdedv thouof yfT'tulo tea- Am n thoae U the muiruided voutb, who, oo the atreogth of having i .It.'. !- -!. tteo lome 01 nil cnuaiona is piim. icorai afterward! to be linked to loci- ei v like W mere man. He haa read that great men were eccentric, od lUaightwar imagtoet I nit rcceotririty will ataVeVia. a great anin i be there fore pltT l all aorta of pra-.ki dinurhi a -her cmp,nici with hibiia, conver. aati a and actiini, totallv n piignantJ t theiri bre4ii enfieemeoti. aa negteett honeit iodunry, but eipecti -11 thii to be escuicd - the ccceo rir'u iei ul geniui. And what are nine- tentha of thete pe pte f Men who api- worrlo pot ty, or wek proie in the ihip,' ul eonoeu and paragraphi, and who in fact have not a glimmer mg of poetic feeling or common teote about then i aod tho' they may be laughed t by the ft-, theyare look d upon wlt mbre c oaiilerati n by the mny th.n If the had never ei poard themtclvei. Iv t cmp)-ini g uthore iv whnhev will, the ficjlty of putting a Certain' tj'jalf'y of onU together whtrh mivmve at d t nity ol nrli't, it nac l ovrrrated." :Ti' nihii.k Pt P't the pu3!rc aie ' ague, undi n d rrelirg o! reipciti .r iuch a pen -o. and trca him iiha copiitleration t-n time bove hia mer it y while at the iame tim they 'Idty liugh at oothrr who orally make a f v o himself i A it were harder ifjnoe creditable jo rile nuuacnae an talk 4U Tre ma-a of Inane rdqrnontadejjn pMiculiry which ii continually ippetring in rtapecUbTe prrlodicaltjrndcr.lb htiid of original poetry, ii fearful. Not that it ia all decidedly bd, hut what it perhapa wotae too middling to be. laughed at. How raiily people are apt to mil take a love ol poetry for a ctptbiiity of compoiirg it. Any prraon too earth ean-ttring ' twilight ihade -od lileot giade, or any other rhyming c. upleti gether, if they give w-y to uch bahitb jjrttiWJaibie any thing liketh"ogh tioo iu'O rhyme ia a verv.diff. rent thing indei'd. '. Hilf of i-eae 'produt ion .which are.praiied by Editors, ind theimtithoTf joveated with a Ut ile (ocal fame do nrt in reali y amount loan) thi g. They are geoerally the produrtnr-of me decently-educated and eax mmom jo-joj ibut vr eni tleman, who haa he-en spoiled by flat- tefy, Tight j-jading; incipient love; and upending lumTjer mnmm in the n tryj and ."tufa'1 gobdleelihg,vyhich if fully developeH -od properlv" appli- ed.Twnbtd be he' aue of cheerful- net iod happlneta to iFelf owner, are twitted and exaggerated by vm at tempta at origtBMl poetry," Tht oly excuae.for thit it, that now-a day it la really looked upor at dia creditable t have neither geriui o-Tr jjreteniion to it; and prettv ladieb toai their heads and rwafaonMefm"-'' monienie lovera in a way mat u apt to drive any man twho wiihn . for A wife, to piitola or p etry pyaical or mental luicide. I Once met a melan choly ;et2fj?pleof thia awkwaidneccs ilyjforgeniuv An acguiitant-e "of mine nad fallen inr i"ve nitn a . ratr dimcl, poaieiied of youth, beuiy, and ' aixty thousand dollart i and it wat undejtood among tntir Jrirndi that they were K'.ppy ilTwhaV porti term reciproaty of feeling.. The iporaBt.freUnnaiKtJayjng duly, adjuited, the7 expectant bride groom bought a home for ten toou and doll ri, And began to look u poo httBself At prettj comfortably tettled : in the ' world. JmVgweTVia horror,' when he received a brief note from hit! gentle detdemona," who atated that ahe found it Imposiible to love him with auch a deep love at waa de-j scribed m Byrvn and reoueiteb, at a perfonal fayor, jJt'Mlwould (look upon the tender pAisage that might have IccurTedelween 1ftlttt:n:i mere -dream.,, He afterward dii- coved that her heart had been aasail ed by a young - romaacireading, rhyme making, moon gatfrf t,..i id. ..nhAt nl rprtun SIC i 7 , j 7 r cea in lome aameleaa hebd mldai, un der the modest signature of Apollo Betvldeire which have been propuo ced by the beat of jodgea to be alto gether superior to any thiag that ever bote;7ptmcittf .. It i tome coniolaiioa,"however, for aa ordinary human being to know, that yotjy gfet gvaioaet are nM waya the1'tt,prosQerviut or happy men in the aeouel,, I know a worthy C Vrd winer, whoae trade yielded hjm Carotinunh be uafortonitcly imigined he wai g.U. ted with a geoitii for methnou i, lie invented a aaacnwe n - luoatituic lor ciacrmmi. perimcotal aruolturaliata bought up E. Ir.1 twdeli, - .jdj, lh f felloe; tTZT."r He flJrg hiatrip and Upltone" Our Of 'trie "Window",-tiijk!ttaia,an(le 6at iei ewwrajed w -ilte duwo the equi -cil likcneii of a boot aod ahoe, which had l og informed thoie iotereited where he puriued hit uteful lb.ri, and degenerated In lofft . tavern haunting vagabond) bor ing rycry mau whom his could leciire by ih--bMHih-d'iertioa on wbeeli, . acrewa, pulley, ielf-prope. Img volocipcdee, And perpetual av ion. Men of real geniui at Bum and Byron lor itance, art ftn victim tu their own iowardly praying feclingi and luhjecti of painful anxiety to their friendi; buv tbote -pteudo-geniuiei, whii h iprine up auddcnly, like muih- room, in large ciiiea, are great nuiian ce, and yet, u it ii the principle of a rcpublicao government to let the ma jo lty rule, the time may come, and that ioo , when a mere man of tenie will be abmed to how hit face in ociety. FroTrt the ifichmond Comp., Feb. 84 IIORR D AFFAIR We have teco inr le'ttn, tine ol the in and re" other of the 20th imt. uir irni a dfcripiou of a very horrible affair,-which haa recently tiken place in lliuwiddie county The tint let irr tate that the writer hid that mu- meot beard. Irom D;niddie countr of A mi it h . Jrid tiir a ge w hir h . h ad been (ommittrrt there, the Fridv eforr, bv a vunff Iree trrtr feHt ,pKo U dughUr of a Mr. B'n ILr- r.: ... . a, rctprctiblc. ..ioat av anv.in (Se count. Mi diOghte ah lit 12 Of I J vcare of te, M . Harris .old hi f-milv were frm iiome 1 frut t'e unfortunate girl. A family nf free negroea resided clno bv One of the fellow of the family wre 4-ohe abaence of Mr. Htu, step ped and accomphaht-d mb hellish pur poses, almost tilling -he girl by bis hrutatitv, Itws a ".rxking scene. Mr; Harris arrived, pursued the vil lino, r 'nht him, and immediately u-LJ i'jLr him, and g ve him A e- vere a.;ij..g. The last letter states that since writing the former latter he had ueen Mr. Harris, and conversed with him respecting the rape commit ed upon his daughter. Having men tioned the affair then upon the author ity ol ooe ot my negro carpenters, -; thplTit beat to aute again '". W y ou tha: that statement of my aervaat it subsiantially correetTMrr II rrAB account only varied abount the age o! hi child, as also ht took the ravuher himself, withou' the sisancef any one that bis child was not as much i jured - aa be; supposed ,. At f rt, but wa very much .as, as the hlo J-tan edfl .-r too plainly showed With the assistanceof twtrof hia fighbour, he was determined to tnlict instant death "upoa the'wrtlc'l tH t the lei I 'w received upwards f iiO lashes, tf c7$t, ih7 the fellovls still alive he had been, taken t is own fami ly, who were then nursing him out is sad he will not mover, Mr. If. ia a fine mechanic, and a respectable a any man, H- appears lobe very muchff-cted. Should' the wretch aur vive, he will be brought to trial.'' Million. A FAVORITE Son t Si: Arc tic will stand the ext eaoo rfneedVitihle.lHsin: fax Couotv, Virginia, and wilt render service, at thirty-f ve dollar the e- son, payable at ita expiration, which may be dTscliargeJ Iby ; "t'ajrtjr dollars can. Filty dollar to inture paya ble when the foal ia aieertained or the proper! thaoged.. One dollar to the Groom in every instance. The e.. son to commence on the 15th Febru arjjanJehdJJi pastorage grmi, anrj-lvlarcs-graravfrd at twentv-nve cents per day when re quested. Every attention shall be given t prevent accidents or escapes, but no responsibility for either. For pedigree and performance refer you to Turf Register a d Handbills. JAMES SN'EED. : p. carrinotqn; . Feb: 8A ::" l I3J. " i j - - ' OT THE Rileigh Star, will give the above five insertions, J. S. P. C. rpO all jhose wish- X ing ; tn raise Horses from a good .'0:k; ,.. , '; -; -L-i i 3, ,j . nu ,ioga my .'.w,-'tTrT. i mi -oi al tera hands nign a beautiful darrple gray aired by that uoeaj. laled Horse,otdPKk- olet and out of a; frae Qcar mare at my Mi tote in Lexington the nxt eaion P r iculai made known in dur time. " . J P. MABBT. ai D If H p Q Jl llj . - f -m prnptmi ,e hi , .ki. MrTi prat CMpet nnt in aan of N'ih Carolina, w.e BrMriU.m tt It, b; latien, wot t4 ppnKlioii ntjr, butof rgia. Aom m tbe pnactpal object id b, wtili mch talent a vt ca -bat, ta difTut titunrt wdmaiiiwi wuh ao id I arc la pra tba trafurlanea 4 porHifar and 3 SZu aoadcaMi aucaUo. and cirHi taeir tr fraetluai af etrkstw, la diamiit aubjeeta oa which k i lni(xman tn anlichien th fnibde iimdi ifljwIwbjrKn'taneircuiMtancri Ofe eurrine a (none ouikIv, tbat dcaerr aotie i fa ealiidii kico U popular Cnrami that i!l an- licit curvMMriiMl be renerailv iataJ.ifibli and ta ei' a cpt4 aoet'ntn of tb pbiie! and relirioa imelliraitc of in note, wuh a ataui ou esdusioft of all that ia of a oarty cbaraette, tf bare aor ailiapnreneadeu puh!leeMv ateati a oninloH baa Umt .. a lea ia manr pina ofouratate, tbat a pubKeatiuo of ihia aaiur was oranerl to M'expeeted frtai tb ite of ita vnitrnitt, tl.a 't- -wrpoie 'i vbick to euMtvai and diff iv vahitbla and pracirtl knonitd-, ai ii a al-'a-N treaiored up. aad k CAuutly increaaiag oith tba pro- ere of time To coadiiet auch pape. wifi. rejnire tb whoi lima, ta'rnt and itilijenoa I an atiitui that will rank bih in aUiFi'r. Tor torn tin paat e baea beea Vent upon Uoorirf gentleman of thi dracriptinn who wJrht ea aent to ondeatak H. Such a ebirsrter, ar folk, belie, ba ba bappUv f uad ia M Wiinaak B,CUttendea, bv prtVain aa ado cat ia tba city af Ncw.ark ' lie la originally of or aouthem couatrf, bcinc a lia of Vi fin!, sad bavlnf bee educated io oo of lb colli-ret of that tat. think w mar vm tur 'o commend biai'to lb oublie conldcneo, jialiA'd foe lb taak eoexluclni tb Har- A estimate ha bee maJabya rentlema nractieallf infuemed, cnnprebndiar rrr an tide of rtnena ia furnialiiaar tad auaialulnr tbe aeeemry ttablihmai. witb tb admianoa of aotbiar aupeemimary. rrom tba it appeare thsf the pabliestlwi eta be ennHneaeed, arovt vUed 1300 Mbaeribenean be obtained, fethc r4,rwoyeare - Ifthete loraia, the (ball ba effected ibin a fr wfk,w baii aa-lta tin neceaaary oTrwah'tf aapeedity a pnaaibl, andfbowav-of intetrw oombor rilfee tie nf tb betmnine of tb rear foe wbicb th uhoariDtida W WH' It common complaint with th pnbrher 'f D-riivliaal wotka. 'bat ponrnIitv in teait tnnen ia lew ap4 bn ouotubed ta tbi thai) in moil other epeoe of buaiftcaa. The ono i tteovoted. we can ramro the public, will be wholly without prult to any on, eieeet the a. ourr remunota'ioa to the editor, tad to tboae be ahatl amnlay fur tb mrchtnxal etc eutioa of tbe work e op no d- a rho credit- if KbefaJiiy mabi-nr mehtctx But VMMild thr peeanl plan naaa i ito ofw-.-a lioav think it au iaprubtbhj that eaKff.-' a tea ui Mail bannen. calline upon u impW rioualy to aid th eataMtaunxnt lhrmih tern- nwary diltlcilty. WitQ taa certainty tbat we are to drie (rum il ao emolument, w, nonot balance an eOual certainly thai we may not attain pecuniar la A periodical paper in all H n-wrwHi'i moat by te-nu run arainat timn. and eery eiperienced and r lv tint man knntr the truth eercwM Ojcinr John", tha he who ent-ra the liiia with Kmc for hi a"tawlt, mu toil with lilijfenct' not to find hi mar If beaXn. leery one who faynur the Harhinrer with hitparronafe, we hpe will do -t with nr ' Hoe of. mind :o t)in -importance of I ehty in hia irnutUnce. On thi torteatahlirh. mnt mut depend fcr i' luport. Th iditor w h hi aaaix n' a. wbrh: Thex halt annoeed on, ie f ilfillirr the eipeetatiooa of th pub tie iP eWa ota pWdre leaw. that if lWer b ditaonniMmeat, V aha", ant he cha-feable lo rehtatlan or ffir! on their part, ft their intentinr o tn eolu3t the boaine. thai heir aocouni nf receipt! and dieurement m u WV erery one, that- thee atk no mor Iron their aubaeriber than i reall ce'ary fr it auionrt. Frank explanation 'her wiH be r rel(!r err-, aoi wen. mner aa mat venture to pledre hll be autMfactorr. We would not d'are? an tbe nuunic f the publ'ieatinn oe neoRVr, rvra to raette ia tbe boaoani of our frl'aw ci'iarn a diaponitioo to ) enwn'enaaee and jbpporU lt"Kile emwd'ine tha nni-ct, we miihl eem to ei pne o'lrachrea to thecbarre of making in promivn, or -aiae eapeciati'ina too hifh fir to fulfi'. But that a paper of auch a character aa ha perbat ben already imtd in tbe mind of nurreadert, ia derable in our atate, we eannnt bat think few win deny, Oa reseoo why tb eubtcription i bleb at 6rt. ia the neeeaaitv of fumiahinr, the printine; rtuhlithment aa an outfit. Te coat of thia wi not b tea than aeveo . buodrol aouMfta d.Jlara, it may pomihly be aonaethina; mor. Tbe eontinuanec of thiaaa durable eapital, will eiplaia tb pmbaHirity thai 'ha eiixreiiou nf th Brat year, th paper may ba contiaaed at (oar dotlar per amram, if oat a I mi. . It will remain tn inform oar fnenck, that th reatU man to whom ra lnk f be- ou -ditori swaWaJnJ J avAMaV w3a8?walbwJr'' waVaaaj4tl m ttta) proreaaional praeoce in the city of New y.wk, oannot feet biataclf jut'iAed in rellnquiahiar hi peoipecta, oaie a pledr can be Kieen thai tb papet abatt b maiaiacd foe two year. If hia aervioM ar to ha aecurrd, M mnat bo bv eompetont number of euWnbor at fl dullara for th lrt rt, od poaibly four or lea for tb eacond tt W now to be determined aftav tbV"cxntn ation, whet ter the publication w propooe ahall be patronised by a aufilcicat number of tub acribrr to warrant ita ooamanoemeat. w nqc ofjhoo? i em'emiuja bsaiibk pcaaw pectus n wt, sod of outer who may a di posed to pramot tha object, tnd tboy will eonaenl to act for ua ia obtainii; aubtcribera, aiber the tmeK parauoafly. or by mi iiiead who may be vtHini; t andcrtak the taak. And wt would hop that tbea ppr but he returned b) mall, or tome other coarryaoce, m tbe coat of aDoth,tbat the question may b rcooiTco aa wmrij a powaoic, woetner the plan Wts propo i to paaa into operation or aui. V Tb payment from each uberibr ;n K- fire dollar ia advance, and fir dullara and a half if not in mad till after tis month from tb time of aubaeriptioa, for the flft year, for tb second rear, it will not be more, poasibly it may be Icm 'bn tour dollar ia advance, and four dollar a4 a. half after ajaawailia. rri ... 2 . The data of tb first paper aent to a tub tcrioer will b conaidered a th befinaiar of ho year foe which h auboeribe. 3. Tb paper wiB be isaued once a week, oa a folio aheet, with good typo, aad aot.aviee tbaa two ooiumaa alloocd to adrerticmenu. f. We eanoot atipulai at preawit. that A pabTicatioa obaB eommente, uolem 13U0 tub acribor thall be bbiaiaed tur two year.'. i. All bitters addreaard poet paid, h " The V. trbinfer at CUpel Hi I, N Carolina, . Tbea. ar suob Nrrn a w are ab- to efler. iicr attaf rorpioyro. our peot etfort apoa mar Wim-. NmM aM. m-4 are wot NnguiM. tbaf they wil' r ceiMad. We mi a-li encourarenw I ahnud h- aff'.ti . -ij ha- if eompeteat hirit ilhUUt tia j ooafrmeol of th odnoe bar 'n-.a - M win a t.( m r.k amoof th p.n.i.J pblicai.ma U the t'oi'ad I at-. 7 fail M obiaialna; th oatry parrwawt hall nt itfM ibe um,, tiar.i., arTiV'T which ha hr)empiar,4 m tmZ7 rik.iulHi . r.hH.Mll a . v i 'i 7 .1 famUif Xewtpaper nftht ' - : fi- to? Urge$t aatt: fret ' . , from alt Political - - '"T" ' ; " 'TMnsrX- " Piifii;.i,A.i ;,i pi,;i,.ij... aiorns, & V. K, OrrenliartL' At To , n .IV o., nnim. " ;o.o.a -Th troprWf..r " of ' W l;ari mirirfU lake advantaf of .th nf their ,wt-aew of that mbitiou mm, a tba il .U.I i particular of beiat th beat fuJSj publie patrooat from tb rbimjelphla To watabliah this Utter claim, th XoJ2!Z ia take to crowd Inta ita ampU oobimot ,Z! poMbWranatyof aw and rnt treat iB, W,X ea,adM theoeoru of th ltr,t. jj tnd real lalrrrat of h comrnta,eotnbHMiToTh tbe beaubfuDy wbil paneron whieli h BTia. ted h ler, new t,po. am! Ii, an, .7 crowded with M abomlanoe of a.lv-rlUrwJal. ii ia hmtMl It . ,1.;- . lonriard Bbrviesor all peso- of ed ieaiii and taa. To thoa who do. a a-rlt ..i-2 " a-- - w w u.uMvui BMmiBBjaun ua I , cm. who do o not read the daily papr thr StaM m Will never lack noreliy, ctcrr pn bj. BaMeiWii entirely vrtKiaaUor compiled In man . 1. eara aiiaaaioa looveo- lh Iraat i portion iU eontnu. It Ispnitlrd on a -imperial abee' of fine white pprr, twer.-fltii column in each autabar, t eon-i nttl new of the woh down tu the lain 4 Tbe p'Jr for Mbteib i th rnitftn re esreruriy packed ia etronj rfi?tr,,li put tntntbe Pott Ottoein time to l-ar. -n. .1 ty by the miil Batunlay momi!.?,niiL by Sunday nihw h Way ha roeeivcJ ai . ee wnw- imndree) and fifty mile dtr fi) oyt won inoae -wno tire with in ITy 41 aeeewt milra, will reeeiv thcaottba m aing of S,unl . x Genernl Plan of the Saturday Uulietin. r V tht wr R f t r uac fal l,ct and If lereaiwj otc rr-oce, whether it hot be-md, carirfilfr aelceted and fo;icariT anaoftd with paficabu atUntioato tbaU ,.iL of Utn Vtira " . if tn. rMy-Ei,:rnrii 1 1 1 ,- of well wntien and deeple interrttii v n, ra, rta nndar the till it th Town Tt!rr. afford! pictueeaof real bf brlwru ammuimd , It nubKeatioa. Tk Dtmt Criticio-d with freedom and apint. h i' with eondour and kindne. ; . .rnetdtim ud GM,ITndir thia be.dk furoiud all thi flung rumor ofthdaf which are deemed propirfora aeoaoaaar. aaarerti. fhi Sibject M pcuhriv i.''.- lereatt'i: 10 th country aabaeriber at all timt and m th preaent eacited aula of tamp, k T of 111 pre aae importance. Tb moat cprn and accura r account will bw gyitea wrekrr, IS to lb lati awnaiK, f any . cWrrt in ib ,4 flour Orin Mtrkata inoludinethe Dnea - o wh-at, rt. Corn.' nned. Ar.-Vora Meal. Un. C-Kioa, ke. 7 .Wtfci font! Coni(tinc of tb eh iieeaj' and am rap iatii Talc and keicbr&oJ7'" B.achwoed! VJaraim;. and other titrhhr bib- ular Cnf ih puMieatiOna, Poetry ttc 1 1 1 rite vrio Prucured eactoaneif fat th paper, and to be found ia no other PiDv dclphia publication Thae report e.inairt of eoae a too Maym' Ofl .r, and err tfroe'ailf -if at exceeding! humo -pu chararf J are tn-aoahlr intorf iiny r. la-thaat itiylf ! 1 the country reader, though far rrmored t"ij the bin ton, will have a birdttya vi-vof muh ht iiilv trantpiriae ia red life. iw awm-I'ho -moat promi ntcaawb) . a?aajB Ia at.a .aa.af . V.-il- m. ' a Z P"F' iv BTwawf B'lniiM taa r.. "n w 'pwacair afSMraaaiB. n ,... in ail ihn tTaiiri will be faithfully rraoreli r. puf.ecanrr rtfulaJr ema'u.cd a fur wtb trv ....... . r xiina; m im"rw tnar iTaoapirea. ' Mrnarei Dta'kt -.K tai'hlul.l, '' NUr riaea nj Uoa:hs t r t wr-ek. The ta'urdat B' .i.n bw been ettitn.litd about aWyeri od during (bat pt-i .t, th patruoafe ba been rreuf bnrond il -tnt'lt) in tho bietory of American No'e'paprn, f' . thousand aubaeriber are a h'tV .irS.-'t m r-a - oraendation to it merit. Na GtuVx, to f" could bv. offered with irt conhiicnc '0 tb Wrinof moMer ttu i pjbluHcd io tnr otlMf -pef-bcal'' ;'thw ir'fr,''rl1,v-to;'' aad dollar are annually paid bv uie BuHom u vnicrs ur uiia papefc. - y' A few number of th paper will t. t t. ny x peraoa wh may deairoue of eamini:' itsre. tenaiont.oa application, free of poj Editor The ettenaiv imprnecmenK wle ia fh ie and n ialitr of the Bunetia uo Tb? ftrw ol" January, TI3J, can .b wmonalM only by aa iocrceeo of aubacriberst tni in Otderho" indue gentlemen at a diwtnc) 1 welt aa tboae in th- ciiu to prom 1 e its ci? cufation, .be Ktfa'-t&"Vi(btlHw1?r - --::-- l, Any pei ton forwal.Ina' fi unen'ba od a year aubaor'nwioit. Shall eocivrb PK-- aerrmr for hiaweu; a lung a tht tni conn- e. 1 3. Any nerasna forwardinc Tea uweriber and yrt wjbacritfort. shiltjiwerr a ao- of tb LirS Or NAPOLEON. buiifu:l.'''," in two volumes, er any other work of eqj value which may be deoired. 'Taete hoohs be forwarded with care, ia the jnauner dirwl. by the owner. ADDttES) TlfB ROIfOR. Rnnaway ON the 10th of fcptembet Jasv.6a s..aJajiiaaiA. Jone county, two negroes, named WASIUNBTON, abmO 'tr.ye:eraiCA? ubtto, on ooe of bia m" there la a tear occaaioned by a riat be will cbanre hia and endeavor to pats f jr free man. Tbt i otbef :.. aaraed, WB1 A .eamupt wltto-bqf,L; . year of age, very intelligent t be win prowv paw a th aerrant of Washington, nd eh." htanaaae. A reward of 2 Dollars will'be f for the delivery af wither m iy Jail, so 'b . caagettbeav l&$ LAMABj . fc-T" Th faiiarwufl. Savanaaff a tb f eKA cope, Coknnbi, . Ct and KnAmoml Kn " M.. iMiuU i. ruiMlah the abov 'Weeaa uafil forbid, and the forward their accoun For Sale. rrv. miA at tlrrttfOlS T. . YorLhtrit ifovt. ZlUTti laCg, " . '--'.tZf. til MKT ft im aw" -)flLJ- "'Jf 3r,";;' i.iiiitiafe?lwJ(I