1 .. . - . , . ,. , ,, . . . . , - ft li even wi t iWtt I I niiui uws. Winch Ioikv. m,. ...I j r. . . i ' i , . ofiniialiijr lilcJ, find V eiazen, and huh w ill be evadr. with iiul remorse. - " ; . : : : hi nuuTON cuuno SALISIiUir. UOIVAX COUVrrN. C,IONDAT.Ar!Ut... et'i'PLCMRNTA I MEMORIAL or rni , FREE TRADE CONVEX- far h'omirahlt I hi Stnutt dj' Hmm .; tf Rrprturntatieti ; of ikt VmtrJ . Stuff i, ' i i Cm rfu ' mmrmlltd s Tli undersigned, member of. a Coin- tiiiiif o snpoiiil.-d to prepare itd protoni -(n(Vn'ri t Memorial on the subject of h.-fading System, beg leave pre "Vn ill" Tll 'inif tiews, in aillition to ftnir rvfiitt'l liv I In Chairman of thai 'o ii .nirfe. We do not cluiui to repre cjl t'i" .i'iiiti(iU;, run-do we suppose il to i i xiHcr to add to, or improve, t!i fur mill lavl rly aryumcnf on the serai mlij' rt, i.f the able ami distiii- trin-'w! I 'lalcHiiuiti who (traded the Mem- ori l. Hut, ai individual members of the Committee, fr tho avoiilins of iiiicim. wptimK, anrl on Iw.-half ft' llie rxrtiutr nTli'irw of the country in v Inch e re-aiil-, nn. whieli . have in dome nrt re. iir-'ilril, we pf'rmiini to exjiliiio i iir vi" on f''W 'iirtii;u!r tupir. We In'' fu!!y uppf ' "f tHe verul pmpmi. li"- uli;ch f'rrn the of (lie Menu , . ii, with rmo or I wo alight exrejv !,n- -e rat'i;r uppl'me!iiurv than con try ! riorv, ! lUuao xtiitaineJ in that dot-' I ho iemoriai auniei trial tlie mim Htnrv ''i be raiwl tor the r linarv et- pf,T i.l (t ivernment will, ae r tbe Tub Jir '! hall hare ben oai I off", mul the jw vtui ibitiea vltimallr reduced, a Hi mil (nahout lliirteen million of dolla m ; t-'ia' it W he n.csa;iry to rain thia a-pcHi-t br etHion; an the riewa and cab cul iii 'n of the Vemorial, are founded on Ik -npp niti'Mi that duties average twen t rx-.c centum, end admittinjr dicrimina li i'H. to the amount of twanfy-flve per wijin, may be neceiwiry for tun pur- Iwr may I applied lo tbe prxlurinn ufi romimNiuiea f iU, tioino market, and that tfio value of etporla mar drprwinte. To a sat er-nl thene""caue mnv n Ur.l t'e itterea-e of e tpmla, aul ie, Ail v. aeepinif pact with the inere-4e of p.iMla ti'in, It ia iinriHhle to mj. They 'ope.' ntte eratiinllv and abiwly. We nubmit, hier, i,af the rate .fj incroaw? of miporla i likrly to im rm-e iii'irw mpiuiv in r'nequ!iire ci K i. ui.inni i uuurp. i ma incfiie ii riinv lie inipoaWhle to entimite with accunie: 'ml, on all ream nl etpcricncf, it imut twrerr rrcat. rrim I7FI lolO. a period ijannp a Im h thnre sere very low cquea, ii opjiciirK mat imjxirta, eMimated ceordin'f to the nmount ?f dutiea naid imo me j rraurv. im-red at Iha annii nl&idln per cent, line ru . tainerl fy lakinp an overafre l three rri. odaofeixyeHreeftc-li, feom 1 701 o70a, from 17W fOI.aud fc.m l01 to ISO; Ibeaveragi. income f-orn dutica beiag, fi.r Ibelirit rmriod, tl"Q2,r.(Q t f,r the ivl. fcs,W?,fi84 ; and f.r the third, 818. flfl.'i,'2(l(J. Ihirin? thia nrriod, however. lliere waa an immense extr,",i'iii of the . . . . ram ins iro ie, and el the cnmviiim of ootion; nor do we eupnoee that firf-i 'n coinincrco would inrreaae ao rapidlv und;r a ay Mem of low diilirt in future. The production of coinmoditiea f.r exportation wmii't, lioweyer, be etimulaM bv the I oorlioned to ted Stale, indrpondently of proieclinf du. , ri WH iny (bat thee majiufHC urea B.,r, a, addiU-al ami brtter mar el t :.r ' theution. Hut itiaofi!,,, ! 18 i Meeiinf F;,t,o,, jht we m.w unv II the eotl-ffl nta.iufactHred , the Imted Fialt eonld be mai.nfi.roir? nrnm cheaply abroad, and ar.M m .re cheap, ly here, after rwvintr il,i ( ..r . i . 1 ' - . ' wii"iir. ImiKiuir ..... .. , uu'ic ior reveniw. i lflt ,i (r.-.Tirnnip t,i.1Hli( market lor COtloa . .,). .v.. , rnn-iu-nce n inrrmy mionfuc mres t,r meana ornrotrrtini? iLiiii. Cm luifilv !l iM "oi.li'u incniu a are imte. pei Miii o miinufjlurea and irot"rtinj dutii ii, would I able, in ctMnqovtice of obiamiiiff t hem more cheaply, to Mirrl:a a jfrealer (iianftj nf cotton fibrica thnn mrjr now can. If there be a cleiof prr"o:ii in I he maniifiicliirinij dilrictor connicu Willi inanulacliireN, hoar en. abled to Kjrtlinn cotum ful.rirj. which Minywi. not otherwise heablo lonur. c!iar, llicre would he a pr'ciIy aimilar ci.uei in perxon. eonnrctud with tl. F.. roian mamif-wture. which our iiwroM.H dmnaud would 'call into ei-tenc. niouhtae e?seente of mit.in fabrU-a ; onwmed m tbe Vniud State ahonl.l ly. iJiminwhed bv a re.lujiou ,,f ,V t,e .,, aumption of Amerirtn foil -ta'wouM "U in- created. C eriaiolv tliere w-md an in crcaevd demand for America cottou nro. .1 . . . : ine irtcreuMil A mTlcan ae. mund fr foreign mannfaclurM.' We M-oli m.t now of the ik.licv or nalriotiam ofalTordins; employment, ead tbe me in of conumin, to foreign ltor, rather than to American. The inquiry ia a to 1 1 in maricei I r American roiinn. nn. t future, it would foil :W that an incmJ iwirli.kfi id iKaV ainnnul AitMaidtAA (L I. TSe egira.,orthirt.en million. 1 '"'.'' ""'7 wW empleyed in .1 ! v oniinary eaaenaea o i vernment, u i ... .X I -i-.i ncfiitura mr everal year pnnt. On thia eu'iject, permit ui to auj!;eHt that tee 4iar been yeara of very hih expendi lur. "4 ire than three million of ihia a Dount have been applied to fort'ficationa, the (rradual incra of the navy, Revo. 4uti )nary ponaions, ivt internal improve. jn tt. In the nature of thing, most of V D-ircna ,,f exoenao must i radually di Hn:h : and, with reepect t- the policy of 'rtHre, public opinion is divided. -It u ynt-mnlite'l that the reducti-y of pre tftm; duttea,- ami ronieiruently of reve ihalt In grtdmU " It ll fair lo'calcu Jal" tSjt thojr Will be, very -much dimin-M'l-f beflffejhe.ulUinate'.-rductiQri of Ju. lies. The other f arrent eveenaea of the 'venm?.it aeem t be provided for on a 'fWfRciently XUral acalo. . Th" OTiorial doea -not tale into ca. fnlation the ru venue derived . from the Public lan la, from the Hank, and other Jnvele say, iorJ'ieu(.-lvci. that-they fcave aal coBai-kred it lo come wiliin Ibe t'vi of tbe Oonventi.Hi, or of the Com mitie ti make any eujsesiiion whatever to vur honorahle body, en the aubieet of ,a pahli: landL-Aaaumhur that the rev- wiae irom these source i to continue, i taimol be neceasnry td raise more than pine, or.tt the utmct ten millions by the Cusli mn; ''By'iWTTlepbrf of tbe Secreta ry .ft!ie Treasury, it appeara that the in Cme from theec aanircea Vare amounted, for the f.vn part yeara, to about three mil lions ar.d he estimates it fir the preecnt year, at three milliona an hundred .tboua- and dollara. If the future areraje of importod rooda, - pavmrr dntiea rat wiisnirWarilie knifed irr rimiiueu avi luiv-acven ana a Mlf million, which the Memorial suppose t.i have leen theverge of the last Kix 'nrs. then an average of abort seven. een per cent, would be necessary to raise Teimie often millions." " We bes leave frest, however,' thai" the averaw of Xuiurliyaart Will certainly be greater than Hie past. lUppeara, taking an average of j'nporjs irom ivn te two ihclusiye, and JfflMrmlSjfl Ihe whole period often year tfiere haabeeti era lual . increue-.of - iapom for eon sumption of about one per -eent.-per an hum.- We submit, however, a a proposi lion arcelv dispwlable, that therate 'of in iieac must have leon .nuch retarded by the successive greal inrease'of duties by the act of 1 624 mnf 1929. Under any Jr najieot system of duties which iocs iioi o;f,rt M exclusion of foreign cummod iuen, ibnr must be an inereaseif iinpor Jiti' n with the increasing pripulation-and Jabof of the erainlrtf 'f " mt If nnwnl "' - IB IHV U V -V. ft ttiejiL aulioa wntMt lo- clienHieM oT Igreipn commodities; and the profits of cominercayand the amount 01 ireiziita apphcalile to tbe pure ha- of foreign coanmoJilies, would lie likewwe increaaed. Imprt would thus increase Nornewhnt 'beyond the rateoiexiierted nro- duct. The prevention of amUKlinc. too. 1 am Io m ilmi the Pr,i., k..-.. which would U lha offixrt of low duties, i, j afCrda .tuimm ya. addilionaJ inarke'i, but pr rhap. not wi worthy f eoneideration aa 1 onlv auhsfitute a more limited and inJbri lending lo increase imports. lorfora more extenaiva and better one. If the reduction f dutiea should have IfiW- ..f. .. ...l:-. .1 ... tiie effiet of prevenlinz the diversion of . m-r.. - I ill . .1 a a ...... m, a-w jvaiaj, HIT rv 4 W f) ca,li,l and I.W t,Mth;r employments ,n eicbry milli... aa imv verv ee.ann.1.1. . ' tr j ' U -eapaeud,- then- an average duty ii iwemy per cent, ad - valorem, u repeated by tbe Memorial, would produce a reven ue of sixteen ntllions, which, addod lo mt mctaemat revenue from other sOjrce; producing commodities fr (ore in expor tation, and, conscquumly, that the orodue .r c.i .. .. the rnlioof the mcrea of po,H,IatKm. It millions. If impor.a should ince to ccn.-i imnrary causes tm hundred million, there wtmld be a would orc..,on a rreat wrejwe ofjmpor.! revenue of at le.S twenty three m.lllw. tatmn tr ,me years; and this temporary J So great wrplua of revenue would aeem exc.ienient of our eoinmrc,iJ intercourse, ( t0 atteiKled with the most aeriouf and would fend to the etfar-ement of oar per. eyjU. . ghoild iht Govenimem manent commerce. C.h-nrr- the in- uadertake lo expend aq la2ea sum, then erea -,f imports ,n the natural ourae of; wh , t Knmh wi ;iInp a lhin?s, and the accelaral-d increase whichiaho several sectione of mir eommur.il v f,r o.u-t be the efRct of. .'rat reduction, of: W. M.nM..iw ,.t wk.i.;.u duties, the unowned aubmit whether it j of confusion, intrigue, aod duhoncu, will caa .be considered doubtful that average! c,ry year witness at the Seat dfUW ..... . m,m m iia.i, or. ai inM m jemment ! - WbatriotaT-1 annihilation of mo, naen p-r renium. Wouw proOucargtMwer laatflwSceTrBir whaFcn. cjmiim's ui viorrmmnnu . In addition la what is aai. in the Mem orial on the subject of the encouragement -ivenioiiie productions or arricvllure by , lainly iiot The , great priociple ef hu Ihe protecting System, beg leave to j man ait it re must be entirely jiradiciteMj it make some remark as explnnata-V of our 1 the character of man andero a total wn view i relation -to the additional I dian,'beMWa1cUa market mpposed tube aflurded frth,ult so completely at wir wilh fact and great atopic, cott-fl. . If there, be j0 r7- ant - exten.nmof 1,e martt-t caused by ,firfB surplua revennea mual be spent the introduction of the man,facturea, it ; e, ,he Stales rai-e and disburse tliemifor n n x ' ' "Pn their OovernmenU understand local inter. eats infinitely better than tlia Federal in f;'im wetild reign in evrrV country lau-op, " . may 1 permitted toausj (bat the (.'overainefit rnn never becmbarraed by an ccaital drfjrit nf tevenue loss pcrunj), ihaq hy even an oocsioiinl rur pins. rn,, cjeuit-iellllie UovemitKint ii timca. aiwd er the ptirpm of 1..U.M7. , 1 n,a crm,ut Wmiij u fortifl'v! bt 1 HWiaTiannifi iinriii-i'aaai voL.xn: so 17. 1 aval 111 1 a iisjiaawi nwaesr ' . tbe wjcad abidfine pamimonv of re'. "rtC!in kiwiiilitura to aecemar .,l,i i. j imvin,: m tum-tspf I hn people,! le iinprovo.1 .v them, Ik je.fi-ewhich the GovcejiiiTcht could, at any "linie.' com. mati'J. J he rf -,.-,t of aim year itii-bt be i 1 .1 . . : . -iiT1H-n iiiinii utsa.vaiirai'e in the next liut fliat a euri.lun should U uneimdovel . .1 ... ... in ine ii-eamirv, would be ', om to the community. rmm what has been s tid. it ill I err ivM thai w r.tneur vrrv fully in the u2Cilion of the Memorial, thai the aver ajoi luty actually requirud, would fall fii'r nort o tweuiv rr cent. . The Memoridl rcfi'M to twf-uiy -five.n-r centuin. aa the highest duU which abould. in any cae. be allowed. The unili riolojed. for ovoiiiuiir miscoaorpliorfi, beg leave re:iectfiilly lo sii-geai lunt they do not understand the iieiiHirial toadmit. that, if a luwor average of duty than twonty xir cent, should be lounJ agfijcwut, a dixeriinination should be alill riade In the extent of iwenlv-fire per ct'iitutn, . and that thia di-riminaii.m should be niKtsed in favor of protucltHl articles. , " Thus uuuVratood, if an avera duh'of iwtive ami r half per cerrtum should be found sutficienC, there would be a dihb duty in favor of pMected artlcbis. , Kucli a cohhI ruction would be a departure from ouo of the ptinclptea atlcll fottr. the tiula ot the Memorial ; (hat duties shall be ulti mately MpialiitMfcothat the duly on any ar licit liall not vary materially from the ceu ral average rule oTall the duties toother. It appears, from the Ueportof ih I?. retury o the I reasurv, that the revenue rived from the article moot hiihlv pro tected, wool, woolieo.4, cottons, le'inp, tall. ironiiiMi suiiar.aiuoUiltUunof Hm past year, to aoout nine million, f erhatie it may tie f und that a duly of Iweutv-bve per cent. wiUbe ntore prwkotive f re- vame than the present hih duties. . I'n. dor the Tariff of If 17, the duty on wool. merit! And can we expect, troin gnv-tmmeat- cooatituled tike nun, a fair and equal disbursement of the reveimet lYt' creaso more rapidly than dunng tbir peri w reierred to. Thia increase may not . iithe ratio of the increase of popula lion, though, ififae same .rnklfve prpor- w-n of labor should contiaue tn. beanoli of i he. planter themselves, and at an ex pernio, which 1 much greater than the ad ditional price which can possibly be pro cured for cotton 1n thh respfcet, 'it bear an exact anal ogy to the merchant who pays hi pur- enaaera, to purchase his goods, more than the profit he should make on them; or may be aptly eompired to th institalion of a standing army when the nation does not require one; which will be sure to in- cmie the demand for airricultural pro WiH wak hira loak on it as a curse to his country. If we examine into this increase of i market.it will be found so ieeunsidcrablc ao inefficient in its operation, especial I v when set 6ff against the cmdual loss of market in Europe, which will, in all prob ability ensue, that it ii entirely unworthy of the vast efforta which have been made to establish it. For before the American Syi4-w carried te the extent ta.whtch itirnow-TJashedrour cotton fabrici Were imported front -Great Britain, and conn med in larger trnantiries tbarf they would bae been if made in the United Slates, in consequence of greater theapnc- The greater portion of these cotton goods were midrwitirmiameitm dent, then, that if we produc there fabrics in the United Stales, England will affrd a lea market than ftrmerlv,"1o Ihs aaiount, at leant, of that portion of cotton which she manumcturea for usT It m thus .certain, that if all th cotton rood consumed in "-arfiifv Sear -- . . - . . .. I . -t ' y . . -. , x J . . . , a.w.v u M CXricoted that tmnnrtntKin u-amIiI in. I mericari e'ollon.' the -market fiir cottonlmoni liScrivunrt b nnlr1'nn;t tla can wnen maae unner such cirrumstanoes. Iftho monarch of Itiirone, bw some eo. goods wmill, nMHt uhiToiibtedlyhave been Irucned bv the establishment of domes .ti;:iinfi!liiHj!fUrek . Cotton goods, cheap at they. DQ.ajf wrsildjiave heen cheaper still if furnliheil us from abroad, and con- d fo the producliin of eoramoflities for 1 seoanntlv, a larger naantitv Would have! f rt''li1ii eyehan1de::yarthi'wn4 ;j w. roalerial more tttnuit: ttal be t!ie naturjil ft''!1? MtC" ; "rrr 77--that, 'in the ' C!lr'i'r' "n.es - .ei .t a.,ir?,-itivn f i.tni;'sf ix'rr-vniiiii)fae f fupuloia, a lirer partioa ! j tiys ttad old 5iveibejly iatho Vai lens, which was fixed at twaiity-five per centum, wail lounn to be mucu more pro ductire than the prewmt high impt has proved. If this should prove to be the luct withrcKpccL to th other- protected ttituJes. which there aeemtl.flogeod -Tea in to dwhtj- rtrn, by a duf v rrftwrjty. . e:R12DtiM',t'c'o. trt.tcka aloBfl,; iJ anJ , more , than .. all the revenue may... be raided- which iruiid te be raised for customs. V.Thia . w ould raider -th -rfutie on wiifcaVco(lo, aod oilier artkJes of tatqrynMritaar psrtiireTroiB tiie.yiewa tfJiiesJUemar4il, whi h prays that those arclcs may be subject to about atv average rate l taxa tion. ' ',-j...JS-- ,u.If uchv tlUermioatton hould We 1 lowed, although tbe aggregate burden f Uie cozumurniy might b diMiinislifd, that ineqiailitt of operation ' nil the "d clas-i-s of the eommuuil and acctiorw'of the cou'ilry, which baa excited so . much odium and discontent, would be aggravat ed Awl let il be remarked, thai,. if the accessary freight, charires, and profit,, on irifporting foreign merchandise, amount, a ihey have been estimated to do by thoie most enrapctear to Jnd'to fifte-rr- pr rent, on the value, than a duty of -fitVen per cent, will aflord the manuficlurer a protection of thirty per cent.. Whether the country can be considered as at all prepared for manufactures which cannot be successfully prosecuted with a proVo-ttenthVftenh-i snbmtttqd kr-tlvewis-doni and justice of your- hon jrabhi tiody. 1 Perhaps the foreign nations, among whom Restrictive Systems are aaid to obtain, do not alTrd protection, ao efficient as our. manufactures would receive from the ha tural situation of the country, and tlie wanta of tb OoverniiiiA for revenue., rf "The Memorial states, .lt is well ahown. to your honorable body that the Tariff sraera is believed to be unconrntutional bv a numerous and respectable portion of n . i ii i ii'1' i ... me Afnerican i eojite, inciuotiig, pnwWji a i majority the jwopfe oT tlie Smitberrj Siaie.'' From oprmrtiinllies, of,liitimate knowledge and I full' information, which were not enjoyed by the gentleman who drafted the Memorial, we are able to state, that, among the peopla of the SuUiern Sute exUmling from the Potomac to the MiasisNppi, (with th exception of a mia r portion f one of these States.) ther is as near an approach to unanimity rpjin ion with respect to the uteonstitutiorJably of th rrotoctiiif Hystem, ai an ever be ei f!?.. object, Weaiibmit, withthe deference which feaw comes us, whether, an-opiaioo thus widely diffused and deeply rooted . independently of any aupposition pf ita , truth or error, doe not deserve the utmost serious con. Sideration of your honor bl hody-The strongest Government have (buad it wsej, aw4 -sometime -Beceiiwary," to cwfde nrar,reveri trtlMf prjKfices of conidr 1 Mi' rf1ibn of their siinjecl especiall-hf w-'ji preiufticel relslo in Matter winch of the Southern f5(ates ar ik-t gent in relation lo tkoir politic"! mccrna believe will he admitted : of tlieir ar. "I'l' brm nt tt tl.t Jrer Cuvuro. ment and I nion, we think they have at ways given freof and it ii in our power io assure your liomirnhV livly that the op. inion Is ih'oply ami indetiblv itnrrfsd no on them, that the system 'in questiim i urijfl4t,aml in violufior. of their most val ablo cootitutiitfial tLlits. . , . There are many who conscientiously believe that tbe maiori: cmirjit randy, if ever, to man ita mAic at lh inaianr of a uiiuoijty i that, by doing o. it iMcri- in es us riiiu and privileges, aixl trachea the mmotily tlie lUnw-roai art of thwart ing the ermrsn v( the dohilnnnt putty ,"by resisting its'im asure. W shall at, in this r i portion, enter iota ih theory of woveriiineiit, ana tlie mod of it brma tion ; nor ttltkll we Inquire, whether, injui iulecnderit nation, the rule of majority is founded on cohvention, or ih gn at law of aatur but iermil us briefly to advert to the history of our own federal ueveru. iiv nl, and endeavor to shew, from ita very naium, iuui niajoriiies ia our, naiiopal cm.'u-ils oulil welt to weiqh the interest ef mi'ioritien, aud frequently, ia the spirit of compromise, to recede from their mea sures, whea ronxulentd Iy th minorities grmo and unjust. . " Th Inderal Innon vu formed hy btutr with (toverntnenl alreajy orgnni-. cd and iu full operation ; awl, a by the great luw'of nature wm vrcintjia( isCMiitMluietTequnl to anotlier, acb hlate wa of cqtiui weight in - th formation" if our . confiMMrary. Do that our joiI Government waa ix.t an emination from a majority of fli pe ipIofili tTimeJ Plates', but a creature of the tute themselvca. n Ibe couetriKlion Tof th Goverement, howevc tbe vurious interesta if th Un km s'eu to ha be aell und-Ji siood. nd in th fptrit of coninrouiise, each had it du weight awigued to it - Uut- Fed eral Govern nieiit, it will readily be conce dud on all hands, was intended as a bond f nuion, trnd a supervisor of those great iiiterer t.v nationii in tksir eitaat and im- Governmont. And, besidoa. there ia not the same temptation to those odious com binations and compromises 'among a fbw of the gr inte-sjsts,' fr Ihe proef ration of the raindt. ,-rBut ..tiirly .no argu ment is ? rffed tn prove that the money which is not requisite for the public exi gencies, ought to be left in th pickets of the people; for tkev, and they alone, have a right to it, w ken not required for nces sery ptblic-- ex(cjjdilumf-and,-bende, each .tnoxinwe'rafiinniS terests, and is dixpoaed to ntirsue them, tetter than either .th Stat or Federal Governments. r There is not even any- preconcerted plan of distribution which can remedy the fearful evil consequent on the disposal of redundant revenue. J here is no plan which an prevent the alarming concen tVutioa of power iu the Federal Govern ment, and th dependence and prostration nfthtrfltararfifrye aireTo result from a surplus annual accu miilatiun in the TreMurfTNollOjiSak bt the evils of raising Urge 'mae of mo nay by means who.- operation is not un derstood bv ' the psoplo, and who,onse- rfuently, would not be diposed to exer cise th a t wa tc h fulness, oyer I he proceed ings of the fe leral functionaries, in rela tion to the financial concerns, which all history and experience have proved to be indispensable, both in the attainment and preservation of liberty.. aWhen tbe mon arch has called upon hi subjects for mo- tiled hirt for vert means, like a restrictive pelicy, could Qi raw' itvp tjrftj'l ''IfiHiWiSn ill! iinnsilin Htm bcb w - -a-oi ssj W" Sw saw wis mttXjl XI ffxilu I O all ihe money which waa. required for JllSHf lavisJh.frUmagnificieat expenditures pei naps not on cwdwry in iurp rouk! ever have , becn-tviilutto!iitd.'rhrjae glorious ftrticgle,- which ar the theme witeiiijent, if they are oiherwis vl . . .1. i . ..... . wig urrpiy a,of a in in uovernmwit, it would seem that they rntifU. n f ,' mora consideration. A disfiniruishrd Dril is?l K.'atrsmee and wliiirl philoaopher r murked with rspvf to tk peojil of th i nea Amerlraii cohmie. that a free Gov ernment, fir practical purpose, what .! I . f . . " MM .... . im- unua sucii. j iut Hie people m ... ......... t: wining Hf- plea of human nalure v1d wkuIu cvi' tmd-' lor.tko-inMlihility f ttmU iiyMurr u. ;Ad ttttf we nh nritla beunjerrtixsl is v1 impuimg vil inuive lo th ral nstr of people pomjiotiug tltoae aectimal major. ' itwjs; when they ac' tfrcmgly, t!.y liay lw perfectly li(.nf4anj:co4ioiiiHu, in , their csir i Ih-ir premdicei mar be hen. lly, generated through h: iiLfluence ot . II ni(uret. , 1 be greet m.ia ef maiikuI is almost aJway UwU liowcLr srron- m iu jodmn -may be, rtr however ' WKluid the luil'-rs ars who. cmilriUil t--- - their miaguidsuL. Il J by bo offline ne- V " c-iy tt.at w skmild imr-ute dnh'mritf , vu lb ifople lo maintain the argumout.'. - la Oovemme.it, then, whose action U fi'h thruUgli ii fid a "territory' as that iaf ih Federal Governmeut, and which nnj b mad lo oiwrule ii so many cinllit:tiii ' interesli. ami, consrH;intJv, UKnt undap u many and CtHiMtaut tenijil -.lions topN lial kigwlatioa. miroly it car.mil l ittpfO , , per I hot th nisjorily should be txcechng. i ly caution in h prtien, and almulJ wnai times consent lo a rej et d"il eds, when ' jsMiprM iy targ jid mpctlibli! fritrorU ly u b aibvi-siv nf iu rights aud intsrV Irl us look now a moment to nnr Tarl ' in, ikI aeewh'thf rJl Mj-wlolaioxl-ja te - mm yUo nljclina which wabava); described. "And w Ixdirv w may, t" vtiihoul Car f coirttadicli., anert, f j,att thore i scarcely one hingl arlu la in th whol catalogue d protected cnaibifttlitia(. which wisjld hv received or. ti cf u.a ain. gly and unconnctdy W:Ui evry i then. and why ia thia thcaef Becaoie every v articl jrrotected, is a tax oil every aosiiiuii , f lb corrtniuiu'ty a4 autra'ged in it pro. thiefion; -and tax which each section 'n unwilling to bear, unless it can rcceiva ita equivalent. : v f . Th pbere of protection has. therefore. . .ilS,IC4roiln.crcljf With vie of dd ing strength to the party J snd the uX-1 I improvement interest, lor Ihvsaittft ubelWt ,, has beaa admitted' into th coaLtron aa irttereM which h no nwturiiT allionc fori or affinity try th' TariiT but the Itfoari stoucht tothrk and haroionite, bui: from the tircumnunce tf their corfimon' depctxlaac o th Govemnut, and Ihn - - ... l...! . . . ' " nrcrssiiy pi ineir, union 19 secure. majort Iy"intherv4tionacctocil. r- 5 '. . 't' -A ft est of SiAte Hence, fom thv-vry ti orv trf our GovHrunioot. so dioVrenl" fro:n all other, the General doveratneut ahoulit guard against oyer artUii;; und bojvare, u much as poWbleofthuXkiiid of kgisla lion which : lainpfirs, beyond -the limit ot .. t. 1 "f. . 1.1 necsiijAiwytLnej4ri.ou community, aometiines arrtying lh ou against ffte olhert;. r ... - .- . A ,u,-tF- .37. .'I Fut say taoso who would PontonI Tr the perseverance ef tlie majority in its cours. the ailuirs tit the nation are aduiin istersd by pincers chosen by th people. nd responsible totaem, ann, consequent , th majority will not W Ukly to err r any length f time.l 0 hn we an swer, that a liovernment censutated like ;iaiat hen directed tosubjextabeariug upon th local and conflicting interests of lb ceun In reasoa isbvious, on the slight est refliction. Koch a Uovrrmneiit, when exercied over so great an extent of coun try aa wrt csfl' saner b expected law I V.! nm' N.i 1. . I a ! - .t . i te'""." ""' """us'Tr ioiof nr ineni' in'c prejuoicej reisio in, mailer wrnrn rpposmon - io- inos" or.- hihiwiims; ran tVkJ&ry I'!'' wouM acver hyiripprsed t " appertain to riebf and j when uch conllicting Inrterest . exist, iai-;lhew tejjjrd r a4 ) 4axli and silwt -fuqs.; If the rapi. eiUartaiawg iUj rjrcJv hk aaA . !,; igHmkif Ui: i Wilh Ine best Iniontioaa," therefore,' .'ill Would ever have a fertil source of blunder nd error in the 'constant and irremodia. le ignorance of local intertsfs. But ih Government would be likely to bo viciois In it , legislation, evon if n understood those interests, in consequent nf tb high temptation which would ever be held out to oj of those interests to conibin and formef, Bind then to jwocBcff to the opp'res mfn of tr.e mitionttT '"''' . tT, lo Vtoportion to-thexrtcnt of coimtrr 1, g"nerl!y peakin the diversity and f interests, there will te compromises Ind combinations sroou aonni ot there,; troti. tb impedimenta to action are overthrown; and then to djubt, when thus forming a majority,' that they will, le gorenie.d.jy motivos of sectioned aggrandir,emeiit,would be to doubt the operation of tlie most uni veruil moiivs-spring to action implanted ih the breaxt of inan, which,, however On cefiain we iriny "sVipjiose it to bewhenTop erating on indiriduids, neyr fails t exer cine its influence on muiiitudes or comma nilies. " Thus it is, that adlf-interdttt stimu lates the majority to further Al i welfare, y pflrtMJegialion,aUhe expena ,01 th roiuority." , b, ::ix Mirtn:attn ire yerjr teady to cowcedi'lietiever they Hava no' ininVdiare Jrwroliar inirest in rnposition - to .thi8: of - BiiwiritMiSS hut when such connicting inrterest r$i exist asi- ..j.r.f...: " - -y 7 I.- - t , v .w Now let , tit m rmrrint, esst a 'rbJnrw ' sv - ' at tbe various portiom of th Unin, wlwil) -. 'so thia . compromts is going tn-ward.-v JVf, 't.t ( . behold a extensive district if country 'f - "-v stretching along Hi Atlanlic frcntier, froui i : 3 f " l?jmf!irtil-:wirichnii lm toIliAColf.d'Mex.' iwnts, fr?m then limited pherc, "mild jteo, w hotly exclu:'faiif''in tUcu:, J:-- not so well ltM WhiW lhlate incMoq auageiuaitiy oicuinait.,rwt l.iy er ., - " . ITovernmiiiU ware, wisolyh-n, except in a Jstl, arid sdvatrfag off Midori, if Wit &r, T 'VV w hsta.iiccs4 to manngthe IocaL.iite.r wpruu:to..ji produces.' t.4f,i -f- tobaacOtirirAiiiid cotton, .tr.t tLp.aA By . ration on th globa caa rear thom mfn t f ' ofler tail extuie eountr-"frotretroi ?' i an indeiunily1 for 1'4si s "sutaiTiei W thj " r American System, wosul smt-m to ee aid. ing in-ligelty to iujuryv' This is hlnfe '-i UfJ? V" "p? k a'tbiyf".",.', tax wiixiael by protection i il can take n y , -part of the h-Mtnty.-. It bw a ib,vo V.j."rjr WdiMtii wnollen,oin", he'ipp, ihd )r0'tUii "ir mil, be., and gaina in not ie s ogto iem t ' ' . Th laviab expenditure mt inrnal ira ' prove meat have scarcely i-ached iU '" P . Again 1 tlrer ar the ravigating'nsT " v .. 1 J lninM.iL:ni...n.i .r v . . 11. 1 vim. i..vi'..ur ,1111 ffiBia V MO.il A ev:ry American may justly feel mound I a a T .- l 1 s . .at nica nave rjcnrreteij..tn ttustt rapit , V.' W I. l.t. I, II . - . 1 fr rtWIM IA U. lU'llHll 1HUI lfri.l.lltJ. I . ir. - 1 - - -f--: . r . .1 .. . 'I I an tn aim nnI tUtm . .... " 'V " -"MWW,, 1IIVII. .ULU WIT-M rfc 1. .LT. . .! ."t . . T icniniauiiv iiia suie 01 lUinrs, luklOiSCOBjk lent ana murmur sltoult irHW T that lk ti Minority should b Indignant at tliis I rest w r mentofa eoctional maioritv? Caft ant, . liberal feemliaak?rawa7t " ree ixii .L... r...i 1.: .. .t . . ; .. " -j . . . krsund-Hw l.eal interests thronghont r'r ,7 77 n- ""J?"7 ' T nT.cieritly,well to logislato fut them. CZ-f v 7 ; ' " ' K ' ' , . niafl fKalVal aat sasksvtT.a r L : I aft - J" i j awaa strviw aw su'kucg vcr fj fIH fU1 JWtxT which fr$ think nwy wtflt im pretmiod lt IIIO f- arv rinu eonsidsration' X the mVioritV. wo -tif' thn tnoxtaalutiiry cheek which- '4 in be xert6d'on Oovtimmetita. are li 'ti 'L respocaibilily of the Represertalive to his . . " 1 .rmt illl.nl I.J .11 .L . '.. .-l' ' vui.iiiiik'u, .i.u mm vuoinriron i nu inw , 1 i - ll ' .1 " . ... i J evu as wen as me good consequences 4 1 lilrt n..'. klW I. . . . 'I . .r . . h .-1 i. atci isa t.ie. cnntlictinglnteresiui of tk toia. . inuni(Vr the first f theae diecks, ins'eai bri-perating advsotageousir to thi minor r' ity, may. b productive of the)', very vJ ' ;- complained ifrartd lb sesond may. cease l.lsjTl.-ll.'J.i.Jt!l'..i . r nreleMitlveraBses" him IfTinSield him; -s- stif uridor'th wM kanwrt iHhes if th - coimtiliient - Th greater tbtoppressimx f p mo minority, ine greater, tempomory" ' si lesat, the gajm of the majority f anj, v dmisequfthtly through the inrallibl hHiura o..eljf;-iat?ie.at. the greater the -ten ptatiog x'-- , . t partial and' uahist b?frislation. And. J " - thus, ytai baVa Uia law Missed-by tbe sev i tional majority, upon whom it operate Tn r , vorablyi in fact,Uia4 morf4Vorl'v tk 1. more nhjust it may be, and without, jrea, aWitly onttmrir'.),' the. foic -iif ijaaavsia).', ' on whom it acts unfavorably i anf , wher) f. ; . eompletilyexerciWlhaBrre ; " wHt reap a Jhe advatvtac "-f .law, '.. wiaft4tlMa.iiQl tlB!hj!frt B iWya . j It'iw Jkwk $ii ibVfMisaaa'ifrat iff m "

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