Western Vamtinia;;.1 v. .... - . w - r 1 . r f 4 "iv;:. i; t V JentjrvV.y o4 b " - Una eruujl ' , i.(j.i t, j flfldl qiirtioi ia the l!tu of "" r.e'ro-U4'i MiuW frote th fpuihri blalM' (Virginia, North Cro to, &ai( il far tin, and Georgia.) Voted 'Tiiosi Wit otpt thrr Member trr-4' Vire'dU, ed thm eiUa Trent thai .' . tut ah cr absent AH the Men V to from the tlatth wlrn Biatt,(Tffin.': Km' r '"Alabama, Hiinrftf nod -LMrMNMJ Wed agit tut UIU AH l Ho members "from too Western Btal'w.f Kentucky, 0. S bio. Indian. Illinoi and Missouri.) voted , , . fot the bill, except oa from Miswairi, who , ;' YeteJ jia)t and nt front Ohio, eb ' rnt'frMu .indisposition Of lit iMeira- ,i viasat of the middle State! Marvland. I VI ' . '. ers, Petwylrania, and ' York,) fifty ' til vntrd for tha Ml, and eloven against -I .-. iwit.C. 1 . u seven wistm iacui oo ine iuiiu quee- ... 4 - death. Of lb eleven dissentient, five were- from MarytssJ, end ait represented Amnerrikl JihlrnU Now Yort, Ph lW'onv of Pennsylvania, New Jersey andJK.iv.ir, Wiuer. absent or present .were uranimoosly fif the bill. uly owe V of m J)elrgte front Muryltnd voted iJ rihe' liU;Uj jilt klirvMi tbatlhr . . vbn wt rt bent approved of I ha pi inci- pis, and mil elijor.Jed lo thcjdelail. Ma ry'and lying Between' Virginia and Peuo .ey'vsnie, is naturally divided on every atrfionaf auwitH!. The New EuMand jVVw'tlioq (m fiAoca for th bill, Mid , twenty "eight eiost it.' TVy brnurh V; ' 1 lrl measure, anl then opposed jUa '. iMi.)n, bereosoit did not lake ex- telly tho drr most conducive lo their . U i jectiooai interest." - . s' Ca -eny thing ootfee ptterl(lKin the 4 1' Vote on I Lie important' occ avion, that . fuia a poreir qefMiy of eoinprotmae . 'tna acti'ioei urexta or Iho imiKiril h . ( . T wore wk-jl!rMJiairroVl! - in wltaj rn " ' "' Ifavj a'owre Cerlaio tnJiK:y loeirnipt ' - ' aw overthrow, or ' kiatitulioae, tban tU ; aiarciao , m anca trroapotMiiiio power jaitwl the dwwt righUand interemii of - w- foe aiuooniyi ii wme foe eierciae f ir teponiMe power which broka into frag' i raonta the treat nation! of tho earth. ' Ix)liU Rome, wbooa' conquering easlee wveraiadoved the remoteef count riee of , ' tho know world; aod wh prwlucod Iho aiMoiutlon - and conaeqneof .'downfall of V- low mpret II waa the ttik'me of irre. fpoocible 'power. '.The forernore of the ' firoviiicM were oot reapotMiible to tho peo pte over which Uwy'ruleJ, aud their tvr- --,OT wif irtoieniMiC,"-,;","-""' " Vaat but Uie:eier!ie of eorno kind of vrop)nble pwer caueed iho emaneipa fia of the Uaitod SUteaT Did not the .1.. J.ua1. ' I i . I ws . t i u lamaU lo tax loeio, ortlow throuirh the m ! - . . . . p pmniun oi ineir owe rciponaiiile llepre totilaijfterand evea if aVOMll reoreMnta . rrliamant, etill Uiey would hare brcn V - - Tv --Wj unpioteclcd on all aubjecta rela v . aiae v, Kvnumuog Miorevu bntweea Ike -'eoWief and the wiother country, fir their feprMenuiioo woulJ aver have Leea In a lnuwiniyU .Are oul iheae f irfamitoncce.'ihca. well ri" WtUy of the cravort coaaidcrdtioo of the - iKaj-.rity.juKl . otfTciQj lo toahe it pauae "M. tbwy aot -open to our ,e lae jreenpoiiaa coudttion oJmutor rttoe la oor country, and tho absolute n 7 . r... .1.. j . ... '.-rHfc-.7fT.,;.! I'X AooJor.peajmjce an i ...fiepeotioa: offthe part of majuritiuit JJL:k ftjjg'irity in oot- eounfryi o ;&aUr t.r :tho and how Lrmeo - ahoulj-ew bear r'- J. fhoe thinft in mino aod, recollect thai i:--l:X; i.tbore'aM tnii loot urea in tW abaolute - -. m(n' nt' m nvmmn urn .mur...". ' r Imrnriooa to the the publie opinion of tho . aaiavnty; tV the., majority awl roiaority , , iro pcfmiiiK-nf, and ewequent!y, there ia -.Hob of Mief for th latter and lisl ly Mr jT r tW are peculiarly liable to be gov. V wruaJ vby narrow aod eelfuh censidera' ' m lion.-'; .. i ' 1, ' -Jr- : 5 t t -' - "We cincar )A ih eeotiment of the ine., j, tarial repei:tin the duty of acquiescence V -" rho-witt of the maiitlltiittfe? i-.--. feda we a annnoas it dij be undonlood I - ' rorttrictd, to; acta within the limiu ' .f their. comiiutionul ' powera.'.. It due Z BQt deropate from bjority,or from ant 1 .s--'tWy-iwweTprw auppooe Ihoiiliaole tot rt. II W tlifl .OOOditKiO ,nf huinanit. --.T Men err' from ijnorance and weaknoea, j ' mcir oKereaia ana paa li,"1,t"Wrtlw' kru mn fv-!.. . . : tl fiont,' find ao ptstien more universallr ao- , tuatse men, than the deaireof power, and 1 to fro Ueinselrel from the restriction!' trhili limit ".it enrti.lIwWn1iii t Act taippoeed by a party of the people to Lb unconstitutional, ha eace jwwed, op onition lo it murt cease, than uaenrpation is ensecratod by the very fact of having ton committed. Divine right ft to bc,Bl; nM5dThciifer tojtlni norl majoritie. .""The ' eentimcDt if. ja.ive obedioaro : pas too Ihoujhf U degrado th subject pfj a monarrh; it is tiH lot tooming aa America freemnn, and would be ill ad dresstd to an American Congress, We '. agree, that w"ppoitton "''ahit!d be , wane oy in most peacefid and coiwtitu tional means.' aud we hooa and KaJiva :. t.hat tb tnm, at a free and popular Con- - iiiuiion wiu aiwoj afloni a remedy when theie u juh onto to complain of abuse - :,-m Hmiruauon Ol power, LI l ? .",- '.' .V . . , . W beg the indulgent eensideration of ywr nanor.wa body tdtheviowa we lave JS.-..' 4 - - ' " " KXTR CTS ,1 -I' XJIOV VI. GUUXDY SpEmi 5'np!al:ifi. 'tfcTf1 IwdVMt . ier-m tT7ny mind. Very ev- ' Y r' ft'. - tfiif o.5i-'t ?.;hr4i4;!hat on thW ..tV WVcotteti I tlHjv i.J , and 1 tho hum . f prinw1 as crtainty : lt factually as" if the fount ry him who ( are rww urjinf ihir fliiuil-ir r linf f ' 7'ifjt t"li"e a ayt'ifn l4iution,uijwi, uiMi'j'takl, and ojprne to iu (Mnt l ta w m rooiMiifO a!M fatftfnoil ujx Iham nt for tlte mmm o the jopruiwnt, whi-h Ii the only Kit. iinate ol(jrt oT tatutiAn ( out, in roar, that a particular ele of m aay be ha tatad rr thir labor f thai tWii or vyft ty ia to be rh ked, aivi th"f f,,K AttnA naprodurtive to tln-m, that capital more omntaMe to tue oonera, Ilnr. taininetliia otiniia, they ere eurrly rilit inreriiring ieroaa ow io itao tnia euh'nH:! Into eortnidoratKJO mA to era at re lief, ao far aa lhtv are eatiilod to it. No time can Lq eo proper ae Ike present wheo we are about lo establish a yatm of fmanee eoiulo to a ikat'wD'i, raim oaar anal all iiKuroUawo. - It we ma to to, that it it Hwioe the inlareat of tlie monufacUirert.tliat lhii cntroy -ri ehould b iMWUKhi to a cioaa. There ia one kind of prolovlioo, which they certaiaty rnwd j that la, aon0 eoeuhty - aini mynutt IrriaUtive clian-nt oq tliie mtbpcU tit biuty ai i pr ruuucace in the ay etcm. tt til imre imnortunre than any iiMteQlion you can eitend tothw, when thai jimt'it'lioH U hold by an uncertain and prceanoua ten ure. Ia order to giro ihla onrurily, the Uiea Niwa tlie eonimumty umiI be rca wiMttble f if they bo ot, imlhmr can be more certain than thai a period will ar rive whto a elianje wiD be edU tod, ainl under circuakiaaree ami aVlig hal f vorable to thf iutreta. If the c omnm aity.or aoy ereot portion of it, I op prfoiod, and no dmpowitioe naoifeoKvl bv (hoae who prtifit by that oppremon to al it'Viaie ineir auiMiriiisa. Mil tune rriua will be puid IQ their weUare. tTlii ia the Mtunil cxirae of thiae, and no rlaei of iweo can claim aa exemption from it. To the argutflfnt, that Conjjrr w oohl not to rodiico the taxt en protfcled arti clee, because eiiatinz laot hare MKlwotT men toinply tlwir capital in tlicmeo. tablishmente, the aner ia a plain one'. Kverr man who haa thua invented -hi ujooov. muM have ImJted to (he prvlwbili tyi redoetion If taxea and import whonever the public debt aboold bo alia charged, and I lie government ahojiM no longer need tlie raiw-v accruing Iroin high dutiea. In alliti'i io uim, luoar Uxn whom tbw tavationhaJoperuM with int oeyerity, luve at all tioua. inaittud ufxtit ita injtHice, and avowed their determina tion never to relar their effirta until they obtaiuod redroa. Thia arjruinent, fhore Hot; het much of the ww tt which It wiuhl be entitled umW dillrrent rircom tlancei I caoV'f "myofiJf eoftnider (the inamuVturere aa aelhnrixed to cUim .a ooniinuanco of the oeooent -eWiew on the gnnind of any plode eiprtaed -or im .lied, ,pivii by the government. Si ill theee eetabliahmcnte exit and tliould be rairardod aa a portion of the public; inter, out, and of course the eame attention almuld be paid to them at the oilier grrat inK-r eVta i the country, in any adjuHtrmnt whicl may be mode upon- the auhjrct." -r ir.-e-'..iUi:..u ihro'iStt medmra of JiLh duer claimed win .wiiviii) niiy wm tiav urtFiitlll'll by the nierican manuiacturert l lt wtwricinu"irr the wilhcring tumience ha owing to one of two cauao t Either the article can be nwouftwturrd much cheap. ar in other countries; or the American manufacturer Ho. ire unreasonable OMfil. That many articles can be nude cheaper broad than in thia country, there it ao doubt. Labor ia elieaoer Io Roma and Swollen tho wage's ol anable-boied laT Dourer arcoaiy tj. or .i nu a cay t-. a Gfcai Uritaiii. the price of- labor ia -very liltlo highen Id the ratter country, with i pojiulaJipn of; one hiiBdrod, anjl $yf to each miio aquare, more people are found, ready lo starv and of.aourte ar willing to labor for a nubtiitence than ia the Uuitod Sutear which doea not contain 7 for each mil aquurn -This inequality in the price of the production of article. arintng from the ditferenca in the price of labor can only be obviated in. one of two wave- You must either reduce the price '4tfialM)ijt,.!iU0wJin(. thfwopkt of thi country ao tor aa to compel lh"m ti Inbor for abare. eubaistanee, or yon mutt tax the community to make tip the diflorence in favor of the American "mamifhclureT-t: The firat.wnnljHffTO her or elaewhere,' j he second mode is uujutl and oppreaaive, aa" 1 will now en- dcavor to show. '1 It '$ n;Bf . ' Tla Senate'will imlulge me il iiiu sirmting tins in a plain way, hich i my habit , of fconduoting .rgu- Bientt on all uhjocts. buppose ten men engaging In agriculture, and you bv your enactment of your law, cause; five of them to abandon that and adopt eorae oth er pursuit- ruanufictur if you pIcW; third of iho prxvlucU of tho five retnnin ing Bgrlctitt iTwilista shall ae gTyen to thorn; all men would at once extlunn, thia ts plain oeii, KtliiaUe tiijastice. -IM ow,-sil where is the diirorencebetwcfn thm and coinpel ling the agricultuuli!t lo give one third more - f r all the arttclee-w-vnttclv they bxchanje the products of their farms'? ;Or w4ien;yoicompel-4hem-to giveooo tbirclture in Ha. I baveexammed and compared .! .1. -.1- I l l . T .L t...l.V.L - more m the- money tor which toey have told their crops, and this for the toclit of those who have 1!mloiicd ' their former pursuiisi rur iiBiiuiuir, n piaiicr in utr. neihtxirlioeu or .AasIiviJIe wncr I ltvu, sends his throe bales of cotton to New Or leans to, purchase or.cxclian re lor iinpor ted articles for the consumption of his family.. Now the government fake no part ot In cotton frni him.- his agent ex changes the whole of them for tho articles ordered, but in fixing; upon the price of tiatKt and hm jrmitted hue to purcbae t tnirla m.; ihirdc h'apef. Whiit it tho rmnovwi practfe whi'h ravaile U not fait of the cotun grow- Wl ewum i h p- - - a ri J.to not liirn. Mir ;prl h.e nw. totn, m a.. n j hicrf hant in i meharae w nieeioreacMiwi ! - . i the .boUof hi. cUoo; but in lrt.ie" pur.ihd thre it one third charred on rl,of thU tat. TIU i.pl.. nnnifr twovoty woo wh-teflectl oottliu Tlie iWliug rwrthaot. wnro I o . ,, -. ..I Ik 1... nwrrhamllZO 01 Ilia I PhiJadolohia. Boeton, rmBj i y aiMw" aet-w w i pnteMDllhen " aeflt totho western fnjae-uaj-- - mTTn" . . ' . ' V. , . t , , . ,l t. ik Mit in ll.a fuiaJ ludmeiit of th'! u UWIII ajllltillVIH w-- - - .11 I l.aMl aw It&t irotn now " wn.., - i . 4.t.hM IU AMottii rfutf . f lie I inpnrt, or lav, and the wholesale dealer, Jr. ' .(.- i.-iriba .riufr.t anduin all thcoo adJoJ tether, he byi I , h m aawnfffii I e-'- a a j 1 t I i i i i iu. onHS-.r :k r it iJ3 ci Si t .lIli'lT-i.. U . -Tpon every if gnoda Nm. tho Wei, our people pay a tai, hmi. ....arik. r.nir ..I nwm iliaa aixtv Ijlar ThiaTanft-laiiabiirher.ontbe it. iK.n .nv tar: boeaune. on a:alit of fair ditunc fronTthe w-lor v" ni' aoo o''' i j - a hoard, awl the greater number ofdealera, thioouh a hoM han.lt the goode pat ; e.rh .oMins hia orofiu. and the time occu- i.i.d in the tranw.rtolion, malini ne ' ' a .1 r , a . prr.f.1. higher, thev re made to pty a tort nf coienounJ 7urijf. In fbe atatement, duty of 40 ptreenu aif talorm haa ton ...l ml iu anHiunt ol diitiee. alitwb. ilia leliovoJ, that a higher rate uf .!.( it actuallv naid Uikki moat article, ik. rmiutrvCixm prr tenting thia view of (he .ubj.-ct, no one 1 ctinn,"jK;arly gtarmUiog aa exprowon. can hi to prfaverlhat the doty doee Jin the wd rewJution, and thartnany of .-. th. nrie. if t ho article to lite rmucMner, w-icS P-fn(e at once the falla- ...... i i... v.:..W .I.iiIm ti.a a tanden. crf M tho nrire of imooried article, To vay to a plain minded nan4 - that the oworr of an article worth ten dollar, could ffi.r.1 in hI it eheaiior. bv eemncllina him t. pay fie ddlar at a tax brfor he old it, would be to him a very unrwisotmble u-Jjeation. He emild not believo it I and vet. it would be mst at rational at iim r. -ramentt weht-artroon the rutneci. I afl - m i. that a atron-r ano"ardent competition . Iwtween domeatie and foreign manufac lurnr., 'will reduce irtii h k tha 'owet price; at wbn they can be pro lured, and brooght bit th market t and therefore, I ----- ew ant not hr furor of taxing tt lb Himignl nwnuLrturern. winch tmH w Iheeffi-et of hirh dntwot ami of pUeioynuiwerfw wh4. Win the noocroflhe b.nieiMic mauu&c. liirer. Bather than eve tliia titte of thin;., I would aay lo all the nation, of he earth, coin andriT with u j bring n. (bo productimi. of all aoiU and climate; bring u the art icle produced by your in- diinry, ingenuity, and "kill, awl receive irt exchanw'tti uperabtmdeacB of the product.i of our country. Then, ir, you rAiifJ m rnmiMrtilinn : ihrn vnu woulJ 1 - " i - v . of the high, I'iriflLlJ llauL'Jia. aluiort be - come deeolate. a .....It i aometimc urged ih. protecting ayat'rgnrantfii be ibtniitDacause New Eutrlandrnw must intorcsted in its preservation, was originally opposed lo its I and our countrymen,- upon being specta introduction. It ia rroditable ta the atatc. j tor of lhirare. and sublime sightof bs- meft Ofthat section of the Rr public that thev sa w a I opposed "Ine" I nftisf ice and 1 sa'pnti; cv of the eyetena . which Southern and t.STern men were meamrauiy wina. - u is not disreputable (hot they hava availed theuiselye of our errors to gather riches at our expense.' But when they embark- ed in thexe speculations, they had good re- esou to believe that experience would teach the vest of the Union the wisdom which Ihey bad learned, and that the ex- istence of the syntcm wiuid only be com- measurate with the blindu which gave it oirth.Wnew "af pTfiti fbcl'it TiIs!.'-- Their weight is intolerable and we must iav relief. ' They cannot expect us to Irsvel onward in the jth of ruin with creesityof acofitiftuance roniieso, greul eyeiopej.!-rAV'eJxaveTwred--onr biinilnoss, and 'tfiteeTlhaTTauTRV a little ( yotte magnanimi(v to serve them in A departing in- their practice-; from - the justice and benuty ' of their theory, they win nave, no greai cause jo compiauu r . '.' Aji....-n,.. . " . ''.:i:::'i-. . From the United State Tclgrph. iiivmnp-PiVr nnrilUPVf Wo have ton periuitted"to lay before ou reader. the Mlowmg importaut exlract fwm a letter, written to the Jin. Warren R, Davit by Mr. Jeneraon a grandson and executor ; -- . . .Rictwoytv '. March Drab Sit Last :springfcwhen I had the! pWasur-f moetmg you 4- Washington, vnu emtuired of me if I had tn evidence iu my posscoi"H wnim wiiu biiww uiu er Wr. Jetturson wa, or was nor, ine au- j thor rf;fhewso!ut r.l Breckeertdge in the' Keotickt Legtsk' tne fiisctt inmy pai" who- asnn-tnai resolution offered by .Nicholas and Breck- enridg : the first I find almost verbatim, as far a they go ; the second, in part the idsas, butnA thelangUAge.The ,MSSL Containa nine resolutions. Nicholas adop. ted aeven entire. and part, of the eihth tirecRenrtage 190K uie teeaa in pon 01 ine omitted reolutiona. I send you that 6-, mitted by Nicholas, , you tan heat deter, mine how far it concurs with B's. ' " Resolution eight, after the word " no Tiiin W mrmnAiifmi pose 3 wealthy eapitalists-to owmat&etiK T11 tii'iteii fflhw' atitiie nf thedolpgated pow- er, the member of th general government banc ch'sn by the peoples change by the people wtrtild be ; the constitutional reme- j 50 -their wives, and the remaining 30, jdestrojrtheir owe "profits bv kVf tf lhji fksx9,f9tn rt ueirlikhl.009'ttv e thrdiiltUfA.' Jfewit Uewtad eVea'iniaeisin--.' higt. tAf I have" nt birn drlcated, a null.firalua if the act ia the rightful remedy J lhl evr ry 5ute hat a aatuml rijjht in ca nA with- in . the foiFumct, " yA ,, null.fv. of lliaif own auUiniy, all aa-owp t K.eir lira 7,1. rUtf Lw will be wi. u. r.gfit ofjoJUH-at T-r th m i llial. Jyer. -- Tr7?:i-fte.!?? nr. re pru hhi rr I w ; v"" 7" wwfMHiwwmimwMwwu . .mv. , ..... a,n mlnu it nruo. minnvt r- r et V corauiunicete, limy amoe vm pr f v w i r, - , : - p . . , -' W um. mwi aiMl I la powera were all created and m.-lineL Aaain. lowifde lhe conffuHiftil of M tame rea,lut ion, afterlU wurda "and will L....I.1 J tl I.La a-.iaiaaiirn.ai t.l Hal AaV N . II llMUl man iww-oi... ... - -- fof providing that neither theae acta, nor any ofhara of the) General Coverament, not A h fi hyt (on-titation, ahall be-exr5iafd within (heir reepective- territories. 8. WiW.That tho aaid fommilteo be Buthormefl to commiHiicaie, oy wnung p-r-nal confereorea, at any time or piece wnaiever, wim a it r"" "r H"-" who may be a(1.Mi,td by any oue or more of the co-Mate, to rorreapona or ciir I . iL al . ..J L.I L.U Iko.eK-AMA.I wi.n i.m ami ... uwj -7 i---- t . a .a . a : r wipe oei.ire me h:xi ar,n n, wauj. a l 1 ae above will Dive ino wnom vi in. wee a ta .1 t . I- - t L MSS. omitted in iho firat Kentucky resol otioot-The variation in thoae retolo Mionaare meretv euca aa woui-t occur w copying or pnnung. i on win prrr. the aeoieiK-eceotainuiB the word MuIIifl. iuo lazaa iro toe ramc. From fWfe Democrat. At a meedng of tlie ritiieo of Madiaon County, Ala. at New Market, on the 13th of Fehnwry, (inat.) for Iho purpnae of me- morialiiing Congrew on the aubject of the Tariff, be. Benjamin Woffonl, waa called to the Chair, and Jamea Cbildert, ehoeen ow rai.ry. uimhu . uiaww., ut. 1 n.ire, naman - cmun ujoii i7 i - - : i - f j were appoiniea n ,ornmiiica io oraw up a I . . . . a . a auitable Memorial on (ha cccwion, who re tired, and ina-ahort time returned with Iho following; which wa uiiauimoualy . ccived. -Your oiemorialial viewing iho criaia cloaeat hand, involving principle of para' J meanr iaiportanc with any that have e I eurred in our political hiatory, have taken (he liberty not aa subjects; but u frea toon nfexpreatiag their tentimonta upon aome of thooe point which - they deem of tuch vital importance to our common country, Hud to the cauee of liberty throughout th world. Oar brave father who valiantly fought, who-freely-pilt thoirilood; who pledged tfieir fortune and their eacred be- in. a tn autahliah ruir lihertiaa Inewhifh ;i r'-.r-- - ! a.Hu.,ftlt tlie force ol the Konrable vbliga. 1 tion; .ariT'plthoujjrt it preeaed. wi(h great I violence unonT us, patiently nibmitted t ll.valim, Krtar.vfk. ain.niial 'ntitv niwin itulil (nd impost (rinpost,untiH. at Inst the turn ii paid; the work is mushed; it ia don nd.:we nowjfclicitate ,; ourselvei I f ter attract thr; admiration of the world. cut, irs, wey are sorry to state that ihey see. an 'imperfection ia your legislation, which' if continued, must necessarially Wight the bright- prospects of this happy land thev have always viewed the pre- tent TarhTa unequal, unjust and oppres- siv in il!' operation, bearing with pecu- liar foree a poo tho poorer classes of poo- pie th valiant and hHy ye&Vwry of (he country Ilk-. very jpeVU whj fought yuur 1mH1c7 your children, and who keep your proper- t secure ia th hour of danger. Tho no- turn,' they appeal lo" (he tlistineruished Re- preaentati vra of free people; they appeal to i the oenalora ami Representatives ol (he great American Oongress, the pride and " " " iNicnne throughout the worloV-Wroliwe'tnem-fronran abiding nnd T0U Knw dgwn oi irew up or u, :. m.:n .utioroirv, But. aim. t .era a ,,0,0- Bp,rit in the land, which j wjjj CTer be restless till equal justice be ji;.,.,.t tt.,t. .11 -ah. . l.:..k .u. tainedihose eeata of your honors, which a are now ao ably . filled, around which the J gracerof rOratory hang in such'rich pro. I fivonnTsuch an one as did defond von .rut - 1 your cuuniry, , o secono great peril 01 your existence, jind . auch an one ss will ever -be -"witlirt voudo j not, drive., ua to black . deapeir by tho im- I prudence of your owa way It ia the epir- I - . l . .J . . ... . . rrw- to nanaaa aown 10 us, not bv train- j tion, but by the law of entails. You yet I have our hearts, and we want ihem still to repose in you; and you now have a glo riouo)portomtyprov4o to the world your humanity and your gratitude to the - 1 greet matef vour conitihionts--the poor pieman 01 America. Io prove more plainly the claim of the poor upon justice and your humanity; and the peculiar pres. Sure of the lariflx upon them we will up- poee a'case hv way of uist rti.orJti,,,kipj ry of 1 0,000 snimile. which will clothe at J moderate calculation 40,000 persona. 5unposr ft.000 of them to be poor meiii lliat (hose 40, Will pr raona have to lo tl (bed oot ol tint ell"; tive lobor t'lh.e 6, (Ho meu.; Je take (be alToctiva labor of 3, (UK) men on clolbiu eulliciant for 40,')t)lJ per-, Uiutrr4o tb vflthiffive c! iUHu. ia iocompttible with jiwlice, and at varmnca with tb gemu ol a rrouWie. auf'irm id" govrmnn nU And wltca we consider that tha 4d,(Ml9 neront are the poorest rla i.fo4,"and l.ava'tlu if u gar, and-lhoir ealt, and their iron yet to pay wo - nvaim (w hlllMliWtv, aaka. Wa" lkYw4LTi grai;fii.lUipair; thai beyond the reach of humkii eye- aha i wrappad-iipta uVrk toidla and tucurcly laid wy. we once niore ap pool In your magnanimity for relief Cton in evil that b ton long reatlng upon, Wa claim a nzht; w demand it bt yan4rHinrwe,bUjvri our vlomand. Come forth then at once Hi champion oflilrfy and ol equal nghu ami discharge t conaciou duty reganllr of ibe frown of the rich awl influential- Save yoar country Irom impending ruin. We claim a reduction of the general rev enue down to the indifpeniohle expense of the government for winch expenae we claim an equality of taxation ; confiding In your state government, aod inuivulual en. : ' T-r .1- l..l 11' . l l icrpiae lor ina ueiuurc. u mnn be Vkt almie,' and we will te happy- and you will ever find u royal conatitu cnta, We , think tin) eviJpuca given io two wnr one for tmlependetice, and th other for iu maintenance of American patriotism and btavery, ia a .uHicieol guar an toe that should ch another occurrence take pluce, we will not t found wanting but we will tu and wrd on our tworiw, and Diarca to the lute of defence, and aay lax anain. f 1. lUtJrtd, That tho President and Secretary aigii the bxmoril. 3. Hftolvrd, That a copy be tent lo our Scnatora and Reproaentativea in Congress, arid that they , be requeated to read the am before each body, rat aom tuilabS time. 3k Itttolttii That Iheso proceedins be published in (liQluiiltvills Advocate and Democrat. , BtU furlier Jtuolnd, That the mem. bers of this meeting, viewing ANDREW JACK SUN, at one of nature's gn-at men, with native powera of genius, tempered bv sound eipTieooe, devoted in heart to hi country, (earlesa alike in defence of the Constitution ft of our common country j and approving highly of hia administra tion, do most heartily concur in the nu merous recommendations of him for e re. election to the Prosidoncy of Ih United Stale. BENJAMIN WO F FORD, Pret. Jinn Cbiideii, fWy. --- 1-fHVfVsmi We have occasionally given specimens of the gseat difference between American and English prices. We take the follow ing torn a free trade paper, which ttates that they are copied from London adver tisements, with ten per ceut sdded for ex change! Good wide WeUh Flannel, yd. It J ctt. hxtra stout do. full yard wide, 1 3 Blankets 3 yds. long, pair, tl ,25 Extra aioui no.'! yd. lung,-1,63 Ijarge- sue eonrrterpaiiti, xoi d; White do, ?i yd wide, . 87J Good stout Scotch linen, for shirts, vrd wids. IQ FiiTJyd Weached jiiicn sheeting, 12J -: 2 yds wide do requiring no aeam, " ' 85 Stout cotton bedtick, yd " 7 we and stout linen do - 10 All the newest patterns dark Chinta, 12 J 500 pieces of blue ds other prints 6 Superior stout Colicoes full yd ide, 7 Ell wide cemmon Calicoes, 25 yards for t 00 Yard and a half wide damask, for table cloths, yd. - 85 300 pieces double width Mari no, all colors, Ct lite veiy finest Frenchdo, "t 13 Striped furniture glazed, Good large cloth coats, each, 2 10 targe Camblct and plaid do. 2 00 Men t stout lamb'a woo) stock- Mi..'. ... I I ... ., iiigs, doz. 2 53- -Tmr7 foIJdwihgadVertie'emenr from the Weslminister Review. TO IS'OBLEMEX d GENTLEMEN. Srrn, Cross ii WBSTtB,Tailors,oxc. 15, New Broad street, submit their cash prices for the best goods that can he pro (lUCed. ... . .v. A Saxony black or blue dress coat. $16 31 Olive; do. 14 43 Saxony black or Hue frock, lined with .ilk, 18 64 Olive or Mixt. do. 17 fit Black, or blue trowsersf 1 - 7 54 Drab Or '-rout cwsuwei-e jjovsrsiw 68 Waistcoats, ; , , .' , ""' j 3f " The vast diflorence between the iWf, and the pratwWThuf(ure."of the United State presents a picture". -which to the advocate of free 1 rade in this coun try is ssoorofdl, and to thetnoiiopolist tnust oe aasoiuieiy appalling. 1 . . ... "Tle- Tarif-mNa ifcMany of our rea dors will probably be as much surprised as we were on ascertaining the fact, that wrought nail are so much cheaper in England than cut nailtare -herephat the imported article could be aold for from 51 10 of cis., were it not tor the enormous duty iifJ cftntsa ipoundff which j more thai! one hundred per cent, on the origin al cost. Even a it is, great quantities of English wrought nails are imported. Inthti iaca of suchiacts as this,' we ere tow the effect of aiga duties, is Icr make manufactured articles cheaper. What very disinterested l-einjs th'ife manufactu- rrs must tie, wnen they are strivinz to ninj op, i t t Cat lal lurmi ii lit ! tb imi ii.. ,r... . . , . x ' al'" Ihit dTd!,yhrslP , cI3S:,. .lUvidl,tlb.(ll kifih dut r. r. . th Mrmraclurtl it tJLr.Jp. ta inerra-d B'ice f,,,1 illT3 the I eoeral Oovomment tu "do. k . the kttor.rasr wUt tiCr! liiipoitam e, Hie spirit of (he r tiitionean bo ao tortured it ta'i' th taxing ofooa portion of thi t(HS ury fortua private benefit of another ' ' ' awaawaaa f ' Our rail TJooWe v-Ioi,- . t ha Centml Rail . Road, thai nMK5 ally triumph over th apathy U, lotig held u in bondas. The not be hidden; that a crUia iQ i warty at hand, and that our fmore ,. i wiU fx? tn,ire,y ,ba which waahall determine to punme. Wa ahould be convinced by il,i, f, (hu fuvotir of fortune will not court ouraZ ceptanc! wa most meet them, w aZ w-ek; them; nd niggard aa Natartko ton to our rJlate, in comptrison wiik other, still her bleuings are so nume, ma. win, i"vn.uii cjcruononoiir n.H . l...ln.iu.. r , . P"ri,a boundless field of succewful eulurpria ooena bekiro u. A a an.... .1 1 1 tion will authorise the attempt, whJd strenuou.ly urge the nereiiy of crnime,. cing the rood in the vicmitr of Raknj, r Kewbem; or, ,if practicable, in iu neighborhood of both, that aur citizen may see that we have desisted fro,n bojj. ing castles io the air. Many - one aha would willincly proinale this imponsai wrk, withholdt hia asitiince. froeia iwnci uiai wis wnoie project, IlKe.twomi. ny other useful .ouet thai have bei-n (alkd of among ut, will fall to ,r tr(KJII(j out having ton acted on. RibVclmnitii who ere nilly desirous thsl ourlUls should join in the race of improvement and prowrity, should, for their own sake, step forward and sel so example ao ear. thy of imitation. They cannot loss by iL ' for if the work should aot commence, they will uot bo required lo pay their subscrip tion; and the probability is, that they wiQ be great gainer in th end. The undent king; if persevered in, must be prolulV and besides the advantages of this nmrt! they will have the pleasing satisfcch'si having patriotically endeaviture h trrsit our downward course, "and stem tb tw. valing torrent d" emigration, which it oov robbing at of a valuable portion. of l population. . 1 Nnhr8Ftriasr7- Raily, The following list of prict of Railway stock in Liverprol at the la tet dates will sliew, that aotwitloaaad th enormous expenditure ia their construc tion id England the invest jwnts hivt ia n.arfv every case, ton hichly proflubl. One of the cases where the rtock nt biiroo; t par is the Bra nth of " Kenyim and LeiA . Junction Railway" while th riociDlt Railwaria ten per centfeipar."'"'"vf-"' - TlK LtverpiHtt .fcni Manchester RsIK" way ia one hundred aad nine percent tt hove pari--- ' - -vi-av-- Liverpool and Manchester . Railway .1 001. paid 20W..--- OW QuirtecSliare hUtLnzzT M .ISs" New do . .. - . 23J. ' V !.4lUi,i Stockton and Darling. ... -.. - ton lOOf.. Boullonand Leigh --?---. -.-r-r- Ditto 25L" " 17, t; Warrmgta itU Nn-lmm?4mii do. - - 100.. r "106,- Kenpnn and Leigh Junction do . lOOf. "I30f. Wigah Brancfi T do 70i. " 5Q2V7 S. Helen's aud Burcora ' Cap Railway ..WC- ffiw.. . , Leicester and S waa- nigtondo 40f 47f " ledLPnd Sclby : 25f. " 25 Prestonand Wigto'JP" - Prom a letter recciyohy lh Editonat '. the Petersburg Intelligencer, the followio; r; importantiuumatkiaia l1 by the first of May next, the line for p . j eengera between Petersburg end Pbifadet'-; phia will be run ut 35 hours thus running j a distanc of 415 - mile in 35 hour that as soon as the Camden Rail-Road is com pleted, which is expected this season, twy will reach taexiify of New-York ia J boUM 1 more, making 42 hour from Pcterstarg W New. York, a distance of 500 miffi" that when the Raii-Road"from PetrfrsbefS to the Roanoke ahall-bo- in operation, W hour will take passenger from twaaw; in N. Carolina -.iftNmr Vnrlt. it "P' .. tjoa-iiol fraeJiaitfiiii Never"did the most bitter lory pres. the day of the black cockade, revile whig doctrinea of "93 more than nodocithe.jm name of nullification It apph AA epithet which were then PP1"'.' "51 chy J distraction LirTOni nJ The only diiTercncei, that th whigf 98 were called Jncobins, whil th " 1832 are called nullifiers. iwo panics more iucuiw.h. ,0aWj I artti man th Ir.itrr'nt the whifi ef ' is the rallying point for tho ol . octrine were the standard of pol" name nrj faith of the whig of that day, ,a twt k iC flmlBjneiit" of the bresent time. turned unon the ereat am) 1 .t funds quosiion . ino reiaiiTsi riij"'- - . " . r il . 1 si.r . m ne auw t Bs1 Gv-1 6overnonts. - It"' precisely opon the .rtei;-' D.j.jk . ,.ndidat I tfuiin .fcifVJ' 'i I'll ta m ... . - . ' i. .nJ BP: IIoueot llclcgatet virgi;i! -.' posffd hy Pwl Carrinjtotv Ewr-.' - If III; b Ul" 'l'VDr,!

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