fftsfcm Carolinian. at' 1 w ,4 , ft ' ' 33 mv rTr roetrw.. can .-o - -We i rV ,D' f Tanee of he tr..nrr ill lead hlMM0 tOthe fr" lb the Cntfl fn road echema. Whe a we -rrjT,;. rtHflp ivrmt pnis rwt t tWn MMx'k ewatrt tail-mav" ,e Oef.d Weldea, r',l l" .i-.. MtnliM wero aM iendle In Itit r"M' road, end eee determined fn direr a" ,lir nfrfirl U another acheme. We htt l beioe wnleeeie."we ere he 'V newo WiWT , , l, nneerfu' ii(iw.r to the eeromolic meat of work wuleh. wlJ da m aa-h la ad. pner the eemrtil nf mt iWf, aa ' (,,,11 M vlriv the' of NewYn- jj.f it U the only aehem wlHi e'f ttm" rVim h tW loeubwe Wick Im tkua U' nt'a'laed alt eiertlnoe ' . 'nit V tii- of the Eavnlner te M riri U Wnn-"f 'ha we hUk, 'he eeheme of eoo. ym'iirinM'""'" Oafnnl to WeMon. ehl. B.rI-' to are e from thlklnj ! rM that we think it perf'e'lv imetirah'e, ku hfr m the oM ir HI I ... mm irone In lb' fi. nm of will hurr. -i' we ettewn make mo' nil m'U t mw, iM mk il n t r'inntl. H " Vi"J f' ffilrl W t.1i'o of iie tuminf will ii ml b bi 'e'i f-'f tbc pnierii of tiyMv Mi'lKUjBWtif ml l ritiw ( P -T"k ct nnmnrr& M. J,.' i h pf Kn'ackr, lb o(Ec of Vic. Tiln. H bu Kri nnnini-rd to (b SrrT,v1wTi;rf"of ifie wiit" Ruirt, and frti-" h it ibe 0orri nnr, tttli- wt li F. rvnjr nf V h it the no4' nnulir mtfj je ipnk' if, In 'bf .State. -UU.t, ba ftwgn areli m'hw far Ibvaf fcf Mr. Van llura I Th' lr'ula'iira S. Jn b anaiina teH "l-iatof Dioktnon 'nr the tamr office o Alt' ve now baa on the Jack eon Tirket, Van Burfn Job neon, Barbour. Wilkinaand Dickrr. ID" Beaitira tkeae, Smith and Dravtnn nf a. Carolina, Branch of thil State, and Brntnn, of Aliaaixri baaw kew tooken of. .Tbo pod. nf the fdouhtaSIa Webb " nf itarlinj a can. diatr in every Sntr" acma literall tohae jwom warn- Which one of the tVrenna aaav "edahali mU rC-alw fIljl...ti'T!e 9 Wf f BSoneinf ..l.Tb fdrnda nf Clav are anii'i"r at nar indee'iainn end 'anrlof at oir djA'iltv In arleetirtf w one. But the mar Jew"- ve-eaa aa "Vboni. irar-!leaair.TTiee d" fcre-lb ejeeinn and beat b1r feat n.-. l th 9 ?-f east.. But we aboald wot ! t lki. wr aboulit eardecril' aad fef aa err a "VaH w'th ooe eaemJee "". Jwnei faa wrtaar aaa ba Orwia - wW !' erard the late dee1enn nf the SniMrme Court, ( tlrtt Oel: Jaoar willb-wrrMio V (bre it,an1 If be de -ba' the lodrea will l-tifn, end that coaarqientl Mr. Cla . will bet hlu for he FreaM.nea,.. We arree.afith Cirm i but ane ihinr. that ia that Omrria will pa no arentina lo tbe diaion. Tat Geol. Jarkton ia ffo-nfirBed to enforce H we dene i a' JI Jicknn will not enfo"ee It we are pre" reia He la not compelled to en- "rr' bfCUe the rWoreme- Cnwet baa me. & d with that aout which tbeV hare no baai. Sia ; be will not nnrce Wr befau be ke ltepa "hit he Supreme Court hare aneumed la Uimai.rM a pawee-wSirk tha oeeer poaaea. ad One. wMeV jefclhiliemJaft. jieyet ""i thenj H ia a wa'ation of diarMtted ' Veierity and we e ba tn I am thai in aoch caaea the Ranreaae Court "baa ane powaf "eon. terrd on It b the conitthition.: Bit let Geor. - fia do aa the moe. we are eertain that GenL JarVtnn ill never: do an? thlnf, which hi U'tt ordutateJta VuabahouMnotdo,ao tbajr 01 ' Ww. T b at . la be dri? !froe doing hie dutr by any of Mr. S!aya Jtanjiu, m. . T ' There never' waa a time n'nce Ike ertabli . caue..if liberty wnd -o(rrmi:--The:enemtee -if our fnatitltfloraj are now qtfn'eW"'eitlifl to puah ou country Into the meahee of conav)!- jiN'Wn; Principle ba firen wa to eelf-tatef- ' the bnaoma of thoae . who are apTomt o male our Ua, and tbe Mntl eelBri and diaf boliral naaaiona have taken the place of adiaio- tarried loe of countre. ' In aucb'titaei erjf man ahould do bio dutyi ever one ahotild be aia poet, none abouli! alumber. ' : t We bae pobl.ahrd a letter In another eo. .lamB.f me paper from lb )(vndirt i pfTfftfp ( u Jowj to Warren J ptSMSSVVlt ti in Coarreaa from SoutbUarolina which re faMiihea coneKiaieelr the fact ' lhat Tbomaa .WTfapn .aa the father of tbe dnerine of nmh jja -iatioTi. . Ttiia Will put la reat att etvilHaff up ea that eubject. ,' i.:i J1s!,' . baa tlftetto aehlea! fbW MOeHVtraHt fcea lb father of the octrineow a'ckno lf-dfte himaJ.f ' w have he n In error. W o r- oni th ati forbia rpcao'atioH of we would pblib f'b. TirifT ,j,; tng ,rft r( I Ilia SmiiH If 'fw a.B.il b .It'atmioH "t bmltta tl.a arfjfimii SrM"a U lb fi.nii,jf r,m,rk , "All that rtnAm Ik ,U. ki fica of arrt-nam aivl ( , n,,,,!. wr n.ti m,tht mt Kr .mirh nfbr any t fc'a miatfa;' Wfc.n,,.F l,,ro.n, I v-ia la rraart ! ana otWf, thrn wr fcfaai lBna Tnriintion 'a ma a poaMaa r arrkt fur tie ct,t Uoa W abwary.'--'- , ; TV CJiine nf ib CJnnhU T. Iraxona tpkri nut m t gU J" U'x. and ralla a "aV manarr of 3 aamaa," aurb u ubVmlna'iait, k. -t ao. We cara aot at, if k. e,) ta ran la a)loae fe (' If noraare of the pria. rlplw hieb thai p.pef, in.kf a'hee hto-la. bi. r.tvjth-clnctrinfiof that nany of bbich h it aaaaroertir I p.mbef. " We booe hor-r, that liata, ralr ffltinn an.l t atudioaa atten loa to tiie iiin0f hi ova lUrper, Tar abu!) and hera, will m'ad bin, , . Will rapid la Iba r'tdaraa which be mike upoa tha who copied 'be ri- If am piraif iieniiua ma a r ona lo ihat bia aMtbHi tr mUeopned-ve albMli a Ibe MrpwT.-. We biVtrrt It baa nraer been areuaed of baiaj a aubniuloa or Frdaralpa aaf.- " ' ; 7V ffnuiir.Tbef b.i been bat littte la eberr the farmer be'eome tiav paat In ib.i at ctinaj of eauntn foe the laat two or three ek there hit beea a Continued tpell of rnld cather, rhieb baa prevrntrd him from paraa Itif bi uaual ti'orationi. It kai frneralt be'ii the eaae thai foat ftrmrre planted their ore brthielieMi Hot Va kno of but fev (bit hire planted ft bill Maim and At Tut Tbe Irgiita'ara of Uainr baapaad reailgtonai(fmJni tbe "Awrr Icaa va)em" and bar Inceveted their drleita ion in Congrraa to pronnra a modification rf the rait'inf Tariff nf dutiee to Iba areata af the t oreraaaeal. f bit ia indeed ebeeri nf h ia ft i . tiag auppoff from a ajturter from which a little riprcted it Will Cnonreaa pa no attrirtine to the remonatrancea and pet'rtKmt of a eft of oar pepaUtina) alreidr larfe and birh ia daily In ereaiinf Are tbe drttnnined lo ' ah our eooalre lota tbe rortat af dettraetion f Will tbe, dare trier much longer continue their rapaciout police ( Will tbe Hot firee to tbe rmtt aeitber of tntr-atr of aierTf for of Jua- tier t Are tbejr as bliadrd bjr the paationi and prejadicee of atlf tntereet aa lo be lott lo arm ar.ia of joatiee and patpotiam f ,W hope Hot e hore thee will aacrile their love of eone upon the altar af tbeie country 'a food, and prore to the world thai the raaeat ptatioa which car eitertd iba bvaom of aua, baa m pfaoe tatbelff.1--' ftrfign The Uit foreipi arrirtla bring ai an account of anotbrr couplrac) ia Pranaa. ! Ita object aerat la have bee tba orertbrow of the enetinf auihon'i. a, without any auhetiiute Tht cholera wuatill rafiof iq Enlandj the refarm bill waa atiU uodrcided. , " The auppleraeaial memorial of Ike tn Tradr Con aliPttlaill ba foeadia thia waekV aape, for a production ao fratt(bt with aound ana correct eiewa we need aot aak the jtUa- lion of tbe reader, ?o Tnr v iti kn CAtoLmt AB Mr tdtlor . " Uaving'trea ! vour Ut,' pie-.e purportioeto have been writteo by tne me author who before ppered in print, isder the- title of 'fStPanB D'' tir," I cannot withhold frrni thf Df mr on at atnecre cnRratulatf Be on account of the xreat improvemnit bich ii preemptible, bth in hia atylr, and in hia ntrnera : To botH howeerr may atill be applied the vJora of the iinkb" to Pope t 0d mend vou ! ! Why it would coat Mm much Iras trouWe lo":okrhaif.a -dotea oew bnea.'' ; If both pJeef sowers written by the tame peraon -(which however I verv much doabt to hold himaclf under great obligi. ttona to Osmma' for tne advice with which he concluded hit reitwrk aa I think that Sterna Doctor" haa certainly availed himself of It. Ibii last he verjr pathetically de. precaW the itrong language, appl ed by " Anti-iQuackeryH to his tribe" Tbii, in. my opinion, comes with ; a very ill grnce froi eel I controveriy bf calling h;s antgv Ccited fsahci," 4StirksbndMAe. He most know that retail tirn it too deeply implanted in the human mind both btr nature und by dntibn for him t espect lei than s " Kowl rd frWfOw Heiays 'too, that "Xnti Quackery" desta in ertipty aasertton inatead of ar Mi- dneas' Is occaiioallv very eof. vepient 1 and he teems to have beeni afflicted or favored with one of them when he red Ann's' piece, or I ahould think that so candid a man eitracr ' V . . ryprneres muat rarry cosvicuos to sajuipprejjuajecd mipa? . Whrt'-e r it bat been ao cnntraiJIc'td I t q.r.'i'.n. I t'tinli not and therefore I c Wider', t to be il,e Le.i ay -0 uae .ch tnrdi.inea in diff. rent (.imrderi lonj eiperienee hai pfovrJ to he the b-.t..;. AjAm ao. flul man would Certainty t.tori.hii t ntrnrea it at to create the Jmnrea. fiy ikl;ii?t of Tfce old atW ucd a veeiable mrdicieet r-or n. rtd any other rnedicU'C than M. r. turf j" for tlj(uCh "rsteam D etnra- hava . Ug li.t of ,och frt Ue meditlnea ii iti f,.tl..'! a. n - ...... -n ram raaaaWHWa JfHWrrC D n tori." c.o V L n,Ue-"Alcwh yci iue ernw -i Iwna.i r.t . .. ii i - I . ..... jrio er earitty, imona, ihiclv Strang trMell, ii n.e ,pr ejc, of L.'bcTif tKaf 8iphiliticVavhicr f) . hirtoo telle mi wi uied at a n. r ar - if I- remeroberTariht -muit ''."iilf eJP !"!,?.yi,r snterior to. the fitie -t which the grctt Thompon', broached hi ayitcm of . quackery. Still I think there ii enough . f $vj. ilrnce to juittfv'ua in 'placing Calomel before all thrr medic'inei aa bei-g hcrn(iat enerallv bene ficial. 1 Steam. D tor Ufki . f tompir. iff ' ii r conatitut'on with th le nf put Rrnrrationi I auppoae he mf ana ihoie wH0 lived before ihe iotroduc ipaot J'-kf'fcu Vtrrto mHicar prari tic e. Perh pa Steim D ctorH ia enoajh e,f aMrthuael1f to make tht cmp.irion j" if ot, f "drapiir of ita be ini done, n it ia nearly. 300 rnra ainee the death of PiraarUut who fl'-t irtroducrd the prepare iop of M--rrury into the practice of Marine; Ste.m DotlnrH give ,Gtllm,, grCa' credit for hia skill in drawing the attention, from treumrnta to wordi. It ii likely that the former "r??1 mut'l,l,,'re. peDetra'tioB than Id but he muat be Mraard with an uncommon ah -re, if he ia Mr 1. P9I"! Cut tingle argument in the ptrte upon which "Gamma" criti- iedk I o rem iina but- fr ee foay v Btpea-g-- .Liaww i iL'Liaa uaptaaawawavi iaaw irr I'liai nana wiaawaiam air tnt I m ime of hi.a ho are pre. judiced gainit the new ivitrm of pr .eiice better known by the compli- tentarr title of Steu Doctors t end luch I am lik!v to remain, nntwith it4odinat, the hrillil ft argumenta f "gteam D etor,"- CALOMEL. iTh' v"ai"shffii correipondf at "f ire r"tn"pna "mrjican. . Hentmei, make thr following, in the mam. juat a , aa a ,M rem arki 01 ni,rJ?vr.oiitia t "B"l I eonfeil I wai gratified to learnJ lb JLIfom. i Jortncomicg .publication (J authentic material, itVavill he pm. yen. beyond, a duubt that N?fth Can. line anticipated Tireinu in promoting '.he ,decl ir tion of r Independence. , t like N .r-h Carolina, oeauie In adhe.1 ivlvsnwvr ITikv Wdthefireii" on," becauae lh" Cbnereii while ler unity and weight ere alwavs felt, Aer aterling meriti are" disregarded a" her clatmi to import mt atatiini son. ponrd to th-se of more boattinsjand e sar ing statei. Her rrprr acntion oth in the Senate and Hnusej like ihat.tf3u$jfni pectao jnjf,moaeraiion' resprctmg the uriaod whatever elie shr.nj ay liaipprovel"! S the coniiatant and un- auming roune of her State volidei. AH her public charactrriattcs arehieh IvhotJoeaUe; AfI praiae WonJ V it'rt whrre are her Chairmen tjf C-mmlt' tee, her Vice P-eaidents. SrcretarTel and Judge f ' N -where I LIeLrxnoi vlvmia, her lo- it tolhcw h-! and dr w water. Even in the i-cieiy of WaihingtQn, amne : Ithc ,!4ipirm atis" corpa, and theieauvitietof tbej;licef aa ahe doe not mint upon, I doei nnt enjoy the cnnaderatF'tV'o1)kh ahe ii e -.titled. ' The f.retiTminlonl here, the rhrges 4d jtiwhetinlafl iherin pngt, eyev' tltt'w tm tVigh' to alight Pr nnsvivania and - " " "The aame writer thus innouneel the death of thr Na'ional J ttrnalt . V . The Na'irtnal Joarnal it no mora t Lanothrr. victim ti. imetpperance,and the ton free induluence of an over ar dent spirit, Ir xpired f ipt"eotil eornbuatio bruht m by excenivs violence jnd general ahuie. Vneonst'ttritiomtUifofJht Tariff. ""Estracl of aleuir, ibT'fdi'tor ol tht Mcury-dadt'"to'' WaiHiacToa, Mart A IS. Cal. Beot'in ia vw on the (I :tr, speaking ably and eloquently in favor of a rrducti'-n of duties to thtfevrriue ia well a ne bat' bcruo, hu nee ri il apee !.C"1. B. tl, you knnw, a jrervle , WB,r ,!, nothiog tint iplorr d, and jhs ha just callfid tij'; luttoncal re rmcrncr wnntt haa tuntd NnM cuHuaity. lie haa ahewn that a I '"tkM .1711, s-r.lBuee,ar,J. pecially thr. S ate ol Rh.nl. Ilnd j'Cttd t the raerdaa by (Im Cng LLVA MILITIA,' r herr'.v C tv. ire t"iei.-f Jii.r., pf D f pgui m i"H i,. nprar t th . COrR T iinpttr odnttrt vpon impotlt, ait to UOI VH In PALT"URY,'.n Fit la, rfculat commerce, aa u(atW-ly sr-hof ANMI. nrs',at to Vttil tyrmny, Ti-iat'.mmi tee ol'o A., M. With il-j .rma, for drill, jrrsi, r-tHllflftg'fir Atr.ndef IfintrBftf fit.'1' Ci.rir " " Ty tot', Mr-.M-idit-nandMr. K tf n, C II A I (i E, d7. erfTpunttd ttf-li;T"tMl M(t') lion. He read their answer, itbicb it waa emphatically atattd tbV ihoae would' mly be t irdf r the'urpoee , .?JU.'t'W,'lf iuK Ui.eJp?at the.p.blie debt, and that .hej'" A. ..A ik a:a.?U , .... ""i-iinu'rr"' Mn crate ala i. That it.wai ftder ihla promiiev" and "w ih thuk e titi-m, th tjthe p tr waa "aftcrwya 6ofcr.' red in the C inatitution, akch p -er, therefore, cannot .-ow cnnjtutionallv, orin g'tnd faIH be applii To railing the one ccntbevond the oacMary av ante of the foernmrnt after Jhe (amrbt of the public debt, Th i'f f e iibject ii worthy . f inliffation The Orleani T f the Jltt Feb, iva, H t l tryiml!er ttiu. atira of the MileiltMria,ihr upper part of L uiiana, tve - vei flowed their banki i the ptatr haveur-rd out II thrit force t ircurr the kteet. and to prevent bntche from being m de By the atf rai ;Tl'r m paper mlviaea the iwhalriritwil the -bi' k the river, to l'k Uthe atreof l.rning ef their embank mt agvnat iound. lion. -- Bcaidra 7h;e era! etniirent daneer, aayi th BeV, ' the i. a!i- tanti of tre intfiof are palaied with the dred of tr eornet t the nbe-rra-inns f which re t. itnnpi-ere' chit fl m let earth.f We re told taio the fulnrit of rleSr ctedulitr, me of the itldrit innaltanta'l ave ihut tbetn". aelvrs up in thir dwrllmgi, in hourly rtprctanre nfthii unwelcome wan drrer. whit h M been sent on a mia aion of deiol 0. PcarUl FrT. Frm a letter re- crived bv arttlrma-' ia this town fr-jai Lnerurg, Va. we Irarn Vi.t lhT Scatlrl Fever i Breva'f.rVlricre to an alarai' g extent, Jlflern children it is itatcf have died there in one day, .bkla W tea. t-,-,.H:v.s.i.'-3:.. J. ' -... i:-t ... i f . Jifilfon Spectator. Cjv tMy.-We are informed that an nd ' n by the name of Jrff rf living about three ml1ea from this ryce, wts burnt to drath on Sat urdaVeveoinf laat. .her clbea hav iog akidct tiUf en g it oft fire wh le ltrm$ g tothMi,--:'.;.-5--ri: tw Tie Ctmet. tW-cwmat hit aires da-been et 0 1 Q.brajtar. . A letter refWed In London . iUtr.il "'eoniid. enbl pAftoti ef the trtl rf thr t-met aa viaible to the inhabitants of theie CC'vffTitKlf.wa not teeo, but Its direction was found, to - i Ifte noribxrlv, so. that ..we. may soon ex pett this celeitial twiur." We FrriWeW' ire7-We nnder dtutJtl Jhe uuttra J5U;e;xompitiraj tne atitv.niin year nta age on eu. ; aadawlastr : i- ! - - wowvaiVM.aaaf..ftbe8Mlareb. - A draultny brt wrTf anirrated debate took pl ia ih7seo..e veaterday 0, ,ho Tar ff, The question, en arelnj to Mr. Clay'a realu- rlon, eaitH? anjj, MrWjlbJiii.-fawaalawitia, moved an amendment, which, wiia ame ej- brtkroathM bo rai. and ma-imHee ll.af he wnuM naweif htaamenlmentaihotild auceeed. dwcloard hi virar on thia important aahjnet. In tht of bj diw:daon 1 t-. kii amend aaant, Ur. Marey, of N w Trkvlead anend- mania which hojnteaded M pMpoalaawld tboae iiftere j by Mt. Wilkina not be adonied. meota, to the Committee oa Mamifaetwrea, 1 -i Which, when mndided by several I'anortaa' Jn.1 rrwotioaa to the committee. wwBnal.y adopted oy too scoata. . ; '.."i. -' M' --"..1 a Wiht BTnomit: Eati?i. wvlfBikf : K At- taa to M at CiTaaaraa Sisitaeaa-7 Cottoa ia aaei '- - : f 1. 7S ' 8. 09 -Do. cleaa ' - te 8,00 'Stiear : ' ' !:' : .t to 11 . 1 Ci'fl'e) ..' ,. . ...t '.' ; .18 to 30 : btnianea ':.::''' '''"' '..-J-lJf,. -Itfrawa '-'' .-' - ...' IS Taltow v J.: ' ' Flour f3.09 3,5$ ,' i;r V CAMDCN, March,: ?4 . Cottote. ,,......... g8 a 9 Cora, , , . iA, ... . 50a 00 . heat, .,. , , . ... . , " 7 J a 80 :ttSne4 Byff T l." 8. 10 vbia.;v, , . . . . . . , . . SS a 40-: Br.r,d, App V..i'e .. . . .- 3$ a 43 V " Pea h, . , . . ... . . 40 a ' -iVfvi'4'. '".. ' ' j' f-Vt-I.A" -- x Bait. per Jjutbtl, i . , , , , , i tian vt v, Brown, , , , 1 a 9 ft U n'linOFFirr.lHilihr l.t H3r- K- B r ..f- NORTU-CAHO. -JUll -KKVKLrH, Watbtr & U&r-Amser. ,i ifX. I t'l l T H.HW"! (,.' r,..ani af ALISBt'UV 'hl bo baa taken th lh; pil 05J P, Hr Blautera Hv V b . v rater, Cntariainmen1, tit oS frntlemen the loir ui an proheMoo, t prulcaMun. Ueotlvmea pre rtnif h will be aaited an at tbrte rouaia. . ; eri Ilia lorena win b t roe iharira aaee a aut JOca-ntf pal men-hi.tpkf a kfj cea'i par WMKitb ibrae limee a'weok f.1 per WMinib t every day (, per moflik. He b. .ra b aaexluoot an.ntwn bia bw-ioeaa v trtt patroi.aK of tbe pnblla,7,r":"rBi2l 1 " r" ante " .Wn.Wy, Jlae .10 1M1 ... J nissonvno.y x. Tut auMeineralMp of llamtoe) It falmoe, ia ilna riat diailrd. by mutual oneatra. - Ykna. inrfcblrd la th. flea aea reflnai4 In hum forward and make paamant by CA"H or NOTR,'aa M ,m rmpufiant that lbs kneiaeei ahotiJd ba eloac J aa anoa aa poaaible. , van . fBtHfJ piVaorihee btlnf 1 Mirchaad tha Mi r eat of Jmre B. ttemntna, la Ibe Waicb ttaki r Shop, will atill carry oa the buai. . u OV iW. teA. nl. i. Qtf'JLVAtZ H I'- S'iu- WaacVa, .wii iT Watolwali tllneka repair. rKe'd Warraiit.d lo ptrturn w. 0 foe Twrlve Months F' ibe eneoararrmeat baretofoea rroaUed ibe firm, l ector m v aineere ihauke. and bap kv attention to tbe bwrinaaa, to Mrv) saxmlinuaaoa of th.tr aupport jonM c rAi.Mw.-i 4 SalieVury .Vi'rA.9 tJ - 5tf - w.j Jones : , ; ATVMUVK AT 1..WV; YV7II.L practiee la (be Cawrla of Una Crmnt) ? ? tv, PavMlMm, Mrcklenbunr It Cabarnja. Hie olrioe to a lew riouei below the Court Jluoaw, Drreeve Sib. IS1I t.'ft . UtlY KOTICK varoa ( Bitot wiii kewiore bar in tor coll"' cout aot own . auvia II Imea, da futind, at tbe 111 . ol tbi reeeimioa.,. 0S ... 1 LilS'tOEriif jaliaU.' V we have wunciied, the open ti n of the .revolving iie,ia. wither, itwf.ed by Menra. Dobaoe- Uughet tj- Co, of Surry Countr,' and we have no r.e'itatW, in saving, '; that it an. 1 wen ht purp?iei of j learning .Cth of all kioda with very little labour, in a Very abort . ttmt. - We are alaaaat mhedhat-it waraTeeatvtTr-than hand weaning, end rnttrt f"rm a moil valuable acqnUi l-n in domeatic eCon omv, . r ': " '-'---Z'ZmtJ ALEXANDER.? HAMILTON C JONKS. t lJ?AYJILFx.CAlJlVVELU :r.W";;l apectfolly: Inform the public that the above described Machine, will ihortlv 'be eshibited -f r-sle In (he lollrtwIntrt3' untV s BruniwiiVrBta" 4en;Xoj-5n tu Robioion,.. RitJunp wll inann, Mecklenburg, Lincoln, Uulher Newhana - er, Sampson, Cumberland, 14 ,Ch-.tham,Raodolph,Moatp:om. ry-C.bsruirlredeIl,"'JJurkr, Bun k - ti ..1 'at... r. ...... tciiu, ii.t wiU 11a a-". v" , Onalow, Lenoir, Duplin, Wayne, , . ,v . s ' n '.!tfA..I J unior., Wkr, , OranCn, Oailfrd, Sum, tt like, and Aahe. 1,,3 ''SroTeMaing t purchaae S a, " r" f ..1.1 j Machine, a.f lint kind wewld do weU to wait tU we have an opportune ty of ethibitingdra, il it il the OpitH ion f yj. it (oper. . . ,. ,,.u, Jtt thl lLCXCeUsJLJlhlog i,l thfi kind ever exhibited tnNbe Uulted wa "us uuiiuicu utiaa i hour 919 VVm, P. DORSON. a MATTIIEWf M. HUqiI3;CoM wo hundred" hound of Unit rate Xorlhom llopt. Enquire at his 1jpnja'mih:"Fra'!w:'H I WaT iVINU tuat reeetved th latent New York I MM. and rriiladc1pbiafualiiona,'(nj(etlier wib Mirnater'i faihion of Iindon, and havinr Siade arrangements W- reeoive them rrg'ilarly, a ibe? cUante. and birj le. or ! flrat rae workmen in hia employment, aill be enabled to execute aH work in bia !inota aborl aotiee, cheap, ad ii a auperior atyle of workmafthip. Kay peraon witbinir to leaia tli New-York end Fbiladelpbia Patent flight mode of Cutting a-armenta can be tatiebt by the eubee'riber, in ai .11 ' a a an. 1 astiioury. ' ah lation woniyi a .wen ifupj pi th;mvNM with RtPhtf, at sMtnoat tl tb pnncip-l TU6ri la ilic United lutrt ba wt .L at .1 1 LjL .t - tr toe utRrr, 9 ifuiH w iitirm. ? , tlltf BENJAvtlN FR1LCT. Notice, A few reamawf wri inv papef for aalf bt thi . -vOffioe, at 9,1 SO pee ream, a few reania a ;lsnd:f 'few'tearmt ne:iinf;,;bt the of ayefc-eiwttirTtie'. j -'i- fftfBTffl rift tmrtmtif otifiXiB a ; it this urnrt. i.r ? e . ' n'tll f.ttN l AUUUMlJf, . ittta at StniToif caAia&: TIN'. Weaten CatrtlinUn ia deTrft i n t ' vennut i enact, tnuu at ia- onoifmiale J'uinu Ureal 'are, foif'KHan't liomcttit Jciri, ,un - cutwe,JltcchanictvVc.J In puluiva iba LU'tuf U tnorouRrrw r.ced democratic ftepublaa... lid advocitcs tte ut ctrinei of Free Tt ! , . ' aud Bt4te Hiirl.ts ii rixaed I i that , Y efuiefi.trueiWf powtri soil - . ' ,' wcidctvul i l jtiui He;.is Aipp')i t . v." rri'ir:' he T-riflT and -ffpvingi laurnal. : jr - w Imorovemtota.'by the General GoeV J , mcOU . He ii in fivoe of Jnternat ' Imsrovcmenta by 'the ISiaht Oovrrn- ... menn. ilrlire ir.g' th- rt t hi af .- - AITDHXV7, JACTSOJf . M. ths . i ' - - J..' maa t .parpetuanoj; .tha --; libertiea In ttefcncspf which h baa , eyntrlbutert"sv) th, lha Xdtt(."aji!l." : SdVtXite Ml re-election wun uoomii.a r , in ral nntl manlv IrffivlMc ' Ptitiud tMC a wk on s l-rge imp j rial iheet of good qu'alby, ith nesf--vpe and will be ami trt lubailibert i alKlDfr annum, if paiil tcithin three montht, or li,50 afnr tKd ; timet v. , ' ' 1 r, JLdverila'tPg at tKe uaual ratti. AS ' he Csr. Uni-o ba the wldrst citcula lion of any paper wthd AVci tra p rt. of the Bute, advertietrn would Smfil; much u thtir adviatigs 't advtruef in UaUmv- - 7 i '-''' " Any one proturiog lit Solvent lubi cribers tw the CaMtolsn, iball ' liavsi a seventh paper gralii. , : , paid on H letters addrciied to that Edi'or. j , y ;, s "KJ Iiof iiiik uhom wt cliafir ' auuopfer alavor qpoa va, whKS wiil ' ... ; be ebeerfull reciprocated, tf nWins tha 1 , ibnye a f- w liiaer biiia. i. J rpUW' st U brand 4 X1 uone williiaod ' ' pitient 1 ttieot scaa ., at "jCFarTotif uTlp'Uua) t . ikI Tt.tid.va r at . ramltCaUiOrt!t lf : ' jn. ... i a.-a C' alutu Ot kttdoeadaasidTburs i'.1, .v' - d'Vai and tCoocurdonFfitJaVd.od."; ; . ' . . . , 1. 11 1 a Sturdiyi. Kit uotiara win oe va.-rg e - " f , 1 el forlhw ar " t I'-ur Unllara for ih A- 1 ' j .ti .1. v 1 t an Bie leap eia.nt wur iw imwv - t. , . entite ajnriBmveTOIr r .-' -. aiicr, a uu.i iav ai r r. affrfiiry,WotA t '.A "SJI. rPllEi' B;bac ifier haa . f enoed hl" x 4.ai00K BINDEUT the (J . ' '', 01 in tieaicru isr iiuun, wner nw-"- a .a war . arw a ' k a - . -I will :etxcUic:air'J0r.3 I hi l.oa oC buainrai wiihi-aieatnca and diapauhi f -JiniJf -iirnB'c'AiiTEirrT fli pury, MorcA a. 11J2. : un N. B. Lirriei trp.irtd and IU W Samo.-jn4' hMaB-tlC4ia orders - u .. -v J 1 1 r .P-vilo Tf.sS ON :fiihjt iwftiU theVwt -wi---s-Untf:MkdCAlouo PiigabTFrOiSi the end .f theoutO V ' N il i J directed to-Robert Dunai"3pvri way Liiii't aster Curt.ll juef Vi'g "isV "'" and ngired Hy Uerge Hower$,wn ch. . aid letter Contai' ed 1; e one; halt fa 5 v BiO. U. S. ViU Nu Mjtre rign t. od nd of Whith Is ilgut d byg. Chevew V a aa .-t- a' , " aaSlaaJian f.f lha atmki4 t?L.aa..m A t. -L.. w-w w w"-v 1 A 1 mi Uim , a f - ighLhSMdlepU oLauftlCO bila U. 3' ..per No. J9(Klthe lett hiintt a 'oft ' which is ignd by 1 fV, McIlv.ino J UinT.TWCtizirIa5 10 ilicTands of -t laid Jtloiers..ine above menti4ned etttf his been taken nut of the . Jf 4it - aiippif me evrap .wittcit Conftnes.it. r " A certain buy- named 'Alfred' Wallis Si- !t ' "' who was mail carrier at the time and ; ; 1 whf,jbaa alnce abKonded is .pposeJM--l to tie'guilty f the 'offence. T-e eaid ' r . Wallie la about ia era of age, li?h v. ! ' cbmpleiiois wnd stout of his age. A ; reward 01 B50 will be g-ven for -apprchei sioo 1 ai proapcuti'tt to fAr?t """; v ucuofli . i . -KKB R,W rtieewpei .vnrea 7fl t83T .14 r; Adinhustrutor'irOTJCKa: AU. prraona InJrbted to the ertte ' .f att.Ki, mtiod Hail, dte'd br noto are rraueateA . ' 10 arttle the aame by April Supealoe Cmn-iyrs Thoae fclline to atnd to Ibia entice will 8nl their ooteaiw-tne bhnf aa eeoa-.-.wilbj8.teww;.,". tfiacntwriation u it m absolutely seavaaary tb - ; "j catate abrnild be aetlled .' -. : . ' , ; , .u.,.-.tj?.,. - JAwH1 C. MCONH AU6HBY, 'dta'r. .: y ' ' -. ;ravcal9. 18,12.. e;.,--" 4-11 V .:-v"f'pr WAGr.ONKUS . . Driving fa Fayrttcr.MeZ ' 1 . TTTILL nd it to their advantage, to atop ti -...tr f the rfoeeaj -TokU where every coo ; veniehca ia provided for Man and Horse, to mat f. . . them cum fort able, at themoderate cbajye of t$ cet a day and nljhl, tat the trieilea-e f th'-"- Yard, ibe lire at a rood hm, ,, walar aa4 '' w -,. Uelter. 'Attached to the Yard, are a Croeoem ' ' .-. and rtovSaio. ''tore,. Braail flbnpnf TnnraayiC, tiouary, ,a4 s,..ttaa m aHaiM.at hm&mWlfiif it a plain, ebeap, wboJeanava a."deomtflbto,;: ' ..?, - JeteWV ,tal.if .:;.i:tv?' V i s--aw a; r- ; .V