1 -. t I J I M . ...7 O . o '.17 LA KisQJAJsU U I ' 'it'lil I I- ! ,. i r I 1, . murij r wiew l -, iros law, Wlttta however We twl -food in IhmlM"k.. tTlV u fi ..." " 7" v. , , , Thew.mofWgurfeilo. i. especially t j rlftin? ,awI , I T V ll,n,i,Ur, of iwTt.l,ty bdifl,4 H'TM of theciluen, end whkhwiU b Wed wlthUutomon. - - y ttrl ' ! . . .. . i i i ' ' . . ft a M aY M1 l . I I I. - D (ill- BUIITON caiini:.) r!? JurtJUU fatttraUoHw that jecf and air, in the estimation of the Pub. with hMmSai:tiy, 4wnein-n, W thu impression -ja dmicd or qiir-stlonet A Jitinj witues ha given hie eitfenou one whose tredit may b trunfivl, to tut ubm information extenda. But we are net advised ak to lb extent of that fnfor. motion. We know not the ground on wbich oar Secretary baa framed bit opin ion j and we must examine eirrurutances within our reach Aod first, 1 invito the attention of the meeting, la I ha declaration of the Member from Montgomery, (Mr. Proton.) That gftitloinan stated, that he had loaroed lrm uiiquatiuoablu aulhori-tt- from men high in public eatem-that this project waa contained in Prw-tiilt-tit Jat'ktvMi a firat Meaigt and that it wi Ukan out, on th Mrneat antreatj of ihoae Momkara of hiaCabinat, wbo have ainca fmllea uodcr hia dipleaurt. W hen tle Endemea had dot I ha cofitlinc of ihe widmit, tha propoailion waa introdaced into hia MeiKayea, and recoriiinendatl to tha contideralion ofl!i American' Pip1e. Sir, il haa been C(Httmud in hia MdKmfM, aa lonf m Mr. Van Duren remained in the Cabinet. Hiiica ha haa been from it, ami awit arrow the Ocena tb U - . I L : I m f a . : , : r ... L : . I. vwnmniiiMtiwi I lav. imm.uovii ivmciu any H rerring w pru,..u. .ur -n,v - lemlud with how much force. 7 . " . ', Ina. I have maintun. ,nc .n, "ol,c ," ,n, P".1' ,vr" .? " tpttck tfMr. (iOODE, of Mfcklcnhurg, '- oowrtrof m ' r I ro n bTNiohtTKb Chair man fct . fy pnviaed t! queMion, Mr. Bnwn wiih iraw bia preaiiiLla.'aud kt( fr aVo, -iu at a auWitut fr th raanlution ofl th gentleman liW Powhatan, thia broad j.iutioo " Tmtt it i not eipedient, at tlii lime, to make a nomination far the '. Vi Preide!v.H ; r ' Mr. GOODR mee and addrctaed the jneitinlothiaefRet: . jlr. Chairman Tbo atep taken bjr tke tntleman frwin Petaraburg leavaa tha mertine in tbo condition which il before oncupi'-d' Tlie aamfl queation ocrura fur dec won, and the name courae of remark H aJ'iiiible. I could have wihed, fur my uwn ake, and net leaa fur tha aake of tl.r m-cting, that I bad been allowed to c.fx'lule my remarka lal night. I bad Ixjt little to add, and ahuuld hive eom'lad . in a abort tin but fir the adjournment. 1 (I.) not mention thia in the apirit of diaaat . itfactionbtuc.l ,m well aauured iui jrpntlenian who moved tha adjourn ment waa actuated by the kindeat motive tuaarda my elf, although ha ia oppoaad to e in the pendirif atruggl. Tho ccur- jruci', b'lwere', iinpoaoa on ma the necra- SALISBURY, UbWAN COUNTV. NVC "tTwrtleTtotion to the TarifTahouId Lava " 'l "J JMf JP.irtliiU- pec iall t M M. kiKwnahat-tie ba4 taO.tMMii lit IKtKtiici;r, and Uudad by iu Edi- MONT) A Y AVn I f. la. 1.31... V 1 biiva eoiileix ptiir niu.Ht dctera iwiiv ail e world- k. l a ii a l:L ' i . . . rk riMTtrra.. of the retell, of thwww" VV ,w,0t.-r1" t,l fla.ma. !....i..n..n trm lnwh.t-n nrovLb, ...ind 1 wppnwl t tear to Mr. an Buren. tbe f I be SPEAKER , declared arunint. a t . a ai -w ... 7k. .,....;--eiw.w ..nrehanded bv oibera. lmum rc"",on- A..u wa wi me uofnle waa entitlea: lo tba Boor. . ,aJ .wmfnway the foaadatiua of their f' propoa.ti.m for it. adoption, aub.intlHj Mr. COODE ramed t ,-, . f ....... i. u . n.banA ..r v i.nMit thai m. r'k.: . . m, . l . j.. i... 1 have mnintaiiMi that it ia;r" V- j T w ; iu . "7, i- ifiii nHH iriaiikfi iu .nr. w Mai imrrn. air. ' uihh ad lavan fttaiuiAnai w aa mAi n ma prj"r ' make a Bommauon 01 a canui- : . . T V T l ' Lf-f.rh.VirPr41e.fv,a an act of h" fnen.a apon thia floor, deny that he; and adjriwd without taking any atop, ai. . n 11 ' Will auatain the (iuVemuiVIlt l the U. 8. ! Ihiui h ,mh AnmntA tn mrt. Tliana. Uitir" tome rpowo, as wru aaiainavoi. . - - - f ;v .. M EbTt'ira. I have tranklr atatedr r""?' .-, i. m mrrj prrparmpry. .i nanatAMAia I ha BKaaiAaatai Ihia lutua aaaail . U - 1. 1 .. J . a I l . that m rellact my feeling, and to auxtam r-""-0" j "cw.re agam "niuiwl, mo run waa n, pnnciplea.1 waa ready to confide in duitrilwtiun citlia burplua Revenue j called our rtfWrJ; insUntly fUrbour. - In ihe COUnC CM the ; """'" wijouru vrexmara, iart niht, the nretmumma Treaaurr T prucurefhroujjtl ' A apera ren bad been brought un- 1,00 n Tanff-whiclt he t adnutted Phil.nP. BW'ediH'.'a of .J , Van Rimn " Wirt twwnttliillrkl v, ... . -" . . tr . i- feremminatioa, and I have freely follow. u "PP-tu uo mw gv .or ar ior ad tbe etauwle of otbera. - Indeed, I re-: UK ' . - . rd it aecuitariy pcooar lhat tbowprttaawW olwithataiiaihcae atrong objac iona ahould bo freely eanvaaaed. ft can- t,10M , Van Buroo-rt la urged that we ot be concealed that lha object of thia , ,,hould w,t,l.0,J ?m,"?t,e movant iato promota bia intereata. Sir, the protanaioiia of Jlr, Barbour to pre if we muke no ooinination-if we f.il to in- wn'eJ f wVy RPUican Par. aiM on tbe adoaUon of our prlociplee-if V- S,r. 1 ' ' t e do not hold forth oar candidate to b a auggert.on ,n b.-b.ltol Mart.:, Van UnH-nm the attontioo of the American F"MUu but lUttlegraee. aenale, wecatmot hope that be will be aua. ,ho mfK- cnticnl period of our h.-lory, Weed by other. What win U the t. . fenllemau wfued-U exieinl nuch aeaury ttmaequaoce t When our College magnanimity to tbe Republican party. But - "af Rtnrtora ahail asacmble. the willk-arfl. rtf4. J""" "r - jU by -running ; Dewitt -CJrfif agaM Mf. Ma lin nor was he atimiiluted to this ona, baa been umul aa a powerful el a tbai. ''f--poei- IUtnjVUir UiXm piti'rd at, and an ineonirrumni nartf. haa .vMii.Wt uiMieq.-at tun rru.i rrjwrco. wnnnrr i caitcmplcio , Wrr CUv, or Pn-mdcni Jar.awavlej.4';' at U' firta uimwiif tha PurtyWrthrt ;ifrr aiil ia ui bo rendared aa object of terror and the hnte of lilm.la W'atand iu the atcad of lova for Van Buren,. ; XI ahall be lokl, that wo rumrt ehonae between twnavilaj and that Mr. Van Iturcn ia the Ier vil. Sir, I prwtr againal king thrown jnto jo inrruw rana tx cito'e. Uive aie a man for whom I can (el aom noliriluJe fimn, whom I may anuin with aeaU Give me Philip P. Burboniwlm worthy in every particular and to refuse to inxn. inate luinii to dlaie that aur principle! cammt prevail ia for all time; to rut ofl" all hone from every aon of the Old lWiii ion. No one aunti; tliatn Van ever hope to coma before the Public with.lairer pre. tfiiui.Hta iwl tho principle of hope will die 1u their hearta. They will oot fuil to obntrva, thai tha inteceua of tua leailera in Virginia, will be , forever i-iinged a gaitul Ibeiit and tlwy will undurtake to jipecalatc, aial to acmunt fjr tbo fact." 'I bay will retUt, that, if a " Virginian la the candidate tba Paopla will bo abla to jud-e of hi uwirita, wil'iout apjiealiiiii; to Ibnir leader, fr inf.riimtiorH-and ha coi wrnu;iH-e a 4 . jjjiportauce of theit Iti? dcr, will be diminished amoug the Peo ple. Tbe Candidate al being known to the People, ami having a atnmg hold on their affection, will nut feel ao aerwiblv, hia depeudeiKe in the Icadura, and will not ao readily Vknoalodgf .thcif impor tance, vr the force at hia own obligation. If however, a atanger be run, lha people become dependant on their Icadera, for ne reaaary infjrniation. Tbe leadera be. come important, and cmMequtnitial, with the People. ' Tlie 'caudidate loo. , beini by a call for tne prevliu jUPrtlon j-njad f unknown Mth frppltfttn approach llicm only tnroujn tte,r Icadera. lie will loraf 4 In lfi2 bacanH nwpmciidea nd aedfor that B.ll id" Alwmiiiationa. And now, air, ia not Mr. Clay denounced for actmg upon thia very principle f And why ahould w observe tlna invidiauadia. tiix tiona f Why do we denounce in one man, that . which wo bold aa guiltleaa in another f . 1 oumtioo Ml the thiia, to extenuate the conduct of Mr. Clay. Thoae who know hmi have not to learn that 1 have eierted myaelf aainxl pfntarting dutiea and not pa a-iinxt Henry Clay. But I have ojtpoacd him berauee f hia opiuiona; and the principle which ia viciou m Hen ry (.lay, ia not the leu viciou in Martin Van Buren. . Mr. OPIH here nm toaxk whether Mr. (J. waa in order. Waa Mr. Van Buren be. lore the meeting ! How waa he brought urrw i MrTCOODE reH rredlhe SeiiatoT from Jefl)Tn, (o the Lieutenant Governor; the CollcOirue flhe Fcnatnr in fhia mmfi'mn. aeiiaratad Mr. DAMP.!, ili-i fitmaaal hiairiaiav antavv. uurwi me name r Mr. Van Buren. He waiflret named by the gentleman from Campbell. Mr. OOODE. I have your eiamnle Mr. too by the Senator fn-m ittC;roa. The call waa not auxtaincd ; but the nieeting adjourned to await the AppnmoniTHnrBitl i' iiiir - a Bar. hi r know, that tbe-proapeetaof 1 Mr. anl tkt all AftiAra whrk nmfu - - pri'idaa, will, in truth, be utterly hope-by. thHove which he Jo Mr, L . i..,, n.i -nit M.. . Clinton. For it ia notenoua, that he at gaJ.-rn U"e toeari time, every effort win 'abandoned him, end barraaaed bus . U madata "prepare the People of thia.e" l gr"vev . omiomwealth for the recepuon of Mr. Tracing the line of Mr. Van Buren'a hia. "" Vaii Buren." His aealoua frieodi will not J tory,"we ahtll find him tngaj-ed wuh the ?' le i.lle his p'reaa hero will not fitil to ex. j politicians of New York, and opposing m.. it mirna j- and ahould the Collet himself to the interenl and feelins of the HfJa!ter axtuallwaiemblev anprepared j South, Uy the asritationaf the -iea JsbJ to bcitow (heir aulTragos Upon him, they ; aourt Question, is n ronnia nmawa cti """ will be here eipoaed to the powerful inftu-Tdenoe of hi regard," that we ' ire now 'nceofrtbXiuina5Cii: Th.i3 wbo are' acquainted with the atate own favorite fellow -citizen ? Sir, if I ef things acre, may very readily predict j have not been greatly deceived, il wan to tha rWU--SirrwUI thaaa preepecU belliaoarty w-New Yorkv-wbicUhe then fore u, we have a right, it ia our duty; to I headed, that we were indebiid for the ag examine hia claims 2 and bis friends have i itation of the Missouri question. W a have appeared before us, prepared with docu-l heretofore reganled that question as one ftwutary evidence to -auatain; hiaj... I be lieve him to be a latitudinarian. I have jaade some aflort to'eaUblinh that truth. - I have adverted to bis vote on the Cun berland road I have refiirad to hisopin ions, and hia votes on the Tariff: and in deed it has been acknowledged by. his friends, that he ia obnoxious to the charge af sustaining the Tariff 1 bare re-jard-ed him as favouring lha Exchequer Bank, and the proposition for the distribution of; Ihe surplus Revenue. Sir, 1 have no re collection that it was ever before denied 7 that be was the champion of both these aropoNit ionsbut tha shield of Ihe Prew therefore caress their leader. He will ckmwMga hie-aw dependanee. He Wavers aataawambW Wbrcttw arrival iwitt aarett Tbelr tmperlartce, and a'rliowl- eraor when speaking last night,.me'ntiooed . . . . -4.. . . . i .l. r-:p oa 'a .aanai ,t,tow,f, interiK m JmW sRUKIalH ibilitr is thrown on him. thouyh it had been the only instance af have ye not the sariM :widenc jo t hitjiavrnj enenaeq on iua wmwti thouzh it were the only evidence, ot his oe. tous oa that system, notbing lie voted lor the ing oj aatabrjah his support of -tma exchequer Bank, which we havof his opoositiou to iliiL IL.uk of iIm Ilniimt Rtatm. (- Hia ioWiratt be more errooeoo. .,....... v ,. - , ,' . .. ' ir. ... UH union, ia toe eviaence ox nie opposL- tion to the existing Bank and that same taeniuy oi teeung, muu emi nun w oa kalf pf the Exchequer, Bank. This pro ject was recommended by the President, when he stood on terms of the zrea'est in- .fincy wiUiyaaBurefe lim as bis Constiutional, and coniklontlal adviMer. Wo have never beard of their . Wiring; in,, opinion upon thiljwbjbct,, M- an 1 f Jeotificd with the project, ever sinoe iu tW promulgation. . Had be been un "" jkvorable to the project, is it not reasona , We to presume, that ha could have given , ' some unequivocal evidence of that bostilU V-tyljiftbea, Mr. Van Burea u to receive our approbation, for. bis opposition to the r .Bank of the U, States, let hi m,' whether ibr weal, or for woe, take bis share of the z -respoosibdity of ihU odious monster of aa iSxrhequer, or Government Bank." Tbse remarka are alike applicable to ne ppijecttoT the distribution of the sur plus R.'veoue Th same train of teflec- -m wmU, Ivsi wi to til cneluien; tija have meeted out even severe juntica. to all wbo then oflended agaiiut luv.-Uow. was it that Mr. 8ergeant himself, incurred our moat sever displeasure 1 Was it not iu consequence oi the part which he bore in the agitation if that mejnorabU question T And vet this oflence is perfect innocence, in the sacred person of Mr. Van Burea ? Tracing his history to the Senate of the Union, we there And him opposing our ia terest voting for toll gates on the Cum berland road ; and lendinz his suppon w (he hatefiil Tariff The Lieutenant Gov- tn its most odiou?! provisions. lie voted against ev ery motion IA- remove Us most .iiijurious And.it waa en vroaaed in the form ia which it became law by the aid ef tha vote of Martin Van Buren. Hia course on the same subject in 1827, incur red the disoleasure of the Southern Dele. gation. Ha induced, them to regard him as onnosed to the measure, usually denom inated "the Wodmi:Bl.lBtFHl. ef the Apportionment BilL H e kave en tered en the busineaa of the meeting ; the claims of Mr. Van Buren have bean con sidered ; he has been , defended in long speeches ; Column after column had been written in his behalf; and I am aked by what right 1 examine tvs claim T Sir, by the right of a member of Ibis Meeting. I infringe the righta of ns man ; I intend to exert my own ; nd, air, ha it come to this ! . May we not apeak of Ma'rtia Van Buren, except it bo to eouiul liis praiM ) If we venture to question bis infallibility, are we to be called to order-t-. MrOrif said be did not Intend to 'Call Iim penile- . i-- i it . tm... -ii. wont w unjn.j .i v - - a w interruption was unaccountable. Sir, Mr. Van Buren liueppoocd u in all things f he haa disregarded our leelings j be ba assailed our interests ; and he haa cundem. nod our princtplea ; and yet are. we . re. quired -to ! ceardtheve (bine ct of gracious eondeveension fas tavoro worthy of oaf gratiludo'. When I fce planta" the dagger' ta Ottr kasHaaatt smiles tbi pain which himaelt lanic'.ad, we are re quired to receive it as a token of aflee tion. . .. .Mt. Williama aeked if the gentleman was ia order. Mr. Van Buren was not be fore the House. . . ' -v .,,,Mr. Goods aaked wby-aa waa subject, ed to ta irontinuvd interruption T vV by was W lha aaroe course pursued towareV olhe4( Wny I etopped ia the dis charwimy duty t This a tyranny aa to be borne. The Cbtaiikatv requr d Mr. G. to proceed. Then, air, (said Mr. ft.. i I have to ask. whv ia Mr. Van Buren , to receave our sapporl I .. is it becaiwe of his devotion to our interests T Is It be ssiise of nis consistency in the support of our principles 7 Is it becailse of the firmness and constancy, of but character l Hss be not belonrad to all parties f Hal 1 . ne remainea meamafa w-ny one i Has be not acted witn the Federal party 1 Has he not acted with the Kepublicaa par tyt - Dtd-heoot aoatain Mr Clintot Did he not oppose Mr. Clinton I Haa be not acted with tbe Tariff party; and again with the Antwanfl party T and has not this l .i a a . en'o mo obligation in a teitl-id deprae. Tbe kadeara d Virgioia, will tbrfore, be forever interested, in preventing tbe nomination of a Virginiaa. Mr. Chairmen, I had other views but I am adiii'iiii' bad, that my remarka ought to come to, ft clone. 1 have, in coucluaioh, to pn-tr-ai apuuM tha Reaolutioa of the Member.froiii peleraburg, became V its' tendency to bentow the vote of Virginia, --aasVBBWr ,'' "' PoriiHt to public notice, a meeting of the cttmmr- et llahfsT was held at the (5nurt h-wsc,' on Saturday . the Slat of On motion, Elisha H. EureJbHq,,. was cii)!si.-,io. tbo c!mir and. Maj. Jltca B. rwce am Uapt, Uenry larrettwere ep pointed Secretariem. ' Pct. M -Roail intmdnced the'Cdlow itf PwamMoand Rewdutiriirrtjwhidtiatfre i?e!,. '"ft they were, like ju rT.r, under the higiirat and moat saered nMpmiiibilitiM. Tn.-;., T1 '" SkihlB 'dV.Tliatl totimittce bejppoiiK td- to correspond with wthr fatri.4e ailiat aa iav thae iwrtiona f te Slate up on 11m nibjacta. embraced in "tbiT proeedv ing re4utious end that they 1pt Wb meaai'.res aa to litem may seem proper Iu carry 4bese objects int efiect, v i i"he C'nrrotpNiding Cemhiittea aoiMirt of the folbmiiig persons t Villi Alston, M. B.. P ttivyTbomaa (bmby, T. M i i:r.A I'., i, Matthews, T . NttlMdaon, J. Crov.ll.C. WbitaUr.tt. B. IWa,T. UvKlu r, Unnry Garrett,, G. E. SpruilJ' VY. J. I!,H,E.II. Euro, J.W. Batcbenor, Edward Morecock, P. Tillory, J. IL Fenm, Willie Johumn, Mi Read, W. L. Lon, R. C Ronl, G. B. Fisenwn, Ch. (See, W. W. Tborne, Charles Shield, S. II. Gee, J. B. Tate. On' motion RtieUtd thebj (lie preeeod irgs of the meeting, signed by tbe chair nmii end rWratane, be publislied ia tbe IliMtflht Adtmtmto-' Oa motion, tho meeting was adjtHinid!, subject to the call of the Chairman -' - f R. II. EURE, CVm Met B. Pierce, i ,; , . . raoM raia ialkioh ma. ' - CORRESPONDENCE. " , : cort . , ' v ; iroafti'itefea Cith Ftb, 20, 1832. , Sii i I have this moment received a bitter from iMeaara. Lawrence & Lemay, Editora of tbe Nortn Carolina Star, in (orwiHv me that you are the autWof a publication which appeared in thai paper oi lite tluU wtibout tvprramng my rnrj.rue,"tii! aidering our protiuus rlaiiiii)M, tbatoa kixiuU so hastily 7 end on am b aiij;krf u" Liiua aa.zli4'at'UMl ln'vMir awte, aU . lemj( (o; infiict no deep a wound on tuf : ' rbararer,f:'You imiat fin t thai mi i. iot . bate .thus acted luaard rnft a I; V. fhort inontlti pnMj and mnre that I aia . . CMiscious. of no change tln.1 roubl have " , eftittcd your thn feeling, except hnt 1 . t bear, by uo demerit of own, alUrc" rlali.itia towards . thoaa who Yield that --.'"- urajiiu wilts loia.WuVfniiniit wiucu iia the , dixpenaaJion . of. las patauugo tha power of beklowing ollioea and reward. At the time to which I'rtS r, my luvora.' '' Ida countenance might at least in som i : , degree have been conmderod as a bupoit to the devout worsbippert at the amine fit "' power. - But now frout (hi . atutmlo 14 ' which I em placed, they may aoppo-a ' that more ready adn,iwioa) ntay be ob' tained by the Iminolutioo uf my character.' How far this change in my n lation tow ' rd thoae who control Ihe power of rewar ' din iiia baviTse gteatfy clumped Jif coiKiuct j, towards tne, a that you ftltotild . in so short t time t'.rs fi ore that of a suu " 1.1 ...ii'. . ii 1, ...- . lr ir uiiu tiiruu jii my iuTourt i inns of an assailant f myJreHjtation, and that i - . i too auepicHms so baMy end unfiiwta4 fv, : that you have been compelled on a review , -ofthflcase to retract your'hargH, lea vl, without further rt-nuirk, to your owicov acionce aad to the world to Hi frrmine. , -'. . .Resjicctfully', yoans ec-'. - - , ('. . ' ToGenl Comuluar31.Kauridere,.i,Jrn-i . "' ' ;; Rakigk,'. . ' jz P.:S.' As an ee oltutttioa to my haraS - Ln I 1. 1 ..J . I,- I'll ...M.. ' -t rtlio lHb tost. amW the aignatwre if fii't wluch paper yntt publication aa.. . B. Undef an impression, that u peered, to iiuert the rrresputnlcnce whichA may have been mWed. by the remaik of uu peasad between us i rtlatioa to It.'; Gov, Korsy thin the Senate of the United -'v ' i JNQ. U. ?'ates on Hie jwiuiiMipa rf Mirtb-Yan TtTi(iJPrt6daic)if-'Vi VirguJ Buren, 1 cannot doubt tor a moment but Tuuee io au articlfl on , Ike Uto KichutonJ that ym will, on a perusal ofthecorres- Uucuaaayst This qutioa of tbo Vice) pond-nee which haa passed between that rreeiJtncy luvelves many , and imporUnl entieir,an.and...mj" the injury which - your well ealcuiniod to inllict oil my ter. I therefore cenndctitrf cull oa you f ngcneral character 'Uwhicb'-'-Q tkwi": for a retraction of those charges. blavu h.olding Stataa are equUly1 imere.i passed between that rreeiuuacy uvoivca many-, ana iniporwns , . r-IC, promptly repair- priinnplcs aivlropsideratioiii, ind will baVj.!.;. , Nir jHiblicalion w so eoitts) the pw.pli b deliboraui Uiore 'the f! lict on my cltarac- ct 4: is question, o of a local, but . ' r- tboui'h Mr. VaitBnreirhaabeeiMouoledJj Lb critical' momont arrived, Jan. Van LBurcnwU fouBaatmiUa-jraajwt at hia nost. to vote against the measure. The; Ijieutenant Governor has regretted the absence of Mr. BarbourLwhen be thinks he should have voted agaihst the U. States Bank. Does he complain of this absence of Mr. Van Buren, when .be was expected to yotagaintit lha-Tariffs T Mr. Harbour s absence' is never 10 oe re. hr mbfeftvl; " But il wtlj be long ere I for. pet it : for I shall never forget bis Albany sueech. :lt was delivered to excuse In last been, in its turn, abainWad and left tii work out its Town salvation ! He " nas sustained the doctrine of Internal Improve1 ment. Ilia Irieuds maiutain that be ba abandoned the ' doctrine of Internal Im provements. Sir, I may respectfully ask, to what party, or to what arinciple, ha he remained steadfast! ' Let hia friend here anewer. . jSSmuilim whom Virginia is to be yielded up. as a rcluctaat-bride lit is not .a. connection founded in affection. Her heart will not throb witb eappressed eestaey; when yield led to his cold embrace and I solemnly. protest againtbaQnjjion. Sir, if the vote of Virsrinia bo counted toTMrr-Van Buren, the People of . the Commonwealth will not have decreed it. Why" ahould we do this violence io their will T " Be causa it is necessary to defeat John Ser Mr geantif -.This,, air, is the ply. Cbiif man, tbis practice of odious cbmpar it. 31 r. iiu iiia maun mat no wn ift iu abscence and juSUty hlf 'eonauct to -tuSl this City when flits articleappeared, and constituonts.. In - it, he proclaimed In 1 that I an'mit'sVn in ttscharacterrv. He jrujerstss 144 sW?rc39a asioacumsv 1 if ya u eoaj an isut iae veeeua. hiMir. tilt Vir-rlliia. 1m rrAnmmaA' j tUm people of this State" aa a fit person to be voted for Mt Vica J'wsideni of Uie Uni. tedStatea, at the approachis. election, If however from a development of public opinion, it shall clearly appear that P. P Barbour cannot obtain such a support aa to ensure bis being one of tbe two highest candi-atee j ifof that event ' the" Elecfors shnll be at liberty to vote for that Individ. ual . among the candidates who in their opinion approaches nearest those great puIiticatynWiples wl bat ever held wa5...;,..;,,-;V..::ef.-.' Retotved. That we ' disanerove of the Jaitimpre Convention, to beheltlinMay next behwyinir it altogether an cx vartt axsemblage,' which looks to the elevation of roen rather than principles as a eonvan tion. (tfnartu mtn for narin nurvout, ' Rtnilvta, That in the rejection ol Mar tin Yen Buren; bv the United States Sen. ate, we te no attempt to eraWrasa tbe adniinistratioiin that in the eondwt of Senators on that oecasion,'we see nothing either to condemn or approbate ( it being ouUtax iesUn entirely wiU tjtecr ewa With empect,; . '. - , Yours, ete. .. . . r J01LN BBJLNCJL-i Te Gen. R. M. 8rjntas, : P. B.' t bave enclosed this-lettefto v i va.- af aaavy w w A 4-rl tod. - It is not au jnuca.i qaa-lwu of pef., ':.y. sonal prtfi'rvnco ' befseei, P.P. U-rUurv, " and Martin T Burea, u ltHa,ijftwUiwi-.V ern and " Nortlw'm .interests Tariff ani "; k ':" Anti-Tariff. Tbis w the aspect Whicb, to." f"' Hieprew,t cnn.s, it mUst ain f aild my friend Gov. Iredell, through whom Iluport lU d U:rwiimii-a fe-t ttt nly thw. . ' ,' . rJ.:-' irAr i!i.irr.ji.i..:;i' aope vo receiva your a-wwer- -1 uiwrasui as oo. w-iumy -rr, mt , it CKAKUil.-1 thw vert cxi-iewe n ttte iumnrior, m Mr.' Van Bure,wilh bbs kik tarufpria. . v. f Corf .1 "Z . .t- . ,!.'; 1 clidoi yi iut-aslod ito lite ktt'btiiwa .-.- JVsift March tOrt'iw:!..- Goyernnnt7"Td. tiT wroidiel tolcll, 'T fwT,YiW letter 6f Ibo" ,Wk iiTI w-T bo aritlimeti-ul c-lculationa to minjUr lbs) T " ,r ulv.fomrded l me by your friend. My I Jaye of tbe RupuLltc. . i . . 1 f answer ia wiuca oaa oeao. uuiayeu jkmu ejausee not important to. state; " - At the time of writing the comrrrlnica-1 Ve.coniiH'nee, in tbt pepar. ibe dev , tion for tbe Star of which you complain, 1 bate, on ihs, Anar reference of .Ihbt iriWltf -""ZZT. I had wriiewnt! teinHieof Gor.-fbrTW sytu ia. tne 3oa oi tba Male en the-t aspwtalty ,irctea to Urn remarks of Nr. -? -W'- notninstioaof-lartia Yea .Buren;, Jwt jmHTjxwell-rlLj toucbea..tlia-Nw, YotkJ inipresiia: war produced by tW printed Benatbr ''iehderlf i but in Vtnler bleca. Tl" i ' epeecb of Gov. Poindextcr. " , 'Tbeas) President making projects seeril ..t X ' rromtbe conversstKMl at detailed by I now te be well undcrMid. " Whit Ca-' , V bint, audr the relation io which yvutbon read the remark of Mr.TnefwelUw(fti stoodtothe Presideut, (supposing you to feeling a sentiment of surpfiae, that Hucl f n have been the person referred to,) I. did principles should bo entirely overlooked - "C':-'-" eoiwSler tbe converaatioa of that charac- m questions of Presidency and Vij Pres.,. , .1.;,, ter which forbid itsdisclosure i for tbe pur ideucy while eucb .intriguer as Mr. Van iJy-- pose tor which it waa allcrwarda used. It Buroa aretnurst, ao( fra'' -upon r-r. was under Ibis imprewion tlmf T penaed tW People t The tact iuulfspttaks Volumes ' the article n tho Star,- and in this noint -4 it abowl. the. earful iuflueace of amoit,'.-,.i.-" view that I intended to reprrhondlgatjized and penaioncd Presa; and ttvr 1 your conduct, T am now mtiafiej t-?i completely the popular will ft contrtdosj t lu coaversaUitiv-too-private, wan not y. tbe Ruwagara w J'artyr The A f, - -confi Jnti-l, and I am free to say that I iV Senators, it Will be seen,' nof tni. " coosider yon above diacloamz that which voted, but argued OB (be side oftho Tariir ' youTWIght deem in any way secre, or "ofj Party.' T.": ! rZfirgtM T$meii'r7; giving mionniuion in a uumer , wincn I ? ; ;r , ., ,n, - . ' you would not be willing lo WoW, to the lr ia understood itt'Wabinrtoiuthtr 'vrrk tbe Coamite: an Manafacturw wiU v " : tn a tew day, report a bill repealing" the-, i dutieeoa all nnproUettd articles and that "-A-?:; it il proposed eilerwarde to introdueo in :V ; f separate bill, tbe details ef further roiluo- r , . -1 issveriritjrr U.'i... :.:...!!.: .l. ' j .1 : '.: e V a..: m t ... LA'.. it ll tur ' r . i per for the j""p'et6 Wd pritnary meet ings and eel i IR' rata for the general good, and to censure or approve the conduct of those in. whose hands tbe administration of the a flair of Government are commit ted l and w hereas we aa a part of the cit izens t this ue;ubfic t nave viewed with pkjosur thei ftriotmm"-mnd enligbtoned policy which bus governoil the adminis tratioa f Andrew Jackson, our venerable booest Chief Magistrate. : Vr - ' ; Be it thorefiire Resolved, that we cheer fully unite with our fellow vitiscus in oth. er i-eetioTts of the country, -in recouMimt-- ing Andrew Jackson tor re-election, and that we will use all honorable means to attain an end u desirable; Rttolrtd, That it be recommended to the people of thia State to convene a State Convention ia tbe city of Raleigbou Mon day the 1 7th of Juue next loathe purpose Of appointing electors , favorable 4 to the re-election of Andrew Jackson to the Pre aidency, and some individual fbr the Vice President-who ie an advocate for Free Trade and opposed to the usurpations of itui .JinJirflt (.iinmfii.nl v" - '- A &fo4TJia!UC bjeOiaetBajc world. I'bave tbe honor te be, et. 1 II. M. SAINDCITS. Ioa. John Branch, .-, ; , , iVaaainWoii Vi, Mt m m A. III H I . .MM . IB. ..II .. Vri . . . it. . ... v- -., wusuut. nmni. ivr-i hum. nuunintri-n -pnir hut warded Wiis "to the cintroTmy friend, Mr. l6liia slnd ohnoxit.ua ... 'tbo m.,rir V t Mcnu:7:;'-'t'.-s-i";'.:;. ' ' :". Sveteni : Will the nee-Die of Vimaia amir--tV fajMtyjmi MyJMiefca.iiis- tthe-jfctttlemilfrfbm T"TKT ,iit-?iw-r?-t- March. I63i. W, T. MANGUM..X ,L Central roU RcwJ OufTeadert V ..lr.-JtUira4 . I will -obeen-e, from the proceydie "of iht tmf L ! aSal . ,r ajT f mik aV J all aauea I O rvirMinpor wms, Marc ion. v i tommtssioner appointed by tbe act ta ' ' Sin, I have received your letter from mcorpdrata Tbe North Carolina Cetitral i Nashville, N. Carolina, dted the 20tb Rail road Oomnanv, at their' mectinc held- uistant. jr You have retracted the offensive it the Court bouse in this City, ra Mqh ?tia6"r Bch y'"1 had th-ught proper tol day but, tliat a subscription was openesl4 make ae-unnt me m tbe Raleigh Star, of a I a'Teeablv te7' the directions 0 said -t . . i. - , i " . . . w areacn oi connuente, and ot course your and we have plere jn, stating thai morti , esplaiitttion is so far satisfactory as to re-1 of tho mmiioner nresent 'set a goo4 i M '.rem tli? jjcMHit.V.orxesorting to exampla.-- by -immedintrtly , iba4V : another mode of redress, which niigbt otb-Jown namesuiMia the book to a cniderab!ev.' ' erwise.tuve bee impost d m mo. But, amount, and that sme other citiaews pre in accepting -yoor explanation, I cannot acht also, eubsciilsd. AaYiMigst beae paaa by the manner in which- yon have was a geotletnan ; fram t Person CmuOfJ-A chosen to make it, uhnojiced. Withoat who, obwrvin . that the act named . commenting on certain expressions which CommUsioners for receiving subscriptioBj aaight be susceptible of an offimsive eon- in thai county, tbe : persona appointed a structionfcl em constrained to say. that this meeting for thVpurwose. mtmedixta. its entire content bear the eharecteTafily tieaolyikl toorsMa jnstice roluaautly eMr'i ax 1 Pareoej i:Crt bousek wii r th immrtof (ban I had a right fo expect from one, tembinee- of Stepben : M. IvensWfnlV 'r" between whom and myself thftre bad pro- McKissark and Dr Gorbara Wing. :Tbc',: i yiously existed frionill r-l"ions, and wbo Kas thhi niagrifieut enterprise been com- V must now at least ha on.ieuiof:thei r3w4 iau4bj,hjm sjajsj tosj. 'i Un te I c MMeittia pism- lIUl H?ts& ; 7 : as- .'.la.

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