Wcsteiix Carolinian. - 1 ' k (Of ?itr CtK.UMA.) ' . THE TARIFF I Dulivr4 U tha Cfrwt if U. iiici en '. tU Jib & t! i.f l'U I Mi. w . the, Tortf RttJtfi, Thai tb existing duties up- m rlirl'1 imported from fiirt-igncouMriee, and iwi coming into ramprtif,i'ai with fa," iLr an.i , tniW or produced within II " Umied Hite, ought to be CirlbwiUL ftltol "7 1 "' bed,'tiorpt the duties mi wines and silks, and that hey ought o be reduced. ' -' tWitted,' That tha Committeemen Fi ... .... i.,.,) itru.tt a bill aj-rnrilinidvl' ' : - lit rnnnrr. - - t" " :jrrE ft ft irilfVWinfMawwl WlacftTifVfiBt- " T " rfoveToYtcrniined to participate in tlil.do. r "' faff--- rcluctant-a which di-rivet stre ngth front I lit convicting thai scarcely any asp. Til practical ppu!t can It attained by the ' j: i, - V. fjirni')ii w mora aiMiraci proposition t - - rirrt that it bt right in the abstract mere !y,tui it isalo, oeetaarytJiat it shall te '.!ajrfcd (4 "tha condition of tho. upon , v H"tn i: it to tperaw. , j arir iutreu, , . habit, fceungs, sentitMiita, and awn pre " jii li-M, demand fbf nutt calm and rt- , Jcc ( fa conakJcration. . - ,s The resolution upon your talln Contains T i'lor of sigh and grav. import. It in V!w fhnciplt.minglinff in dMtp aml anut'opoui emuyion, with tha mir" aivl tha pamona of (fwat mntnra of thi . OauUUrity.'.. II iavolvoaa &1 dWiin tfun ; tltia Tariff policy, now prawnM In ; Conn. I cannot but rtnri it at iha imiat ; ITV -nntitrvii qijiiiMl whieti hat kfiert ub.iJtiad to any dVlibertliv af mllv in "Ihirf c jwntry aiiict tbo adoptiiH) of I lie Fd. ; , nl Coiwljturion a indnad (Im) mont fcnr -,fVio((M4bat Jim erwr coarred in rw nwo pimpry n uia American paopie. . wni tan iinie wxcvpiroa at tne flat la r. . Bwi AincTicat imlepeDflcnot. ... Tiiw policy is itf inrepliMi, and in its ,-TfVnTS BM DeB maraed with atrnMlei. . ;. (v(rc,iftd rtttJvtdr' In noma p , V ttoita of the Union all tha elemmta of -dia. eHtnt art atimnir and lteirinw in-lrirtit. v fal agitation. ,, Tha panioat art thronging t tho eontftrt. It ia no longer diacuwed VI jnrftion of politiail ooomv, but a tiakftd noratioo ofLfhortyT' SlialT'thia - tnarat of tbinga endurt lonpr f la there iiny lover othia cwnry who .can cootem. ' - Pl,, h without dorp and painful refloo- "imt'imii inn iwninuurjapriQ Ot,PUt Tliboriioi i perilled 'iJi cHitMf of mit lrj!(ih1nrtrBatirtiCtlled for tr th rtneif thecrnitnr,"nd nmrcWmM by . ..i ,: nr high, noble, and patriotic coiiaidcra. ? pir,Jhe efnte &ora whkh I coin , re I'.ijV'Jil. thil jrtrujfh) witb durp" aolicitu-U, "ndth rooM jtrrtfc4ntiivrj Bum tbia eiinfiiderajcylook'io ib'U t'nilm ih -Wr fcvallv.of affection than North Pam. litModerata ia her viewa, jii in Htr yurpjaeiCarvl proud W the glory of our ! coiiu mrryf- emttrmp'atef v with i'-lvi) iti inriitrov-itil,( , T!i" N(ii. f rn iuttm J.;ive ii' v r ci'iii;, lii'l f tlmt inefjuiiliiy, whi'! r rrvi.tiu'i, p;ef Cliffy pTti I( t- i!ti ref. rffK to tU ncefili. if l -n'utiit. In war, at tll a in j -, il(cy have l')rm t)ia neinry buriliniihtit a mu-rmir.T- II Jt 110 (XlhllC in to be Ufa n4 far tha Unafit of the (Juvtrtmpiit but rr th'i U nrfit uflArt, wealthy, and flmrihinj-. rapiuhata." A ) i!cm an uueqiml and ao unjiut caunut h fiKltired. Alt p!rmai)til aytteu It will not, aa it wijjhl aiA to b tndurod. - What la tha tl!hct of lft.J.Iutfoh Up- imi tba tabic f It ia la aififraraUi ;La ViL ).(' ti fully! . An i-bvimii parvamioa f the plum uraiiinv of wnrUI' Tii arjjuiin nt n'crtarily enmn to llii ff,n' hiion. I'or if you have flit poa'ar t " raiulite cmitTerra" f r thi uirtxita of protcttln domevtie manufacture, you hnvt the W vtniHitm d pwer far ... .u i .k it A -- ia. .ir ik . . , ui a inn in rinniri iwrr inr iinai pwruow), an( io rnvriuaia in.;i ir leiaj pm l 4av are nniH- noae eoinoUtalv. vmi mu- fMb' Una piiwe r of re''iliiiO la ettiictiia. CfHiIJ thu bava" been ibe iaraaiaj m tlit finuicra jf ilia CuMilulimi I, By ! iB4 iotA tba. biliary f tViat UuvM, 1 bHk it will be apparent itM it a a-4. Under the old 'confederation, CVii(rrra had the power; wrtb the conaent nf run State a, to ec CCiKf iomt of the highett aitribntea of It it. to, Ui iba.ari.4-lba r,t'Wly'H power rf-JakinJr peace man, while the rich may met in luiurive 'rl ' money re julate itt aa free frotn UiHlion at the air be brth-1 lu4t grant lettera of mnrqaa anJ re- Iff tt-t-rwmcw -1!CttrTtanJIr, n "9mr t"re rotnirrmmntr WwntiPt already mdovfd t the rich tkb. and alliancra, tHwidea many Hhcr Im iuWf b 4liiM4nt co of raanvjjf 1 lWln! powrh. C-rre 7 "e iiie arliclrg which enl'-r inlothe cemauinn. Ir wwfiww in awuni wna imr dark fr the lri lii' iaifi;? irf Him I ini. punctuality, on ih rt of lite Sulci, in complying with rO'iinlxuit nf in- reia Ibt wnnlf u";frrtiitr in rorrinvir. ml rejulatiima amon the dilli rent Sialea and the want of power badVomewbere te make eoenmercial trcatma with turcija nowera. But, Sir, in tlit anmul rnoctae of I lie Ppeirident, in jVcembe r, tlie ar Id ail f!i I'l j )' ! nlmar y course ftrir, rwrit the brf, lilr- tie, and prfjiertina tf the- prnn!", n4 (lie inturrval order, improvement at a f rodjicr itvef the elate-" , I ou Will aii retr in minl tnat tna two grgat IikI interoM t ihnt Hy, wern the agricultural and pUulin mt-fitt uf h middle ami aouth, and the tinvikting in tereiit ,( iSt' north gnd mM. . i'or f lie meat ia aor of. the roonlitnii'inality of Miianuf'nrtiirinff intaml hail not fjjen iihti the pnrfeti prjnciple ie (dared in a new, into afarrely any noeemieDee. Yrt it al, in iwy mi. iJte atrurtpM iht, in f.,ieii that if wimbl become a dia which It caa U prewtited. , J I ia ataied tiiict il important totercatr . : aa followa t . -. ' I Tk .! lJ tl.. it.. tr . . it .1 i"..?'' ',ni iivh it I'wflni niuy( i rjs . . . l : r : ' J .i 7 1 ' - -port" onrinally kd.ied to the eeveral I cot.td ba don'o bv fiivinr nremi.i.ne, pW. i ' T " It ? T e jT ." - 1 - y y ft "Hi.iivii LutUi-r rylyiMl j;rnfid. purt uf "I I I ad b-j i'r-eu ttwak u "W "'' !ird lent, and a mind tW e,,n, i 7 Hr- r cile,.0oaU(W'It, tr, i;. tie r uitu an rjn iht me tr he aiiva tlmt 11 Hr.ery Hi ate Vie, ! t f I P"Uittd T, ft'r witbwt th pemnlji Genre! Government. Xwit ai aliiKMit all aourett a Uaattl J en to Congresa, it would L. k... f" tio of iuetaLIiliHeiil.T)M) Juliet ia tha ahope of pntjtctnHi renwio the tame nominally, wbiKin Cict they are enhaer. H tw tle whole amount of Jeduclion, frcMit Iktpricetof article rorrtitned by tba inamjfaclurer atd hit labmjrerf; Tho oaiv"felu're'of fni'ti" lII kii to" b Imwl, in the rtductioo f t!,e, mmxini of revenue. ' Tbia however it more' -Jhaa ed iatbt Juod: ef Contreaa, but 'ha inn waaneryeleat, to long aa the Statet retain ea the puree. At the cloee of Iha rrvdu tionary war, the eonlcracy waa nM un like a yming giant -victorious but et haneted and powerlee; Tbt pablic dr ht accumulated, thepuMie crtdttamrihHaveS precioue metala vanished, the circualio;; ineibum-W paper moaey!cpreciaie'i and wonhlena, public coatvlanco anJ pri vate &ith mere terme of mockery en that the univerwal dial rev, cOnfimiim atfl counterbttunced by tbt increnwd Inequal rty In tlje ar-fion of the ayaltm. .Buttf a ilMlem af inilMMUlilmll Im biLihIm! in nur. auance ef the policy, of lbe refdutiim, w hat f mffJ , ,wre more eorely felt. will ha Iha lnl .III. reiflirtinM .1 llui "Mu """" "fF"""!!! 'l m Trim reveuuef Tht Senator from Kentucky Kwar. etimatta it at aeven millia of dollare: . r-y mnn M. rrc.! much ot elhera are of opinion that it would be U, " !J, .ff " m-- fweeo five ajid aii euppoee it be aeven ",r w" " ,wrr ,n " "" " ! tie with a yiewtothnenc.mnger.HnH duties; Hut of all the moJe, Ut enMir' ZJ JSiSH Wd' ..uajmiii!, ' '"IT'lr " i !"iubuiiui. aa - ine -who a power over I r.-7, .i iY.. 7t ."""'"Ikle P tfir rmr1tfr,Hint,fotlier The 2iat firei commerc. waa about wivaa UJ,. to,l' U 1 nave aema-ten ihoirwii.ae autnority jq contra!. wilb'a view to raiaina tha bi !TrV" r t"' lor Iba, over im,HirU i. the Ocoer. Government tmry nvenM i W(a foraren that the duTiet V .w,llMwti.n.it.t.aor Itatrn, ,.,nj Lale, were alt to be deprivtd of tbt rawafae . .--i l "'Trtlu f ba me very ronm.ieraDie rcarmnon rcia- movt coavenient and tfficient inatrument dutiea laidkv tWeel i " " - t,ns to the.r inct.on lawa. Thiaeu, fttt , pr.rfoclion of doroeatia manufifl. 17,1' i i' .Mb,ry havio, thus entity palrom turea. Krta were tbrefort mado.Ti. ffaS ?to " the ttataa, the right to eerc..e it, for tbertn eonfor up. congrea. .direct p ZfST -the purple of protrcti.m, dea wot e tr for" the tiirwaffennrand promotion C L ;M,.ii,thT and co,rp,ea,ly ifitbtm, oftnre 4 to rH.i. LTwTr ft uT&l?ft M T-,d by tb. CeneralGovernm.nl in lh, u,e. ia tomt modified, Ut eiani 2 Iloweve, ,t?t '""nlp " it niUMt b' extinct. fi.nn. n bmlin. i t i M iih ilim renee, I think, thii whole argument in mvitel by a 'iphin. The fallacy coneiHt in unrvn4in a power in waa, that Una power tnit U tZ by the State., with and oi.lv .i,t tent of Congretfc- ' . T' Prom all of w hich 'fh0 fawi plumona, I think, inevitably reauli , v. . f IfM. miJIiona; we aliould then have an annual revenue' 'varjiug between aijhleen a'i'hJ lentv-three miliiooa of dollara. when thv actwafimctMitiei of tht C ivernrm'nl wonN.' n-4 and ouaht not to requirt more tho.i let milfione to be ra!ne,d by revenue. TV" oilt are tliu to he laved frwn eichi . welvt a-id even fifteen tnilliona of d"lhv- .ip".,,JbrfcJPJ2WJbiin.tli Acinal, wa'dA . the Gover'iicnt, if Hie jkiIicv imh.-t'HI - Ihia reeoluVioo ahull ultimately provaij Sir, caa this policy onthn the diHcooiKct- ftht public mind, n n.t 'restore hi-ria' to tha distracted council- of tKii countrv ' Can it heal lhoe diviaiona that hav ao txtensively and fearfully impaired the con fidence and sundered the affcclionj t dia. ai.l and important parte of this coufnlra cy ? ' Sir, it cannot. . The ' whole S .uh will regard il with fixed nvemion. They i'Liw'.U ta a proof ihatjuur-diatanl brethren havo but little respect, for our eliTis i that they turn a deaf ear ta Mir reifuJute. to impure, to give unity ami tfH?tr- to mir foreign commcrre, and to lae a revenue tu wleem our pledged fmli, and fulfil 'ur public anneineuta. Kepcnted apiilicaii nr- were made to the fc'aies toennfe'' uo-in Cm ,rena the power i ' lav iti.iua and collect a revewiv. e rv wa turnod on ornmcrcc aa beinp tha ni.f convenient, nn-l fS.e "nly, 'it and aTnple a-'urce nfraiwit a re'iue adeqimte t,i"t" nvea,lieiio the (')vrrienf. Tie reipective ytatea hnd the entiro' control verthe wh .Je aubjoct of foreign Pom merce ; and it waa only by eurrendcring mat control to i-ongrem, that an efficiant v-tem of revenue C'iuH be oriranizc.1. This view wtn urged upon the Staiea itb aeJ and ability.. The Statea rernled these overturoa with a coid, acrupulous, and jealoua caution The able men of "'!,I'alL,2,? !hJlWUn'rrt in this auniflcu I. could convince the undfrataodimr. kmrlle the foilersl orivcnti(iB,-it wlll be found that tbo first mention madeofthe mnnu. futures is on tha 1 8ib ef Aii?uh!. Amoo tU Stuie ...ver a Milg. ri which might 1 1 aeries of propasiiions referred In the li.vi Im-pii eterr'ived H ii!i.tit lirtiilnlinn a. I CiimmitlM inwi. tUm C.ll..u.: . . I H. - ure iiniwwuiir ; " i n I I hat Ilia nnv In n. . j ;". re.lr,ctMi.itbuUt regard to thai oarticu. tatabliah publio iaatilutionn. rew.i.1. . c . . " PW" 10 do' man. ' ' awina I UlaalJIIirCB IB IWiI bM iitft a Ji ... immumliea for tht piomion ofricul- i. ni a.rT'llW it I'lio pii.ti. u,'ar nuninae for erantina tha I fir,eommerce, trades and manufacturea.' ija ii Iba poatr lt litf .TGcueral Goveromeal waa, toOa Ut 20ik ftCAugual another wsriea off.peciiTerr; hit IhinflJ'" S '7i ' t,-l. prMMwiiiona waa referred to Ibc commit ,lne. i f., ...i : . .pwit teeAmong them iione' to thi. elfeet rL 1 l' "" "WW taiw rrvnue, tv giving unity, vigor, and Maixiity. iu our lureign commerce It waii con-iervetive, a lid cannot be rik-MMitly exercised hut at a coneemtiro (lower fcrnnt me to tet tht ogt of the men M;;e, ana eiaiuii ID. coacluiieus o wh'itH It kUtl Thfl Stat, respectively, lwfbra the ad- lUcieut act.on, by any Htate, with tbt -v... ... ..iv ncinrn vivernmenu Uot, air, & nntort tura to tbt aclnf Jj. Iy,17t0, and with an air of exultalioa and anticipnled triumph, prldm (ha aaaut ciation of the principle ,f protectioa ia tba aecoo'if act or tha Uovernnient, 1'ba, preamble of that aef u;. l.. option of the Conatitution, bad the power ""I? lo ha end of the tixtcenth ble which baa been tattered eud JoatM by evory aIvocate ofthoeystem.iroajiii ahlert champion down to tfaei burubleat hammer that pliee tht bob-nail j, ij bey to open in thi magnificent and gor genua temple of the American 8yxt,fl, Tes, air, it hue beenemphutically mtjt the Senator from Kentucky, " that the great pillars of thi eplemlid edifice werf then raifted fruai lh Hi.mi " l. :. . My re-ulli "' wtrHjrrtiet mtiy be competejil." 8irnd if i alo true" thaTtne measage. -"P"" innemiate in its terms, and architecta of tbat day. aimed at nothmr 1 - f i 1 ta.'ra..lL- itu. ti.itta ff . Ilia ,.i. ii . vrv "... ak w iniciuici an lurvign commerce imieitia ately, to annihilate it forever at their auv ereign will and pleasure ; But the Statea have granted all power over it to tht Gen eral government 5 therelqre the General Government haa power to interdict it in- detiuately to lay a perpetual embarg to annihilate it forever, at ita eoveaeicn :tl 1 . 1 . -.-i 9 win ami pleasure, i III conclusion, b- vrvh.nw nr. I .i.:.w "UMJ "I wm, lacviia .ce the nn.Ui.n, i,a-n- fro ,ke W "f -! Tliert ahall be a aeerttary of domestic affairs. Il ahall be bis duly to attend to matt.ra of police, the tto of agrirultura and manufacture. 4c." The committee to whom was refurml the nbove projMj.il i-m. witfi JiveV others roaie a report tm the 32d A usual, prono clan, of the second eecfion. the no wee u f J . . . 10 provide' aa may tKome noceawarw from time to time, fir" the managing and "curing oi jw co nm-iii property, and germrai imerTma .na well-Mre of the Vai- im emirs, in aucn manner aa shall not interfere with the governments of individ- ual staiea. iu matters wliichrenect onlv their internal police, and for which their imj-j, n,i im. lurn urai car 9 mir n,,nv . y ,,- . friendly remonrtrancee, and heed not the "ra pttnoliain, or conciliate the confidence . ,i c"'""'"' "" ' "'tgov. more man uonc aimplicity andDonc namtfv of our violated rirhta and mu ?. - ?h 1 P"1"" th y 'fS "d ,o,nc power.. atrength--the? wcrtt. plain practical v ery tomcim of a free Government. " fl tned ptedge-rnntional dishonor, paraly S e S lavm ".ho Lf 3" TuZ t i. on thi sZJ ? 'hW. whrther!y ' th. - Wl ia .ubveriveofevery mitrrofn eh!l a re", apprcbiig aiiarcbv-ti a I. I 5 . ?U g,0' ,H.7' "ol J ' T. r of August : when it propoa.ng five per ctot. -advalorem, ewe- .-..;.i i:.'i i"- 'j-i?"U? .L:" ."V ' . indicating upon ita face the period of ii. waa moved, to refer auch parte of the eon. theupht or draa.ned f ...Tw ioimn iun ui wnimiii, iim n iii iniernr wrr cominne ana 1 1;...;. ;. , . i regardleaa of that confidence and aflVtii.n cemewld by mutual intercut, which con. atitute the broad bai and the only basis -upon which rcata th. oaMa atructure of; our free institutions.- it it the. part bl wisdom, taking broad and. atateman-iite views, and looking afar off, to persevere u afpuiirj, wmni w or sewn COnilgU- ciotrot resourcea, and lo countervail the injurints commercial regulation rtf foreig. outline., uut in. no document of thai 'y, not withstanding tho numeroua and powerful inducement hidd out to the States to Couf.r upon Congress the power "to re. urata commerce," do I find a single ward MitrlnWvoYo joua Statea in the Uruoo, ia behoved to '" meant ..or ai an inatrumont to protect - mt ante avufen iJ tviliv I. I. V ..a.,,..- r (.... .... . ..." !.'l. . . . . - . ' .. t "' i .y,.ti a- r rvTA ' V . wfw whtclt larg majorily of the people revenue atone, waa the great lendin? foei Cwt Z WJIworwBer. ofthai regioa btlieva to be in ykrhrtion of timate 9bjert. AH theao etT.rt. failed ftood c thO American paople 8m denre. .,k- .e .i.. I.l- ul. -i-.-,. -.T- . . , ... , - J .... tucpl ml ytumiifHwrn wtlir- VMrniW I i"ttiit v-aui inuir vutiuu". Slid I lift public ntceamiicB more urgent,. . Mr. JUad- liuiitatioii, waa gravely nuissiioned, in a certaia quarter, in respect to ita constitu tionality by ihubv of tbe moat eminent lliiwyera and atatewnen. And yat an embargo ia a more tempo- rary susponipn.o commefce. deaivnad fo r . . 'v . . . correct ""mo evil, pernicious to its prosper irjrjur aa-a.. precnuiieiHiry measure, we limmary to some ulterior movement that might expose if i baiard of injury. In own ww n nas ior its object the benefit atitution aa have been poefponed.hnd tucb rorgeoua temple., magnificent edirt(- r ..v.-... .n..u ten oren acted on: any oi mat an endid Dhintiim,M,:..u.k to a coinmitta. of a member of each etate., htotot tbe imajrinationa of tha master a.rk . watch panned in the affirmative. On the men of our modern Pr.ii(lnt.m.V,p, CT. Mr. Bearly, from this merican 3ystem. ., - ZT'nn tha pretant iystam of raxalmaa awl j Uonf 'y.'ih k'-'! V taeUonal p4acfiah, aUid k jnriid, Ji--av-uut ---ri-irr 1 won ImJTub thi auhiaPtn ih 'vf;..;' .r..k:-.i:!.4ulaiuIyvhi. ,d eh f; ' "fuw a . . . ' Lt. i ii.. . .. . . 8 . V . 1 wlmt'I firat 4latrmiued to xifier vmrrnVwa I afnalatMra in I7W),-aml retolutiina immied I j i.. . - . m i-ur leiiiio mniuuiiona. . sue aa Mtner- l.i - . t t . . . fl.e IImimi 4 TVIffmiM tnatff-n - tt. -'-M, eWi;i.Miy it ja n -.Am....,i:.ut.-- - -rfHt redMtion, to-touch the ConrtituM ", Mou"' 5 Pg. tnstructme Ihel-jKla ... ,i... . ... .iuMrfjw. -.i -1 n-. ..""i"-. ""Tvourfalitto. aniT Ihenre Tieen mn. ..., tO reilllatfl lh foreiuil Comnjerre. Thial ,.V.,;-' i . I." i. IlI : 7, they etilf eleep unrespected. unretanled. ,Tea our,n8 aame ae.ion in a difteN aw Li'innn iu mwiDi it iiianiivBMa naa niruin i - c- muu '. . .. . .. tnd ftrirotten. fiitltredaemeiV aivtthepulJic engage- T, 1 "y0'" --Vtamii. all fulfilled. .;. U j&i w .ta,. the iittiutil.ty of d.-cu, - iWrtoaecMto Tionatpomla. Ih.daeent ; . . m.nmmnA.tm , ,iu- ...... who wnicu aucn msciwions art entertain. liti-tr aadTtaa axigenciet tf tha GlfJJ ln th! en,'Shc ut -v '.v-'.r-:t- "--fed agw eem1o hate grown wmeriban the -Orel' ehiVuenL , asing Constitu- t favor sensatons are cntedain- THjtt poailTon J, boWdimcult and deli. Vt!tu,,,- ii now well nigh .The occasiorj imntrronslv demaml. jic"tou w'1BCI!B lrW(!7 VM.tu- $1;. ?r-U reduction oTlhe VevenueU mfuti t'lr'.ntN.prograwarctir b. ; fiot tithe actual necessities of tfia Gov. 1 1. .:, r.tn:it.'. Wiedom, prudence and' justice -ijeoiiiretkat it shall be eflected wjth as lit, '7""" He" lujury' aa'poesiblt "to the mamifactur- " '. tn-T establishments, butll mi in .lifti..... "y te of thinir. u " 'V-''' ' , 2Thiajueiion hit bean argued by the'j titu,iona,,ity fth' protective . aystorat I feutlcnan from Kentucky (Mr. ClayT I up. ,nwt J "U pardoned (r.r . atatlng, ai ftst i the aaaamptioft r.thaf fa port mia country art laboring Tor an antlr Qe- J on '"'a aunjoct. JBoIitioB of those establihmenti-nd ap. J -li ia not pretended by the adtocattt I had long since learned eBt ,nrm? ,ml finallf' in Jnuary 1780, a a resolution was aanpiea appointing torn miionert to moei ucn commiMionera a might be appointed by the othof States, to take into consideration the trade of the Itiutod States, a at to deviee- aoma aaifirm system of commercial regulation. In pursuance of thi. rteolution a meeting waa held in Aniwpolm in September l7$0,- r ive Wtatea Commbwioners dectjr.ed doing making a report to tho fat of September, grand committee, reported partially, but are noining oi mtnuiarture. Agan,' Oa the 4th SepttmbeTUiba Jutme.gajjtla! man reporiea partially uutt silent aa to manufactures.- On the 5th. he mala a further and final report, propoeina several of commerce ; to place it, on-a better and alteration, and additions, which were f mora periuaueut , footing, or to shelter, ft Hy "dopted with Wight modification, front aa impending evil. It ia a tempera. Among them i the following VTo pro- ry evil, resorted to for an attainment of a mu, the progreaa f science and useful T"" FwtT rJ rr. ,ur. 'm'1 1 mej-.10 from 40 to 2-W per cent, ad valorem-te from dcatruiou-from utHl' i mrongiyi--'r"-" iuiis anu,uiacoveriea. ' annihilation ! protocuva " mw .. anpaniiii, inat atler.,.reoeaiaJ annilnlalioQ I refurencoa oi tha aubj5l of arts, manufae- offiMWgn em j ton, dec." and afler full dehberatirin; the comnunea.;janiwa::o-nK conferring a aubstantive power on eon gresa. toforter ami prntect particular av- ocations: aodthat they, in facl.Vbittled down all these sweeping proprfsitions to the slender power of" securinr to authors o.l . - m .. imx iik',. ivt a iiniiica time, tuoex Sir, what is Iha' meaning of the preanw ' ble f Did k mejrpiectiija7ui'lfit aeaa) "" now uaed f - What manufaetarea werttal be protected . f he dutiea by that act i anged front five to" fWeeu per cent. 4 -valorem. rad tbia ia called protection la - infant matHifactures, acarce strajglinj n" to existence I When noirf after forty ytul of eturtr rrowth. -ttrese- same bmoiuW lureajaiplora tnd domaod a protectiea of ys ai4u."j:- tVi-ii. Again, the argument is inacurate, in sappwing tbt terms to regulate foreign commerce," and to "protect domestic menufaoturtt" strictly correlative. Whereat, to regulate commeree is one thing, and to protect domestic manufac tarei ia .another. The error constats iq supposing an indissoluble eonaarjon a fixed dependanee to -rxret betweeoViam ; whereaa, corineiion and derwmlenVare deatinie, it may be made a point dt order to touch a topic to ttalt and aJacyed. . . lint as several Senators, and especially tha Senator from name, (Mr." Holn favored the Senate with long, Und tubtla argument in favor flh. .ton Letlislaturea of P' .ffica,imM ac,in tpooone, with- T 7Tl M' States, and tranamitting copiea, to ? ,!C,in ,tb0 "her.-ror example, Mbe United Statea in Congreae. u m lM regulation oi commerce you bur , .-.vt. . -.i .. ... . . . -a ... a - .Jwala buro been made .to excite every mo. jf hi policy, that any direct - ami express , . tiva of interest and 'arouse every aolfwh I powtr it to be found in tbt Constituion. to . ymBcipkvtoranw-roniid-thiaTaWf eonefptma of an miUie''ntaj fcrf' tiiAZ: .. 2 j- -.rz. v'" i:. ... . ...r. . . ' . 1 ...... f ... ' . -. . . . - ..- - wn, ano protect it irom tut assaults of its i mat t ne power is fairrr denvedtrom that i ". " ' wn apeeen ia it to ne then, tho mrmt natural and most perfect i.ui aa-wiiuiim. , .,r.. i parioi tne oia aectuwi m una in antcto l ""'y ;"7" w iHTOTfcenmailo vHt it w i a . ia riHimrw .an aiwa Idmirabla sagacity -with a deea eonvie. I.erjDM.tha Bower lTa rtaulato aommerre - f "ma that tha system can lie Tnaiofained j with fiirign nations, "ani. among the set. enla Jy arn, lbafaaionand.irwhid"4 with the Indian tribe,"'? ing mt lights of calm and sober rim.--i The' whale anrumenl resu noon the con. elusive eujoyemnt af the fruiti of their ",uv!lD..jn ' ttis, "sTr.io bo a deci- eivexpreaaion l the wns-rof the conven tion, against conferring upon congress the only hewur renresentad. tha incideatal to one mode of exisUfficV onlvi' fwt ,0 Kive lo " '"wnufaetufe. arty other rs "dectined doing mora than ?d ,n r,ot ,h . f!OTOrnlT1'n, .ay exert a i ncourajrenseat, than that w hich they in ciuenmiiy uenv. irom a revenue system of duties..,. . .... ; It boit.g perceived that tto mibstantiva power would be conferred on Congress to domestic manufacture., and that tha atatea were about to be deprived of the power of uoipg nay flutieatiragta. waaeomaaerr ced on 4he 28th August, whioh was con tinued at intervals to the 15th September, within two days of the adjournment of the Convention. This struggle Called forth some of tht ablest men in thai illustrious body," anjonr whom Luther ' Mariia aa partfeMlaryJ.iali.njrujabe Congress took up this report in Febru ary 1787, whlcl led W the Convention of T T . V , V r P' i . Miy.aftne aam. year, in Philadelphia. ? ' T1' .u.; J- . i .v.. ... r.:.- ' doineatie article in a competition with tb men it witn outies upon imports, a con nexion instantllapines un. through the moetition with tha loraiTn Caininir infn tha am m.rk.i I.... v. , . m. . , . i . r "i n . uui yia ino pimacuon oi aomesuc manuiac- thened with th that formed th preeeut Conetifution.. dlltia. Rnl iriorllia m. .v,.....,..v9,uilli.lwniVr, uiation 01 commerce it is designed to in Madiaoi when ha movKid hi resolutions fuse into it the utmost -vigor, that is at in the Virginia Legislature? Did ilea- tainable only by conferring uoon it nr In Ibis mode of existence ToJ rVhaf hiaiulctur e.taI,i;sKrnent. inea i. ahi!... r-VV ,n?! J fi"vl; t MUB,Ploflny stniction to be placed on tha words 'To I t,jr,a W"" IV thert any party in this regulate commerce ith ibreign aations.,inl " JOOT,7 t tocka to demoliib the omnu- and it ia eoncedtd on all h ml that if thai Sir .. It "i.r 7 ' ny P'wtr to pctdect manuf, t "ai-ea aoj BV I 'TV exuted ia Virginia at that day reuieing ibefosterina hand of protection T Where were then - the 'conytut ioif of mahufictu. rers to excite intt active and vig.roiis co. peratron the best ability of tht ancient mmirm. ' , the idea is preposterous. Mo such . 4 ...... - - . - Again. 1 ne argument is accurate in assuming that tha power of protection ha entirely passe a :roin me statat, and that tt exwta in thr'ngeneraf govern menT, or must he extinct, lo elucidate this nan ofthe case, it it necessary to took iriln neoaiv imtirf.jii with iim I e . 1. ... i..j..MUM.4.KiMtMniiw 'J'TT " li t I" 1' m mw wrmi w mt Hmi imw W"'n I s, ! IIHt It mUUOt DO "T " .' . . V . - - -i l'"" uiiiif:iiii aiui fuiiin.i. .. ... l .1. ... r . . . .... .. . - . . - - . - . . . imnininiinirix reor. ound e whor. and . consenuentlv rinaa noftat. What is a protectinrdiitYr It jumttlfftfir 4 idms, w,tha dne regard totll U a duty laid to restrain tba importation ;tZlZ?JT -.co.mtry7.; If of a foreign article aitnilar to ,A domestic -K , therv .aMtuchparfyitirnnknown to article and tbe duty iaeflectual or m, -4 ?"rta k r' 1 l! ',fti P'y la he proportion is if affretaW rf. Mi :lth 'hm 1 5 importation -4 the foreign article. Jf the y''.". ? tWximata, duty partially;- restrains importation, it ia - T KmfJ. r 62Uaf T,n,"im -lv Partial or incomplete protection. To r 7 " w govern, give the protective, principle complete ef case, it is necessary the Constitation . and atua inli th. ' - I . , . , . .... . ' , ..... . ..... " .. uiiivw "lJn-tnot be,,taifiinm.mt exwta i-no such motiy. Ming ol the convention. abichibrmed it WT rTmvmKtl -llouwuT Karlin mind, airt that tha treat ?3'.t " t" -fwvMw mm Wio mnject pi mat convention was to give oojecr. twrt not earn vvrinw trwampit pow. congroW the control of .those central in- n tiu viw n.tmflin p-.w . i ivtut.iuiiv i teresta which -a .jjt wM.lv"uet rici'i"ttf?f-:')lain a;i-;-pi,.y.iTi.r-thavrW4 tM af tba rtyeaca."" Thi protositioa U aod project T. , .:W.aa y ;;nojf power n. cessary T Sir, in the whole annals of e gislatien. I do not believe there can be flmnd a more gross perversion of the plain import of languagt Ibah that which neeka to convert u the power tT rejulate com- meret" into powe'r to' pialSri 'Jomesjie' ; 1 manufactures by wbiehw)tecTr55?itfn ;Wirtd'7refmW;enir fencft-'.fWm'tbe respired intij an am.. plUf:iof eomineree with foreign HationwTyu :, iht po.wer. 'to d8lrov-MminiWa- Sir. I reneatithe ???t obiiM WSis c ' .. commerce with toreiyt DaiisCK A rera- mtrco'l ti mt yila tkt wajuei were necessary to all. -and common to alt. - Mare local interests were designed to be left to tha care of the local governments. Thia view accords with the exposition given in tha Federalist. " The powers delegated to the general "government are few and defined. Those " which remain to the atatt governments A''' .numerous, and nndefined. The former .;ijr'H:?erci8ea:Va' tateraat dbjeca as wkr peace, negociation and foceign corn merce, witi"wntea iast', the power oftax atio i will; for f ht most part, be connected. Th? ftwera reserred ta tbt itatct extend . "sir, that revenue was the oliiaef. iimU Phk 4ht-. aist!ry .ut the tiavea aaawt hf. tn.maauifaclur yrera-r ow'"e4brvnan- thought of than as they might be iocidca. .; tally benfitted. TJie people warethenttr be flrt called oo lo bear taxation in that ; form and to a people jealous of thsif -rights, and avorsc frTrablic barthensi it was natural that vory benefit direct snd incidental, that 'could flow from the act,v heuld bw enwmarated in the" preanloie, : Thia preamble iiaa. been repuJiatad iu- ail subsequent enactments, and the law tt " which it is prefixed, was repealed in litus " more than a year. . In the year 1700 another act was pass- Jed, reciting the aforementioned act, anl.; war. una preanioiM, to wit " ano wnero . as tha support of Government and tha . discharge of said debts render it necesa- .t--.. ry to increase the said duties, " Be it eo- ' acted," dec Nor ia there any trace to be fbuiidht the'ttatutf of a law pasaed- imiieating the fact upon r its tace for tha encouragement and pt lection of manufactures." So far from j M being tha doctrine of the avowed frif i!t of the system, it must ba in the 'recyC'. tion of manv Senators, that uoon the av tioff IS imciiif tM liiYa ffia Tariff ic!' tf imposts or txporH dutits without the con sent of Congress. 7 Tlia, discusa ton turned mainly upon tho interests of manufactures and the object was to retain in the States a conoiirrenl power with Congress. On me iota oi aeptcotber the clause wat ad. opted, which now forms a part of the 10th faction of tho lstlarticle- By that Clause ihr8tatc.lrofviIfiiOhe tongressjreviouly obtaiaod; lay such irti censary for txtcuting' the inspection laws : and, with the consent of Congress, mav ay truch imposts or ' duties upon imports r exports at may be neceesary to protect their manufactures, upon the proviso of paying the duties into the publw Treasury. If this latter power is not retained in tha Statea to protect manufactures, for What it it retained ! ' It cannot be for revenue. for that is to-g into the pAiblic Treasutyi If.-theny if it not, wholly nugatory, it can be nothing- lsa than to enable tha States to encourage the i interests of manufac ture. ' r'-; . BuSix, art set tail to gropa ttt.tht 1833, so as to read (or the protection l - domestic -anufactures,,'-tht whole bocy f . of its friends rallied to the rescue, tad f ncgBtiveu ina amennment. . t nat tvw .-. dicated most unequivocally the want coufidence -I will not say in the constito tibnality of the measure; for that would bo to impeach integrity of mofiet but I ? say, the want of coafideaca in tha judicial tnbunali of tht jtountty. Mr. President It ia aaid by tht Sena tor from New Jerety,' (Mr.bickerson,! that tbt bolicv of nretectioa .was avowed and cherished in the early periods of tbt uoveromcnty not only wilt relerence i manufactures, but was also extended tt tha interests of navigation. ' i " , , ; As regards tba ditcriminating duties fixed by the act af 1700, securtiig tht coasting trade, they were wholly unneees- . . . ...". a i .... .tiln- aary, it ; i. . neM anq enjoyea uy u "t oeipt";by jrt:orfwJfcMiti' yjgori anttrprisef and "economy. T b mo8tofjbem at home, at one end pflht voyage; and hsying many facilities in feeling repaint and rocurinir truppUcs,fr. yorid tha nach vf foreiwrt,- "d at $ XX':- 4 .i. v- '""-i

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