4 4 jrtnu Carnltnuni. i' ' . . . efi .in ' '" m Cl ' ' ' 1 Ill II m I 1 I ......1... . "H fill truth., i-.,.-. r.i. . . ii cnajnip ruh'if an for i, I ' it ii t .....If n J""1' 'P "f "fl jU. 1..J . 1 h-it let if,, p. '. , ' ' ""' th.CMHi f iftrnl .. : . . .-.VI I ' wwe - ,tt lria,ta I . .... ... . ,,,,, , rt rorcf the iurfomrnt , The r-J.-nr .. ' . at ,-qrw art h lhi xbargr bf N- wrtlng lbs tame pfaa But this oifl riot do, I - - , - v , . . - -tea. ! ti irtrrcocrit-. tne snjl iitiiicrJ Ii) fuftijicintmifM , he Ji foment It lioU'imniupOD an tr " tone us tump'in of fee n towi'. -th-ibe dis riojiaajing daiKS were i.trf . (.hi nfU( nMt . atioti i d ,.mtetition. fir. ioihir,!r cn or pore erroneous, I lie wi.uic i.uiurv of our government negatives the Tie - ditcfl,int!nfi Jutiei on our limit euewnf rr i ncr weis gruicu, l n prit-rtur thinninff, oui to pui "it ua a tq-jXIo 'ting yvltls "ihi fu'reiijn bui to retC'trt frrruom. "They ere (i,d f'r purpoiet ol poncyto he if- oliihed on our pjrt, at thcv have ooi I rmiv bten abol'uhed, when a corrci- p ,nding dinpoiitton hai bcea evinced L nv fureirn nation. . t. .iluif ilr, jupp jHsVrjjufjicBtJi rig i, tod that the (j vcrnmriit givci pr t rnioD io me moping imerrii. T .i nn.lrciinn ia defrntihl iinni. r . . . . . ' . I !'rick,tnd tot otKr iKm. cl.i :.. unci cai.ititu'ional crroundt. Allhoup'j I. .. . " '"irc-nfiri ... . . .. - - - r. T a 1 Bri.tM f 1 r- . r ..... iiirnr. nr T.n.T riMI . kfl mi. V lid i . .... , l " "viftwwn'iifain. tm..m m.j.li. .ww w fl I C4i inirrtit, u it tne twiy la- ,rro,, . 7- ' p'k r f a Kom r . a - - vwiHiMtr a ifnavii & ..... . cal iotrret whid, ca le tontntution. Morchil a. . 7 T MrrH I. ally protrord. I Metm. C.U..1I ... , . "1" 'Jiw-lmf e-iwrriW and it - n..lv Irc-t I rf;;-'rt lv reference to thejournal Tb jur fttf rrtirlna C r "r'h f 'h u-i tHi. qi. jrkni. d FeU-rti Ct Ventioo, anil Vitet' him In.o .S.k t'tLfT'V' '"K ) i" nr,w.i fc, At?. D !- thai in he rcDortf d dr.fr of Vf, C A k ..:u. ' I'' m ""'"''" a of - th fl. kt aii tfiifB-tt 11 tafia AmmmmA I AtwJ !- .a. . a ' flif-rtrrtimin rw- frneralityrl tfrf rfihf of MnC tn - iC4ifia;fo";fc; ! ..:, " io rcguie lummcrcf icti 1 laet of tht artoa, J Jw nd Will 11 n,g dp itousra in uv.r ol tbe I truiKv. Lutrni Starei.tothe onpreiimi of I " Ttmrvf (v - m ibV rt...i.. 1. I . ... n I . . . . . " " in-- t apic. r pianiauon Millet. o TftTtiltdrWrTtC'iiX - . . . W I - ' - . m . jtamfft. TWf,V'l"A7r "AXDnKwjxrKgovr ' TSt lup-rlor Coan for iLU , ';. ecd ilwi, ra UoBj.r k, ,k . 1:. boiior, Jtoa Ithi.b prtfijin.. 1 win not tw. 1 - - '. tWkrr W-,o .ill fr-m .0 Urn tClk UM?? "u! W" fmr fond pUia HmnM affix, in V rf fht otva'fn f a kMtad laM(iwl. eanvlm-td ifrf Hr ;f r l'ti I iwr vUvi aTdia rt. fVi o m vn W fariKcd ih RonfaUn,-.lkrT tw fmi tt ayttat pAVm WW-f fi u- tHtit'Mfti iW CHnK- t1 thai ill' Ntvcf ttf fto nnwir la lbNff t wMrli w ant inrjlr rirm la Ik Ct i LJiBL1f Amu, i, mi , fnlfaa ia if 4 , ,. ,;- .. -. -, ? 4 IK cl4a l,JQt.00 Ota , - to -aurir - 9 u U- rtnn ' " .- ,- ' . -, ' rw kj.oo s.5i f.innnl. Thv Vaoar that aaia f HloM K-.Rn, la an rHW r... and NtiW, FVSUJf)XUrK - -Ylrnun iqprrnif 1-min ((ft ;nattU'loft N.to, DBr.lel.Jtet ,.d Wilt (.H ) ? "S ," ,W r,i,w, Brat for burning it ban, yr yrt n m i fc I" 1- ?-rick.td ikt othmhr.. git j!-' knn,r " , C"1' l-- I A wr ftrf 'd rnp'tH terrting ef ,lhf e!iiei.f of Rr)rlrm ba brn brkl for lb pTo" of appr'otinf of lti cmint of hn Rn- at of lb United SuiM), la Ibt rrjrdlnn m MtHiaTtw lfuw;at bWafUrT W rr Britain. rlf.r rhar. th f llnwinw . 1 drr Kl . 1 . . - tt - ii' , - -r w in yrira. m can to it : N" nivigaiinn icti thai! be M TPI 'or (. mat b ih Solicitor C-al j eJ wiihuut the a8enl. cf. two- ,!l!or'!f,Hk,.'r- Ca!drlJ furib- d. thif 'N of thr member present in rich' ,rnnt- T"'Jur rriumrd Inin Court, ftrf H.ti. Thi cluie produced a k,,inff r,li"d fK nni. nd a,id thtr liv iv ennibility in the navigating eM,l' " rrrr. Thr verr wni back and 8u -." A d fficuhy roie in rrlafinn rm',t4 ir.hr ao-ll ihenrn momW,rba to the longer continutnee of tne lave T k,w,b, of auflty. tr,l- the itaple Sfara fivoring, and ,M J""' '! on ri'brr liv C atern Siaiet opposing ir. Bath ,bem W" w P trr a-ihjccta of magnitude and of J Bwn,n J dilHcultv. Thrjr werr referred ,.-,, Lrg. coo.mittee. cn M.in(r of -r .w T rf W .iS-embrr from rich 8lf, Thr dJE." p ShJLT cuhv a firallr ,diurd Tle im. i,fc,,n,iw nnri.ni'tii nr Tirn nrrmn. aa m .11 tne Stalt ni gh amii, not to be prrhhri - brforf-1 gOK'Tod 'theiTe: i ri live clause io rrgjrd t mviga tiort 4Ctt wm ompied. Ilr nee it l' m o be tie rlv ihe irmr of the Cov. Area. It it tUted In thr twt 1UU. fI papft tba ih'n genlVeaan paaard tbrour that placr. a lev dn line, or b'x var bootr 71i indiaroitioa of tomr of bit famih ll Vt'cd to br llit cium of bit abocrne fro CaaaatM. We eopy tbt fuMovlrif aitlcte froai ilia cwr- J kr U Enquirer for 1 he pwrpoae of ihoamg ihr . profita of Ikt Railroad Hyrttra la Knghnd. Wt ak for it ilu atientioa of tba reader t Wa kat alrtvfy printed one eomnunication from tbt vrrteraf Ike Mhtrqttrat fetter m saIl-wats in grra r BBirAiit. litrp-L AA. 100. 1112.. Tl l rKFt'L u b tairntic tiH bt .vU atnvad uPm b a dttetrniaK ubtie. rrvxctftillv iufonnt bit patron, a o.t tbt pabbe at large, that bt it oov etMiurif ,'tt bit 19 in A NK.W, FARMIONAnj.E, 8prtnj 15 SummfT.Goodi lz QicuiLExcLmtrM Selected with the grr'.teit 'care, f-om the latrtt import tini, in iJ :rniLADBIiPH.IA ef jVEW YORK, Jnd vtth particular rrferenee to tht xhrld y oj ' tate exhibited in tMiCji(et,'.: J THE eplendid farletv of b attortaient. Iht aneomouM lowneai of bit prices, united to 1 17 athet aeceotarr aooommodatioti, bold ou to parenaarni t mora lata onilnarr opprlunl 11 1 1 .t . 1 , 7 1.1. . itt'm inr .ob uribrt, on ihotlt dv 'AT; . vf Jiouiiy Uit 4 N-rii '- MAN.-axm.d FAM, -'. "enailo Ml.-,tf Tf ported, .liout 18 n V9 rnratif agerjr 1m jo lr,rni Mrrj tolrraMv bUk Coroplrcte t j h d on, nen ra mnt ir,'.a home made antra Line and hue crn to.it onttr el ptnUloont. tne pair the mr of the Cfet, tht Hher, bioa n There t g tcir on tiae'of hit nrlei AUot on thr Inatrp t,f tKe tarur fo'tiT, maua fty feeing cut with an aie. and eUov rtcf on tte nra!l if hit back. mailr It ao txe alter.-r. c.-ir.Tv THE above reward wilt bergivtn 10 any peraott vhn will dr.ver aaid rii - . rii.,w w mr, on ray pianlttiop. near the mouth of Huff il.t Crtl or B J1 Will b tpvtn for accurinif him in W t ! ' . . . . " T ' Jan. tnat I run a-rr hirti. " l ' ' . rni Ea MORGAN. CS. Villi Rut' erfordtoB Fprct-.' u.r, Ul t tnt the above 3 f'trir-. l fyrw.rd tteir -itourlt' to inc. at Hir. modv. P. O..Y -JI dlttri t, ( C ) - V M .v. rpllH crlrbr'tted 1 X. norae will (land ' V' r" .' ' pfeent n at. ' CI iiloiitit M''n5 . . M ts ",A TiHjiMrn - J ill J h I'.C n. r- V--m-jw-' i rn i, ri'tsortll of . C ftil.ilie r.i.'W, Jui.J .vi i ' d'p'iiri-' " d-yi and at Concord t o F-iivi -t'd. Siturd ij t. . FililoUar wiUhe h rr ',... cd lor tha et , fur d U fcr th a , -"i gfe teapj rivft dollar t',. inn. ' .'"rr.'T,". TDK rilOrlilLTOR. aaaaaa . t- IIIE OFFICERS .! tvi-i 6 I U-r -Me (,l NORTH CAUO LINA'MIUTIA, arr-hetehv C m. -inMirj'ii 1 1 apix ar . t the UUIUT- iiAifati Mittftannnw v. i . tini er in rAL.i.?r.Liii, on in ia tre 3T'h e AfRlL ner,a it) oVl k A It. Vttrrtde-aTmi, for drill. Ujr . rder of the Colonel.1 ' 4t $ :CRAfJE. Alft Tbt eountr In tblt liate. Hng it win bt teea approved of tbt gnral to bt laid ia itooa. eon prrr?d the Grr.t flrlialn, and iflianproved of tha Dalttmo. I om til eaoelltra duo, t -Tf aa.aaa ataft ln4oaal a mA.', WuMiatk taa I MfftcMV ICf ftMlIt Vatl HI W lirvi - K - n.nr..ii HI I . j. , eoantrr, and poor old England it bitrallf aboat I - " ""P" br perreef MeTewe ti t" '. iwnuvr inin wno nw" iarr iim ttrrir PUOSPBOTUS ' ; . VVEiftN i AROUM.UI, iA S.1UBUHT M.'t.jlKOI.WA. TIlL Vetrr CioliuUir it deVo. ted x UomarnVdlcKToHtieid EcA onomij, wnie .ruprrit Ltteratarr, Foreign ani hometlic Jftwt, Jsn u bt DarcUatoe aw tht Ate imtj.udLf"j,.',nfKM. .. - r t. i .liii. .. . t - - i . io noiuict i n ruMor it a inoroucn. paced democratic Republican, lit W.Jf. JOMC "At.i Diuv wi air iiawy. h z VU L a'tCior Vn lb" Cwti of tl.it f:o,"),ywt,J, V v".'!i. 0v(rr.. ktckUnburi- li Cohfrwn, .TJa- ttit-ofic it a fro liooiabaleoi tbr four -llnrtrt'. . . . ' TilteiparnrtHpnf fa?'Mi fc rlmt( i , io ikia dtia rrfHt. bf w.na tiwat Ttwt iaaWlfrd la Hi flrn. art r ri.i. tea t enm fueward tnd loatu purMi t bi TAk H Of NOTr, at Ii it impuHaiit lb' ibt'ktAnttl itould be cUwd a rm at pawiblt, . . - - ffVIt ouhtfinrr btlnf ' I tHirthtaed lH Int. r. t CVr rtl of 4.mt Han.f , intke Wekaak, Blwfi, ' . M ..... .L- ' k Wlf rill earrr wmw ' v' Wrw U tbr aamr pltet, In y ' , J tT.ranaia kraafllrt. ' Water.. a k t'biek riir. d,ind Warrant d Ki prrfor" w it for ToHf Mimtfcl.f, it tk taaoariictineiit homoff.ro t fele.l bv Ikt Irm.- I returti , - thank, and ttopt bv attertiii. 10 (be bait4 ' , tewtrilaeontinatacoorit'.lrMprm'i , . , . JOHN Q. rALMr.a. HlTt?liJ'ii n rrird thr ' Nr firlr '4 and rbnadrliiliia fatliiona. loee'tu r wi'b. tT " Minaxtr'a tahiaa of Lm Ion, and btt' K aftft , . arirfwntt to reeelrr ihew regnlarK, ta' ihrv ebai.ee, and hinrle ae tia rata , ' ' t urkottalnbiaeo.plovavrnt.oill b rwablod lettaeat all wnrk k hit tint oo ahor noileo. ' . tbrtp, "and In Mprrlot ryW Of wartriit.ltlrn "-r ' arMoa wiahinir to b-fW Ike Ki T"'k t M fhilfclrlphit falant R f M modt of c-.'r . ' . mcait'tn br tauhl hf ro aukriibr, ia etfubory "Alj Tail'.rt Would do welt (.Vliin. ' '; pl ihtnn. Ivrt al'.b Itightt, a alnwi i tl. .i. frineluai Tailort M tbt lnth d lt'rf imc on . . ' e tht oiber, ar both of 'hem. .'... J I l. . a a . I salauaaiai fa itV W i a n i if at ti laal at al aK ai tl at I I -V ; f president Jackm! ailaiimttratioa aad - Tb "'elP' ae4kHtf F-'"-'V biia for n.letn. l. I . D,Tln Tw " '...ert tb. mM ' "TZT.iLr-.4 ; . 1 mt reirtf toe of llartit Tan Bnia K I 1 . . .k. .UK.i..u. .t... I . . . ' . mate of tha VnH.fttfea, u atinietar 10 dertaki-i ba ftrea riot to aumerow brancbet KvngellCal I.Qthf n S noil. loaoW to Vorinajf tOWM I itTV n e i?-ri-0" 01 F,yJ: JliAKirxi nVnrsiU )-.e;.; :v ; intrgHte'Rlghtl 18 OpjK)tett.-lt ilJm f.l ad m-r aupplyof Gwipa. .I..C& ' xenie of conttrucdve powert atl 'h b'wforawr ttook. eompriaot mr" anicUi" ...' " powert I'clJental rights, - lie it ppoted to he TntTnd in Tffiprinf.lnlrroar raWtaawMa fHtaVMal I awaw-m rn iimiiknn.i - .at - n 7 - rii iiu nir.Ai nniin n i'c twauw r ii iiMa--.-.-a- . k. rv i -. Uavcnuoo.Il.,invigatoomig.t br roB,,nW-.h:ebT.. Mti.. ... u 7iT on the right tod left, and to projeetiofae 1 1 i J 0, 7l w,.k ",Pr"."B" "7 .:" w; encour.iRcd and orote.ted bv Con. .v, v i t ? P ,h puil roadt'lraoot io-nvarabla. aomo of tbt. eal Lutheran gnod of North ,r,ment. : fit ia in favor of Intern ri t c ur.,gea aoa.prote.tec. b Con.fo Mr. V Bren, far the furpe V forcing iner braache. m aaw ia Mtiva ad atof.1 Carr4iai.. dadj centS.trt. wlleom- Improvemeott by the 8 ate Govern- ' 'a cvH I onon tbt drrnocriev of thr enantrf. A ft optration-eaaW art itlrradv brought tberebr mroce their aeaeiona oa th.- 17th div mttat - Rrlievtr.r I1-, reflection ol A dj Sir, who ran regret thit pre- elation ttpawd recommi--dlnUih. Uwrpool , aad tbt adtntagra .additional , M. , p..r. rhi.k n,cn,V r.nirvrr.g 1 r reflection 01 f.-efter-lhit proud diMi.Ction e.Uthia-tat. toiendT tupplyand lo.t, prior, are alrradi hit I ' W p W 11 AOTIIW: IdVOMOlT. ti lb. 4. -,lniU- - a. 1 ' i .1 Mmtitatetownd deiegrrf loR.le.gh on tbr JUewblbiw.ttedefer Lincoln Countyv ;N, .;; V-iXr-Jlr- M.,ik. U rdupinoiMV.gaiing mterett t af Jane for tlw pariHawrfaelrati- anra, trpof and BenonTI-t. to bring Qhm 'f th-t hodv indheir R'pccofe ? f f"11 t -m W -Mr iir VToTal IpeWl. b run M thr J.ck-n ticke, for Viee- wav t.-mueh Warrington, loi, ,b. abov" V fg ,v r0" rt.ea in defect of .bich bt faustLdUU not ImiMtrrt connec.' raMeaiw Tbe M row.lut kf.i kiVi. '"' hence r advaatagea of thit tn-eir of 'ITrv V?".." ,et .?! n,.I,.:.,!.-" I .coptributeU o much, the Lditor wi) .. ,hTlf n.i'TTt" J T -I. i, Jr.'i " " u mfc Wh wwatunieatioa would bo feb--thr,rhw buMoeii lO.JiOMCt Coming wit.A,he .,lt, M,.f.Wtlwrth tMlint'h. -AiW.rrMtiowa1..gtor !.. tM.nd e bone avmeowatt io ih. -4nrrr d h. rmi.moi wMwiiMttra; juriidtttlnn f if e ifn -drw H brio V:V r "- Ii V. rcaiorat I-U n tthe nunerv tn 111 aeerdala thr Dmonrftton Tt 1.. .Z. rn. of tba trw.to.b.oi and j It. " ' l9 " : V' " 4 moly flrm.ittt.- OL iai rxrtevetance t"d entemriae . auttrr of tha Mchrat lportanerlna e ahnaM loa ra ! a bare deteniuiiod on iba prote -- .. .. . - - ..-.. . . 1 . ..- - - 9 . ..a -M .ft..i...li. .. 'urn 'i.ua akit.n.J ... ' L I 'outnm W ich 'lave whitened everv tea anh wu' lommcrcc. Riven vifor to or bare r.ee.lrt,lrn, .hoar politiet are c.llon or.lte.r wont, no M w adoption ar All .1. . . V , .;7 'heirhnt. I he operation and effrct of which, . ... "l pnnnpin VIIKII . ... ....u.,! .J k, aim .MtuiJaftn riiitit rm, in the rlav'Of WMr. and I rrpurixa nartr one contffdf far,) -rtiii firm frrm Bir-M-gbanao Loodua w -to W Tut .ur cailant little navv mner. i rrro mfl,r ,0 M? " W l0,f "i-.7Tmiea gww .1 . . ... .. . larfii. h. nnaiii r M iiniT nr i.imihh. 1&1 - t rironw in nenntf wf mr H"OMl wha ill A ".'...:::- . . . . ." .-. ' a. J. ... ., . . to linrt t ril irr rM-Hel lu br mracieni. v"eate them, to .. wn etrrtln to fi'l the nirmi Un t,.log v.ehrr ihaa L .nd-nVtom- iwi rwernav:n.,,itk ,tbwibjo..wi atrictlv. auirttaia ifim;.- If aomhttr it eat rkl will he ten nineMaflMltaw.l Adnn Jipmm 1833. sim . ish nt- renown f St . I regard it at a highlv meritnti. ' D'J'v'lC retnett" ,Jl h .a !. ka'.l.r. ourr enea aou greatly tleprrstrd bv 4he'ii.jut enctiooa of thit aelfiah nd tern "itlen American ivttem. And ii. mv iUcr here, iir, with unqu .l fiH gn ,rt will and aarpen hand, I ..uld eitnif! to it a liberal t .d .0 ample en. ouragemrnt. - - Then, Mr, whether we U k o the lingunge of the Connituilon Itself, to the nioiivet to . its doptn tu . at. dis dosed i : the history o the timet, or to the avowed practice of the Govern. ment under it, we tb ill be eQually iin tuccctaful i fading any constitution tl. warrant for the.eiercise cf the pfwet claimed by th friendt of the protective vtem.T? -7 ' T 7b be continued. iirtor of the Estate o73)r,rAl "rora tbe Ft deral Union. : Siintfcr most Tout. --There never . ji:rotser. libel upon a generous, - n'?i;f tpeoplAa- thaol that con Uined. in tlvr tuKjoinrd art'cle-from -'-ntorttaondenr--e)f hrTjoiirnatif VHimmercp-th.it there ia not a-Jattf ""OJta of.the Pntlmac fri'ndlv-to the C -nstituttoo of the TJ.V.U.dSta:eij! ieAUhjjfilJujirxe.iUr but will not . be dmgooxed intu N r. thern notions ! Way 1 ? Hartford u:icrnuon U ..v rnor S rng nsisfohce of the constiliaumal-rdtf es-??r PrfiHrnirtttT! tvf ar; " toulfi of the Vatrrmnr l' fiid thev .ili&solveah -iUtn defitctof-h l'K fouth antj West tall up-n te Ft sident to order out .the military force to whip Massachusetts into J-be din-cf and threaten talmpearh Mr. Mdison for not doing it,? Lft the 6ppos. constitutional orders tWuth iafi'd io not yielding unconstitutional atumptions,!:l: pL.S3!S.t1Liti r eAv: Issertcd ;"d art- frf tj ifc t1 during thit ieisioo of C; ngress; that there ia no one. p mirf ormuntyi SoutJ i of thi- pyi' . frieneffy ''"t.'-tbe Const t tioo ol rjhr ITo ted States, imd thai there l "wUeduhtlBat th critia liaftjutfrtd" Webe ttbbnnrrwtlw,. of 'the' ftrtft 'Wf f'r, k-1"! i. ... ,.....,..,,,...,!-.,,,,' ..L'J-kMHrt'Ooo Watford 1 milr, "neat Ki-oi M the .rt ;mvrht.nli,aw, rublVr.nf 0 j., f . rnile. the remarrM: - tonatitutioa will toon br troddrn nndrr (on, tbm t 4 fa nile lonv each, tha ttnnls i 4o and our rorernment will brroiric as rat a lighl'-d.a'nd ?J f rt high. drtpoti- u evrr, elided. Let the J.rkB tM . ..,.... : inomvt 671,1021 ltrpi,btlM.., then, who bare fought unHer the note efiimaiet do not include rouKb h a banner f the eonttittioe tad who beer tliva g-v-da r eattle, nrint ataawd inert aw iif pat. far preier-ed it unbrokea aaak. a. ,iT..rt iJ i.trrn 19(W0liarft are alrrad. taken at e it. Lt tbeat pat no mta npnn rheir I tiekee orba tdvacotet the nnneipirt rtf M-Vvl areri j -He bss no eommanitv of f-rling with oot who .tupDortrd General Jackaoa ata X tt VOO. prr ifr, a-d at tbe benefi of rail. Bay eommunicati'jrit it well apecia' 'd, itere can We hart eommeneed ia to-dart paper the Meet af Mt, Maoeum in tba Henata aif the United Slates upon Mr, Clav't prontiiioa for a oAodiikatioa of the ft rift" Wt aball enMinue it ia our oesl. It is replete with aaund arga. ment, and true soutbera Heeling. That part bich we bavt pubCtbtd ViMlaii, eontaiM bit argument apoa tbe aoexraatiiutioaafiry af tbe Tariff, : If any thing were wartiaij to ootmi our readers that the aoattitaitMM r rt. great no power to proteet tttili. .',. , a and di-strc- artculwre.tbe speeebof Itr. S.agtr auaot onwee tbentt itaorte'oeeal f-irT but an tbte ttntgbi roftad'staatii( wlwcb most carry tonrictirm t reerv aind. ' In tpeaking of tht, lata deairion of the fi. prem Court, t enerenonrrrt af.. tber: Courier and Enquirer nukes the followiajr, In tbe aiaio, eery arntible remarks t ,. .. . " If the conttitutioo niret the Sunreme Court, rtowee.to xontrbl. the. erirajoaL taw of a f ate Ahe eonituLgires, f,fm ifie power probawli to execute their maiHUieTheSupreme mur' approved trio Altr-n and teditioN laws, thaMid nut make thrrn popular ar oonrtiiutiorta'. Wlien a eoart of jjj'iee minglet with the clani or of tht day, I'ttena to 'be whieprrt of faoatiea, and attempts 'o direct political feeling, ii utoat generally fulien a dark rain upon a reputation; which aboukl be vnapolte4 pore sod anautpee ted." . -'c:.,.,-.,. Tbe frertbnTrtWaTPea-nt antf ftsWga . pri contain aa'seniual of art -impeaturV who lately pstrd HirougtrK otr ptaef t gui'ipg he penple with pretend ;.ig ft rol 1 1, Hnh Ming. Wa dtuch L'haubert like trie k a. . beeomii rp h4 tetter b on tlieir fwd agaiaat ancb CSTBI.. .7. I VTENDINO M quililv .' admin. at B-ll. dee'd. I W' uld. f r the accum mod a 1I6 0lCl9.aVrP?ri,' s indebted to aid esi4(ev inform VW ha I will t'trnd. itiV.fioiiVvill. on-Tuwitf f the Mv County Court, to tet;e with II tr-" ho will av il themrvct of thit NOTICE. The situation of the estate, will admit no loogt-r ia dulgenre, and none need to be expec trd. Pe nandtagtiniTJhi . eatl most be leeallr authenticated, and eommunicaii'jfit wen appeecia-'O, Here can c , , . .. . b nti anutrAtnis b"f Tmeued and with prrtrnted .wit hi" the nme prrarrihed eaccekj' 7 f by law. :. B. U BEALLT- SetVajy t cf leas importance are being I . JlprU I ttk, 8S Jt2J eonaiurrea a'Kt are u.mer wirTcy. ai a anme 01 frreat ntitit are prnjrcted in Scotland 1 but the mutt etrraordinare ia, one that it lately broach ed but besting tittle probability f completion. It la to cunneel Scoiland a i'h nrland,b mrana oft land communiration. Tbe plaa. propnaed ia, to fill up and make a ranaewa aeroas 'be liiah etarfl from Port Patrick to bonagtiadee, be distance ia 15 mWrtf 1 1-3 mile of which it coeeredbytho Copeland hlevand (hne of Cvurst, would make part ef the Wayf the h'lh Ittdt on etch end nf the eaiitewai',;jLnaUbWof tbe wet to furniap the reqitiaite atone and at. teriari. " ' . ' 1 Tbt toundingt are various, bnf midwtv tht depth WM fathoms, and it it (aid tbe labor of tha Mutirii In Ciiatant arnuU ha uiftii.nl 'in1 effect the f'inotinn. I lodging him in jail, ao thai get him Wke it w doi a rtllwav piwp oil trs, j Anrrnformatton t'-ncemTngT' him, msv he directed to ' Bfntifprd t bridge, fl4riiweU D a rut. S. tL.J WILLIAM V, KI BKLAND. sfie 1" 8 3 J , 1 1 1 . . 1 6 '-" 1 ' H Ll.l n.t..ris ft Ct'iStSa of LOBUBY hat ttr baa takon ike Shop tvpM-nd wtU be temt t. vbsf'nbrt:. J !fm I)aldD. Wtwr. pppo. . . Z . , . kte"w..,,W'uii..(j ..:, 'Mimas jf E.Hartalnmeiit; ; - kf tt pet 'annum, -. if: paid within i.. -5i b. hni. v. n .t.n.. mttrmonthi, or ,9Q '"after that rVtht Wi.i MptwtVotbio.' 'Odwawca rmT" lime, 7V " ... "7' . . " . , I ' rring it wll' ba waiteifon at thtir To- '. f, ' Sar,ictUW i-,Wa n.u.1 at,a 11 1 ttl"erwit Win W--fcrr-' wlfttrf Wrt g -- Mr ttSNfaout aifeanun o bis bumes iV merit ' ' t . 1. . .... ... .r .f.. A..i.r. i,u ' . . - pvrnaj wa iinr "ll.lt , . . WlV jYofice, T A AAT from the "7 honie f MrT J.'hn Wall 1 r. Eq 1 m pro into named JIM, helongtng to if 1 ' William C. Kirkland liv- f-attrfijuthk drolioi, Barnwell District. r'JM ir Jt Teart ld, about 6 feel inches high, little vellow xait,' ; Any ,er. ton pprehendinB, the taid negro nd Birtaingbaw, and London, the diatancr j, 480 uile, to he tra riled in 13 buura. fare ir.lf r and ptaakvo nleaaant- -v.- -- We esnoos pronounee such a prnjeet tmprsc. 'irable, wtiea we cnheidef the rffVnt of uani. atit and perseverance as eirmpFil in the apesrance of the iatakdt in I be Paeiio Ocean, the work of the eorvl jotrct alune.-.. Still, that th work will be ever exectited it awe taaa doubtful. -V-t.'a 7fa. .w la ' Aa-iilr.lf'i'-'1..-i2.', ieelrxi, ao thai e vessel wilb bee e may be laii'rl Hi. hlrh and drt.'ai on pa'rol s'iii and then lisi tmittf d fike 'eoanhea N art par a' Thus for intianee.lt s propmrd n 'ake them up from tbe Gorman Ocr-an, aat.t them in their cradles, awrriht whecl,d sway by eram,-tauncW rm in the Irian ehanneL or io tbe Atlantic at 'be we of In-lead, a d give tbm d tpa'cb t the United Itree. " An l all tbit ebreulv. in I ft tie. and With 1-e aaletv. than tha Wfthr4atea alt lore, after atioua-ed tyh of nor foremtbera, A li-u then, (aa the none tailort nj at the lanoyatione of taahlon,) 'to all doublings of the Cane gtram, ad MwwrfuY wean peaoas the i&mt xmSS ft- tbea- V the 'Vamearai' WWiimf hnoA tt nmjbeied t"d eonnrcj JiJinny Bull and Pal hr cema-derrd improbablr.. what a row to he fewer rh.-mi f T -u. Ie. . CUJiltLKS ro. and VHERAIV THE STEAM BOAT MACON i J III ilin 1 rs" CalllPB HAM having been Ke4 iat- ommefY ii Cbarles'on and Cha Geo; Town oft bar way fin S'UJ flown will resume bar Tript in lb roursc of a few days tnd Intended ta b continued in tbd'trsde tbt ensuing sea on " . ' ' .' U Her exceeding light drsft of Wtt.l drawing when lotde4 only about four 4taif fact water will enable her to res. r Ch?riw jjVr ijn).tXCt'.CJIKtb im low litfli; ;whwrrwiii;.r huhtape j 7 j i be Exprhre of Boat. : CAareeon Srfit. U3I. 7N. B...Sne s. eumVunlr -"mi' djtiflPlJot at XlfL W ' ' .. " . s.:: orually kept in a Country rrtad wore, kirh h ill K I! ww furrath or ea a short errilit tt.. puactiial dralrn. Tht pubtte are riittetltruPy reautated to call and judge fur thentteler u ' . . Ita aim Coatinura the maawfaetttrr nf iTiM.t ' -titdTm Waaa, arratited to be asd of thw,' bo materiel, snd in a snprrior style Of wirk v wiitfthip,-; flaring' a vers tatye ttoeb of Tin " re on hand tnd bring determined Kll it " i It'd'teed pricr nu rchai.lt would d) Wr ll t ." . . vll whim and get their ttfpl7 - f: u,T uic eiiMir. reatoi, reathcr" fallow. Baeswss. and Wol. takeo in rtohur' : . .. ? .', 1 m""1,!.-' ' f t m,- lit II If LlTtf A.r- ktwii ir.vr.iit.na -. . a i. TRllM&UX: Cxroliniaa it & nr-rraaei. - rial theet Of.goofo,ua.U'yt.with. tit li aLim uuo 4v-fiJf I Ihe lrf t rn p ri of the State, advertise ft would JntTi't . tiiuchto their advantage to advertise j in ittCiJumot, , .-i ';i Any one procuring tit solvent tub. scribert to the Carolinian, shall htvl ' ictenth paper gratis. ftTt:.POSlTMKttWMtut be paid; on all Utters addressed to the Edi or.' .taVittirg. JWwe MM 18.1 TAlIAVUSiil ll'ltVChvllolillVi!!), . re rrir.pr.c i f t li.y mtmt -tr luhr.e- ti.ir ; e jir miHti iji tccim-i, ane Will ro 'Jit. aa te rtcie re ularl , as li.fr i-iaihd. TharLeadoa ami .hirw . VorH fashion, fattf- A. ' m a. fci. ... . . ataayuca-. f new l-ira. inrratup..1. .a i 77 Crlliort with whom wa vxrhtngr j prepared tw sceitmtnoda't hit euttuntf r, , k ? v -ill tuhler tftvor upon us, which will ana waot-naowaiyie. , tor, uursbiiity, I,- .Kaarlulla . lUW.Iail k. ul. ni, I h. 1 ' ' - lu ninwfl tnT i . nunm-m ,m v-miu.-. - n tr j imporuirr rijest o me suatomer ea. mat nc cuts out of I aa u Cloth tnd wet i riaminge tha'i ant I ailof - t. ... . .....a . . i. . r u ava , w nva n wurnij v oonainerauoB. ; .. . 'PIIE tubsenher anil ontinuri f L N. ' Ahgaron'ott iiudebytbe ub.e.ihcr av .L. . ik. al.na .".k! ..J HI! Br Wrnuitea nt.. - f. bi "t f7w. IhsertfVins.' TUe 'Vt.nneat.et3 SMusler. keept lupply-' constant! on' band whtch.be wil tell -low furvteA prm' credit to punctual dealers,-. Ilr like wise intendt to keep on band a t-nod supply ol COTTON, GINS, and ht ,iit ov irueir iiib aainc 11 urucr,-, , i " 72tf E. P. MITCHELL .'.Utf. ,.--r H(J8ACC II.fiF.ABD. a, av a ''- m eslak ,j - . . . - . .. t- r - . a ;! - " . ..r.AirutUiS. . ;': : ;; - Davidson fonty ft. C.j, 1T; TlfE subaeriben have entrrra (m ttaper tiiership, gnder the Pirw nf fji-nly It Hunt, in tbe Town of LeitiHr . Datidaoii County., N. C. and have bougV that elegant brick txmte-'Nortli u t ,t of tbe Court. Hottar-; if Uf "Henry Ifuinplirt)', s!m that ipleadU Saauitment of .. . . .. , . if Henry llumphrfjr't Jf Co! eoniitting of aL moot every article kept in a retail Store, wb'tor, they will eeti vary low for, Cask frauo with. in( io purcuaae. , , . ;,.v . .... v. .. . .CHTAP GOODS ;- will please to rive as a estl as no naint wiR b spared oo our pan to give general ta'Wactlon. r. . ah tina or country produoe will b taken in eschangt for goods. 7 ?tL- . tJHa H. HENLT, !5v to ' XSIOB tW firattict few 1. C ..te emir; of How iin - H f may, t tmft," 6a 'ftUBdf el tsToBrtoO v--wi iu tiuisu 1:11 rc N (ne6ih'ol. January.' last, t- e -e .a a I. tier Mai !! ..' t . . ',, - .a. 11 JUUE . 1 PiskaU Pr0 at the end rtf the toutt' SJ a.aa I . xv . sioj, uirxcita 10 itoorrt JJunt wij uaimiicr w'urijguse. airgriuia inditgrrcd tTPge eri;-, hTch taid letter 'ntaf; tdir 6b lilf7f 8J0iUSr4illNitflt, the right t.nd - -rnd fif which it ngued by S.- Chcvea ' i' President which it now in trg pot f eksion of tbe tiid F'wers. A 1 thfr - tight hand end of J5100 bill.TJ. 6.- Paper No. 3960 the left hand , . of : which .it "aigiiad by W.McIiViip. T Cashr. whicb.ia klstiin the fends ofr--'-: laid Floweraflttiwvo mrniioned - lettftbat beep taket .at of the Ul Bag ov ome rie.tis tuppttil) by tlipping he b.r-.p,,. whicK cpnloea it. A iert.iit bey n-mrd Alfred Wallia who was mail cat ritr at the time nd -wh hat siute tbsconded it poppnsrd ' , ;'' "r guilty ;f the t irenc .T! e aavd ' Wallis it abo.jt t6 yeart of agy lir;ht '- -i compfcxio.. and ttouVof hit age apprehei lion d prosecution to onsj vrctioc -W7JCXRRi ; :t ': tuttniPt, Xnrtk tik 1132 .... : u.f Ar V --ii"- ' i 1 1 I, -- :.-mm a - - ... a. .u . .- -- Of 7ver- deaeripttoii,. neatly Printed, a-i ." ktaruantly totsittiUJiaca, 7j7' 17 .1 : , r-y

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