JTrvskrn CarofiiwOu 5 , ar- - n 1. r u Y Mr.STlO IT. u m, I jtercn I t in ' NmI anrsi fre I'r Mvr afr'.ta rairt IS ft ther buttled "" '. , . lit at block M J-f .', - . Tk people fcugVd. hi. Noooe ttartd, fS look Hif tUnft, M4 bid BM Change imge to he I'xr ill ti m. T' ujj (hit brimfl i ami ihe cock ()l inio it by hi rootcr'a dirrcti n i , ruinr the rrina drove bim Ik the peighb-ripg lair, three oiilr.fiom the nle, where stood pumam., -a ... f n tiy the wati-Nside, as is thaw cu-i6mf upo oi e le Him the. ihcr drawn tip OMlrr their wg, - N I -"k, air,' ssid the eutminj Itllo, ' (hcjr 'rc Tfl so, joVmayprrceifr not one t intra has norc lUn nni The eon rae the f nrtiii -!.:,:l'ef,, You (re wpudtot eftouah.' ircpiic t c notieman " we see presently if theyrtf all lame r and tuddenly crying pvi, iW, asv scam, pete d the - frds co as maor limbs at tbry could ; reaiterrOh J but, my lord," ret urni the erfc. MMsianot the crane upon four diKt pr wh I knows but he eniirnC havs nroJored -I h-, a art t Ik "! Mfl, , .- Qait Mttiftf or vatl 1 r4 t-" ; ; ID I'M taa kan, end aaaka )oa pay . Tkit apre s aearil rrfratM-c 1 f at) mtrr ktt rrtrWr k. " ?,1 I Mtraaaf'rftl--VZ---'i. , Thm mvt anilk ! tra j - -Mt 'lM Vt m rfcroujrti tbla Ur, T. Bw Ml '-J w leg is writ at these I ; '4 t, 4 4nwk BHkr-r"- ' . I araa fcrftt I r v . , ', CiriTT- iiaiiE, iwr.eT noMt." , . i "" W we atctt tot ia t9. - tW aoaffii Kk f (M(hkeale( 1 TWrt'i a ilrmk Ckt . '1 tSSpt foe fla !, pw a litU la !, -tbbinf m kr faming lal lifcf U ; Why should water cresses be cirr . fullv ftlckrd la waiixr Bluaet daneffotis Dlant.erowt niiBiu wnn inrm ,in prngt end treams, which w en not id ( nmwii rrirmiNca inc crtisr ter ere tes srf howr er of i A ptr grern (f .onitlinfs spotted with brown. tne eitreitnties ol feJe .e re more hewnf st d esjveUflinbe ts(l( fe3, cK are imrtula'ed att-eir edrM. Tbe gerou pla t ( rt er parsnip) U f uniform grerii the rV.i vf i lee tre ifBge and Hrrier. e i cat i' the eiremi ies. ai d rtthrrf at 7 tWiih I trippltf atly, that eoflw U IUu b edpe. If eiam n J.il. when ' ' f r ..-' -', the ir.were are -'ipvndr.l, thr two TMfemftr -Ter win lit,- that's aetter pNoU may be thoroughly dittloguiah. t , - - tkaa """"""r-' - r -.!fel'9, ; hsn rMttar Titer. " ' Tketi'a ifjtff like ale. . ( J f :'! Vw k Cnatic mmL .1" . olf.VefwM-ketf fclKkea'J J write poetry, and whea or th ' . 7 " ' rf Dnws,' ; "7 . - J wJe cf Ai(m hie. --teui -0k K, 'Wmtw rschtngH y- ; ' tVbtsI Bf J e ia CieafUh luare.' ' --- ... , M- y'.'?- bff npe ere tke -t ; - w Kfo'e vs as Saft si i fluie -Tem.kaakUrrVUViL T? Tiia ratiren " "" mwiiwa of years troai ty .Tjp I ,hJ) aeae frrcM akat ke toMr : . - .; ;.n kt 'd kayand tke efck wanea af , " earth, f----r , t -"- ij-- r , Wilk their jewels end lilvee and tk "t trk he iNaed ae and bade me ada with a - .. . ly the light f thajteetcat araMaaa.. led. "-i-4ai" " -' The followiar sgreestle anecdote i t M in th Cxirt Journal of L'uia Pnillin .. One of his ate warts bad Hrrk, whfl negtectctf hit' dutlVs io rxim nf Heine fiimiied. the eSmirngtnrp It mmtloned to Luis Philip, He nvihf-navTjdeT-iind jrhrrrtted tinh' thut : Tiing rx.s, -1 have beard that you neslert tl.e duties of tour 'fllce ttu--h-e'-i--'e-bmityncl francs per annum, and kirmher and S'ter to support. Quit your bereu, o retireTtent 4 en l'of hst tiwe, vou should hive prorlueed a gvid bkm-id or gHdpl, return li"incand lwill VoVtr "-ntii-" ?nu if not. bandn poetry, and rf. iime the clerk's pea.' At he end of lesa then fo years, Hevoung mst hud finished a plsv fie brnueht It tr !ul,.wbn read, approved and rT Cmmen4 it. t- eereptrd r tbe Theap-f, Franc jis., and wa acted W'h ret neeMs- T-b,'rfthor is ow on- of the IrsV peti of France." Sprrutalioni of a JlodVarrirr. . Ht'e p.ritiuteJ t l.tUi-.f, a,il hair I ...W u .A m In.kitiin. with lu ddl , bv 1 V,!UU' ( Ol a lull) IC It loaded hod "'.n his e'mutjir. He Amttll) i 44 be p iwt cre to udr iprattillr and devoutly eromd hire, hia nta ouj(h4 i iip,ht, on tl.e t-f vl r if ihmL.'krd id the to9 of the: the wide wvrld. Au(J then It ! : : ' ..) l j i building, which he was about ta as- tamquc oe gi-M is ucsmroyeu, ..u . rnd. with a frsrful and diibious air, all the p.iple 1 M, wucrnnau puor fir" a,f Wuiie' To4K"a"lbe-' "Itsl' Wd. fi&d opl " ThertH k round of the TlJr aad made auadry nV hc otcs t bwiWr-o -ao papJa-1 miiiona ti ralte the 'pthen but , buiid'em t aud tha what'll a poor tremrJ at eTery pewlrMtoba ar.:TiuJ.iartiei J riJUiKd Bl. YlUt Od. and a it were pulled bad, by; wba it btc aaa i .'-- some nnseea ha'd. r At Irqotf wa cn. - fc j ltr fcr. Pat taid I. trut io w- 4 ' j on ant i be ho. ett, Indus and tetnucratei ad let the the building and fii-cg them "P'coont come wbea it wiU.lt will new -p -, - r. , Blcts vor honor a aowl fr thi ' ' I ih . . .1 l m . smi ' Kruno him BBOUni inr iuui. - ..r- aod ricih courage," I turned igaia tv look aO'Ut Be, ing his motiont and his ' untename, 1; 0 he wirdrew hie eyes from the top oJ(- , X, ne nuiKJing, ana n'ug unn ir, aid- -, ,'.' . r: i; -D ye think Tiff torn ndw V What will owe f?aa!rf . ' i : T' e cmrt I s ippote weeh f'lL1 41 Why ?e, I s-ippose it'e all onrf sndihr ttmr crat' ur lh. grc.t big S' lt IxHv that a, coming t burn the nrd all uj to n'lthin, and all the ,n. pie that's in It, besides ' men, women, and rhildrra, and drown all the rest in the middle of 'the sea. 0-i,"tb Crurlf bloody. ot'ndrd trathur, to des'r y ewr bdv, and not apre the' poor Va ihernaelvei," nor. thtlr" por fathers that work h-rd rvry d- to a r'em and drink em ! Qo you think it1le0'r.r now, M'lherf ' "jYowP aaid I. ' Wi y, yes, if you plie-now, or ooo i -dav, or t'orTowf tr nrs (umairr,ibaiiaio be', I don't know," returned ''I'm not in the aecrett of the tom t. Hut I undertund vert atrange cjlclatioiia' are made retprcting it. " Are ye sure, e4'd he looking tu the top of the building once , mure, thst It wont come tu.dty f .- . MVhv, really, P .i,- aaid I, that's more that. I c ulJ positively a tf r. These comet are very eccentric be. gy aiMiluu,a4M.la.M.U)g .wbai mubt-happen." Th deU Ihrutl em I t roe," said uf, "i t barbarous cr thurt! thrv i4i!d'ot, minJi-bruihing Auw Inthmao from the top of a hcusr, anv more nor 1 sHrti.ld mind brushing t fi) ram the end af mc ame. Ad thto I'm informed thr'rr s hot they'll burn .11 tfvr.lch tff iv e, ind rost yuur ko lu the vcy bo, ithout ot .C'jeap'.nctW a wi re. ROM TUELkDY MA'tAZINEi . - T!u Bailiff i hiv, w.i.mg cHHce eircum KINO LF.OrOLD.-A straarc .ad k'diul. us pir .s-rapii appeare i.. . a . IN HUWIff 'HI U KtC'J i I w L ' ' m.-ty. w.,,4fcni paper, purp matr tAQe ai-t H.i.i"nwMcrtiijacircuml iv . r r.:. r -rr vjpiaiu 1 jiuwcmao wnose in which ,t is atatcd that Kine .Xr - ..-l'V ordrthaube may devote himvTf to B renaeiv .puN.elh , ng b,rn privueTv m,rried!!! louse in the enveruo. of femi Oar- fl. i. not m?r- fable th,. ridie.dou; ii. lit was. i(w waT KJ m. V"V' - aM'd haa hia e w a a. a a 1U let, .l ocr, ;niajir,use nere ) VervVigh now, een m he very top iv i(, as fir a i: goes; and if th. romie -hoiid hpr-n - t kiteh mr irvre n th t n, I lon' kn ow wnai would brcome iv mr. I've got a wife i'Pd -ven mall h Me.r, iwo iv whom jre u flcr the K'tl m ate Ii eland. aad all ile pindmi oi meihisvery tnu mrm '.r iyert mou' ful iv atint;,and drinkin, -ml f d nd lothin, th t MjZftJ:. P ,tfrtr)bst'pu,jr, ... thurvf -iid that a-what -makea mr ifr.irl t! mount this lather.''-" ' H Tou V-T-ednT birraTd brthe com et to'.cLi? Pj , ' said I. "lS. edn't I nowi'. aa;d he, sadden, ly briuhinioa" up, bl ; yuf . hn. ort ttrwljfor1 th-s word,I-vt'H)eTW itleartj to go uptuhe top ui (his same. for Ifrar ta hioodv t onie a ouldrmne alnng afre I coul i git don agm i bura he-k' rffiv rne'j-and 'kitt mi rlane ded a a d or-naili nd brush me down with the end iv his Uil, to JVciclu ilucorcied Cave in renn tiiltnma - A U 2a . 'Mr. It.-.-., oi P.ura ioD.hip, t'rtukiio r...nii. P. ..navlvania. livi-R oa the base I N nh Mouoiaio. u at about to dig lur -4Ut i 4id o.there is a veri larse aoiinR issuing oat af ihe rocks, at ue I t ol -.bill ol considerable heicr t. and kind ol aink hole some diatance ab -ve .he sprit.g, he th ught i.e piobablv c old c me on the stre m accordingly be commenced digging ia the smk bole, aol had prooccded luf a'lew Iret.'when he cood plainly nearthr water running ccmmgly with urm rjtjiditv i and at the dittjnee, of about twenty feet Iroan ibe tuif.ee, cimr to the water, at the lower ex. trem ty of a fisaore in the rock, whieh iinmediaiely expanded Into a large a .d Jeo iful tavera, the entrance of whicb it partially obstructed by looc rtcks, which after advancing a bt le distance, entirely disappear, and in. TteaJ briooseVubbTin.-abUd v.rk tpr pear, enamelled with py of Jiffrem colors. Ia every direction are t be seen thr must beautiful ici les ital-j l). m. Jr.t :.;..ri'.l.hhtr1 fmm ialnhl.-lr, "" . ' , t I humu J.i in ome piacea, mjc is ccnuig. Ci'ocrctions, without numbrr, and of boost every eol r, and dimrn sion, are seen pointi g downward from the redii r. and in ards from I . .voricE. FOREWARN all prrs....e from tradme lor a note of hand, vhit I g.ve for a el'ick io M'irharl C- (-k for Fifieea D. liars, due I bdieve the 18th wit a laid note wit oLtini; from me "Iritidulentlr,"' therefore aaa deterraiac4-vt-tu pav it. . -, DANII'L GRURB. DAt-Mton co:.lpW37mi.i id Rr.MAININU ia lbs Pat 0(Jc4 at .l . Vary, rt. C. wa their d.vw-Aprtl J8Jt fanny Airnev r Mary K ply -j lirlrula kmr Jnhn Irtiup WilRaea Baraga t -Bea K. nbat . William Wr ' " PatWiMvatawia' Joa pb Baiinrer Jacrb Link . . , JbbaBtifsf f.jetw Jiiha Lwckia-, V. WiIimi HunL linn robiti Brown . Jseh fjnrte Denial Biles '' " nurapkrry Lirwtrr nunani Btrar Aa-ia Bra'taha w.in t:ook Dr C t'hirka t Wia. Bawss 0. anilk miih Cattar J'a Canrr Jamas' Cu'rS imr Carter l)nii I Cort . , f illit Cole " MijorCadors, lihtTi I'sna Witris Dtetoa H are Ooland I Mir' Dent Aqiiila D.eprt Aiiomy Cwal-r C'h.ri hi. Catoa Jnha lUrle f anon Lwtee I A. N. Q',fHu l"b..m., Rrieea J no. f Oortrky f ra'ieia dhwrn PJiaabnh Ghee Cb'iati-a OVtiury John Hrt a Bn4 awiel Iff rt Wra. B H.wkins Richal Lrach sr H . ary fViHUra M. W. Long I ftsney McorkW-. Armattd MarJrkl lev. C D. Mailary im s MeraeksB WiImm M'Crary Jhno MirkUnd Paul Ncasma -..Marasretcaaaad Ana Dwiiu . R. Pardre ftaibtfi Parks tliaabeih Porter t Thnnxas Phi Hi pa Jraar Pirkt Chriatiaa Hinebardt R'isa BobintoB N. W. R ntree ... Jcob Riblea . Jha W, Riiinrs f. lit R bbtrJa tHW Rred - Mta. D Slierar Im Beit JartM-s l. Rnith Jaitrs Smith Hichiii) htittar . Irnh RTiiln Adam f rout man Jolepb Tbnmaa k Mary bllWila 1 Jv.T--,y iciWibeih his Wife I Hiars Mnrraa hWm;B. Mutgu Vinecnt M,(ae and bums Morfiji, keiM " Uar U Hinc, Worpaa. dee'd. Lrmy llixhlowrr or Tohiaa Thomanua Jnhn Jarnba Onrva Thumaaua flillv I) tUdcn J Parkicl luroer Thai. U io. Hcndricki Jt to T-iam ireht'M Hatrv fvfiil w, tt """" W.llinn Jutkina John Wc.nt Jir Mr Metamta 1. Wadlla JrhnetaaiJ M . Waliua Wiili.i, Williamaoa u ' Flua Whil'mtirc E-phnif) Harrea P.Si Mi aar Wane Jacib Wallua M.rV W't pLiiii r..4 r. p .if nit Man JithnatoB John Jordan, Ji hi. King 1 0 V.xr ' I t th " Cakiirl.ll 9- n It; ILL tc Superior Court. ; . ' Pr brlonging to the etiar tf t J . J a a pr.n.n.w, occ Tttnit of , ' be made known on th. .t . . ' '. i . inr i ii. mi k . & rr'.. l 18A. 1 83 J. . V' .... t March yal V;tltOW -""ii ' Jobs Taylor .Wl'iaJla-" l: M a Ik- -..I J T . API EARING ,o the ,.,;lfie. d,nts.JoiphTho,n., .t,j h( Mary i- d J .t,p Thomas ..rt k:. J? the slotfinc walls tome h'te, syme- " U Xt 1 .1 'JtlK'i red. aona brown, aome er-en. and If r ""l'-" tua "m at bus. oho ma'uic. i .. iiuoi f Braoii curinus advrnturer wiibbei g torn t Jooaitua B-ran piece, by h.ir Cr .ggv poU.,. ,f he;,,, ttrmpts pei rtr.itmg any lurihei ""to , j. Catdnell it and indeed in some places he is Tbo. w Campbell ytlu,Jt. (.aoilina, Apjt li 83J - itafc. it E. Baertrh Ahlom Wan obl.t-d t proceed' in Hoop, .g poi- l ';dn yoi.. in order :o avow mem i"t j,hn t'urrt pr credmg up this -ubterranrous pav-1 wilut Dobbins sairf r? ti "ire obrrgetf't6" aalk Ta thetDrA runkKa ' Brt V 1 Willi. Oa run nearly all , the wy . The run t BhMuirv ::, ;,, in BOjne pIeccajJryt thr. present sea-.! H-a-n Gy aou.of the year . it- is -evident j H"it frorn,he- bed -hr runv and-overi JJH vis ble mrkt of tne water, that m j M.ry Houron some parts or the vear the water mut , H-frr Knn Jones flow f'rr.ueh the ttiffvrrnt chanck in "li Jafcjt tjaanu,E'en at this time there j- ,M, .Le.-ig" " w taw-on JiAa" it a great deal running through, it, but lUottiY .4hruugh i chauoale ..along aula j the principal one, as i evident from Leiitit M'Hiert Jh kURa " Willi, t. tl J.mw Joh l MtCl Hand J.ura Mi H.rf u Ja B. McC'.nahan Ilrnrv McHrnry DauieT McLta Mums M Niahet M'rta N'irhniaoQ "Maiwi ll Niabet J-h-i Ncill Willmn, fid. ' Did Porter A Simontoa Dd-l. Strttnaea -Jo. Shin.. A'id ti SiriKid R -orrl 8lrw.it Rachai.1 Simpaoa J..rirrrtarBith . ..' Ur DauuJ aV Sanders Jacob Th.imaa El.x.U,h,4r. not inhabitant, .f 'u State. On motion order-,l k. i Court that publication be made I. 2 Western CarolloUn f0p. mtti. Z the aid absent defendants. J at the next Court of plas ,n4 A ter Sessions to be held A ,hf C J or Rowan at the Cwrt.ui g , bury, oo the third. Moder, , n next, then and there to plead or .ui cause why the real Ettai f .k- .. Haoes Morgan, dte'd. should am h. sou or so much hereof s m.yk oetessary to. fv p, in,;r, 7 mind. A 91 I in fa . . . .Tr. - tm , i i ,r m m m - - - - Te Hure orNorlh CaroliiT aaw.s fseari "t ci(lotfcarja " ame. J '.Ik-Mi I T APPEARING to the sitisfucti . X ..I . C. ... .t.. .L i. . ... vy.. in, ui4i me aetend.'-tt. ivrp f Th,.ms and Mar. his W.fc and Jno. Thomas and Elizabeth hia " ' 5 V am 'onouants ol tbiifitiu. On m . Ton ordered or the C u t the) p rhltouoo be nude ta the tVesiera C4rnlinin fr six Week., fnr ih . :a 4'etu .lefcod nts, . to appear-t tka ntxi Coun . f Pjcas and QuirterSrw tlm to be held f r the County of R -wan -,t the Court H.,ute in S-ili. burv. on the th.rd monday in M next, then and there t : plead b f' ca ,e whv the real Est .te of the said Hjucs Morgan dee'd. should not be sold, or so muh thereof as mar k iiecess.rv t : a isfy th plamt ffs dta mand. J. CILF.S. f. f. f. Liinrtnn label dru.Exr. Ail.m f orrrnce M-pt..-i l.iir- tar. ii... ri . thr,great vP9ise.,;.it..,., keSj. ja fajung , j.i(m Uk'j&at&s. SeW4- IWiia wcr ih:rag ev' totka wh ah impede r(re- w Loeka- launder AViitiima" Th. rc -re in the pi-n- -V " , Ti ; ... aw a'n sasva iruiiii ill. nmar iti prOfrrru. Bl4ifV M i hi itaaviiawiaf iom k I;, I Iha r a t fl9rtftar anrt HatPIVlirtf Aft in . -', JJ J" rfHll. o ? tie scandal (or U may be trutK. though me lifs and all the rest iv mr bone.. th -ta good- kum.iurr when, one ,he term, are convertible,) which And do ye raalv think, no, M sther, ' 1 j I" Vc i transpired In connection with "rheea. that it wont come f-dayTthal bloody ;,'4 tpmi and whispered the capl. in the Prince left England, ' "Ml inaure you for atxpaacr.p.i,- -that he Jjad a writ against biro. The " '"- 1 " ; r 'h a. ind i . ' . i u a eircumst.nre w.t provcting . enouehi , , T. . 4 A . lut uppresad his i,d gna- t, TIPPLINO.-The following Is the " tion' for the moment, and knowing Cf'rt.niode of preventing Sunday :sh-irir of hi. V..;!., -ir . hlm. Itpplicg, All pereont drinkioa: .and tjHa3WMSi-i-aS ' T . '" I ... - - . . ,T. . . nnrlnr.nrl th.a riillt "PP'ing upon ounoava anct nollidaya , ahouldbepaid for nut enforcer the 'B wffeeh' " fc., during divine . writ at tbat time.-i; t n " ,enr,cet r Botheaedjo depart with. The c.Dtaln then addressed bin In P'0 for what ,hr h d t the presence of hi. men ...ying, Tou ' VU? a,r ,no', ; are weU looking fellow, and fit to deacy to improtiog the morale of the ', fervehia m.jesty a aoldier'a Uc.: lor order, of aotiety, and greatly; anon a ho rable i that , of a bl ff "" w ..weir. - . I. i ...j.. . :t . ".. tt t . i I f amiliea. - . i.rr.Minii .mm.. wnu will Hinnt wnm " Anei and forreo' the other, hne ia a gumea for you, and I you shall be en A. gentleman jneetinf v att.Iriih luted in my companv. The bailiff, groom on a veiT nice mare bearing rf mTrtnythrdcficacT 1 with whtclntrrrthe1. eign it Inr " ialeemandTOlTgT ttvilily money was, aa he thought, price.- 4!JiuDdrftQgubeaaj(iVl - tonveved, i heerfuily-accepted- nhe plaaeyour h' nor,w-aay Pjt.-Can ': Vrnposal, and pocketed the guinea,' the trot wellf. .' ItH. trot" AtA, .. ' . , v In a daf r two (after, the, b.Cif (your honor ma c? Fai:h' and sure i ' e-lled ig.in,' eithaFtoTpf irce'tVe hiea I trwed her, a Michael M f- -V, writ, or J th cai.tain onder frrsh I onv will swear, over sii'teit sixMoot . 0",r'btiona. Hit4 reception avaa ko " f kospitable,that the captain refused to ft rt with hia valuable recruit, wh' Is . ' .'p.',it Chatham barrjek, receiving 7 -I tdui 'm h,fh m ajualify nian 4 . lor nobler emplovmrni Vn Flanders ! fl JECIX)TE. ? . ' . . ' iA Nohle Florentine' .had ordered a : rq f Vdinner but his cook's, sweet ? , Jfrt coming' in hune,r, he cut iff AJ.f, legjfor her, -nd, aenr the ird tp the - tac ith bu iJajrijat,it- the devil a atxpei.ee have I got Would'nt your honor thrutt me till nights - " : "Ar, Pat, I'U truat you till the comet comes. ' VTdl ye now? Then, Miather,(iu ihall h ive all me insuring But before I g"'up, you'll plasc to give me a bit iv written to ahow tht I'm ioaured.'' . A policy yu n4flr' , 'Ay, 'twould be' thrue policy that; for then you lac I couia .now it to the comic, and let film know that I'm in. lured.': Never-aaind the ptihctf Ph.- 1 II insura you bv' word ol m.'Uih' Being e-.titbd witn, lhi, tOc Irish- man mounted te ladder, and emptied his hod. Wi.tle up,thcre I cotttJ per-c-ivet-iat he turned his fa- e toe every p rt of the compass as though, look ing for the ppr .ach of the dreadful vUit.r. ite nrc'sentiv descended, and walls, ped and dhed, anrt glass fu m. ik,, insurance worked well. bottle, on the top, ahd she flevet a ip.,for th. df if , b.t,", a-id he, " d d posed but she wer on herMsity'o 1. , . -how hia utlv face.- .a. 7 m ' a : . a - t . aia . .-war I nignway, uia nit. nt-n; - ''uow - mr. p.. I. f comets iseklom show themselves in the day time." Oh, the thieve, "iv the world ! exclaimed he, t come prowbo in the night tike any other blackguard, who hasn't an honest fce to s.io ripal channra several tall, wnich Fl a.brih Mmiee Jjb W..lir. might very properly be denominated iornaoQ waggoner ar cataracts -the extent of the cave ia as c" - ; yet unknown, aa it nae oeen out par.( J'' tkf laVaT TViMr) n) person naa wwu u i yci, i. jas i .n, w. u. on ihe 1m dav of April, iBJJ, abiut BOO leet, at wmctBa.uist.nce r.ii . riwood there" was' no appearance 6f'1fs"TeKT,"w'',li""" miration, in nacrnaing tnocave, the eve ia most ag-eeably struck with its grandeur at every step new won der, present themselves there it the spar formed into trees, shrubs, AJ-c which m ike it have the appe ir.nce f a petr'fid prove in aome placet the apar ir-formed iwtoihe likrneks of men, birds, be ists, organ, & . and in one place, raised on a pedestal, is a ttrikii g resemblance of a ntll un furled fl ig. . Be.idef thi., there are hundred of other likcoctse., which I th,ll not attempt a description of. H herr wafirst aa -them, we-were nlv surprised at their diversity nd brautv. but on a m.'re miuuie. exam- James Pi-rgufcC r w 330 W. KF.HK, f M. -f Oeorga Lei, , Daniel Lull - Jhi -Linebarfef - Ink Letever Gexrr Lata Will.arn Marlln Doct J.iae Morrison Peter Muny - Jeaae H. Study James McClui.f - -Wili.m Muaiitur. -.Henry Minaoa.. Michael Cnfioo or Ja Dr. Richard U. Norris. coo uonner John Nolen Levy Carpentar Binj.min Orai.nd Doctor Carpenter ; fjnuot i, Omand -Clerk of Lincoln StM Gearrc W. p. Pool . .Prwt Court :,..,'., t S. tWtee Solomon Deal Jacob Plunk Luke 8 Dia . Miehat l Quickla i noma, uo-e -1 aona Kemh.rdt i Ch.rlea Edw.rda : Baiat ItobinMm in it ion, e wwe-irrrucx wun amae. ment. knutUng them to be mere pro ductions "f nature f bo hitherto, in aolHnry silence, had, in hex . playful m mciits, unseen and unheard, dress. ed the scene as if f her own am-iar. ment. Christian Alvotatt. Jacob, Adderhott. .... Daiiel Acer tieoree R. Banlett Ricti.rd Bircbcl t Barbara Buck Jroe Bridgae . Win. B.udy Mary Baker Jnha Coulter Andy Coiwell many - mifrs can she5 trot an hnuf Sixteen your honor, Mid murh more if she was pushed. , U?'N thiog leaa;-Paddy f; VN. ad upon my aowl not tonranientlif' , , . M,l 4i;3.--'-.''' '';,aWSJT?' .. .(." -. si.n railed MajWS3B'liak lines had but opt leg f "N , air, . pep'ied the fellow w ith great, prese or e '" i'i4' nd vnuf Axrelle.' r s i r 'T1 "'l.'tt.I ,iw -yio But I donV,ere a fi forhim, that tht iknixh. ' Ifiw' tn- thitt b f iitlif . itf bttl ere ere-itwficN . 'I t.'-f, -tr dertl i g.id w-L. d, ,tre fcim, and . muaiba declfld. tViU peri frtVykcd tdVrjth Ur J aai cl aaa ei torn. :' ... j , -? -i Jk drunken blustering scion of no- same comic, in he . night bcuse bVlitjr onre insulted a newly created why t I slape down cellar me and me .B.aN,JsVBUiBUm ,JkUtsk9jrl' wifeg ad slt aasiUderaube.'4li- '..:.il-JiV".',--IE.i .U-. ' k;. J'.i... i i".:. .a tl-.-i-m a : famtry'wr-rr p( tivt aiMiquity. j thief.' V" ''' -0-vxj&.t:t " Before; Adam J vh add thmk, said But." aid I. If the world should up. you'll be. likely to. go be ourot ! 1th It. - Ab I there now i there's n 'safety for u iriibauajai all at CARU3 WILgQN.-Thia gentle manbeuer kn.iwn as the tall attor ney, ae .topped the other daV by n Irish boy, who, looking up in his face asked if it -was cold up that f" Lord Tei.terden said, he .hould r ave followed hia profes.ino in Scot land, where he would hve been an admirable pleader in the High Court A. hypocritical .coundrel in Atheos scribed over his door, " Let no evil rnttr here. P ogenes rote'' under " B hat ajoor does ? lh j "owner abasia 1 - - ' ' "Tbr k a E. Boibs Michael BudatiU - Col. John Ramtttor aiev, ban wen 8p.m Logan dangers - Daniel Sbntord ' . TLomaa Smith Samuel SuUivaa Peter Smith Joshua J. Smith . Michael Summerov John Smovor John IV. Smith John Pry Ceorea Pta . -..' Ma Cillahaml Andraw M. Griffiitf Major Hull James Hansel Z' " Lksoa ft nderaoo . William Harper Qeorja lioove and neighbors . 1 a Hawks Barbara Helms Mr. tledie and aeigb Ceora Beagle, sea. bora Henre Harmon David R Hoyla Abel lemrd Cbarlea JoulliaB -RiisabAtk R Jarratt Samuel J.rrott Will'mm Jobaaen Henry Jones . AndirJuela : ' Charles Jones Hugh Johaso Edward See Abrsm KUdr tlenrV Killian Chrialopl.tr Reiaer MoAfcer van Laaar 3tJO . C C. John Summt Joba Sm.tb - - - Captaia Staaiy Georje Staarnt t ' Peter Beaback V Sidney Tttrreace ' A. Tbovpaoa David Tronebarfer Joba Vickars Silas WIHiaroe Mtrgaret Willsoa' jnhii tWaekip "'" Johw-Williaoar'0': William IL WUkias J ' David Walls ' Daniel Wkitav.Jr. ' - y. . cut sti. :. :...zi"., - - fttnmrf n j . laa- W iliam Had. b . . -J . .,I::L:. a. t - Da-id Maswcll - - i .. Elben Jenkina and kia wife ) Pctitioa kg Lei it r. C Datid Nr-rtOB: - - -r - - aja'aUa.:----:; R'bt. 43. Hadea aad --"- f ''"Je'VhtMarr.-! ---'t-,'1 ,0'i SRotji.n, andltitpnjEjiriiig: ovrkfl satlsfacii. n of the court that U'bi. G, Ildc,. .od . Jctither.JI :Tr-.je:fett ian: habWQtt''tifTnif'9tai publication be made for six week la tnt Western Carolinian, that the a a R bt. G. Hadeo -and Jetiiher M-itt appear t th next Court of Pleas and) Quarter Sessions to beheld f- r tha c untv of Rowan, at the Court-H ui. It) Sillsbur'v on the third Monday-a May next, and shew c .use if ary they h ive why tfre petition of the said Woafr Hade xhklt ttr beaMr'd,wheT4 w wise the same will be beard expartB and partition ordered accordingly. ', 6t?0 JNO." GILES, C .: Rfimicau cc gY l 40ik f Bepmbet 1 W htr, from Bsr alantatiua 4 Jones enuniy, two aerroea. oa -named WASHINGTON, at J7 years of age, a very bri(rbl mulatto, oa ooe of hw hdl tkera la a aeae oceaaionef kya--; t'lBi ha will change h.ajiMw tnd Bodeavor to paas fors free awn. Vjizt turned JO HN,,b . wmmoa. JwhU,i4 Cjif ,f yesrsorage, very Intelligent ka .nwrnbablf a v . paNutbeaamnTofWaahinetoB. and ebtnfs aaaaai A reward of 8lofmrHH aa f tor the detrvery of either m anv il, thai a eaa get them. r -JAMES LAMAifc - ICP Tha naoroian. Savannah i the Tele cope, Columbia, S.C. and Wchmond Bbowj Mr. arc tenitalt 'fn niihliati the above weca47 until frid, and thea forward their eceoi" W IWAGGONKUS Driving to FayeUaUitt yr rxLL tvni it to hi adaUe.. w . If thaIPVuii rardL wbera every venience ia provided for Man And Horse, to aa" thrm comfortable, at tbemoder.teeli.rice ceata a day and Bight, for tha pwnieev-i T.rd, the lite of a rood haaraB,4 watejai .k.ul. .1.. AJrots , sndtroviaioa Store, Bread Shop aad .Car- tionary, aad a Houa for Boardera ana In a plain, cheap, wholesome ard eaniirmwa dl.l. .BV-.-l.-. -wJ --ti ' ii)ki.i,hJnt),i .Yorthern Enquire UJla -fa? Bvery deaeriptioa, " waatiy.nj:2 " L VF BetCWaUUtt lBtaVa HW

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