lVcslMi (jtraltiiiaii. i a.''. r "art n ee r -t, ' I iittbht- ANnnnw hcksov vg tnrer rrfm 1832 .lXlH5ft P.'i?t J&'tHrlE! . f iMtWuHlff n t Cob mflT tht mrlini J iht ftntslmft Ceewnft. Wh afte the meeting nf 'be Ba'iieuwe eneivention, gentle- ;'. . a tji WMmirti'", jfifJte .. Bnre upon lb demoerar of the emintntf It not tbi th trrget IM nf evidence af (ht fic that tit Blilmne convention wm got up nominate Jfaitflqren 'X'eeFreii'lent f nra it know tool of hit, who bat never h. (ir thought of nuhi4hing rati number of b't paner tooa.wntil be I nd that New Jererf ami teevlven1a e tba North til U -whole of The South, wil But Kipport him ft h Ylo freailrncy, hut whe now ttlnkt thlt court b tvluiaty neccaury te intar bU euccew, Ce. M-rt mti Vi tuiiHnu$. Shorty at Jee the rejection of Mr, Taa Buren, by the I'al led Bute Sena'e, tbt aaHlnm af that geBtle sua got a meeting In Ceurtlend, Atebtan, f r the pnrpn of deaotineing.Gov. , Moore for h' vt. Tbt Go , hat coma out la Italy It llr, a ixl ja juatincatloa of bit . If any Thing aero ni lug td eoDTiner eartcLd mta of Vie j.iette of the drciaroa that Mr. Ta fturea, , ueJhj of tb twice to whWr he war ' eallad. tbi publication of Gov. Mowre aniet aiiwnaathm .ffffwra eeaehivf y r y that et Ztl tharg, wlikh wai broegbt sgMist V, Bnren, pending tha 4olties af ht 9eatr, waa trot. - Tfe aeve had winch eor.8 lenee ti Mr. f : hot jra ww ttaValrw rhn wy rw hair"-"- To ona part of the 0iernri reply wy mutt tad fie particular atiaotloa af lb reader. - It It to that hkh U la rrplf la tha chatf that tJla ai unfrwndlf to O"!. Jwktoa. Tha Cot". ; fraor praved that arhik be doing all ba caulifta prtrwttt tbt tl piloa" of General Jack. ton. theat aatia rata he art ao dtaounclnf bii for h'x rote vert duiog all tbey could to !fat bim. Ha prad br qiutioai f-o tbt Joyraah) of Congmt that Ihrte time tlrreath hof aien ho are wm deaoancinr; all the ori- final Jackloa Baa, hare uoifurailr votrd BgiiaA ercrr larurita aeuure of Cent. Jaek on'l.t'lainiitri'ioaj tbtt tbey.lwre o'fJ agtl'Mf Hnt h"o rj Tt'ilC fht baaf, iotrrnat improrementi, Cfrtand yet 'Ihef" are ao' ac erf of formlnir aeaTitSoaa with Clr and wfth Vi"ir nppnaed tn Genl, lacktOR. And br ia tli'-atha eaaf Beoaute theffoted frr Yaa Du'en. Thiaia enough, la tha eyea of aoine o Wi awajr em tip, la mAfiftn at p ... tur of. tha kat iru jnl caaiuna ' Jarkaoa tnmiiirh fot 0iaetcMn people,. They irwtt anow tnaaeai. iprip raepwaaoeo uienga m Qenl. JtdkiM. . Tht kuu tbat I So arha- 4e KwitHePWe for eotina arainttVan Korea are tint the, ftende of Genl, Jaekton, but tba (rinlt of Mr. Va lurac "They know that - -tema of tkoia arfw atal aralat Vaa Bar, " ire- heWry'anil watltritd Wndt of CeaT. Jaekton. Thro know thtt Seaatar Poindaitrt lio voted acainat Ta Burrnj for one tru Wnl. JaektMi'a frirad Ka it aoat tooMthiaf b hie Maad., He tupparted .Gent Jacktoa whrn tha baa Hm tru raited aeaiaa bin rheonto WW8mi,ott.iri:Ct . pof'd him vbaa ha irat becaaa a adidaa tr-Prtirfear an hat eorxtnaed to d ea eeer and Htvue. And ihtD euch ataa aow ba de Souncad for roting tfaintt a mm wha apnoted thelaat var ahoppoaed ftent Jaekton ia the Bret content who d tgraced bit eountry la fyi inrnieioa1 to Mr. McLaoe j who le a friend of tba Tariff and'of iolernal improramentt ( and who bu thrown diasord aotong tha frieadt of t,he admintatration ior bit awn teUUb tgrtri. ,''? aa ' ..." Kef rf haye we Man a more intidiout attempt on rha part af the tyatemiiea1 to fattea upon at the pretent grinding and oppretie du'it apoa import t, than their pretent attempt ta tha Houae of Repretentalivet to put mhkt they are pleated to eaM their military eentiea bill i It bat eer been tbi pofiey of tha adro e'et of high dutiet totefrchoat objecU upon which to etpend the aillioi.t which aa unjutt- ly wnfrom Jha htrd earoin '"" 1ilturrt:WoMerlo""k,iep their tyatem of high indirect tatatioa. For a ll M . 1 iBIMn.1 ImllMMNI.IIM K lhA MIMaI t"jl foment " trot ail tht p f -Ottf teduced ' IbK Wett into a aupport of the sveTem by el- VtM4'm tmtiAnB At tit' mnik nf th r r B j provemeat But Trtideftt Jacktoa, by hi teta roeage put a nop to that ininitout mode of cheating tha people of their bard earning, , . They have tine attempted to' tquander away money upon the colonixttioo tociety i they atttmpted ton to keep off the payment of the national debt, all lor the purpote of having an eicuae (br retaining the high dutiet apon ! - - Mwtt, fto a to-'proteet pavrafaetorea-and dz-ttpoy touthem agriculture. But in tbia they ... fiiltd.. The coloniiatlon toeietf waa. kicked ; oiit.of the house i and our venerable Preaident bit paid the nation.! debt lo; apit of them. . they o bone to ptt their milttarf pentlon . bijl, which wiD contume more of the prople'i , money than eer did the tyatem of internal im. "ftrotcrnentt by lite national h-gitlature We .. kop the South will aee into. foil intidiout at, ICAptendcipoteitaiitdeeerre. . ' 'JL Z ICJ1rrhaT,lhii weecomplie4 with the ' Jf nm. tkt miw fu.l.ll .i...i.nJit f niih. Jiihlng the addrete of the grand juVy of John, ton" county to- the people of" North "Carolina, but -more particularly to thm'f of JrVton , ' ; 08 lbs pf tce of treating at tktiiaty. -fr;nC"ilt-at,li,. ift p.rt,,b rh I,, m.1a in ththnuM of rP.,i;m . " '''",)' !' U-a rW.rtf f 0 !fuu..n Trn-.f fc TK Uutt (Ska il.a atWi.M mi la, altarlrn Mr,BwttTr aa hi wty hotrt a bt Uh at ? mmI ht hi aa a. y tbat ha at anWa la ttra t hit dnil'f r hwrta. fr, iml,Crr LlVf 1 a 'wni it il i ikft bfurauag h aU A. Ct. Anne fur Wrath af arNilraa. H ht onr doaMa, at t tit ma .if Caatwat l ponlah ltnMfta for hit attinfeaut iMAdiiet, Hotalih- andB eelfilnl M d-wtrar aaarara mm lWnt..Jtk aaatiMk.npua lUJb,tt9..l apeaah. aad frftivm of drhait, vhlrh onrtit aot ! be lolerttrJ.. Tba W -at fnit cm at oar latt lriort Utm WaaMajftaaWf baa nottioa il aMUainaa la ardrf ta 1-Ura Irattar FalaiWwra arlih Lit eoatlhaanti iha fjUhV bat aw'ld lha ere- tieaiaa la the Woat aearrilmit tad mtKclaut manaar. amonf tbt cherrtt Wd at hi door aa one thtt be rroomiaradrd a ynong mm of Clumhia dielrtet to the l-errttr af the Nty for a M'Mltbiiaa't wamat, la pnferen-a to t raoaf nta af bit aa Itata, Vhw ami! iwrw. mr. rwnnri'rr hae nm. e d by tbt rtrtiflent af Iha fce-arf thai tbit fXT went flelehratioa of the aanivam. ryoflhefrrtTrad tatoeitiimi In Colombia. I A t.J ik. I, ; n -. v. ww mm fuunwinr COWIfMiawM t Mr Srattot Mr. ttarfv-N, faong tba mime rj toattt that were drank t . fs. "7 av, finrri.a. w, r. Manfnat, C. Statat IVat. wa N. CamBM Tha .kL. .-j ljweat iWa rf the dortrin, af rr..TJ- a4 ftat Wr! t way be be tartan n yty. r ' aa-a p?nt in aeuated tha eitixent af Macklaatrf fit 177J. 1 TIT J lktTt0n-4m tiler af.rtif, Via ttrea! rehseilo., by the SENATE, th Immediate ptnuntnt of thtt gemlemtB, g ip nHl. gt $. the pwrnoaa of eVnoaacinr Cor Moaa fo hit vota. Since, (newer, the pub. liea'ioa of Mr, Vooral raply to,'aae of that meetingt which watbeld at Conrtland, there hM been enmpret reaction. ' tft can tctrre" r take np aa Alabama paper . new which doe aot ar.tain an eemrent af oeetmr ,. - r of Go Moore't vote, vuig tfe regret to leam that he Cnvemne hat been informed, by esireia,nf the total ?ruc. t'io,by Srcof thaold cani'ol avavinUoubjrga. The boaoraaf aveev Vifimin glowed with boorat pHde when WkUf ea 'hat edi&ea, which; whnened rhr .Brat effirt af Liberty t'av wg ageintt detootiam and ooprettion i and wher the elnqnenc of the immoetal Henry awok a toirit which bat taept awtv tha pew. er of Prince and King from tb lu-w world, and la their tteed hat rive the wle of men, to reaeon. liberty tad Juat'iee. . . If ww wen tnperrltim, we might drt bad augury from the drtroetionof ihatMonn. merit of all which ia'eld and venerable j at thit time, whan ertbrta are to tntai ljua ten, to tear down the. aacient, and art op new order of tbinp. , .. ' JefirnilMr New-York, Htrpen.'Metwa.-'flarnvrt hare juat pat topmt the I ft eoluaienf the work! 1 of tWf celebrated rlirlrM) wBieh hire been pubUtbrd ia England under tha tuprHrtieo dear of Dr. Gregory, Prjpfcttor af he iTfifary Academy at Woolarich. ' It amj'd Sf tnpet II if aaa4a aalamyauchtjn omnrrendttiof of work whote Mtbor an tb ti'Wptge it. that tpo ken of by tw tart eMipeteat jnrlrve a poet Part and Dugttd Stewart. The former n 1 1 Uoiiitaetaaf a enhoolmaa, the- UUT n aiaiwi. iaaa ia'vi w m W n t philcnpher,' and the pie v oft ttht.' -An4.0"irtd' 9tewat." There It a living "writer a ho cnaibir-rt ! betaiiet of Johnon, Addiaon and Burke, without their Imperfec tion. It it I diaarniing minieter of Cambridge, the lire. Bob rt Hall. Whoever wlthee to aee tt Englith hngutg ia perfection, mutt read hit riling." . . Th editor In giving the hittnry of Mr. HallS teraioa on Modem Infidelity." relate the fallow lot characterittic anecdote: " Af'er hel bad written down the trikig apoatrophe, SJBternalOodt on .what are thin eneraict in tent ! what are thoae enterprise of guilt and borrrir.'that fof rho fety of. their performer, require to b envoi ped in darkneat which tha eye of Heaven mutt not ptneirat,'' he aakrd. "did I tay reaairtiM air, when I preach ed H f Yet," jM yon think air, I may ven ture to alter it, foy no man wha eontiderad the force of the Englieh language would ae a word of three iyl&bte there, hut from ahaolute ne eeeei'v." 'You are doubtlem at liberty to al ter t. If yen think : well." ?Tben bw ao good eir, to tike your pencil and for pnutraH put jN'rrce, pirrrrit tha word air, and tba only m-y:,'--' . A memoir of Mr, Had and A tkttcb, af hit literary chtracer from the pee of Sir J. Mac. iMTotn, and t tketck af bit aharaerer at a thelon and preacberi h-he Slevr'ilnaia oTiHt will aoeoapany th .work .-. I :-' Ceimtter ti fl(wirr.- ftAlfc Hi c,' I. "On Uonday the 9th titer; Asril 1832 neriment wu tried on the New Cattle and Frenchtotrn Rail Road, with the Pentylania loenmoter of Col Ing, in lie pretence of a large number of tpeetatara, the circumttanoet and retult of which were at rbllowt i - Tba weight of thit entire train, Including the locomoter, three care attached, tfe. wa aome thing more than tea ton The cfyendera had jutl rexeiredfreth packing which wMKtew ed op eery light,' and fir a eonaiderabla time much, obttructed the machinery of tha pir The time actually employed on Ibe road two boura, aad fifteeen minutee of which were tpent in t'opptgey occationed by other carna ge at work aa the road accordingly the time actually eontamed in running wa two hour In th'w timt the entire dittance actually trav elled by the locomotor, wt twenty teven mile the latt three milea of wbiejt were perform ed in the ohort period of 71 minute, th tteam blowing Off, tt the aifety Wive under a preetur ofri podndt the tqutre ipflh, during Ibi part of the MperimeM. ; The qnrty of wa. teroontumed during tha curiae are oat hundred and thirty gallon. ' " - The weight of lh ngine being three tone, that nf ftt load indoding, ,llie cart waa aprne- m oih than teven ton. The conveyance of n eqtjvtiiWt jr2Tft f4 A tb 14 I t tnttd nf I M a htf aiil ft knur i. Viu (.ma frf'H ,t:.ttmtn ta rroir. ! hf.f.., 1, hii.tifd, 14 UbMiig ti. n H'M.(..m.,f ,,lf fj, Ul piif irrt .,f ,4 the ImamMfr rfj.,i, Vntfei !tt et tn hurar kbaring It the Jr ... - ... f. .The rrlil.niri eipriifenttoa the (liKflirt. er at .,.rr;.,h4 t.i R..,d wtrb t.l an t oal p.rfrrM. tnl td eVi!y taeat. ihuHt j i "."' "'"' arrre aa4e aa. aa "?''": , 'd. 4heltri:rr ciasciit,..o' 1 b t-1 Ciktt, a.eiM Wwwt aeea pd laalmtm, Out en the ceuirt't the read war garrt'lr fowrtd ih t MMtn af dott.iad la many pUcet a'nh at d freOiiv thiwrn apan 'hem b Hit ant kitMia fngtgtd la digging tad tb road. " . , . tTh p-rfonnaae of lb Penney Vet aU loeo etat-e.eepeeyiy-aa-ta, Let Ihteajhilta of ill run, we eterf fttr rule nf ealmitlon, fr Mr Uttt of the beat ErtWh erifffara,aie. liibnH Jn erj-s recwd-d eaiierlmet ea the athfttr J tierpvf rUTTlUtd.' " AN IfE WITNES. Wt!rgTeetVy o tf.W0M't1r treatit aa Bail BneHt, a rermbbenion of which it about ta U-ne fmni tba preat of Menr. Ctr? a. Htrt la ptiHi'le Iphit, the avrrtge heel ne'formtnpe i4 ih R ick- t froilileat to a load of twiee ma wrifTiiM i.e enftn (tiDiirre eftne weigw at im engine) drawa at a tpeed of mil and a lulf per hour. Xrmtftiutf Kail 7f Aa intieatl ante by tuniim wm made ia tbit cite yemky. t waa of fifteea bead red there in tba' Mvhawk and Schrntcieily Rail ftind 0-mptny, re pre dating ta id liiionO eapittl of aae hundred and Sfle ib'iuur) duhare, which tn aampanv were iiitliont.'d to nite, tad torn pelted ta dtne af, ta tbit manner by. a hire act af the Legwla. ire The t. atlraclrd many bidder. Tbt ttock wu pul ap at latt of SO thtret with the pneilrge of liking JOO. d I be wbelt told at a en premium varying from 28) to 19 par rent. Ceanerorci mm m I XJXTD. In thlt !on an Toeaday latt, Citata retain Jaeghlar of CtA. Philo Whlgr, former Editor af Ukia oivgtd w.WX'trw. - In tdii conn'v, on f ndtr eeninr I fe $!)th ult. Mai. 'JWW eTI ef of TW HevoiuMrm; In the 87IA y-ar of hk tga He I the latt oft U'to family "aba devoted the live and tbeir forf)nn" i tba aacrod eauat in liberty. , la the wnrdt nf a grat manM ke Reed at h oV ti, tha aobjett work of God, an hooett raan," On the aam day Mr. Spenocr Ball, lath 84'h year of bit age- In Charlotte, ea Friday evening bat, Mr. Abb Men, wife of Captain Thaw A. Mera. In Utmoia eoan, aeay BeatUaa Ferd, air. Jamet ling, aged 87 year. A'ao, a ft w daTtaiterwarda, la (be time aclf 0- borb d, Mr. Robert AbeHiatliy, aged W year. - " 'T " ZlZTZlZ? In the ttiao arigbbnrHood, on tba ltk inet. fltma r Mmmm, tmrnf reagnirr at i unara .,.. , , .jya H nvotbt NEW-FANCY Sl'ltlvll yiUHMKIt goods; lUCKF.TTa hrJlLY A at oo receiving uu) vpcoiti tftutnfi 9&$ tlf1 fDC Dt of SP&WQ V SUMMER GOODS, aetcctcd with care from the aurkttt of Kear f b aad rbttadelolMe at b tvaett rap, laliooe. Their ttock Miat ia part af - -DtfMilM B'O atid BUck olothae.. Do. hVowa t Brown ofiv do. - -, Pu. iuiible Ureca da. .. FinjOMlrheret, Saltinettt k blarfc Taitirtgi, Mcrwi Ju'7 BrothtTtaYlna tiiunwiana, : Brown, do', Mimd ErmineMe, , -... iTettVw Man kee tod linen ebecka,.';...... " French and plaid Driliwgt, - - Me iot il rmitor. raa linen,1-1-' - F.ngHth camaea, Urrwwn & frith Rneit,"" Linen fable end towel draper, fife, jl XlBXKRHfJISStiHTMirTVr Z Hr' llfcijeni! V-lMtia Tet'ing,;', A. ?irr rJiRitrr orrlcr: Print, Ginghimt and Mnlina, " " Ticking, Bietchnl and Brawn. 1 theetrng and Hhintn(f, .-.-; -T .j Janirtura dimity and Cottoa ifriogrih , ,.B!ck'J.ialia .Bjik," . . - ,.. " neenchew U eaminet do. Blue .'Wc "Tk eambletg, , Cha. grot de Ntplr, ' Milanet and da Romania Gencr Pongee, fig and btadana Uandkerthlafa, CrioHO Pong d Fancy Gue and Crap do. .-..' ScarA, tilk tat tin, tnd rich figured vetting, Silk and cotton H'wiery, , JOItRJTrJKtETrfBIClt Fancy bonne re, bobbinett and cap ribbon, Si'k aprJit, -Linen Caraheio handkerchie&, Buaa, iSv. - Iianwnd Straw Bonnet"" ' - Polih t do. " ;"' do. ' Belgian do. do Palm leaf bait, Eegborn bonnetaVfuf and wool do. . . J rJMETTOr Latin and Greek Sdiool Buokt, -Shoe, Momce tkii!, - - -Hardware and Cutlery, ' .. ..... - GtaM tnd Crockery- ere, fo. te. . JIOEMIKJL JSSOMTJUKXrOF Carpenter' Toolt, CSnaitJuif of every arti cle made ae of by Carpenter ia tbit part . Sadlert Trimmii'g,... . . '" plated, Braat Jappui, lad Princt'l mettl, ktarnete mounting, eoacb fringe and lane, ,. A goodirlment of Groeeri, ttv-.-.. ALL of which, they are determined to tell at low at good can ba hart la thhr part of the cotmtry. Purchaaert will do well to call and a our aiock and bear price before they buyii k. It. ra grateful to th Public for verr.liierel patronage heretofore, and hope ytrict attention to bntine, and Bell ing (piodi cQctp, to mem a continuance of (be tame, L -'. - 2ltf L " SaU,h1,Jfrtl2!Uk 113 - - NOTICE. i'AKEN up as a runs. "WiyVind" committed to the jail of thiacouoty, on the 9th int. a Negro Boy named WILLIS who W "Pi" tt be alviui eicH teen or twenty yean old, five feet $ or 9 itchei high, 00 marki to be teen, and eery badly d retted, fc -f!e mvs that he belong to George R gera of Chatham County, livit jj leven miles from Pitttborough, 00 Hickory Moufltaio,. 8tc The owner U rrqaea ed to come forward prove property pay charge tlndjiakeftirn sway. - " '.jro11N.MTffOMA'S, Jailor nfBazidion t ; l)Ain WATSO.V. Cahincl-Makcr, WOULD ff ipeitfully inform hi oUl cuttomrra and the puMlc irenerall ght N h rrrenye4 611 Or, from tht p)ttt where h far. 'tyTaeprVt) tht homt "t cMr ttlow ihr nrkkrmlaairU a, Her he H If 1 limei featljr 16 lertite" U "ik la h! ling la nest, rlurable J tubtania! it!-f trorlmntuklp. ", II will keep en attntk nn hvitl Bureaus. Secrrtfirkt;j Htrbmmlsi IHnntr W Rrrahfat) Tablet, Ludiet which wax will aell Uw far CASH, or ciuotry produjceuflf eh i ihrt credit tc put'Ctuai cotomerf , Jlpriit ' L I TllHAtt y a O TICV Tl!C'IIon..VJLL!A. OAfeTON ' y will deliver thAttnua)Aidret" bt- the two Literiry , Bnciclici It Chi)eMIill ti reJnday hi 80th Jane peit fth da? immtdtiUly preceding Commencement . diy.) A Cummrot oo the cufnpetency of that gentleman to d'ueharge the duty ar igncd him it deemed onnrcrMry Rut it U tipped frnm tht prremineot ttatiow which he occupies at ajutitt, politician, atcholarand an oramr that '"Ithe atfention of the public, and epe i ally the Alomoi of tbit Uiurcrttty: rill beriuflicieoily attracted toenmre a mticriulitr eone.trtirae of eiairnra ns that 'CCaion. 222 . Puhl'ubrd by rrder of the - - - PHILANTHROhc fiOCIETT. Mj?tl.7!tcy.: 2 rtliu.fa favorable W tiie etoee of luciature will pteae give the above an inertinn. y-.rt.: 15 hereby ghea to tb public, that the pan. nerthipf berelofuee, etletrng by the name of arth U Ce. ia tlila day Jau)ved, (he agreemnt,of Bait! partaartliip having es- G'rtdlang ainca. Notice- la alao givee thai J. . rianllh will aot hold biatrfl rrtpnaaiblefoe try debt, bereiofure, eontrarled in the name of titd pfrtnerthlp, tnd tbat be will totrttooe to work at bit trade ia the hone formwly oo aupiod by tb Sra f Smith U Co, .. . . .. . ' JOILN n. SMITH. JpU 2iA 1P33 ' - - 3.53 , . REWARDS I AKAWAT (rom he auburiber on Tactdty .. the 10ih icit, a bound Boy, BSmcdy . 'jC .. about twelve ) ear Id, son of Thos. Kidor, of Yot k 'Diitrict, jrhowent off tiT conpaby vw1tfltimanc! since returned. Said boy made his way across the Catawh and ta tuppoaed t have f me to Clmi Onty, Ni C;i-fie will - tosruiytiodervke;Tto change his nimt but it he should, Jit may be eatiljf known by hit drett, and burnt puce pn h ton el hit hfad there being- no hair or the tpot, r very thin, I'.0'!!?? i Jr'tfLf'D W?l?r?A9" tnJTi Bpret ty amart. active ld rwWgtve te above reward for hie del'very to me j and StJ for the ew victton of any -tie who mav Jiiv nar bored pr,.emplpyed hiro .and I aow diet inctlw for varo nil- peraona agaiott doing either under the penalty of the fc-w-r ' ' "-"7?:".?. -rr- a?S3 C. M. HART. Yorkville April U'h. l3. - JYcw Firm IM LEXINGTON. : 4 "r Dtridao Ceunty' N.' C, TIE fcbtcrlhera have entrrea -rrrto Copr tneralilri, under the Firm of Henly b Hunt. In the Town of Letini'tv Heidton County, N, 0. and have bmighl that elegant brick houta, Nnrth Watt of the Cuurt-Houte, of Mr. Henry Humphrey's, alt that tpleadid tatortiMBtaf . 0009S XJ,. of Henry Humphrey t irt Cav eontliting nf al. moot every article kept in a rated Store, which they will tall vary low for t'eei Person witb ing to pwrcbaaa -- -- . CHEAP GOODS wilt oleaaa to give at a call it n pain will be tparad on our yrt to giv general titiifacttoni - aa a a 0 - . ... a aa . f . . Ail ainrj or couniry proauca win pa takea in etchange for good. ,- , -Jtr -.JtUII.-a H. HEIMLT,; Dee. 17, 1811 . ANDKEW HUNT., W.J.JONES . vyiLL prictiae m the Courttof thit County f y tv, UvidonfVMecklenburg li CaUrrul. ft V . ' .. "l Hit oilloa hi a lew doers below the GaurVHoriM, OcteAer 6M. 1831 , 92ft . i-uaTo Caatoe vill tmttitt lair In th county court of Rowtn. lie my, a H trmea, be fdtmd, it the office of" the IMAUlViaVftV . ., Benjamin Fralov," " HtVlVuluet received thelatettNew-Tork and Philadelphia faehion, tngother with Mimt'er't fathion of London, and having made arrangement to receive them regularly, at they change, and bavmg Bv or mi ant rite workmen in hit employment, witl he enabled to execute all work in hit line on horl aotlee, ehetp, and In a tuparlor eyle of workmanthip ' Any nerann withing ta leva the New-York and Philadelphia Patent Bight modrof cutting garment! can betawpfW1 by the -auhaeriber, in saliaburv.-. All Tailor Would do well to tup- ply themwlvrt with Rightt, a almmt all the principal Ttllora n t'm tl'iited.Statei ute one or tb other, both ""hem. BOOT A&n t-Jioi; frroHK. l41 , WlttfrClltlLY 1 "4 ' , VI &S li.L.rme l it I HaCjfndadlhe f.itli-, ' t , lll h bat er.d I V full MM' of Urn. - . jVp. Uamarwa4 Latl4ki' .,- 1 ' -n . - af all di-aevp'inen, arm were trlrctrd by him tW IB Hrw-Yera.and la Nwrk, New Jertey, t4 Whreh ba wtH warraM to b uf th heal qiati!y, If tay work, which ba aril, tbimtd rip, . will b repaired grtm bat ether Northern work will b Wpairtd without pay. Ilia iter It lout dirart Kwh of th Court Hotw. aa tha main Street, t'Moieing iha Ap oihiaari .gweey atbatw ba wit keep atulaalty aakaadaaaaaortriMfitorBUOIS aad RHOr.X of hit ewe, a wed at Northern miifaetre. lebtned aeraagament 4 y 4 rrtair thoe nd boot t all .t'Trt,.. be a dnicted, which i3 nabl him la keep up tupply, to hai whan ewttomtre cR ibey wiU aot be diw appnlnwd.t t . .,t,.t. , , AH orjirt Norn a det tire, ai'hrr'wholetalt ar retaiLwill ba punciall attended ta. He aaaufumeearge thoat foe laboring btndti and whI luraiah planter with any qiiiatpy ibey ntay want, whiab a)U be of the beat ma terial, tnd , awt by hoy InevperieMed In Hi bueine, but by JouruyaeA. Where Ire nf wtor ptantf r. being rait af th eewnty, hM aaite and oedrr not Teat than SO ptir af Sheet each, ba wilt have them dehvarvd Bl their houae. AS thafl ba warranted la b out of the heat materiel. ...... . tctih tan jutmaEf Mr. Sots)aet t all flnd Immedia't rmolm nierit b anph ing to . i ?.f TvBRNRZEB OICIWO."?, ntr, prif 16, mt ; . . PKOSPECTUS , '" YVtSTERN CABOLINIAJf, '.' . ' BDITKW B - jjviito.v cimige: f.V S.tUSBVHT Jf. L JH0UY.1. 3 IZTHELiyirtU fti CroJj niiti is J e yav tr d in timcralJMitjfk ,WitimlEi vnomyStatc , f aptrt, - Ultra! urtx Rtrtign end lhwitu Vcici, Jgri CktBTf, Mcchmict , Vcc.i: :Z 2; In politics the Editor is a thorough, paced ' democrttic Rrpublirao. ' lie advocatei the doctrines of Free Trade and Bute Itightt it opposed to the cxeniK of constructive powers bad incidental right t. If is pppoaed to the Tariff and ita efftpring, Internal Irrprovementt, by the, JJtneral. Gov emmeot. He it in favor of Internal Imprpvemrnta'by the State Govern mrntt, ' Brlieving the re-cieciioti of AITDarW ..JAC2J0W. be the torest mean of perpetuating those lilitrtiet in defenwof which he. ha conullirUd icmucH, jibe '.Editor "will advJcste hit re-election with unS'inch ng zeal and manly firmoen. ' TP.nJIS;....Tl Cirolinlaii is f tinted once a week on a large impe. rial sheet 01 good quality, with new type 1 aod will be sent to subscriber 1 at E3 per r annum, u paid within three monlhi,--f i,s ofler that time, ,'-. ' , :r t r L': ... Advertiit' at the osoal rates. As the Csrr.liniao has the'wldertlreula tioo of any paper h the Western pt of theState., ad vejtff ejs would find It much to tbeir advAnage ti adreriiat ia !taptoms-.--t7r t-x-f Any orre procuring i lvent aub atribere to tbe Csrolinitn, shall have fTT POt 'LIf? ttmoat be pstdvrrL-lrturS'ddressed-.lthe try Eifitort whh whorrfkre etcbtnfe will umfcr a fator nponrtisi wAkh .wilt be rheerfully reclproctled, by giving Ihe CHARLESTON arut CURRJllV. - rut STEAM BOAT MACON aOiAPT. J. C. HU vs HAM hiring been -fr "inged last summer, in iuhiik tMt-ern cinrlet'on and the raw. calling at Geo. Tpwn on ber wsy up tnd down, will return wee Tups In the couneof a few days tnd i Intended to be continued la tba trade the ensuing sea son-' .::'-'' ' :: - .' i ' A Her exreeding light drift tof Wrtei drswlnir, when loaded only thoot four and a half feel wter will enable her to reach Cberaw at all times ecept'an oncom mon low tiveri when hoy csrgo, will be lightened tube tipence nf ooat. . CMrfeefeM Sefil. H, 1131. N, D. one nt ' comfortable sccomo- dttion for a few' pastengera. 93U - J. li. U. . State of North-Carolina, atOBTOOMCBf 0Tt. JMaeUaawWltt SaJ.LT Mo'aaae - -a JPtdtinfir Xb'aeree. ' JoBATaaa Mote. J It appearing to the satisfaction of trie Court that the defendant Jooathan Morgan Is not an inhabitant of this gute, it is therefore ordered, tbat lubtication he made for .three jpnntb n the Western Carolinian, printed at Salisbury, and in the North Carolina Journal, printed ' at Fayettcvitle, that the said J mathaa Morgan appear at the neit Superior' Court of Law," to be held for the county of Montgomery, at the Court-IIoute in Lawrcnceviile, on tha first Monday io September next, and answer said petition or it will oe heard ex parte and .judgment. gramea againti mm pro cooirsso. m WiTHrts Farquhar Manin, Clerk f ou.r Saptripr Court at Other, -the first Monday iif March, A. D.I 833, - and uf the American Independence iheitr;(VpAR. MARTIN, Clk , XCE AJJTJO. : -1331 ; - A, Ji aaVwaaiaaBUBi ;;i;v, rS(iior;nM:; . Vuncfu rt)t tit SPtUSf! ?. SUM U Ml aikUia.wJa. Jaai -i law rArift Lfuf ihe r ttr-re frnerv JLi unwed upon him, by a diacen.U'g P''- "!. rieif..lly rnf..rt ht pitron, and i.e pjbt il rf(ta. thtt ba U now eprning. al l.. Siere 1 , kaluhory, , ' , A NI?W, FASrilOXAKLf!., " ' ..ftwMr'twi..i 4 jm. - . . . -tat 1 ,!Fkt Wiimmftf f. fiflf! T -1 O J ; sr z: i rca 12:2,-. .: FOR CJSIf,. ,4 i 'Sclrcted with iho-cmieet carJ mri 111 av 1 liUtai au www w -. amaww,ira m from the latet import 4tion, in n"iirr:A,nRi.iHl A I'NBW.-YOIMC,' .' Miutik 'particular, nf to - the variety of tcutt txkibitei in 1 1; those Cities. ... - . . - -THEleno1dvrt fnw"4,Mt f aaeommof roweett f hi prioea, bailed Jo v. e ery atbr eaeeemry beeommtnU'lun, ho.d ouf wpurtbaaarl a mora than ordinary opportune. . ty for pufchotlng W tb wwt lvaoibla and .... ,. turfcbls terra. - , '. "'.;-"" r HBhopebyperfetdheeeneetobuiineB, . rrndrtH.wb. ry ! him h ibeif patronage, aneb seCoaJuvxlatluB at naii a.a.i ita naMH leiiiBrrra. -- - " '. - . .. ,i , ik ' . WM 1 Saht.rf.Jpnl 14, IS.3, , -rItl4.. evlcLratei" ... - - .- ; A horse will tn 1 tiie present sean, Cbsrlotteon Mondays " 'and T'edtye f St Joterh McGinns'.se awajitewTvrn wile nrU Clrrrotlelt4Vedneada)Bn4Tburs d.i)-s and at Concord ooFriJiv A ndl Saturdays.' Six dollar will be hrg ed for the eaeo four dullsr for tb slrle leap eight dolUr th ioautV ance, , iis rtuirivii"- gugrWy. Mirth 1tk Ml 15'f ' J . DlSS0UT10- THEoopanoeralupot ta-n?trn i aire-, la tbia day dtmrtlved, by mmuat eon nu' , TTbiM Videbted ttythe Area ara req-.r-'d t ennt lurward and'make payment by CAaH 00 MOTE, aa It at tmporrant that tha buatncig -aJ-tUuuli bijloted a oo t pvmible iHraubewaier bavip. L prche in inier I ett of Jtmet B. Iiamrnon, eataf m Fa jh fi,e Wnth makm Khop, - " - - -- - Tin - - ---- : I area le tb m plare, In 1 all Ita varlmit brtachrt.. Wat'chet h t:lcka repair ed, end Werrsni.d to pt rfirm well for Twrlrw tlontha. Foe the encouragement aereioitfrw reeetvad bv th Crnv I return my H"cerw. thank, and hope I L., at. f ' . i. r by attention lo the bo'ineew -anew of their tupport i . ' JOHN G. V to merit a eootluuinc i XWvrf'M&tX, yA 13'J. i.KUUKL LYNCIIy tjucsr.vaow "rtJziXJ form the citw r-J. fen, of C-.barru -f CNa"-r ?ftd -the". nrrr)Urtd.:-.rr.; :Jj,y. . he hss c;mmcnca . that ..above., the town of.-... Concord, N. C. where le is prepkretl . .. toesecute all kinds of work io bis line of business.1 i; ';.,;" ' r. ;;AII lladi" nV Wauher an J CI- clkj" repaired, end warranted to perforra Well for twelve month. . ' jThoe disposed to patronize hins arestaured that no pains will be ipe yed 'to' Sie" jgenf,rl sat!fjcu'0'.'" "Vt - Orders from adjoining counties witj receive prompt attention.'. ," ConfprdJV C, Much, 1832. . vDr A.Bcall'i Instate. I NTENDING ta.qnaiify .'a ndounv . ittrator of the Estate of Dr. Ae V Beall, dee'd. I would, for the secora. ' nod4iio6 .of' those pcrkan iodtbted ;1"--to said estate, inform them thai I will ' ' attend in EtatesvllleVn Thursday-of the May County Court, to settle watt : alltnoteho will avtiljliemtt'ltff of this NOTICE.- The. aiuml.-n cf.j- ' the estate, will admit no lor"-, r !. tu. jursumuua aijjBiUBt til caiiitci must le - legally - authenticated, and treented within the time prescribed ylaw. -'.'- B, L. BEALL J April 12A. 183. , : 3t2S . Laaa jYoticc.; f); TANAtfAY from th, i - xy house of Mr Jt-hi. " , uaiacr, L,q. encgroiTHri named JIM, belonging tp William C. Kirkbnd live : ing .ia South Carotintg Barnwell District. JIM is 81 yeara old, about 4 feet 9 incher high, a little yellow cast,' Any' per aoa apprehending the said negro .and .. lodging him in jail, so tbat 1 get hi a again, shall receive a reward of ten dollar. , Any information concern !np him, jaay be -directed to Beaufcrd'av bridge, Barnwell Dietfic. B' C. ' - WILLIAM C. UIIiavLANI

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